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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the implementation and management of the strategies adopted by the government to improve food security in Lesotho

Sebotsa, M.L.D., Lues, L. January 2011 (has links)
Published Article / The persistently negative state of food security worldwide has worsened the already compromised nutritional status of marginalised communities in Lesotho, thus highlighting the need to rethink current policies and strategies. This paper aims to reflect on the implementation and management of the food security strategies that have been adopted by the Lesotho government since 2004 in an effort to improve and sustain food security in the country. A questionnaire survey was conducted amongst senior government officials working in different ministries tasked with the implementation and management of the government's food security strategies. The survey revealed the lack of a sound knowledge base, proper co-ordination and a communication mechanism amongst different stakeholders, as well as poor commitment of most staff towards the implementation and management of the food security strategies. It thus appears that although food security strategies have been adopted by the government of Lesotho, the implementation and management thereof is ineffective.

The evaluation of World Vision's Area Development Programme in Lesotho : the case of Taung

Motsomi, Napo F. (Napo Francis) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was embarked upon to evaluate the contribution which World Vision as agent and catalyst of development has made towards addressing social issues in Lesotho. Specifically, the study evaluates Taung Area Development Programme which is one of the World Vision community development programmes established to improve social conditions in the rural communities particularly, in Tsoloane, Ha-Mopoane and Qhalasi. The study seeks to investigate three important areas; 1. Participation: to assess whether the communities have been involved in the planning of the projects, identified their own priorities for the projects or used their lands and other resources to exercise control over their economic, social and cultural development. 2. Empowerment: to assess how the projects have strengthened the capacity of local communities. This includes the transfer of skills through training for the purpose of equipping people to engage in their own development. 3. Sustainability: to assess the long-term viability of the projects. Data was gathered through the use of qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. To conduct both methods a snowball technique was applied. The data gathered was tabulated in graphs and pie charts. The results were then discussed and analysed in terms of the aims of this research. Regarding participation, the findings of the study revealed that to a large extent people were able to participate in the planning of the projects. People were able to identify their objectives and make a decision to embark on Income Generating Activities (IGA) such as raising poultry and pigs, sewing, and making baskets, candles and soap. The IGA enabled project members to feed and earn income for their families. The study further revealed that while certain people were able to participate in the planning of their projects, in development activities such as the building of feeder roads, people’s participation was minimal. This blueprint and top down planning approach allowed for little public participation. The study also found that World Vision’s religious involvement was appreciated for the moral support it provided. Another important issue the study brought to light was that people had an opportunity to use their indigenous knowledge in their projects. Regarding empowerment, almost all the respondents believed that World Vision played an important role by training people to handle various activities within projects. Apart from the training given, people also acquired different skills and knowledge. Most of the respondents acquired technical and economic knowledge, while others became skilful in farming and health matters as well as in handcraft. Empowerment in the Taung Area Development Programme has also manifested itself through the improved living conditions of the local people. The study found that infrastructure such as schools and roads have been established. As regards primary health care, respondents indicated that they had access to clean water due to the presence of a community tap. HIV/AIDS awareness, disease prevention campaigns and the building of toilets have contributed to improved living conditions in the Taung Area Development Programme. Though HIV/AIDS awareness and disease prevention campaigns were essential for primary health care, few people were knowledgeable about deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS. As a result there was still a need for World Vision to underpin the spread of HIV/AIDS awareness within the communities. Sustainability has been attributed to the long-term survival of the development projects and their future operation. The findings of this study confirmed that people in the Taung Area Development Programme were optimistic that the skills and knowledge they have acquired, and the projects themselves will generate resources and continue to operate after World Vision’s departure, especially with regard to IGA projects. The study results confirmed that people who mainly engaged