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Directing public companies : company law and the stakeholder societyDean, Janice Louise January 2000 (has links)
This thesis examines the legal duties of directors of UK public companies in the light of the 'stakeholder' approach to the firm. It considers the theory that directors are not simply agents of shareholders, but have a duty to take into consideration and, where appropriate, to balance the interests of several constituencies. Examples of suggested stakeholders include employees, customers, suppliers and creditors, as well as the local community and the natural environment. If this broad view of public company responsibility is warranted, the role of the law in securing a 'stakeholder' style of management needs to be examined, and this study attempts that task. To this end, empirical research was conducted via interviews with public company directors and secretaries from a range of public companies of different sizes operating in many business sectors to investigate: • the extent to which at present they view their role as requiring assessment and inclusion of the interests of stakeholders • the manner in which such assessment and inclusion is actually carried out • the impact which a statutory formulation of duties to incorporate stakeholder interests would or might have on decisionmaking in practice • the effect of board structure on corporate decisionmaking. The effect of 'stakeholder orientation' of company directors on the economic performance and social impact of UK public companies was considered. The DTI's Company Law Review Steering Group has referred to the distinction between 'Enlightened Shareholder Value' and the 'Pluralist' approach. This thesis further reviews those arguments and seeks to set them in their commercial context. It is highly probable that there will be a new UK Companies Act following the next General Election. This thesis suggests a new statutory statement of directors' duties and considers the impact which such statutory wording might have. If directors' legal duties were to be reformulated, that change would needs to buttressed by a mechanism to protect stakeholder expectations, in court as a last resort. This thesis argues that the most promising form for such stakeholder remedies is that of the current 'unfair prejudice' action. If the UK is to avoid being left behind internationally in its system of corporate regulation, it needs to take its European Union obligations and the laws of other Member States into account. It is argued that the UK can find much to learn from the continental European traditions. The conclusion of the thesis focuses on the Company Law Review and its potential economic impact. It is argued that UK company law should address the rights of all stakeholders if it is to be ‘modern’ and ‘competitive’.
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Execução das obrigações de fazer e não fazer contra a Fazenda PúblicaAniceto, Danielle Monteiro Prezia 11 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-11 / The present dissertation deal with the execution of legal duties to do or not do
something against State, which is denoted, into the procedure, of Public Treasury .
The legal alterations promoted in the Civil Procedural Code and in the
corresponding law, after the promulgation of the Brazilian Federal Constitucional,
known by procedural reforms, resulted in a real transformation of the execution
action and reflect the change of values and principles, deserving attention the
principle of effectiveness, that overcame the principle of juridical security, which was
excessively valuated. This orientation by the principle of effectiveness hits the others
execution primary principles and creates new principles, that live on, nowadays, in
the civil procedural system, with the traditional principles. The execution of legal
duties to do or not to do something was especially hited by this new vision,
overcoming the classic principle that supported the compensable protection (nemo
praecise potest cogi ad factum), replaced by the specific protection. To concrete it, the
brazilian juridical order have available various measures, to enforce the debtor to
accomplish the obligation. The study discuss the possibility to impose sanctions
against State, despite the juridical rule that the Public Administration are devoted to.
