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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Groundwater resources in coastal hard rock terrains : Geostatistical and GIS approach

Dehkordi, S. Emad January 2009 (has links)
Stockholm archipelago is a combination of coastal and young glaciated conditions on hard rock geology with almost no primary porosity and very limited secondary porosity. Therefore the aquifer is both of limited capacity and exposed to salinity problem. In this context importance of fractures and soil cover is magnified. Lineaments are representatives of fractures in remote sensing. Fracture mapping in study area proves close correspondence between orientation of fractures and nearly located lineaments. Especially in this type of terrain, lineaments normally occur together with many other interesting hydrogeological features such as topographic attributes, soil, and vegetation; however, still each of these factors has its own effect on the groundwater situation. Through employment of geostatistical analysis and a modified variant of the RV (Risk Variable) method, called the PV (Probability Value) method, different attributes are rated by importance. The results show, soil cover is the most influencing factor then rock type and distance from lineaments; other factors are classified after them. It is discovered that the center of lineaments may not be the most suitable site to extract water because of being clogged by fills. This is particularly the case for shear fractures in which clay can be internally formed due to friction. Based on the statistical results a model is made in GIS environment in order to create hydrogeological maps. Such maps, after validation, can be used for any other area with similar properties even with missing or very limited data from boreholes. These maps definitively are only probability maps projecting areas with higher and lower prospect of aquifer potential and cannot guarantee high capacity in every borehole drilled in designated areas due to high heterogeneity of fractured rock system. Analysis of chemical data from wells proves a correlation between fracture orientations and topography with salinization and groundwater flow. Groundwater flow in the surroundings seems to be essential for feeding the aquifer as most of the wells with increased salt content have also low capacities.

Current status and long-term insights into the western Dead Sea groundwater system using multi-sensoral remote sensing

Mallast, Ulf 11 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Arid regions, that have a terrestrial share of 30 %, heavily rely on groundwater for do-mestic, industrial and irrigation purposes. The reliance on groundwater has partly turned into a dependency in areas where the increasing population number and the expansion of irrigated agricultural areas demand more groundwater than is naturally replenished. Yet, spatial and temporal information on groundwater are often scarce induced by the facts that groundwater is given a low priority in many national budgets and numerous (semi-) arid regions in the world encompass large and inaccessible areas. Hence, there is an urgent need to provide low-cost alternatives that in parallel cover large spatial and temporal scales to gain information on the groundwater system. Remote sensing holds a tremendous potential to represent this alternative. The main objective of this thesis is the improvement of existing and the development of novel remote sensing applications to infer information on the scarce but indispensable resource groundwater at the example of the Dead Sea. The background of these de-velopments relies mainly on freely available satellite data sets. I investigate 1) the pos-sibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from digital elevation models, 2) the applicability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to identify groundwater discharge locations, 3) the suitability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to derive information on the long-term groundwater discharge behaviour, and 4) the differences of thermal data in terms of groundwater discharge between coarse-scaled satellite data and fine-scaled airborne data including a discharge quantification approach. 