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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monitoring Kraft Recovery Boiler Fouling by Multivariate Data Analysis

Edberg, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with fouling in the recovery boiler at Montes del Plata, Uruguay. Multivariate data analysis has been used to analyze the large amount of data that was available in order to investigate how different parameters affect the fouling problems. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Square Projection (PLS) have in this work been used. PCA has been used to compare average values between time periods with high and low fouling problems while PLS has been used to study the correlation structures between the variables and consequently give an indication of which parameters that might be changed to improve the availability of the boiler. The results show that this recovery boiler tends to have problems with fouling that might depend on the distribution of air, the black liquor pressure or the dry solid content of the black liquor. The results also show that multivariate data analysis is a powerful tool for analyzing these types of fouling problems. / Detta arbete handlar om inkruster i sodapannan pa Montes del Plata, Uruguay. Multivariat dataanalys har anvands for att analysera den stora datamangd som fanns tillganglig for att undersoka hur olika parametrar paverkar inkrusterproblemen. Principal·· Component Analysis (PCA) och Partial Least Square Projection (PLS) har i detta jobb anvants. PCA har anvants for att jamfora medelvarden mellan tidsperioder med hoga och laga inkrusterproblem medan PLS har anvants for att studera korrelationen mellan variablema och darmed ge en indikation pa vilka parametrar som kan tankas att andras for att forbattra tillgangligheten pa sodapannan. Resultaten visar att sodapannan tenderar att ha problem med inkruster som kan hero pa fdrdelningen av luft, pa svartlutens tryck eller pa torrhalten i svartluten. Resultaten visar ocksa att multivariat dataanalys ar ett anvandbart verktyg for att analysera dessa typer av inkrusterproblem.


Flach, Christopher January 2015 (has links)
Den mobila plånboken gör det möjligt att kunna utföra betalningar med hjälp av sin smarttelefon i butiker och har funnits tillgänglig i både Sverige och andra länder runt om i världen under en längre tid. Trots detta visar studier på att denna teknik inte har blivit accepterad av konsumenterna vilket även gör att butiker är motvilliga att investera i denna typ av teknik. Syftet med undersökningen som har genomförts i denna rapport är att delvis undersöka hur utbrett användningen av mobila plånböcker är bland studenter på Högskolan i Skövde, det huvudsakliga syftet är dock att identifiera de faktorer som påverkar konsumenternas acceptans och avsikt att använda mobila plånböcker. Att skaffa en förståelse till hur och varför en individ väljer att acceptera en ny teknik anses vara en av de viktigaste forskningsaspekterna inom informationssystem. Arbetet baseras på en undersökningsmodell som främst härstammar från UTAUT2 och där analysen av data utfördes med PLS-SEM. Resultatet från denna undersökning kan komma att hjälpa de parter och organisationer som är delaktiga i tillhandahållningen av tjänsten mobila plånböcker att identifiera vilka faktorer konsumenter anser vara viktigast för att påbörja användningen av mobila plånböcker och vad som leder till fortsatt användning. Resultatet av undersökningen visar bland annat på att upplevt värde och förväntad prestanda har störst effekt på avsikten att använda mobila plånböcker.

Influência das irregularidades da forma em peças de madeira na determinação do módulo de elasticidade longitudinal / Influence of timber pieces shape irregularities in longitudinal modulus of elasticity determination

Christoforo, André Luis 06 December 2007 (has links)
Atualmente, os documentos normativos que tratam da determinação das propriedades de rigidez e resistência para elementos roliços estruturais de madeira não levam em consideração em seus modelos matemáticos a influência das irregularidades existentes na geometria dessas peças. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo determinar o valor ótimo do módulo de elasticidade longitudinal para peças roliças estruturais de madeira por intermédio de uma técnica de otimização aliada ao método da análise inversa, ao método dos elementos finitos e ao método dos mínimos quadrados. / Currently, the normative documents that deal with the determination of the properties of rigidity and resistance for round structural timber elements round timber do not take in consideration in both calculations and mathematical models the influence of the existing of irregularities in the geometry of these elements. An objective of this work is to determine the optimum value of the modulus of elasticity for round structural timber elements by an optimization technique associated to the inverse analysis method, to the finite element method and the least squares method.

