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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Passarela estaiada com tabuleiro de madeira laminada protendida em módulos curvos / Cable-stayed footbridge with stress laminated timber deck composed of curved modules

Everaldo Pletz 25 February 2003 (has links)
É inegável a importância do desenvolvimento de tecnologias de uso racional da madeira e de solução de problemas de transportes em nossas cidades, principalmente por causa do processo crescente de urbanização do mundo. Existe também, a necessidade estética de se unir à alta tecnologia, o belo. As passarelas estaiadas com tabuleiro de madeira laminada protendida, em módulos curvos, atendem a todas estas exigências. A construção de um protótipo permitiu que a realização de ensaios estáticos e dinâmicos, cujos resultados evidenciaram a viabilidade técnica e econômica de passarelas estaiadas usando madeira de reflorestamento, de tabuleiros compostos apenas por placas de madeira laminada protendida e da construção de placas curvas de madeira laminada protendida. Também foi possível comprovar que as vibrações induzidas por pedestres são a condição mais crítica de projeto. A investigação da perda de curvatura do tabuleiro demonstrou o sucesso do projeto, embora mais estudos ao longo do tempo sejam necessários. Baseando-se nos resultados experimentais, realizou-se a calibração do modelo numérico, que permitiu realizar simulações para determinar quais variáveis definem a resposta da passarela construída. Sugestões de procedimentos de elaboração e construção de passarelas, assim como de criação de norma brasileira específica para pontes e passarelas de madeira, são apresentadas. / The ongoing, worldwide, large scale urbanization is stressing more and more the importance of developing new technologies concerned with the rational use of timber and with the solution of transportation problems in cities. There is also an aesthetical need of showing the melting of up-to-date high technology with beauty. The cable-stayed stress laminated timber footbridge, with curved modules meets all these needs. The buildings of a prototype, enable static and dynamic tests to be carried out. The experimental results revealed the technical and economical feasibility of the following items: a) cable stayed footbridges with timber from reforestation, b) decks only made of stress laminated timber, c) curved plates of stress laminated timber. It also revealed that the human induced vibrations leads to the most critical design condition. The loss of deck curvature study indicated the need of further research considering the time effect, to confirm the initial sucess achieved. Based on the results of these testings, the calibration of the numerical model was done. In order to investigate which variables are responsible for the footbridge response, several simulations were performed with the calibrated model. Guidelines for design and building of timber footbridges are presented. The creation of a brazilian code for timber bridges and footbridges is also suggested.

Classificação estrutural de peças de madeira de Pinus elliottii utilizando o módulo de elasticidade obtido pelo método de ondas longitudinais de tensão / Structural grading of Pinus elliottii timber using the modulus of elasticity obtained by longitudinal stress wave method

Jairo Ribas de Andrade Junior 12 December 2016 (has links)
A classificação estrutural de peças de madeira possibilita melhor utilização do material, separando as peças de acordo com a sua resistência estimada. Nesse processo é feita a classificação visual, de grande importância no caso de madeiras do gênero pinus, e a classificação mecânica por meio de testes não destrutivos com objetivo de estimar o módulo de elasticidade. Com esse objetivo, além de ensaios de flexão estática, podem ser aplicados métodos dinâmicos baseados em medições das frequências naturais e densidade do material para a determinação do módulo de elasticidade da madeira. Nesse sentido o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do aparelho portátil Brookhuis Micro Timber Grader (MTG) na estimativa do módulo de elasticidade por meio de ensaios não-destrutivos de vibração longitudinal. Para tanto, foi utilizado um lote de peças estruturais de madeira da espécie Pinus elliottii classificado visualmente. Os resultados obtidos por esse aparelho foram comparados com os resultados de módulo de elasticidade obtidos em ensaio de flexão estática. Tendo em vista a sua praticidade, é recomendável a utilização deste método para a classificação estrutural de peças serradas de madeira. A classificação visual agregada a classificação mecânica são essenciais para a utilização do Pinus em vigas laminadas coladas, construções industrializadas de madeira e do sistema construtivo em woodframe. / The structural grading of wood allows better use of the material, sorting the specimen according to their estimated strength. In this process the visual grading is a fundamental matter in use of the structural Pinus elliottii and also the mechanical grading obtained by non-destructive methods in order to estimate the modulus of elasticity. For this purpose, in addition to the static bending tests, dynamic methods based on measurement of the natural frequencies and density of the material to determining the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of timber can be applied. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of portable device Brookhuis Micro Timber Grader (MTG) in estimating the modulus of elasticity by non-destructive testing of longitudinal vibration. It was used structural pieces of wood species Pinus elliottii rated visually. The results obtained by this device was compared with the modulus of elasticity results obtained in static bending tests. Given its convenience and low cost, it is recommended to use this method for structural grading of timber sawn pieces. The visual and stress grading are essencial for the use of Pines in glued laminated timber, industrilization timber constructions and woodframe constructions.

