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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O papel dos remanescentes florestais na retenção da biodiversidade e conservação da água em uma paisagem fragmentada na região central de Rondônia / The role of forest remnants on biodiversity retention and water conservation in a fragmented landscape of central region of Rondônia state, Brazil

Begotti, Rodrigo Anzolin 19 December 2013 (has links)
Em toda a superfície terrestre o uso humano está transformando grande parte das florestas, especialmente na região tropical. O desmatamento de florestas tropicais é uma das principais fontes de emissão de gases do efeito estufa e a principal ameaça à conservação de espécies e dos serviços ambientais prestados pela floresta. Dentro desse contexto que também envolve a fragmentação do habitat, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar como as relações entre a dinâmica do uso e cobertura da terra afetaram a estrutura e composição da comunidade de vertebrados, e também a qualidade da água em riachos no Sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira. Nós analisamos esse processo em uma área de aproximadamente 50000 km² por meio de mapas classificados a partir de imagens de satélite ao longo de 36 anos de monitoramento. Nós observamos uma perda de floresta da ordem de 24826 km² relacionada, dentre outros fatores, à expansão da malha viária de 3158 km para 12863 km de extensão, tornando a área de estudo como uma das mais desmatadas de toda a Amazônia brasileira. A dinâmica do uso e cobertura da terra ao longo da série temporal mostra que as paisagens com desmatamento mais recente apresentaram fragmentação mais intensa do que aquelas com desmatamento mais antigo e onde ocorreu pequena ou nenhuma derrubada de floresta. Os resultados da inferência com modelos generalizados de mínimos quadrados mostram que a proximidade das estradas é um dos fatores que contribuem para o aumento no desmatamento, principalmente em áreas com menor declividade e distantes dos rios. Os modelos lineares generalizados com os maiores valores de importância relativa para explicar a riqueza de espécies, biomassa agregada e o índice de vulnerabilidade à caça foram compostos pela área, número e distância entre os fragmentos como variáveis independentes. A área de floresta é importante também para a conservação da água, principalmente quanto à sua proporção na faixa de 100 m ao longo dos riachos amostrados. Levando-se em conta as características dos solos predominantes na microbacias e a sazonalidade, principalmente nos meses chuvosos, a redução de floresta próxima aos rios é responsável pelo aumento nas concentrações de alumínio, fosfato, sedimentos em suspensão, amônio e nitrato, de acordo com nossos modelos lineares generalizados. Ao final, considerações foram feitas a respeito do aumento da fiscalização e da regularização fundiária para impedir que a fronteira do desmatamento continue a avançar sobre áreas de floresta primária, e que o manejo das áreas fragmentadas inclua a restauração da floresta, principalmente ao longo dos rios para diminuir o isolamento dos fragmentos remanescentes. Nós ressaltamos também, a necessidade de se estudar como as perturbações recorrentes nos fragmentos como corte seletivo e incêndios continuam afetando a comunidade de vertebrados que ocorrem fora das áreas contínuas de floresta. / Extensive areas across the Earth surface have been modified by human land uses, particularly in the tropical region. Deforestation is one of main sources of emissions of greenhouse gases and the main threat to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by tropical forests. In the context of human-modified landscapes, including forest fragmentation, the main goal of this work is to understand the relationships between land use and land cover dynamics and the changes in the structure and composition of forest vertebrate community and also, the alterations in the quality of surface water in catchments. We assess land use dynamics about 50,000 km² of study area located in Southwestern Brazilian Amazon. By mean of maps of land cover classified from satellite images based in a 36-year monitoring, we observed a forest loss of 24,826 km² related to the expansion of road network from 3158 km to 12863 km in the same period. This result makes the study area as the most deforested of entire Brazilian Amazon. The land use dynamics show that fragmentation is higher in recent deforestation frontier than in both older deforestation and landscapes with few or no deforestation detected. Our results from inference with generalized least square models show that distance to the roads affects negatively the deforestation rates, mainly in flat areas and near to small and large rivers. The generalized linear models with higher relative importance to explain the species richness, aggregate biomass and the index of hunting vulnerability had as predictors the fragment area, number of patches and distance between fragments as major attributes of the landscape that affects the vertebrate community. The forest is important for maintenance of stream water quality, particularly if there is forest cover in the 100 m strips alongside the streams, considering the soil characteristics such as proportion of bases and seasonality. In our GLM multi-model analysis, the higher proportion of forest in surroundings the streams contributes to the increasing of concentrations in the rainy season of aluminum, phosphate, suspension sediments, ammonium and nitrate. At the end, we made consideration about law enforcement and landownership, to preclude the deforestation toward extensive areas of pristine forest. Moreover, we suggest that in fragmented landscapes the conservation efforts to be concentrated in forest restoration, mainly near to rivers, to reduce the isolation of the fragments. We highlighted the importance in monitoring the biodiversity responses to recurrent disturbing sources such as selective logging and accidental forest fires in fragmented landscapes.

