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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theoretical Analysis of Light-Weight Truss Construction in Fire Conditions, Including the Use of Fire-Retardant-Treatment Wood

Ziemba, Gilead Reed 05 May 2006 (has links)
Fire statistics suggest that there is an urgent need for improved performance of light-weight truss construction in fire scenarios. This thesis proposes the use of Fire Retardant Treated Wood (FRTW). Several floor truss systems were designed for a residential living room using sawn lumber and FRTW. A finite difference, heat transfer model was used to determine time to collapse and to identify modes of failure during a simulated exposure to the standard ASTM E-119 test fire curve. As part of ongoing research at WPI, this is an initial effort to use analytical methods in the study of heat transfer and structural performance of wood construction during fire conditions. Results were examined for important relationships to further advance the understanding of collapse mechanisms in wood trusses. Experimental procedures for further testing have also been developed. Acknowledgment that in-service conditions may alter structural fire performance is made and the implications are discussed. An alternate fire scenario, more representative of residential fire loading, was also developed and compared to the ASTM E-119 fire curve.

Digital Family Portraits: Support for Aging in Place

Rowan, James Thomas, Jr. 25 August 2005 (has links)
As people age there is an overwhelming desire to remain in the familiar surroundings of the family home, what is called Aging in Place. But inevitable changes that occur in their lives force the aging adults and their families to consider a move to some form of institutional living. Living at a distance from one another, the adult child attempts to maintain peace of mind concerning the well-being of their aging parents but finds it to be a difficult task. I propose to address this problem by first proposing that technology can help minimize the anxieties experienced by the adult child concerning their aging parents well being by appropriately presenting information on the aging parents daily life. This technological design concept does not require that the aging parent input, or for that matter, do anything other than live their lives as they normally live them. Further, this technology provides this information in a manner that is continuously available to the adult child for either opportunistic or planned perusal. As a single instance of the technological design concept proposed above, the Digital Family Portrait embeds well-being related information into an item commonly found in homes, the picture in a picture frame. The Digital Family Portrait was first tested in a wizard-of-oz field trial, then redesigned based on the outcome of this initial field trial coupled with the results of two lab-based studies and a further informal evaluation. The redesigned Digital Family Portrait was built and installed in the home of an adult child while the sensors to drive it were installed in an aging parents home. A field trial of this installation lasting for one year was conducted. The result of this field trial was to find that the Digital Family Portrait was an acceptable means of resolving certain peace of mind issues for the adult child while not raising privacy. It was found to be used in a socially acceptable manner by the adult child while the aging parent to reported feeling less lonely.

Feinlagige und feinkristalline Titan/Aluminium-Verbundbleche / Thin layered and fine grained Titanium/Aluminum composite sheets

Romberg, Jan 21 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Ein Verbundwerkstoff aus Titan und Aluminium kann mittels akkumulativem Walzplattieren hergestellt werden. Dabei wird die Dehngrenze angehoben, wenn die Titanlagen nicht abschnüren, sondern laminar bleiben. Die Herstellung eines laminaren Ti/Al-Verbundwerkstoffes ist neu gegenüber den bisherigen Studien. Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Hindernisse und Lösungen, die aus metallphysikalischer Überlegung entstanden und praktisch umgesetzt worden sind. Bei der starken Umformung je ARB-Zyklus neigt das Titan bereits beim zweiten Walzen zur Bildung von Einschnürungen. Das kann durch eine Verringerung der Dickenreduktion je Zyklus sowie durch eine Erhöhung der Verfestigungsrate unterdrückt oder verzögert werden. Walzen mit unterschiedlich großen Ober- und Unterwalzen führt im Vergleich zum symmetrischen Walzen bei gleicher Dickenreduktion zu verstärktem Einschnüren der Titanlagen. Da der Prozess jedoch eine Verringerung der Dickenreduktion erlaubt, ermöglicht er die Zahl der Einschnürungen bei gegenüber dem Quartowalzen gleicher Geschwindigkeit zu verringern. Die spezifische Festigkeit erreicht hierbei einen Wert von auf dem Niveau hochfester Stähle.

