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Caracterização estrutural de dispersões aquosas de vesículas lipídicas catiônicas com oligonucleotídeos / Structural characaterization of aqueous dispersions of cationic lipid vesicles whit oligonucleotidesPalomares, Cristofher Victor Vivas 31 July 2018 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi investigado o efeito do oligonucleotídeo-modelo 5-AAAAAAAAAA-3(ODN) sobre a estabilidade e estrutura de vesículas catiônicas de brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio (DODAB), extrusadas através filtros de 100 nm, em dispersão aquosa, com as técnicas de espalhamento de luz dinâmico (DLS), medidas de potencial de superfície (potencial zeta), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), espalhamento de raios-X a baixos ângulos (SAXS), espectroscopias de absorção óptica e de fluorescência do estado estacionário da sonda Laurdan incorporada a vesículas de DODAB-ODN. Este fluoróforo monitora a polaridade e estrutura da superfície da membrana de DODAB. Variando a concentração de ODN, três diferentes regimes foram observados. Para baixas concentrações de ODN, ([ODN]/[DODAB]) 0.025 mM, a dispersão é estável, límpida, apesar do diâmetro médio das vesículas aumentar, um aumento de turbidez ser observado por medidas de Absorbância, e o SAXS já acusar a presença de algumas poucas multilamelas. As vesículas mistas apresentam potencial de superfície positivo, semelhante ao potencial medido para vesículas de puro DODAB. A calorimetria mostra a coexistência de regiões da bicamada de puro DODAB, e regiões mistas, com DODAB-ODN, sendo estas últimas mais estáveis, apresentando maior temperatura de transição gel-fluido. A forma e posição da banda de fluorescência do Laurdan incorporado às vesículas não são alteradas pela presença do oligonucleotídeo, indicando pouca variação na polaridade e estrutura da superfície da membrana mista monitorada pela sonda. Um segundo regime é observado para ([ODN]/[DODAB]) 0.05 mM, onde não é mais observado por calorimetria a presença significativa de domínios de puro DODAB, e a dispersão mostra-se instável, turva, com agregação/fusão das vesículas. Finalmente, o terceiro regime, para altas concentrações de ODN, ([ODN]/[DODAB]) 0.075 mM, onde é observado um potencial de superfície negativo, portanto, com predominância da carga do oligonucleotídeo, e a dispersão volta a ser estável, apresentando baixa turbidez. Neste regime, a calorimetria indica uma grande estabilidade da fase gel, medidas de SAXS mostram a formação de estruturas multilamelares, porém DLS indica a presença de vesículas pequenas, com dimensões às observadas para DODAB puro. Neste regime, a sonda Laurdan monitora variações na superfície da membrana, possivelmente indicando a diminuição da quantidade de moléculas de água na superfície e/ou um enrijecimento da bicamada. Os estudos aqui apresentados fazem parte de um amplo esforço para entender as características estruturais de agregados lipídio-material genético, com o objetivo de seu uso futuro em terapias gênicas. / In the present work the effect of 5\'-AAAAAAAAAA-3 \'oligonucleotide model (ODN) was investigated on the stability and structure of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) cationic vesicles, extruded through 100 nm filters in aqueous dispersion, with dynamic scattering techniques (DLS), surface potential measurements (zeta potential), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), optical absorption spectrometry and stationary-state fluorescence spectroscopy of Laurdan incorporated into DODAB-ODN vesicles. This fluorophore monitors the polarity and surface structure of the DODAB membrane. Varying the ODN concentration, three different behaviors were observed. For low concentrations of ODN, ([ODN] / [DODAB]) 0.025 mM, the dispersion is stable, clear, although the mean diameter of the vesicles increases, an increase in turbidity is observed by Absorbance measurements, and SAXS already shows the presence of a few multilamellar structure. The mixed vesicles present positive surface potential, similar to the potential measured for pure DODAB vesicles. Calorimetry shows the coexistence of regions of the pure DODAB bilayer, and mixed regions, with DODAB-ODN, the latter being more stable, presenting a higher gel-fluid transition temperature. The shape and position of the Laurdan fluorescence band incorporated into the vesicles are not altered by the presence of the oligonucleotide, indicating minor variation in the polarity and surface structure of the mixed membrane monitored by the probe. A second behavior is observed for ([ODN] / [DODAB]) 0.05 mM, where the presence of pure DODAB domains is no longer detected by calorimetry, and the dispersion is unstable, cloudy, displaying vesicle aggregation/fusion. Finally, the third behavior is detected at high concentrations of ODN, ([ODN] / [DODAB]) 0.075 mM, where a negative surface potential is observed, therefore, with predominance of the charge of the oligonucleotide, and the dispersion is stable, exibiting low turbidity. In this regime, the calorimetry indicates a great stability of the gel phase, SAXS measurements show the formation of multilamellar structures, however DLS indicates the presence of small vesicles, with dimensions to those observed for pure DODAB. In this region, the Laurdan probe monitors variations at the surface of the membrane, possibly indicating the decrease in the amount of water molecules on the surface and/or a stiffening of the bilayer. The studies presented here are part of a broad effort to understand the structural characteristics of \"lipid-genetic material\", aggregates, with the aim of their future use in gene therapies.
