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An Investigation Of Linguistic, Cognitive, And Affective Factors That Impact English Language Learners' Performance On A State Standardized Reading Achievement TestStrebel Halpern, Carine 01 January 2009 (has links)
The explicit teaching of reading comprehension strategies has been proposed as a means to better prepare secondary school-aged students for today's information-dense, fast-paced, fast-changing global society, and to improve the academic performance of struggling adolescent readers. This proposition of a direct and positive impact of reading comprehension strategies on reading achievement for all students has not been investigated with English language learners (ELLs) who, by definition, do not possess the same level of English language skills as their native-English speaking peers. This mixed-method study investigated linguistic, cognitive, as well as affective factors that impact adolescent ELLs' performance on a standardized state reading achievement test. The quantitative portion examined the relative contributions of second language proficiency and reading comprehension strategies to a prediction model of reading achievement in 110 ninth and tenth grade ELLs. The qualitative portion of the study involved individual interviews and was aimed at deepening the understanding of ELLs' use of strategies during the standardized reading test, while also investigating affective factors that may impact their performance on this measure of academic achievement. Quantitative findings include two statistically significant prediction models of reading achievement with reading comprehension strategies and English language proficiency as predictor variables. However, only language proficiency made a significant unique contribution to the prediction variable. Qualitative findings suggest that the participants had relatively little metacognitive awareness of their comprehension during the standardized test, had overestimated their use of reading strategies as reported on a 30-item strategy survey instrument, had concentrated on sentence-level comprehension due to unknown vocabulary, and may have been hindered by testing anxiety in being able to wholly concentrate on the task. Recommendations made for the instruction of comprehension strategies consist of the raising of metacognitive awareness through the explicit modeling of the thought processes involved in reading comprehension, including determining the meaning of unknown words.
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Matematikundervisning i flerspråkiga klassrum : En studie om språkfrämjande strategier inom låg-, mellan- och högstadiet / Mathematics Teaching in Multilingual ClassroomsMostafai, Masouda January 2023 (has links)
Arbetet som presenteras i rapporten omfattar en undersökning av dimensioner och strategier som främjar flerspråkiga elever inom låg-, mellan- och högstadiet. Samt att se vilka likheter och skillnader som framkommer i de olika stadierna. I studien betonas vikten av att undervisningsspråket, språkkompetenser samt att inkluderande arbetssätt och språkinriktad undervisning är avgörande faktorer för matematiklärandet och språkutveckling hos andraspråkselever. Framöver anses kodväxling där eleverna växlar mellan olika språk som resurs. Denna studie är baserad på vetenskapliga forskningar och erfarenheter från verksamhetsförlagd utbildning (VFU). Forskningen visar att det finns en koppling mellan matematikinlärning och språkkunskaper och betonar vikten av språkutvecklande arbetssätt där eleverna skall inkluderas och får anpassat stöd utifrån deras språkbehov. Detta examensarbete baseras på en kvalitativ studie som bygger på ljudinspelningar från lektioner i matematik på låg-, mellan- och högstadiet. Datainsamlingen är baserad på lärarnas mobiltelefoner för att spela in ljud från lektionerna och därefter transkriberades alla ljudinspelningar, för att möjliggöra en detaljerad analys av samtalet och interaktioner i klassrummet. Olika dimensioner såsom matematisk diskurs, klassarumsdiskurs i alla stadier samt explicit (tydlig och strukturerad undervisning) och implicit (självupptäckt och utforskning) undervisning, användes i studien. Dock fanns det en begränsning av användandet av flerspråkiga resurser. Slutsatsen pekar på att andraspråkselever gynnas av matematikundervisning när eleverna inkluderas i matematiska diskussioner på olika språk. / This thesis presents an investigation into the dimensions and strategies that promote the academic success of multilingual students in primary, middle, and high school levels. The study aims to identify similarities and differences across these stages while emphasizing the crucial role of language skills, inclusive practices, and language-focused teaching in fostering mathematics learning and language development among second language learners. Code-switching, which refers to students switching between different languages, is recognized as a valuable resource for their educational experience.The research is grounded in scientific studies and field-based education (FBE) experiences. The findings demonstrate a clear connection between mathematics learning and language skills, underscoring the importance of language development approaches that provide tailored support based on students' language needs. This thesis is based on a qualitative study employing audio recordings from mathematics lessons in primary, middle, and high school. Data collection involved teachers using their mobile phones to record audio during lessons, which were later transcribed to facilitate a detailed analysis of classroom discussions and interactions. Various dimensions were considered in the study, including mathematical discourse, classroom discourse across all educational levels, as well as explicit and implicit teaching. However, there were limitations in utilizing multilingual resources. In conclusion, this study highlights that second language learners benefit from mathematics education when they actively engage in mathematical discussions conducted in different languages.