Hochumgeformte Leichtmetallverbundwerkstoffe und deren festigkeitsbestimmende Faktoren

Marr, Tom 24 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Da in der Natur die Festigkeit der Stoffe bzw. Werkstoffe mit deren Massendichte korreliert [1], bieten sich dem Werkstoffingenieur zwei Möglichkeiten das genannte Ziel zu erreichen: Entweder er reduziert die effektive Dichte bereits sehr fester Werkstoffe durch konstruktive bzw. geometrische Optimierungen, oder es gelingt sehr leichte Werkstoffe mit deutlich gesteigerter Festigkeit herzustellen. Die erstgenannte Verfahrensweise stellt zu großen Teilen ein konstruktives bzw. fertigungstechnisches Problem dar. Von werkstoffwissenschaftlichem Interesse ist deshalb nur die zweite Möglichkeit. Dabei sollen sämtliche derzeit bekannte festigkeitssteigernde Faktoren und möglicherweise auch deren Synergien genutzt werden um einen hochfesten Leichtbauwerkstoff herzustellen. Dazu muss gleichzeitig ein neuartiges Hochumformverfahren für Leichtmetallverbundwerkstoffe erarbeitet werden, das diesen Anforderungen entspricht und eine dafür geeignete Werkstoffkombination gefunden werden. Konventionelle Verfahren zur Hochumformung erlauben häufig nur unter erheblichem Mehraufwand die Verarbeitung von Verbundwerkstoffen, weshalb die Hochumformung von Leichtmetallverbundwerkstoffen zur Festigkeitssteigerung in der Literatur praktisch keine Rolle spielt. Deshalb soll in dieser Arbeit das Umformverfahren Rundkneten zur Anwendung kommen, das die Hochumformung auch sehr heterogener Werkstoffe erlaubt. Darüber hinaus wird eine zusätzliche positive Wirkung auf die Festigkeit durch eingebaute Grenzflächen auf den Gesamtverbund erwartet. Wie sich im Laufe der Arbeit heraus stellte, eignet sich das verwendete Verfahren nicht ausschließlich zur Festigkeitssteigerung von Verbundwerkstoffen. Durch die sehr regelmäßige und fraktale Anordnung der Komponenten im Gesamtverbund ergaben sich auch einige Anknüpfungspunkte, die weit über die Eignung im Sinne eines Leichtbauwerkstoffes hinaus gehen. Aus diesem Grund liegt der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit zwar auf der mechanischen Charakterisierung der hergestellten Verbunde, in Kapitel 6 werden aber auch weitere Nutzungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert. Die gewählte Materialkombination Titan-Aluminium ist als Beispiel zu verstehen. Prinzipiell ist das vorgestellte Verfahren auf viele weitere Materialkombinationen anwendbar, solange grundlegende umformtechnische Regeln beachtet werden. [1] Ashby, M. F.: Materials Selection in Mechanical Design. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2006. 648 S.

