Spelling suggestions: "subject:"licitar"" "subject:"licitação""
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O desenvolvimento sustent?vel como elemento determinante do princ?pio da efici?ncia em procedimentos licitat?riosEmery, Emerson Baldotto 25 March 2014 (has links)
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457485.pdf: 622020 bytes, checksum: 1424409ce015c98e3c4200410706a0e0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-25 / The paper discusses the implications of the principle of national sustainable development included in the federal Law number 8.666/93, defining its scope and practical problems for its full adoption. A multidisciplinary research involving texts of books and journals in law, economics, philosophy, sociology, physics and biology, press articles and at the internet was performed in addition to the case studies and jurisprudential survey that resulted in the need to combine the methods inductive and deductive to analysis of the material for the conclusions statements. The explanation shows the dialectic existing between old and new concepts, emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of each argument, as well its affinities and contradictions. After a brief introduction, following a study of the concept of development from its earliest expressions, going through a formulation of general application, until the one in what the matter is suitable to the Constitution, because related to the fundamental bases and the objectives of the Republic. The following chapter discusses the scope of influence of the concept of sustainability, asserting the need for a new ethics concept, timeless and widespread, covering the respect for animal rights, wildlife and future generations. The chapter number four, deals with the principle of administrative efficiency from different analytical instruments, such as Law and Economics, the paradigm of good governance and the institution decisions by autonomy, in addition to a historical approach. The chapter number five, combines the information from the previous to show that the efficiency only will be achieved in bidding procedures, if the concepts of sustainable development were interpreted according the constitutional principles. For this purpose, analyzes the implications of private power of the Union to legislate on general rules of bidding and procurement, and the criteria, practices and guidelines imposed by Federal Decree number 7.746/12 and the Resolution 976/13 of the Account Court of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, ending with the analysis of examples and placing in the international context the imposition of privileges for the national supplier. / O trabalho discute as implica??es da inser??o do princ?pio do desenvolvimento nacional sustent?vel na Lei n? 8.666/93, definindo seu alcance pr?tico e os problemas para sua plena ado??o. Foi realizada uma pesquisa multidisciplinar envolvendo textos de livros e peri?dicos de direito, economia, filosofia, sociologia e f?sica, artigos de imprensa e da rede mundial de computadores, al?m do estudo de casos e levantamento jurisprudencial que resultaram na necessidade de conjuga??o dos m?todos indutivo e dedutivo para a an?lise do material e o estabelecimento de conclus?es. A exposi??o mostra a dial?tica existente entre antigos e novos conceitos, acentuando as for?as e defici?ncias de cada argumento, bem como afinidades e contradi??es. Ap?s uma breve introdu??o, segue um estudo sobre o conceito de desenvolvimento desde suas primeiras express?es, passando por uma formula??o de aplica??o geral, at? chegar naquela que se julga adequada ao texto constitucional, afim com os fundamentos e objetivos da Rep?blica. O cap?tulo seguinte analisa o ?mbito de influ?ncia do conceito de sustentabilidade, afirmando a necessidade de uma nova ?tica, atemporal e abrangente, que abarque o respeito a direitos dos animais, da fauna e das futuras gera??es. O cap?tulo quatro trata do princ?pio da efici?ncia administrativa a partir de diferentes instrumentais anal?ticos, como a An?lise Econ?mica do Direito e a partir do paradigma da boa administra??o e do instituto da discricionariedade administrativa, al?m de fazer uma abordagem hist?rica. O cap?tulo cinco conjuga as informa??es dos anteriores para demonstrar que a efici?ncia somente ser? alcan?ada em procedimentos licitat?rios se respeitados os conceitos de desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade interpretados ? luz dos preceitos constitucionais. Para tanto analisa as implica??es do poder privativo da Uni?o para legislar sobre normas gerais de licita??es e contratos p?blicos e a regulamenta??o dos crit?rios, pr?ticas e diretrizes impostas pelo Decreto Federal n? 7.746/12 e a Resolu??o 976/13 do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, finalizando com a an?lise de exemplos e situando no contexto internacional a imposi??o de privil?gios para o fornecedor nacional.
