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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalizace technologického procesu zpracování dat leteckého laserového skenování pro výpočet zásob lesních porostů

Patočka, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
Airborne laser scanning has already become an essential part of forest inventories in the Nordic countries and in Canada. However, its wider practical forestry application in the Central European countries is awaiting. In the first part of this thesis, a procedure for modelling of the basic stand variables, especially forest stand volume, was designed using an area-based approach. Not only linear regression was used for modelling but also machine learning (k-nearest neighbor algorithm, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and neural networks). In the second part, the thesis deals with biomass estimation using the area-based approach and with comparison of the empirical and semi-empirical approaches to modelling. The third part deals with leaf area index (LAI) estimation using penetration indices and LiDAR metrics. The eLAI estimated by optical method is commonly used for model fitting in overwhelming majority of scientific papers. The benefit of this study is usage of LAI derived by destruction method (directly). The thesis as a whole has shown that the airborne laser scanning is also usable in a variety of forestry applications in Central European countries.

Jak ČTK informuje: analýza agenturního zpravodajství na příkladu leteckých nehod v ČR v roce 2011 / How CTK reports: analysis of news agency production on example of air accidents in the Czech republic in 2011

Zuska, Adam January 2015 (has links)
Air accidents related to both airplanes and airliners are often at the centre of heightened media attention. Whereas commercial media often choose to include in their news service only those accidents that result in number of fatalities or in a significant property damage, public service broadcasters should not take into account these criteria on order to provide balanced and versatile news service promoting an independent formation of opinions. In the case of news agencies, whose general mission is to collect and provide information, this assumption is doubly true. This thesis aims to analyse textual news products of the Czech News Agency using the example of the Agency's news coverage of air accident which happened in 2011 in the Czech Republic. This analysis will be used to determine the information quality on The first part of this thesis offers a theoretical basis for analysis - it describes the circumstances of the selection of news and related critical thinking approaches. The second part involves the actual qualitative content analysis of the news, mainly through comparison of media production with institutionally processed data depicting the real state of aviation accidents in the analysed period.

Zpřesnění DMR v pískovcovém skalním terénu s využitím přesné registrace dat leteckého laserového skenování / Enhancement of DTM in Sandstone Landscapes Using Precise Registration of Airborne Laserscanning Data

Holman, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
DTM Improvement in Sandstone Cliffs Relief using precise Co-registration of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Abstract The topic of this thesis is to design innovation of methodology improvement of digital terrain models from airborne laser scanning data in sandstone rocks rugged relief. Theoretical part of this thesis presents the Project GeNeSiS and New Elevation Model Project of the Czech Republic Territory, in which the test datasets were acquired. Simultaneously this section describes in detail methods of co-registrations datasets from strip adjustment to 3D least squares matching method, which have been published until now. In practical part of the work the Pravčická brána model region is introduced firstly. The focus of this section lays on description of new methodology for co-registration and classification of point clouds using spatial query. Co-registration of point clouds, respective detection transform parameters in this thesis is solved by introducing ground control areas. For each such region displacement and rotations in each axis are detected which subsequently determines the global transformation key. Innovation of the thesis lies in the fact that for DTM improvement there is sufficient only one point cloud. The second (and possibly others) point cloud is classified by presented algorithm...


Lihanová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
Assessment of forest damage using satellite and lidar data Abstract The main objective of this thesis is to create a methodical procedure used for the evaluation of forest damage in the chosen area of the National Park Sumava, Czech Republic. In this work were combined the multispectral satellite data and data of airborne laser scanning. The forests in this area are heavily damaged mainly due to bark beetle outbreak. You can find here as healthy so damaged forests. Based on this methodology will be differentiated greater number of classes than I found in the literature. In this work was used pansharpened multispectral image SPOT, multispectral image Landsat and airborne laser scanning data with low density points. Another task was to get height information from ALS data in the form of grid. Forest stands were classified using object-oriented classification, which included at first segmentation and then creation of classification base. In classification entered spectral information and height information obtained from the ALS data. Forests were classified into 5 classes and accuracy of both classifications was evaluated using the error matrix and kappa coefficient. SPOT image classification reached kappa coefficient of 68,5 % and Landsat image classification reached kappa coefficient of 72,3 %. From the...