O papel dos remanescentes florestais na retenção da biodiversidade e conservação da água em uma paisagem fragmentada na região central de Rondônia / The role of forest remnants on biodiversity retention and water conservation in a fragmented landscape of central region of Rondônia state, Brazil

Rodrigo Anzolin Begotti 19 December 2013 (has links)
Em toda a superfície terrestre o uso humano está transformando grande parte das florestas, especialmente na região tropical. O desmatamento de florestas tropicais é uma das principais fontes de emissão de gases do efeito estufa e a principal ameaça à conservação de espécies e dos serviços ambientais prestados pela floresta. Dentro desse contexto que também envolve a fragmentação do habitat, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar como as relações entre a dinâmica do uso e cobertura da terra afetaram a estrutura e composição da comunidade de vertebrados, e também a qualidade da água em riachos no Sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira. Nós analisamos esse processo em uma área de aproximadamente 50000 km² por meio de mapas classificados a partir de imagens de satélite ao longo de 36 anos de monitoramento. Nós observamos uma perda de floresta da ordem de 24826 km² relacionada, dentre outros fatores, à expansão da malha viária de 3158 km para 12863 km de extensão, tornando a área de estudo como uma das mais desmatadas de toda a Amazônia brasileira. A dinâmica do uso e cobertura da terra ao longo da série temporal mostra que as paisagens com desmatamento mais recente apresentaram fragmentação mais intensa do que aquelas com desmatamento mais antigo e onde ocorreu pequena ou nenhuma derrubada de floresta. Os resultados da inferência com modelos generalizados de mínimos quadrados mostram que a proximidade das estradas é um dos fatores que contribuem para o aumento no desmatamento, principalmente em áreas com menor declividade e distantes dos rios. Os modelos lineares generalizados com os maiores valores de importância relativa para explicar a riqueza de espécies, biomassa agregada e o índice de vulnerabilidade à caça foram compostos pela área, número e distância entre os fragmentos como variáveis independentes. A área de floresta é importante também para a conservação da água, principalmente quanto à sua proporção na faixa de 100 m ao longo dos riachos amostrados. Levando-se em conta as características dos solos predominantes na microbacias e a sazonalidade, principalmente nos meses chuvosos, a redução de floresta próxima aos rios é responsável pelo aumento nas concentrações de alumínio, fosfato, sedimentos em suspensão, amônio e nitrato, de acordo com nossos modelos lineares generalizados. Ao final, considerações foram feitas a respeito do aumento da fiscalização e da regularização fundiária para impedir que a fronteira do desmatamento continue a avançar sobre áreas de floresta primária, e que o manejo das áreas fragmentadas inclua a restauração da floresta, principalmente ao longo dos rios para diminuir o isolamento dos fragmentos remanescentes. Nós ressaltamos também, a necessidade de se estudar como as perturbações recorrentes nos fragmentos como corte seletivo e incêndios continuam afetando a comunidade de vertebrados que ocorrem fora das áreas contínuas de floresta. / Extensive areas across the Earth surface have been modified by human land uses, particularly in the tropical region. Deforestation is one of main sources of emissions of greenhouse gases and the main threat to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by tropical forests. In the context of human-modified landscapes, including forest fragmentation, the main goal of this work is to understand the relationships between land use and land cover dynamics and the changes in the structure and composition of forest vertebrate community and also, the alterations in the quality of surface water in catchments. We assess land use dynamics about 50,000 km² of study area located in Southwestern Brazilian Amazon. By mean of maps of land cover classified from satellite images based in a 36-year monitoring, we observed a forest loss of 24,826 km² related to the expansion of road network from 3158 km to 12863 km in the same period. This result makes the study area as the most deforested of entire Brazilian Amazon. The land use dynamics show that fragmentation is higher in recent deforestation frontier than in both older deforestation and landscapes with few or no deforestation detected. Our results from inference with generalized least square models show that distance to the roads affects negatively the deforestation rates, mainly in flat areas and near to small and large rivers. The generalized linear models with higher relative importance to explain the species richness, aggregate biomass and the index of hunting vulnerability had as predictors the fragment area, number of patches and distance between fragments as major attributes of the landscape that affects the vertebrate community. The forest is important for maintenance of stream water quality, particularly if there is forest cover in the 100 m strips alongside the streams, considering the soil characteristics such as proportion of bases and seasonality. In our GLM multi-model analysis, the higher proportion of forest in surroundings the streams contributes to the increasing of concentrations in the rainy season of aluminum, phosphate, suspension sediments, ammonium and nitrate. At the end, we made consideration about law enforcement and landownership, to preclude the deforestation toward extensive areas of pristine forest. Moreover, we suggest that in fragmented landscapes the conservation efforts to be concentrated in forest restoration, mainly near to rivers, to reduce the isolation of the fragments. We highlighted the importance in monitoring the biodiversity responses to recurrent disturbing sources such as selective logging and accidental forest fires in fragmented landscapes.

