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Interior rehabilitation of alley-type structures : sensitivity to Americans with Disabilities Act and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design / Interior rehabilitation of alley type structuresPotts, Dale L. January 2005 (has links)
The focus of this creative project is the interior rehabilitation of Renaissance Place, a historic alley-type structure in Downtown Muncie, Indiana, circa. 1895. The emphasis is on the rehabilitation of three of the six units with sensitivity to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Digital lighting studies of the interior space are completed for different times of the year by using a program called Accurender 3. The techniques and products introduced through this project will be presented to the owner. The final product is also intended to be inspirational for other individuals rehabilitating similar structures with desire to incorporate ADA and LEED guidelines. / Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
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Diel Mediated Populus balsamifera Transcriptome Components Test the Impacts of Artificial Nighttime LightingSkaf, Joseph 27 November 2012 (has links)
Artificial nighttime lighting (ANL) is known to adversely affect animals, but little is known what the consequences are to plants. Two genotypes of Populus balsamifera, a common urban tree, were used to investigate how ANL impacts plants. While the two genotypes varied in their physiological sensitivity to ANL, poorer levels of net leaf carbon assimilation compared to control samples suggested that ANL perturbed the perception of time of day for these plants. Gene set analysis on a subset of PopGenExpress microarray samples identified time of day specific processes in P. balsamifera, and a set of candidate ANL-sensitive genes were identified from these. Transcript measurements from the two genotypes revealed that ANL affects plants at the molecular level, for the diel cycling of the putative ANL-sensitive genes was perturbed. Together, these results suggest that ANL affects plants at the physiological and molecular level by perturbing their perception of time of day.
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Diel Mediated Populus balsamifera Transcriptome Components Test the Impacts of Artificial Nighttime LightingSkaf, Joseph 27 November 2012 (has links)
Artificial nighttime lighting (ANL) is known to adversely affect animals, but little is known what the consequences are to plants. Two genotypes of Populus balsamifera, a common urban tree, were used to investigate how ANL impacts plants. While the two genotypes varied in their physiological sensitivity to ANL, poorer levels of net leaf carbon assimilation compared to control samples suggested that ANL perturbed the perception of time of day for these plants. Gene set analysis on a subset of PopGenExpress microarray samples identified time of day specific processes in P. balsamifera, and a set of candidate ANL-sensitive genes were identified from these. Transcript measurements from the two genotypes revealed that ANL affects plants at the molecular level, for the diel cycling of the putative ANL-sensitive genes was perturbed. Together, these results suggest that ANL affects plants at the physiological and molecular level by perturbing their perception of time of day.
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Vision-Based Observation Models for Lower Limb 3D Tracking with a Moving PlatformHu, Richard Zhi Ling January 2011 (has links)
Tracking and understanding human gait is an important step towards improving elderly mobility and safety. This thesis presents a vision-based tracking system that estimates the 3D pose of a wheeled walker user's lower limbs with cameras mounted on the moving walker. The tracker estimates 3D poses from images of the lower limbs in the coronal plane in a dynamic, uncontrolled environment. It employs a probabilistic approach based on particle filtering with three different camera setups: a monocular RGB camera, binocular RGB cameras, and a depth camera. For the RGB cameras, observation likelihoods are designed to compare the colors and gradients of each frame with initial templates that are manually extracted. Two strategies are also investigated for handling appearance change of tracking target: increasing number of templates and using different representations of colors. For the depth camera, two observation likelihoods are developed: the first one works directly in the 3D space, while the second one works in the projected image space. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the tracking system with different users for all three camera setups. It is demonstrated that the trackers with the RGB cameras produce results with higher error as compared to the depth camera, and the strategies for handling appearance change improve tracking accuracy in general. On the other hand, the tracker with the depth sensor successfully tracks the 3D poses of users over the entire video sequence and is robust against unfavorable conditions such as partial occlusion, missing observations, and deformable tracking target.