Structural behaviour of an innovative cold-formed steel building system

Darcy, Greg January 2005 (has links)
Cold-formed steel structures have been in service for many years and are used as shelters for both domestic and industrial purposes. To produce an economical product, manufacturers have typically based their designs on the simple portal frame concept. As there is almost a direct relationship between overall cost and the weight of steel in a portal frame structure, it is of great importance to provide a structure with the minimum amount of steel whilst providing structural adequacy. Portal frame sheds have been refined continuously for many years, with only minimal amounts of savings in steel. Therefore, to provide even greater savings in steel, an innovative building system is required. Modern Garages Australia (MGA) is one of the leading cold-formed steel shed manufacturers in Queensland. MGA has recently developed such an innovative building system that has significant economic savings when compared with portal frame structures. The MGA building system has two key differences to that of the conventional portal frame system. These differences are that the MGA system has no conventional frames or framing system, and it has no purlins or girts. This results in the MGA system being completely fabricated from thin cladding, which significantly reduces the quantity of steel. However, the key problem with this building system is that the load paths and structural behaviour are unknown, and therefore the structure cannot be analysed using conventional methods. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to first investigate the structural behaviour of this new building system and its adequacy for an ultimate design wind speed of 41 m/s using full scale testing. The next objectives were to use finite element analysis to optimise the original MGA building system so that it is adequate for an ultimate design wind speed of 41 m/s, and to develop a new improved cold-formed steel building system that has greater structural efficiency than the original MGA building system. This thesis presents the details of the innovative MGA building system, full scale test setup, testing program, finite element analysis of the MGA building system and the results. Details and results from the optimisation of the MGA building system, and the development of a new improved cold-formed steel building system are also presented. The full scale experimental investigation considered the required loadings of cross wind, longitudinal wind and live load test cases and simulated them on the test structure accurately using an innovative load simulation system. The wind loads were calculated for a 41 m/s ultimate design wind speed. Full scale test program included both non-destructive and destructive tests. The finite element analyses contained in this thesis have considered cross wind, longitudinal wind and live load cases, as well as the destructive load case of the MGA building system. A number of different model types were created and their results were compared with the experimental results. In general, two main model types were created. The first type consisted of a 'strip' of the MGA building system (Strip model) and the second modelled the full structure (Full model). Both of these model types were further divided into models which contained no contact surfaces and those which contained contact surfaces to simulate the interfaces between the various components such as the brackets and cladding. The experimental test results showed that the MGA test structure is not suitable for an ultimate design wind speed of 41 m/s. This conclusion is a result of a number of observed failures that occurred during the extensive testing program. These failures included local buckling, crushing failures, and distortional buckling of the cladding panels. Extremely large deflections were also observed. It was calculated that for the MGA building system to be adequate for the design wind speed of 41 m/s, a cladding thickness of 0.8 mm was required. This also agreed well with the finite element analysis results which concluded that a cladding thickness of 0.8 mm was required. In order to avoid the increased use of steel in the building system, a new improved cold-formed steel building system was developed and its details are provided in this thesis. A finite element model of this new improved cold-formed steel building system was created and the results showed that the new building system was able to achieve a load step equivalent to an ultimate design wind speed of 50.4 m/s and was approximately 250% stiffer than the original MGA building system, without any increase in the overall weight of the building system. It is recommended that this new improved cold-formed steel building system be further developed with the aid of finite element modelling and be tested using a similar full scale testing program that was used for the original MGA building system.

Alternativas de manejos em leitões neonatos para melhorar o desempenho na fase lactacional. / Alternatives of management to assist in the survival of neonatal pigs

