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Simulovaná havárie vozidla převážejícího vybranou chemickou látku ve vybraném městě / Simulated accident of car lifting defined chemical substance in defined cityTLUŠŤÁK, Kamil January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to simulate a road accident of a vehicle carrying a chosen dangerous chemical substance in a chosen city. We chose a crash site based on statistical inquiry of the number of road accidents. We chose a chemical substance by analyzing substances used in the vicinity of the chosen city. Through the use of simulation, we described and created a proposition of solving the arose extraordinary event, for the components of Emergency Service units. After completing these objectives, it will be possible to answer the research question: What kind of jeopardy does the leakage of a chosen chemical substance represent, during transportation in a chosen town? The theoretical part firstly focuses on basic terms that we worked with in the thesis. Basic legislative fixing point of dangerous objects and substances is described. Also, European and interstate regulations about transportation of these things is described. European agreement ADR is separately described further away. In the next part, manipulation with dangerous substances and mixtures is described as it is shown in Enactment EP and Council No. 1272/2008/ES, or the enactment of CLP. The characteristics determining their hazardousness, the way of evaluation and classification of dangerous substances and mixtures into corresponding categories is also described. Separately described are ways of packaging and numbering these substances. In the last part, we described the making of a safety list about chemical substances and mixtures, with an emphasis on the information about their transportation. In the next part we described the transportation of dangerous objects and substances on the highway. Further away we described appropriateness and demands for transportation of dangerous substances, for example demands on choosing vehicle personnel, the transportation itself and the equipment that every vehicle must have. We described the risks related with transportation and planning routes for transporting dangerous substances and objects. The aim of the assessments and precautions above are to minimalize risks related to transportation of dangerous substances and thus make it relatively safe. Unfortunately, this is not absolutely possible. This was also found to be true in the empirical part of the thesis, in which we carried out an analysis of the statistics of road accidents of vehicles in the ADR mode, and we found that the human factor is indeed the cause of these accidents. It was proven that 94% of all the road accidents of vehicles in the ADR mode was caused by the driver of the vehicle.Further away, the number of Emergency Service units interferences in cases of dangerous substance leakage and procedures carried out during those interferences, are described. In the empirical part of the thesis, we described methods of choosing the crash site and the dangerous substance. As a crash site we chose highway I/49 in Zlín county, that is evaluated as a highway of medium risk of road accidents, on the road risk map of Czech Republic. More accurately, cross-road of Třída Tomáše Bati and Březnická street in Zlín. When choosing the right substance we conducted an analysis of chemical substance usage in Zlín county. Subsequently we chose aqueous solution of ammoniac, which is being transported on the highway I/49 by two companies. It is prepared in IBC containers with the volume of 1000 liters. Acquired data was used for simulation, evaluation of the extraordinary event and for choosing the number of individuals in jeopardy.The simulation was executed using the TerEx software. Subsequently, the proposal for dealing with the extraordinary event by the Emergency Service units was developed. Based on the executed simulation, it is possible to assess that transportation of dangerous substances and mixtures constitutes a great danger in the residential area with a high number of habitable and administrative buildings.