Prototypage de mosaïques de systèmes de culture répondant à des enjeux de développement durable des territoires : application à la Guadeloupe / Prototyping culture systems mosaics that meet sustainable regional development issues : application to Guadeloupe

Chopin, Pierre 23 January 2015 (has links)
L'agriculture actuelle est impliquée dans de multiples problématiques environnementales, sociales et économiques, aux échelles locales et globales. En agronomie, de nombreux travaux à l'échelle du champ et de l'exploitation visent aujourd'hui à concevoir des systèmes de culture et des systèmes de production en lien avec ces problématiques. En revanche, peu de travaux portent sur la conception et l'évaluation de systèmes agricoles à l'échelle du territoire, alors que cette échelle apparaît pourtant incontournable pour faire face à des enjeux de développement durable. Pour combler ce manque, nous proposons un ensemble méthodologique permettant i) de simuler les conséquences de scénarios de politiques agricoles sur les choix d'assolement des agriculteurs, décrits individuellement, en modélisant l'évolution de leurs système de production et ii) d'évaluer l'impact de ces changements d'assolements à l'échelle du territoire, à l'aide d'indicateurs qui apportent de l'information spatiale sur la contribution de l'agriculture au développement durable. L'ensemble méthodologique proposé débute par la construction d'une typologie des exploitations agricoles du territoire sur la base de la similarité de leur assolement. Parallèlement, l'adaptation d'indicateurs à l'échelle du territoire permet d'évaluer les impacts des externalités des systèmes de culture en mobilisant des procédures de changements d'échelles. Un modèle bioéconomique générique, multi-échelle, spatialement explicite, appelé MOSAICA, qui utilise la typologie et les indicateurs d'impact de l'agriculture à l'échelle régionale, est créé pour produire des mosaïques de systèmes de culture et évalue leur contribution au développement durable du territoire. Ce modèle, couplé à un itinéraire de définition de scénarios exploratoires et normatifs permet de tester l'impact de différents types de leviers agronomiques, socio-économiques, environnementaux, organisationnels et techniques sur les choix des exploitants et in fine sur la contribution de la mosaïque de systèmes de culture au développement durable du territoire. Nous avons appliqué cet ensemble méthodologique à la conception de scénarios de développement agricoles durables en Guadeloupe. Nous avons dans un premier temps développé une typologie des systèmes de production comprenant huit types distincts et relevant de processus décisionnel différents. Puis nous avons adapté à l'échelle du territoire 19 indicateurs pour l'évaluation des mosaïques de systèmes de culture. L’évaluation de la mosaïque actuelle nous a permis de repérer de faibles niveaux de contribution aux enjeux d’autonomie alimentaire et énergétique. Différents scénarios normatifs et exploratoires intégrant des leviers de changement de la mosaïque ont été testés avec MOSAICA. Les évaluations réalisées nous ont permis d'identifier que des leviers agronomiques comme le développement du maraîchage sans intrants chimiques et des leviers sociaux comme la formation de main-d'oeuvre supplémentaire permettraient d'améliorer la contribution de l’agriculture au développement durable du territoire Guadeloupéen. La modélisation mécaniste de l’évolution du territoire agricole permet d'intégrer des connaissances sur la localisation, les performances, les impacts des systèmes de culture et sur les processus décisionnels des exploitants régissant l’orientation productive et le fonctionnement des exploitations. Cette démarche permet de visualiser les changements de système de culture et leurs impacts de manière spatialement explicite, ce qui permet