Cypriano, Cristiana Reis January 2008 (has links)
As maiores perdas por mortalidade na maternidade concentram-se nos primeiros três dias de vida, ficando em torno de 30 a 40% para leitões que nascem abaixo de 1000g. O meio de obter um maior sucesso na diminuição da mortalidade neonatal tem sido através do intensivo manejo na maternidade como: indução e atendimento ao parto, equalização da leitegada, ingestão de colostro nas primeiras horas de vida e fornecimento de suplementação energética. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de leitões leves e médios que receberam o tratamento especializado após a equalização. Esse tratamento consistiu na implementação do manejo 40 por 20, o qual consiste em manter os leitões fechados no escamoteador por 40 minutos e 20 minutos mamando, seis vezes ao dia durante os três primeiros dias de vida, castração no 10° dia de vida e suplementação via oral com óleo de coco (3ml no primeiro e 3ml no segundo dia de vida) comparados a leitões leves e médios que não receberam tratamento diferenciado e foram castrados no sétimo dia. Foram acompanhados 2667 leitões oriundos de 222 fêmeas de ordem de parto de 2 a 3. No momento da equalização, os leitões foram pesados e divididos em dois grupos: leitegadas médias (>1100g ≤ 1500g) e leves (≥ 700g até ≤ 1100g). Após a pesagem, os leitões foram identificados individualmente com tatuagem de número seqüencial e divididos em grupos controle (leves CL e médios CM) e grupo tratado (leves TL e médios TM). Não houve diferença no ganho de peso do nascimento ao desmame relacionado aos manejos realizados em ambos os grupos (P>0,05). A taxa de mortalidade do nascimento ao desmame foi de 12,5% e 11,6% nos grupos CL e TL e 3,2% e 5,4% nos grupos CM e TM respectivamente. Porém, foi observado um aumento na mortalidade dos leitões médios (P<0,05) do grupo tratado até os 14 e 21 dias de vida. Como as diferenças nas taxas de mortalidade ocorreram após o 14º dia fica difícil associá-las aos manejos realizados. Foi observado um aumento na taxa de transferência dos leitões de baixo peso do grupo controle até os 14 e 21 dias (7,9% e 10,4% respectivamente) comparados aos demais grupos, os quais não se diferenciaram entre si (P>0,05). Possivelmente, se esses leitões não tivessem sido transferidos, haveria uma redução no ganho de peso e um aumento na taxa de mortalidade do grupo controle leve frente aos demais. / Most pre-weaning losses concentrate on the first three days of life, affecting an average of 30-40% of piglets born under 1000g live weight. Most techniques used successfully to reduce neonatal mortality involve intensive pre-weaning management, such as farrowing induction and assistance, cross fostering, adequate intake of colostrum in the first few hours of life and supply of exogenous nutritional supplement (coconut oil). The aim of the present study was to assess the performance of light and medium weight piglets receiving specialized treatment after equalization, as with the system of management known as “40 to 20”, which consists in maintaining piglets closed for 40 minutes in the creep area and 20 minutes sucking six times daily during the first three days of life,with castration at the tenth day of life and supplementation with coconut oil (two doses of 3ml in the first and second day of life) compared with light and medium weight piglets that did not receive 40-20 treatment and were not castrated on the seventh day. A total of 2667 piglets originating from 222 females with parity order between 2 to 3 were monitored. At the time of equalization, piglets were weighed and divided into groups as medium weight (> 1100g ≤ 1500 g) and light weight (≥ 700g until ≤ 1100g). After weighing, the piglets were identified individually with tattooing of sequential numbers and divided into control group (light LG and medium MG) and treated group (light LT and medium MT). There was no difference in weight gain from birth to weaning related to management in both groups (P <0.05). The mortality rate from birth to weaning was 12.5% and 11.6% in groups LG and MG and 3.2% and 5.4% in groups LT and MT, respectively. However, an increase was observed in the mortality of the medium weight treated group (P <0.05) at 14 and 21 days of life. Because the differences in mortality rates were observed only after 14 days, it was difficult to associate with management. It was observed an increase in the rate of transfer of piglets with low weight of the control group at 14 and 21 days (7.9% and 10.4% respectively), when compared to the group of light weight piglets. This could possibly have negatively influenced weight gain and mortality rate of the group.

Alternativas de manejos em leitões neonatos para melhorar o desempenho na fase lactacional. / Alternatives of management to assist in the survival of neonatal pigs