in development activities such as at Qhalasi showed that they could only utilise their skills and knowledge to a small degree. The main conclusion reached by the study is that the Taung Area Development Programme as one of World Vision’s programmes has to a large extent transformed the lives of the local people. As a result of World Vision involvement in the Taung Area Development Programme, people-centred development is manifestly seen to promote the participation and empowerment of the people as well as the sustainability of the development projects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die bydrae wat World Vision as agent en katalisator van ontwikkeling gemaak het om sosiale kwessies in Lesotho aan te spreek te bepaal. Die studie, meer spesifiek evalueer die Taung Area Develoment Programme, wat een van World Vision se gemeenskapontwikkelingprogramme is wat gevestig is om maatskaplike toestande in landelike gebiede te bevorder veral in Tsoloane, Ha-Mopoane en Qhalasi. Die studie poog om drie belangrike areas te ondersoek; 1. Deelname: om te bepaal of gemeenskappe betrek was by die beplanning van die projekte, deur die identifikasie van hulle eie prioriteite vir die projekte, of die gebruik van hul grond en ander hulpmiddels om beheer oor hul eie ekonomiese, sosiale en kulturele ontwikkeling uit te oefen. 2. Bemagtiging: om vas te stel in watter mate die programme die kapasiteit van plaaslike gemeenskappe versterk het. Dit sluit in die oordrag van vaardighede deur opleiding, om mense toe te rus om in hulle eie ontwikkeling betrokke te raak. 3. Volhoubaarheid: om die langtermyn lewensvatbaarheid van die projekte te bepaal. Data is versamel deur die gebruik van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data-insamelingstegnieke. Om albei tegnieke uit te voer was die sneeubal steekproeftegniek toegepas. Die data wat versamel was, is in grafieke aangebied. Die resultate was daarna geanaliseer en bespreek in terme van hierdie studie se doelstellings. Met betrekking tot deelname, het die bevindings van die studie bewys dat die betrokke mense in ’n groot mate bevoeg was om deel te neem aan die beplanning van die projekte. Mense was bevoeg om doelwitte te identifiseer en besluite te neem om inkomste-genererende aktiwiteite (IGA) aan te pak. Die aktiwiteite het pluimvee en varkboerdery, naaldwerk, en die maak van mandjies, kerse en seep ingesluit. Die IGA het dit vir projeklede moontlik gemaak om kos en ’n inkomste vir hulle families te verdien. Die studie het verder vasgestel dat, afgesien van die feit dat sommige mense bevoeg was om aan die beplanning van hul projekte deel te neem, die deelname in ontwikkelingsprojekte soos die bou van toeganspaaie, minimaal was. Die tipiese “van bo na onder’’ voorskriftelike benadering tot beplanning het min geleentheid vir publieke deelname toegelaat. Die studie het ook bevesting dat die godsdienstige betrokkenheid van World Vision, weens die morele ondersteuning wat dit bied, hoog gewaardeer was. Nog ’n belangrike aspek wat die studie aan die lig gebring het, was dat die mense die kans gebied was om hul inheemse kennis in hul projeke aan te wend. Met betrekking tot bemagtiging, het feitlik al die respondente geglo dat World Vision ’n belangrike rol gespeel het om mense op te lei om veskeie aktiwiteite binne hul projekte uit te voer. Benewens die opleiding wat ontvang was, het die mense ook verskeie vaardighede en kennis opgedoen. Die meerderheid van die respondente het tegniese en ekonomiese kennis opgedoen, terwyl andere in landbou en gesondheidsaangeleenthede en ook handwerk vaardig geword het. Bemagtiging in die Taung Area Development Programme is ook deur die verbetering in die lewensomstandinghede van die plaaslike bevolking geopenbaar. Die studie het ook gevind dat die infrastruktuur met die bou van skole en paaie verbeter was. Met betrekking tot primêre gesondheid, het die respondente bevesting dat hulle toegang tot skoon water gekry het deur middel van ’n gemeenskaplike kraan. Veldtogte soos MIV/VIGS bewusmaking, voorkoming van siektes en die bou van toilette het tot verbeterde lewensomstandinghede in die Taung Area Development Programme bygedra. Afgesien van veldtogte soos MIV/VIGS en siektevoorkoming wat vir primêre gesondheidsorg belangrik is, beskik min mense kennis van dodelike siektes soos MIV/VIGS. Dit blyk dus dat World Vision meer klem sal moet lê op die verspreiding van kennis van MIV/VIGS binne die gemeenskappe. Die langtermyn oorlewing van die ontwikkelingsprojekte sal aan volhoubaarheid gekoppel moet word. Die bevindings van hierdie studie bevestig dat mense in die Taung Area Development Programme optimisties was dat die vaardighede en kennis wat hulle verkry het, en die projekte, selfhulpmiddels sal genereer wat nog in werking sal wees lank na die vertrek van World Vision, veral met betrekking tot die IGA projekte. Hierdie studie bevestig dat persone wat hoofsaaklik betrokke was by ontwikkelingsprojekte soos by Qhalasi, net tot ’n geringe mate hulle vaardighede en kennis kon gebruik. Die belangriskte slotsom wat hierdie studie bereik het was dat die Taung Area Development Programme, as een van die World Vision programme, in ’n groot mate die lewens van die plaaslike mense getransformeer het. As gevolg van World Vision se betrokkenheid in die Taung Area Development Programme, word mensgesentreerde ontwikkeling nou gesien as bevordelik vir die betrokkenheid en bemagtiging van die bevolking sowel as die volhoubaarheid van die ontwikkelingsprojekte.