Proposta de um método de ensaio para o controle de qualidade na produção de elementos estruturais de MLC e LVL / Proposal of a test method for quality control in the MLC and LVL structural elements production

Rodrigo de Souza Nogueira 11 April 2017 (has links)
Atualmente, as indústrias brasileiras recorrem a normas de outros países para o controle de qualidade para a caracterização de elementos estruturais feitos de Madeira Laminada Colada (MLC) e de LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) devido à ausência de especificações nacionais. Este trabalho teve como finalidade a verificação da adequação de alguns métodos de ensaios propostos nos projetos de norma ABNT NBR PN 02:126.10-001-3 e ABNT NBR PN 02:126.10-001-5 para determinar as propriedades dos elementos estruturais de madeira colada para o controle de qualidade da indústria produtora. Para tanto, foram obtidos das indústrias vários grupos de vigas de MLC e grupos de emendas dentadas produzidos com diversas combinações de madeiras e adesivos. Também, foram obtidos grupos de vigas de LVL na posição horizontal e grupos de vigas de LVL na posição de vertical. Foram realizados testes de flexão estática para determinação do módulo de ruptura e de elasticidade de todas as vigas. Além disso, das vigas foram retirados corpos de prova para realização dos ensaios de cisalhamento na linha de cola, delaminação e compressão paralela às fibras, enquanto as emendas dentadas foram analisadas pelo ensaio de tração paralela às fibras. Os procedimentos empregados podem ser considerados adequados para aplicação pelas indústrias no controle de qualidade da produção de elementos estruturais de MLC e de LVL. O ensaio de delaminação para adesivos expostos a ambientes externos, proposto no projeto de norma, pode ser analisado como prático e eficaz. Em relação aos testes de cisalhamento, o número de análises por amostra pode ser reduzido, desde que, priorize o ensaio na região central da seção transversal devido à maior concentração de tensões de cisalhamento. Como era esperado, as emendas dentadas formaram pontos de fragilidade, reduzindo a resistência de algumas vigas e tendo sua ruptura evidenciada por esforço de tração. No LVL, a posição vertical apresentou melhor resistência à flexão e ao cisalhamento do que a horizontal. O projeto de norma é apresentado em anexo nesse trabalho. / Nowadays, the Brazilian industries follow the foreign countries standard regulation to the quality control of characterization of structural elements produced from Glued Laminated Timber (glulam) and Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) due to the absence of national specifications. This work has the purpose of verifying the suggested methods of regulation projects, such as ABNT NBR PN 02:126.10-001-3 and ABNT NBR PN 02:126.10-001-5, to determine the properties of glued timber structural elements to quality control of producer industry. Therefore, glulam beams and fingerjoints groups, produced from several combinations of woods and adhesives, were obtained from industries. In addition, it was used flatwise LVL beams groups and edgewise LVL beams groups. It was made the static bending tests to determine strength and stiffness for each beam. Furthermore, from the beams it was extracted samples in order to test shear in the glue line, delamination and parallel grain compression whereas the fingerjoints were analysed by the parallel grain tensile test. The procedures taken on the experimental program can be considered suitable for industrial usage at quality control of production of structural elements from glulam and LVL. The delamination test for adhesive exposed to external environment, proposal in the new standard, can be analysed as practical and effective. In relation to the shear test, the number of analysis by sample can be reduced, whether prioritized the test in the central region of transversal section due to higher shear stress concentration. As expected, the fingerjoints formed fragile points, reducing strength for some beams and by presenting rupture when tensile stressed. In the LVL, the edgewise groups presented better bending and shear resistance than flatwise groups. The new test method is presented in annex in this dissertation.

