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Analýza a porovnání technicko-provozních parametrů klasických letadel a bezpilotních prostředků pro provádění leteckých prací / Analysis and comparison of technical-operational parameters of aircrafts and UAVs used for aerial worksCihlář, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The main content of this master's is desing of analysis and comparison of technical-operational parameters of aircrafts and UAVs used for aerial works. This theme attend to basic factors that affect selection of aeronautical technics used for aeriál works, also ekonomics and technical calculation.
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Snížení enviromentálních dopadů letecké dopravy moderními technologiemi / Reducing the environmental impact of air transport by modern technologiesDrška, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis discusses the impact of air traffic on our environment. The fuels combustion, the conditions necessary for realization of air traffic, or the situations resulting from it, such as aircraft maintenance, noise, emergencies, etc., have a negative impact on not only on the environment, but also on health and comfort of people, as well as flora and fauna, exposed to these conditions. Apart from the air traffic impacts on our environment mentioned above, the thesis also describes especially the possibilities of their reduction and companies dealing with them. The large main part of thesis paper is dedicated to an analysis of a new aircraft design technology, which should reduce the production of emissions in the future.
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Vykazování Leasingu dle IFRS / Lease reporting according to IFRSHučíková, Julie January 2015 (has links)
In the final thesis I deal with problems of lease reporting according to effective framework of International Financing and Reporting Standards. In the thesis, which is divided into theoretical and practical part, I focus on impacts of leasing transactions primarily on the lessee side. In the theoretical part of thesis that is divided into three subchapters I summarize facts about leasing. The first two subchapters are based on standard IAS 17. I devote the third subchapter to preparation of new standard, which should replace IAS 17. The aim of the practical part of the thesis is to find out which way the European airlines use to finance their aircraft, I focus especially on using of both types of leasing. Therefore in the second part of the thesis I analyze annual reports of European aircrafts and examine how much these airlines exploit the possibility to finance the aircraft by leasing and how they report it in their annual reports.
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Ktoré faktory sú zodpovedné za rast dopytu po leteckej preprave pasažierov? / Which Factors Drive Growth of Demand for Passenger Air Travelling?Ondrejová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Is GDP per capita one of the main drivers affecting demand for passenger air travelling? Based on the time series analysis conducted for North American and Middle Eastern region, we have not rejected hypothesis about positive impact of GDP per capita on demand for air travelling. The thesis also analyzes whether the effects observed are weaker for more developed and more saturated markets. The second hypothesis was rejected, as we have found that the effect of the GDP per capita was on average 10% stronger for the North American region than for the Middle Eastern region. Moreover, we have found that for both regions oil prices are the important driver of the passenger air travel demand.
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Spokojenost zákazníků v letecké společnosti Travel Service při uplatňování náhrady škody / Customer satisfaction in the airlines Travel Service in claiming damagesKoblihová, Simona January 2014 (has links)
The thesis aims to analyze customer satisfaction in the airlines Travel Service in claiming damages. The theoretical part provides the basic concepts of air transport, legislation on civil aviation, the importance of the position of airlines in Czech and foreign aviation market and the introduction of airline Travel Service. The practical part deals with the definition of fundamental rights of air passengers in claiming damages, especially when claiming baggage and delayed or canceled flights. The practical part has been prepared based on the survey of customers Airlines Travel Service In the final part of this thesis compares Travel Service with selected airlines. This thesis uses descriptive method especially in its theoretical part, analysis and comparison method in the practical part.
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Návrh metodiky šetření příčin leteckých nehod zaviněných lidským činitelem v malém letectví / Draft methodology for investigating the causes of aviation accidents caused by human factor in general aviationPulgret, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This Master´s thesis examines Investigation of aircraft accidents / incidents, which were caused by human error. My thesis is focused on fixed wing aircrafts with maximum take off weight up to 2500 kg. Practices of Aircraft accident / incident Investigation are described in Annex L13 which is document published by Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. This document provides some support for investigators but does not contain methodology which should be used to discover human error by which the accident / incident was caused. This thesis has two major purposes. First purpose is to analyze Final reports of investigations and suggest improvements which can be made. Second goal of this thesis is to create own methodology for investigating the causes of aviation accidents / incidents caused by human factor.
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Vliv lidského činitele v provozu dopravních letounů / Human factor in air transportPískatý, Slavomír January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines the problems of human error in civil aviation. Its aim is, first and foremost, to evaluate types, origins and frequency of particular mistakes in piloting technique of aeroplanes. The dissertation comprises a study of the commonest human errors as presented by the examples of European airlines. The conclusion of the dissertation details proposals of method and approach on eliminating human error and thus increasing air travel safety.
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Výcvik dopravních pilotů / Airline pilot trainingMüller, David January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is intended to highlight the difficulty and different methods of training airline pilots. It can also serve as a guide for anyone who would like to become a transport pilot and he has not met flying yet. Further the thesis includes a balance sheet of the training strategy in financial terms and their own possibilities of the adept, that anyone who considers the traffic flying should think of well before starting. The thesis also includeds the return on investment, which may be crucial in any decision-making. In addition, it addresses the issue of loans and the pilot takes a look at new trends in aviation
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Analýza a porovnání technicko-provozních parametrů klasických letadel a bezpilotních prostředků pro provádění leteckých prací / Analysis and comparison of technical-operational parameters of aircrafts and UAVs used for aerial worksCihlář, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The main content of this master's is desing of analysis and comparison of technical-operational parameters of aircrafts and UAVs used for aerial works. This theme attend to basic factors that affect selection of aeronautical technics used for aeriál works, also ekonomics and technical calculation.
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Plán reakce na nouzové situace v letecké škole / Emergency responce planing in approved traning organizationJedlička, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is focused on the creation of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for an Approved Training Organisation (ATO). The first part of this thesis describes aviation organisations and other transport organisations that require Safety management system. The second part analyses requirements for documentation and regulations for applying Emergency Response Plan. In the third section there is an ERP general manual which helps ATO with the creation of the document. The last part contains the ERP created for a model ATO with the help of the general manual from the third chapter.
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