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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úprava letounu EV-55 na požární verzi / Firefighter modification of EV-55 aircraft

Petruška, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá přestavbou dvoumotorového letounu EV-55 vyvíjeného společností Evektor s.r.o. na požární verzi. Konstrukční úprava odpovídá předpisu CS-23 Amendment 3. Nejprve je provedena studie a porovnání se současnými konkurenčními požárními letouny. Na základě této studie je zhodnocena vhodnost letounu EV-55 pro přestavbu na požární verzi a stanoveny požadavky, které musí požární EV-55 splňovat z hlediska konkurenceschopnosti. Na základě těchto požadavků a certifikačních předpisů je provedena hlavní část práce - konstrukce hasicího zařízení a navrženy nutné konstrukční úpravy trupu letounu. Dle uvedeného předpisu je dále provedena pevnostní kontrola zařízení a trupu s úpravami. Na závěr je zhodnocen vliv hasicího zařízení na letové výkony a stabilitu letounu.

Změny ve vegetaci přechodových rašelinišť v rybničních epilitorálech / Vegetation changes in transition bogs at fishpond epilitorals

Spilka, Josef January 2010 (has links)
This study concerns in a three peatland sites: the epilitorals of Pilská reservoir and Hořejší Padrťský fishpond in Příbram region and Kamenný fishpond in Pilsen. These peat-bobg were affected by negative conseqences of human activities. The aim of this study is to find out what kind these changes was and what extent they were. The changes in vegetation were observed from two points of view. The GIS analyses of aerial photographs represent the macroscale view. Repeating of old phytosociological relevées was the microscale view. To understand the cause of vegetation changes, the species-environment analyses were used. Four transects were made for this purpose and a water table level, pH and conductivity were mesured monthly along these transects. One-shot measurements of N and P water concentration and a peat depth were also carried out. Measured data from transects were uses in multivariate vegetation analyses and also in one- way analysis, aimed to an expansion plant species. All three sites of concern came through strong changes in past. In all of them the area of biotops of great conservation importance decreased and some endangered plant species have been lost there. The changes in Pilská reservoir epilitoral were mostly anthropogenic, whereas the mires of Hořejší Padrťský fishpond and Kamenný...

Změny v letecké dopravě po deregulaci odvětví, specifický případ Německa / Changes Air Transport Industry after Deregulation, Specific Case of Germany

Frühauf, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the air transport and its dramatic and dynamic development in the last twenty years. The key driving force behind this change was the deregulation of air agreements and liberalization of international markets, which took place in the seventies in the USA and in the nineties in Europe. This work addresses specific and general effects of deregulation and the development of air transport industry and aims to identify and analyze changes of its structures in space and time. One of the major and direct impacts and consequences of deregulation is that the free market allowed the emergence of new low-cost airlines, which significantly changed the structure and trends of air transport. The changes allowed for greater mobility of people, goods and capital, and also caused a partial change in consumer behaviour of individuals and institutions, and even more interconnected global economy. The source of data and information are primarily articles in professional journals written in English. Knowledge from particular analysis and research approaches to air traffic from the first part of this work is confronted with empirical research. This was based on the statistical data of air traffic in Germany, for each airport from 1991 to 2010 and verified the theoretical concepts of the general...

Kolektivizace zemědělství a její promítnutí do krajiny. Případová studie katastrálního území Široký Důl / Collectivization of agriculture and its projection to the landscape. Case study of cadastral area Široký Důl

Kocmanová, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
Diplomová práce Kolektivizace zemědělství a její promítnutí do krajiny ABSTRACT I searched changes in the cultural landscape structure in the relation with social processes in the time period 1937-2010 in my thesis. The research refers to the second half of 20th century, or more precisely, to the era of collectivization of Czechoslovak agriculture. In consequence of collectivization, the landscape was ecologically devastated and overall the nature of Czech countryside changed. Analysis of the landscape structure has form of case study of cadastral area of Široký Důl. I interpreted landscape changes from historical aerial photos and then analyzed the changes by geographical information systems. The results of those analyses are indicators (landscape metrics), by which I interpreted conditions of landscape in particular time. I confronted the changes in the landscape structure with social processes, which are described in theoretical part of thesis according to background research. Result of my thesis is general story of particular landscape, whose structure changed fundamentally in consequence of collectivization of agriculture. Key words: landscape structure, collectivization, landscape metrics, GIS, cultural landscape, aerial photos, Široký Důl

Galerie letecké techniky a tradic letectví na letišti Medlánky v Brně / Gallery aviation technology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlánky in Brno

Neveselá, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is the project of Gallery aviation technology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlánky in Brno. The project also includes urban solution of area airport in Medlánky and linking urban areas Medlánky and Komín by newly designed roads and walking paths. The area of airport consists of the two historic hangars and newly designed buildings for the servise and maintenance of aircraft, for the laboratories and the test room of aviation technology, from the control tower and the gallery aviation technology, in which there is also bistro-cafe. The building with gallery aviation technology formed a compact space for visitors with the other buildings, but at the same time the building is separated from the private area, where the planes are moving freely. In the building with gallery, there are besides the exhibition space designed also the bistro-cafe, areas for management and operation of gallery, technical and sanitary facilities, restoration workshop of historic aircraft, conference halls, meeting and training rooms, clubhouse and accommodation. The building serves as a curtural - public building, wheelchair accessible is available throughout the object.