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A Constitucionalidade do decreto de licita??es da Petrobr?s ? luz dos princ?pios da legalidade e da efici?nciaMonteiro, Helena Telino 13 December 2010 (has links)
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HellenaTM_DISSERT.pdf: 409224 bytes, checksum: 18e3c94d7180e135bd0fb12399b2ee7b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-12-13 / PETROBRAS, a Brazilian oil company, follows principles of public administration and from
the Constitutional Amendment 9/95 in Brazil began to compete with other companies with the
flexibility of the oil monopoly. In this new model started to use the simplified procedure for
bidding so that could compete on equal terms. The ordinance that adopted a simplified
procedure for bidding has been the subject of some criticism and lawsuits especially under the
Court of Audit and the Supreme Court in Brazil. The analysis of their constitutionality, and
the possibility of their use by other group companies is the theme of this work, and for this
purpose, permeates through the notions of judicial review in the Brazilian law on the stage of
law and economics analysis of the norm, and the principles applicable to PETROBRAS and
the devices most frequently asked about the implementation of 2745/98 Decree. For this, the
basic issue that should be investigated further is the regulatory power of the Federal Executive
and the delegation of powers within the legislature and its conformation to the constitutional
regency / A PETROBRAS segue princ?pios da Administra??o P?blica e a partir da Emenda
Constitucional 9/95 passou a competir com outras empresas com a flexibiliza??o do
monop?lio do petr?leo. Neste novo modelo passou a utilizar de procedimento simplificado de
licita??o a fim de que pudesse concorrer em condi??es de igualdade. O decreto que aprovou
um procedimento simplificado de licita??o vem sendo objeto de algumas cr?ticas e processos
judiciais especialmente no ?mbito do Tribunal de Contas da Uni?o e do Supremo Tribunal
Federal. A an?lise de sua constitucionalidade, bem como a possibilidade de sua utiliza??o por
outras empresas do grupo ? o tema desta disserta??o que, para tanto, perpassa pelas no??es de
controle de constitucionalidade no direito brasileiro no cen?rio da an?lise econ?mica da
norma, bem como pelos princ?pios aplic?veis ? PETROBRAS e os dispositivos mais
questionados acerca da aplica??o do Decreto 2745/98. Para tanto, o tema de fundo que ?
aprofundado ? o poder normativo do Executivo Federal, bem como a delega??o de poderes no
?mbito do Legislativo e sua conforma??o ? norma constitucional de reg?ncia
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A lei 123/06 como instrumento de fortalecimento da economia local: um estudo da participa??o das microempresas e empresas de pequeno porte do munic?pio de Natal nos preg?es eletr?nicos da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NortePino, Vinicius Magnata 29 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-12T13:27:20Z
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ViniciusMagnataPino_DISSERT.pdf: 1064583 bytes, checksum: 58e33849917e2e9cffd7cacfe16b08a8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-16T15:43:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-29 / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar se as compras realizadas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, na modalidade Preg?o Eletr?nico, a partir do disposto na Le 123/ 2006 que estabelece que as contrata??es p?blicas com valor de at? R$ 80.000.00 (oitenta mil reais), por item, devem ser efetuadas exclusivamente com microempresas e empresas de pequeno porte (MEPP), influenciaram o fortalecimento econ?mico do munic?pio de Natal na percep??o dos micro e pequenos empres?rios locais. A pesquisa adotou como premissa que as compras governamentais al?m da fun??o de suprimento das demandas de insumos da administra??o p?blica podem ser formatadas como pol?ticas p?blicas de combate ? complexa desigualdade social, bem como para promo??o do fortalecimento econ?mico local. Para dar conta do