Spelling suggestions: "subject:"letech""
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Galerie letecké techniky a tradic letectví na letišti Medlánky v Brně / Gallery aviation technology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlánky in BrnoRebrova, Tatiana January 2016 (has links)
Area of the airport Medlánky is situated on the border of city districts Brno-Medlánky and Brno-Komín near the nature reserve "Medlánecké kopce". The designed gallery of aviation is a two-storey building, which consists of three parts. The main part is the exhibition space for airplanes, which is formed of a single-storey long-span hall, with the two-storey entrance part of the complex of buildings connected to it, in which are situated the area of the entrance, the training center (detached workplace of the institute of aviation FS BUT in Brno) and the administration. In the building of the original hangar, which is located along the street Turistická are located restaurants and aeroclub. Exhibition hall of the building of the gallery is formed by the structural system of the arched wooden glulam beams. The load-bearing wooden structures are visible and form the elements of the interior of the exhibition space. Two-storey extention of the entrance part of the building is structurally designed as a skeleton wooden structure. The material exception is the area of the entrance, which is made of monolithic concrete.
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Podklady pro tvorbu mapy pro orientační běh / Data for the Creation Orienteering MapsPanchártek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about using airborne laser scanning data for making maps for Orienteering. In this thesis were used altimetry data DMR 4G and DMR 5G. These data are provided by ČUZK. The control measuring was made in choosen area to verify the accuracy. In this thesis is described procedure of data collection and their treatment. The results of this thesis are two illustrations of the orienteering maps.
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Standardizace využití dálkového průzkumu Země pro potřeby Forenzní ekotechniky: les a dřeviny / Standardization of Remote Sensing Usage for Forensic Ecotechnique: forest and treesIntrovičová, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis presents the main points of standardization of remote sensing (RS) usage for Forensic Ecotechnique: forest and trees (FEft). Based on the study FEft expertise database, the types of expertise, which remote sensing data have already been used and the types where the use of remote sensing increases the exactness of solutions were analyzed. RS data are essential in a problematic situation when an examined object does not exist or has been changed at the time of the assignment. This situation may be solved by obtaining information about the investigated object via retrospective image data, as described in the model example. There are chosen categories of image data relevant to the needs of experts in this thesis. These categories of RS data and their products are described with an indication of their possible use in the expertise processing, including freely available or paid resources and archives of image data.
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Inteligentní autopilot založený na agentně orientovaném programování / Intelligent Autopilot Based on Agent-Oriented ProgrammingBurda, Radek January 2016 (has links)
Thesis aims at fighter combat and maneuvring - so called Dogfighting. The purpose of this work is to create intelligent autopilot based on Agent system, eligible of executing in-air maneuvers and tactics in real-time simulation. In the first part, theoretical basis of air combat will be introduced, such as weapon systems, maneuvring and tactics in mutual combat 1 on 1, odds fight 2 on 1, and last but not least mass fights. Also agent programming will be introduced, as well as recognizing of agent rules and processes and its transformation to agent language. The second part describes building of a simple graphical simulation environment based on JMonkey game engine. Agent system maintaining every single aircraft within the simulation will be created and own network socket protocol for communication between intelligent behavior and simulation environment will be discussed and documented.
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New Approaches in Airborne Thermal Image Processing for Landscape Assessment / New Approaches in Airborne Thermal Image Processing for Landscape AssessmentPivovarník, Marek January 2017 (has links)
Letecká termální hyperspektrální data přinášejí řadu informací o teplotě a emisivitě zemského povrchu. Při odhadování těchto parametrů z dálkového snímání tepelného záření je třeba řešit nedourčený systém rovnic. Bylo navrhnuto několik přístupů jak tento problém vyřešit, přičemž nejrozšířenější je algoritmus označovaný jako Temperature and Emissivity Separation (TES). Tato práce má dva hlavní cíle: 1) zlepšení algoritmu TES a 2) jeho implementaci do procesingového řetězce pro zpracování obrazových dat získaných senzorem TASI. Zlepšení algoritmu TES je možné dosáhnout nahrazením používaného modulu normalizování emisivity (tzv. Normalized Emissivity Module) částí, která je založena na vyhlazení spektrálních charakteristik nasnímané radiance. Nový modul je pak označen jako Optimized Smoothing for Temperature Emissivity Separation (OSTES). Algoritmus OSTES je připojen k procesingovému řetězci pro zpracování obrazových dat ze senzoru TASI. Testování na simulovaných datech ukázalo, že použití algoritmu OSTES vede k přesnějším odhadům teploty a emisivity. OSTES byl dále testován na datech získaných ze senzorů ASTER a TASI. V těchto případech však není možné pozorovat výrazné zlepšení z důvodu nedokonalých atmosférických korekcí. Nicméně hodnoty emisivity získané algoritmem OSTES vykazují více homogenní vlastnosti než hodnoty ze standardního produktu senzoru ASTER.