Cypriano, Cristiana Reis January 2008 (has links)
As maiores perdas por mortalidade na maternidade concentram-se nos primeiros três dias de vida, ficando em torno de 30 a 40% para leitões que nascem abaixo de 1000g. O meio de obter um maior sucesso na diminuição da mortalidade neonatal tem sido através do intensivo manejo na maternidade como: indução e atendimento ao parto, equalização da leitegada, ingestão de colostro nas primeiras horas de vida e fornecimento de suplementação energética. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de leitões leves e médios que receberam o tratamento especializado após a equalização. Esse tratamento consistiu na implementação do manejo 40 por 20, o qual consiste em manter os leitões fechados no escamoteador por 40 minutos e 20 minutos mamando, seis vezes ao dia durante os três primeiros dias de vida, castração no 10° dia de vida e suplementação via oral com óleo de coco (3ml no primeiro e 3ml no segundo dia de vida) comparados a leitões leves e médios que não receberam tratamento diferenciado e foram castrados no sétimo dia. Foram acompanhados 2667 leitões oriundos de 222 fêmeas de ordem de parto de 2 a 3. No momento da equalização, os leitões foram pesados e divididos em dois grupos: leitegadas médias (>1100g ≤ 1500g) e leves (≥ 700g até ≤ 1100g). Após a pesagem, os leitões foram identificados individualmente com tatuagem de número seqüencial e divididos em grupos controle (leves CL e médios CM) e grupo tratado (leves TL e médios TM). Não houve diferença no ganho de peso do nascimento ao desmame relacionado aos manejos realizados em ambos os grupos (P>0,05). A taxa de mortalidade do nascimento ao desmame foi de 12,5% e 11,6% nos grupos CL e TL e 3,2% e 5,4% nos grupos CM e TM respectivamente. Porém, foi observado um aumento na mortalidade dos leitões médios (P<0,05) do grupo tratado até os 14 e 21 dias de vida. Como as diferenças nas taxas de mortalidade ocorreram após o 14º dia fica difícil associá-las aos manejos realizados. Foi observado um aumento na taxa de transferência dos leitões de baixo peso do grupo controle até os 14 e 21 dias (7,9% e 10,4% respectivamente) comparados aos demais grupos, os quais não se diferenciaram entre si (P>0,05). Possivelmente, se esses leitões não tivessem sido transferidos, haveria uma redução no ganho de peso e um aumento na taxa de mortalidade do grupo controle leve frente aos demais. / Most pre-weaning losses concentrate on the first three days of life, affecting an average of 30-40% of piglets born under 1000g live weight. Most techniques used successfully to reduce neonatal mortality involve intensive pre-weaning management, such as farrowing induction and assistance, cross fostering, adequate intake of colostrum in the first few hours of life and supply of exogenous nutritional supplement (coconut oil). The aim of the present study was to assess the performance of light and medium weight piglets receiving specialized treatment after equalization, as with the system of management known as “40 to 20”, which consists in maintaining piglets closed for 40 minutes in the creep area and 20 minutes sucking six times daily during the first three days of life,with castration at the tenth day of life and supplementation with coconut oil (two doses of 3ml in the first and second day of life) compared with light and medium weight piglets that did not receive 40-20 treatment and were not castrated on the seventh day. A total of 2667 piglets originating from 222 females with parity order between 2 to 3 were monitored. At the time of equalization, piglets were weighed and divided into groups as medium weight (> 1100g ≤ 1500 g) and light weight (≥ 700g until ≤ 1100g). After weighing, the piglets were identified individually with tattooing of sequential numbers and divided into control group (light LG and medium MG) and treated group (light LT and medium MT). There was no difference in weight gain from birth to weaning related to management in both groups (P <0.05). The mortality rate from birth to weaning was 12.5% and 11.6% in groups LG and MG and 3.2% and 5.4% in groups LT and MT, respectively. However, an increase was observed in the mortality of the medium weight treated group (P <0.05) at 14 and 21 days of life. Because the differences in mortality rates were observed only after 14 days, it was difficult to associate with management. It was observed an increase in the rate of transfer of piglets with low weight of the control group at 14 and 21 days (7.9% and 10.4% respectively), when compared to the group of light weight piglets. This could possibly have negatively influenced weight gain and mortality rate of the group.

Alternativas de manejos em leitões neonatos para melhorar o desempenho na fase lactacional. / Alternatives of management to assist in the survival of neonatal pigs