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Simulação elétrica do efeito de dose total em células de memória estática (SRAM)Paniz, Vitor January 2010 (has links)
Nesta dissertação é apresentado o estudo da célula SRAM estática de 6 transistores, com tecnologia CMOS, sendo utilizada em ambiente exposto à radiação. Foi verificado, através de simulação com o Hspice (HSPICE, 2009; KIME, 1998) e com a análise de Monte Carlo, o seu comportamento com relação à dose de ionização total (Total Ionization Dose, TID), a qual altera a tensão de limiar (threshold voltage, Vth) e a corrente de fuga, não sendo utilizada nenhuma técnica de fabricação especial para tolerância à radiação. Na simulação foi observado o comportamento da célula com relação ao tempo de atraso de escrita, à margem de ruído de leitura e ao consumo de energia. As simulações incluem as tecnologias de 130nm e 350nm sendo, portanto, possível comparar os efeitos de radiação citados em ambas, para verificar qual é a mais naturalmente resistente a radiação, verificando se está coerente com resultados divulgados na literatura. Para simular o efeito de dose, altera-se a tensão de limiar (threshold voltage, Vth) com a análise de Monte Carlo e, para a corrente de fuga, adiciona-se uma fonte de corrente entre o dreno e fonte de cada transistor. Os valores de Vth e corrente de fuga foram obtidos nas referências (HAUGERUD, 2005) para a tecnologia 130nm e (LACOE, 1998) para a tecnologia 350 nm. As simulações mostram que o comportamento foi coerente com resultados já conhecidos, em que a tecnologia mais antiga (350nm) tem alterações mais significativas do que a tecnologia mais atual, em relação à TID. / This work presents the study of the static RAM (SRAM) cell with 6 transistor, using CMOS technology, under radiation environment. The electrical behavior of the cell is evaluated using SPICE simulation (HSPICE, 2009; KIME, 1998) and applying Monte Carlo analysis. The effect of total ionization dose is analyzed through the modeling of threshold voltage shifts and leakage currents. The case study processes of this work do not use any special fabrication steps to make the circuit tolerant to radiation. The behavior of the cell related to write propagation time, read noise margin and energy consumption is evaluated through scripts written to support the simulation campaign. The simulations were performed for both 130nm and 350nm technologies, making possible to compare which one is more resistant to radiation. To further explore the dose effect in the case where the radiation does not affect all transistors in exactly the same way, the threshold voltage (Vth) of the transistors is varied randomly in the Monte Carlo analysis. To consider the leakage current, it is added a current source between drain and source of each transistor. The values of Vth and leakage current were obtained in reference (HAUGERUD, 2005) for the 130nm and in reference (LACOE, 1998) for the 350nm technology. The simulations show that the behavior was consistent with results already known, in which the older technology (350nm) is more significant changes then the most current technology, for the TID.
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Transistor level automatic generation of radiation-hardened circuits / Geração automática de circuitos tolerantes a radiação no nível de transistoresLazzari, Cristiano January 2007 (has links)
Tecnologias submicrônicas (DSM) têm inserido novos desafios ao projeto de circuitos devido a redução de geometrias, redução na tensão de alimentação, aumento da freqüência e aumento da densidade de lógica. Estas características reduzem significativamente a confiabilidade dos circuitos integrados devido a suscetibilidade a efeitos como crosstalk e acoplamento de substrato. Ainda, os efeitos da radiação são mais significantes devido as partículas com baixa energia começam a ser um problema em tecnologias DSM. Todas essas características enfatizam a necessidade de novas ferramentas de automação. Um dos objetivos desta tese é desenvolver novas ferramentas aptas a lidar com estes desafios. Esta tese é dividida em duas grandes contribuições. A primeira está relacionada com o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia com o objetivo de gerar circuitos otimizados em respeito ao atraso e ao consumo de potência. Um novo fluxo de projeto é apresentado na qual o circuito é otimizado no nível de transistor. Esta metodologia permite otimizar cada transistor de acordo com as capacitâncias associadas. Diferente da metodologia tradicional, o leiaute é gerado sob demanda depois do processo de otimização de transistores. Resultados mostram melhora de 11% em relação ao atraso dos circuitos e 30% de redução no consumo de potência em comparação à metodologia tradicional. A segunda contribuição está relacionada com o desenvolvimento de técnicas de geração de circuitos tolerantes a radiação. Uma técnica CWSP é usada para aplicar redundância temporal em elementos seqüenciais. Esta técnica apresenta baixa utilização de área, mas as penalidades no atraso estão totalmente relacionadas com a duração do pulso que se planeja atenuar. Além disso, uma nova metodologia de dimensionamento de transistores para falhas transientes é apresentada. A metodologia de dimensionamento é baseada em um modelo