This work discuss, then, by the study of the actual doctrine and jurisprudence, the
acceptance of the imposition of enforceable measures against the Public
Administration, such as fine, jail time, judicial intervention and the blockade of
public grant / A presente dissertação trata da tutela jurisdicional executiva das obrigações de
fazer e não fazer outorgada em face de pessoas jurídicas de direito público, as quais
são designadas, dentro do processo, de Fazenda Pública . As alterações legais,
promovidas no Código de Processo Civil e na legislação correlata, depois da
promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, conhecidas como reformas
processuais, resultaram em verdadeira transformação desta forma de tutela
jurisdicional e refletem a mudança de valores e princípios que passaram a norteá-la,
com destaque para o princípio da efetividade, que se sobrepôs ao princípio da
segurança jurídica, antes valorizado em demasia. Essa orientação pelo princípio da
efetividade afeta os demais princípios fundamentais da execução e dá origem a
novos princípios, que atualmente convivem, no sistema processual civil, com seus
princípios tradicionais. A tutela das obrigações de fazer e não fazer foi especialmente
atingida por essa nova visão, ocorrendo a superação do princípio clássico que dava
suporte à tutela ressarcitória (nemo praecise potest cogi ad factum), que cedeu lugar à
tutela específica. Para concretizá-la, o nosso ordenamento prevê diversos meios,
coercitivos e sub-rogatórios, que, dado o regime jurídico ao qual se submetem as
pessoas jurídicas de direito público, em especial quanto a seus bens, questiona-se
sobre a possibilidade do seu emprego contra elas. Discute-se, assim, a partir da
análise da doutrina e da jurisprudência atual, o cabimento de medidas executivas
contra a Fazenda Pública, como a multa diária, a prisão civil, a prisão penal, a
intervenção judicial e o bloqueio de verbas públicas
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A Compilation of the Legal Duties and Liabilities of the Texas Athletic Coach for School InjuriesZimmerman, Luther L. 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to compile a concise and non-technical report of the Texas statutes and court decisions concerning school injuries.
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Suspensão do exercício de direitos do acionista / Suspension of shareholdersrightsMussi, Luiz Daniel Rodrigues Haj 09 March 2015 (has links)
O tema desenvolvido na tese diz respeito à suspensão do exercício de direitos do acionista, por deliberação da assembleia geral, na hipótese de descumprimento de determinados deveres societários pelo sócio. A suspensão de direitos tem como fundamento legal os artigos 120 e 122, V, da Lei n. 6.404, de 15 de dezembro de 1976 (Lei de Sociedades Anônimas). Não há previsão legal homóloga em direito comparado. No Brasil, a temática não foi objeto de estudo monográfico específico e detalhado. A tese procura, assim, sistematizar a matéria e oferecer contribuição original para o desenvolvimento do tema investigado. Na primeira parte, apresenta-se o tratamento normativo em matéria de suspensão de direitos do acionista a partir de escorço histórico da legislação brasileira e analisam-se os fundamentos teleológico e dogmático do instituto. A segunda parte estrutura-se em torno das posições jurídicas subjetivas passivas e ativas do acionista. Identificam-se, nesse contexto, quais são os deveres do acionista que, uma vez violados, constituem-se como hipótese de aplicação do art. 120 da Lei de Sociedades Anônimas e quais direitos, poderes e faculdades podem ter o seu exercício suspenso pela assembleia. Na terceira e última parte são destacados os aspectos controvertidos em torno da assembleia geral na qual se pretende deliberar sobre a suspensão dos direitos do acionista. Em especial, os problemas vinculados à competência privativa da assembleia, ao método assemblear e aos efeitos da deliberação e o controle desta. / The subject developed in this thesis regards the suspension of shareholders rights, through deliberation in shareholders meetings, in the event of failure to comply with corporate duties by the partner. The suspension of rights has as a legal basis the articles 120 and 122, V, of Law 6,404, of December 15, 1976 (Brazilian Companies Law.). There is no analogous legal provision in comparative law. In Brazil, the subject has not been the object of specific and detailed monographic study. The thesis therefore aims at systematizing the subject and offering an original contribution to the development of the subject investigated. In the first part, the regulatory treatment of the suspension of shareholders rights is presented by means of a historic foreshortening of Brazilian legislation and the teleological and dogmatic foundations of the institution are analyzed. The second part is structured around shareholders subjective legal positions, active and passive. In this context, we identify the shareholders duties that, once violated, provide grounds to the application of Article 120 of the Brazilian Companies Law and which rights, powers and faculties might have their exercise suspended by the shareholders meeting. The third and last part highlights the controversial aspects around shareholders meetings which deliberate upon the suspension of shareholders rights. In particular, the problems related to the assembly jurisdiction, the assembly method and the effects of its deliberation and control.