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Caracterização estrutural de dispersões aquosas de vesículas lipídicas catiônicas com oligonucleotídeos / Structural characaterization of aqueous dispersions of cationic lipid vesicles whit oligonucleotidesCristofher Victor Vivas Palomares 31 July 2018 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi investigado o efeito do oligonucleotídeo-modelo 5-AAAAAAAAAA-3(ODN) sobre a estabilidade e estrutura de vesículas catiônicas de brometo de dioctadecildimetilamônio (DODAB), extrusadas através filtros de 100 nm, em dispersão aquosa, com as técnicas de espalhamento de luz dinâmico (DLS), medidas de potencial de superfície (potencial zeta), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), espalhamento de raios-X a baixos ângulos (SAXS), espectroscopias de absorção óptica e de fluorescência do estado estacionário da sonda Laurdan incorporada a vesículas de DODAB-ODN. Este fluoróforo monitora a polaridade e estrutura da superfície da membrana de DODAB. Variando a concentração de ODN, três diferentes regimes foram observados. Para baixas concentrações de ODN, ([ODN]/[DODAB]) 0.025 mM, a dispersão é estável, límpida, apesar do diâmetro médio das vesículas aumentar, um aumento de turbidez ser observado por medidas de Absorbância, e o SAXS já acusar a presença de algumas poucas multilamelas. As vesículas mistas apresentam potencial de superfície positivo, semelhante ao potencial medido para vesículas de puro DODAB. A calorimetria mostra a coexistência de regiões da bicamada de puro DODAB, e regiões mistas, com DODAB-ODN, sendo estas últimas mais estáveis, apresentando maior temperatura de transição gel-fluido. A forma e posição da banda de fluorescência do Laurdan incorporado às vesículas não são alteradas pela presença do oligonucleotídeo, indicando pouca variação na polaridade e estrutura da superfície da membrana mista monitorada pela sonda. Um segundo regime é observado para ([ODN]/[DODAB]) 0.05 mM, onde não é mais observado por calorimetria a presença significativa de domínios de puro DODAB, e a dispersão mostra-se instável, turva, com agregação/fusão das vesículas. Finalmente, o terceiro regime, para altas concentrações de ODN, ([ODN]/[DODAB]) 0.075 mM, onde é observado um potencial de superfície negativo, portanto, com predominância da carga do oligonucleotídeo, e a dispersão volta a ser estável, apresentando baixa turbidez. Neste regime, a calorimetria indica uma grande estabilidade da fase gel, medidas de SAXS mostram a formação de estruturas multilamelares, porém DLS indica a presença de vesículas pequenas, com dimensões às observadas para DODAB puro. Neste regime, a sonda Laurdan monitora variações na superfície da membrana, possivelmente indicando a diminuição da quantidade de moléculas de água na superfície e/ou um enrijecimento da bicamada. Os estudos aqui apresentados fazem parte de um amplo esforço para entender as características estruturais de agregados lipídio-material genético, com o objetivo de seu uso futuro em terapias gênicas. / In the present work the effect of 5\'-AAAAAAAAAA-3 \'oligonucleotide model (ODN) was investigated on the stability and structure of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) cationic vesicles, extruded through 100 nm filters in aqueous dispersion, with dynamic scattering techniques (DLS), surface potential measurements (zeta potential), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), optical absorption spectrometry and stationary-state fluorescence spectroscopy of Laurdan incorporated into DODAB-ODN vesicles. This fluorophore monitors the polarity and surface structure of the DODAB membrane. Varying the ODN concentration, three different behaviors were observed. For low concentrations of ODN, ([ODN] / [DODAB]) 0.025 mM, the dispersion is stable, clear, although the mean diameter of the vesicles increases, an increase in turbidity is observed by Absorbance measurements, and SAXS already shows the presence of a few multilamellar structure. The mixed vesicles present positive surface potential, similar to the potential measured for pure DODAB vesicles. Calorimetry shows the coexistence of regions of the pure DODAB bilayer, and mixed regions, with DODAB-ODN, the latter being more stable, presenting a higher gel-fluid transition temperature. The shape and position of the Laurdan fluorescence band incorporated into the vesicles are not altered by the presence of the oligonucleotide, indicating minor variation in the polarity and surface structure of the mixed membrane monitored by the probe. A second behavior is observed for ([ODN] / [DODAB]) 0.05 mM, where the presence of pure DODAB domains is no longer detected by calorimetry, and the dispersion is unstable, cloudy, displaying vesicle