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Use of GIS and Remote Sensing Technologies to Study Habitat Requirements of Ocelots, Leopardus pardalis, in south TexasJackson, Victoria L. 08 1900 (has links)
The goals of this study were to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies to gain a better understanding of habitat requirements of a population of ocelots in south Texas, and then apply this knowledge to form a predictive model to locate areas of suitable habitat in Willacy and Cameron counties, Texas. Satellite imagery from August 1991 and August 2000 were classified into four land cover types: closed canopy, open canopy, water, and urban/barren. These classified images were converted into digital thematic maps for use in resource utilization studies and modeling. Location estimates (762 from 1991 and 406 from 2000) were entered into a GIS in order to extract information about home range and resource selection. Each animal's home range was calculated using both Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) and Kernel home range estimators (95% and 50%). Habitat parameters of interest were: soil, land cover, human density, road density, and distance to closest road, city and water body. Ocelots were found to prefer closed canopy and avoid open canopy land cover types. Ocelots preferred soils known to support thorn scrub, an indication of the importance of this habitat. Landscape metrics associated with habitat used by ocelots were determined through the use of Patch Analyst, an extension for ArcView 3.2. Contrary to expectations, ocelots utilized areas with greater fragmentation than random areas available for use. However, this use of highly fragmented areas was an indication of the degree of fragmentation of suitable habitat in the area. Further investigation of patch size selection indicated that ocelots used large sized patches disproportionately to availability, indicating a preference for larger patches. A model was created using the resource selection and habitat preference GIS database from 1991. This model was used to identify areas of “optimal”, ”sub-optimal”, and “unsuitable” habitat for ocelots in 2000. This resultant map was compared to known locations of ocelots in 2000. Ocelots were found to prefer optimal habitat and avoid unsuitable habitat, an indication that the model created was valid.
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Parâmetros eletrocardiográficos de felideos selvagens da Amazônia (Panthera onca, Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus wiedii, Herpailurus yaguarondi) criados em cativeiro no estado do Pará, tranquilizados com ketamina e cloridrato de xilazinaROCHA, Vanessa Monteiro da 20 February 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2014-07-02T19:17:01Z
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Dissertacao_ParametrosEletrocardiograficosFelideos.pdf: 1978816 bytes, checksum: c75f12605857fede385cf4c299cea0a7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-07-21T20:18:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_ParametrosEletrocardiograficosFelideos.pdf: 1978816 bytes, checksum: c75f12605857fede385cf4c299cea0a7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-21T20:18:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_ParametrosEletrocardiograficosFelideos.pdf: 1978816 bytes, checksum: c75f12605857fede385cf4c299cea0a7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Pretendeu-se estabelecer os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos (ECG) para felinos selvagens da Amazônia - Panthera onca (onça pintada), Leopardus pardalis (jaguatirica), Leopardus wiedii (gato-maracajá) e Herpailurus yaguarondi (gato-mourisco). Dentre estes felinos, 17 animais pertenciam ao Parque Zoobotânico Dr. Adhemar Monteiro (Capitão Poço/PA) e 2 animais ao 2° Batalhão de Infantaria de Selva (Belém/PA). Embora, o exame eletrocardiográfico não cause dor aos animas, é necessária a realização de contenção química, visto que os animais são perigosos e estressados. Dessa forma, instaurou-se um protocolo de contenção química, visando evitar fugas, estresse excessivo e proteger a integridade física dos animais e do examinador/auxiliares. Antes de serem sedados os animais passaram por jejum alimentar de 24 horas e hídrico de 12 horas. Posteriormente, foram contidos quimicamente, através do uso associativo entre os anestésicos cloridrato de ketamina (10mg/Kg) e cloridrato de xilazina (1mg/Kg), utilizando dardos com auxílio de uma zarabatana ou aplicação intra-muscular após contenção física com puçá. Na realização do eletrocardiograma utilizou-se o mesmo protocolo usado para os animais domésticos. A média de batimentos cardíacos foram os seguintes: 90 bpm para jaguatiricas, 106 bpm gato-maracajá, 166 bpm gato-mourisco e 91 bpm onças pintadas. A maioria das espécies apresentaram ritmo sinusal normal. O eixo elétrico médio variou de 90° a 120°. Os complexos QRS foram predominantemente positivos em DI, DII, DIII e AVF, e negativos em AVR e AVL. As derivações pré-cordiais apresentaram resultados semelhantes aos esperados para o gato doméstico. Os parâmetros observados durantes este estudo, correlacionados com os animais domésticos, apresentaram algumas diferenças, que se devem em função das diferenças fisiológicas associadas ao maior tamanho corporal dos felinos selvagens. Este é um estudo pioneiro visando solucionar problemas com relação ao ECG de felinos selvagens da Amazônia. Portanto, investigações mais amplas sobre o mesmo tema são necessárias para estabelecer critérios a respeito de anormalidades nessas espécies, devendo incluir outras drogas anestésicas e relatórios para combinações de características eletrocardiográficas de animais com doença cardíaca e com distúrbios eletrolíticos. / Intended to establish the parameters for electrocardiographic wild cats of the Amazon - Panthera onca (jaguar), Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), Leopardus wiedii (margay) e Herpailurus yaguarondi (jaguarundi). Among these cats, 17 animals belonged to the Park Zoo Dr. Adhemar Monteiro (Capitão Poço/PA) and 2 animals to the 2° Batalhão de Infantaria de Selva (Belém/PA). Although the electrocardiographic examination does not cause pain to animals, it is necessary to carry out chemical containment, since the animals are dangerous and stressful. Thus, a protocol was put in place to contain chemicals, to prevent leakage, excessive stress and protect the physical integrity of the animal and the investigator / assistant. Before being sedated, the animals underwent abstinence from food for 24 hours and water for 12 hours. They were anesthetized with ketamine (10 mg/kg) combined with xylazine (1 mg/kg) using darts with the aid of a blowpipe or through syringes and needles. In the implementation of the electrocardiogram using the same protocol used for domestic animals. The mean heart rate were the following: 90 bpm for ocelots, 106 bpm margay, 166 bpm jaguarundi, and 91 bpm jaguar. The most common rhythm detected was normal sinus rhythm. QRS complexes were predominantly positive in leads DI, DII, DIII, and AVF, and negative in AVR and AVL. The parameters observed during this study, described for domestic carnivores were analyzed, and they did not greatly differ from those of larges felids, taking into account the greater weight and corporal mass of large felids. This is a pioneering study in order to solve problems related to the ECG of wild cats of the Amazon. Wider investigations on the same subject are necessary to establish criteria for the recognition of abnormalities in these species and should be include other anesthetic drug(s) combinations and reports of electrocardiographic features of animals with cardiac disease and electrolytes disturbances.
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