Estudo experimental de adesivos para fabricação de madeira laminada colada: avaliação da resistência de emendas dentadas, da durabilidade e de vigas. / Experimental study of adhesives for the manufacture of glued laminated timber: evaluation of the strenght of the finger-joints, of durability and of the beams.

Maximiliano dos Anjos Azambuja 14 September 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho propõe-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento de tecnologia nacional investigandoa aplicação de uma nova geração de adesivos para a confecção de elementos estruturais de madeira laminada colada (MLC), viabilizando um menor custo final do produto e tornando-o competitivo no mercado interno e externo. Nesse contexto, avaliou-se a resistência à tração paralela em emendas dentadas com dimensão estrutural, em condições de temperatura ambiente e umidade padrão, usando as espécies Pinus e Eucalipto e vários tipos de adesivos, dentre eles o adesivo poliuretano à base de óleo de mamona, foco principal de estudo deste trabalho. Outro aspecto abordado é o da durabilidade, em que foi avaliado o desempenho dos adesivos Cascophen e poliuretano à base de óleo de mamona por meio de ensaios de resistência ao cisalhamento na lâmina de cola e de resistência à tração de emendas dentadas, ambos em corpos-de-prova isentos de defeitos. Também foi avaliada a qualidade da colagem das lâminas, por meio de ensaios de flexão buscando-se a ruptura por cisalhamento, em vigas de MLC com dimensões estruturais, fabricadas em laboratório com os adesivos Cascophen, poliuretano à base de óleo de mamona e Purbond. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir o bom desempenho do adesivo poliuretano à base de óleo de mamona, demonstrando a sua adequação para aplicação na produção de madeira laminada colada. / The aim of this work is the development of national technology investigating the application of a new adhesive generation to fabrication of glued laminated timber (Glulam) structural members, making possible a lesser final cost of the product and becoming it competitive in the domestic and external market. In this context, the parallel tensile to the fibers tests in joint pieces with structural dimension, in conditions of ambient temperature and standard relative humidity, was evaluated using the species Pinus and Eucalyptus and some types of adhesives, among them the polyurethane adhesive base on castor oil, that is the main focus of study of this work. Another approached aspect is the durability, in which was evaluated the performance of the Cascophen and the polyurethane adhesive base on castor oil adhesive, by means of shear strength tests in the lamina of glue and tensile strength tests of joint laminas, both made in specimens exempt of defects. Also the quality of the collage of lamina, by means of bending and shearing tests, in glulam structural beams was evaluated, which were manufactured in laboratory with the adhesives Cascophen, polyurethane adhesive base on castor oil and Purbond. The results allow concluding the well-behaved performance of polyurethane adhesive base on castor oil, demonstrating its adequacy for application in glued laminated timber fabrication.

Dormentes de Madeira Lamelada Colada (MLC) reforçados com tecidos de fibra de vidro / Glulam sleepers reinforced with fiber glass fabric

