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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tripolární dělení - morfokinetické hodnocení embryonálního vývoje pomocí time-lapse systému / Tripolar cell cleavage - morphokinetic evaluation of the human embryo development by the time-lapse system

Jandová, Oldřiška January 2018 (has links)
The principle of time-lapse system is based on the continuous sensing of the development of the pre-implantation embryo and the assessment of its morphology. This is advantageous in assessing the quality and implantation potential of embryos, which are subsequently evaluated according to certain established criteria. This gives the opportunity to select the highest quality embryo to be implanted into the mother's womb during embryo transfer. This system also allows us to detect any abnormalities in embryo development. This is very important, because the occurrence of abnormalities in early embryonic cell division is quite common. Morphological evaluation of embryos indicates a high incidence of tripolar mitosis during this early embryo development. The result of this division is three blastomers instead of two, which is associated with an irregular chromosome separation, each of them may contain a different number of chromosomes. In the case where conventional embryo observation is used to observe embryo morphology at longer intervals, it may be that the changes associated with tripolar mitosis are not detected at all, and such embryos appear to be falsely prosperous and are often selected for transfer. This can have serious consequences in the case of implantation, because these embryos are not...

Novel culture and organoid technologies to study mammalian kidney development

Saarela, U. (Ulla) 19 March 2018 (has links)
Abstract Kidney diseases affect an increasing number of people worldwide, and there is a growing demand to develop new treatments and increase the number of transplantable organs. New treatments can be designed when new knowledge is gained by studying the details of kidney development. The ex vivo culture techniques have been used for over a century to study the development of kidneys, but they are not optimal for long-term imaging and following the nephrogenesis process over time. Kidney organoids, which are cellular aggregates resembling the in vivo kidney, together with intact embryonic kidneys, present a platform for these studies. However, there are limitations when working with primary embryonic kidney cells. Primary embryonic metanephric mesenchymal cells are usually low in number and lose the ability to undergo nephrogenesis rapidly. New ways to culture, biobank, and transfect cells can offer ways for functional testing of the effects of different genes on the nephrogenesis. This study presents new tools for studying nephrogenesis. Time-lapse imaging of organ development may be enhanced by using a Fixed Z-direction (FiZD) culture system where the kidney explant is grown in a restricted 70μm space. The technique enables the segmentation of the individual cells in a two-dimensional image and a dynamic analysis of the time-lapse data. This study also presents a technique of dissociation and reaggregation of the uninduced kidney metanephric mesenchyme (MM). With this novel method of culturing the dissociated MM cells in a growth factor medium for 24 hours, the cells can keep their competence for nephrogenesis. This technique allows the genetic manipulation of the MM cells before the induction to form nephrons, allowing functional testing of genes in the metanephric mesenchyme. This study further presents different techniques for gene editing of MM cells and introduces biobanking of primary kidney cells. It is shown here that the MM and ureteric bud (UB) cells have the capability to remember their fates and build nephron-like structures or