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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingová strategie malé firmy / Marketing Strategy of a Small Company

Boroňová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on developing a common communication strategy of Mortimer English Club Praha 4, a branch of a franchise language school that provides English courses for children and adults. The thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical one and a practical one. The theoretical part deals with the process of developing the company's strategy that would lead to the fulfillment of business objectives using information acquired with situational analysis. The second part applies the steps of this procedure to the subject of research. The outcome of the thesis is a recommendation on what target group the language school should focus, together with a list of communication channels with which it can reach it.

Wie Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen Kunst kommunizieren

Kemper, Karolin-Martha 22 July 2021 (has links)
In den heutigen Industrienationen wird für die erfolgreiche Integration in die Gesellschaft jedoch ein hohes Maß an Kommunikations-, Lese- und Schreib-kompetenzen vorausgesetzt. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, ob Menschen, die nicht ausreichend über diese Kompetenzen verfügen, angemessen in der Gesellschaft integriert sind. Insofern ist Inklusion in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft ein allgegenwärtiges Thema. Das Pilotprojekt „Barrierefreie Kommunikation im Albertinum“ ermöglicht einen Einblick in die Kommunikationsweise von Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen. Mit dieser Zielgruppe wurden Gespräche über sechs verschiedene Kunstobjekte geführt. In dieser Arbeit steht die Skulptur „Ever After“ von Tony Cragg im Vordergrund. Die dazu aufgezeichneten Gespräche werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit analysiert. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen Kunst kommunizieren. Der Begriff der Kommunikation stellt das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Arbeit dar. Lenken Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen das Gespräch? Nehmen sie Ko-Konstruktionen vor? Kann eine Imagearbeit festgestellt werden? In der Gesprächsforschung gibt es bereits Studien, an deren Theorien und Ergebnissen sich orientiert wird. In der Linguistik werden Gespräche oft an natürlichen und authentischen Alltagsgesprächen untersucht und daraus leitet man bestimmte Kommunikations-Schemata ab. In dieser Arbeit werden insbesondere jene Schemata behandelt, die ein hohes Maß an kommunikativen und gesprächsstrategischen Kompetenzen erfordern. Hierunter zählen die Gesprächsmuster, als auch die Verfahren der Gesprächssteuerung und der Imagearbeit. In der Analyse wird geprüft, ob und wie Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen diese anwenden. Des Weiteren tritt die Thematik Kunst in den Blickpunkt und wie sich die Proband:innen mit dem Kunstwerk auseinandersetzen. Welche Assoziationen haben sie zu dem Kunstwerk? Was sagen sie zum Herstellungsprozess? Nehmen sie eine Bewertung des Kunstwerkes vor? Diesen Fragen wird nachgegangen, um zu analysieren, inwiefern der Gesprächsgegenstand Kunst die Kommunikation der Proband:innen beeinflusst und ob sie ein Verständnis dafür entwickeln.:1. Einleitung 3 2. Das Pilotprojekt im Albertinum 6 2.1 Barrierefreie Kommunikation im Albertinum 6 2.2 Das Kunstwerk „Ever After“ von Tony Cragg 7 3. Theoretische Grundlagen 9 3.1 Kognitive Einschränkungen 9 3.2 Die Gesprächsanalyse 12 3.2.1 Einführung und Definitionen 12 3.2.2 Gesprächsmuster 15 3.2.3 Verfahren der Gesprächssteuerung 18 3.2.4 Imagearbeit 22 3.2.5 Transkription 24 3.3 Kunst kommunizieren 26 3.3.1 Situatives Kunstgespräch 26 3.3.2 Sprachliche Mittel und Verfahren 26 3.3.3 Vergleich der Analyse 28 4. Praxisbezogener Teil 29 4.1 Informationen zu den Probanden 29 4.2 Qualitative Gesprächsanalyse 29 4.2.1 Gesprächsmuster 31 4.2.2 Gesprächssteuerung 38 4.2.3 Imagearbeit 47 4.3 Kunst kommunizieren 52 4.3.1 Situatives Kunstgespräch 52 4.3.2 Sprachliche Mittel und Verfahren 53 4.3.2 Vergleich der Analyse 58 5. Schlussteil 60 6. Literaturverzeichnis 63 7. Anhang 66

Logopedická prevence u začínajících školáků / Speech Therapy Prevention for the Pupils in the Beginning of School Attendance