Felipe Hideyoshi Icimoto 28 May 2018 (has links)
A primeira ferrovia no Brasil foi inaugurada em abril de 1854 pelo Barão de Mauá com 14,5 km de extensão. Atualmente o país possui 27980 km de ferrovias e esse modal tem participação em 25% na matriz brasileira de transporte de carga. Um dos componentes mais importantes da superestrutura ferroviária é o dormente, que pode ser fabricado utilizando-se diversos materiais como a tradicional madeira, que tem uso histórico e consagrado para esta aplicação estrutural, além do concreto e do aço, e mais recentemente, os compósitos poliméricos. As madeiras com maior tradição no uso em dormentes provêm de espécies nativas de alta densidade com consequente elevada resistência mecânica e durabilidade natural. Porém, devido às restrições impostas à extração destas espécies nativas, houve forte redução de sua oferta, sendo forçada sua substituição por madeira de florestas plantadas de eucalipto de alta densidade como E. citriodora, E. paniculata e E. tereticornis. Contudo, dormentes de diferentes espécies de eucalipto, pouco adequadas para esse uso, estão apresentando muitos problemas em via. Outra madeira de florestas plantadas muito utilizada no Brasil é o pinus e uma aplicação muito nobre para este tipo de madeira é a produção de elementos estruturais em Madeira Lamelada Colada (MLC). O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o estudo teórico e experimental de dormentes de MLC confeccionados com madeiras de Pinus spp. tratadas com CCA, coladas com adesivo poliuretano, e reforçados com tecido bidirecional de fibra de vidro. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo teórico e experimental a partir de ensaios estáticos e dinâmicos tendo-se em vista a necessidade de utilização de novas espécies de madeira de reflorestamento com resistência adequada a tal finalidade. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios realizados de acordo com a normalização vigente atestaram a viabilidade técnica da utilização de dormentes em MLC de Pinus spp. reforçados com fibra de vidro desde que sejam realizadas as classificações visual e mecânica das lamelas, para a obtenção das propriedades de resistência e rigidez necessárias. / Brazil\'s first railroad was inaugurated in April, 1854 by Barão de Mauá with 14.5 km of extension. Currently the country has 27980 km of railways, and this transportation modal has 25% participation in the Brazilian freight transport matrix. One of the most important elements of railway superstructure is the sleeper (or tie), which can be manufactured from several materials, such as the traditional wood, that has historical and well-established use for this structural application, as well as concrete, steel, and recently, polymer composites. The classic sleeper is made by timber from native species of high density with consequent high mechanical strength and natural durability. However, due to the restrictions imposed on the extraction of these native species, there was a strong reduction in their supply, being forced to replace them with timber from high density eucalyptus planted forests such as E. citriodora, E. paniculata and E. tereticornis. Therefore, sleepers from different eucalyptus species, that are not suitable for this use, are presenting many problems on railroad. Another wood from planted forests widely used in Brazil is the pinus, and a very noble application for this kind of wood is the production of structural elements in Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam). The aim of this work was the theoretical and experimental study based on static and dynamic tests of Glulam sleepers manufactured using Pinus spp. treated with CCA, glued with polyurethane adhesive, and reinforced with bidirectional fiberglass fabric. For that, a theoretical and experimental study was carried out from static and dynamic tests, considering the potential use of new reforestation species of wood with suitable strength to this purpose. The results show technical feasibility in the use of Glulam sleepers made with Pinus spp. reinforced with fiberglass provided that visual and mechanical classifications of the timber are realized, in order to obtain the required strength and stiffness properties.

Cross laminated timber: diretrizes para projeto de painel maciço em madeira no Estado de São Paulo / Cross laminated timber: guidelines for design of solid wood panel in the State of Sao Paulo

Rafael Novais Passarelli 04 July 2013 (has links)
O trabalho tem o objetivo de estabelecer diretrizes para projeto de painel maciço em madeira utilizando o princípio da laminação cruzada de modo similiar ao Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), porém adequado ao setor madeireiro paulista. Não obstante, pretende-se contribuir para a difusão do conhecimento sobre sistemas construtivos com painéis maciços e ampliar a discussão sobre possibilidades de utilização da madeira na habitação. Primeiramente, foi delimitado o escopo da pesquisa e justificados os motivos que levaram à sua proposição; também foram discutidos os principais fundamentos teóricos, conceituais e metodológicos nos quais se baseia o trabalho. A seguir, as principais características de diferentes tipos de painéis maciços de madeira utilizando o princípio da laminação cruzada foram pesquisadas. Foram levantadas informações sobre as características básicas e processo produtivo de 5 produtos diferentes: Mayr Melnhof Holz BSP, Novatop Solid, Massivholz Mauer, Holz 100 e Massiv Wand 5. Depois, foi desenvolvida uma análise comparativa entre o setor madeireiro na Áustria, país que atualmente concentra a maior produção de CLT na Europa Central, e no Estado de São Paulo, local no qual se pretende avaliar as possibilidades e limitações para produção dos painéis maciços em madeira. A análise comparativa foi dividida em duas etapas: na primeira etapa foram analisadas as reservas florestais e indústria madeireira austríaca e paulista; na segunda etapa foram elaboradas estimativas de custo para a produção de um elemento vertical constituído por núcleo maciço utilizando o princípio da laminação cruzada em Viena e na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Por fim, relacionando as características do produto e sua influência no processo produtivo com as possibilidades e limitações proporcionadas pelo setor madeireiro paulista, foram estabelecidas diretrizes para o projeto de um painel maciço em madeira que utilize o princípio da laminação cruzada. As diretrizes foram elaboradas dos pontos de vista da utilização da madeira, do desenho do painel e de sua adaptação ao setor madeireiro paulista. A seguir, foi desenvolvido uma proposta preliminar para desenho de painel maciço. As informações levantadas durante o desenvolvimento desta dissertação foram obtidas por meio de visita às fábricas, pesquisa em teses e publicações relacionadas e pesquisa na página de internet dos fabricantes dos produtos. / The work aims to establish guidelines for cross laminated solid timber panel design, suitable to the forestry industry in São Paulo. It intendeds to contribute for knowledge diffusion about this building system and enhancing the discussion on timber construction in Brazil. First, the research\'s scope was explained as well as its main questions, hypothesis and objectives. Then, the main features of different types of cross laminated solid timber panels and it\'s production process were analysed. Information on the basic features and production process of five different products were gathered: Mayr Melnhof Holz BSP, Novatop Solid, Massivholz Mauer, Holz 100 and MassiveWand 5. Hereafter, a comparative analysis between the forestry industry in Austria, currently the largest cross laminated timber producer in Central Europe, and the State of São Paulo was developed. The analysis was divided into two stages: in the first stage, forest reserves and timber industry in Austria and in the State of São Paulo were investigated; in the second stage, cost estimates for the production of a solid timber vertical element in Vienna and in the metropolitan area of São Paulo were developed. Finally, all the information gathered previously was used in order to establish design guidelines for cross laminated solid timber panel relating product\'s design influence on the production process and the possibilities and limitations offered by the forestry industry in São Paulo. The guidelines were developed from the point of view of timber utilisation, panel design and its adaptation to São Paulo\'s forestry industry. Then, a preliminary solid wood panel proposal has been developed as a way to synthesise the guidelines set previously.Information for the research was obtained through factory visits, theses and related publications and research on the manufactures website.