Experiences and coping strategies of women living with HIV/AIDS diagnosis : a case study of Maseru, Lesotho

Diaho, Mahlao Judith 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several studies have reported that thirty million people are living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Fifty percent of the infected adults are women aged between 15 and 49 years. In Lesotho, HIV/AIDS has also been declared a national emergency and an estimated 180,000 women out of 330,000 adults, and 27,000 children are living with HIV/AIDS. Statistics have shown that the majority of AIDS cases occur in adults aged 15 and 49 years in Lesotho. Presently women are the fastest growing infected population in Lesotho. Regardless of the growing numbers of women infected with HIV/AIDS, experiences of women living with HIV/AIDS have received little attention in Lesotho. Qualitative research in this area is necessary to gain access to women's perceptions of their HIV positive status. In this study, the experiences and coping strategies of Basotho women living with HIV/AIDS were investigated. The study used a feminist approach to research. Feminist research stresses the multiplicity of knowledge and it is useful to understand the subjective experiences of women. Indepth, face-to-face interviews were conducted with five women ranging between 29 and 46 years, purposefully drawn from Positive Action Society Lesotho (PASL). Grounded theory was used to analyse the data. Findings indicate that women's risk for exposure to HIV is related to their ability to protect themselves by negotiating a safe sexual relationship. Women who feel powerless in their relationships are less likely to protect themselves against HIVexposure. These perceptions of powerlessness are the result of a broad array of experiences that may include exposure to gender-based violence and restricted economic opportunities. The results show that it is common for women to be shocked, depressed, and discouraged when they find that they are living with HIV/AIDS as can be expected. It is also difficult for women to disclose their HIV positive status to family, friends and community members because of stigma attached to HIV/AIDS. Participants developed different ways of coping with their status such as religion, healthy life style, AIDS counselling and social networks. There was a profound sense of anxiety about the future care of children. The study concludes with a number of recommendations to promote an environment that will make it possible for women living with HIV/AIDS to cope with their illness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studies het bevind dat daar ongeveer dertig miljoen mense in sub-Sahara Afrika is wat met MIVNIGS leef. Vyftig persent van geinfekteerde volwassenes is vroue tussen die ouderdom van 15-49 jaar. In Lesotho is MIVNIGS as 'n nasionale ramp verklaar en daar word beraam dat 330,000 volwassenes, 180,000 vroue en 27,000 kinders MIVNIGS het. Statistiek het ook getoon dat die meerderheid VIGS gevalle in Lesotho voorkom by volwassenes in die ouderdomsgroep 15-49 jaar. Vroue is tans die vinnigste groeiende groep. Ten spyte van die groeiende getalle vroue wat met MIVNIGS geinfekteer is, het die ervaringe van vroue in Lesotho wat met MIVNIGS saamleef tot dusver relatief min aandag geniet. Kwalitatiewe navorsing in hierdie verband is nodig om toegang tot vroue se persepsies te verkry rakende hul eie MIV positiewe status. In hierdie studie is die ervaringe en hanteringsmeganismes van Basoetoe vroue wat MIVNIGS het, ondersoek. Die studie het 'n feministiese benadering gebruik, wat die multiplisiteit van kennis en die subjektiewe ervaringe van vroue beklemtoon. In-diepte aangesig-tot-aangesig onderhoude is met vroue tussen 29-46 jaar gevoer. Gegronde teorie is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Bevindinge dui aan dat vroue se risiko vir blootstelling aan MIV verband hou met hul vermoë om hulself te beskerm deur te onderhandel vir 'n veilige seksuele verhouding met 'n maat. Vroue wat magteloos in hul verhoudings voel, is waarskynlik minder suksesvol om hulself teen MIV blootstelling te beskerm. Hierdie persepsies van magteloosheid is die resultaat van 'n breë spektrum ervaringe wat sekondêre status, blootstelling aan geweld, en beperkte ekonomiese geleenthede insluit. Soos wat verwag word, toon die bevindinge dat dit algemeen vir vroue is om geskok, deppressief en ontmoedig te wees wanneer hulle uitvind dat hul MIVNIGS het. Dit is ook moeilik vir vroue om hul MIV status aan familie, vriende en gemeenskapslede bekend te maak weens die stigma wat aan MIVNIGS kleef. Respondente het verskeie wyses ontwikkelom hul status te hanteer, soos godsdiens, 'n gesonde leefstyl, VIGS raadgewing en sosiale netwerke. Daar was ook 'n intense bekommernis by vroue oor die toekomstige sorg vir hul kinders. Die studie sluit af met 'n aantal aanbevelings om 'n omgewing te promoveer wat dit vir vroue wat met MIVNIGS leef moontlik sal maak om hul siekte te hanteer.