analítico. O modelo considera independente blocos de transistores PMOS e NMOS. Então, somente transistores diretamente relacionados à atenuação são dimensionados. Resultados mostram área, atraso e consumo de potência reduzido em comparação com as técnicas CWSP e TMR, permitindo o desenvolvimento de circuitos com alta freqüência. / Deep submicron (DSM) technologies have increased the challenges in circuit designs due to geometry shrinking, power supply reduction, frequency increasing and high logic density. The reliability of integrated circuits is significantly reduced as a consequence of the susceptibility to crosstalk and substrate coupling. In addition, radiation effects are also more significant because particles with low energy, without importance in older technologies, start to be a problem in DSM technologies. All these characteristics emphasize the need for new Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. One of the goals of this thesis is to develop EDA tools able to cope with these DSM challenges. This thesis is divided in two major contributions. The first contribution is related to the development of a new methodology able to generate optimized circuits in respect to timing and power consumption. A new design flow is proposed in which the circuit is optimized at transistor level. This methodology allows the optimization of every single transistor according to the capacitances associated to it. Different from the traditional standard cell approach, the layout is generated on demand after a transistor level optimization process. Results show an average 11% delay improvement and more than 30% power saving in comparison with the traditional design flow. The second contribution of this thesis is related with the development of techniques for radiation-hardened circuits. The Code Word State Preserving (CWSP) technique is used to apply timing redundancy into latches and flipflops. This technique presents low area overhead, but timing penalties are totally related with the glitch duration is being attenuated. Further, a new transistor sizing methodology for Single Event Transient (SET) attenuation is proposed. The sizing method is based on an analytic model. The model considers independently pull-up and pull-down blocks. Thus, only transistors directly related to the SET attenuation are sized. Results show smaller area, timing and power consumption overhead in comparison with TMR and CWSP techniques allowing the development of high frequency circuits, with lower area and power overhead.
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Análise histológica dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de cães como recurso para avaliar a influência dos auxiliares químicos da instrumentação no selamento dos canais radiculares obturados com RealSeal® e expostos ao meio bucalSantos, Regis Burmeister dos January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo, in vivo, visou a avaliar a influência do auxiliar químico no selamento dos canais radiculares obturados com o sistema RealSeal® e preparados para a colocação de pino protético, pela análise da resposta dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de cães. Foram testados os produtos químicos hipoclorito de sódio a 1% e a clorexidina gel a 2%. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em 6 cães, 10 dentes em cada um deles, num total de 60 dentes e 120 canais divididos em sete grupos, sendo três grupos teste, três grupos controle negativo e um grupo controle positivo. Todos os dentes permaneceram selados por 24 horas após terem sido tratados. Decorrido este prazo, os selamentos provisórios dos dentes pertencentes aos grupos teste e controle positivo foram removidos, permanecendo sem selamento por 90 dias. Os dentes dos grupos controle negativo foram mantidos com selamento durante todo o período experimental, quando os animais foram mortos e suas mandíbulas removidas. O processamento histológico foi realizado com hematoxilina e eosina. A análise histológica, com auxílio de um microscópio óptico, baseou-se na avaliação da situação histológica dos tecidos periapicais. A análise estatística foi realizada a partir do teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis com localização de diferenças pelos procedimentos de post-hoc, de Mann-Whitney e Willcoxon. O nível de significância considerado adequado foi de 5%. Os grupos experimentais e controle negativo apresentaram menor grau de inflamação dos tecidos periapicais em comparação com o grupo controle positivo no qual se observou, em todos os espécimes, presença de infiltrado polimorfonuclear neutrófilo e/ou eosinófilo, com presença de áreas de formação de abscesso (p=0,001). Como conseqüência das análises descritas foi concluído que os auxiliares químicos da instrumentação do canal, hipoclorito de sódio a 1%, clorexidina gel a 2% e o soro fisiológico, associados ao EDTA a 17%, não interferiram na resposta do tecido periapical, parecendo, também, não terem interferido na imbricação do sistema RealSeal® nas paredes do canal radicular, no período experimental de 90 dias. Pode-se inferir, ainda, que o material obturador remanescente após o preparo para o pino protético foi eficaz na vedação da zona apical do canal radicular, no espaço do tempo experimental. / The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the cleaning protocol on sealing of root canal obturation with RealSeal following post space preparation, by means of periapical tissue response analysis. 1% sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine were the tested products. For this purpose, six dogs were used, 10 teeth in each dog, comprising a total of 60 teeth and 120 root canals, were randomly divided into seven groups, being three test groups, three negative controls and a positive control. Following obturation, all teeth were kept totally sealed during 24 hours to allow sealer setting. Then the positive control and the three test groups had their seal removed, and obturation material exposed to the oral environment for 90 days. Negative controls were kept sealed during the whole experimental period. The animals were killed and their mandibles removed. Histological procedures were adopted as to HE staining. Optical histological analysis at magnifications varying from 25x to 400x considered the periapical tissue status at various sites by a blinded senior observer. Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and a Mann-Whitney and Willcoxon post-hoc were adopted at α= 0.05. Experimental groups and negative control had lower degree of inflammation when compared with the positive control, which showed consistently neutrophil and eosinophil infiltrates and areas of abscess (p=0.001). Both sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine behaved similarly, not interfering with the periapical tissue response. The remaining filling material was efficient to seal the apical portion of the root canal, regardless of the cleaning protocol.
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La mesure et la modélisation des faisceaux de photons de petite taille pour l'IMRT et la radiochirurgie / Measurement and modeling of small fields photons beams for IMRT and radiosurgeryAbdul Hadi, Talal 24 May 2017 (has links)
Les nouvelles techniques de la radiothérapie (Stéréotaxie, IMRT, VMAT, IGRT...etc) utilisent des faisceaux de photons de très petite taille (mini-faisceaux) dans le cas de petite tumeur, au cerveau par exemple, afin d'irradier précisément la lésion. En effet, leur taille de champ est inférieure à 3cm×3cm à 100 cm de la source de rayonnement, cependant la mesure de la dose dans les mini-faisceaux est caractérisée par de forts gradients de dose et un manque d'équilibre électronique latéral, nécessitant l'utilisation de détecteurs ayant un volume sensible et une résolution spatiale adaptés, avec une équivalence-eau aussi bonne que possible afin d'améliorer la précision de la dose mesurée. Les détecteurs commercialisés ne remplissent parfaitement ces conditions. Actuellement, il n'existe pas de consensus méthodologique international, ni de référence métrologique pour mesurer la dose dans les mini-faisceaux. Le protocole IAEA 398 utilisé pour calculer la dose absorbée dans un faisceau de 10×10 cm², n'est plus approprié pour les mini-faisceaux. Ce travail compare la mesure des données dosimétriques par différents détecteurs conçus pour ce type de faisceau et optimise celui le plus proche de la réalité. En absconse de référence métrologique, la vérification de l'ensemble de la mesure des données dosimétriques est assurée par l'utilisation des films gafchromiques du fait de son excellente résolution spatiale. Cette étude propose une méthode expérimentale pour estimer la dose délivrée en stéréotaxie intracrânienne. Cette méthode est basée sur la mesure de la dose de fuite en un point situé en dehors du champ d'irradiation. / The advanced techniques of radiotherapy use very small fields in case small tumors such as in the brain to irradiate precisely the lesion. This work concerns the measurement absorbed dose in small field of 0.5×0.5cm² to 3×3cm². However, the measurement dose in small fields is characterized by high gradient dose and a leak of lateral electronic equilibrium. That requires use a detector having an adapted sensitive volume and adapted spatial resolution. The detectors marketed are not perfectly compatible with these conditions. Actually, there is no international methodological consensus, nor a metrological reference for measurement dose in small fields. The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) protocol 398 used to calculate the absorbed dose at 10cm×10cm isn't suitable for small fields. In absence a referenced detector, the dosimetric data measurement is verified using a Gafcromic films due to its excellent spatial resolution. We measure using conventional detectors (ionization chambers and/or Gafcromic film) the leakage dose at a point outside of irradiated field. The dosimetric data such as output factor OF, depth PDD percentage depth dose and dose profile OAR were also carried out by the diode. The correlation between the on-axis dose and off-axis dose is the subject of our study. This study proposes an experimental method to calculate the on-axis dose in small field for stereotactic radiotherapy. The method is based on the out of field leakage measurement. This model can be used to validate dose and output factor measurement. The experimental validation of the present method was performed for square and rectangular fields with sizes ranging from 0.5cm×0.5cm to 10cm×10cm.