aggregation/fusion. Finally, the third behavior is detected at high concentrations of ODN, ([ODN] / [DODAB]) 0.075 mM, where a negative surface potential is observed, therefore, with predominance of the charge of the oligonucleotide, and the dispersion is stable, exibiting low turbidity. In this regime, the calorimetry indicates a great stability of the gel phase, SAXS measurements show the formation of multilamellar structures, however DLS indicates the presence of small vesicles, with dimensions to those observed for pure DODAB. In this region, the Laurdan probe monitors variations at the surface of the membrane, possibly indicating the decrease in the amount of water molecules on the surface and/or a stiffening of the bilayer. The studies presented here are part of a broad effort to understand the structural characteristics of \"lipid-genetic material\", aggregates, with the aim of their future use in gene therapies.
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Experimental and stimulation analyses of fluorescent solvent relaxation process in biomembranes : Inflence of ions and molecular interpretation of the dye dynamics / Analyse expérimentale et numérique des processus de relaxation de solvant dans une membrane biologique : Rôle des ions et interprétation moléculaire de la dynamique des marqueurs fluorescentsBarucha-Kraszewska, Justyna 31 October 2012 (has links)
De nombreux processus biologiques liés aux membranes cellulaires lipidiques sont encore très mal connus. La présence d'eau et d'ions à l'interface influence les propriétés structurelles et dynamiques de la bicouche lipidique. Les techniques de fluorescence sont très utiles pour étudier les membranes en raison de la grande sensibilité des sondes à leur environnement. Nous avons utilisé la technique de relaxation de solvant (SR) pour explorer l'hydratation et la mobilité de l'eau. Nous avons également réalisé des calculs quantiques (QM) et des dynamiques moléculaires (DM) pour étayer nos expériences. Les résultats SR montrent qu'un petit cation (Na+) est très attiré par la membrane et augmente sa rigidité à l'opposé des cations (NH4+, Cs+) plus gros. Les anions (CI04-, SCN-) s'adsorbent à l'interface plus facilement que Cl-. Ces anions changent la mobilité et l'hydratation des têtes polaires des lipides de la bicouche. Les études SR de la zone hydrophobe de la membrane montrent que les processus de relaxation sont ici très complexes. lis reflètent des processus rapides intramoléculaire (relaxation de torsion, transferts de charge) et des processus intermoléculaires lents. Les calculs QM ont permis de créer les champs de force de trois sondes fluorescentes (Prodan, Laurdan et C-laurdan). Les simulations DM ont permis de déterminer les positions des sondes dans une membrane DOPC. La modélisation reproduit correctement les résultats SR, en particulier les temps de relaxation : de l'ordre de la ps en solvant aqueux et de la ns dans la membrane. Les simulations MD sont complémentaires des méthodes SR et permettent de surveiller le comportement de molécules uniques. / Many biologically important processes and phcnomena in lipid membranes are still not fully understood. The presence of ions and water molœules has a significant influence on the structural and dynamical properties of lipid bilayers. Fluorescent techniques are versatile tools for studying the lipid membranes, because the fluorescence emission is strongly sensitive to dye environment. We have conducted fluorescent solvent relaxation (SR) experiments to explore the hydration and mobility properties in lipid membranes in the presence of different chaotropic ions. We have also carried out Quantum Mechanical (QM) calculations and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations for supporting the SR experiments. SR experiments show that small cation (Na+) is attracted to the membrane and increases rigidity ofbilayer, while larger cations (NH/, Cs+) should not. Large anions (CI04·, SCN') adsorl, at the membrane interface more easily than smaller ones (Cl') and significantly change tl!e mobility and hydration of the headgroup region oflipid bilayer. SR study ofhydrophobic part of the membrane show that SR processes are complex there and reflect botl!: faster, intramolecular (torsional relaxation or fonnation of charge transfer state) and slower, intermolecular (SR) relaxation processes. QM calculatiom were used to create force-field for three fluorescent dyes (Prodan, Laurdan and C-laurdan). MD simulations allow detennining position of the dye in the lipid membrane in the ground state and after excitation and reproduce correctly SR timescale- ps in water and ns in the membrane. MD simulations extend the capabilities of SR method and allow observing the behaviour of individual molecules.