Incorporating technology into the Lesotho science curriculum: investigating the gap between the intended and the implemented curriculum.

Ntoi, Litšabako January 2007 (has links)
<p>The inclusion of technology in the school curriculum has been a concern in many countries following the 1990 Jomtien World Conference on Education for ALL (Jenkins, 1996). However, there are different perspectives and views about technology education. As a result technology has been included in the school curriculum in varied ways.</p> <p><br /> In recognition of the importance of technology in economic development, Lesotho has attempted to include technology in the school curriculum by incorporating science and technology. This study evaluated the Lesotho science curriculum which incorporates technology. The evaluation study is based on the framework first proposed by Stake (1967). Stake&rsquo / s model addresses the relationship between the intended curriculum and the implemented curriculum (Stenhouse, 1988). In this study the intended curriculum is defined as the curriculum plan as depicted in the curriculum materials such as the syllabus, the examinations questions papers and the textbook which was used as an exemplary material for teaching the science-technology curriculum. The implemented curriculum is viewed as what actually happened at school level as teachers tried to interpret the curriculum developer&rsquo / s plan. Although Stake&rsquo / s model served as a guide in the collection and analysis of empirical data, other theoretical areas supported it. These included Gardner&rsquo / s (1990) approaches to the incorporation of science and technology / the constant comparative approach (Merriam, 1998) / and some aspects of curriculum theory, particularly curriculum development and curriculum evaluation as espoused in the works of certain scholars (e.g. Ornstein and Hunkins, 2004 / Stenhouse, 1988). The study was designed as a multiple-site case study (Merriam, 1998). The sites where in-depth study of the implemented curriculum was done were four high schools in Lesotho. The intended curriculum was mainly examined by analysing the curriculum materials such as the syllabus, the examinations question paper and the textbook. The methods that were used for collecting the data were interviews, classroom observations, document analysis, and the achievement tests.</p>

Does habitat modification and population size of ice rats (Otomys sloggetti robertsi) contribute to soil erosion in Lesotho?