de générer des connaissances sur les leviers susceptibles de faire évoluer positivement l'agriculture du territoire. La démarche et les outils mis en oeuvre sont donc particulièrement utiles pour l'aide à la décision publique pour améliorer la durabilité de l'agriculture dans son ensemble. / Current agricultural systems are responsible for many different environmental, social and economic issues at both local and global scales. Agricultural sciences have contributed to the design of several methods at the farm and field scale in order to prototype cropping systems and farming systems to address these issues. However, few methods have been designed at the regional scale, while this scale seems to be essential in order to address these issues. In order to fill this gap, we here propose a new methodological framework for i) simulating the consequences of policy changes on farmer's cropping plan, described individually, by modeling the evolution of farming systems and to ii) assess the impacts of cropping system changes at the regional scale, with a set of indicators that generate spatially explicit information on the contribution of agriculture to sustainable development. The methodological framework starts with the design of a farm typology over the territory based on the similarity of farmer's crop acreages. In parallel, a set of indicators is adapted to the landscape scale in order to assess the impacts of cropping system externalities by integrating a set of scale change procedures. A generic, multi-scale, spatially explicit bioeconomic model called MOSAICA, which uses the farm typology and the indicators, is created for generating cropping system mosaics and assessing their contribution to sustainable development. This model coupled to a scenario approach composed of exploratory and normative scenarios can simulate the impact of several types of agronomic, socio-economic, environmental, organizational and technical levers of change on the farmer's choices in terms of cropping systems and in fine the impacts of new cropping system mosaics on the contribution to sustainable development of territories. We applied this methodological framework for building scenarios of sustainable agricultural development in Guadeloupe. We first developed a typology of farming systems encompassing eight types of farming systems that revealed several different farmer's decision processes. Then, we developed 19 indicators to assess cropping system mosaics. The assessment of the current cropping system mosaic showed low levels of response of the current mosaic to economic and social issues especially the food and energy self-sufficiency. Different normative and exploratory scenarios integrating levers of change have been simulated with MOSAICA. The assessment of cropping system mosaics from these scenarios highlighted the positive effect of agronomic levers of change such as organic crop-gardening and social levers such as the vocational training of supplementary workforce for improving the contribution of agriculture to sustainable development of the guadeloupean territory. The mechanistic modeling of the agricultural territory allows us to integrate a wide range of knowledge on the location of cropping systems, their levels of performance , their impacts and the decision process of farmer's that drive the farming system characteristics and the farm functioning. This methodological framework helps visualize the cropping system changes at the regional scale and their associated impacts at the landscape scale which is helpful in order to produce knowledge on the levers of change that can improve the response of local agriculture to local and global issues. The framework and tools designed are particularly useful for decision-aid on the future levels of contribution of agriculture to sustainable development.