Jiráková, Kamila January 2021 (has links)
JIRÁKOVÁ, Kamila. Speech Therapy Prevention for the Pupils in the Beginning of School Attendance [Diploma thesis]. Prague: Faculty od Education, 2020. 98 s. The diploma thesis deals with the speech therapy prevention for the pupils in the beginning of school attendance. It is based on theoretical knowledge in this field and linked to research. A part of the diploma thesis and the research survey is an author's guide for teachers which aims to improve the ability to analyse pupil's speech and deficits in the language levels and to focus on its development. The aim of the diploma thesis is to motivate first grade teachers to a targeted and comprehensive analysis of their students' speech and to verify whether the guide for teachers is a suitable tool for improving this competence. The theoretical part defines the concept of communication and deals with speech as a complex ability in their four language levels. Attention is paid to speech therapy prevention, especially to the basic areas of speech therapy prevention and the importance and benefits of primary speech therapy prevention. It also outlines the possibility of using current children's literature in relation to speech therapy prevention. The chapter itself is then devoted to the pupils in the beginning of school attendance, their speech...

Sociální užití komunikačních schopností u uživatelů pobytových sociálních služeb / Social use of communication by clients of residental care

Žáčková, Odeta January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of special education. It deals with the definition of basic knowledge in interpersonal communication and speech development in general, and especially in symptomatic speech disorders in people with mental disabilities. In context of communication, it presents four language levels with focus on the pragmatic language and the social-use communication. This thesis connects knowledge of intact speech development with speech development in children with intellectual disabilities, and knowledge of the pragmatic language level with the specifics of pragmatics of people with intellectual disabilities. The research of this thesis is produced by the interpretation of the results obtained by using the evaluation material which was created for this thesis - it is based on theoretical knowledge and inspired by evaluation materials of other authors. The research surveys the level of pragmatic language as a social use of communication among people using residential social services, specifically one home for people with disabilities. The conclusion of the thesis is the evaluation of the partial parts of pragmatic language level in persons with intellectual disabilities and recommendations for practice in improving the deficiencies on this level. During the evaluation, it was...

Langfristige Verankerung der englischen Sprache in mittelständischen Unternehmen : Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für das Personalmanagement /

Lévy-Tödter, Magdalène. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss. 2006--Hamburg, 2006, u.d.T.: Levy-Tödter, Magdalene: Ein Konzept für die Weiterbildung von Personalverantwortlichen mittelständischer Unternehmen im Bereich Fremdsprachenförderung - am Beispiel des Maschinenbaus.

Jona och Isa stannar hemma idag... : - en kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av språk och kommunikation i samband med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Jona and Isa stays home today ... : - a qualitative study on the importance of language and communication in connection with problematic school absence

Sahlin, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker orsaker till problematisk skolfrånvaro, hur språk och kommunikation kan ha betydelse för problematisk skolfrånvaro, samt hur mönstret kan brytas och frånvaro vändas till närvaro. I studien avgränsas undersökningen till problematisk skolfrånvaro kopplad till elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Undersökningen vill ta reda på hur några skolor i en kommun arbetar kring elever i problematisk skolfrånvaro, om det finns en särskild handlingsplan för detta och huruvida man agerar utifrån den. Teoretisk ram för studien utgörs av relationellt specialpedagogiskt perspektiv, samt relationell pedagogik. Studiens data samlades in genom tre formella, semistrukturerade och djupgående intervjuer med vårdnadshavare, samt två surveyundersökningar online i form av enkäter, en till rektorer och en till specialpedagoger och lärare som arbetar med problematisk skolfrånvaro. Konklusionen i studien synliggör betydelsen av tidiga insatser, genuina relationer, samt individanpassade åtgärder. Resultaten visade att många orsaker till problematisk frånvaro samverkar, att språk och kommunikation är en central del i denna problematik, att skolor har goda rutiner och handlingsplaner vid problematisk frånvaro, samt att vikten av personliga relationer och specialpedagogisk kompetens i mötet med dessa barn behöver utvecklas. / This study investigates the causes of problematic school absence, how language and communication can be important for problematic school absence, as well as how the pattern can be broken and turn absence to attendance. In the investigation, the study is delimited to problematic school absence linked to students with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF). The survey wants to find out how some schools in a municipality are working on students with problematic school absence if there is a specific action plan for this and whether they act on the basis of it. Theoretical framework for the study consists of a relational special pedagogical perspective, as well as relational pedagogy. The study data was collected through three formal, semi-structured and in-depth interviews with custodians, as well as two surveys online, one to the rectors and one to special educators and teachers who work with problematic school absence. The study concludes the importance of early efforts, genuine relationships, as well as individualized measures. The results showed that many causes of problematic absence co-operate, that language and communication are key parts of this problem, that schools have good practices and action plans in case of problematic absence, and that the importance of personal relationships and special educational skills in meeting with these children needs to be developed.