1) I develop a transparent, reproducible and objective semi-automatic approach us-ing a combined linear filtering and object based classification approach that bases on a medium resolution (30 m ground sampling distance) digital elevation model to extract lineaments. I demonstrate that the obtained lineaments have both, a hydrogeological and groundwater significance, that allow the derivation of potential groundwater flow-paths. These flow-paths match results of existing groundwater flow models remarkably well that validate the findings and shows the possibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from remote sensing data. 2) Thermal satellite data enable to identify groundwater discharge into open water bodies given a temperature contrast between groundwater and water body. Integrating a series of thermal data from different periods into a multi-temporal analysis accounts for the groundwater discharge intermittency and hence allows obtaining a representa-tive discharge picture. I analyse the constraints that arise with the multi-temporal anal-ysis (2000-2002) and show that ephemeral surface-runoff causes similar thermal anomalies as groundwater. To exclude surface-runoff influenced data I develop an au-tonomously operating method that facilitates the identification. I calculate on the re-maining surface-runoff uninfluenced data series different statistical measures on a per pixel basis to amplify groundwater discharge induced thermal anomalies. The results reveal that the range and standard deviation of the data series perform best in terms of anomaly amplification and spatial correspondence to in-situ determined spring dis-charge locations. I conclude on the reason that both mirror temperature variability that is stabilized and therefore smaller at areas where spatio-temporal constant groundwater discharge occurs. 3) The application of the before developed method on a thermal satellite data set spanning the years 2000 to 2011 enables to localise specific groundwater discharge sites and to semi-quantitatively analyse the temporal variability of the thermal anomalies (termed groundwater affected area - GAA). I identify 37 groundwater discharge sites along the entire Dead Sea coastline that refine the so far coarsely given spring areas to specific locations. All spatially match independent in-situ groundwater discharge observations and additionally indicate 15 so far unreported discharge sites. Comparing the variability of the GAA extents over time to recharge behaviour reveals analogous curve progressions with a time-shift of two years. This observation suggests that the thermally identified GAAs directly display the before only assumed groundwater discharge volume. This finding provides a serious alternative to monitor groundwater discharge over large temporal and spatial scales that is relevant for different scientific communities. From the results I furthermore conclude to observe the before only assumed and modelled groundwater discharge share from flushing of old brines during periods with an above average Dead Sea level drop. This observation implies the need to not only consider discharge from known terrestrial and submarine springs, but also from flushing of old-brines in order to calculate the total Dead Sea water budget. 4) I present a complementary airborne thermal data set recorded in 01/2011 over the north-western part of the Dead Sea coast. The higher spatial resolution allows to refine the satellite-based GAA to 72 specific groundwater discharge sites and even to specify the so far unknown abundance of submarine springs to six sites with a share of <10 % to the total groundwater discharge. A larger contribution stems from newly iden-tified seeping spring type (24 sites) where groundwater emerges diffusively either ter-restrial or submarine close to the land/water interface with a higher share to the total discharge than submarine springs provide. The major groundwater contribution origi-nates from the 42 identified terrestrial springs. For this spring type, I demonstrate that 93 % of the discharge volume can be modelled with a linear ordinary least square re-gression (R2=0.88) based on the thermal plume extents and in-situ measured discharge volumes from the Israel Hydrological Service. This result implies the possibility to determine discharge volumes at unmonitored sites along the Dead Sea coast as well that can provide a complete physically-based picture of groundwater discharge magni-tude to the Dead Sea for the first time.