objetivo, foram analisadas as atas de preg?es eletr?nicos processados pela institui??o em 2015 e aplicados question?rios aos representantes de MEPP localizadas no munic?pio de Natal, vencedores de tais licita??es. Identificou-se que 28% do valor dos itens licitados foi adjudicado para MEPP de Natal, que a UFRN como cliente ajudou ?s empresas a aumentarem o n?mero de empregados ou diminuir as demiss?es, que boa parte das empresas vencedoras compram seus insumos de outros munic?pios em outros Estados brasileiros, que houve aumento de investimentos em fun??o das vendas. Conclui-se, no entanto, que a Lei 123/2006 carece de outras pol?ticas p?blicas e a??es que deem suporte ao fortalecimento da economia local pois ao n?o privilegiar em seus dispositivos a compra de empresas locais acaba, em muitas situa??es, beneficiando outras regi?es mais din?micas e concentrando poder econ?mico em outras localidades. / This research aimed to verify whether the purchases from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Electronic Auction mode, from the provisions of Law 123/2006 establishing that public contracts with a value of up to R $ 80.000.00 (eighty thousand reais) per item, must be made solely on micro and small enterprises, influenced the economic strength of the city of Natal in the perception of micro and small local entrepreneurs. The research adopted the premise that government purchases beyond the supply function of public administration input demands can be formatted as public policies to combat the complex social inequality and to promote local economic empowerment. To give objective account, they analyzed the minutes of electronic auctions processed by the institution in 2015 and questionnaires to representatives of micro and small enterprises located in Natal, winners of such tenders. It was identified that 28% of the auctioned items were awarded to micro and small enterprises of Natal, which UFRN as client helped the companies to increase the number of employees or reduce layoffs, that a good part of the winning companies buy their inputs from other municipalities in other Brazilian states, there has been increased investment in terms of sales. We conclude, however, that the Law 123/2006 lacks other public policies and actions that give support to the strengthening of the local economy as the focus not on their devices buying local companies end up in many situations, benefiting other regions more dynamic and concentrating economic power in other locations.
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Interpreta??o econ?mica, discricionariedade administrativa e certame licitat?rio : cr?ticas ao art. 78, VI da lei 8.666/93Wakasugi, Ac?cia Sayuri 25 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-25 / O presente trabalho teve por escopo ressaltar as conseq??ncias jur?dicas relacionadas ? reorganiza??o empresarial, durante o certamente licitat?rio. Aborda a interpreta??o econ?mica do Direito, os princ?pios constitucionais da livre iniciativa e da efici?ncia. Contextualiza-se a aplica??o direta da discricionariedade administrativa, mediante o afastamento da norma licitat?ria que, conduz a uma restri??o, ainda que indireta, ?s empresas administrarem suas estrat?gias econ?micas livremente. Questiona-se a impropriedade da reda??o do art. 78, inc. VI da Lei 8.666/93 que rescinde o contrato administrativo na sobrevinda de uma reorganiza??o societ?ria. E por fim, conclui-se que na sobrevinda de uma reorganiza??o societ?ria de uma empresa contratada pela Administra??o P?blica, em havendo a manuten??o da titularidade do acervo t?cnico, as mesmas condi??es origin?rias do contrato administrativo e capacidade econ?mica para a conclus?o do escopo contratado pelo ente p?blico, h? de ser afastado o art. 78, VI do suso referido diploma. Conclui-se que cada inciso, integrante deste dispositivo, deve ser analisado de acordo com o caso concreto, momento em que devem ser julgadas a oportunidade e a conveni?ncia, tendo, como base anal?tica, a efici?ncia e o interesse p?blico, de rescindir o contrato administrativo em face de cis?o, fus?o ou incorpora??o de empresas.