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Breaking the Fifth Wall: Enquiry into Contemporary Shadow TheatreKent, Lynne January 2005 (has links)
Practising Shadow Theatre in the West today means to subvert the predominantly negative view of shadow in the Western psyche, to transcend the faintly racist notion of shadow theatre as the quaint practice of traditional people of the East and to contend with the dominant influences of the electronic media on this once powerful and popular art form. This research is through creative practice in the form of the production, Cactus. This performance investigates the use of the screen in contemporary Shadow Theatre and the optimisation of the live theatrical experience. The performance also seeks to integrate mediatized and non-mediatized performance through the combination of live performance and projected images. My research is a social constructivist process to creative practice as research using a pluralistic approach including elements of action research and autobiography. The literature included for review in this study includes work by Brook, Grotowski, Auslander, Sontag, and Schechner. The literature analysis and previous training with Italian company, Teatro Gioco Vita, served to inform the application of my theories as praxis. The central question of this research project is: How can I break the fifth wall (which is the screen) in shadow theatre performance? Subsidiary questions are: How can we harness the advantages of both mediatized and non-mediatized performance to produce a contemporary shadow theatre form catering to the needs of a twenty-first century audience? How can I optimize the live theatrical experience? What is contemporary Shadow Theatre?
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Att underlätta orientering i mörka utställningsrum : En studie i museimiljö / To facilitate orientation in dark exhibition rooms : A study in museum environmentToresson, Elin, Anton, Gunnarson January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie är ett examensarbete som utförs som en del av utbildningen Produktutveckling med inriktning ljusdesign under våren 2018 vid Jönköpings Tekniska Högskola. Studien gjordes för att undersöka hur belysning kan underlätta orientering i mörka utställningsrum, utan att negativt påverka den upplevda atmosfären samtidigt som utställningsföremålen är i fokus för besökarna. Målet är att kunskapen som samlas in från denna studie ska kunna användas för att skapa ett underlag vid planering av belysning på Marinmuseet i Karlskrona. Studien genomfördes först genom en förstudie där problem och förutsättningar för att orientera sig i mörka utställningsrum undersöktes genom en enkät och en observationsstudie på Vasamuseet och Marinmuseet. En huvudstudie genomfördes sedan på Marinmuseet där. Lou Michels teori Visual Objective Theory prövades som ett verktyg för att underlätta orientering i mörka utställningsrum. Huvudstudien genomfördes under två dagar med hjälp av en enkätundersökning och en observationsstudie. Resultatet från enkätstudien antydde att upplevelsen av atmosfär kan påverkas av Visual Objective Theory, dock finns det inget som pekar mot att den påverkas negativt. I övrigt gav enkätstudien inga starka implikationer till en slutsats. Observationsstudien var mer tydlig och gav underlag för att Visual Objective Theory är ett bra verktyg för att påverka besökarnas rörelsemönster. / This study is a thesis performed as a part of the education Product development aligned with Lighting design during the spring 2018 at Jönköping School of Engineering. This study was made to research how lighting can facilitate orientation in dark exhibition rooms, without negatively affecting the experienced atmosphere while at the same time maintaining the exhibition subjects in focus for the visitors. The goal is that the knowledge collected from this study can be used as a basis when planning lighting at the Marine Museum in Karlskrona. The study was first performed through a prestudy where problems and conditions for orienting in dark exhibition rooms was tested with a survey and an observational study at the Vasamuseet and Marinmuseet. A main study was then performed at Marinmuseet, where Lou Michels theory Visual Objective Theory was tested as a tool to facilitate orientation in dark exhibition rooms. The main study was performed during two days, containing a questionnaire and an observational study. The results from the survey implied that the experience of atmosphere can be affected by Visual Objective Theory, however there is nothing implying that the experience is negatively affected. Other than that the results from the survey gave no strong implications for a conclusion. The observational study was clearer and gave support for Visual Objective Theory being a good tool for affecting the visitors movement patterns.
