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Kauno apskrities žemės fondo kaita 1998 - 2008 metais / Change of Kaunas district land fund in the period of 1998 - 2008Polianskytė, Aistė 03 June 2009 (has links)
Lietuvos istorijoje vyko daug žemės pertvarkymo procesų, kurie turėjo įtakos žemės naudojimui, naudmenų kitimui, kuriuos lėmė nuosavybės formų pokyčiai bei gamtinės sąlygos. Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe analizuojama žemės fondo kitimas ir pagrindinės tikslinės žemės naudojimo paskirties keitimas Kauno apskrityje 1998 – 2008 metais. Tyrimas atliktas išanalizavus literatūros šaltinius, norminius bei teritorijų planavimo dokumentus, surinktus statistinius duomenis. Kauno apskrityje didžiausią žemės fondo dalį užima žemės ūkio paskirties žemė – 61,54 %, kuri nuo 1998 – 2008 m. padidėjo 2 tūkst. ha. Mažiausiai yra konservacinės paskirties žemės – 0,18 % apskrities žemės fondo. Žemės savininkas ar kitas naudotojas privalo naudoti žemę pagal pagrindinę tikslinę naudojimo paskirtį. Tačiau žemės ūkio paskirties žemės, naudojamos ūkininkavimui, ir kitos paskirties žemės, naudojamos gyvenamųjų namų statybai, kaina labai stipriai skiriasi, todėl žmonės yra suinteresuoti keisti žemės naudojimo paskirtį. Per 2005 – 2008 metus įregistruotų žemės sklypų skaičius, kuriems buvo pakeista pagrindinė tikslinė žemės naudojimo paskirtis, visoje Lietuvoje išaugo 1,6 karto, Kauno apskrityje – 2,6 karto. Kauno apskrityje daugiausia rengiami detalieji planai žemės ūkio paskirties pakeitimui į kitos paskirties (mažaaukščių gyvenamųjų namų statybos ir komercinės paskirties objektų teritorijos/pramonės ir sandėliavimo objektų teritorijos). / A number of land reform processes took place in Lithuanian history, which influenced land use and landed property change, which were conditioned by changes of property’s forms and natural conditions. Change of land fund and main purpose change of purposive land use in Kaunas district in the period 1998 – 2008 are analysed in the final Master studies paper. Research has been carried out after analysing literature sources, regulative and territory planning documents, collected statistical data. Most part of land fund in Kaunas district is occupied by agricultural purpose land – 61,54 %, which from 1998 – 2008 enhanced by 2 thousand ha. There is least of conservation purpose land – 0,18 % of district land fund. Land owner or other user is obliged to use land in accordance with main targeted land use purpose. However, the price of agricultural purpose land used for farming and other purpose land, used for dwelling houses construction, differs a lot thus people are interested in changing the purpose of land use. During the period of 2005 – 2008 the number of recorded land sites, the purpose of which was changed, increased in Lithuania by 1,6 times, whereas in Kaunas district by 2,6 times. Detailed plans for changing land use purpose into other kind of land use (low floor dwelling house construction and commercial purpose objects territory and storage object territories) are mostly prepared in Kaunas district.
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Lietuvos Respublikos žemės fondo administravimas / Lithuanian Land Fund administrationRumčikienė, Gitana 03 June 2014 (has links)
Nuo 2010 m. liepos 1 d., kuomet įsigaliojo Žemės įstatymo ir Žemės reformos įstatymo pakeitimai, valstybės politiką žemės tvarkymo ir administravimo srityje įgyvendina ir dalyvauja ją formuojant pagrindinė institucija Nacionalinė žemės tarnyba. Lietuvos Respublikos žemės fondo administravimo nagrinėjimas turi tiek teorinę, tiek praktinę reikšmę. Svarbu pažymėti, kad valstybinės žemės tvarkymo ir administravimo reglamentavimas painus, sudėtingas, su egzistuojančiomis teisės aktų spragomis, todėl darbe išsamiai išnagrinėta žemės santykius reguliuojančių institucijų veikla, valstybinės žemės ūkio paskirties žemės pardavimo teisniais aspektai. Taip pat įvertinta ar apskričių panaikinimas užtikrino geresnį žemės fondo administravimą. / Since 1 July 2010 after the commencement of amendments of Land law and Land reform state policy in the area of Land resources management and administration has been implemented and led by the main authority National Land Service. The analysis of the Land fund administration of the Republic of Lithuania has both theoretical and practical significance. It is important to point out that state land management and administration regulation is rather intricate, complicated, with existing legal loopholes, therefore, the paper analyses in detail the work of institutions regulating land relations, and legal aspects of the sale of state agricultural land. The work also assesses whether the abolition of counties can ensure better Land fund administration.