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Monitorování dopravy z leteckých videí / Traffic Monitoring from Aerial Video DataBabinec, Adam January 2015 (has links)
This thesis proposes a system for extraction of vehicle trajectories from aerial video data for traffic analysis. The system is designed to analyse video sequence of a single traffic scene captured by an action camera mounted on an arbitrary UAV flying at the altitudes of approximately 150 m. Each video frame is geo-registered using visual correspondence of extracted ORB features. For the detection of vehicles, MB-LBP classifier cascade is deployed, with additional step of pre-filtering of detection candidates based on movement and scene context. Multi-object tracking is achieved by Bayesian bootstrap filter with an aid of the detection algorithm. The performance of the system was evaluated on three extensively annotated datasets. The results show that on the average, 92% of all extracted trajectories are corresponding to the reality. The system is already being used in the research to aid the process of design and analysis of road infrastructures.
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Reakce na bombardování SR Jugoslávie v roce 1999 v české politické debatě / The Czech Political Debate on the NATO Air Strikes Against FR Yugoslavia in 1999Ivaniushin, Mikhail January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to map and analyze the Czech public debate about the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by NATO air forces in 1999. The North Atlantic Alliance attack on the FRY, which followed shortly after the Czech Republic had joined the Organization. Part of the political representation reacted to NATO's actions with restraint or regret, while the current, represented mainly by President Havel, became a principled supporter of the attack, even on the international political scene. The work deals with various levels of this debate: the initiation of individual actors in the problems of the NATO Operation in Yugoslavia, the starting points, argumentation strategies or links with other topics. It tries to reveal secondary motivations in the formulation of individual opinions (considerations of the security interests of the Czech Republic, worldview, prejudices, etc.). The source base of the work is mainly periodicals, especially the most read dailies. Klíčová slova (anglicky): Czech Republic, Serbia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Yugoslavian crisis, The conflict in the Balkans in 1999, NATO Air Strikes Against Yugoslavia in 1999, NATO
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Galerie letecké techniky a tradic letectví na letišti Medlánky v Brně / Gallery aviation technology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlánky in BrnoBělehradová, Věra January 2016 (has links)
Sport Airport complex Brno-Medlánky is nestled in the undulating hilly terrain in fields just beyond populated areas in Brno-Medlánky. The history of the airport dates back to 1924 when it was built the first wooden hangar for training purposes glider flights. Current state urban of airport is orderless. The aim is to streamline the complex and give it the order, allowing easy and efficient orientation in the space. The main intervention was the creation of a new central building - Aviation Museum. The concept of the design is based on the division of the whole area into two branches - communication axes, based on the mass preserved historic wooden hangars. Between the two communication arms is inserted a central axis on which is located the heart of the complex - Aviation Museum. It is a building organic form, inspiring axially symmetric wingspan (bird, airplane, beetle). It is this symmetry axis of the building creates a view towards building on the runway. Mass of the building used by the sloping terrain and is partially sunk under the ground. Building volume follows an upward slope from the outside and blends with the surrounding terrain. The internal layout consists of three floors, one of them is completely sunk below ground level and second half. The main entrance to the gallery is located in the uppermost floors, the direction of the exhibition is therefore directed downwards into the basement. The exposition is divided into six parts: RC models exposure, gliders exposure, powered aircraft exposure, screening room, children's exposure and air trainers. Other areas consist of building technical facilities. In the basement there is a workshop with aircraft lift, with the possibility of placement unexposed aircrafts. The supporting system of the building consists of two parts: reinforced concrete tubs and arched steel structure with a span of 50m.
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Topografické mapování skalních útvarů s využitím dat leteckého laserového skenování / Topographic mapping of rock formations with the use of airborne laser scanning dataLysák, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Abstract This thesis focuses on topographic mapping of rock formations with the use of new technologies in a comprehensive manner, from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data acquisition and processing in rocky terrains, followed by their processing to the content of topographic databases and their cartographic processing in maps. The introduction discusses issues of importance for practice, and the relation between topographic mapping of rocks and other fields of human activity. The ALS section describes products for topographic mapping of rocks derived from ALS data, and discusses the specifics of ALS data acquisition and processing in wooded rugged terrain. Existing solutions of this problem are explained and their limitations are identified. Author's own approaches to solving this task are presented as case studies, including three made a further three designed experiments with ALS data processing and evaluation of their results. Recommendation regarding mapping of sandstone landscapes in Czechia have been also addressed. The topographic section describes the current representation of rocks and related objects in the ZABAGED database (Czech national digital topographic database), explains the historical context, analyzes this data and identifies their shortcomings in relation to the ALS. Research...
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Příprava realizace rozhledny Kelčský Javorník, Rajnochovice / Preparation of the implementation of Kelčský Javorník Lookout Tower, RajnochoviceVokurek, Kamil Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis is based on preparation of the implementation of Kelčský Javorník Lookout Tower in Rajnochovice. The main idea of the lookout tower constructing is to increase the local tourism. Diploma thesis assesses the whole project and it is focused on the foundation of the rough lower construction and also on assembly of the higher construction. Planning was assessed in terms of time, finance and in terms of the use of material resources. The quality of construction will be ensured by created inspection and test plans. To increase the overall service life of the structures, a scheduled maintenance schedule was designed. A variant solution of electricity supply was proposed, which will shorten the construction time, reduce the total construction costs and the overall maintenance of the building during its lifetime.
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