continue branching after the cryopreservation in the liquid nitrogen. The methods introduced here provide new ways to create kidney organoids, manipulate their genome, and biobank the primary embryonic kidney cells. The developed FiZD culture system enhances the imaging of kidney development compared to the previously used culture methods. Using this method, the morphogenesis of the developing kidney can be followed more precisely, even in a single cell level. This culture method may also be used to culturing other organs, such as ovary, and may help provide insights into the development of other tissues as well. / Tiivistelmä Munuaissairauksiin sairastuvien määrä on lisääntynyt maailmanlaajuisesti, ja se on aikaansaanut tarpeen uusien hoitokeinojen sekä siirtoelimien kehitykseen. Näiden kehittämiseksi tarvitsemme uutta tietoa munuaisen kehityksestä ja toiminnasta. Munuaisen kehitystä on tutkittu ex vivo -viljelyn avulla jo yli vuosisadan ajan, mutta nykyiset elinviljelytekniikat eivät ole kuitenkaan optimaalisia pitkäkestoiseen time-lapse-kuvaukseen. Tässä työssä käytetään munuaisen kehityksen tutkimiseen hiiren alkion munuaisia sekä munuaisorganoideja, jotka ovat munuaissoluista koostuvia ja aitoa munuaista mallintavia soluaggregaatteja. Primaaristen munuaissolujen käyttöön sisältyy rajoitteita, ja tämä luo tarpeen uusien organoiditekniikoiden kehitykseen ja optimointiin. Primaarisia munuaissoluja on yleensä käytettävissä pieniä määriä, ja ne eivät myöskään sovellu pitkäkestoiseen kasvatukseen, koska ne menettävät nopeasti kykynsä muodostaa nefroneita. Uusien tekniikoiden avulla voidaan parantaa näiden solujen kasvatusta, säilytystä ja transfektointia ja edistää eri geenien vaikutuksia tutkivat funktionaaliset testaukset. Tässä tutkimuksessa esitetään uusia työkaluja nefrogeneesin tutkimiseen. Elinten kehitystä seuraavan time-lapse-kuvauksen laatua voidaan parantaa käyttämällä tässä työssä esitettyä FiZD-kasvatusmenetelmää, jossa munuaiseksplantti kasvaa rajoitetussa 70μm:n tilassa. Kuvat ovat korkealaatuisia, ja se mahdollistaa 2D-kuvan yksittäisten solujen segmentoinnin ja solujen liikkeiden dynaamisen analyysin. Lisäksi tässä tutkimuksessa esitetään ei-indusoidun munuaismesenkyymin käsittelyyn kehitetty dissosiaatio- ja reaggregaatiomenetelmä. Munuaisen kehityksen alkuvaiheessa on mahdollistaerottaa nefroneja muodostava metanefrinen mesenkyymi (MM) sekä munuaisen kokoajaputkiston muodostava ureterin silmu. Metanefrinen mesenkyymi voidaan hajottaa yksisolususpensioksi, säilyttää 24 tuntia kasvutekijämediumissa ja tämän jälkeen reaggregoida ja indusoida muodostamaan nefroneita. Tämä tekniikka mahdollistaa MM-solujen geneettisen muokkauksen, ennen kuin munuaisen kehitys alkaa. Tämä tekniikka mahdollistaa myös dissosioitujen MM solujen geneettiset muokkaukset. Geenien yliekspression tai hiljentämisen avulla voidaan tehdä funktionaalisia kokeita näiden muutosten vaikutuksesta nefrogeneesiin. Lisäksi tässä työssä esitetään munuaisprogenitorisolujen säilömistä syväjäädytyksellä. Munuaisprogenitorisolut voidaan säilöä nestetyppeen, minkä jälkeen ne ovat edelleen kykeneviä muodostamaan nefronirakenteita tai haarautumaan. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä esitettyjen menetelmien avulla on tulevaisuudessa mahdollista saada lisätietoa munuaisten kehitysprosessista. Kehitetty FiZD-kasvatusmenetelmä parantaa munuaisen kehityksen kuvantamista ja mahdollistaa yksittäisten solujen seuraamisen. Tämä kasvatusmenetelmä sopii myös muiden elinten, kuten munarauhasten, ja kudosten kasvatukseen, ja sen avulla voidaan saada tietoa myös niiden kehityksestä.

Aplicação de microscopia de série temporal para o estudo da expressão gênica e montagem do divisomo em Bacillus subtilis / Aplications of time-lapse microscopy to study gene expression thoughout cell cycle and divisome assembly in Bacillus subtilis