Kan korslaminerat trä effektivisera ett byggsystem : En jämförelse av flervåningshus i trä

Svennberg, Renny, Torstensson, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
The construction of wooden multi-storey buildings creates issues with the acoustic environment. To meet Boverkets soundproofing requirements the solutions of today results in thick partition building components taking up potential floor space. Crosslaminatedtimber is a solid timber slab that can be manufactured in varying sizes and thicknesses. These boards can then be used as supporting elements in walls, ceilings and floors. This study investigates whether cross-laminated timber can be used to streamline the construction of multi-storey wooden buildings. In this comparative survey a reference building constructed by A-hus was used and current loads, sound insulation, use of floorspace and economy were analyzed. Four different alternative walls and one floor constructed with cross-laminated timber have been studied according to the above named criteria, and then compared with the reference building. The result indicates that a wall with 80 mm cross-laminated timber board has the load capacity required, improves sound insulation and saving 16 m2 of floorspace in the reference building valued to approximately 695,000 SEK in increased sales revenue. Using cross-laminated timber in the floor does not sufficient improve A-hus current construction system and should therefore not be interesting.

Mechanical behavior of regularly spaced Cross Laminated Timber panels : Modeling and experimental validation in ambient and fire conditions / Comportement mécanique de panneaux en bois lamellé croisé régulièrement espacés. : Modélisation et validation expérimentale en condition ambiante et exposée au feu