Opatření EU v oblasti letecké dopravy usnadňující volný pohyb osob, zboží a služeb - Jednotné evropské nebe / Measures of the EU in the area of air traffic facilitiating the free movement of persons, goods and services - the Single European Sky

Pysk, Vladimír January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to the European Commission's project known under the name Single European Sky which pursues an objective to reorganize the current European airspace structure for the more efficient provision of air navigation services purposes. As an introduction, the author sets himself the goal to acquaint the reader with relevant international organizations in the field of civil aviation, introduce him in a general way into the provision of air navigation services' issues, including the situations when these services are being provided across the national boundaries. Following this general reading, the thesis fluently moves on to its main subject matter which is the Single European Sky initiative. An attention is focused on the state of European airspace before the initiative has been launched as well as the preparatory works which resulted in the adoption of the first SES legislative package. The following chapter presents the basic legal framework regulating the Single European Sky as amended by the adoption of the second legislative package. Principal part of the thesis is comprised in the next chapter dealing with the process of project's implementation. Within its framework, the reader's attention is turned, inter alia, to such crucial issues as the national supervisory...

Operace Spojenecká síla ve vybraných českých denících / Operation Allied Force in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers

Božková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Thesis: Operation Allied Force in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers Author: Mgr. Lucie Božková Annotation In my thesis Operation 'Allied Force' in Selected Czech Daily Newspapers I am tracing the representation of the topic - NATO's air strikes in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the so called Operation 'Allied Force') in 1999 in selected Czech Daily Newspapers. I am observing the effects, media's impact, frames and agenda setting. To support the integrity of the topic I added a chapter about the Kosovo crisis which enlightens the initiation of the air attacks. Furthermore, and mainly I am focusing on professional studies dealing with military news. The dominant theme of these articles is the foreign media coverage of the Kosovo War. In the experts 'outputs I predominantly center on their choosing and the method of analysis, on which I then base my analysis on. I decided to use the method of the quantitative content analysis for my own research. The first period of exploration is the bombing period (March 24, 1999 - June 10, 1999). Here the aim of my analysis is to find out what attention have the daily newspapers MF Dnes, Hospodářské noviny, Právo and Blesk paid to the Operation 'Allied Force'. In addition, I followed the placement of the articles, media resources and also the presentation of...

Aktuální otázky regulace mezinárodní letecké přepravy / Topical issues of the regulation of international air carriage

Odstrčilíková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Topical issues of the regulation of international air carriage The main purpose of this work is to provide its readers with an overview of the many facets of passenger rights in such dynamic area as international air carriage. Development in this area has given rise to issues and challenges, including the overlapping of legal and geographical scopes of different air passenger protection instruments. Over the last decades, several air passenger protection regimes have developed across the world, in particular on international, European Union and national level. But does the patchwork work? The history of multilateral regulation in the field of international air transport with regard to air passenger rights could be said to have begun in 1929 when the Warsaw Convention was originally signed. The importance of the convention lies in unification of the rules concerning the documents of carriage and the liability of air carriers. In 1955 the Warsaw Convention was amended by the Hague Protocol, which substantially redrafted, modernized and simplified rules relating to the documents of carriage as well as doubled the limit of carrier liability with respect to persons. The Warsaw Convention's application was subsequently extended to the carriers actually performing the transport by air when a passenger...

Letecké a železniční nehody v ČSSR a ČR v letech 1960-2008 v denním tisku / Aircraft and railway accidents in Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic in 1960 - 2008 in daily press

Šírová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis Aircraft and railway accidents in the Czechoslovakia and in the Czech Republic in 1960 - 2008 in the daily press describes ten serious traffic accidents (five airplane and five train accidents), the context and especially the media coverage of these accidents. The thesis describes and compares the media coverage of these accidents in the analysed daily press - in daily newspaper Rude pravo, Pravo, Mlada fronta and Mlada fronta DNES. It shows the changes in the way of media coverage. It also looks for the factors which influenced the way of media coverage. The aim is to show the changes in the methods and results of a work of a journalist and to set them into the historical, political, social and media context. Furthermore, the thesis consists some theoretical parts about aircraft and railway accidents and prevention. The media analysis is contextualised by some relevant media theories and a brief history of media in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in the analysed period.

Galerie letecké techniky a tradic letectví na letišti Medlánky v Brně / Gallery aviation technology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlánky in Brno

Soukupová, Vladimíra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis design called Gallery of aviation tecnology and traditions of aviation at the airport Medlanky in Brno is engaged the future developement othe airport complex. Traditional wooden hangars are complemented with new buildings, the Gallery of aviation technology, the Faculty of Mechanical engineering department and Snackbar replacing U Krive vrtule pub. All these buildings are public in relation with operational part. All three buildings are wooden structures combined with glass facade directed to runway. Buildings are based on low energy consumption. The Pub and VUT department are inspired by the original hangars with gabled roof. The gallery is different. The building is a large-span hall whose structure is composed of glued wooden stiffened ribs. Design provides enough space for exhibits.

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