Cypriano, Cristiana Reis January 2008 (has links)
As maiores perdas por mortalidade na maternidade concentram-se nos primeiros três dias de vida, ficando em torno de 30 a 40% para leitões que nascem abaixo de 1000g. O meio de obter um maior sucesso na diminuição da mortalidade neonatal tem sido através do intensivo manejo na maternidade como: indução e atendimento ao parto, equalização da leitegada, ingestão de colostro nas primeiras horas de vida e fornecimento de suplementação energética. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de leitões leves e médios que receberam o tratamento especializado após a equalização. Esse tratamento consistiu na implementação do manejo 40 por 20, o qual consiste em manter os leitões fechados no escamoteador por 40 minutos e 20 minutos mamando, seis vezes ao dia durante os três primeiros dias de vida, castração no 10° dia de vida e suplementação via oral com óleo de coco (3ml no primeiro e 3ml no segundo dia de vida) comparados a leitões leves e médios que não receberam tratamento diferenciado e foram castrados no sétimo dia. Foram acompanhados 2667 leitões oriundos de 222 fêmeas de ordem de parto de 2 a 3. No momento da equalização, os leitões foram pesados e divididos em dois grupos: leitegadas médias (>1100g ≤ 1500g) e leves (≥ 700g até ≤ 1100g). Após a pesagem, os leitões foram identificados individualmente com tatuagem de número seqüencial e divididos em grupos controle (leves CL e médios CM) e grupo tratado (leves TL e médios TM). Não houve diferença no ganho de peso do nascimento ao desmame relacionado aos manejos realizados em ambos os grupos (P>0,05). A taxa de mortalidade do nascimento ao desmame foi de 12,5% e 11,6% nos grupos CL e TL e 3,2% e 5,4% nos grupos CM e TM respectivamente. Porém, foi observado um aumento na mortalidade dos leitões médios (P<0,05) do grupo tratado até os 14 e 21 dias de vida. Como as diferenças nas taxas de mortalidade ocorreram após o 14º dia fica difícil associá-las aos manejos realizados. Foi observado um aumento na taxa de transferência dos leitões de baixo peso do grupo controle até os 14 e 21 dias (7,9% e 10,4% respectivamente) comparados aos demais grupos, os quais não se diferenciaram entre si (P>0,05). Possivelmente, se esses leitões não tivessem sido transferidos, haveria uma redução no ganho de peso e um aumento na taxa de mortalidade do grupo controle leve frente aos demais. / Most pre-weaning losses concentrate on the first three days of life, affecting an average of 30-40% of piglets born under 1000g live weight. Most techniques used successfully to reduce neonatal mortality involve intensive pre-weaning management, such as farrowing induction and assistance, cross fostering, adequate intake of colostrum in the first few hours of life and supply of exogenous nutritional supplement (coconut oil). The aim of the present study was to assess the performance of light and medium weight piglets receiving specialized treatment after equalization, as with the system of management known as “40 to 20”, which consists in maintaining piglets closed for 40 minutes in the creep area and 20 minutes sucking six times daily during the first three days of life,with castration at the tenth day of life and supplementation with coconut oil (two doses of 3ml in the first and second day of life) compared with light and medium weight piglets that did not receive 40-20 treatment and were not castrated on the seventh day. A total of 2667 piglets originating from 222 females with parity order between 2 to 3 were monitored. At the time of equalization, piglets were weighed and divided into groups as medium weight (> 1100g ≤ 1500 g) and light weight (≥ 700g until ≤ 1100g). After weighing, the piglets were identified individually with tattooing of sequential numbers and divided into control group (light LG and medium MG) and treated group (light LT and medium MT). There was no difference in weight gain from birth to weaning related to management in both groups (P <0.05). The mortality rate from birth to weaning was 12.5% and 11.6% in groups LG and MG and 3.2% and 5.4% in groups LT and MT, respectively. However, an increase was observed in the mortality of the medium weight treated group (P <0.05) at 14 and 21 days of life. Because the differences in mortality rates were observed only after 14 days, it was difficult to associate with management. It was observed an increase in the rate of transfer of piglets with low weight of the control group at 14 and 21 days (7.9% and 10.4% respectively), when compared to the group of light weight piglets. This could possibly have negatively influenced weight gain and mortality rate of the group.


Shivam Tripathi (11516983) 20 December 2021 (has links)
<p>Shape memory alloys (SMAs) belong to an important class of active materials. Beyond shape memory, these alloys exhibit super-elasticity and pseudo-plasticity, all originating from a reversible phase transformation from a high-temperature austenitic phase to a low temperature martensitic phase. Their unique thermo-mechanical properties make these SMAs desirable for a wide range of applications in automobiles, robotics, aerospace, construction, and medicine. Only a fraction of the known metallic alloys exhibits martensitic transformations, and a relatively small subset exhibits shape memory. Given this limited pool of SMAs, tunability of this martensitic transformation and, hence, thermo-mechanical properties is a way to move forward for effectively designing the next-generation SMAs for specific applications. The modification in composition has always been at the heart of designing new SMAs for future applications. However, a relatively recent discovery of incorporating a second non-transforming phase in base martensitic materials to tune martensitic transformation to achieve unprecedented thermo-mechanical properties has shown great promise.</p><p><br></p><p>The objective of this work is to utilize the second phase to provide design guidelines for next-generation SMAs and to understand the detailed physics behind the experimentally observed unprecedented thermo-mechanical properties in SMAs as a result of the incorporation of coherent second phases. We first investigate Mg-Sc shape memory alloys that are attractive for a wide range of applications due to their low density. Unfortunately, the use of these alloys is hindered by a low martensitic transformation temperature (173 K). We observe from first-principles calculations that epitaxial strains arising from appropriate substrate or coherent second phase selection increase the martensitic transformation and operational temperature to room temperature. Next, we develop a novel approach to induce martensitic transformation in composite systems of two non-transforming materials. While we demonstrate this approach for the technologically relevant ultra-lightweight Mg/MgLi superlattices, however, our approach is general and will open a wide material space for the discovery and design of next-generation SMAs.</p><p><br></p><p>Finally, to bridge the gap between computationally studied single-crystalline materials and experimentally studied polycrystalline systems, we characterize the role of nanoscale precipitates on temperature- and stress-induced martensitic phase transformation in nanocrystalline Ni63Al37 SMAs using multi-million-atoms molecular dynamics simulations. Simulations provide the understanding of underlying atomistic mechanisms of experimentally observed unprecedented thermo-mechanical properties and the guidelines to design low-fatigue ultra-fine grain shape memory alloys. As a result of the exploration of novel thermomechanical properties in SMAs via coherent second phases, we also published a software package</p><p>to discover coherent precipitates within a base multi-component system by coupling highthroughput equilibrium thermodynamics calculations with strain-based lattice matching.</p>