Franzoni, Lorenzo 24 November 2016 (has links)
Les panneaux en bois lamellé croisé (en anglais CLT - Cross Laminated Timber) sont des éléments de structure composés de couches en bois collées entre eleese et empilées de façon croisée. Chaque couche est composée de planches en bois juxtaposées et généralement non collées sur leur chants. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'influence sur le comportement mécanique des espacements entre planches des panneaux avec une approche par modélisation et expérimentation. Les panneaux CLT standard sont considérés comme des panneaux avec des espacements de très faible dimension par opposition aux panneaux avec espacements importants que nous appelons panneaux innovants. Nous modélisons dans un premier temps le comportement en flexion de panneaux standard à l'aide d'un modèle de couche homogène équivalente basée sur des hypothèses simplifiées de la mécanique d'une couche avec chants collés ou non collés. Nous observons un bon accord entre les résultats de notre modélisation et des résultats expérimentaux issus de la littérature. Des études paramétriques sont ensuite réalisés portant sur certaines propriétés des panneaux.Nous avons ensuite réalisé des essais de flexion 4-points sur des panneaux CLT standard et innovants pour quantifier l'influence des espacements sur la réponse mécanique des panneaux. Il se trouve que l'influence des effets de cisaillement transverse sur le comportement élastique et à la rupture augmente avec l'augmentation des vides dans le panneau.Afin de prendre correctement en compte les effets du cisaillement, les CLT espacés sont modélisés comme des plaques épaisses périodiques à l'aide d'un modèle de plaque d'ordre supérieur. Ce modèle a été appliqué à la géométrie des panneaux CLT espacés avec un schéma d'homogénéisation périodique. Des méthodes simplifiées existantes ont également été comparées avec les résultats des essais et le modèle de plaque. De plus, des résultats d'essais de cisaillement dans le plan des panneaux CLT standard issus de la littérature ont été comparés avec nos résultats. La raideur de flexion des CLT espacés peut être prédite avec des méthodes simples existantes, alors que seule la modélisation que nous proposons permet de prédire le comportement en cisaillement transverse et dans le plan. Finalement, des formules analytiques ont été obtenues pour prédire le comportement élastique des CLT espacés. Ces formules donnent une bonne approximation u comportement des CLT espacés et peuvent être utilisées dans le cadre d'une démarche pratique de dimensionnement.Enfin, une étude concernant l'analyse du comportement au feu des panneaux CLT standard est présentée. La comparaison entre des résultats d'essais au feu et une modélisations avancée et simplifiée a permis de proposer une possible amélioration de la méthode de dimensionnement au feu standard / Cross Laminated Timber (CLT, or crosslam) panels are engineered timber products composed of layers made of wooden lamellas placed side by side, glued on their upperand lower faces and stacked crosswise. In the present thesis, the influence of lateral spaces between lamellas of each layer on the panel’s mechanical response is investigated with modeling and tests. Both configurations of standard panels having short spaces and innovative CLT panels with large spaces are analyzed.As a first approach, the bending behavior of standard crosslam was modeled by means of an equivalent-layer model based on simplified hypotheses on mechanical properties of laterally glued or unglued layers. The good agreement of the predicted behavior with an experiment of the literature finally allowed an investigation on several CLT properties by means of parameter studies.Then, 4-points bending tests on standard and innovative CLT floors were performed in order to quantify the influence of periodic spaces on the panels' mechanical response. It appears that the influence of transverse shear effects on the elastic and failure behavior of spaced CLT increases with the increasing spaces between boards.In order to take into account transverse shear effects, spaced CLT have been modeled as periodic thick plates by means of a higher-order plate theory for laminated plates. This model has been applied to the geometry of spaced CLT with a periodic homogenization scheme. Existing simplified methods for spaced crosslam were compared as well with refined modeling and test results. Moreover, available in-plane shear tests of the literature have been compared to the modeling results. It appears that the bending behavior of spaced CLT can be predicted with simplified existing approaches, while only the more refined modeling can predict the in-plane and transverse shear behavior. Then, closed-form solutions for predicting spaced CLT elastic behavior were derived in order to encourage the application of spaced CLT panels in modern timber construction.One further study within this thesis concerns the analysis of fire-exposed standard CLT floors. The comparison between test results and both advanced and simplified modeling led to a suggestion for a possible improvement the standard fire design model

Dynamic analysis of high-rise timber buildings : A factorial experiment / Dynamisk analys av höga träbyggnader : Ett faktorförsök

