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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Carbon and energy payback of variable renewable generation

Thomson, Rachel Camilla January 2014 (has links)
The continued drive to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in order to mitigate climate change has led to an increase in demand for low-carbon energy sources, and the development of new technologies to harness the available energy in the wind, waves and tides. Many controversies surround these technologies, however, particularly with regards to their economic cost, environmental impacts and the implications of the variability of their output for security of the electricity supply. In order to make informed policy decisions on future developments of the electricity system, it is necessary to address these controversies and confirm the environmental, economic and social sustainability of these new renewable generators. This thesis specifically examines two key issues: whether new variable-output renewable energy generators actually deliver a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over their lifetimes, and whether they produce a viable energy return on energy investment. Although renewable energy sources are themselves ‘carbon free’, GHG emissions (and energy consumption) occur during the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of the generator infrastructure required to convert this energy into electricity. Furthermore, the variability of the output power from such generators has implications for the operation of the grid - there may be a requirement for additional reserve capacity and the increased part-loading of conventional plant is likely to reduce its operating efficiency. Carbon and energy paybacks are measures of the time required for a new renewable installation to offset these life cycle impacts. The work presented in this thesis examines both the life cycle impacts and the GHG emissions displacement of variable renewable generation, using Great Britain as a case study, in order to provide a basis for significantly more robust and reliable estimates of carbon and energy paybacks. The extensive literature survey concentrates on two key areas: current calculation methodologies and estimates for life cycle carbon and energy consumption of power generators; and the marginal emissions displacement of variable renewable generation. A detailed life cycle assessment of the Pelamis wave energy converter is presented, which sets the embodied carbon and energy in the context of the wider environmental impacts and includes an examination of the effect of different assumptions on the analysis results. In order to investigate the true emissions displacement of renewable generation, a historical analysis of real data from the National Grid was carried out, identifying the marginal displacement factor of wind power and taking into account the effect of the efficiency penalties of conventional plant. The findings of the analyses presented in this thesis are combined with information from the literature to examine the actual carbon and energy payback of existing renewable generation infrastructure on the British grid, and to provide detailed recommendations for future carbon and energy payback calculations.

Quantifying the sustainability of the built environment : the development of a complete environmental life cycle assessment tool