Hochumgeformte Leichtmetallverbundwerkstoffe und deren festigkeitsbestimmende Faktoren

Marr, Tom 29 January 2014 (has links)
Da in der Natur die Festigkeit der Stoffe bzw. Werkstoffe mit deren Massendichte korreliert [1], bieten sich dem Werkstoffingenieur zwei Möglichkeiten das genannte Ziel zu erreichen: Entweder er reduziert die effektive Dichte bereits sehr fester Werkstoffe durch konstruktive bzw. geometrische Optimierungen, oder es gelingt sehr leichte Werkstoffe mit deutlich gesteigerter Festigkeit herzustellen. Die erstgenannte Verfahrensweise stellt zu großen Teilen ein konstruktives bzw. fertigungstechnisches Problem dar. Von werkstoffwissenschaftlichem Interesse ist deshalb nur die zweite Möglichkeit. Dabei sollen sämtliche derzeit bekannte festigkeitssteigernde Faktoren und möglicherweise auch deren Synergien genutzt werden um einen hochfesten Leichtbauwerkstoff herzustellen. Dazu muss gleichzeitig ein neuartiges Hochumformverfahren für Leichtmetallverbundwerkstoffe erarbeitet werden, das diesen Anforderungen entspricht und eine dafür geeignete Werkstoffkombination gefunden werden. Konventionelle Verfahren zur Hochumformung erlauben häufig nur unter erheblichem Mehraufwand die Verarbeitung von Verbundwerkstoffen, weshalb die Hochumformung von Leichtmetallverbundwerkstoffen zur Festigkeitssteigerung in der Literatur praktisch keine Rolle spielt. Deshalb soll in dieser Arbeit das Umformverfahren Rundkneten zur Anwendung kommen, das die Hochumformung auch sehr heterogener Werkstoffe erlaubt. Darüber hinaus wird eine zusätzliche positive Wirkung auf die Festigkeit durch eingebaute Grenzflächen auf den Gesamtverbund erwartet. Wie sich im Laufe der Arbeit heraus stellte, eignet sich das verwendete Verfahren nicht ausschließlich zur Festigkeitssteigerung von Verbundwerkstoffen. Durch die sehr regelmäßige und fraktale Anordnung der Komponenten im Gesamtverbund ergaben sich auch einige Anknüpfungspunkte, die weit über die Eignung im Sinne eines Leichtbauwerkstoffes hinaus gehen. Aus diesem Grund liegt der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit zwar auf der mechanischen Charakterisierung der hergestellten Verbunde, in Kapitel 6 werden aber auch weitere Nutzungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert. Die gewählte Materialkombination Titan-Aluminium ist als Beispiel zu verstehen. Prinzipiell ist das vorgestellte Verfahren auf viele weitere Materialkombinationen anwendbar, solange grundlegende umformtechnische Regeln beachtet werden. [1] Ashby, M. F.: Materials Selection in Mechanical Design. Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2006. 648 S.

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