Theopi Alexandra Varvakis Rados 21 May 2013 (has links)
A divisão celular nas bactérias requer a formação do divisomo, um complexo protéico que tem como o primeira etapa a polimerização da proteína FtsZ, seguida pela associação de 15 outras proteínas conhecidas. Os mecanismos envolvidos na regulação espacial do divisomo são bem caracterizados, mas o controle temporal da divisão celular em relação a outros eventos do ciclo, como a replicação do cromossomo, segue controversa. Neste trabalho, aplicamos a metodologia de microscopia de série temporal para estudar duas questões fundamentais do processo de divisão: a montagem do complexo que executa a divisão e a possibilidade da oscilação periódica na expressão de um ou mais genes envolvidos em divisão possa participar do controle temporal da montagem do divisomo. Para investigar se há oscilação da expressão gênica, construímos inicialmente variantes instáveis GFP através da adição de sequências peptídicas C-terminais que encaminham para a degradação em B. subtilis e utilizamos estes repórteres para criar fusões transcricionais sob o controle de promotores de genes centrais do processo de divisão. Depois de otimizar as condições de microscopia de série temporal com fusões transcricionais usando a variante instável GFPAISV, observamos que a autofluorescência de B. subtilis interferia nas nossas quantificações. Como forma de contornar a autofluorescência, construímos então fusões transcricionais com duas variantes de YFP (proteína fluorescente amarela) e optamos por trabalhar com Ypet-AISV. A análise de filmes de células individuais, tanto com fusões a GFPAISV como a Ypet-AISV, indicou que apenas o promotor do operon ftsL-pbpB apresentava um padrão de oscilação significativamente diferente de um promotor artificial usado como controle negativo. Esta hipótese, no entanto, não foi confirmada por medidas estáticas de populações de células nas quais correlacionamos intensidade de fluorescência com posição no ciclo celular. Portanto, nossos dados não foram capazes de evidenciar flutuações na expressão dos genes ftsL-pbpB, minCD, ftsZ, ftsA e zapA ao longo do ciclo celular. Para estudar a cinética de montagem divisomo foram realizados experimentos de microscopia de série temporal de FtsZ-mCherry e Pbp2B-GFP, onde observamos que a associação de Pbp2B ao divisomo ocorre 3 minutos após a formação do anel de FtsZ em meio rico e 4 minutos em meio mínimo. Também realizamos experimentos de microscopia de série temporal com uma cepa contendo FtsZ-YFP e DivIVA-CFP, determinando que DivIVA é incorporado ao divisomo 16 minutos após a formação do anel de FtsZ em meio rico e 20 minutos em meio mínimo. Estes dados confirmam que a montagem do divisomo ocorre em três etapas, e não duas, como anteriormente proposto. / Cell division in bacteria requires the formation of the divisome, a protein complex that has as the first step polymerization of FtsZ, followed by the assembly of 15 other known proteins. The mechanisms that underlie spatial regulation of divisome assembly have been largely elucidated, but the temporal control that ties the timing of cell division to other cell cycle events, such as chromosomal replication, remains surrounded by controversy. In this work, we use time-lapse microscopy to address two issues in B. subtilis cell division: the timing of divisome assembly, and the possibility that a periodic oscillation in expression of one or more genes essential for divisome assembly may play a role in defining the timing of cell division. To study the possibility of oscilation in gene expression, we have first built unstable variants of GFP by adding to its C-terminus peptide sequences that target the protein for degradation and used those variants to build transcriptional fusions to access the promoter activity of core cell division genes. After optimizing time-lapse conditions with transcriptional fusions to cell divison genes with the unstable GFPAISV, we observed that B. subtilis autofluorescence was an issue to our quantifications. To improve our signal-to-noise ratio, we built transcriptional fusions with two variants of YFP (Yellow Fluorescent Protein), and decided to work with Ypet. In our single-cell analysis for GFPAISV and for Ypet-AISV, only the ftsL operon promoter presented an oscilating pattern different from our negative control. This was not confirmed, however, when we attempted to correlate fluorescence signal with cell cycle position in static single-cell measurements. Thus, we conclude that that there are no fluctuations in ftsL, pbpB, minCD, ftsZ, ftsA or zapA gene expression throughout the cell cycle. To study divisome assembly we performed time-lapse microscopy of FtsZ-mCherry and Pbp2B-GFP, and determined that the association of Pbp2B occurs 3 minutes after FtsZ polymerization in rich medium and 4 minutes in minimal medium. We also performed time-lapse microscopy with FtsZ-YFP and DivIVA-CFP, determining that DivIVA is incorporated to the divisome in 16 minutes after FtsZ polymerization in rich medium and 20 minutes in minimal medium. This data confirms the assembly of the divisome in three steps rather than two, as previously proposed.