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Study of the Cell Membrane and the Synthesis of Chimeric Human Bacterial PhospholipidsTade, Opeyemi O 01 December 2021 (has links)
Phospholipid bilayers are the principal component of the cell membrane. Membranes ensure the maintenance of processes required for cells’ survival by regulating the inflow and outflow of nutrients and other molecules using membrane proteins. However, studying the cell membrane is challenging because of its complexity and small size. In-vitro membrane models made of phospholipids are important tools for studying membranes. In this work, we aim to study the fluidity of phospholipid bilayers of different lipids using general polarization (GP) of the fluorescent probe Laurdan as a measure. We will focus on the relative importance of head groups and fatty acids in the phospholipid. For this purpose, we are synthesizing chimeric lipids with the common human head group phosphocholine paired with bacterial fatty acids. We will compare the response of the human and chimeric lipids to temperature and biofuels to ascertain whether improved stress tolerance can be obtained with the chimeras.
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The Influence of Membrane Lipid Order on Cell Shape and Microvesiculation in Human ErythrocytesGonzalez, Laurie Jackson 30 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Exposure of human erythrocytes to elevated intracellular calcium causes alterations in cell shape and stimulates shedding of the cell membrane in the form of microvesicles. We hypothesized that both the shape transition and microvesiculation are influenced by microscopic membrane physical properties such as lipid order. To test this hypothesis, membrane properties were manipulated by varying the experimental temperature, membrane cholesterol content, and the internal ionic environment. Changes in membrane order were assessed using steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy with an environment-sensitive probe, laurdan. Our observations led us to the following conclusions: 1) the modest temperature dependence of membrane structure observed with laurdan is shifted to lower temperatures and becomes more cooperative upon removal of membrane cholesterol, 2) the calcium-induced shape change observed in erythrocytes requires a decrease in membrane order, 3) the influence of membrane order is not limited to shape transitions induced only by calcium, and 4) decreased order is also a permissive factor for microvesicle shedding. Our data suggest that while the mechansims that regulate the shape transition and the release of microvesicles are different, they both require a state of membrane disorder.
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Estudos experimentais e teóricos dos espectros eletrônicos das sondas fluorescentes Prodan e Laurdan em solventes e bicamadas lipídicas / Experimental and theoretical studies of the electronic spectra of Prodan and Laurdan in solvents and lipid bilayersSuplicy, Cíntia Cristina de Vequi 13 September 2010 (has links)
As moléculas Prodan (6-propionil-2-dimetilamino-naftaleno) e Laurdan (6- dodecanoil-2-dimetilamina-naftaleno) são muito usadas como sondas fluorescentes em bicamadas lipídicas e, mais raramente, em membranas celulares. Esta tese de doutorado teve por objetivo realizar um estudo dessas sondas em diferentes ambientes, para ampliar o entendimento de suas estruturas e características espectroscópicas em diferentes solventes e em bicamadas lipídicas. Este estudo foi feito utilizando duas abordagens, uma experimental e outra teórica. Com resultados teóricos e experimentais, mostramos que o cromóforo é o mesmo para as duas moléculas. Experimentalmente, foram medidos e comparados os espectros de absorção eletrônica em solventes de diferentes polaridades e em bicamadas lipídicas. Foi construído um modelo teórico para o estado fundamental do Prodan em diferentes solventes, onde verificamos que a geometria molecular é planar e a molécula sofre uma grande polarização em solventes de maior polaridade. Teoricamente, reproduzimos os espectros de absorção em todos os solventes, mostrando que eles são compostos por três transições eletrônicas. Verificamos, experimental e teoricamente, que o Prodan forma agregados quando colocado em solução aquosa, em todas as concentrações estudadas (0.9 a 20.0 uM). Adicionalmente, foram medidos e comparados os espectros de emissão fluorescente, e mostramos que eles apresentam duas bandas de emissão em todos os solventes estudados e em bicamada lipídicas. Essas bandas estão relacionadas com dois tempos de vida, evidenciando a presença de dois estados excitados para essas sondas. Porém, a natureza dos estados excitados em solventes homogêneos e em bicamadas lipídicas parece ser diferente. Uma metodologia de análise dos espectros de emissão fluorescente foi proposta. A comparação dos espectros de emissão do Prodan e do Laurdan em bicamadas