Van Noordwyk, Arina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important aspect in all facets of engineering. It is in particular an important consideration in the structural engineering industry, due to the prominence of the negative impact this industry has on the environment, both on a national and international scale. The problem, however, is that sustainability is a mostly unknown and highly debated topic. It is not only difficult to quantify, but even difficult just to define. In the field of structural engineering it is an especially difficult task to consider sustainability. It is still a very new field of research and difficult to apply. It is therefore important that continued research be done in order for there to be a better understanding of how sustainability should be considered and applied in the context of structures. In an attempt to assess the environmental impact of building structures, there are two basic approaches that are followed. The first, the application-oriented method, is a simple, points-based system. The second, the analysis-oriented method, makes use of detailed indices and factors to quantify the impact. This study aims to develop an analysis-oriented method, specifically designed for the complete life cycle of buildings in the South African environment. This is accomplished by continuing the work that was started by Brewis (2011), and continued by Brits (2012). Brewis developed the approach for the pre-use phase, while Brits developed the approach for the end-of-life phase. Both focussed their application on low-cost housing development. However, the approach is defined for the use of the analysis of a building envelope. The details of developing the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), as well as the approaches for the pre-use phase and the end-of life phase are discussed in Chapter 3. The study develops the use phase of the proposed environmental life cycle assessment for buildings in Chapter 4. It discusses in detail the two main components of the use phase, namely maintenance and operation. While maintenance is concerned with the replacement of building materials in the structure, the operation component is concerned with the energy needs during the use phase. It is determined that the energy use that is directly related to the building envelope is the energy required for the space heating and cooling of the building. This is due to the fact that the thermal properties of the building envelope influence the thermal environment within the building, and thereby impact the use of energy to regulate that thermal environment. In order to make the most use of both of these components within the application of the proposed LCA, it was decided to model a residential building structure that uses consistent energy to regulate the thermal environment within the structure. However, it is not only the objective to use the proposed LCA as an assessment tool, but also as a comparative and optimisation tool. Therefore one component, the external walls, was selected as a variable component. This component was varied to form a total of nine different buildings. These nine buildings were then used in a comparative study in order to try to determine an optimum choice of external walling system, based on the results of the environmental impacts determined in the LCA. It is also used to try to explain exactly how and to what extent the external walling system contributes to the environmental impact, and what useful application value we can gain from this knowledge. The results showed that a minor increase in the materials impact (due to attempts to improve the thermal capacity of the external walls) were in most cases countered by a decrease in the energy impact, which in seven of the eight alternative external walling systems led to a net decrease in environmental impact (EI) categories one to four. It was also found that with the increase of the R-value of the external walling systems, the environmental impact of the building steadily decreased, in terms of four of the five impact categories. The only exception to these trends was found in the fifth impact category: waste generation. The reason for this is the fact that energy impact in this environmental impact category is negligible, and therefore does not contribute much to the net change in environmental impact. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrikheid van volhoubaarheid neem al hoe meer toe in alle aspekte van ingenieurswese. In die industrie van struktuuringenieurswese is dit van besonderse belang as gevolg van die prominente negatiewe impak van hierdie industrie op die omgewing, op beide ’n nasionale en internasionale skaal. Die probleem is egter dat volhoubaarheid nog meestal gesien word as ʼn onderwerp wat onbekend en hoogs debatteerbaar is. Dit is nie net moeilik om te kwantifiseer nie, maar selfs moeilik om dit net te definieer. In struktuuringenieurswese is dit veral ʼn moeilike taak om volhoubaarheid in ag te neem. Dit is nog ʼn baie jong studieveld wat moeilik is om toe te pas. Dit is dus van uiterse belang dat verdere navorsing gedoen word sodat daar ʼn beter begrip kan wees van hoe volhoubaarheid op die lewensiklus van strukture toegepas kan word. In 'n poging om die omgewingsimpak van die geboustrukture te evalueer, is daar twee basiese benaderings wat gevolg kan word. Die eerste, die toepassingsgeoriënteerde metode, is 'n eenvoudige, punte-gebaseerde stelsel. Die tweede, die analise-georiënteerde metode maak gebruik van gedetailleerde indekse en faktore om die omgewingsimpak te kwantifiseer. Hierdie studie beoog om 'n analise-georiënteerde metode te ontwikkel, wat spesifiek ontwerp is vir die analise van die volledige lewensiklus van geboue in die Suid-Afrikaanse omgewing. Dit word gedoen deur die voortsetting van die werk wat begin is deur Brewis (2011), en voortgesit is deur Brits (2012). Brewis het die benadering vir die eerste fase (voor-gebruik) ontwikkel, terwyl Brits die benadering vir die finale fase (einde-van-lewe) ontwikkel het. Beide het die fokus van hul toepassings geplaas op lae-koste behuising. Die benaderings is egter gedefinieer vir die algemene analise van ʼn gebou se raamwerk. Die besonderhede van die ontwikkeling van die omgewingslewensiklus analise (OLA), asook die benaderings vir die eerste en finale fases, word in Hoofstuk 3 bespreek. Die studie ontwikkel die gebruiksfase van die voorgestelde omgewingslewensiklus analise vir geboue in Hoofstuk 4. Dit bespreek die twee hoofkomponente van die gebruiksfase, naamlik die instandhouding en bedryf. Terwyl instandhouding gemoeid is met die vervanging van boumateriale in die struktuur, is die bedryfskomponent gemoeid met die energie behoeftes tydens die gebruiksfase. Dit word bepaal dat die energie verbruik wat ʼn direkte verband het met die gebou se raamwerk, die energie is wat nodig is vir die verhitting en verkoeling van die gebou. Dit is te danke aan die feit dat die termiese eienskappe van die gebou se raamwerk die termiese omgewing binne die gebou beïnvloed, en sodoende 'n impak het op die energie wat benodig word om die temperatuur te reguleer. In ʼn poging om die spektrum van die voorgestelde OLA ten volle te benut, is dit besluit om die toepassing daarvan te illustreer op 'n residensiële gebou wat van konsekwente energieverbruik gebruik maak om die termiese omgewing binne die gebou te reguleer. Dit is egter nie net die doel om die voorgestelde OLA te gebruik as 'n assesseringsinstrument nie, maar ook om die OLA se funksie as ’n vergelykende en optimaliseringshulpmiddel te illustreer. Dus is een komponent, die eksterne mure, gekies as 'n veranderlike komponent. Hierdie komponent is gewissel om 'n totaal van nege verskillende geboue te vorm. Hierdie nege geboue is gebruik in 'n vergelykende studie in 'n poging om 'n optimale keuse van eksterne mure te bepaal, gebaseer op die resultate van die omgewingsimpak wat in die OLA te bepaal is. Dit word ook gebruik om te probeer om te verduidelik presies hoe en tot watter mate die eksterne mure bydra by tot die omgewingsimpak, en watter nuttige toepassingswaarde geput kan word uit hierdie kennis. Die resultate het getoon dat 'n toename in die materiaal impak (weens pogings om die termiese kapasiteit van die eksterne mure te verbeter) in die meeste gevalle teengewerk is deur 'n afname in die energie impak. In sewe van die agt alternatiewe eksterne muurstelsels het dit gelei tot 'n netto afname in omgewingsimpak vir kategorieë een tot vier. Dit is ook gevind dat die omgewingsimpak van die gebou stelselmatig gedaal het met die toename van die Rwaarde van die eksterne muurstelsels, ook in terme van kategorieë een tot vier. Die enigste uitsondering op hierdie tendense is gevind in die vyfde impak kategorie: die afval wat gegenereer word. Die feit dat die effek van energie verbruik gering is in hierdie omgewingsimpak kategorie, lei tot die feit dat dit nie veel bydra tot die netto verandering in die omgewingsimpak nie.