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Neodkladná a následná opatření v případě úniku chloru - zpětná analýza minulých případů / Urgent and follow-up measures in case of chlorine leakage - a retrospective analysis of past casesKLIMEŠOVÁ, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the urgent and follow-up measures in case of chlorine leak and a retrospective analysis of past cases. Chlorine is a widely used toxic gas. It is known from history as the first practically used warfare agent. Today, it is an important chemical raw material that is used widely in industry. It is also commonly transported by road and rail. It is one of the substances whose leakages occur very often. The objective of this paper is to assess the impacts of chlorine leakage on the lives and health of people and to provide an overview of urgent and follow-up measures in case of chlorine leakage in the perspective of the integrated rescue system and the general public. In addition, to locate, describe and analyze past cases. The theoretical part contains information about chlorine, the principles of behaviour of the population in case of an accident with chlorine leakage and an overview of measures undertaken at the site of chlorine leakage. Through studying available literature and resources on the Internet, overview of major chlorine leakages in the Czech Republic as well as abroad has been created. Selected events are described in detail. The practical part simulates, using computer programme called TerEx, a chlorine leakage from a water treatment plant in Písek, South Bohemia. To compare the results, several model situations were created with varying amounts of chlorine leaked at different times of accident and atmospheric conditions. A specific example is used to assess the risks to people living near the plant and to outline the urgent and follow-up measures.
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Neodkladná a následná opatření v případě úniku chlóru - Simulovaná havárie vozidla přepravujícího chlór / The urgent and follow-up precautions in case of leakage of chlorine - Simulated accident of vehicle carrying chlorineKADIČ, Milan January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to introduce urgent and follow-up precautions in case of leakage of chlorine - simulated accident of vehicle transporting chlorine. The major objective of this study is to analyse the risk of chlorine-transport for people with the aid of available simulation programme and to specify urgent and follow-up precautions. The next part of this study is to investigate the knowledgeability of people. The theoretical part of this study is systematical structured into a number of chapters and worked out on the basis of available legislative regulations, literature and internet sources. At first basic legislation of transport of dangerous substances is described, from the european, as well as national perspective. The next chapter deals with transport of dangerous substances, danger classes of these substances, their labeling in transport, as well as labeling of transport units. The following chapter is devoted to aspects of an accident in case of transporting of dangerous substances. This chapter demonstrates an accident with leakage of dangerous substance, its impact, escape of this substance and its spread. Further the sources and risks of transportation of dangerous substances and accident rate in this transport are described. The next chapter deals with the specific dangerous substance - chlorine. It is aimed at physico-chemical characters of chlorine, its history and its current utilisation, its effect on human health, on environment and first aid in case of contact. At the end urgent and follow-up precautions in case of an accident inkl. leakage of chlorine. The empirical part of this study is devoted to two basic research questions. Qualitative, as well as quantitative methods of research were used to answers these questions. The empirical part is devided into two major chapters. The primary purpose of this study is to simulate an accident of vehicle transporting chlorine with the aid of the programme TerEx and to determine its impact on people and surrounding. The first question was to analyse the potential dangerous for people and surroundings in case of an accident with chlorine. For this purpose the town České Budějovice was used. First the transport of liquid chlorine in small containers in the Czech Republic was analysed focusing on the southbohemian region and especially the regional city. Thereafter input data were entered. On the basis of obtained outputs were determined threats, that arise from the transport of dangerous chlorine and on the basis of simulation were characterized activities carried out by Integrated Rescue System using appropriate urgent and follow-up precautions. Part of this work was also the second research question - the level of knowledge of people located close to the simulated accident about this problem. This survey was aimed at the risk of chlorine, its transport and characteristics and impact on human health as well as protection against its adverse effects. For this purpose a group of second-year students of the local gymnasium located close to the place of simulated accident was chosen. The data were collected through a questionnaire, which contained a group of questions relating to this problem. The obtained data were evaluated using basic methods of elemental statistical analysis and graphic processing. Findings resulting from the analysis of transporting of chlorine and from the simulation using the programme TerEx show, that the danger to the population of České Budějovice in case of an accident with chlorine is significant. The issue of chlorine-transport and its risks is additionally complicated by insufficient regulation. Another negative factor of transporting of these substances is the complicated traffic situation in the country town. Based on the results of the questionary can be stated, that these students have average knowledge in this issue.