Dinâmica das queimadas no Estado do Mato Grosso e suas relações com as atividades antrópicas e a economia local. / Burning dynamics in the State of Mato Grosso and its relationship with the human activities and the local economy

Alexandre Camargo Coutinho 17 October 2005 (has links)
A acelerada dinâmica de uso das terras e a elevada incidência de pontos de queimadas observadas na região da Amazônia Legal, na última década, atingiram proporções alarmantes, atraindo as atenções de políticos, ambientalistas e da sociedade em geral. Diferentes políticas, estratégias e ações de monitoramento e controle das queimadas foram propostas no decorrer desse período, com o objetivo de conter o deslocamento e o avanço da fronteira agrícola sobre as áreas de vegetação natural remanescente, mais especificamente sobre a Floresta Tropical Úmida. O Estado do Mato Grosso, localizado na região da Amazônia Legal, apresenta características especiais para o entendimento das relações entre a ocupação das terras e a incidência das queimadas, pois congrega em seu território uma importante diversidade ambiental e sócio econômica, favorecendo o desenvolvimento das análises propostas. Esta tese procurou identificar e mapear a dinâmica de queimadas no Estado do Mato Grosso e explicar suas principais condicionantes, baseando-se em análises espaciais e estatísticas, desenvolvidas com os dados de queimadas e de variáveis ambientais, econômicas e sociais. / The increasing dynamics in land use and the elevated incidence of fires observed during the last decade in the Legal Amazon have reached an alarming scale that attracted the attention of politicians, environmentalists and the society in general. Different policies, strategies and monitoring actions to the control of fires were proposed during this period, with the goal of restraining the movement and the advance of the agricultural frontier over the remaining natural vegetation, especially on areas of Tropical Rain Forrest. Mato Grosso State, located in the Legal Amazon, presents special characteristics for the understanding of the relationship between land occupation and the incidence of fires, for it congregates in its territory an important environmental and socioeconomic diversity. Based on spatial and statistical analyzes developed from fire data, as well as on environmental, economical and social variables, this thesis focuses on the identification, mapping and explanation of the main driving forces of fire dynamics in Mato Grosso State.

Dinâmica das queimadas no Estado do Mato Grosso e suas relações com as atividades antrópicas e a economia local. / Burning dynamics in the State of Mato Grosso and its relationship with the human activities and the local economy

Coutinho, Alexandre Camargo 17 October 2005 (has links)
A acelerada dinâmica de uso das terras e a elevada incidência de pontos de queimadas observadas na região da Amazônia Legal, na última década, atingiram proporções alarmantes, atraindo as atenções de políticos, ambientalistas e da sociedade em geral. Diferentes políticas, estratégias e ações de monitoramento e controle das queimadas foram propostas no decorrer desse período, com o objetivo de conter o deslocamento e o avanço da fronteira agrícola sobre as áreas de vegetação natural remanescente, mais especificamente sobre a Floresta Tropical Úmida. O Estado do Mato Grosso, localizado na região da Amazônia Legal, apresenta características especiais para o entendimento das relações entre a ocupação das terras e a incidência das queimadas, pois congrega em seu território uma importante diversidade ambiental e sócio econômica, favorecendo o desenvolvimento das análises propostas. Esta tese procurou identificar e mapear a dinâmica de queimadas no Estado do Mato Grosso e explicar suas principais condicionantes, baseando-se em análises espaciais e estatísticas, desenvolvidas com os dados de queimadas e de variáveis ambientais, econômicas e sociais. / The increasing dynamics in land use and the elevated incidence of fires observed during the last decade in the Legal Amazon have reached an alarming scale that attracted the attention of politicians, environmentalists and the society in general. Different policies, strategies and monitoring actions to the control of fires were proposed during this period, with the goal of restraining the movement and the advance of the agricultural frontier over the remaining natural vegetation, especially on areas of Tropical Rain Forrest. Mato Grosso State, located in the Legal Amazon, presents special characteristics for the understanding of the relationship between land occupation and the incidence of fires, for it congregates in its territory an important environmental and socioeconomic diversity. Based on spatial and statistical analyzes developed from fire data, as well as on environmental, economical and social variables, this thesis focuses on the identification, mapping and explanation of the main driving forces of fire dynamics in Mato Grosso State.