Deciphering intrinsic and extrinsic machinery underlying collective glia migration using Drosophila as a model organism / Caractérisation de la machinerie controlant la migration collective de la glie en utilisant la Drosophile comme modèle

Gupta-Bosch, Tripti 11 March 2016 (has links)
La capacité remarquable des neurones et des cellules gliales à migrer collectivement sur de longues distances assure l’architecture finale du cerveau. Ce processus est extrêmement dynamique et dépend non seulement de l’interaction entre les cellules mais aussi de la présence de facteurs de transcriptions spécifiques au sein de la cellule migrante. Les protéines d’adhésion comme les cadhérines et les chimioattractants/chimiorépulsifs sont connus pour réguler et guider la migration. Si le mode d’action de ces molécules a été extensivement étudié, les cascades de signalisation qui déclenchent le chimiotropisme sont loin d’être élucidées. Au cours de mon doctorat, j’ai analysé la régulation et le rôle d’un récepteur des chimioattractant au cours de la migration de la glie. Pour ceci j’ai utilisé le modèle du développement de la chaine gliale dans l’aile de la drosophile qui représente un outil de choix pour étudier les mécanismes moléculaires régulant la migration collective. / The remarkable ability of neurons and glia to undergo long distance and collective migration ensures the final architecture and function of the brain. This is an extremely dynamic process that not only depends on cell interactions, but also on the presence of specific transcription factors in the migrating cells. Adhesion molecules such as classic cadherins and chemoattractants/repellants are known to regulate directional migration, however, how are these pathways regulated is largely unknown. While the role of these molecules controlling cell interactions has been extensively investigated, the signaling cascades that trigger chemotropism are not understood. During the course of my PhD I have analyzed the role of an adhesion molecule and the impact of a chemoattractant receptor regulated by an early transcription factor in the process. The glial chain in a developing Drosophila wing provides an excellent tool to study the molecular pathway underlying collective migration.

Dynamique réactionnelle d'antibiotiques au sein des biofilms de Staphylococcus aureus : apport de la microscopie de fluorescence multimodale / Dynamic reactivity of antibiotics inside Staphylococcus aureus biofilms : contribution of multimodal fluorescence microscopy

Daddi Oubekka, Samia 30 January 2012 (has links)
Les bactéries forment des communautés spatiales adhérentes à des surfaces, appelées biofilms. Ces organisations bactériennes sont omniprésentes dans les milieux naturel, industriel et médical et peuvent porter atteinte à notre santé lorsqu’elles hébergent des agents pathogènes, parmi lesquels le médiatique Staphylococcus aureus sur lequel a porté l’ensemble de ce travail de thèse. Cette bactérie est l’une des principales causes d’infections chroniques, mais également d’infections nosocomiales, impliquant le plus souvent des biofilms. Il est aujourd’hui reconnu qu’une telle biostructure est un véritable bouclier à l’action des antimicrobiens et à celle du système immunitaire. Outre les résistances génétiques des bactéries pathogènes aux antibiotiques, l’hétérogénéité chimique et biologique de la structure tridimensionnelle des biofilms pourrait être à l’origine de ces phénomènes de tolérance et de chronicité d’infections. C’est à cette problématique que se rattache ce travail de thèse concernant l’action de la vancomycine sur des biofilms de S. aureus. Alors que les connaissances sur la réactivité de cet antibiotique clef avec S. aureus proviennent essentiellement d’études réalisées sur des cellules planctoniques, l’originalité de notre approche a été d’étudier la diffusion-réaction de la vancomycine in situ dans l’épaisseur des biofilms en utilisant en particulier des outils avancés de microscopie de fluorescence (Time-Lapse, FLIM, FRAP, et FCS). Nous avons ainsi évalué sa biodisponibilité dans la matrice d’exopolymères, ainsi que l’impact de la physiologie spécifique des bactéries incluses en biofilms sur l’activité de cet antibiotique, utilisé seul ou en association avec la rifampicine. Cette approche multidisciplinaire a permis une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans la singulière tolérance de ces biostructures à l’action des antibiotiques, et de souligner l’urgence de développer des approches préventives telles que le diagnostic précoce des infections impliquant des biofilms. / Bacteria form architecturally complex communities adherent to surfaces, known as biofilms. These structured living cells are ubiquitous and found in natural, industrial and medical environments. They can affect our health when they host pathogens as the well known Staphylococcus aureus species which constitute the main purpose of this thesis. This bacteria is one of the major causes of chronic and nosocomial infections, most often involving biofilms. It is now recognized that such biostructure is a true shield against the action of antimicrobial agents and the host immune system. In addition to the genetic resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics, the chemical and biological heterogeneity of biofilms could be the cause of these phenomena of tolerance and apparition of chronic infections. This work aimed at studying of the action of vancomycin on S. aureus biofilms. While the knowledge on the reactivity of this key antibiotic with S. aureus bacteria comes mainly from studies of planktonic cells, the originality of our approach was to study the diffusion-reaction processes of vancomycin in situ in the thickness of biofilms using particularly advanced fluorescence imaging tools (Time-Lapse, FLIM, FRAP and FCS). We thus assess its bioavailability in the exopolymeric matrix, and the impact of the cell physiology of bacteria included in biofilms on the activity of this antibiotic when used alone or in combination with rifampicin. This multidisciplinary approach has allowed a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the particular tolerance of these biostructures to the action of antibiotics, and underlines the emergency to develop preventive approaches such as early diagnosis of infections involving biofilms.