Mokotjomela, Thabiso Michael 22 May 2008 (has links)
Alpine environments are poorly studied ecosystems, largely due to their inaccessibility and severe climatic conditions. Nonetheless, a better understanding is needed of the ecological processes shaping these habitats, particularly the interactions between plants and animals. Recent studies indicate that the levels of soil erosion have increased in parts of Lesotho, possibly because of overgrazing by domestic livestock and the activities of the African ice rat Otomys sloggetti robertsi, whose population numbers have increased in recent times. O. s. robertsi is a diurnal, herbivorous, burrowdwelling, murid rodent, endemic to the southern African Drakensberg. The aim of my study was to establish whether and how the ice rat influences the vegetation and the soil characteristics in its habitat, and to determine whether ice rat population numbers have increased. I conducted three experiments. 1) Enclosures/plots were erected in the Sani Valley to measure the impact of; i) ice rats alone; ii) both ice rats and livestock on vegetation and soil loss and gain (which was used as a proxy for soil erosion). 2) I also ascertained ice rat numbers (colony sizes) at three different locations in Lesotho (Katse Dam, Oxbow and Sani Valley) by conducting monthly censuses of discrete colonies at each locality. 3) Finally, questionnaire surveys were used to ascertain the perception of, and influence on, ice rats by the local human inhabitants in Lesotho. The enclosure/plot experiments showed that the plots accessed by ice rats only had higher levels of vegetation change (loss of cover, decrease in height) and soil movement than other plots from which they were excluded or could access together with livestock, which was contrary to my prediction that the combined influence of ice rats and livestock would have a greater impact. The size of ice rat colonies showed a three-fold increase in my study compared to those a decade ago. The interviews of the local human inhabitants supported this finding, with people also claiming that ambient temperatures had increased and snowfall had decreased. The interviewees did not express any meaningful opinion about how they influenced the biology of ice rats, but claimed that ice rats were responsible for land degradation in the high Drakensberg. In conclusion, the results suggest that ice rats are responsible for large scale damage at my study sites as a result of their foraging and burrowing activities, and erosion is likely to be exacerbated by the increasing numbers of ice rats. Nonetheless, soil erosion is a complex problem involving several biotic and biotic contributing factors, and long term studies are required to fully understand the underlying determinants of erosion in the Lesotho Highlands.

Poverty reduction and public security in Lesotho

Likotsi, Tsotang Ernest 04 April 2013 (has links)
The developmental challenges confronting Lesotho range from a prevalence of poverty to a lack of safety and security. These problems directly affect in many ways the well-being of the people living in this country. The belief is strong that lack of integration in tackling the challenges of subsistence and protection needs leads to poor performance on poverty reduction and an inability to guarantee public security in the Kingdom. The principal objective of this study is to investigate factors leading to lack of integration in tackling the subsistence and protection needs in the Kingdom of Lesotho. This objective is broken down into three questions: What are the factors leading to the lack of integration in addressing subsistence and protection needs of the people of Lesotho? What are the trends in tackling subsistence and protection needs in Lesotho? What are the possible strategies in the integration of subsistence and protection needs in Lesotho? The two approaches were utilised to investigate the above questions. The first advance was based on exploring data available in the form of text books, journals and official publications. The second step was based on fieldwork carried out around Maseru, Lesotho. The results were presented, analysed and discussed in the report. The findings indicated that poverty surprisingly is no simple phenomenon. In fact, it is a deadly issue with little attention paid to it. Poverty and the issue of safety and security affect everyone as they are social issues. Secondly, some people see poverty as an excuse for people to commit crime and threaten people’s safety and security. Thirdly, while there is a clear understanding about social crime prevention, there remains a problem in developing good initiatives for poverty alleviation and crime prevention. Finally, it is vital for the country to ii integrate poverty and security sector policies in order to achieve sustainable development. The research makes recommendations which would enhance an integrated approach in dealing with issues of subsistence and protection. Efforts should include better public policies intended to shape the infrastructure, economic, social, political and institutional forms in the country. This will be a pathway to improving quality of life and security as people rank poverty and crime among the top concerns that they have in everyday life. Finally, proper policies will begin to bridge the increasing gap between the rich and the poor that remains a cause for concern