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Avaliação in vitro da microinfiltração marginal e análise da fenda marginal cervical através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, em restaurações de classe V de resina composta. Efeito dos sistemas adesivos e técnica de preparo cavitárioOrbegoso Flores, Victor Humberto [UNESP] 07 May 2001 (has links) (PDF)
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orbegosoflores_vh_dr_arafo.pdf: 838219 bytes, checksum: 839e8fda83a571e900cce3e586d69abb (MD5) / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a formação de fendas marginais cervicais através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, assim como, a microinfiltração marginal em preparos de classe V. foram utilizadas duas técnicas de preparo: P1 utilizando fresa carbide no 245 e P2 que utilizou o jato de ar abrasivo Mach 4.0 (80psi de pressão, 27 æm de tamanho de partícula). O tamanho das cavidades foi padronizado com 1,5 mm de profundidade, 2,0 mm de altura e 3,0 mm de largura. Os materiais utilizados foram: G1 -Optibond solo Plus, G2 - Prime & BondNT e G3 - Scotchbond Multiuso Plus (grupo controle), a resina composta Point 4 utilizada para restaurar as cavidades foi padronizada para todas as restaurações. Foram utilizados 42 dentes molares hígidos divididos em 3 grupos de 14 cada, utilizando a face vestibular e lingual sendo que os preparos mostraram a margem oclusal em esmalte e a margem cervical em cemento/dentina. Após as restaurações serem confeccionadas foram armazenadas em água deionizada durante 24 horas, para posteriormente realizar os procedimentos de acabamento e polimento, a seguir os dentes foram isolados com araldite e esmalte para unha e submetidos a testes de ciclagem térmico (400 ciclos)e imediatamente imersos numa solução de nitrato de prata, durante 2 horas, removidos, lavados e colocados numa solução fotoreveladora durante 16 horas. Nessas condições os dentes foram limpos e seccionados no sentido mésio/distal obtendo duas metades as quais por sua vez foram seccionadas no sentido vestíbulo lingual dividindo as restaurações pela metade. Assim, uma metade da restauração foi avaliada através da lupa esteroscópica para observar a microinfiltração e a outra metade preparada e metalizada para ser avaliada através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A análise estatística aplicada aos resultados permite concluir que... . / The aim of this study was to evaluate the formation of cervical gap with SEM, and the marginal microleakage in cavities class V. There were used two techniques for the preparations: P1 using a carbide # 245 and P2 using abrasive air Mach 4.0 (80 psi of preasure, 27nm measurement of the particle). The measurements of the cavities were standardized in 1.5mm of deepness, 2,0mm of highness and 3,0mm of lengthiness. The materials used were: G1 Optibond Solo Plus, G2 Prime & Bond NT and G3 Scotchbond Multiuso Plus (control group), it was used the composite Point 4 as the restorative material for all cavities. Forty-two healthy molars, divided in three groups of 14 each one, were used. Cavities were prepared in the buccal and lingual faces, its occlusal margin was in enamel and its cervical margin was in dentin/cement. After that finishing and polishing was made. Teeth were isolated with analdite and nail varnish and thermocycled (400 times). The preparations were dyed with silver nitrate for two hours. Preparations were stored in a photo developing solution for 16 hours. After that time teeth were cleaned and cut (buccal/lingual) Half of the preparation was observed in a stereoscopic microscope and the other half in a SEM. Results: 1.Preparations with abrasive air had a bigger gap; 2.Adhesive systems do not eliminate the formation of gaps; 3.Best results were found in the group prepared with bur and the adhesive Optibond Solo Plus, with a cervical gap 0,84nm, and in the other hand Scotchbond Multiuso Plus showed marginal gaps of 6,36nm; 4.In the occlusal margin Optibond Solo Plus had more microleakage tha Scotchbond Multiuso Plus and Prime & Bond NT.; 5. In the cervical margin, Optibond Solo Plus had good behavior controlling the marginal microleakage, compared with Scotchbond Multiuso Plus and Prime & Bond that had similar leakage between... (Complete abstract, click electronic address below).