Analyses of kidney organogenesis through <em>in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em> approaches:generation of conditional Wnt4 mouse models and a method for applying inducible Cre-recombination for kidney organ culture

Jokela, T. (Tiina) 07 May 2013 (has links)
Abstract In mice, gene targeting has become a useful tool for resolving the functions of proteins and for creating new animal models. Cre/loxP technology has been used broadly for generation of genetically modified mice. The Cre recombinase recognizes a specific DNA sequence, called loxP, and removes any DNA fragment between two loxP-sites. The activity of the Cre recombinase can be controlled spatially and temporally with cell- or tissue-specific promoters and synthetic inducing agents, such as tamoxifen or tetracycline. In this thesis, we employed tamoxifen-induced Cre recombination in vitro. Cre-ERTM mice were crossed to ROSA26LacZ reporters and Cre-recombination induced by 4OH-TM was monitored by LacZ staining. 0.5 μM 4OH-TM treatment was competent for tamoxifen-induced Cre-mediated activation of LacZ both in kidney cultures and in experimentally induced kidney mesenchymes. Wnt4 is a secreted signaling molecule, which is necessary for the development of several organs including kidney, ovary, adrenal gland, mammary and pituitary glands. Wnt4 is crucial for kidney development and conventional Wnt4-/- mice die soon after birth, likely due to renal failure. In this thesis, two different Wnt4 alleles, Wnt4EGFPCre and floxed Wnt4, were generated and analyzed to learn more about the Wnt4 functions and to apply these mouse lines to renal functional genomics. In the Wnt4EGFPCre, the EGFPCre fusion cDNA was targeted into exon I of the Wnt4 locus. EGFP-derived fluorescence was observed in the pretubular aggregates from E12.5 embryonic kidney onwards. Further characterization by crossing with the floxed ROSA26LacZ and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) reporter lines demonstrated that in addition to the kidney, reporter expression was observed in the gonad, spinal cord, lung and the adrenal gland. The expression pattern of the Cre activity recapitulates well the known pattern of the Wnt4 gene. Time-lapse analysis in organ culture settings showed that the Wnt4 expressing cells contributed to the nephrons, some cells near the stalk of the developing ureter, as well as a number of positive supposed medullary stromal cells. In the conditional Wnt4 knock-out, loxP sites were placed to flank exons 3 to 5. The Wnt4 gene was specifically inactivated with CAGCre and Wnt4EGFPCre lines. In both of these crosses deletion of Wnt4 gene function led to impaired kidney development. In conclusion, we identified the culture conditions that can be used for the tamoxifen-induced conditional mutagenesis in tissue cultures. In addition, the created Wnt4 mouse lines serve as new useful tools for addressing the roles of Wnt4 function in diverse tissues and in different stages of development. / Tiivistelmä Hiirillä geenikohdennuksesta on muodostunut hyödyllinen väline proteiinien tehtävien selvittämisessä ja uusien eläinmallien luomisessa. Cre/loxP -tekniikkaa on käytetty laajasti muuntogeenisten hiirien