Current status and long-term insights into the western Dead Sea groundwater system using multi-sensoral remote sensing

Mallast, Ulf 23 July 2013 (has links)
Arid regions, that have a terrestrial share of 30 %, heavily rely on groundwater for do-mestic, industrial and irrigation purposes. The reliance on groundwater has partly turned into a dependency in areas where the increasing population number and the expansion of irrigated agricultural areas demand more groundwater than is naturally replenished. Yet, spatial and temporal information on groundwater are often scarce induced by the facts that groundwater is given a low priority in many national budgets and numerous (semi-) arid regions in the world encompass large and inaccessible areas. Hence, there is an urgent need to provide low-cost alternatives that in parallel cover large spatial and temporal scales to gain information on the groundwater system. Remote sensing holds a tremendous potential to represent this alternative. The main objective of this thesis is the improvement of existing and the development of novel remote sensing applications to infer information on the scarce but indispensable resource groundwater at the example of the Dead Sea. The background of these de-velopments relies mainly on freely available satellite data sets. I investigate 1) the pos-sibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from digital elevation models, 2) the applicability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to identify groundwater discharge locations, 3) the suitability of multi-temporal thermal satellite data to derive information on the long-term groundwater discharge behaviour, and 4) the differences of thermal data in terms of groundwater discharge between coarse-scaled satellite data and fine-scaled airborne data including a discharge quantification approach. 1) I develop a transparent, reproducible and objective semi-automatic approach us-ing a combined linear filtering and object based classification approach that bases on a medium resolution (30 m ground sampling distance) digital elevation model to extract lineaments. I demonstrate that the obtained lineaments have both, a hydrogeological and groundwater significance, that allow the derivation of potential groundwater flow-paths. These flow-paths match results of existing groundwater flow models remarkably well that validate the findings and shows the possibility to infer potential groundwater flow-paths from remote sensing data. 2) Thermal satellite data enable to identify groundwater discharge into open water bodies given a temperature contrast between groundwater and water body. Integrating a series of thermal data from different periods into a multi-temporal analysis accounts for the groundwater discharge intermittency and hence allows obtaining a representa-tive discharge picture. I analyse the constraints that arise with the multi-temporal anal-ysis (2000-2002) and show that ephemeral surface-runoff causes similar thermal anomalies as groundwater. To exclude surface-runoff influenced data I develop an au-tonomously operating method that facilitates the identification. I calculate on the re-maining surface-runoff uninfluenced data series different statistical measures on a per pixel basis to amplify groundwater discharge induced thermal anomalies. The results reveal that the range and standard deviation of the data series perform best in terms of anomaly amplification and spatial correspondence to in-situ determined spring dis-charge locations. I conclude on the reason that both mirror temperature variability that is stabilized and therefore smaller at areas where spatio-temporal constant groundwater discharge occurs. 3) The application of the before developed method on a thermal satellite data set spanning the years 2000 to 2011 enables to localise specific groundwater discharge sites and to semi-quantitatively analyse the temporal variability of the thermal anomalies (termed groundwater affected area - GAA). I identify 37 groundwater discharge sites along the entire Dead Sea coastline that refine the so far coarsely given spring areas to specific locations. All spatially match independent in-situ groundwater discharge observations and additionally indicate 15 so far unreported discharge sites. Comparing the variability of the GAA extents over time to recharge behaviour reveals analogous curve progressions with a time-shift of two years. This observation suggests that the thermally identified GAAs directly display the before only assumed groundwater discharge volume. This finding provides a serious alternative to monitor groundwater discharge over large temporal and spatial scales that is relevant for different scientific communities. From the results I furthermore conclude to observe the before only assumed and modelled groundwater discharge share from flushing of old brines during periods with an above average Dead Sea level drop. This observation implies the need to not only consider discharge from known terrestrial and submarine springs, but also from flushing of old-brines in order to calculate the total Dead Sea water budget. 4) I present a complementary airborne thermal data set recorded in 01/2011 over the north-western part of the Dead Sea coast. The higher spatial resolution allows to refine the satellite-based GAA to 72 specific groundwater discharge sites and even to specify the so far unknown abundance of submarine springs to six sites with a share of <10 % to the total groundwater discharge. A larger contribution stems from newly iden-tified seeping spring type (24 sites) where groundwater emerges diffusively either ter-restrial or submarine close to the land/water interface with a higher share to the total discharge than submarine springs provide. The major groundwater contribution origi-nates from the 42 identified terrestrial springs. For this spring type, I demonstrate that 93 % of the discharge volume can be modelled with a linear ordinary least square re-gression (R2=0.88) based on the thermal plume extents and in-situ measured discharge volumes from the Israel Hydrological Service. This result implies the possibility to determine discharge volumes at unmonitored sites along the Dead Sea coast as well that can provide a complete physically-based picture of groundwater discharge magni-tude to the Dead Sea for the first time.:1 Introduction 1.1 Remote sensing applications on groundwater 1.1.1 Classical aspects 1.1.2 Modern aspects 1.2 Motivation and main objectives 1.3 Why the western catchment of the Dead Sea? 1.4 Overview 2 The western catchment of the Dead Sea 2.1 Geological and Structural Overview 2.2 Groundwater system 2.3 Groundwater inputs 2.4 Dead Sea 3 Groundwater flow-paths 3.1 Prologue 4 Method development for groundwater discharge identification 4.1 Prologue 5 Localisation and temporal variability of groundwater discharge 5.1 Prologue 6 Qualitative and quantitative refinement of groundwater discharge 6.1 Prologue 7 Conclusion and Outlook 7.1 Main results and implications 7.2 Outlook References Appendix

Remote Sensing and GIS : Applications for Groundwater Potential Assessment in Eritrea