lipídicas mostrou que as sondas monitoram micro-ambientes ligeiramente diferentes. Nossos resultados indicam que os dois fluoróforos posicionam-se próximos à superfície da bicamada lipídica, porém o Prodan parece estar mais exposto à água. Além disso, o Prodan apresenta uma pequena partição em água, quando a bicamada está na fase gel. / Prodan (6-propionyl-2-dimethylamino-naphthalene) and Laurdan (6-dodecanoyl-2- dimethylamino-naphthalene) molecules are frequently used as fluorescent probes in lipid bilayers and, more rarely, in cell membranes. The objective of this PhD thesis was to study these probes in several environments, to increase the understanding about its structures and spectroscopic characteristics in several solvents and lipid bilayers. This study was carried out using two approaches: experimental and theoretical. With experimental and theoretical results, we demonstrated that the two molecules have the same chromophore. Experimentally, electronic absorption spectra were measured and compared in solvents of several polarities and lipid bilayers, for both molecules. A theoretical model was constructed for Prodans fundamental state in several solvents, in which we found that its molecular geometry is planar and that the molecule undergoes a great deal of polarization in solvents of higher polarity. Theoretically, we emulated the absorption spectra in all solvents studied, showing that they are well described by three electronic transitions. We verified, experimental and theoretically, that Prodan aggregates in aqueous solution at all concentration ranges (0.9 a 20.0 uM). Additionally, the fluorescent emission spectra were measured and compared, and we demonstrated that they are composed by two emission bands in all solvents and lipid bilayers. These bands were related to two fluorescent lifetimes, evidencing the presence of two excitation states for these probes. However, the nature of the excited states in homogeneous solvents and in lipid bilayers seems to be different. A methodology to analyze the emission spectra was proposed. The comparison of Prodans and Laurdans emission spectra in lipid bilayers showed that the probes monitor a slightly different micro-environment. Our results indicated that both fluorophores are located near the bilayers surface, although Prodan seems to be more exposed to water molecules. Besides that, Prodan partitions in water, when the bilayer is in the gel phase.
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Disruption of model membranes' phase behavior upon interaction with hydrophilic/hydrophobic molecules / Altération du comportement de phase des membranes modèles lipidiques lors de l'interaction avec des molécules hydrophiliques/hydrophobiquesMorandi, Mattia 15 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l’altération du comportement de phase de membranes lipidiques lors de leur interaction avec des molécules hydrophiles ou hydrophobes. L’utilisation de sondes moléculaires de fluorescence sensibles à leur micro-environnement constitue un aspect majeur de ce travail. Les techniques de spectroscopie de fluorescence et de microscopie confocale ont été mises à profit pour l’étude du comportement de ces sondes, donnant accès au degré de compacité et d’ordre dans les membranes.Nos résultats montrent que le polystyrène, un plastique rencontré de façon commune dans les régions polluées des océans, présente la capacité de modifier le comportement de phase des membranes lipidiques, entrant notamment en compétition avec le cholestérol.Nous avons montré que la présence élevée de sucres, tel que l’on peut le rencontrer dans certaines situations relevant de la bio-préservation, a pour effet de rompre la qualité de compaction des lipides, et nous avons proposé un nouveau modèle thermodynamique pour interpréter nos résultats.Enfin, les effets sur la membrane de l’incorporation d’un polymère amphiphile comportant un cholestérol greffé ont été étudiés, dans le cadre de l’élaboration de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques à base de lipides. / This work focuses on the alterations of lipid membrane phase behavior upon interaction with hydrophobic and hydophilic molecules. One major aspect of this thesis is the employement of environment sensitive probes to obtain information on the lipid bilayer packing by means of confocal spectral imaging and fluorescence spectroscopy. Our results show that polystyrene, a commonly found plastic in ocean wastes, has the ability to disrupt the lipid bilayer phase behavior and has a competitive interaction with cholesterol. The presence of high concentration of sugars, relevant in the field of biopreservation, has been found to alter the lipid bilayer packing and a new thermodynamics model has been proposed to complement the experimental results. Finally, the effects of an amphiphilic cholesterol-grafted polymer on model membrane was investigated, providing insight into potential new lipid therapeutic strategies.