tuottamisessa. Cre-rekombinaasi tunnistaa spesifisen DNA-jakson, niin kutsutun loxP:n, ja poistaa kaikki DNA-jaksot kahden loxP-sekvenssin väliltä. Cre-rekombinaasin aktiivisuutta voidaan säädellä paikallisesti ja ajallisesti solu- tai kudosspesifisillä promoottoreilla ja synteettisillä indusoivilla kemikaaleilla, kuten tamoksifeenillä tai tetrasykliinillä. Tässä väitöskirjassa hyödynsimme tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaa Cre-rekombinaatiota in vitro -kudosviljelmissä. Cre-ERTM-hiirilinja risteytettiin ROSA26LacZ-reportterilinjan kanssa, ja 4-hydroksitamoksifeenin indusoima Cre-rekombinaasin aktiivisuutta monitoroitiin LacZ–värjäyksellä. 0.5&#160;µM:n 4OH-TM konsentraatiolla LacZ-reportterigeeni saatiin aktivoitua tehokkaasti Cre-rekombinaasin avulla sekä munuaisviljelmissä että munuaismesenkyymiviljelmissä. Wnt4 on erittyvä signalointimolekyyli, jolla on keskeinen rooli useiden elinten, kuten munuaisen, munasarjan, lisämunuaisen, rintarauhasen ja aivolisäkkeen kehittymisessä. Wnt4-geenillä on ratkaisevan tärkeä rooli munuaisen kehityksessä, ja poistogeeninen Wnt4-/-hiiri kuolee pian syntymän jälkeen, todennäköisesti munuaisen vajaatoimintaan. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tuotettiin kaksi eri Wnt4 alleelia, Wnt4EGFPCre ja konditionaalinen Wnt4. Nämä hiirilinjat analysoitiin, jotta saisimme lisää tietoa Wnt4-geenin toiminnasta ja pystyisimme soveltamaan kyseisiä hiirikantoja munuaisten toiminnan selvittämisessä. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleelissa EGFPCre-fuusio -cDNA kohdennettiin osaksi endogeenisen Wnt4-geenin ykköseksonia. Vihreän fluoresoivan proteiinin (EGFP) aktiivisuus havaittiin varhaisen munuaisen kehityksen aikana. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleelin lisäkarakterisointi reportterilinjoilla (Rosa26LacZ ja Rosa26YFP) osoitti, että Wnt4-geenin ilmentyminen havaittiin munuaisen lisäksi sukurauhasissa, selkäytimessä, keuhkoissa sekä lisämunuaisessa. Wnt4EGFPCre-alleeli ilmentyi niissä kudoksissa, joissa endogeenisen Wnt4-geenin tiedetään olevan aktiivinen. Time-lapse -analyysin avulla osoitettiin, että Wnt4-geeniä ilmentävät solut muodostavat tiettyjä rakenteita munuaisen kehityksen aikana. Wnt4-geeni ilmentyi nefroneissa, kehittyvän virtsajohtimen soluissa sekä useissa medullaarisissa stroomasoluissa. Konditionaalisessa (ehdollisessa) Wnt4 knock-out-hiirilinjassa loxP-sekvenssit sijoitettiin eksonien kolme sekä viisi ympärille. Wnt4-geenin toiminta inaktivoitiin CAGCre- ja Wnt4EGFPCre-hiirilinjojen avulla. Näissä molemmissa tapauksissa Wnt4-geenin toiminnan poistaminen johti munuaisen kehityshäiriöön. Yhteenvetona voimme todeta, että olemme tunnistaneet ne kasvatusolosuhteet, joita voidaan hyödyntää, kun halutaan aktivoida reportterigeenejä tai kehityksen kannalta tärkeitä geenejä tamoksifeenin aiheuttamaa Cre/loxP -rekombinaatiota hyväksikäyttäen kudosviljelmissä. Samoja olosuhteita ja menetelmää käyttäen voidaan myös poistaa jonkun kehityksen kannalta tärkeän geenin toiminta ja tutkia sitä kudosviljelmässä. Tuotetut Wnt4-hiirikannat ovat lisäksi uusia hyödyllisiä työkaluja, kun halutaan tutkia Wnt4-geenin toimintaa erilaisissa kudoksissa ja eri kehitysvaiheiden aikana.