Solomon, Semere January 2003 (has links)
An integrated approach with remote sensing, GeographicInformation Systems (GIS) and more traditional fieldworktechniques was adopted to assess the groundwater potential inthe central highlands of Eritrea. Digitally enhanced colorcomposites and panchromatic images of Landsat TM and Spot wereinterpreted to produce thematic maps such as lithology andlineaments. The potential of the Advanced Spaceborne ThermalEmission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data forlithological and lineament mapping was evaluated. Topographicparameters such as surface curvature, slope and drainagesystems were derived from digital elevation models and used tomap landforms. Digital elevation models (DEM) derived fromcontours and acquired in the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission(SRTM) were compared in relation to location, drainage networksand lineament extraction. Fracture patterns and spacing weremeasured in the field in different rock types and compared withlineaments. Selected springs and wells were visited to studytheir topographic and hydrogeological setting. Well logs,pumping tests, water table depth in dry and wet season as wellas location of wells were collected. All thematic layersincluding hydrogeological data were integrated and analysed ina geographic information system. A groundwater potential mapwas generated and compared with yield data. Groundwaterrecharge was estimated based on water level fluctuations inlarge dug wells and chloride mass-balance method. Principal component analysis for rock type mapping providedbetter results with ASTER than with Landsat TM data. DEM datapermitted to create detailed landform maps useful torgroundwater potential assessment. DEM derived from SRTM dataare better for detection of drainage systems and linearfeatures than those derived from contours. Most of the fracturesystems corresponding to lineaments are either extensionalrelated to normal faults and dykes, or shear fractures relatedto strike-slip faults. N-S, NW-SE, WNW-ESE, NE-SW and ENE-WSWare dominant fracture orientations with often very densespacing. High yielding wells and springs are often related tolarge lineaments and corresponding structural features such asdykes. Typically wells and springs in basaltic areas havehigher yields mainly due to primary joints. Young alluvialsediments with high permeability and deeply weathered rocklayers are important for water supply especially in hydraulicconnection with fracture systems in crystalline bedrock.Groundwater potential zones demarcated through the model are inagreement with bore well yield data. The spatial distributionof groundwater potential zones shows regional patterns relatedto lithologies, lineaments, drainage systems and landforms.Recharge rates of 10 - 50 mm were estimated in this region. Theresults demonstrate that the integration of remote sensing,GIS, traditional fieldwork and models provide a powerful toolin the assessment and management of water resources anddevelopment of groundwater exploration plans. <b>Key words:</b>Remote sensing, Geographic InformationSystems, groundwater, geomorphology, Digital elevation model,lithology, hard rock, lineament, structures, hydrogeology,Eritrea

Remote Sensing and GIS : Applications for Groundwater Potential Assessment in Eritrea

Solomon, Semere January 2003 (has links)
<p>An integrated approach with remote sensing, GeographicInformation Systems (GIS) and more traditional fieldworktechniques was adopted to assess the groundwater potential inthe central highlands of Eritrea. Digitally enhanced colorcomposites and panchromatic images of Landsat TM and Spot wereinterpreted to produce thematic maps such as lithology andlineaments. The potential of the Advanced Spaceborne ThermalEmission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data forlithological and lineament mapping was evaluated. Topographicparameters such as surface curvature, slope and drainagesystems were derived from digital elevation models and used tomap landforms. Digital elevation models (DEM) derived fromcontours and acquired in the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission(SRTM) were compared in relation to location, drainage networksand lineament extraction. Fracture patterns and spacing weremeasured in the field in different rock types and compared withlineaments. Selected springs and wells were visited to studytheir topographic and hydrogeological setting. Well logs,pumping tests, water table depth in dry and wet season as wellas location of wells were collected. All thematic layersincluding hydrogeological data were integrated and analysed ina geographic information system. A groundwater potential mapwas generated and compared with yield data. Groundwaterrecharge was estimated based on water level fluctuations inlarge dug wells and chloride mass-balance method.</p><p>Principal component analysis for rock type mapping providedbetter results with ASTER than with Landsat TM data. DEM datapermitted to create detailed landform maps useful torgroundwater potential assessment. DEM derived from SRTM dataare better for detection of drainage systems and linearfeatures than those derived from contours. Most of the fracturesystems corresponding to lineaments are either extensionalrelated to normal faults and dykes, or shear fractures relatedto strike-slip faults. N-S, NW-SE, WNW-ESE, NE-SW and ENE-WSWare dominant fracture orientations with often very densespacing. High yielding wells and springs are often related tolarge lineaments and corresponding structural features such asdykes. Typically wells and springs in basaltic areas havehigher yields mainly due to primary joints. Young alluvialsediments with high permeability and deeply weathered rocklayers are important for water supply especially in hydraulicconnection with fracture systems in crystalline bedrock.Groundwater potential zones demarcated through the model are inagreement with bore well yield data. The spatial distributionof groundwater potential zones shows regional patterns relatedto lithologies, lineaments, drainage systems and landforms.Recharge rates of 10 - 50 mm were estimated in this region. Theresults demonstrate that the integration of remote sensing,GIS, traditional fieldwork and models provide a powerful toolin the assessment and management of water resources anddevelopment of groundwater exploration plans.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>Remote sensing, Geographic InformationSystems, groundwater, geomorphology, Digital elevation model,lithology, hard rock, lineament, structures, hydrogeology,Eritrea</p>