Karlberg, Victor January 2017 (has links)
Today high-rise timber buildings are more popular than ever and designers all over the world have discovered the beneficial material properties of timber. In the middle of the 1990’s cross-laminated timber (CLT), was developed in Austria. CLT consists of laminated timber panels that are glued together to form a strong and flexible timber element. In recent years CLT has been on the rise and today it is regarded as a good alternative to concrete and steel in the design of particularly tall buildings. Compared to concrete and steel, timber has lower mass and stiffness. A high-rise building made out of timber is therefore more sensitive to vibration. The vibration of the building can cause the occupants discomfort and it is thus important to thoroughly analyze the building’s dynamic response to external excitation. The standard ISO 10137 provides guidelines for the assesment of habitability of buildings with respect to wind-induced vibration. The comfort criteria herein is based on the first natural frequency and the acceleration of the building, along with human perception of vibration. The aim of this thesis is to identify the important structural properties affecting a dynamic analysis of a high-rise timber building. An important consequence of this study is hopefully a better understanding of the interactions between the structural properties in question. To investigate these properties and any potential interactions a so-called factorial experiment is performed. A factorial experiment is an experiment where all factors are varied together, instead of one at a time, which makes it possible to study the effects of the factors as well as any interactions between these. The factors are varied between two levels, that is, a low level and a high level. The design of a factorial experiment includes all combinations of the levels of the factors. The experiment is performed using the software FEM-Design, which is a modeling software for finite element analysis. A fictitious building is modelled using CLT as the structural system. The modeling and the subsequent dynamic analysis is repeated according to the design of the factorial experiment. The experiment is further analyzed using statistical methods and validated according to ISO 10137 in order to study performance and patterns between the different models. The statistical analysis of the experiment shows that the height of the building, the thickness of the walls and the addition of mass are important in a dynamic analysis. It also shows that interaction is present between the height of the building and the thickness of the walls as well as between the height of the building and the addition of mass. Most of the models of the building does not satisfy the comfort criteria according to ISO 10137. However, it still shows patterns that provides useful information about the dynamic properties of the building. Lastly, based on the natural frequency of the building this study recognizes the stiffness as more relevant than the mass for a building with CLT as the structural system and with up to 16 floors in height. / Idag är höga trähus mer populära än någonsin och konstruktörer runtom i världen har upptäckt de fördelaktiga materialegenskaperna hos trä. I mitten på 1990-talet utvecklades korslimmat trä (KL-trä) i Österrike. KL-trä består av hyvlade brädor som limmas ihop för att bilda en lätt och stark träskiva. På senare år har KL-trä varit på uppgång och idag anses materialet vara ett bra alternativ till betong och stål i framför allt höga byggnader. Jämfört med betong och stål har trä både lägre massa och styvhet. En hög träbyggnad är därför mer känslig för vibrationer. En vibrerande byggnad kan leda till obehag för de boende och det är därför viktigt att analysera byggnadens dynamiska respons då den utsätts för yttre belastning. Standarden ISO 10137 ger riktlinjer för att kunna utvärdera komfortkravet för byggnader med avseende på människors känslighet för vibrationer orsakade av vind. Komfortkravet i fråga jämför byggnadens första naturliga egenfrekvens med dess acceleration. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera de viktiga egenskaperna i en dynamisk analys av en hög träbyggnad. Förhoppningsvis leder det här examensarbetet till en ökad förståelse av samspelseffekterna mellan dessa egenskaper. För att undersöka dessa egenskaper och eventuella samspelseffekter genomförs ett så kallat faktorförsök. Ett faktorförsök är ett försök där alla faktorer varieras tillsammans, istället för en och en, vilket gör det möjligt att studera effekterna av faktorerna samt eventuella samspelseffekter. Faktorerna varieras mellan två nivåer: en låg nivå och en hög nivå. Ett faktorförsök använder sig av samtliga kombinationer av faktorernas nivåer. Försöket utförs med hjälp av programmet FEM-Design, vilket är ett modelleringsverktyg för FE-analys. En fiktiv byggnad modelleras med CLT som stomsystem och en dynamisk analys görs. Försöket analyseras ytterligare med hjälp av statistiska metoder och valideras enligt ISO 10137. Dessa steg upprepas enligt faktorförsöket. Den statistiska analysen av försöket visar att höjden på byggnaden, tjockleken på väggarna samt en ökad massa är viktiga i en dynamisk analys. Den visar också på en samspelseffekt mellan höjden på byggnaden och tjockleken på väggarna, samt mellan höjden på byggnaden och en ökad massa. Merparten av modellerna av byggnaden uppfyller inte komfortkravet enligt ISO 10137. Däremot går det att urskönja mönster som bidrar med viktig information om byggnadens dynamiska egenskaper. Avslutningsvis, baserat på byggnadens naturliga egenfrekvens framhåller den här studien byggnadens styvhet framför dess massa då byggnaden i fråga stabiliseras med KL-trä och har upp till 16 våningar.

Jezdecká hala ve Valašském Meziříčí / The Riding Hall in Valašské Meziříčí

Rantová, Katarína January 2018 (has links)
The subject matter of this diploma thesis is a design timber structure of riding hall. The hall is a one nave building. The dimensions of ground plans is 32,0m x 70,0m and the hall is 10,0 meters high. The load-bearing structure consists of arched ribs.This timber structure composed of glued laminated timber. The building is located in Valašské Meziříčí, climate loads are designed for the area. The calculation were made in accordance with the Czech technical norms ČSN EN. The structural design and analysis is performed by software SCIA Engineer 17.

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