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Estudos experimentais e teóricos dos espectros eletrônicos das sondas fluorescentes Prodan e Laurdan em solventes e bicamadas lipídicas / Experimental and theoretical studies of the electronic spectra of Prodan and Laurdan in solvents and lipid bilayersCíntia Cristina de Vequi Suplicy 13 September 2010 (has links)
As moléculas Prodan (6-propionil-2-dimetilamino-naftaleno) e Laurdan (6- dodecanoil-2-dimetilamina-naftaleno) são muito usadas como sondas fluorescentes em bicamadas lipídicas e, mais raramente, em membranas celulares. Esta tese de doutorado teve por objetivo realizar um estudo dessas sondas em diferentes ambientes, para ampliar o entendimento de suas estruturas e características espectroscópicas em diferentes solventes e em bicamadas lipídicas. Este estudo foi feito utilizando duas abordagens, uma experimental e outra teórica. Com resultados teóricos e experimentais, mostramos que o cromóforo é o mesmo para as duas moléculas. Experimentalmente, foram medidos e comparados os espectros de absorção eletrônica em solventes de diferentes polaridades e em bicamadas lipídicas. Foi construído um modelo teórico para o estado fundamental do Prodan em diferentes solventes, onde verificamos que a geometria molecular é planar e a molécula sofre uma grande polarização em solventes de maior polaridade. Teoricamente, reproduzimos os espectros de absorção em todos os solventes, mostrando que eles são compostos por três transições eletrônicas. Verificamos, experimental e teoricamente, que o Prodan forma agregados quando colocado em solução aquosa, em todas as concentrações estudadas (0.9 a 20.0 uM). Adicionalmente, foram medidos e comparados os espectros de emissão fluorescente, e mostramos que eles apresentam duas bandas de emissão em todos os solventes estudados e em bicamada lipídicas. Essas bandas estão relacionadas com dois tempos de vida, evidenciando a presença de dois estados excitados para essas sondas. Porém, a natureza dos estados excitados em solventes homogêneos e em bicamadas lipídicas parece ser diferente. Uma metodologia de análise dos espectros de emissão fluorescente foi proposta. A comparação dos espectros de emissão do Prodan e do Laurdan em bicamadas lipídicas mostrou que as sondas monitoram micro-ambientes ligeiramente diferentes. Nossos resultados indicam que os dois fluoróforos posicionam-se próximos à superfície da bicamada lipídica, porém o Prodan parece estar mais exposto à água. Além disso, o Prodan apresenta uma pequena partição em água, quando a bicamada está na fase gel. / Prodan (6-propionyl-2-dimethylamino-naphthalene) and Laurdan (6-dodecanoyl-2- dimethylamino-naphthalene) molecules are frequently used as fluorescent probes in lipid bilayers and, more rarely, in cell membranes. The objective of this PhD thesis was to study these probes in several environments, to increase the understanding about its structures and spectroscopic characteristics in several solvents and lipid bilayers. This study was carried out using two approaches: experimental and theoretical. With experimental and theoretical results, we demonstrated that the two molecules have the same chromophore. Experimentally, electronic absorption spectra were measured and compared in solvents of several polarities and lipid bilayers, for both molecules. A theoretical model was constructed for Prodans fundamental state in several solvents, in which we found that its molecular geometry is planar and that the molecule undergoes a great deal of polarization in solvents of higher polarity. Theoretically, we emulated the absorption spectra in all solvents studied, showing that they are well described by three electronic transitions. We verified, experimental and theoretically, that Prodan aggregates in aqueous solution at all concentration ranges (0.9 a 20.0 uM). Additionally, the fluorescent emission spectra were measured and compared, and we demonstrated that they are composed by two emission bands in all solvents and lipid bilayers. These bands were related to two fluorescent lifetimes, evidencing the presence of two excitation states for these probes. However, the nature of the excited states in homogeneous solvents and in lipid bilayers seems to be different. A methodology to analyze the emission spectra was proposed. The comparison of Prodans and Laurdans emission spectra in lipid bilayers showed that the probes monitor a slightly different micro-environment. Our results indicated that both fluorophores are located near the bilayers surface, although Prodan seems to be more exposed to water molecules. Besides that, Prodan partitions in water, when the bilayer is in the gel phase.
