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Integrace leteckých společností a její vliv na spotřební chování zákazníků / Airlines' integration and its impact on the consumer behaviour of customers.Kosinová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the process of integration between airlines and its positive and negative impacts on customers. It deals with characteristic features of individual forms of integration with the greatest attention paid to alliances and mergers. With respect to the fact that the passenger's choice of airline is to a large extent influenced by the price of the ticket, an empirical model is introduced to explore the impact of the membership in one of the global alliances on the final price of the long-haul tickets. Besides, the attention is paid to the nature and diversification of services provided. In the next section the thesis deals with the upcoming merger between British Airways and Iberia, its preconditions, form of the new company and identification of the potential risk factors that could have a negative impact on the company.
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Marketingová strategie firmy Team Trackers v mezinárodním leteckém průmysluBrodská, Olga January 2006 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá zhodnocením marketingové strategie společnosti Team Trackers. Společnost Team Trackers poskytuje asistenční služby leteckým společnostem. Tyto služby zahrnují péči o pasažéry leteckých společností od prvního telefonického kontaktu s cestujícím až po výpočet a vyplacení odškodnění pasažérovi. První část této diplomové práce obsahuje informace o společnosti Team Trackers, zhodnocení výběru umístění společnosti a okolnosti založení. Dále jsou zde informace o strategických leteckých aliancích. Další část se zabývá organizační strukturou, marketingovým mixem společnosti a SWOT analýzou firmy Team Trackers. Následuje krátké zhodnocení výzkumu potenciálu trhu a strategie v oblasti informačních technologií.
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Marketing leteckých společností / Airline marketingKrejčiřík, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
My final work should analyze aviation industry from an economic perspective, the main theme will be differences between traditional operators and low-cost operators. The most important part is analysis of the marketing mix, where the main part of air transport are undoubtedly product and price. Result of my work will be a product portfolio that summarizes all the findings in a summary table.
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Věrnostní program Air France-KLM a jeho komunikace / Frequent Flyer Program of Air France-KLM and its CommunicationsGeorgievová, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the topic of frequent flyer programs for small and medium enterprises. The goal of this thesis is to analyze BlueBiz, the Air France-KLM frequent flyer program for small and medium enterprises, and to propose improvements for this program. The theoretical part consists of an introduction to marketing, commercial communications, and loyalty programs; the analytical part deals directly with the frequent flyer program BlueBiz. The analytical part introduces the airline companies Air France-KLM, and provides an analysis of BlueBiz terms and conditions, an analysis of the competitors' programs, analysis of program's communications and an analysis of BlueBiz awareness. The results of all analyses are summarized in a SWOT analysis, which creates groundwork for designing program's improvements.
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Mapování současného stavu vegetace při horní hranici lesa na území NPR PradědVršanová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to derive complex information of the current vegetation cover in the alpine treeline ecotone in Praděd Reserve by using remote sensing. Particularly thesis focuses on an area and expansion of dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra) at site above the alpine treeline ecotone around the peak Praděd. Two types of aerial photograph from 2000 and 2012 and satellite images from Landsat 7 (yaer 2000) and Landsat 8 (year 2013) were used for mapping vegetation. Supervised and unsupervised classification accesses and also "per-pixel" and objected classification methods were used in image processing. All the classifications confirmed expansion of dwarf pine stands in the alpine treeline vegetation. Most precise method was based on supervised objected classification.
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Určení záplavového území a hydrotechnické posouzení objektů na vybraném úseku vodního toku Mastník na podkladě DMR 5. generace / Determination of floodplains and hydrotechnical assessment of Mastník water flow based on the DMR 5G dataČápová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
This work engages in the watercourse called Mastník. It focuses on the determination of flooded areas for couple of series (Q5, Q10, Q50, Q100) and hydro-technical assessment of particular objects. The chosen section is situated on cadastral area of town Sedlčany in the Central Bohemia region. Its length is 1.973 kms and there is located 5 water management objects reaching to the flow profile of the watercourse.
The data for this dissertation has been gained by the Czech State Administration of Land Surveying and Cadaster. It is about the digital relief of the 5th generation of aerial laser scanning. The laser rays are not capable of penetration the water surface, and thus describe the shape of the water-sources bed. So the tool called CroSolver was used to dig the water-sources bed. Then the hydrodynamic model has been created in program called HEC-RAS.
From the results of hydrodynamic model then was evaluated the real water-technical state of the object.