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Státní pozemkový úřad / State Land OfficeVáňová, Miroslava January 2021 (has links)
State Land Office Abstract This thesis is dedicated to the State Land Office of the Czech Republic, which was established on the basis of Act No. 503/2012 Coll. As an administrative office with a broad scope, it is impossible to deal with all the aspects of the State Land Office in detail and thus provide a thorough analysis within this thesis. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to provide a general introduction of the State Land Office - its establishment, place within the system of state administration, organisational structure and its main scope. This thesis is divided into six parts. The first part is dedicated to a general characteristic of the State Land Office. First of all, the transformation of the Land Fund of the Czech Republic and the establishment of the State Land Office of the Czech Republic is briefly described, following its placement within the system of public administration, respectively government of the Czech Republic. A large segment of the first part of the thesis then follows a detailed description of the organisational structure of the State Land Office. The following parts are dedicated particularly to the main scope of the State Land Office, which I consider to be agricultural and church restitution, administration of state property according to Act No. 503/2012 Coll. and land...
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Převod nemovitého majetku českého státu na jiné subjekty / Transfer of real estate of the Czech state to other subjectsJINDROVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
This thesis follows the historical development of real estate tenancy in the Czech Republic from its origin to present days, including the state interventions into the property relations, and describes and defines the transfer of state property to other subjects by means of state agencies authorized to transfer such property. The thesis is divided in seven chapters. The first chapter deals with the historical outline of the development in ownership and user relations in the territory of the Czech Republic that were suppressed as a result of real estate conscript by the state. The issue of so called {\clqq}restitution stop`` is also mentioned as well as acquisition of real estate by foreigners. The second chapter pursues the procedures and methods used with transfer of real estate of the Czech state to other subjects by means of Land Fund of the Czech Republic. It analyses in detail sale and transfer of real estate in accordance with Act No. 95/1999 Coll., on Conditions for the transfer of agricultural land and forests from the state ownership to ownership of other persons, in accordance with Act No. 229/1991 Coll., on the Arrangement of ownership relations towards agricultural land and other agricultural property, in accordance with Act No. 569/1991 Coll., on Land Fund of the Czech Republic, in accordance with Civil Code No. 40/1964 Coll., and in accordance with Act No. 92/1991 Coll., on Conditions of transfer of state property to other persons. The third chapter deals with the current issue of transferring real estate from the Czech Republic to other subjects through the Office of the Government Representation in Property Affairs. The fourth chapter offers an outline of valid legal enactments related to transfer of real estate of the Czech Republic, which the state enterprise Forests of the Czech Republic has the right to manage. The fifth chapter observes the procedure of selection of the agricultural land transferee in accordance with section 7 of Act No. 95/1999 Coll., at the District Office of Land Fund in České Budějovice. It provides information about the number of agreements regarding the transfers of state-owned real estate that were concluded at this office in the year 2006. The sixth chapter addresses the transfers of state-owned real estate in some neighbouring countries of the European Union. It considers especially the legal regulations in Slovakia. Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany are also mentioned. The thesis is accompanied by appendices related to the selection of transferee and transfer of land in accordance with section 7 of Act No. 95/1999 Coll., referred to in the fifth chapter.
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