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Diagn?stico sobre compras p?blicas atrav?s de preg?o eletr?nico: fases licitat?ria e contratualNoronha, Rute Cl?a Pereira de 11 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-06-03T00:13:00Z
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RuteCleaPereiraDeNoronha_DISSERT.pdf: 7967372 bytes, checksum: a96cb38bbeb418fadb39416e8216e8dc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-12T23:38:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
RuteCleaPereiraDeNoronha_DISSERT.pdf: 7967372 bytes, checksum: a96cb38bbeb418fadb39416e8216e8dc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-12T23:38:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
RuteCleaPereiraDeNoronha_DISSERT.pdf: 7967372 bytes, checksum: a96cb38bbeb418fadb39416e8216e8dc (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-04-11 / Este estudo faz um diagn?stico das compras e contrata??es p?blicas efetuadas atrav?s de
preg?es eletr?nicos realizados na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). A
escolha do tema justifica-se pelo alto custo dos processos licitat?rios e pelo tempo que eles
demandam. O objetivo geral do trabalho ? realizar um diagn?stico das compras e contrata??es
p?blicas, na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, realizadas atrav?s de licita??es na
modalidade preg?o. Este trabalho utilizou as pesquisa bibliogr?fica, documental, nos preg?es
realizados entre os anos de 2011 e 2015, e de campo para o alcance de seus objetivos. Em seu
primeiro cap?tulo este trabalho traz a Introdu??o, onde s?o apresentadas as considera??es
iniciais, a contextualiza??o e problema proposto, os objetivos a serem alcan?ados e a
justificativa desta pesquisa. O cap?tulo dois ? dedicado ? revis?o da literatura que
fundamentou a pesquisa e que serviu de base ? an?lise ora apresentada. O cap?tulo tr?s
discorre sobre a metodologia usada neste estudo. O quarto cap?tulo ? destinado ? apresenta??o
e an?lise dos resultados obtidos atrav?s das pesquisas documental e de campo. No ?ltimo
cap?tulo s?o apresentadas as conclus?es, limita??es e recomenda??es do estudo. Os resultados
demonstram que impactam de maneira significativa sobre as compras e contrata??es na
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, positiva ou negativamente: o fator econ?mico,
tanto o valor estimado como o valor contratado (ou registrado em ata); a elabora??o de editais
e termos de refer?ncia; e a participa??o, o envolvimento, dos setores requisitantes no processo
de compra e/ou contrata??o. Com este trabalho espera-se contribuir para melhoria dos
processos de compra, com intuito de atingir uma maior efici?ncia nas compras e contrata??es
realizadas pelo Setor de Licita??es da Diretoria de Material e Patrim?nio. / This study analyzes public purchases and contracting conducted by the Federal University of
Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) though electronic auctions. The choice for this thematic is
justified based on the high costs and the time demand that these bidding processes require.
The general objective of this study is to analyze public purchases and contracting made by the
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte through auction purchases. This study used
documented literature and field research of auctions between 2011 and 2015 to achieve the
proposed objectives. In the first chapter ? Introduction, this study presents the initial
considerations, contextualization, the proposed problem, the objectives to be achieved and the
justification for this research. Chapter two is devoted to the literature review that underlies the
research and which served as the basis for the analysis presented herein. Chapter three
discusses the methodology used in this study. The fourth chapter is devoted to presenting and
analyzing the results obtained through documentary and field research, while conclusions,
limitations and recommendations of the study are presented in the last chapter. The results
show that the factors that positively or negatively significantly impact purchases and
contracting at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte were: the economic factor, both
the estimated price and the contracted price (or recorded in the minutes); the drafting of the
auction notice and the reference terms; and the participation and involvement of the requiring
sectors in the buying and/or contracting process. The present study seeks to contribute to
improving purchasing processes in order to achieve more efficient purchases and contracting
by the Purchasing Sector of the Material and Patrimony Board.
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Compras p??blicas: compatibilidade entre a Legisla????o Brasileira sobre compras p??blicas e o Tratado Multilateral de Compras P??blicas da Organiza????o Mundial do Com??rcioSilveira, T??lio Belchior Mano da 28 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-12T13:34:20Z
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TulioBelchiorManodaSilveiraDissertacao2015.pdf: 1397177 bytes, checksum: ed354aacf7bfc4696060c0392497d793 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2017-04-12T13:34:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TulioBelchiorManodaSilveiraDissertacao2015.pdf: 1397177 bytes, checksum: ed354aacf7bfc4696060c0392497d793 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-12T13:34:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-11-28 / Public expenditures play a key role in fuelling the growth of the economy, contributing significantly to the gross domestic Product of the countries, since the Government is usually the main consumer of the national economy. In addition to its macroeconomic effects, the spending policies may reflect the growth by several routes, including its consequences in physical and human capital development. Furthermore, can