Time-lapse geophysical investigations over known archaeological features using electrical resistivity imaging and earth resistance

Fry, Robert James January 2014 (has links)
Electrical methods of geophysical survey are known to produce results that are hard to predict at different times of the year, and under differing weather conditions. This is a problem which can lead to misinterpretation of archaeological features under investigation. The dynamic relationship between a ‘natural’ soil matrix and an archaeological feature is a complex one, which greatly affects the success of the feature’s detection when using active electrical methods of geophysical survey. This study has monitored the gradual variation of measured resistivity over a selection of study areas. By targeting difficult to find, and often ‘missing’ electrical anomalies of known archaeological features, this study has increased the understanding of both the detection and interpretation capabilities of such geophysical surveys. A 16 month time-lapse study over 4 archaeological features has taken place to investigate the aforementioned detection problem across different soils and environments. In addition to the commonly used Twin-Probe earth resistance survey, electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) and quadrature electro-magnetic induction (EMI) were also utilised to explore the problem. Statistical analyses have provided a novel interpretation, which has yielded new insights into how the detection of archaeological features is influenced by the relationship between the target feature and the surrounding ‘natural’ soils. The study has highlighted both the complexity and previous misconceptions around the predictability of the electrical methods. The analysis has confirmed that each site provides an individual and nuanced situation, the variation clearly relating to the composition of the soils (particularly pore size) and the local weather history. The wide range of reasons behind survey success at each specific study site has been revealed. The outcomes have shown that a simplistic model of seasonality is not universally applicable to the electrical detection of archaeological features. This has led to the development of a method for quantifying survey success, enabling a deeper understanding of the unique way in which each site is affected by the interaction of local environmental and geological conditions.

Numerical simulation and interpretation of borehole fluid-production measurements

Frooqnia, Amir 18 September 2014 (has links)
Downhole production measurements are periodically acquired in hydrocarbon reservoirs to monitor and diagnose fluid movement in the borehole and the near-borehole region. However, because of the complexity involved with physical modeling and numerical implementation of borehole and formation multiphase flow behavior, inference of near-borehole petrophysical properties from production measurements is limited to simplified single-phase reservoir models. This dissertation develops a new transient coupled borehole-formation fluid flow algorithm to numerically simulate two-phase production logs (PL) acquired across heterogeneous rock formations penetrated by vertical and deviated boreholes. Subsequently, the coupled flow algorithm is used to estimate relevant dynamic petrophysical properties from borehole production measurements. The developed reservoir-borehole fluid flow model is based on an isothermal, one-dimensional (borehole axis) version of two-fluid formulation that simulates simultaneous flow of two fluid phases in oil-water, oil-gas, and gas-water flowing systems. Linkage of borehole and formation fluid flow models is carried out by introducing additional source terms into borehole mass conservation equations. Transient simulation of two-phase production measurements indicates the presence of borehole cross-flow when performing a shut-in test across differentially-depleted multilayer reservoirs. In a two-layer synthetic reservoir model penetrated by a vertical borehole, only two hours of through-the-borehole cross-communication of differentially-depleted layers gives rise to more than 14% increase in volume-averaged oil-phase relative permeability of the low-pressure layer. Simulated borehole fluid properties in the presence of cross-flow are used to estimate formation average pressure from two-phase selective-inflow-performance analysis. A new inversion-based interpretation algorithm is developed to estimate near-borehole absolute permeability and fluid-phase saturation from two-phase production logs. The inversion algorithm integrates production logs acquired in time-lapse mode to construct a near-borehole reservoir model that describes depth variations of skin factor over the elapsed time. Feasibility studies using synthetic reservoir models show that the estimated petrophysical properties are adversely influenced by the large volume of investigation associated with PL measurements. Moreover, undetectable fluid production across low-permeability layers decreases the sensitivity of production logs to layer incremental flow rate, thus increasing estimation uncertainty. Despite these limitations, the estimated fluid saturation and permeability across high-permeability layers are within 25% and 20% of the corresponding actual values, respectively. Oil-water and oil-gas flowing systems are additionally studied to quantify the added value of remedial workover operations (e.g., water and gas shut-off). Simulation of a gas shut-off performed in a gas-oil field example recommends a minimum bottom-hole pressure to prevent high gas production caused by (i) gas coning effects, and (ii) released gas from oil solution. Maintaining bottom-hole pressure above that limit gives rise to more than 60% reduction of downhole gas production. / text