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KI-Einsatz und Anwaltsrecht - Harmonie oder Dissonanz?Mähler, Melina Felicitas 12 July 2024 (has links)
Das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz ist allgegenwärtig und macht auch vor dem juristischen Bereich keinen Halt. Die Dissertation mit dem Titel „KI-basierter Softwareeinsatz und Anwaltsrecht – Harmonie oder Dissonanz?“ untersucht die Auswirkungen des KI-Einsatzes auf das Berufsbild des Rechtsanwaltes und auf seine anwaltlichen Pflichten.
Zunächst gibt die Arbeit einen Überblick über das anwaltliche Berufsrecht sowie über Legal Tech. Als Grundlage und Ausgangspunkt werden die verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen von KI vorgestellt und anschließend die Funktionsweise eines KI-Systems im Detail herausgearbeitet. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Dissertation auch die Risiken des KI-Einsatzes und etwaige Regulierungsvorschläge auf. Des Weiteren skizziert die Arbeit beispielhaft den Einsatz von KI in der juristischen Praxis in Deutschland und im Ausland. Im Hinblick auf den theoretischen Softwareeinsatz auf dem deutschen Rechtsmarkt werden technische Möglichkeiten und Grenzen erörtert.
Schwerpunkt der Dissertation ist sodann die kritische Prüfung der Vereinbarkeit des KI-Einsatzes mit verschiedenen anwaltsrechtlichen Normen und Grundsätzen. Von besonderer Relevanz sind in diesem Zusammenhang mögliche Konflikte mit der Unabhängigkeit des Organs der Rechtspflege i.S.d. § 1 BRAO, der gewissenhaften Berufsausübung gemäß § 43 BRAO beziehungsweise dem Gebot des sichersten Weges, den anwaltlichen Grundpflichten i.S.d. § 43a BRAO und der Freiberuflichkeit gemäß § 2 BRAO.
Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der zukünftige KI-Einsatz – eine zukünftige rechen- und speicherleistungsstarke Technik vorausgesetzt – im Einklang mit dem Anwaltsrecht steht. Schließlich sollte die KI nicht als Bedrohung, sondern als Chance betrachtet werden, wobei Mensch und Maschine ihre Fähigkeiten symbiotisch optimal zum Einsatz bringen – zur Stärkung und Neuausrichtung der Anwaltschaft zum Nutzen des Mandanten und der Rechtsordnung als Grundpfeiler unserer Demokratie. / The topic of artificial intelligence is omnipresent and does not stop at the legal market either. The dissertation entitled “AI-based software use and legal professional law – harmony or dissonance?” examines the impact of the use of AI on the legal profession and on professional rules and regulations applicable to lawyers.
First, the paper provides an overview of the legal professional code and legal technology. The various forms of AI and their functionalities are set out as a starting point. In addition, the dissertation sets forth the risks of using AI and at the same time considers regulatory options such as the AI Act. Furthermore, the paper outlines examples of the use of AI in legal practice in Germany and abroad. With regard to the theoretical use of the software in the German legal market, technical possibilities and limitations are discussed.
The focus of the dissertation is then to critically examine the compatibility of the use of AI with various legal norms and principles. Of particular relevance in this context are possible conflicts with the independence of the judicial body (“Unabhängiges Organ der Rechtspflege”) within the meaning of Section 1 BRAO, the conscientious practice of the profession (“Gewissenhafte Berufsausübung”) in accordance with Section 43 BRAO or the principle of the safest path (“Gebot des sichersten Weges”), the basic legal duties (“Grundpflichten”) within the meaning of Section 43a BRAO and the principle of a liberal profession (“Freiberuflichkeit”) pursuant to Section 2 BRAO.
The paper concludes that the future use of AI – assuming a future technology with high computing and storage performance – is in line with legal professional law. As a result, AI should be seen as an opportunity rather than a threat, with humans and machines each using their skills in the best possible way and in a symbiotic manner. This will strengthen and realign the legal profession for the benefit the legal system as a cornerstone of our democracy.
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