substantially influence the adoption of sustainable growth, promoting the production and marketing of goods and services more appropriate in social and environmental terms. Public procurement, said sustainable are those by which organizations meet their needs for goods, public works and services by obtaining the best value for the money spent, in terms of generating benefits not only the Organization, but also to society and the economy, while if they minimize environmental damage. The rationality behind the goals of sustainable public procurement is not only the opportunity to leverage the purchasing power of the State as economic incentive for sustainable development, in General, and to promote the sustainability of production and consumption patterns, in particular, but also in the Government procurement constitute a form of evaluation about the consistency with which they operate their own Governments against his constant sustainable development discourse. Due to its importance in national economies, the buying public gain relevance also in job schedule systems and integration mechanisms, such as the Multilateral Treaty public procurement of the World Trade Organization. It is, in this study, the buying public, with delimitation for the analysis of the compatibility between the Brazilian legislation on government procurement and the Multilateral Treaty for public procurement of the World Trade Organization. The intention is to describe the current situation of public procurement in the World Trade Organization, in General, and in the Brazilian legal system in particular, as a starting point to analyze on the difficulties, opportunities and challenges for Brazil next more systematic mode in the process of public procurement, with the North to analysis of the compatibility between the Brazilian legislation and the Multilateral Treaty public procurement of the World Trade Organization, as well as the
advantages and disadvantages of the Brazil accedes to the agreement. The aim is to identify best practice internally, as well as the obstacles to the implementation of government procurement and to what extent the accession of Brazil to the mentioned Agreement could contribute to this process. The objective is to contribute to the improvement of the efficiency and transparency of procurement processes. The methodology is based on information from secondary sources, such as: bibliography, publications, articles, electronic sites, normative documentation (agreements, constitutions, laws, statutes, regulations) and case law. / Os gastos p??blicos desempenham uma fun????o essencial no fomento do crescimento da economia, contribuindo de maneira significativa no Produto Interno Bruto dos pa??ses, j?? que o governo ??, normalmente, o principal consumidor da economia nacional. Al??m de seus efeitos macroecon??micos, as pol??ticas de gastos podem refletir no crescimento por v??rias vias, entre elas suas consequ??ncias no desenvolvimento do capital f??sico e humano. Pode influenciar de maneira substancial na ado????o de crescimento sustent??vel, fomentando a produ????o e comercializa????o de bens e servi??os mais adequados em termos sociais e ambientais. Devido ?? sua import??ncia nas economias nacionais, as compras p??blicas ganham relev??ncia tamb??m na agenda de trabalho dos sistemas e mecanismos de integra????o, como o Tratado Multilateral de Compras P??blicas da Organiza????o Mundial do Com??rcio. A pretens??o ?? descrever a atual situa????o das compras p??blicas na Organiza????o Mundial do Com??rcio, em geral, e na ordem jur??dica brasileira em particular, como ponto de partida ?? an??lise sobre as dificuldades, oportunidades e desafios para o Brasil avan??ar de modo mais sistem??tico no processo das compras p??blicas, tendo como norte a an??lise da compatibilidade entre a legisla????o brasileira e o Tratado Multilateral de Compras P??blicas da Organiza????o Mundial do Com??rcio, bem como as vantagens e desvantagens de o Brasil aderir ao referido acordo. Busca-se identificar boas pr??ticas a n??vel interno, assim como os obst??culos existentes ?? implementa????o das compras governamentais e em que medida a ades??o do Brasil ao mencionado Acordo poderia contribuir com esse processo. A priori, embora tenha optado por n??o assinar o Acordo Plurilateral de Compras Governamentais da Organiza????o Mundial do Com??rcio verificaremos se possui uma ordem jur??dica espec??fica bastante semelhante ao referido acordo, sua a compatibilidade entre as leis internas brasileiras e o Acordo sobre Compras Governamentais da Organiza????o Mundial do Com??rcio, a elabora????o de normas jur??dicas, tanto no ??mbito interno quanto internacional, pode ser condicionada por ideologias e/ou interesses. S??o esses elementos que orientam a
defini????o do conte??do dessas normas, tanto nos aspectos materiais, como pessoais e temporais. Ademais, destacamos que o poss??vel interesse estaria sempre presente nesse processo, sendo que a ideologia que os orienta nem sempre pode ser identificada com clareza. Quando a ideologia existe, nem sempre ?? fruto de uma convic????o intelectual sobre como determinadas rela????es devem ser conduzidas, podendo funcionar como simples pretexto para a imposi????o de interesses por meio das normas que estiverem sendo elaboradas. A imposi????o dos princ??pios de uma ideologia como valores orientadores das normas do Sistema Multilateral de Com??rcio, quanto ?? obten????o da ades??o dos Pa??ses Membros desse sistema ?? vis??o proposta, s??o evidentes manifesta????es de poder que demonstram sua atua????o na moldagem do direito internacional econ??mico. A metodologia baseia-se em informa????o de fontes secund??rias, tais como: bibliografia, publica????es, artigos, s??tios eletr??nicos, documenta????o normativa (acordos, constitui????es, leis, estatutos, regulamentos) e jurisprud??ncias.
