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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektroerozivní obrábění materiálů využívaných v leteckém průmyslu / Electroerosion machining of materials used in the aerospace industry

Zubáková, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of electroerosion machining of materials used in the aerospace industry. The introductory part presents the layout of aerospace materials and the methods by which they can be machined. The next chapter describes the basic principles of EDM. The experimental part is focused on electroerosive cutting of NIMONIC 263 alloy. The greatest emphasis was placed on determining the influence of the cutting wire material on the rate of contamination of the surface layer of the workpiece. The quality of the machined surface was assessed depending on the used wire and the selected machining parameters.

Využití krajiny (Land use) ve vybrané lokalitě / Land use GIS in a selected municipality

Sekanina, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis content study of land use in municipality Lelekovice and its connection with software for geographic information system. It describes processing data especially historical cadastre maps, archival aerial imagery and orthophotos which were used for analyzing of this area. Analysis were performed in software ArcGIS. Appendixes of thesis are graphs and visualization of development of study area.

Návrh mechanického a elektrického subsystému bezpilotního letounu / Design of UAV hardware - mechanical and electrical subsystem

Kraus, David January 2014 (has links)
Main topic of this thesis is creation of platform for testing stabilization and control algorithms for UAV. For chosen suitable model plane was designed a structure of control and power electronics. Research of suitable algorithms was made and some of them were implemented. For this algorithms gains were designed, using simulation. The whole system was tested and validated in flight.

Multiagentní simulační model pro letecké formace / Multiagent Simulation Model for Flight Squadrons

Šalbaba, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with designing a model for simulation and visualisation of air combat tactics. It introduces air combat environment and describes a process for its modeling. Thesis describes basics of air combat, its principles and importance of chosen tactics. Using Jason programming language, artificial agents are created and chosen tactics are implemented. The process of implementing tacitcs is described from analysis to final implementation. Finaly, various types of agents are tested in mock combat against each other.

Vliv vlastností povodí vysokohorských jezer v Tatrách na chemizmus vody / Influence of catchment characteristics of high-mountain lakes in the Tatra Mountains on water chemistry

Hynštová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with catchments of the alpine lakes in the High Tatra Mountains. The lakes were subject of a long-term monitoring to detect changes of chemical and biotic composition of lake water induced by acid atmospheric deposition and by its decline. The studied processes required a quantitative approach to describe the characteristics of the catchments. The definition of new catchment parameters or the refining estimated parameters was not allowed without current technical and computing equipment because of the complexity of mountainous terrain. The morphological parameters for 26 catchments were obtained by analysis of the created digital elevation model (DEM) using tools of geographic information system (GIS, software ESRI ArcGIS 10.2). The land cover was detected by Google aerial map (2014). The links between chemical composition (NO3⁻, Σ(Ca2+ +Mg2+ )) and catchment properties based on the specified or refined catchment parameters (slope, portion of an area with a slope <26 ř in the catchment, proportion of different land cover types to the real catchment area) were analysed between the years 1993 and 2012 (respectively 2006). New morphological parameters were derived for the defined catchments. The catchments on the northern and the southern slope were distinguished by...

Analýza hustoty lesních porostů s využitím texturálních příznaků snímků vysokého prostorového rozlišení a dat leteckého laserového skenování / Analysis of forest canopy density based on textural features of hight resolution imagery and airborne laser scanning data

Bromová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Analysis of forest canopy density based on textural features of high resolution imagery and airborne laser scanning data Abstract The objective of this thesis is to assess the forest canopy density in the Šumava Mountains, Czech Republic. The spruce forests in this area have been suffering from the bark beetle outbreak for almost 20 years resulting in a mixture of dead and young trees, mature forest stands and peat bogs. The canopy density was evaluated using a very high spatial resolution panchromatic imagery and low point density LiDAR, combined with an object oriented approach. The classification based on three GLCM texture measures (contrast, entropy and correlation), which were derived from the image objects, resulted in a kappa index of accuracy of 0.45. Adding the information from the LiDAR data, the accuracy of the classification improved up to 0.95.

Klasifikace dat leteckého laserového skenování v pískovcových skalních městech / Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Sandstone Landscapes

Tomková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Sandstone Landscapes Abstract This work is concerned with the classification of airborne laser scanning data in sandstone landscapes called "rock cities". Standard filters do not work reliably in such a rugged terrain covered with dense vegetation and in the results the rock formations are smoothed or even removed from the terrain. The method of classification suggested in this work is based on the procedure used in manual filtration. When exploring a sufficiently dense point cloud in 3D, one is able to distinguish rock formations from trees even though their shapes are similar. In contrast to trees, rock pillars are modeled only by points reflected off the surface and therefore they make concave elevations in the ground. Because of penetration of trees, there are points reflected off a treetop, branches, leaves and also ground under the tree. The proposed method segments a point cloud according to local minima in approximated surface and classifies these objects into classes rock, tree, and mix by inner point distribution. Objects in classes tree and mix are then filtered by lasground function from LAStools. The method was tested with merged point cloud consisted of data from the standard airborne laser scanning of the Czech Republic and experimental...

Provozní nepravidelnosti v letecké dopravě a uplatňování a vymáhání práv cestujících v rámci EU / Operating irregularity in air transport: application and subsequent enforcement of passenger rights within EU

Herynk, František January 2011 (has links)
The main objectives of this thesis are identification of operating irregularity which can be met in air transport by common traveler, outline cause of these irregularities and characterize direct influence on traveler in air transport within whole Europe. Then I focus on defence against these unexpected or deliberate irregularities, which are available for standard citizen of European Union but also for every carrier. Methods which I going to use and realize in this thesis are based on my own experience and practice which is especially based on cooperation with external subjects. External subjects deal with this issues. In conclusion of this thesis should be a clear proces and structure which clearly determine when and under what conditions is carrier responsible for irregularity and simultaneously when traveler have a right for compensation.

Příslušníci rakousko-uherského letectva z českých zemí / Members of the Austro-Hungarian Air Force from the Czech Lands

Rajlich, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to outline the share of airmen from the Czech lands in the formation, organizational and personnel construction, technical development and operational deployment of the Austro-Hungarian Air Force in the pre-war period and especially during World War 1. Simultaneously, this work will also try to determine their percentage share in the entire Austro-Hungarian Army and Naval Air Forces. The national (or provincial) origin of the personel of the Austro-Hungarian Air Force has not yet been the subject of historical research in any of the successor states. The reason was the fact that this young weapon was not statistically monitored - unlike other weapons. For Austrian historiography, the ethnic composition of the Austro-Hungarian aviation was not a subject of adequate attention. In Czech and Czechoslovakian historiography, for a long time, it was stated that number of the Czech airmen in the Austro-Hungarian Air Force was "insignificant". However, this age-old thesis, which has never been credibly proven, is subject to criticism in this work, leading to its re-evaluation. In particular, the reconstruction and analysis of statistically relevant samples of people revealed that in fact the representation of airmen from the Czech lands was above average and the Czechs had a solid...

Multinacionální společnosti v letecké dopravě / Multinational companies in air transport

ŽÍŽALOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
This work {\clqq}Multinational companies in air transport{\crqq} is focused on existence of multinational companies in segment of public air transport. The work is focused on appearance of multinational companies in the air transport or more precisely on analysis of strategic airline alliances in term of its multinational character. Analysis of two multinational airlines, members of two different strategic airline alliances and their confrontation on the basis of services provided to customers is the principal aim of this work. Two airlines of world signification and establishing members of two different alliances, French Air France and German Lufthansa, were chosen for this work. These two airlines were advises in three fields: destination offer, fleet and general services provided to customers.

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