The outgoing data (dots defining the flood range to the surroundings) was after then inserted to the program ArcMap. Here the flood lines and from them the flood zones were created based on the particular series of the flows.
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Určení záplavového území a hydrotechnické posouzení vodního toku Říčanský potok / Determination of floodplains and hydrotechnical assessment of Říčanský water flowBezděková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with determining the flood lines and hydrotechnical assessment of the Říčanský water flow and objects that interfere with the flow profile. Hydrotechnical assessment preceding hydrological study of catchment. The basis for this work was digital model relief Czech Republic, which obtained from Airborne Laser Scanning. This method is considered to be of the most accurate methods for altimetry data obtained, but the near-infrared laser beam used in this method cannot penetrate water masses. The result of this problem is error as the extracted cross sections lose a significant portion of their flow area. These errors can be removed to recess the channel using specialized software Crosolver tool. For hydrotechnical assessment is used hydrodynamic model in HEC-RAS. On the basis of results are determined the flood line for N-years flows (5-years flow, 20-years flow and 100-years flow). The final part of this work deals evaluation of hydrotechnical assessment Říčanský water flow, object and floodplains.
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Vliv doby lovu na výběr mikrohabitatu u jelena evropského v Doupovských horách / Effect of hunting pressure on microhabitat preference of red deer in the Doupov Mts.Křivan, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on GPS telemetry of red deer (Cercus elaphus) in the environment of the Doupov Mountains in the Military training Hradiště. In the first part of the thesis are solution of introduction to general issues preferences and the occurrence of red deer and other related ungulates. The second part of the thesis is focused on my own research.
The Positional data monitored hind Dorothy was collected in the period 1. 7. 30. 3. 2014. The aim was to determine, if the time hunting have to influence to microhabitat preferences on the hind of red deer and if the selection of posts are accidental or is influenced by the characteristics of the post. The Research conducted of data inventory from GPS using collar and of data, which arised laser air scanning the surface (technology LiDAR). For comparison and finding the preferences of the hind was created the network accidental comparative points. Field exploration and LiDAR technology consider the dependence of the average height of vegetation around of Dorothy positions the period of the year and the time of day. Data was evaluated ANOVA for the non-parametric data distribution (Kruskal-Wallisova) and the program Microsoft Excel. At each station has been carefully identified information about the location including visibility of the hunting-game device and height of stand.
The results indicate that the average height of the vegetation was at the stands searched by the hind of red deer during a sunrise and a day. The lowest was in night and at sunset. The hind of red deer prefer, in hunting time during the day, thick scrub and during the night more open spaces with larger views properties, where she actively looking for food. The most preferred visibility at the time of hunting and off time hunting was to the eastern direction. The most least preferred visibility was always to the western direction. Minimum presence of the hunting-game device is in the time of hunting during at the day and sunrise, maximum at night. This behavior was probably caused increased hunting activity.
The results of the thesis may be used in forestry management, for forest protection and by planning of hunting management of the red deer populations.
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Index listovej plochy a priestorová distribúcia asimilačného aparátu v poraste buku lesného (Fagus sylvatica L.)Haninec, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
One of the most important parameters determining penetration of the photosynthetically active radiation (FAR) through the forest canopy is the leaf area index (LAI). In this thesis we concerned with a comparison of direct and indirect approaches of determining LAI and the vertical distribution of LAI in the canopy. There have been used three optical methods, using the device LiCor LAI 2200 Plant Canopy Analyzer, LaiPen and hemispherical photography. Also, we used the method of estimation LAI using airborne laser scanning. There was created allometric relationship between leaf area and the perimeter of the sample trees. These trees were also destructively processed and based on those, there were created the diagrams of the vertical distribution of leaves in the crowns of these trees. The individual values of the measured leaf area index, were in amplitude from 3.69 m2.m-2 to 11.80 m2.m-2 and the indirect methods underestimated the direct approach in average of 28.46%.
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Tvorba databáze krasových jevů na území ŠLP Křtiny z dat leteckého laserového skenováníBalková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with description of the karst and its typical phnenomenons with emphasis on surface figures sinkholes. Further, it dicribes the airborne laser scanning (ALS) technology, data collection and processing procedure and utilization for the puropose of terrain depressions indentification based on the researches and processes of foreign experts. From these available studies, the most suitable methodics is chosen and applied to Digital Elevation Model of 5th generation (DEM 5G) data. The results of this aplication are compared with available sinkholes databases kept in the PLA Moravian Karst office and own terrain research.
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