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Testes de vigor em sementes de quiabeiroLopes, Magnólia de Mendonça [UNESP] 27 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
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lopes_mm_dr_jabo.pdf: 330970 bytes, checksum: aa76d1b477a1c43224f03c7bd118f385 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo adequar os testes de deterioração controlada, de envelhecimento acelerado, de condutividade elétrica e de lixiviação de potássio, na avaliação da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de quiabo (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). O experimento foi conduzido utilizando-se quatro lotes de sementes de quiabo, cv. Santa Cruz. Na primeira etapa do trabalho foram realizados os testes de germinação, primeira contagem da germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, emergência de plântula em campo e estudos específicos para os testes de deterioração controlada (teores de água de 18, 21 e 24%, temperaturas de 41 e 45ºC durante 24 horas). O envelhecimento acelerado, com e sem solução salina (períodos 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas, a 41ºC e 45ºC). A condutividade elétrica (temperaturas de 25 e 30ºC, volumes de 25 e 50 mL de água, 25 e 50 sementes e períodos de 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas). A lixiviação de potássio (25 sementes, 25 mL de água a 25ºC, durante 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 e 24 horas). Na segunda etapa, os procedimentos considerados mais promissores para cada teste na primeira etapa, foram repetidos. De acordo como os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que os testes de deterioração controlada com 24% de teor de água das sementes a 41ºC por 24 horas, o envelhecimento acelerado com e sem solução salina utilizando 41ºC por 72 horas e o teste de condutividade elétrica, 25 sementes com 25mL de água a 25ºC durante 24 horas foram os testes mais indicados para avaliação da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de quiabo. O teste de lixiviação de potássio necessita de estudos adicionais para adequar seu método e viabilizar a sua utilização para sementes de quiabo. / The objective of this research was to study the physiological tests of controlled deterioration, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and potassium leakage, for okra seeds, to evaluate it’s physiological quality. The experiment was carried out by using four okra seed lots cv. “Santa Cruz”. In the first stage were performed the standard germination, first germination count, speed of germination index, field seedling emergence, controlled deterioration seed (water content of 18, 21 and 24%, 45ºC, during 24 hours). The accelerated aging with and without salt solution with period of 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours at 41 and, 45ºC. For the electrical conductivity were used temperatures of 25 and, 30ºC, volumes of 25 and 50 mL of water, 25 and 50 seeds and periods of 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 and, 24 hours. The potassium leakage (25 seeds, 25mL of water at 25ºC during 2, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours. In the second stage, the procedure considered more relevant for every test was repeated. According to the obtained results was concluded that the controlled deterioration test with 24% of seed water content at 41ºC for 24 hours. The accelerated aging with and without salt solution using 41ºC for 72 hours and the electrical conductivity test 25 seeds with 25mL of water at 25ºC during 24 hours were the most indicated tests to evaluate the physiological seed quality of okra seeds. The potassium leakage needs additional studies to adequate it’s methods and to make viable it’s use for okra seeds.