Product orientation of environmental work - barriers & incentives

Zackrisson, Mats January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>Abstract</em></p><p>The research behind this licentiate is spread out over a decade of intensive development of environmental work in industry. A 1998 survey of Swedish companies with newly installed environmental management systems (EMS) concluded that such systems need more product-orientation. Data collected by companies as part of the process of creating their EMS between 1996-2001 offered further evidence that it is environmentally justified to seek improvements in the materials selection, use and disposal phases of products, i.e., to make the environmental improvement work more product-orientated. In a EU-funded project carried out between 2004-2006 it was demonstrated that developing an environmental product declaration could be a cost-effective product-oriented environmental action even for smaller companies.</p><p>This licentiate thesis relates to methods for companies to orientate their environmental work on their products. In particular, it examines experience and provides insights on the possibilities for companies, including small ones, to use life cycle assessment in product development in order to design products with an environmental performance well above legal compliance.</p><p>It is difficult to give general recommendations to companies about their environmental work because each company has its own unique business idea, customers, work culture, stakeholders etc. Nevertheless, the main findings of the licentiate thesis can be summed up in the following recommendations for, say, a small company in Europe without much previous experience of environmental work:</p><p>§  Focus your environmental work on your products because you will accomplish more environmentally and the chance of profiting economically will motivate your personnel;</p><p>§  Consider doing a life cycle assessment, LCA, on a strategically chosen product in order to learn more about your products and how to improve their environmental performance;</p><p>§  Do not expect to find a general market demand for green products; start a dialogue with your best customers in order to create the demand;</p><p>§  Engage an LCA specialist to do the LCA and work together with your personnel to interpret the results and generate improvement ideas;</p><p>§  If your customers demand that you install an environmental management system, ask them if they would not prefer to receive an environmental product declaration on the particular product they are interested in, and a chance to discuss how its environmental performance can be improved.</p>