Restrições ao crédito e o uso dos recursos financeiros nas empresas brasileiras

Peres, Ariádine January 2014 (has links)
Este estudo têm como objetivo identificar qual o comportamento de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto com relação à aplicação dos recursos financeiros de seus fluxos de caixa (recursos internos) em investimentos e não investimentos (em fins que não se configuram como um projeto real de investimento) no curto e longo prazo e mostrar como essa questão está relacionado com o grau de restrições financeiras enfrentado pelas empresas. Para alcançar esse objetivo foram estimadas quatro regressões pelo método OLS (Ordinary Least Square / Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários), cada uma delas com uma das variáveis resposta correspondentes aos principais usos de caixa, ou seja, retenção de caixa, investimentos, dividendos e redução do financiamento externo e com as variáveis explicativas dadas pelo fluxo de caixa nos períodos t, t-1 e t-2 e algumas variáveis de controle específicas da firma. Os resultados sugerem que empresas brasileiras restritas e irrestritas se comportam de forma diferente ao receberem um choque positivo em seus fluxos de caixa e que o comportamento das mesmas também difere no curto e no longo prazo. Empresas restritas e irrestritas ao receberem um choque positivo em seus fluxos de caixa, retêm caixa no período contemporâneo e alocam tais recursos intertemporalmente. Empresas restritas investem mais no curto prazo enquanto as irrestritas investem mais no longo prazo. No curto prazo, empresas irrestritas distribuem mais dividendos do que empresas irrestritas e no longo prazo, os coeficientes dos fluxos de caixa não são significativos para nenhum dos grupos. No curto prazo empresas irrestritas reduzem o financiamento externo, enquanto empresas restritas levantam mais financiamentos externos e no longo prazo, esse comportamento se inverte. Dessa forma, fica clara a importância de se considerar o longo prazo bem como as restrições financeiras enfrentadas pelas empresas. / This study aim to identify what is the behaviour of Brazilian public companies regarding the use of financial resources of cash flows (internal resources) in investments and not investments (for purposes that are not configured as a real investment project) in the short and long term and show how this is related to the degree of financial constraints faced by firms. To achieve this aim, four regressions were estimated by OLS ( Ordinary Least Square), each with one of the response variables corresponding to the main uses of cash, ie , cash holding, investments, dividends and external finance reduction and the explanatory variables given by the cash flow in periods t , t - 1 and t - 2 and some control variables specific of the firm. The results suggest that restricted and unrestricted Brazilian companies behave differently when they receive a positive shock on cash flows and their behavior also differs in the short and long term. When constrained and unconstrained firms receive a positive impact on cash flows, they retain cash in the contemporary period and intertemporally allocate such resources. Constrained firms invest more in the short term while the unrestricted invest more in the long run. In the short term, unconstrained firms distribute more dividends than unconstrained firms and in the long run, the coefficients of cash flows are not significant for either groups. In the short term unconstrained firms reduce external finance, while constrained firms raise more external finance and in the long term, this behavior is reversed. Thus, it is clear that it matters to consider the long term as well as financial constraints faced by firms.


Yu, Rui 01 January 2018 (has links)
In manual control, the welding gun’s moving speed can significantly influence the welding results and critical welding operations usually require welders to concentrate consistently in order to react rapidly and accurately. However, human welders always have some habitual action which can have some subtle influence the welding process. It takes countless hours to train an experienced human welder. Using vision and IMU sensor will be able to set up a system and allow the worker got more accurate visual feedback like an experienced worker. The problem is that monitor and measuring of the control process not always easy under a complex working environment like welding. In this thesis, a new method is developed that use two different methods to compensate each other to obtain accurate monitoring results. Vision sensor and IMU sensor both developed to obtain the accurate data from the control process in real-time but don’t influence other. Although both vision and IMU sensor has their own limits, they also have their own advantage which can contribute to the measuring system.

Prédire l'âge de personnes à partir de photos du visage : une étude fondée sur la caractérisation et l'analyse de signes du vieillissement

Nkengne, Alex A. 13 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'âge a de tout temps constitué un attribut identitaire important. Nous avons développé au fil de l'évolution une aptitude innée à classer les individus en fonction de leur âge. Cette classification s'appuie en grande partie sur le visage et sur les transformations anatomiques qu'il subit au cours du temps. De plus en plus de traitements cosmétiques, dermatologiques et d'interventions chirurgicales s'attaquant à un signe ou un groupe de signes spécifiques du vieillissement sont mis en oeuvre pour annuler, ou tout au moins masquer partiellement l'effet du temps sur le visage. On peut dès lors s'interroger sur l'influence de chacun des signes sur notre capacité à prédire l'âge d'un individu en observant son visage. Afin de construire un algorithme capable de déterminer l'âge d'individus à partir de leurs photos, nous nous sommes intéressés aux signes du vieillissement et à leur impact sur l'âge apparent. Dans un premier temps, nous avons déterminé et analysé les transformations anatomiques qui altèrent le visage à partir de l'âge adulte (au-delà de 20 ans). Puis nous avons étudié les signes sur lequel on se base pour prédire l'âge d'une personne. Enfin, nous avons construit et validé un modèle prédictif de l'âge en s'appuyant sur les observations précédentes. Transformations anatomiques du visage avec l'âge : La prévalence d'un certain nombre de signes de vieillissement (rides, tâches brunes, forme du visage...) a été mesurée sur un panel représentatif de femmes volontaires âgées de 20 à 74 ans. Ces données ont permis d'établir la cinétique d'apparition de ces signes. Appréciation subjective de l'âge: Il s'agissait de déterminer les signes sur lesquels un observateur s'appuie lorsqu'il évalue l'âge d'un sujet. Pour ce faire, nous avons demandé à un panel constitué de 48 observateurs d'attribuer un âge aux volontaires sur lesquelles nous avions précédemment mesuré les signes du vieillissement. Nous avons confirmé avec ce groupe d'observateurs que la perception de l'âge est liée au sexe et à l'âge de l'observateur. De plus, à l'aide d'une régression PLS (Partial Least Square régression), nous avons établi des relations entre les signes du vieillissement et l'âge observé et démontré que selon que l'on soit jeune ou âgé, un homme ou une femme, on n'exploite pas les mêmes signes de vieillissement pour prédire l'âge.Modèle de prédiction : Enfin, nous avons proposé un modèle s'appuyant sur la régression PLS pour prédire automatiquement l'âge à partir des photos du visage. Ce modèle présente la particularité d'associer, dans une approche unifiée, les signes relatifs à la couleur, à la forme et à la texture du visage, à l'âge des sujets. A l'instar des Modèles Actifs D'apparence (AAM), le modèle construit vise à réduire fortement l'information portée par l'ensemble des pixels du visage. Toutefois, ce dernier est supervisé : Il est donc très approprié dans notre contexte puisque que l'on peut mettre en oeuvre une procédure d'apprentissage pilotée par le but. Les performances sont de fait comparables à celles des humains.