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Transistor level automatic generation of radiation-hardened circuits / Geração automática de circuitos tolerantes a radiação no nível de transistoresLazzari, Cristiano January 2007 (has links)
Tecnologias submicrônicas (DSM) têm inserido novos desafios ao projeto de circuitos devido a redução de geometrias, redução na tensão de alimentação, aumento da freqüência e aumento da densidade de lógica. Estas características reduzem significativamente a confiabilidade dos circuitos integrados devido a suscetibilidade a efeitos como crosstalk e acoplamento de substrato. Ainda, os efeitos da radiação são mais significantes devido as partículas com baixa energia começam a ser um problema em tecnologias DSM. Todas essas características enfatizam a necessidade de novas ferramentas de automação. Um dos objetivos desta tese é desenvolver novas ferramentas aptas a lidar com estes desafios. Esta tese é dividida em duas grandes contribuições. A primeira está relacionada com o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia com o objetivo de gerar circuitos otimizados em respeito ao atraso e ao consumo de potência. Um novo fluxo de projeto é apresentado na qual o circuito é otimizado no nível de transistor. Esta metodologia permite otimizar cada transistor de acordo com as capacitâncias associadas. Diferente da metodologia tradicional, o leiaute é gerado sob demanda depois do processo de otimização de transistores. Resultados mostram melhora de 11% em relação ao atraso dos circuitos e 30% de redução no consumo de potência em comparação à metodologia tradicional. A segunda contribuição está relacionada com o desenvolvimento de técnicas de geração de circuitos tolerantes a radiação. Uma técnica CWSP é usada para aplicar redundância temporal em elementos seqüenciais. Esta técnica apresenta baixa utilização de área, mas as penalidades no atraso estão totalmente relacionadas com a duração do pulso que se planeja atenuar. Além disso, uma nova metodologia de dimensionamento de transistores para falhas transientes é apresentada. A metodologia de dimensionamento é baseada em um modelo analítico. O modelo considera independente blocos de transistores PMOS e NMOS. Então, somente transistores diretamente relacionados à atenuação são dimensionados. Resultados mostram área, atraso e consumo de potência reduzido em comparação com as técnicas CWSP e TMR, permitindo o desenvolvimento de circuitos com alta freqüência. / Deep submicron (DSM) technologies have increased the challenges in circuit designs due to geometry shrinking, power supply reduction, frequency increasing and high logic density. The reliability of integrated circuits is significantly reduced as a consequence of the susceptibility to crosstalk and substrate coupling. In addition, radiation effects are also more significant because particles with low energy, without importance in older technologies, start to be a problem in DSM technologies. All these characteristics emphasize the need for new Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. One of the goals of this thesis is to develop EDA tools able to cope with these DSM challenges. This thesis is divided in two major contributions. The first contribution is related to the development of a new methodology able to generate optimized circuits in respect to timing and power consumption. A new design flow is proposed in which the circuit is optimized at transistor level. This methodology allows the optimization of every single transistor according to the capacitances associated to it. Different from the traditional standard cell approach, the layout is generated on demand after a transistor level optimization process. Results show an average 11% delay improvement and more than 30% power saving in comparison with the traditional design flow. The second contribution of this thesis is related with the development of techniques for radiation-hardened circuits. The Code Word State Preserving (CWSP) technique is used to apply timing redundancy into latches and flipflops. This technique presents low area overhead, but timing penalties are totally related with the glitch duration is being attenuated. Further, a new transistor sizing methodology for Single Event Transient (SET) attenuation is proposed. The sizing method is based on an analytic model. The model considers independently pull-up and pull-down blocks. Thus, only transistors directly related to the SET attenuation are sized. Results show smaller area, timing and power consumption overhead in comparison with TMR and CWSP techniques allowing the development of high frequency circuits, with lower area and power overhead.
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