A complex systems perspective on land-use dynamics in the Amazon: patterns, agents, networks

Müller-Hansen, Finn 18 October 2018 (has links)
Die Doktorarbeit untersucht, wie sich Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktionen am Beispiel von Abholzung und Landnutzungsänderungen im Amazonas analysieren und modellieren lassen. Die Abholzung tropischer Wälder bedroht die Stabilität artenreicher Ökosysteme, lokaler Wettergeschehen und des globalen Klimas. Drei Hauptteile erforschen das Thema mit Konzepten der theoretischen Physik und Netzwerktheorie. Der erste Teil gibt einen kritischen Überblick über Modellansätze, die Entscheidungen und menschliches Verhalten beschreiben. Agentenbasierte Netzwerkmodelle ergeben sich als vielversprechender Ansatz um sozial-ökologische Systeme zu modellieren. Der zweite Teil identifiziert Muster in satellitengestützten Landbedeckungsdaten im brasilianischen Amazonas. Basierend auf der Theorie der Markov-Ketten werden Übergangsraten zwischen verschiedenen Typen von Landbedeckung berechnet und Übergangsmatrizen für Teilgebiete mit Clusteralgorithmen verglichen. Angrenzende Teilgebiete weisen ähnliche Übergänge auf. Die identifizierten Cluster decken sich mit Erkenntnissen aus Feldstudien. Auf Grundlage der geschätzten Übergangsrate ergeben sich Projektionen für die Entwicklung der Landbedeckungsanteile. Der dritte Teil entwickelt ein agentenbasiertes Modell um zu untersuchen, unter welchen Bedingungen die Intensivierung der Viehhaltung im Amazonas die Abholzung reduzieren kann. Das Modell kombiniert ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Prozesse und modelliert Landnutzungsstrategien mit Heuristiken. Die Modellanalyse zeigt, dass eine Intensivierung die Abholzung nur dann verringert, wenn der lokale Viehmarkt saturiert. Unter anderen ökonomischen Bedingungen kann Intensivierung die Abholzung erhöhen. Die Arbeit demonstriert, dass eine Kombination von Methoden aus der Theorie komplexer Systeme mit sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorien zu einem besseren Verständnis der emergenten Dynamik sozial-ökologischer Systeme führen kann – eine Grundvoraussetzung, um solche Systeme nachhaltig zu bewirtschaften. / This thesis investigates how to model and analyze human-nature interactions using the example of deforestation and land-use change in the Brazilian Amazon. Deforestation of tropical forests threatens the stability of species-rich ecosystems, local weather patterns, and global climate. The three main parts of the thesis study different aspects of this topic using concepts from theoretical physics and network theory. The first part reviews modeling approaches to human decision making and behavior. From the review, networked agent-based models emerge as promising tools to capture the dynamics of social-ecological systems such as the land system. The second part of the thesis combines Markov-chain and cluster analyses to detect patterns in satellite-derived land-cover maps of the Brazilian Amazon. I compute transition rates between different land-cover types and apply clustering algorithms to find spatial patterns. The analysis shows that neighboring subregions undergo similar transitions and identifies clusters corresponding to findings from field surveys. Markov-chain models, parameterized with the transition rates, are used to compute land-cover projections. In the third part, I develop an agent-based model to investigate under which conditions the intensification of cattle ranching can reduce deforestation in the Amazon. The model captures stylized environmental, economic, as well as social processes, and uses heuristic decision theory to represent different land management strategies. A detailed analysis reveals that fast intensification can only lower deforestation rates if local cattle markets saturate. Under other economic conditions intensification may increase deforestation. The contributions of this thesis demonstrate that combining modeling tools from complexity science with social-science theories allow better understanding the emergent dynamics of social-ecological systems, which is a prerequisite for their sustainable management.

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