Moc jazyka ve výchovné metodě "Respektovat a být respektován" / Power of Language in "To Respect and To Be Respected" educational method

Fialová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the power of language and the relation between language and thought, perception and experience. The topic is viewed through the "Respektovat a být respektován" (To Respect and To Be Respected) educational method. The main assumption of this method is that the way the parent communicates with the child affects educational success as well as the behaviour of the child and the values and attitude he or she will have as an adult. This premise is empirically tested by interviews with parents and observations in families, which show how the specific way of communication (which is based on particular grammatical and pragmatic rules) influences the behaviour and experience of both the child and the parent.

Evoluce komunikačních činností u žáků 1.-3. ročníku na základní škole / Evolution of Communication Activities for Pupils in Grades 1-3 at primary school

Babušová, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: The Evolution of Communication Activities for Pupils in Grades 1-3 at primary school AUTHOR: Mgr. Gabriela Babušová DEPARTMENT: Department of Czech Language, Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Eva Hájková, CSc. ABSTRACT: The thesis titled "The Evolution of communication activities for pupils in grades 1-3 at primary school" based on the existing knowledge on the topic present their own knowledge through research, which focuses on the area of communication education, the development of communication activities in the educational process, and the education of Czech and Vietnamese pupils in the educational area of the language and the language of communication. In the theoretical part of the thesis systematize the existing knowledge relating to the topic and consider them starting points for the development. The main objective of the work, based on the empirical investigation, is to create and present an evolution of communication activities for pupils of younger school age during their first training period with regard to the education of pupils from the Vietnamese ethnicity. The research topic is further divided into intermediate objectives, to whose fulfillment the work is going. The practical part is focused on the description of the project research, research...

Ordförrådsintervention för flerspråkiga skolbarn i språklig sårbarhet : En kombination av ordskattsamling och interaktiv bokläsning

Sällberg, Rebecca, Höglund, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Språklig sårbarhet uppstår i situationer där omgivningens krav och förväntningar inte överensstämmer med de språkliga förutsättningar som finns hos en individ. Flerspråkiga barn med bristande exponering på sina språk riskerar att hamna i språklig sårbarhet och saknar ofta basordförråd på svenska, vilket påverkar senare läs- och skrivinlärning. För att hjälpa dessa barn att utveckla ordförrådet krävs direkta interventionsmetoder. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om en ordförrådsintervention som utgår från metoderna Interaktiv bokläsning och Ordskattsamling har en effekt på utvecklingen av basordförrådet på svenska hos flerspråkiga barn i språklig sårbarhet. Studien syftade även till att utvärdera om barnen har tillägnat sig ordinlärningsstrategier efter interventionen. Studien inkluderade 26 deltagare, varav 18 slutförde studien. Deltagarna fördelades till en interventionsgrupp och en kontrollgrupp. Samtliga barns ordförråd undersöktes före och efter interventionsperioden genom tre olika test: Semantiskt ordflöde med kategorin djur, deltestet Likheter 1 ur CELF-4 samt ett ordskattningstest. Resultatet visade att barnen som tog del av interventionen tillägnade sig fler nya ord och strategier för ordinlärning jämfört med kontrollgruppen. Resultaten visade ingen förbättring gällande ordmobilisering eller förmåga att kunna se samband mellan ord inom samma semantiska kategori, mätt med standardiserade test. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten i föreliggande studie att Interaktiv bokläsning och Ordskattsamling i kombination med fördel kan användas för att stötta ordförrådsutvecklingen hos elever i språklig sårbarhet.

En el Centro, on the Fringes of Belonging: Lessons from the Everyday Agents of Literacy in a University Partnership Between the United States and Colombia

Garrett Ivan Colon (19206919) 27 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The existing landscape of collaboration and partnership-based research involving university writing centers primarily explores joint initiatives with campus libraries, academic programs, and high schools designed to support a variety of student learning objectives. This project is motivated by the increasing demand for partnerships between institutions of higher education across national borders and responds to a critical gap in writing center collaboration research involving international partners and identity-affirming campus partners to support the literacy and language learning needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Through the lens of a multi-institutional partnership between Colombia and the United States, the study draws on the insights and experiences of staff, tutors, and administrators from two writing centers at partner institutions in Colombia and a Latino cultural center at a university in the United States offering multilingual support programming. Qualitative findings support ideas for the development of collaborative visions between partners and suggest implications for individual and collective agency in partnership settings. Based on participant input about student experiences with language politics, sense of belonging, and access to support on campus, this study also proposes recommendations for building accompliceships with partners through a critical collaborative approach aimed at developing intercultural competence and a mindfulness of difference in writing mentorship.</p>

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