The origin of slope deposits in the southern Drakensberg, eastern Lesotho

Mills, Stephanie Christiane 31 March 2008 (has links)
Abstract The high Drakensberg of southern Africa has received considerable geomorphological interest during recent decades. In particular, there has been an ongoing debate concerning the accuracy of landform interpretations which propagate past glaciation and permafrost. This research examines the macro and micro-sedimentology of various deposits found in eastern Lesotho and compares them with possible geomorphological process origins such as debris flows, debris avalanches, mudflows, mudslides, landslides, solifluction deposits, rock glaciers, pronival ramparts, glacial moraines and fluvial deposits. The results support the contention that four of the deposits are moraines, formed by small glaciers, and one is a debris flow which was initiated by a small glacier. However, two further deposits indicate that localities in close proximity to the linear deposits experienced mass wasting, associated with past periglacial conditions. With the assistance of applying glacier reconstruction methods, modelling hillshade, the provision of new palaeoclimatic extrapolations, and correlation of deposits with contemporary snow patch distribution, it is demonstrated that the valley slope deposits are determined by a past climate that was within the glacial/periglacial equilibrium zone, and was influenced by specific topographic and associated micro-climatic thresholds. It is shown that macro-topographic factors (e.g. slope gradient, aspect etc) and summit altitude are critical factors determining whether slopes were influenced by periglacial (mass wasting) or glacial processes (small niche/cirque glaciers) in adjacent valleys.

An investigation of feedback to secondary schools from The Cambridge overseas school certificate(COSC) english language examinations in Lesotho

Tlebere, Maleshoane Matheko 24 April 2006 (has links)
Degree: Master of Arts Department: English / This study investigates how feedback from the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC) English language examinations marking board is transmitted to the teachers and other stakeholders for effective teaching and learning in Lesotho secondary schools. The aim was to discover teachers’ and other stakeholders’ views, feelings and reactions to examiners’ reports. The focus was also on the general information that comes from the marking board. In carrying out this study, interviews, questionnaires and documents were used to examine the extent to which teachers access and make use of this information in improving their pedagogical practices. End of year results, from selected schools, covering a period of five years, were analysed. The major findings of the research revealed that there was a correlation between the feedback and students’ results. Based on feedback from the marking board there were positive washback effects on teaching methods and on teachers’ perceptions, resulting in improved students’ scores. Nevertheless, there were contradicting views on the issue of washback effects and this situation simply highlighted the ambivalence of the concept of washback, especially on the high-stakes tests such as the COSC discussed here. One major discovery was in relation to the issue of full localization of COSC. An overwhelming majority of the respondents suggested that localized marking of the COSC has positive washback effects on teaching and learning of English language in the context of Lesotho, and more positive results are envisaged with full localization of such examinations and the curricula. It is hoped that the MOE, will make informed policy modifications using some of the findings in this report.

Assessing the rational use of cefotaxime at Queen Elizabeth ll Hospital

Maphasa, Teboho January 2004 (has links)
A RESEARCH REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PHARMACY IN CLINICAL PHARMACY 2004 / The purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of cefotaxime with the idea of improving its use within the hospital. Improving the use of cefotaxime could result in a change in the proportion spent from the pharmacy budget. More importantly a change in prescribing patterns of this drug could also result in a reduction in resistant patterns of cefotaxime. / IT2018

What causes election-related conflict within democracies :a case study of Lesotho

Tlohang Willie Letsie January 2009 (has links)
<p>This research sought to understand the nature of election-related conflict and what needs to be done to arrest the eruption of such conflict in Lesotho. It sought the opinions of selectively respondents who have been involved in the conflicts in different ways. The interviews and documented literature revealed that what constitutes a background to election-related conflict involves issues that are many and varied. Among others such issues include the following: weak political institutions, use of vulgar language by political leadership, and the weak economy that intensifies neo-patrimonial tendencies. The research concluded that all the factors associated with the eruption of illegitimate conflicts during and after general elections in Lesotho are a result of the politicians&rsquo / desire to retain or capture national resources to satisfy their selfish interests and those of their cronies. The conflicts could be minimised if the country&rsquo / s economy could be transformed to provide the politicians with alternatives of economic survival outside the structures of government. Furthermore, to minimise the conflict, the country should consider establishing electoral courts. These have the potential of speeding up the resolution of electoral grievances, in the process preventing them from graduating into serious conflicts.</p>

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