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Simulação computacional para projeto de iluminação em arquiteturaTavares, Sílvia Garcia January 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda o uso de ferramentas de simulação computacional para projetos de iluminação em arquitetura. As diversas possibilidades de uso das ferramentas são testadas nos softwares ECOTECT v5.20 e Lumen Designer 2006, através de simulações realizadas para o edifício do Santander Cultural, em Porto Alegre (RS). O objetivo da pesquisa é auxiliar no entendimento das ferramentas de simulação computacional de iluminação pelos arquitetos e difundí-las em escritórios de arquitetura através da compreensão das facilidades e dificuldades que os arquitetos encontram no uso dessas ferramentas no dia-adia. Para tanto, a revisão de literatura baseia-se na relação entre iluminação, arquitetura e eficiência energética, fundamentos da luz, conforto visual, uso de simulação computacional em arquitetura e apresentação de softwares existentes no mercado. A metodologia desenvolve-se a partir da aplicação da simulação da luz, tendo sido simulados espaços destinados a escritórios, a fachada principal e o átrio central do edifício do Santander Cultural. Cada um dos espaços se destina a um tipo de uso e têm uma demanda diferente de iluminação, possuindo peculiaridades que permitem avaliar o comportamento da simulação computacional de iluminação em contextos diversos. Os resultados desta avaliação mostram a existência de softwares de simulação de iluminação para diferentes finalidades, e mostram ainda que cada tipo pode adaptar-se melhor a determinados casos (avaliações de quantidade de iluminação, de qualidade de iluminação, estudos acadêmicos). Apresenta-se, portanto, um grande potencial de uso das ferramentas, quando adequadas ao caso em que serão utilizadas, pois existindo uma melhor compreensão do objetivo a que se destinam, torna-se mais fácil compreender também as respostas geradas. / This work presents computer simulation use in architectural lighting projects. Simulation tools have many possibilities of use in lighting projects and in this research these possibilities are tested in ECOTECT v5.20 e Lumen Designer 2006. Some simulations were developed to the Santander Cultural building, in Porto Alegre (RS). The aim of this work is to provide computer simulation tools understanding and spread it out amongst architects, providing comprehension of its facilities and difficulties. The literature revision was based on possible existing relationship between architecture, lighting and energy efficiency, lighting fundamentals and visual comfort, computer simulation use in architecture and some softwares presentation. The methodology is based on simulation lighting tests and aplied to office spaces, façades and the atrium of Santader Cultural building. Each of these spaces have a different way of use and lighting need, permiting to evaluate the possibilities of lighting simulation in different contexts. Evaluation results show the existence of lighting simulation softwares for many purposes, and also show that each of them can better adapted to specific cases (quantitative and qualitative lighting evaluation, and academic researches). To conclude, is presented the potencial use of simulation tools when adapted to specific cases where they will be applied and whenever the objective comprehension is presented, it becomes easier to understand the answers regarding simulations.
