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Foreign Influences and Consequences on the Nuragic Culture of SardiniaCholtco, Margaret E. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Although it is accepted that Phoenician colonization occurred on Sardinia by the 9th century B.C., it is possible that contact between Sardinia‟s indigenous population and the Levantine region occurred in the Late Bronze Age (LBA). Eastern LBA goods found on the island are copper oxhide ingots and Aegean pottery. Previously, it has been suggested that Mycenaeans were responsible for bringing the eastern goods to Sardinia, but the presence of Aegean pottery shards does not confirm the presence of Mycenaean tradesmen. Also, scholars of LBA trade have explained the paucity of evidence for a Mycenaean merchant fleet. Interpretations of two LBA shipwrecks, Cape Gelidonya and Uluburun, indicate that eastern Mediterranean merchants of Cypriot or Syro-Canaanite origin, transported large quantities of oxhide ingots from the Levant towards the west. It remains possible that similar itinerant merchants conducted ventures bringing eastern goods to Sardinia while exploring the western Mediterranean. Trade in eastern goods may have stimulated the advancement that occurred in Nuragic culture in the LBA, resulting in the emergence of an elite social stratum in the Nuragic society. Archaeological evidence, such as elitist burials and increasingly complex architecture, supports the idea of cultural change due to internal competition. This „peer-polity‟ effect may have been incited because of limited accessibility to the exotic eastern goods and the „ownership‟ to the rights of this exchange.
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Word processing at 19 months and its relation to language performance at 30 months : a retrospective analysis of data from German learning childrenHöhle, Barbara, van de Vijver, Ruben, Weissenborn, Jürgen January 2006 (has links)
Recent research has shown that the early lexical representations children establish in their second year of life already seem to be phonologically detailed enough to allow differentiation from very similar forms. In contrast to these findings children with specific language impairment show problems in discriminating phonologically similar word forms up to school age. In our
study we investigated the question whether there would be differences in the processing of phonological details in normally developing and in children with low language performance in the second year of life. This was done by a retrospective study in which in the processing of phonological details was tested by a preferential looking experiment when the children were 19 months old. At the age of 30 months children were tested with a standardized German test of language comprehension and production (SETK2). The preferential looking data at 19 months revealed an opposite reaction pattern for the two groups: while the children scoring normally in the SETK2 increase their fixations of a pictured object only when it was named with the correct word, children with later low language performance did so only when presented with a phonologically slightly deviant mispronunciation. We suggest that this pattern does not point to a specific deficit in processing phonological information in these children but might be related to an instability of early phonological representations, and/or a generalized problem of information processing as compared to typically developing children.
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EI Eridani and the art of doppler imaging : a long-term study / EI Eridani and the art of doppler imaging : a long-term studyWashüttl, Albert January 2004 (has links)
Das Verständnis magnetisch verursachter Aktivität auf Sternen sowie der zugrundeliegenden Dynamoprozesse ist von fundamentaler Bedeutung für das Verständnis von Entstehung und Entwicklung von Sternen sowie des Lebens im Universum. Sichtbare Erscheinungen dieser stellaren Aktivität sind u.a. Sternflecken, welche als Indikatoren des zugrundeliegenden Magnetfeldes dienen. Solche Flecken können auf anderen Sternen als der Sonne nicht direkt beobachtet werden, zumal mit den heutigen technischen Mitteln eine Auflösung der Oberfläche selbst der benachbarten Sterne unmöglich ist. Eine indirekte Rekonstruktionsmethode namens 'Doppler Imaging' erlaubt es jedoch, auf die Temperaturverteilung auf der Sternoberfläche zu schließen.
Für diese Arbeit wurden elf Jahre kontinuierlicher spektroskopischer Beobachtungen des aktiven Doppelsterns EI Eridani herangezogen, um insgesamt 34 Dopplerkarten zu erstellen. In der Folge wird versucht, eine Grundlage zu schaffen für die Analyse des zweidimensionalen Informationsgehalts dieser Karten. Drei Oberflächenkartenparameter werden vorgeschlagen: gemittelte Temperatur, getrennt für verschiedenen stellare Breitenbänder; relative Fleckenhäufigkeit; und, zum Zwecke der Auswertung der strukturellen Temperaturverteilung, Längen- und Breiten-Ortsfunktion der Sternfleckenhäufung. Die resultierenden Werte zeigen deutlich, daß kein zeitlicher Zusammenhang mit dem photometrischen Aktivitätszyklus besteht. Die Morphologie der Fleckenverteilung bleibt während des kompletten Beobachtungszeitraums im wesentlichen konstant. Im Gegensatz zur Sonne gibt es also, im beobachteten Zeitraum und innerhalb der bestehenden Genauigkeit, keinen Fleckenzyklus auf dem aktiven Stern EI Eri.