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Plasma membrane order; the role of cholesterol and links to actin filamentsDinic, Jelena January 2011 (has links)
The connection between T cell activation, plasma membrane order and actin filament dynamics was the main focus of this study. Laurdan and di-4-ANEPPDHQ, membrane order sensing probes, were shown to report only on lipid packing rather than being influenced by the presence of membrane-inserted peptides justifying their use in membrane order studies. These dyes were used to follow plasma membrane order in live cells at 37°C. Disrupting actin filaments had a disordering effect while stabilizing actin filaments had an ordering effect on the plasma membrane, indicating there is a basal level of ordered domains in resting cells. Lowering PI(4,5)P2 levels decreased the proportion of ordered domains strongly suggesting that the connection of actin filaments to the plasma membrane is responsible for the maintaining the level of ordered membrane domains. Membrane blebs, which are detached from the underlying actin filaments, contained a low fraction of ordered domains. Aggregation of membrane components resulted in a higher proportion of ordered plasma membrane domains and an increase in cell peripheral actin polymerization. This strongly suggests that the attachment of actin filaments to the plasma membrane induces the formation of ordered domains. Limited cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin triggered peripheral actin polymerization. Cholesterol depleted cells showed an increase in plasma membrane order as a result of actin filament accumulation underneath the membrane. Moderate cholesterol depletion also induced membrane domain aggregation and activation of T cell signaling events. The T cell receptor (TCR) aggregation caused redistribution of domains resulting in TCR patches of higher order and the bulk membrane correspondingly depleted of ordered domains. This suggests the preexistence of small ordered membrane domains in resting T cells that aggregate upon cell activation. Increased actin polymerization at the TCR aggregation sites showed that actin polymerization is strongly correlated with the changes in the distribution of ordered domains. The distribution of the TCR in resting cells and its colocalization with actin filaments is cell cycle dependent. We conclude that actin filament attachment to the plasma membrane, which is regulated via PI(4,5)P2, plays a crucial role in the formation of ordered domains. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Plasma membrane order; the role of cholesterol and links to actin filaments :Dinic, Jelena January 2011 (has links)
The connection between T cell activation, plasma membrane order and actin filament dynamics was the main focus of this study. Laurdan and di-4-ANEPPDHQ, membrane order sensing probes, were shown to report only on lipid packing rather than being influenced by the presence of membrane-inserted peptides justifying their use in membrane order studies. These dyes were used to follow plasma membrane order in live cells at 37°C. Disrupting actin filaments had a disordering effect while stabilizing actin filaments had an ordering effect on the plasma membrane, indicating there is a basal level of ordered domains in resting cells. Lowering PI(4,5)P2 levels decreased the proportion of ordered domains strongly suggesting that the connection of actin filaments to the plasma membrane is responsible for the maintaining the level of ordered membrane domains. Membrane blebs, which are detached from the underlying actin filaments, contained a low fraction of ordered domains. Aggregation of membrane components resulted in a higher proportion of ordered plasma membrane domains and an increase in cell peripheral actin polymerization. This strongly suggests that the attachment of actin filaments to the plasma membrane induces the formation of ordered domains. Limited cholesterol depletion with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin triggered peripheral actin polymerization. Cholesterol depleted cells showed an increase in plasma membrane order as a result of actin filament accumulation underneath the membrane. Moderate cholesterol depletion also induced membrane domain aggregation and activation of T cell signaling events. The T cell receptor (TCR) aggregation caused redistribution of domains resulting in TCR patches of higher order and the bulk membrane correspondingly depleted of ordered domains. This suggests the preexistence of small ordered membrane domains in resting T cells that aggregate upon cell activation. Increased actin polymerization at the TCR aggregation sites showed that actin polymerization is strongly correlated with the changes in the distribution of ordered domains. The distribution of the TCR in resting cells and its colocalization with actin filaments is cell cycle dependent. We conclude that actin filament attachment to the plasma membrane, which is regulated via PI(4,5)P2, plays a crucial role in the formation of ordered domains. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript.
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