Spelling suggestions: "subject:"letech""
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Web page analysis of selected airlines on the czech market / Analýza webových stránek vybraných leteckých společností v ČRVeis, Richard January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the web-page analysis and to the analysis of the accessability of financial records, that are usually part of annual reports. The first part is devoted to the theoretical basis and standards, where is stated how an airline corporation should act. In the second part, the theoretical basis is applied to concrete airlines, that are significant on the personal air-transportation market. The individual rating is stated in the conclusion. There are also concrete recommendations that should be used for raising the competitiveness of the given subject.
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Analýza online marketingovej komunikácie leteckých spoločností / Analysis of online marketing communication of the airlinesKollárová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of online marketing by airlines, while emphasis is placed on social media and viral marketing campaigns. The aim is to identify the requirements for successful online marketing communication. In the theoretical part the specific features of the airline industry are characterized and PEST analysis of the aviation industry is performed. This part of the thesis also defines and characterizes the main forms of online marketing used in aviation. The practical part compares the activity of selected airlines on the social network Facebook and video-hosting server YouTube. Based on this analysis we draw principles for successful operation of the airlines on social networks and for creating buzz and viral marketing campaigns.
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Vektorové letecké mapy s "high a low trajektoriemi" / Vector Based High and Low En-Route Aeronautical ChartsLatta, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá dynamickým vykreslováním vektorových leteckých map, především letových trajektorií a navigačních bodů do mapy. Mapy jsou integrovány do mobilních aplikací, které piloti používají během letu a které nahrazují původní papírové mapy. Práce obsahuje teoretický úvod do problematiky a základní pojmy používané v letectví a navigaci. Další částí práce je průzkum, popis a zhodnocení existujících řešení a aplikací společně s návrhem a designem nového řešení. Nakonec je prezentována implementace demo aplikace pomocí WebGL knihovny a výsledné vyhodnocení a porovnání.
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Globalizace a letecká doprava: strategie středoevropských klasických dopravců / Globalization and Air Transport: Strategies of Central European Legacy CarriersKořený, Petr January 2011 (has links)
As the world changes because of the globalization, the environment of the aviation changes as well. The airlines are forced to adapt to these changes and choose new strategies to operate successfully. The main objective of this thesis is to, according to the title, describe, identify and explain the processes which significantly affect current image of the world of aviation and focus on four Central European legacy carriers. The issues of globalization and its affect on behavior of economic actors, which airlines are, are discussed as first. The following part is dedicated to the characteristics of aviation and its components, the milieu and the behavior of the airlines as well as the newest strategic trends that are being chosen is described as well. The theoretical part is followed by the empirical one where the particular steps of examined airlines are analyzed and explained. The hypotheses concerning the probable behavior and adopted strategies of four analyzed carriers are expressed according to the discovered theoretical principles of the operations of current legacy (network) carriers. Whether the hypotheses are completely or partially confirmed, is discussed at the end of the empirical chapter. Key words: globalization, air transport, legacy carriers, airline alliances, hub and spoke, codeshare
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Letecké služby v ČR, možnosti a efektivita jejich nasazení při mimořádných událostech / Air services in the Czech Republic, their possibilities and efficiency rate when used in emergency situationsSEDLÁK, Milan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the current state of how air services are used within the Integrated Rescue System (IRS); it analyzes the level of equipment, possibilities of use and deployment of such technologies in emergency situations; and evaluates technical, qualitative and quantitative levels of all means that air services use in emergency situations. The thesis also puts emphasis on the analysis of dislocation of these means, its advantages and suitability when scrutinized in terms of quality, speed and efficiency of their deployment in emergency security situations, rescue operations, or their deployment during natural disasters. The outcome of the thesis comprises of proposals how to comprehensively amend applicable laws; and of conclusions that may help instigate discussion on the observed shortfalls, and how to increase efficiency, economy, and logical scheme leading to a timely response in emergency situations. The empirical part of thesis includes quantitative and qualitative researches which scrutinized two research corpuses. Tackling the first research corpus, the author used questionnaires to collect data technically. The questionnaires were aimed at members of the basic units of the IRS components. The outcomes of the questionnaires are shown in graphs. Tackling the second research corpus, the author held semi-structured interviews with expert representatives of subjects that provide air services within the IRS. Assessment of the outcomes was based on the transcriptions of the interviews which involved inserting the data into tables summarizing the most important outcomes of the research. Subsequently, these outcomes were used to identify the most important theses which were based on the answers provided by the respondents to research questions. The research also included an analysis of the available legal standards and documents related to the use of air services to provide efficient intervention, their assessment and identification of some criteria for de lege ferenda proposals to comprehensively amend selected laws. In conclusion, it was found out that there is poor awareness of possibilities how to use air services among the members of the basic units in individual IRS components, which results in insufficient deployment of Air Services while carrying out interventions.