Darüberhinaus wurde eine ausführliche Studie der stellaren Parameter von EI Eri und eine vorläufige Abschätzung der differentiellen Rotation auf EI Eri durchgeführt, die eine anti-solare Ausrichtung aufzuweisen scheint, d.h. der Pol rotiert schneller als der Äquator. / Understanding stars, their magnetic activity phenomena and the underlying dynamo action is the foundation for understanding 'life, the universe and everything' - as stellar magnetic fields play a fundamental role for star and planet formation and for the terrestrial atmosphere and climate. Starspots are the fingerprints of magnetic field lines and thereby the most important sign of activity in a star's photosphere. However, they cannot be observed directly, as it is not (yet) possible to spacially resolve the surfaces of even the nearest neighbouring stars. Therefore, an indirect approach called 'Doppler imaging' is applied, which allows to reconstruct the surface spot distribution on rapidly rotating, active stars.
In this work, data from 11 years of continuous spectroscopic observations of the active binary star EI Eridani are reduced and analysed. 34 Doppler maps are obtained and the problem of how to parameterise the information content of Doppler maps is discussed. Three approaches for parameter extraction are introduced and applied to all maps: average temperature, separated for several latitude bands; fractional spottedness; and, for the analysis of structural temperature distribution, longitudinal and latitudinal spot-occurrence functions. The resulting values do not show a distinct correlation with the proposed activity cycle as seen from photometric long-term observations, thereby suggesting that the photometric activity cycle is not accompanied by a spot cycle as seen on the Sun. The general morphology of the spot pattern on EI Eri remains persistent for the whole period of 11 years.
In addition, a detailed parameter study is performed. Improved orbital parameters suggest that EI Eri might be complemented by a third star in a wide orbit of about 19 years. Preliminary differential rotation measurements are carried out, indicating an anti-solar orientation.
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En hiar atti rikR : Om elit, struktur och ekonomi kring Uppsala och Mälaren under yngre järnålder / En hiar atti rikR : On Elite, Structure, and Economy around Uppsala and Mälaren in the Late Iron AgeLjungkvist, John January 2006 (has links)
In the Late Iron Age, the Mälaren region contained a clearly stratified society and many sites in the landscape indicate the presence of an upper stratum, an elite. This concept – elite – may perhaps be seen as problematic, but in this case it is decidedly more neutral, and considerably less limiting and excluding than many other concepts. The elite was a group that we know possessed larger farm buildings, more monumental and richly equipped graves as well as control over a large part of the specialised handicraft. The people in this elite group of society clearly advertised that they belonged to a special social unit. There are indications that these people had clear similarities with the nobility of the Middle Ages, but they were active in a society without any towns, Christianity or church administration. This dissertation discusses a number of issues concerning the elite of the Late Iron Age. Two studies are central. The first concerns six sites in the Mälaren region: Old Uppsala, Helgö, Vendel, Valsgärde, Husby in Glanshammar parish, and Ancient Sigtuna. The sites are compared to study the similarities and differences of elite settings. I investigate the evidence of different sources for the presence of great landownership, and of their importance for the rulers compared to other resources such as plunder, trade and taxation. The results indicate that the sites had many structural and economic similarities. At the same time, the resource use varied, and each site had its own unique character. The study is concluded with a discussion on the economic structure of the sites. The second study deals with the elite in the vicinity of Uppsala, an area that mainly through Old Uppsala and the presence of boat graves are usually connected with ancient rulers. The investigation is mainly based on a number of excavated as well as non-excavated graves, some of which have never been published. In addition, a number of placenames and three unique ritual deposits are discussed. The study indicates that the people usually included in the concept of elite were quite common. This provides a new perspective for our view of two long renowned sites: Old Uppsala and Valsgärde.