Environmental Systems Analysis Tools as Decision-Support in Municipal Solid Waste Management : LCA in Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania

Johnson, Amanda January 2013 (has links)
In order to deal with the mounting issue of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in a way that is in line with sustainable development and Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) a systems approach is necessary.This approach can practically be integrated into the MSW decision-making process through Life Cycle Thinking(LCT) and environmental systems analysis tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This paper is written within the context of the RECO Baltic 21 Tech (RB21T) project which aims to improve waste management practices in 12 countries in the Baltic Sea Region. The main aim of this paper is to investigate the extent to which LCA is used as decision-support in MSW management in Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania. The use of LCA is examined on a national level as well as on a local or regional level based on relevant literature and a set of interviews conducted in each country. According to the results the use of LCA as decision-support in MSW management is very limited in Estonia and Lithuania whilst it is already a well-established tool in Sweden. Most of the LCA efforts in the Baltic States have been conducted in connection with foreign projects and investments,such as RB21T. Although an actual LCA might not always be applied in Sweden, LCT is prevalent in MSW management both on a national and local level. In order for LCA to be better integrated into MSW management this paper argues that there is a need for increased knowledge, data, more user-friendly LCA-tools andstrengthening regional partnerships for further transfer of knowledge between countries.

Integrering av ekosystemtjänsbegreppet i LCA-metodik : Kartläggning av möjligheter genom en fallstudie på pelletsproduktion / Integrating the Ecosystem-Service Concept into LCA-methodology : Mapping of possibilities through a case study on pellet production

Nordin, Emma January 2014 (has links)
De nyttor som människan får direkt och indirekt från ekosystemen kallas ekosystemtjänster. Mänsklighetens påverkan på ekosystemen idag leder till degradering av tjänsterna och då mänskligheten ytterst är beroende av vad de tillför, är bevarandet av dessa tjänster viktig. Livscykelanalys, LCA, är ett väletablerat verktyg som används för att fastställa miljöpåverkan från olika produktprocesser men få ekosystemtjänster beaktas i LCA. Det finns därför ett behov av att vidare undersöka och utveckla möjligheterna att med livscykelbaserade metoder analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster. Huvudsyftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka om det är möjligt att integrera ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i LCA-metodik. Detta har kartlagts med hjälp av en fallstudie på pelletsproduktion, som bl.a. identifierat berörda ekosystemtjänster och möjligheten att kvantifiera dem, vilka ekosystemtjänster som går att studera med LCA idag samt möjliga sätt att analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster med LCA. Ett delmål har varit att grundligt beskriva både ekosystemtjänster och LCA samt aspekter som kan koppla ihop dessa områden. En omfattande litteraturstudie och en LCA modellering rörande pelletsproduktion utgjorde grund för arbetet. I dagsläget är det inte möjligt att integrera ekosystemtjänstbegreppet i LCA-metodiken med undantag för de fåtal ekosystemtjänster som i LCA-metodiken redan beaktas i viss utsträckning. Det stora hindret är att det inte finns någon fullständig och enhetlig metodik för kartläggning, klassificering och kvantifiering av ekosystemtjänsterna, vilket anses nödvändigt för att kunna analysera påverkan på dem. Ett stort antal ekosystemtjänster såsom klimatreglering, näringsflöden, biodiversitet och rekreation kan kopplas till pelletsproduktion men påverkan på dem är inte möjlig att fullt ut analysera med LCA. Detta illustreras av LCA-modelleringen av pelletsproduktion där endast påverkan på tjänsterna förnybara energikällor och vattenanvändning ingår. Då kunskapen rörande olika ekosystemtjänster skiljer sig mycket åt varierar förutsättningarna för att inkludera dem i LCA-metodiken. Befintliga tillvägagångssätt för att försöka analysera påverkan på ekosystemtjänster med hjälp av LCA föreslår nya miljöpåverkanskategorier och samlandet av tjänsterna i gemensamma enheter såsom exergi och solekvivalenter. Metoderna är dock begränsade och täcker inte in ekosystemtjänsterna på ett fullgott sätt. Mer forskning behövs för att bättre utveckla tillvägagångsätten för analys av påverkan på ekosystemtjänster genom LCA. / The profits humankind obtains directly and indirectly from ecosystems are called ecosystem services. The impact human activities have on ecosystems lead to degradation of the ecosystem services and since humankind fully depends on what the ecosystems provide, the preservation of these services is crucial. Lifecycle assessment, LCA, is a well-established tool used to assess environmental impacts from different product processes but few ecosystem services are considered. Thus, there is a need to study and develop the possibilities to analyze ecosystem services through LCA based methods. The project aimed to determine whether it is possible to integrate the ecosystem-service concept into LCA-methodology. A case study on pellet production was carried out to identify relevant ecosystem services and the possibilities to quantify them, which ecosystem services that could be analyzed in LCA today and also available approaches to study impacts on ecosystem services with LCA. An intermediate goal was to present a comprehensive description of both ecosystem services and LCA and to map common aspects that connect the two fields. The analysis was based on a comprehensive literature study, and a specific LCA-modeling of pellet production. At present, it is not possible to integrate the ecosystem-service concept into LCA-methodology, except for the few ecosystem services that to some extent already are covered in the methodology. The main obstacle is the lack of coherent approaches to map, classify, and foremost quantify ecosystem services, which is considered crucial for analyzing the impact on them. A large number of ecosystem services such as climate regulation, nutrient cycling, biodiversity and recreation can be influenced by pellet production but it is not possible to fully analyze these impacts with LCA. This is illustrated by the LCA-modeling on pellet production where only impacts on the services renewable resources and water use could be included. The possibilities to analyze ecosystem services within LCA vary due to the variation in knowledge about certain services. The present approaches for analyzing more services with LCA propose new environmental impact categories an aggregation of services into common units such as exergy and solar equivalents. The methods are limited due to the fact that they are not able to cover the diversity of the services. More research is needed to develop the approaches for analyzing impacts on ecosystem services through LCA.

Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment Modeling Approaches for Transboundary Energy Feedstocks

Morrison, Brandon January 2016 (has links)
<p>The rise of the twenty-first century has seen the further increase in the industrialization of Earth’s resources, as society aims to meet the needs of a growing population while still protecting our environmental and natural resources. The advent of the industrial bioeconomy – which encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, and bio-based products – is seen as an important step in transition towards sustainable development and away from fossil fuels. One sector of the industrial bioeconomy which is rapidly being expanded is the use of biobased feedstocks in electricity production as an alternative to coal, especially in the European Union.</p><p>As bioeconomy policies and objectives increasingly appear on political agendas, there is a growing need to quantify the impacts of transitioning from fossil fuel-based feedstocks to renewable biological feedstocks. Specifically, there is a growing need to conduct a systems analysis and potential risks of increasing the industrial bioeconomy, given that the flows within it are inextricably linked. Furthermore, greater analysis is needed into the consequences of shifting from fossil fuels to renewable feedstocks, in part through the use of life cycle assessment modeling to analyze impacts along the entire value chain.</p><p>To assess the emerging nature of the industrial bioeconomy, three objectives are addressed: (1) quantify the global industrial bioeconomy, linking the use of primary resources with the ultimate end product; (2) quantify the impacts of the expaning wood pellet energy export market of the Southeastern United States; (3) conduct a comparative life cycle assessment, incorporating the use of dynamic life cycle assessment, of replacing coal-fired electricity generation in the United Kingdom with wood pellets that are produced in the Southeastern United States.</p><p>To quantify the emergent industrial bioeconomy, an empirical analysis was undertaken. Existing databases from multiple domestic and international agencies was aggregated and analyzed in Microsoft Excel to produce a harmonized dataset of the bioeconomy. First-person interviews, existing academic literature, and industry reports were then utilized to delineate the various intermediate and end use flows within the bioeconomy. The results indicate that within a decade, the industrial use of agriculture has risen ten percent, given increases in the production of bioenergy and bioproducts. The underlying resources supporting the emergent bioeconomy (i.e., land, water, and fertilizer use) were also quantified and included in the database.</p><p>Following the quantification of the existing bioeconomy, an in-depth analysis of the bioenergy sector was conducted. Specifically, the focus was on quantifying the impacts of the emergent wood pellet export sector that has rapidly developed in recent years in the Southeastern United States. A cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment was conducted in order to quantify supply chain impacts from two wood pellet production scenarios: roundwood and sawmill residues. For reach of the nine impact categories assessed, wood pellet production from sawmill residues resulted in higher values, ranging from 10-31% higher.</p><p>The analysis of the wood pellet sector was then expanded to include the full life cycle (i.e., cradle-to-grave). In doing to, the combustion of biogenic carbon and the subsequent timing of emissions were assessed by incorporating dynamic life cycle assessment modeling. Assuming immediate carbon neutrality of the biomass, the results indicated an 86% reduction in global warming potential when utilizing wood pellets as compared to coal for electricity production in the United Kingdom. When incorporating the timing of emissions, wood pellets equated to a 75% or 96% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, depending upon whether the forestry feedstock was considered to be harvested or planted in year one, respectively.</p><p>Finally, a policy analysis of renewable energy in the United States was conducted. Existing coal-fired power plants in the Southeastern United States were assessed in terms of incorporating the co-firing of wood pellets. Co-firing wood pellets with coal in existing Southeastern United States power stations would result in a nine percent reduction in global warming potential.</p> / Dissertation