Investigation of time-lapse 4D seismic tuning and spectral responses to CO₂-EOR for enhanced characterization and monitoring of a thin carbonate reservoir

Krehel, Austin January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Abdelmoneam Raef / Advancements, applications, and success of time-lapse (4D) seismic monitoring of carbonate reservoirs is limited by these systems’ inherent heterogeneity and low compressibility relative to siliciclastic systems. To contribute to the advancement of 4D seismic monitoring in carbonates, an investigation of amplitude envelope across frequency sub-bands was conducted on a high-resolution 4D seismic data set acquired in fine temporal intervals between a baseline and eight monitor surveys to track CO₂-EOR from 2003-2005 in the Hall-Gurney Field, Kansas. The shallow (approximately 900 m) Plattsburg ‘C Zone’ target reservoir is an oomoldic limestone within the Lansing-Kansas City (LKC) supergroup – deposited as a sequence of high-frequency, stacked cyclothems. The LKC reservoir fluctuates around thin-bed thickness within the well pattern region and is susceptible to amplitude tuning effects, in which CO₂ replacement of initial reservoir fluid generates a complex tuning phenomena with reduction and brightening of amplitude at reservoir thickness above and below thin-bed thickness, respectively. A thorough analysis of horizon snapping criteria and parameters was conducted to understand the sensitivity of these autonomous operations and produce a robust horizon tracking workflow to extend the Baseline Survey horizon data to subsequent Monitor Surveys. This 4D seismic horizon tracking workflow expedited the horizon tracking process across monitor surveys, while following a quantitative, repeatable approach in tracking the LKC and maintaining geologic integrity despite low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data and misties between surveys. Analysis of amplitude envelope data across frequency sub-bands (30-80 Hz) following spectral decomposition identified geometric features of multiple LKC shoal bodies at the reservoir interval. In corroboration with prior geologic interpretation, shoal boundaries, zones of overlap between stacked shoals, thickness variation, and lateral changes in lithofacies were delineated in the Baseline Survey, which enhanced detail of these features’ extent beyond capacity offered from well log data. Lineaments dominated by low-frequency anomalies within regions of adjacent shoals’ boundaries suggest thicker zones of potential shoal overlap. Analysis of frequency band-to-band analysis reveals relative thickness variation. Spectral decomposition of the amplitude envelope was analyzed between the Baseline and Monitor Surveys to identify spectral and tuning changes to monitor CO₂ migration. Ambiguity of CO₂ effects on tuning phenomena was observed in zones of known CO₂ fluid replacement. A series of lineaments highlighted by amplitude brightening from the Baseline to Monitor Surveys is observed, which compete with a more spatially extensive effect of subtle amplitude dimming. These lineaments are suggestive of features below tuning thickness, such as stratigraphic structures of shoals, fractures, and/or thin shoal edges, which are highlighted by an increased apparent thickness and onset of tuning from CO₂. Detailed analysis of these 4D seismic data across frequency sub-bands provide enhanced interpretation of shoal geometry, position, and overlap; identification of lateral changes in lithofacies suggestive of barriers and conduits; insight into relative thickness variation; and the ability of CO₂ tuning ambiguity to highlight zones below tuning thickness and improve reservoir characterization. These results suggest improved efficiency of CO₂ -EOR reservoir surveillance in carbonates, with implications to ensure optimal field planning and flood performance for analogous targets.

Statistické modely pro kapitálové modely pojišťoven / Statistical models for capital models of insurance companies

Švagerková, Lýdia January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the topic of lapse rate modelling in the field of Life Insurance. First, the theoretical apparatus is established: the linear models and their extension, generalized linear models. Furthermore, we describe the process of model selection and evaluation. In the second part of this work we describe the influence of various individual as well as macroeconomical parameters on the lapse rate. We summarize the findings of previous works in this field. The last part introduces models in statistical software R based on generalized linear models and describes the process of their selection and evaluation. Outputs from these models are interpreted and compared to the ratio analysis results.

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