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Church and nation : The discourse on authority in Ericus Olai's Chronica regni Gothorum (c. 1471)Tjällén, Biörn January 2007 (has links)
The Chronica regni Gothorum is the first Latin national history of Sweden. Completed after 1471 by a canon of Uppsala, Ericus Olai, it testifies to the articulation at the Swedish arch see of the dominant political issues of the day: the status of the Swedish realm in the union with Denmark-Norway, and the relations between the king, aristocracy and ecclesiastical leadership. This thesis analyses the discourse on authority in the Chronica. It investigates the normative basis of Ericus’s treatment of contemporary political issues as a source for the social-political outlooks of Sweden’s ecclesiastical power elite, a group not previously studied in this respect. In particular, it argues for the importance of two prescriptive assumptions on social order, which lie at the heart of the authority discourse in the Chronica: God divided the world into self-governing peoples and realms, and He instituted the lay and clerical orders as parallel hierarchies of societal authority. The thesis situates the production of the Chronica within the educational concerns of the Uppsala institution. It scrutinizes the commonplaces – derived from various fields of knowledge – through which Ericus articulated his dualist and nationalist assumptions. The realization of these notions in his historical account is examined in sections of the text where matters of importance for the Uppsala church are evident. Special attention is paid to Ericus’s account of the royal martyr, St Erik, the so-called Engelbrekt rebellion, and the contemporary strife between the Uppsala church and the kings. The thesis ends with a study of the reception of the Chronica in the 1520s, a time when the Reformation and the consolidation of a strong national monarchy in Sweden brought the authority issues addressed by Ericus to conclusion.
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Investigation Of Semantic Effects In Oddball Paradigm Through Event Related PotentialsDumlu, Seda Nilgun 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the effect of semantic information processing was investigated by the oddball paradigm, by presenting consecutive Turkish words or word-like non-words while EEG signals are recorded. In an oddball paradigm, a series of events are presented of which one class is rarer than the other. Subjects are asked to respond to the infrequent stimuli (e.g. press a button, or count the number). The event related potential (ERP) component P300 obtained from EEG is considered as the marker of this attention capturing paradigm. P300 is obtained consistently for both visual and verbal stimulus. On the other hand, the ERP component N400 is consistently associated with semantic processing in neurolinguistics. Additionally, Late Positive Component (LPC) is a marker for the top-down attention mechanism during word comprehension. Moreover, there are other components, called early ERPs, which occur between 100-200 ms after the stimulus onset. These components orthographically and phonologically reflect low-level features of words. The target words chosen for our study are strictly limited to belong to a neutral category and not consist of any emotional content, to rule out emotional interference in semantic processing. Based on the ERP components that were obtained from this study, the LPC potential exhibited for words had higher amplitude than that of non-words consistently and statistically significantly. However, our study was confounded with the heterogeneity of non-words because some of the non-words were non-sense letter sequences while others were pseudowords. Due to this, although we observed the P300 and N400 ERPs consistently for all stimuli, we did not find significant differences for these potentials between words and non-words. To the best of our knowledge, our investigation is one of the few studies conducted with EEG recordings in a task that involved lexical decision making in Turkish.
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Lading of the Late Bronze Age ship at UluburunLin, Shih-Han Samuel 29 August 2012 (has links)
The Uluburun shipwreck was discovered in 1982 when a Turkish sponge diver informed the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) of his discovery of metal biscuits with ears. INA archaeologists recognized this as a description of oxhide ingots, a clear indication of a Late Bronze Age site. This find was of considerable interest as very little is known about seafaring, long distance trade, and ship construction during the Late Bronze Age, except for a glimpse provided by the Cape Gelidonya shipwreck excavated in 1960 by George Bass. The site at Uluburun revealed only a handful of disarticulated ship fragments; nevertheless, a meticulous study of these timbers and the distribution of the cargo and shipboard items on the seabed resulted in a hypothetical, but carefully guided, reconstruction of the ship and the lading of its cargo. The artifacts recovered from the Uluburun shipwreck are unlike those discovered on land in quality of preservation as well as the quantity found. Items pertinent to this study include 354 copper oxhide ingots (approximately 10 tons), 152 copper bun ingots (nearly 1 ton), 110 tin ingot fragments (approximately 1 ton), 175 glass ingots (approximately 0.3 tons), 150 Canaanite jars (approximately 2 tons if filled with water), 10 large storage jars (pithoi) (approximately 3.5 tons if filled with water), approximately 51 Canaanite pilgrim flasks, 24 stone anchors (3.3 tons), nearly 1 ton of ballast stones, and the hull remains itself. Two computer programs, Rhinoceros and PHASER, were used to visually model the artifacts and ship in three-dimensions and to systematically test various hull shapes and lading arrangements in a range of hydrostatic conditions. Tests showed that a hull measuring 15 x 5 x 2 m would be capable of carrying the estimated 20 tons of cargo and shipboard items recovered from the wreck at a draft of 1 m, with sufficient freeboard to allow six passengers to stand on one side of the vessel without compromising the stability of the ship. / Institute of Nautical Archaeology
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Development of allergy, salivary IgA antibodies and gut microbiota in a Swedish birth cohortSandin, Anna January 2008 (has links)