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Digitala spel i engelskundervisningen : en kunskapsöversikt om effekter, utmaningar och framtida perspektiv / Digital Games in English Language Teaching : A Review of Effects, Challenges, and Future PerspectivesHollender, Frans, Abed, Ahmed January 2023 (has links)
Skolor i Sverige har genom åren undergått betydande förändringar på grund av den ökande användningen av digitala verktyg. Läroplanen betonar idag vikten av digital kompetens som en nödvändig och jämlik resurs för alla elever. I linje med detta syftar denna kunskapsöversikt till att analysera, jämföra och presentera forskning som behandlar digitala spel i engelskundervisningen för elever i årskurs 4-6. I anslutning till detta ämnar översikten även undersöka huruvida användning av datorspel i klassrummet kan vara gynnsamt och vilka utmaningar det kan innebära. För att uppfylla syftet behandlas frågeställningen: vad kännetecknar forskningen om digitala spel i engelskundervisningen? Med avsikt att undersöka detta har vi tillämpat en systematisk metod som inkluderar urval av databaser, litteratursökning, urval av studier samt granskning och kartläggning av dessa. Resultaten indikerar att digitala spel kan förbättra både hörförståelse, läsning, skrivning och ordförrådsutveckling i det engelska språket. Studierna belyser även vikten av att anpassa lärandemiljöer för att möta individuella behov och betonar lärarens centrala roll. Samtidigt framhålls utmaningar, inklusive behovet av professionell utveckling i digital kompetens och varierande inställningar hos lärare och elever. Geografiska variationer, med en överrepresentation av asiatiska studier som betonar praktiskt genomförande, väcker frågor om generaliserbarhet. Vidare diskuteras implikationer för läraryrket gällande hur man potentiellt kan arbeta för att integrera digitala spel på ett meningsfullt sätt i klassrummet. Översiktens samlade resultat pekar på vikten av att framtida forskning inkluderar en mer balanserad framställning av elev- och lärarperspektiv och att i större utsträckning undersöka utmaningar och negativa aspekter kopplade till digitala spel i klassrummet. Detta inkluderar även en djupare utforskning av kulturella skillnader.
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Correct Me If I Am Wrong: Investigating The Preferences In Error Correction Among Adult English Language LearnersSmith, Hillary 01 January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the existence the educational backgrounds of adult English Language Learners and their preferences in error correction. Fifty participants completed surveys of their educational and demographic backgrounds and beliefs about error correction, and then ranked video clips of different types of error correction in terms of perceived usefulness. The survey examined the affective impact of oral error correction and students' preferences regarding which errors merited correction and when and how these errors should be corrected. Participants with differing educational backgrounds expressed similar beliefs concerning the error correction and similar perceptions of the affective impact of CF. The findings of this study indicated that teachers may run more risk of disappointing students by not meeting their expectations than they do of causing them a negative emotional experience through correction.
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Effective methods of parent-teacher communication for teachers of english language learnersAlfonzo-Reyes, Luzeana 01 May 2012 (has links)
Families from all over the world come to the United States for a new beginning. More often than not, these families speak little or no English. A challenge that teachers face every day is trying to communicate with children and their families who speak little or no English. Following a review of the various forms of communication and types of parental involvement, a survey was created. This survey was completed by elementary teachers in a local lower socioeconomic area elementary school with a high mobility rates and high levels of English Language Learner (ELL) students. The results of this study will offer the most effective ways teachers can openly communicate with families who speak little or no English. The results suggest that although vital, communication between the parents of ELL students and the teacher varies from teacher to teacher. Additionally, having resources available to teachers at the school and using the resources available allows parents and teachers to communicate effectively.
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The Impact of Summer Programs on the English Language Scores of Migrant Children in Northwest OhioSchmitt, Ann M. 20 April 2017 (has links)
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Increasing Content Accessibility: An Evaluation of the Support Demands of ELLs in the Comprehension of Informational TextsFite, Nathan M. January 2017 (has links)
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A Comparison of the Effects of Repeated Readings with and without Live Model Listening Preview on Reading Fluency and Comprehension for English Language LearnersBerry, Laura January 2010 (has links)
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A Comparison of Individual and Dyad Instruction for Spanish-Speaking SiblingsUhrig, Ashley 29 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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