Evaluation environnementale du véhicule électrique : méthodologies et application / Electric vehicle environmental assessment : methodologies and application

Picherit, Marie-Lou 27 September 2010 (has links)
Le véhicule électrique est aujourd’hui présenté comme l’une des solutions alternatives sérieuses au véhicule à moteur à combustion interne, visant à limiter la consommation d’énergies fossiles, ainsi que les émissions de polluants locaux et de gaz à effet de serre. L’évaluation des forces et faiblesses de cette technologie au regard de l’environnement est aujourd’hui limitée, compte tenu notamment du peu de retour d’expérience sur ce type de véhicules.L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de proposer une approche combinant une connaissance fine du véhicule étudié (obtenu notamment par des essais expérimentaux et l’utilisation de modèles de consommation) et de la méthode d’évaluation environnementale Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV), pour identifier les paramètres clefs du bilan environnemental, et par différentes analyses de sensibilité, d’en proposer une analyse détaillée. Pour y parvenir, des essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés sur un véhicule électrique à usage essentiellement urbain et son équivalent thermique. Un modèle permet d’estimer les consommations de véhicules selon leurs spécificités (chimie et capacité de batterie, rendement de la chaîne de traction) et leurs conditions d’utilisation (trafic, usages d’auxiliaires). Des hypothèses et scénarios sont également établis sur la durée de vie des batteries qui équipent le véhicule. Les jeux de données obtenus sont mis en œuvre dans l’ACV d’un véhicule électrique, et les résultats obtenus interprétés puis comparés à ceux du véhicule thermique équivalent. Enfin, analyses de sensibilité et test de divers scénarios permettent l’identification des paramètres clefs du bilan environnemental. / Today, the electric vehicle is seen as a potent substitute to the internal combustion engine vehicle, aiming at reducing consumption of fossil fuels, and emissions of local pollutants and greenhouse gases. The assessment of strengths and weaknesses of this technology from the environmental viewpoint is currently limited, especially considering the lack of experiment feedbacks.The objective of this research is to offer an approach combining a deep understanding of the studied vehicle (through experiments and use of consumption patterns) and the environmental assessment method “Life Cycle Analysis” (LCA), to identify the key parameters of environmental appraisal, and relying on different sensitivity analysis, to propose a detailed analysis.To achieve this, experimental tests were carried out on an urban electric vehicle and its internal combustion engine equivalent. A model was built to estimate the consumption of electric vehicles according to their characteristics (chemistry and battery capacity, vehicle energy efficiency) and use (traffic, use of auxiliaries). Assumptions and scenarios are also made on the lifetimes of batteries in the vehicle. The data sets obtained are implemented in the life cycle analysis of an electric vehicle, and the results are interpreted and compared to its internal combustion engine equivalent vehicle. In the end, sensitivity analysis and test of various scenarios allow the identification of key parameters for the environmental assessment.