Analysis Of Critical Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction In Modular Kitchen Sector

Ozer, Semih 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study starts with the review of the literature in customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction methods and models. After selecting a proper customer satisfaction method and model, the study conducts a survey and a questionnaire among the customers and professionals in the modular kitchen sector. The aim of the study is to analyze the factors affecting customer satisfaction and finding out the ones related with the modular kitchen sector. After applying the survey, the relations between the inputs and outputs of the satisfaction are analyzed with the overall satisfaction itself. The strong and weak factors are determined and a proper CRM tool is build-up to realize a decision-support and forecast tool in the study, which can be seen as a beginning for the companies in the real sector in this business to build a much more detailed and ERP integrated software and to use them. The results of the survey are compared with the similar studies from the literature.

Estimation of Orthogonal Regression Under Censored Data.

Ho, Chun-shian 19 July 2008 (has links)
The method of least squares has been used in general for regression analysis. It is usually assumed that the errors are confined to the dependent variable, but in many cases both dependent and independent variables are typically measured with some stochastic errors. The statistical method of orthogonal regression has been used when both variables under investigation are subject to stochastic errors. Furthermore, the measurements sometimes may not be exact but have been censored. In this situation doing orthogonal regression with censored data directly between the two variables, it may yield an incorrect estimates of the relationship. In this work we discuss the estimation of orthogonal regression under censored data in one variable and then provide a method of estimation and two criteria on when the method is applicable. When the observations satisfy the criteria provided here, there will not be very large differences between the estimated orthogonal regression line and the theoretical orthogonal regression line.

On the Relationship between Conjugate Gradient and Optimal First-Order Methods for Convex Optimization

Karimi, Sahar January 2014 (has links)
In a series of work initiated by Nemirovsky and Yudin, and later extended by Nesterov, first-order algorithms for unconstrained minimization with optimal theoretical complexity bound have been proposed. On the other hand, conjugate gradient algorithms as one of the widely used first-order techniques suffer from the lack of a finite complexity bound. In fact their performance can possibly be quite poor. This dissertation is partially on tightening the gap between these two classes of algorithms, namely the traditional conjugate gradient methods and optimal first-order techniques. We derive conditions under which conjugate gradient methods attain the same complexity bound as in Nemirovsky-Yudin's and Nesterov's methods. Moreover, we propose a conjugate gradient-type algorithm named CGSO, for Conjugate Gradient with Subspace Optimization, achieving the optimal complexity bound with the payoff of a little extra computational cost. We extend the theory of CGSO to convex problems with linear constraints. In particular we focus on solving $l_1$-regularized least square problem, often referred to as Basis Pursuit Denoising (BPDN) problem in the optimization community. BPDN arises in many practical fields including sparse signal recovery, machine learning, and statistics. Solving BPDN is fairly challenging because the size of the involved signals can be quite large; therefore first order methods are of particular interest for these problems. We propose a quasi-Newton proximal method for solving BPDN. Our numerical results suggest that our technique is computationally effective, and can compete favourably with the other state-of-the-art solvers.

Contribution to multipath channel estimation in an OFDM modulation context.

Savaux, Vincent 29 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In wireless communications systems, the transmission channel between the transmitter and the receiver antennas is one of the main sources of disruption for the signal. The multicarrier modulations, such as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), are very robust against the multipath effect, and allow to recover the transmitted signal with a low error rate, when they are combined with a channel encoding. The channel estimation then plays a key role in the performance of the communications systems. In this PhD thesis, we study techniques based on least square (LS) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimators. The MMSE is optimal, but is much more complex than LS, and requires the a priori knowledge of the second order moment of the channel and the noise. In this presentation, two methods that allow to reach a performance close to the one of LMMSE while getting around its drawback are investigated. In another way, a third part of the presentation investigates the errors of estimation due to the interpolations.

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