The increasing prevalence of allergic diseases in affluent societies has been associated with changes in microbial exposure early in life and a less diverse gut flora. The objective of this thesis was to assess the development of allergic sensitisation and symptoms during the first four years of life in a non-selected birth cohort in relation to environmental factors, family history, gut microbiota and salivary IgA antibodies. The cohort comprised all 1,228 infants living in a Swedish county who were born over a one-year period. The parents replied to questionnaires, and 817 children (67 %) were skin prick tested both at 1 and 4 years of age. Saliva (n=279), faecal (n=139) and blood (n=253) samples were collected at 1 year of age from children with a positive skin prick test at 1 year and from a sample of children with a negative skin prick test. Faecal samples were also obtained from 53 children at 4 years of age. Dog keeping during infancy was associated with a decreased risk of sensitisation to pollen and late-onset wheezing at age 4, and the reduced odds ratios persisted after adjustment for heredity and avoidance measures, OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.1-0.9 and OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.2-1.0, respectively. In contrast, early dog keeping was associated with an increased risk of earlyonset transient wheezing but only in children with parental asthma (OR 2,8, 95% CI 1.3-6.4). Levels of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in faeces were assessed both at 1 and 4 years of age and related to the development of sensitisation and symptoms. The levels of acetic (p<.01) and propionic (p<.01) acids decreased from one to four years of age, whereas valeric acid (p<.001) increased which is in line with a more complex gut microbiota with age. Allergic children, compared with non-allergic children, had lower levels of i-butyric, i-valeric and valeric acid in faeces both at 1 and 4 years of age. Low levels of secretory IgA (SIgA) in saliva were associated with wheezing but only in sensitised children. In children with positive SPT to at least one allergen both at 1 and 4 years of age and in children with circulating IgE antibodies to egg or cat at one year of age, those who developed late-onset wheezing had lower levels of SIgA than those who did not, p=.04 and p=.02 respectively. Of 9 children with levels of SIgA in the upper quartile and persistent sensitisation, none developed wheezing, compared with 10/20 children with lower levels, (p=. 01). Having older siblings, more than three infections during infancy, at least one smoking parent and male gender were all associated with high levels (in the upper quartile) of total IgA and SIgA. The findings in this thesis indicate that the microbial load early in life could affect the development of allergy. A functional assessment of the gut flora demonstrated differences between allergic and non-allergic children both at 1 and 4 years of age. Salivary IgA was associated with infections during infancy, and high levels of secretory IgA protected from symptoms in sensitised children. Finally, dog keeping in infancy may offer protection from allergy, but the mechanism is uncertain.
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Ymers benknotor : Kan kala berg och berghällar, där det ser ut att ha förekommit forntida kultaktiviteter, kopplas till skapelsemyten om Ymer / The bones of Ymer : Is it possible to find a connection between prehistoric sacred rocks and a creation myth?Biribakken, Karin January 2006 (has links)
The intention of this essay is to put the light on and to discuss if there is a connection between a pre-Christian creation mythology and naked rocks on prehistoric sacred places in Scandinavia. Archaeological as well as historical materials are studied. The historical material is mostly from Snorre Sturlasons Asasagan with the explanation of the creation of the world. In this story the world was built from the body of a killed and deposited giant named Ymer. Almost the same myth is told in all Indo-European countries. Asasagsan tells about the Gods and the people in the late iron-age. Sanda in Fresna socken and Helgö in Ekerö socken, both in Uppland and both in activity in late iron-age are used as archaeological example of places where naked rocks are used as some kind of altar for rites.
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Kristen i det senmoderna : Unga frikyrkligas identitet i senmodernitetenHummerdal, Johannes January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how young members of Free Churches relate to issues connected with lifestyle and identity, based on the changed conditions for the self in late modernity. More specifically, I want to examine how they deal with the increased degree of detraditionalisation and institutional individualization in late modernity. My research-question is: How do young members of Free Churches relate to issues connected with lifestyle and identity, with the increased degree of personal freedom and institutional individualization in late modernity as a starting point? The empiric part of the essay is carried out by qualitative in-depth interviews with five young members of Free Churches. These semi-structured interviews are focused on a number of different areas of the changed conditions for the self in late modernity. My theoretical perspective has been constructed from the theories of Anthony Giddens, Zygmunt Bauman, Ulrich Beck and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim. From these theories a focus on certain relevant areas of the condition of the self in late modernity, has developed. These are work, consumption, marriage, love, sexuality, body and health. The general way of relating to issues of lifestyle and identity that I could interpret from my interview-respondents’ answers was that they exercised a form of opposition against the dominant way of life in late modernity, in issues that can be connected to detraditionalisation. Examples of such issues are those related to marriage and sexuality. But they relate more according to the dominant late modern way of life, in issues that can be connected to the institutional individualization, such as issues of work, consumption and body.
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