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Análise do uso da luz natural em salas de aula : estudo de caso em Aracaju - SE / Investigating the use of daylight in classrooms : a case study in Aracaju - SEDias, Amanda Fontes Aragão 28 March 2011 (has links)
The use of daylight brings many advantages, as a better quality lighting, psychophysiological benefits and the outside view. In addition, it minimizes the use of artificial lighting and it contributes to the recent interest in energy efficiency. But, despite the daylight s availability existing in Brazil, especially in its Northeast, and despite the great number of daylighting simulation tools, the concern with its optimization hardly takes part on the inicial design of buidings. This thesis is embedded within this context and it aims to analyze and compare the lighting performance between classrooms, trying to support daylighting in these environments. With the TropLux, the simulation of a standard classroom in the city of Aracaju, state of Sergipe, designated Geometry 1, the simulation of some changes in its characteristics, designated Geometries 2 and 3, and the simulation of new geometries with daylighting systems, designated Geometries 4 and 5, were proceeded. In both cases, the CIE Sky types 1 (overcast), 10 (partly cloudy) and 14 (clear) were considered. To analyze the lighting performance of these geometries, it was created isocurves graphics with percentages of illuminances inside the interval 300 lx < E < 2000 lx. From these isocurves graphics, different behaviours of the geometries under the Sky types analyzed were observed. To compare its performances, the average of illuminance s average, the average of the illuminance s percentages inside the interval above and the maximum and minimum values of the illuminance s average were calculated. These values evidence that isolated interventions in the standard classroom (Geometry 1), like increasing the ceiling reflectance (Geometry 2) or adopting a dropped ceiling plan (Geometry 3), does not contribute with the lighting performance s improvement in the illuminance`s interval considered. Nevertheless, they evidence na evolution in the lighting performance of Geometry 5 in relation to the standard classroom (Geometry 1). / O uso da luz natural traz diversas vantagens, dentre as quais destacam-se uma melhor qualidade da iluminação, benefícios psicofisiológicos e o contato com o meio exterior. Além disso, reduz o uso dos sistemas de iluminação artificial, contribuindo com o recente interesse pela eficiência energética. Mas, apesar da disponibilidade de luz natural existente no Brasil, especialmente na sua região Nordeste, e da existência de ferramentas de simulação computacional da luz natural, a preocupação com a sua otimização dificilmente faz parte da fase inicial de projeto das edificações. É dentro desse contexto que o presente trabalho está inserido, com o objetivo de analisar e comparar o desempenho luminoso entre salas de aula, tentando favorecer o uso da luz natural nesses ambientes. Utilizando-se o TropLux, procedeu-se à simulação de uma sala de aula padrão da cidade de Aracaju, no estado de Sergipe, designada Geometria 1, e de duas salas com alterações de algumas de suas características, designadas Geometrias 2 e 3, além de duas novas geometrias contendo elementos de controle e redirecionamento da luz natural, designadas Geometrias 4 e 5. Em ambos os casos foram considerados os céus CIE 1 (encoberto), 10 (parcialmente encoberto) e 14 (claro). Para a análise do desempenho luminoso das geometrias foram gerados gráficos de isocurvas contendo os percentuais de iluminâncias dentro do intervalo 300 lx < E < 2000 lx. A partir deles, observou-se os diferentes comportamentos das geometrias sob os tipos de céu analisados. Para a comparação entre os seus desempenhos, foram calculadas a média das iluminâncias médias, a média dos percentuais de iluminâncias dentro do intervalo proposto e os valores máximo e mínimo das iluminâncias médias. Tais valores demonstram que intervenções isoladas na sala de aula em estudo (Geometria 1), como o aumento da refletância do teto (Geometria 2) ou a inclusão de um teto rebaixado plano (Geometria 3), não trazem melhorias em relação ao seu desempenho luminoso dentro do intervalo de iluminâncias considerado. Apesar disso, sugerem uma evolução no desempenho luminoso da Geometria 5 em relação à sala de aula em estudo (Geometria 1).
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Reconstruction tridimensionnelle par stéréophotométrie / 3D-reconstruction by photometric stereoQuéau, Yvain 26 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la reconstruction 3D par stéréophotométrie, qui consiste à utiliser plusieurs photographies d'une scène prises sous le même angle, mais sous différents éclairages. Nous nous intéressons dans un premier temps à des techniques robustes pour l'estimation des normales à la surface, et pour leur intégration en une carte de profondeur. Nous étudions ensuite deux situations où le problème est mal posé : lorsque les éclairages sont inconnus, ou lorsque seuls deux éclairages sont utilisés. La troisième partie est consacrée à l'étude de modèles plus réalistes, à la fois en ce qui concerne les éclairages et la réflectance de la surface. Ces trois premières parties nous amènent aux limites de la formulation classique de la stéréophotométrie : nous introduisons finalement, dans la partie 4, une reformulation variationnelle et différentielle du problème qui permet de dépasser ces limites. / This thesis tackles the photometric stereo problem, a 3D-reconstruction technique consisting in taking several pictures of a scene under different lightings. We first focus on robust techniques for estimating the normals to the surface, and for integrating these normals into a depth map. Then, we study two situations where the problem is ill-posed: when lightings are unknown and when only two images are used. Part 3 is devoted to more realistic models, in terms of lightings and of surface reflectance. These first three parts bring us to the limits of the usual formulation of photometric stereo: we eventually introduce in Part 4 a variational and differential reformulation of this problem which allows us to overcome these limits.