Techno-economic environmental risk analysis of advanced biofuels for civil aviation

Lokesh, Kadambari January 2015 (has links)
Commercial aviation has demonstrated its ability to be a key driver of global socio-economic growth to this date. This growth, resulting from an ever increasing need for air-travel, has been observed to be environmentally unsustainable. Any technological enhancements to the upcoming fleet of aircraft or operational improvements have been overshadowed by this very demand for air-travel. Any further investigation into innovative concepts and optimisation approaches bring in trade-off difficulties due to limitations in current technology. This creates a constraint on design space exploration. The need to mitigate civil aviation’s environmental impact has necessitated this sector to expand its frontier and seek radical technologies. Among a range of other technologies, advanced biofuels for civil jet engines have been claimed to be one of the most promising solutions. “Techno-economic Environmental Risk Analysis (TERA) of Advanced Biofuels for Civil Aviation” is a study that contributes to knowledge through conception plus application of quantitative/ qualitative approaches to assess the technical viability, financial feasibility and environmental competence of 2nd and 3rd generation biojet fuels, through their application into the existing scenario of civil aviation, against that of the fossil-derived conventional jet fuel (Conv.Jet fuel). TERA of advanced biofuels aims to accomplish the aforementioned through a holistic, multi-disciplinary study entailing life cycle studies, carbon-foot printing, sustainability analysis, fuel chemistry, virtual studies comprising combustion thermodynamic, engine/aircraft performance and emission prediction, economic studies entailing biofuel price prediction and business case analysis as opposed to earlier studies. TERA of Advanced biofuels study entails development of elaborate life cycle models, ALCEmB (Assessment of Life Cycle Emissions of Biofuels) and ALCCoB (Assessment of Life Cycle Cost of Biofuels) to predict life cycle emissions and costs, respectively, of the advanced biofuels from the point of raw material generation to the point of finished product consumption (a “cradle-grave” approach). A virtual experiment, to assess the impact of the “performance” properties of the advanced biofuels on a representative twin-shaft turbofan/airframe combination, relative to that of Conv.Jet fuel, was also undertaken through numerical modelling and simulation.Evaluation through ALCEmB revealed that Camelina-SPK, Microalgae-SPK and Jatropha-SPK delivered 70%, 58% and 64% savings in life cycle emission, relative to Conv.Jet fuel. The Net Energy Ratio (NER) analysis indicates that current technology for the biofuel processing is energy efficient and technically feasible. An elaborate post-combustion gas property evaluation infers that the Bio-SPKs exhibit improved thermodynamic behaviour. This thermodynamic effect has a positive impact on mission-level fuel consumption which reflected as fuel savings in the range of 3 - 3.8% and, therefore, emission savings of 5.8-6.3% in CO2 and 7.1-8.3% in LTO NOx, relative to that of Jet-A1. An economic feasibility analysis which entails prediction of hypothetical biofuel price prediction and its impact on direct operating cost (DOC) of an aircraft which infers that Bio-SPKs, over a user-defined medium-range mission profile, costs an additional 95-100% in terms of aircraft DOC, relative to that operated with conventional Jet-fuel, within short (2020) and medium (2020). However, the advanced biofuels are able to exhibit financial competence from 2020 onwards, relative to that of Conv.Jet fuel. However, the Bio-SPKs exhibit this economic feasibility only against a backdrop of persistent Conv.Jet fuel price volatility and severe environmental taxation between the analysis periods (2020-2075).