Využití dat LLS pro aktualizaci silniční sítě / Utilization of ALS data for update of a road network

Kutišová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
Utilization of ALS data for update of a road network Abstract My thesis concerned problematics of automatic detection of communication data from aerial laser scanning. Goal of this method is to identify area of roads - tarmacs as accurate as possible. On its basis are counted attributes of specific parts. In first part of the thesis are summarized known procedures, which are used to deal with the issue and experiences and evaluation of the output of theirs authors. In practical part of the thesis is described procedure methodology, which is based on findings from the literature review. Subsequently, input data and model areas are introduced. In the final parts are described results and compared with the results of authors, who used such evaluation in their work. Key words: airborne laser scanning, digital topographic database, road network, database update

Ochrana hospodářské soutěže ve vybraných síťových odvětvích: Případ liberalizované železniční a letecké dopravy v Evropské unii / Protection of competition in selected liberalized network industries: the case of rail and air transport in the EU

Mohylová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
(EN) This thesis deals with the EU competition law enforcement in the transport sector towards private undertakings. Specifically, air and rail transport are focused at as they represent convenient examples on which it can be demonstrated how the EU manages to cope with the liberalization process and apply the competition rules to these sectors. The main research question of the thesis is what specific features can be observed in the decision making of the Commission and Court of Justice of the EU regarding the competition rules in the transport sector, specifically air and rail industry. This thesis is structured as follows. In total, it includes six chapters, introduction, four main chapters and the conclusion. The first main chapter is devoted to the EU transport policy as the goals of the transport policy, the liberalization process and its main characteristics are described. Specifically, the main milestones in the creation of single European transport policy in the transport sector are presented and the main obstacles in the liberalization process in the airline and rail sector are discussed. Moreover, the chapter also deals with the relationship of ex ante regulation and ex post competition rules. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the competition rules enforcement in the air...

Vliv IT a SW prostředků na firemní komunikaci

Valentová, Petra January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce zkoumá jaký vliv mají ICT a softwarové prostředky na firemní komunikaci. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na informační technologie sloužící k podpoře podnikové komunikace, a to nejen uvnitř podniku, ale i k podpoře komunikace s externími partnery či zákazníky. Aplikační část je zaměřena na společnost České aerolinie, a. s., její charakteristice podnikání a pozici, kterou zaujímá na trhu. V diplomové práci jsou identifikovány specifické IS/IT, které letecká společnost používá pro svoji podnikatelskou činnost. V závěru jsou uvedeny možnosti dalšího rozvoje a doporučení pro České aerolinie, a. s.

Aktuální otázky regulace mezinárodní letecké přepravy / Topical issues of the regulation of international air carriage

Zima, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
76 Abstract Topical issues of the regulation of international air carriage The object of this presented thesis is to inform readers about the phenomenon of the international air carriage. This rapidly growing transport industry is bringing attention mainly because of its thorough practical usability. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the specification of the basic concepts, these will be found in the rest of the thesis all through. To comprehend the actual topical issues it is essential for the reader to familiarize with the historical development of the air carriage. Especially in the 20th century the air carriage went through a swift progress that lead to a recent modern aerial transportation for long distances as we know these days. The second part draws attention into the basic legal sources of the air carriage concentrating not only on the international and European level but also on the Czech laws. Transport customs are not omitted, neither is practice of the courts that has a growing importance. Author of this paper engages in particular rights of the passengers in the air transportation and subsequent liability of the carrier in the third part of the thesis. Recently travelling through the air has become a very commonly used method of transport. From this reason it is necessary to point...

Interpolace digitálního modelu povrchu korun pro analýzu porostních mezer přírodního smrko-jedlo-bukového lesa

Komárek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this bachelor's thesis was to create, from a point cloud, a suitable digital surface model for analysis of vegetation gaps of natural spruce-fir-beech forest. The input data were obtained by means of 2010 airborne laser scanning and 2004 airborne photogrammetry in the territory of Žofín primaeval forest. To create the digital models, several interpolating methods were utilized by means of the AcrMap 10.2 software using the free LAStools toolbox. Subsequently, cuts were created from these models. The cuts were compared in the Pointools View 1.7 software and their capability to truly copy the canopy surface and suitability to search for vegetation gaps were evaluated.

Výpočet radiace v lesních porostech na základě dat leteckého laserového skenování

Patočka, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
Leaf area index (LAI) is the most important variable influencing the penetration of solar radiation beams through the forest stand. Currently, the airborne laser scanning, as new indirect method, suggests itself for estimation of LAI. LAI was measured terrestrially using the hemispherical photographies analysis and compared with LiDAR Penetration Index - LPI. There were created several regression models describing the dependence of LAI and LPI with coefficients of determination from 0.71 up to 0.81. Leaf area index was also applied to the Beer-Lambert law for calculation of the solar radiation in forest stands. Practical application possibilities of LPI in forestry (estimation of stocking, optimization of shelterwood cuttings etc.) have been described in conclusion of this diploma thesis.

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