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O uso do LED como alternativa de eficiência da iluminação pública no município de Santo AndréMelero, José Carlos Martinez January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Sergio Henrique Ferreira de Oliveira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia, 2015. / Este estudo apresenta a avaliação de impactos técnicos, financeiros e administrativos resultantes da implantação de um projeto de eficiência energética em iluminação pública baseado na substituição de luminárias com lâmpadas de 250 W de VSAP ¿ Vapor de Sódio de Alta Pressão por luminárias LED (Light Emitting Diode) de 150 W. O estudo de caso foi elaborado em uma importante avenida do município de Santo André com 297 luminárias de VSAP instaladas em postes do sistema de distribuição de energia elétrica. O uso da tecnologia LED em equipamentos de iluminação mostra-se como uma alternativa promissora em função dos benefícios energéticos e ambientais, e a barreira do alto investimento inicial vêm sendo derrubada com a diminuição dos preços mundiais. No trabalho foram estudados comparativamente o comportamento do consumo de energia elétrica, a análise do impacto na qualidade da energia e no fator de potência, também foi realizada a análise da viabilidade econômica da substituição tecnológica, e considerada a tomada de decisão do administrador público. A comparação dos benefícios energéticos é realizada através dos resultados das medições obtidas em campo com relação ao consumo de energia elétrica, fator de potência e distorção harmônica de tensão e de corrente elétrica, e também foram observados os níveis de iluminância antes e depois da implantação da tecnologia LED. O estudo também se propõe a discutir os aspectos de projeto que definem as características da luminária LED e os de montagem em campo, uma vez que esses aspectos resultam em diferentes valores de investimentos e de manutenção ao longo da vida útil dos equipamentos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram benefícios energéticos através da diminuição do consumo e da distorção harmônica, e uma adequação do fator de potência ao valor exigido. Foram constatadas desvantagens financeiras decorrentes do alto investimento inicial, porém a consideração dos resultados globais da iluminação pode indicar que a aplicação da tecnologia LED em projetos específicos será capaz de contribuir positivamente para proporcionar o tão almejado bem estar social. / This research presents the evaluation of technical, financial and administrative impacts resulted from the implementation of an energy efficiency project in public lighting based on the substitution of luminaries with 250 W HPS - High Pressure Sodium lamps by 150 W LED (Light Emitting Diode). The study case was elaborated at an important avenue of Santo André city with 297 HPS luminaries installed in poles of the electrical energy distribution system. The use of LED technology in illumination equipment shows a promising alternative in function of the energy and environmental benefits and also, the initial high investment barrier has been fallen by the decrease of the worldwide prices. Has been studied at this work comparatively the electrical energy consumption behavior, the analysis regarded to the energy quality impact and the power factor, it has also been accomplished the analysis of economic viability, its technological substitution and considered the decision taken by the public administrator. The comparison of energy benefits is accomplished by the results of measurements obtained in field regarded to the energy consumption, power factor, harmonic voltage and current distortion, and it has also been observed the levels of illuminance before and after the LED technology implementation. The study also propose to discuss the project aspects that define the LED luminary characteristics and the mounting ones in fields, once that these aspects result in different values of investments and their maintenance along the equipment cycle life. The results obtained have demonstrated energy benefits through the consumption decrease and the harmonic distortion and also, an adequacy of power factor to the required value. Have been established financial disadvantages arising from the initial high investment, however the consideration of the illumination global results may indicate that the application of LED technology in specific projects will be able to contribute positively to provide the so desired social well-being.
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