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How the process of doctrinal standardization during the later Roman Empire relates to Christian triumphalismMoore, David Normant 06 1900 (has links)
My thesis examines relations among practitioners of various religions, especially Christians and Jews, during the era when Jesus’ project went from being a Galilean sect, to a persecuted minority, to religio licita status, and eventually to imperial favor, all happening between the first century resurrection of Jesus and the fourth century rise of Constantine.
There is an abiding image of the Church in wider public consciousness that it is unwittingly and in some cases antagonistically exclusionist. This is not a late-developing image. I trace it to the period that the church developed into a formal organization with the establishment of canons and creeds defined by Church councils. This notion is so pervasive that an historical retrospective of Christianity of any period, from the sect that became a movement, to the Reformation, to the present day’s multiple Christian iterations, is framed by the late Patristic era. The conflicts and solutions reached in that period provided enduring definition to the Church while silencing dissent. I refer here to such actions as the destruction of books and letters and the banishment of bishops.
Before there emerged the urgent perceived need for doctrinal uniformity, the presence of Christianity provided a resilient non-militant opponent to and an increasing intellectual critique of all religious traditions, including that of the official gods that were seen to hold the empire together. When glaringly manifest cleavages in the empire persisted, the Emperor Constantine sought to use the church to help bring political unity. He called for church councils, starting with Nicaea in 325 CE that took no account for churches outside the Roman Empire, and many within, even though councils were called “Ecumenical.”
The presumption that the church was fully representative without asking for permission from a broader field of constituents is just that: a presumption.
This thesis studies the ancient world of Christianity’s growth to explore whether, in that age of new and untested toleration, there was a more advisable way of responding to the invitation to the political table. The answer to this can help us formulate, and perhaps revise, some of our conduct today, especially for Christians who obtain a voice in powerful places. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Church History)
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How the process of doctrinal standardization during the later Roman Empire relates to Christian triumphalismMoore, David Normant 06 1900 (has links)
My thesis examines relations among practitioners of various religions, especially Christians and Jews, during the era when Jesus’ project went from being a Galilean sect, to a persecuted minority, to religio licita status, and eventually to imperial favor, all happening between the first century resurrection of Jesus and the fourth century rise of Constantine.
There is an abiding image of the Church in wider public consciousness that it is unwittingly and in some cases antagonistically exclusionist. This is not a late-developing image. I trace it to the period that the church developed into a formal organization with the establishment of canons and creeds defined by Church councils. This notion is so pervasive that an historical retrospective of Christianity of any period, from the sect that became a movement, to the Reformation, to the present day’s multiple Christian iterations, is framed by the late Patristic era. The conflicts and solutions reached in that period provided enduring definition to the Church while silencing dissent. I refer here to such actions as the destruction of books and letters and the banishment of bishops.
Before there emerged the urgent perceived need for doctrinal uniformity, the presence of Christianity provided a resilient non-militant opponent to and an increasing intellectual critique of all religious traditions, including that of the official gods that were seen to hold the empire together. When glaringly manifest cleavages in the empire persisted, the Emperor Constantine sought to use the church to help bring political unity. He called for church councils, starting with Nicaea in 325 CE that took no account for churches outside the Roman Empire, and many within, even though councils were called “Ecumenical.”
The presumption that the church was fully representative without asking for permission from a broader field of constituents is just that: a presumption.
This thesis studies the ancient world of Christianity’s growth to explore whether, in that age of new and untested toleration, there was a more advisable way of responding to the invitation to the political table. The answer to this can help us formulate, and perhaps revise, some of our conduct today, especially for Christians who obtain a voice in powerful places. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Church History)
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