Posuzování životního cyklu ražby tunelové stavby metodou NRTM / LCA of NATM tunnel stamping method

Pokorná, Alice January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the environmental impacts of NATM tunnelling method using the assembly of LCA studies. Construction sector still has large potential for advancement, and therefore is a subject of interest for also for LCA studies. Underground constructions applies more with growing demands for space in infrastructure. If sustainable growth in construction is desired, it's important to have an idea about the environmental impacts of this sector. Sustainable growth requires methods and tools for measurement and comparison of impacts of human activities on the environment. These tools are provided by LCA studies, which also allow a proactive approach. The advantage of LCA is a preview of the entire life cycle of the product, so there is no shifting of problems between the individual stages of the product's life cycle. LCA study of cradle-to-gate type was selected to evaluate New Austrian tunnelling method. LCA study was done for one tunnel, length 850m with cross-section surface of 13,46m2 excavated by the NATM method, realized over the course of 18 months. GaBi 6 software tool was used for making of this study. Results show that the most important emission sources of NATM tunnelling method are production of cement, dumping of excavated material, production of reinforcing steel...

Fuel, Feedstock, or Neither? – Evaluating Tradeoffs in the use of Biomass for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Posen, I. Daniel 01 December 2016 (has links)
Biomass is the world’s largest renewable energy source, accounting for approximately 10% of global primary energy supply, and 5% of energy consumed in the United States. Prominent national programs like the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard incentivize increased use of biomass, primarily as a transportation fuel. There has been comparatively little government support for using biomass as a renewable feedstock for the chemical sector. Such asymmetry in incentives can lead to sub-optimal outcomes in the allocation of biomass toward different uses. Greenhouse gas reduction is among the most cited benefits of bioenergy and bio-based products, however, there is increasing controversy about whether increased use of biomass can actually contribute to greenhouse gas emission targets. If biomass is to play a role in current and future greenhouse gas mitigation efforts its use should be guided by efficient use of natural and economic resources. This thesis addresses these questions through a series of case studies, designed to highlight important tradeoffs in the use of biomass for greenhouse gas mitigation. Should biomass be used as a fuel, a chemical feedstock, or neither? The first case study in this thesis focuses on the ‘fuel vs feedstock’ question, examining the greenhouse gas implications of expanding the scope of the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard to include credits for bioethylene, an important organic chemical readily produced from bioethanol. Results suggest that an expanded policy that includes bioethylene as an approved use for ethanol would provide added flexibility without compromising greenhouse gas targets – a clear win scenario. Having established that bioethylene based plastics can achieve similar greenhouse gas reductions to bioethanol used as fuel, this thesis expands the analysis by considering how the greenhouse gas emissions from a wider range of bio-based plastics compare to each of the main commodity thermoplastics produced in the U.S. The analysis demonstrates that there are large uncertainties involved in the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from bio-based plastics, and that only a subset of pathways are likely to be preferable to conventional plastics. The following chapter then builds on the existing model to compare the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of bio-based plastics to the potential for reducing emissions by adopting low carbon energy for plastics production. That chapter concludes that switching to renewable energy across the supply chain for conventional plastics energy cuts greenhouse gas emissions by 50-75%, achieving a greater reduction, with less uncertainty and lower cost, than switching to corn-based biopolymers – the most likely near-term biopolymer option. In the long run, producing bio-based plastics from advanced feedstocks (e.g. switchgrass) and/or with renewable energy likely offers greater emission reductions. Finally, this thesis returns to the dominant form of policy surrounding biomass use: biofuel mandates. That study takes a consequential approach to the ‘fuel or neither’ question. Specifically, this work examines how petroleum refineries are likely to adjust their production in response to biofuel policies, and what this implies for the success of these policies. The research demonstrates that biofuel policies induce a shift toward greater diesel production at the expense of both gasoline and non-combustion petroleum products. This has the potential to result in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, even before accounting for the emissions from producing the biofuels themselves.

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