A Methodology For Detection And Evaluation Of Lineaments From Satellite Imagery

Kocal, Arman 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The discontinuities play an important role both in design and development stages of many geotechnical engineering projects. Because of that considerable time and capital should be spent to determine discontinuity sets by conventional methods. This thesis present the results of the studies associated with the application of the Remote Sensing (RS) and the development of a methodology in accurately and automatically detecting the discontinuity sets. For detection of the discontinuities, automatic lineament analysis is performed by using high resolution satellite imagery for identification of rock discontinuities. The study area is selected as an Andesite quarry area in G&ouml / lbaSi, Ankara, Turkey. For the high resolution data 8-bit Ikonos Precision Plus with 1 meter resolution orthorectified image is used. The automatic lineament extraction process is carried out with LINE module of PCI Geomatica v8.2. In order to determine the most accurate parameters of LINE, an accuracy assessment is carried out. To be the reference of the output, manual lineament extraction with directional filtering in four principal directions (N-S, E-W, NE-SW, NW-SE) is found to be the most suitable method. For the comparison of automatic lineament extraction and manual lineament extraction processes, LINECOMP program is coded in java environment. With the written code, a location and length based accuracy assessment is carried out. After the accuracy assesssment, final parameters of automatically extracted lineaments for rock discontinuity mapping for the study area are determined. Besides these, field studies carried out in the study area are also taken into consideration.

Análise, modelagem e interpretação de dados gravimétricos no lineamento Guapiara - região sudeste do estado de São Paulo /

Fernandes, Mariana Aparecida. January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: A gravimetria é um método geofísico empregado para subsidiar o entendimento de estruturas em subsuperfície contribuindo para a elucidação sobre arranjo, relações e compartimentações entre massas crustais. No presente trabalho o emprego da gravimetria auxiliou na caracterização do Lineamento Guapiara, onde ocorre um enxame de diques básicos mesozóicos subparalelos às direções N40-50W com 600 km de extensão e 20 a 100 km de largura. Os diques atravessam os terrenos pré-cambrianos e o embasamento da Faixa Ribeira e penetram na Bacia do Paraná até a altura do Rio Paraná. A elaboração de mapas de contorno isogálicos da anomalia Bouguer revelou um acentuado alto gravimétrico orientado segundo NW-SE o qual corresponde ao trend de maior concentração de diques, correlacionável ao Lineamento de Guapiara. Foram elaborados modelos crustais baseados em valores da anomalia Bouguer que caracterizam o alto gradiente gravimétrico ressaltado na área do feixe de diques, procurando reconhecer a influência do manto. Constatou-se que na região do Lineamento Guapiara ocorre um significativo afinamento da crosta, em decorrência da subida do Manto, reflexo da atividade epirogenética que representa a propagação de esforços que ocorreram na margem da placa relacionados com a tectônica divergente no interior da placa no Cretáceo / Abstract: The geophysics, particularly the gravimetry, has been used to support the understanding of subsurface structures, contributing to the elucidation of arrangement, relations and partitioning between crustal masses. In the present work, the use of gravimetry helped in the characterization of the structural framework in the region of Guapiara Lineament, where there is a swarm of mesozoic basic dykes subparallel to the directions N40-50W. The dykes cross the precambrian lands and the basement of the Ribeira Belt, and penetrate in the Parana Basin to the height of the Parana River. The confection of maps of the Bouguer Anomaly revealed a accentuated high gravimetric guided by NW-SE which corresponds to the trend of highest concentration of dykes, correlated to the Guapiara Lineament. crustal models were made based on Bouguer anomaly values that characterize the high gravimetric gradient highlighted in the beam area of dykes, to recognize the influence of the mantle. It was found that occurs in the region a significant thinning of the crust, due to the rise in the mantle, reflecting the epirogenética activity which represents the spread of efforts occurred at the edge of plate tectonics related to the divergent within the plate in the Cretaceous / Orientador: Walter Malagutti Filho / Coorientador: Maximilian Fries / Banca: João Carlos Dourado / Banca: Francisco José Fonseca Ferreira / Mestre