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Řízení služeb v letecké dopravě / Service management in Air TrafficNOVÁKOVÁ, Ivana January 2008 (has links)
My thesis is focused on the comparison of traditional and low-cost air companies and its perspective into the future. The theoretical part is focused on a description and an analysis of air traffic both in the Czech Republic and in the world from the history till the present time. The practical part describes an analysis of services provided at the airport Praha Ruzyně. There is also introduced a company České aerolinie as the biggest air carrier on the Czech market. The attention is also given to a general low-cost model of this type of carrier. According to a current high competitive strength I made a comparison of traditional and low-cost carriers and thanks to a questionnaire inquire I suggested the recommendations contributing to production improvement.
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Changes to the marketing strategy of the airline industry in Europe due to the proliferation of low-cost airlines in Europe / Změny v marketingové strategii leteckých společností v Evropě způsobené růstem nízkonákladových leteckých společností v EvropěKeprta, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the changes to marketing strategy of airline companies in Europe due the proliferation of low-cost carriers in Europe. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the theoretical part the marketing strategy framework is established by reviewing the latest literature on marketing theory and its application to the airline industry. The second chapter provides the historical background and shows the specifics of the airline industry in order to determine when the proliferation of low-cost carriers in Europe occurred. It also analyzes the impact the proliferation had on the business operations of the network carriers by looking at the changes to different elements of the marketing mix. Finally the third chapter summarizes the authors research on consumer behavior in the airline industry. The research was conducted through a quantitative questionnaire and it investigates consumers perception of price and brand awareness.
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Analýza faktorů ovlivňující délku působení nízkonákladového dopravce na trhu / Analysis of factors affecting the survival time of the low cost carrier on the marketJanků, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to perform an analysis of low cost carrier market in the Europe, case studies of defunct and successful low cost carriers and to determine factors, which affect survival time of low cost carrier on the market. The thesis is focused on the European market in 2007-2017. It includes brief description of origin of low cost carriers and their spread to the European market. Next part is dedicated to general description of a low cost carrier and analysis of the European low cost market. Three defunct low cost carriers are described in the next chapter, which includes basic information and detailed description of their actions. It includes determination of cause of ceasing their operation. Three successful low cost carriers are described in the same manner. In the end, the factors affecting survival time of low cost carriers are determined with usage of an analysis of economic and operational parameters of low cost carriers.
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Modelování vybraných geometrických parametrů lesních porostů z dat leteckého laserového skenování / Modelling of selected forest geometric parameters from airborne laser scannig dataSedláčková, Oldřiška January 2014 (has links)
Modelling of selected forest geometric parameters from airborne laser scanning data Abstract The main aim of this work is to approximate the shape of a tree crown with mathematically describable 3D shape based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data. And consequently derive geometrical parameters describing the tree from this model. Included in the work is a custom designed algorithm based on angular segmentation. Measured results of this algorithm are then compared to an algorithm based on RANSAC and field measurement. The first part of this work describes airborne laser scanning, its use to derive characteristics of forest stands and individual trees and the theory of tree crown modelling. The next part contains a description of both algorithms and presentation of results and field measurements. The conclusion summarizes and evaluates the outputs of the custom angular segmentation algorithm and discusses its possible modifications. Keywords: airborne laser scanning, tree height, crown width, crown height, crown cover, crown volume, crown shape, RANSAC
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Aktuální otázky regulace mezinárodní letecké přepravy: odpovědnost leteckého dopravce vůči cestujícím / Topical issues of the regulation of international air carriage: the liability of an air carrier with respect to passengersAjgl, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with those issues in regulation of international air carriage, which are in the centre of interest of passengers. Author focuses on two key legal instruments establishing different regimes of air carrier's liability. The first one is the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, also known as the Montreal Convention. The second is European regulation no. 261/2004, also known as the Air Passengers' Rights Regulation. The key question is whether these liability regimes are completely separate or they overlap. After introductory chapter, Chapter 2 follows, dealing with historical development of legal regulation in the field of air carriage liability. Evolution of the so called Warsaw system is described and the Montreal Convention and some of the most important European regulations are presented. Next chapter focuses on theoretical aspects of air carrier's liability in the light of Czech civil law jurisprudence. These findings are applied both to the Montreal Convention and to the regulation no. 261/2004. Provisions of the Montreal Convention are examined in Chapter 4. Scope of application as well as the most problematic terms such as "accident" or "bodily injury" are discussed. Some well known courts' findings are presented to demonstrate how...
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