Análise, modelagem e interpretação de dados gravimétricos no lineamento Guapiara - região sudeste do estado de São Paulo

Fernandes, Mariana Aparecida [UNESP] 17 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-09-17Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:54:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 fernandes_ma_me_rcla.pdf: 1508467 bytes, checksum: 8b8cd50b69a9e77903b8b2d2f84a1c27 (MD5) / A gravimetria é um método geofísico empregado para subsidiar o entendimento de estruturas em subsuperfície contribuindo para a elucidação sobre arranjo, relações e compartimentações entre massas crustais. No presente trabalho o emprego da gravimetria auxiliou na caracterização do Lineamento Guapiara, onde ocorre um enxame de diques básicos mesozóicos subparalelos às direções N40-50W com 600 km de extensão e 20 a 100 km de largura. Os diques atravessam os terrenos pré-cambrianos e o embasamento da Faixa Ribeira e penetram na Bacia do Paraná até a altura do Rio Paraná. A elaboração de mapas de contorno isogálicos da anomalia Bouguer revelou um acentuado alto gravimétrico orientado segundo NW-SE o qual corresponde ao trend de maior concentração de diques, correlacionável ao Lineamento de Guapiara. Foram elaborados modelos crustais baseados em valores da anomalia Bouguer que caracterizam o alto gradiente gravimétrico ressaltado na área do feixe de diques, procurando reconhecer a influência do manto. Constatou-se que na região do Lineamento Guapiara ocorre um significativo afinamento da crosta, em decorrência da subida do Manto, reflexo da atividade epirogenética que representa a propagação de esforços que ocorreram na margem da placa relacionados com a tectônica divergente no interior da placa no Cretáceo / The geophysics, particularly the gravimetry, has been used to support the understanding of subsurface structures, contributing to the elucidation of arrangement, relations and partitioning between crustal masses. In the present work, the use of gravimetry helped in the characterization of the structural framework in the region of Guapiara Lineament, where there is a swarm of mesozoic basic dykes subparallel to the directions N40-50W. The dykes cross the precambrian lands and the basement of the Ribeira Belt, and penetrate in the Parana Basin to the height of the Parana River. The confection of maps of the Bouguer Anomaly revealed a accentuated high gravimetric guided by NW-SE which corresponds to the trend of highest concentration of dykes, correlated to the Guapiara Lineament. crustal models were made based on Bouguer anomaly values that characterize the high gravimetric gradient highlighted in the beam area of dykes, to recognize the influence of the mantle. It was found that occurs in the region a significant thinning of the crust, due to the rise in the mantle, reflecting the epirogenética activity which represents the spread of efforts occurred at the edge of plate tectonics related to the divergent within the plate in the Cretaceous

The Geomorphic Response of the Passive Continental Margin of Northern Namibia to Gondwana Break-Up and Global Scale Tectonics

Raab, Matthias Johannes 21 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Tectônica intraplaca e deformação sinsedimentar induzida por abalos sísmicos: o Lineamento Transbrasiliano e estruturas relacionadas na Província Parnaíba, Brasil / Intraplate tectonics and earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation: the Transbrasiliano Lineament and related structures in Parnaíba Province, Brazil

Chamani, Marlei Antônio Carrari 05 May 2011 (has links)
O Lineamento Transbrasiliano é uma das principais estruturas da Plataforma Sul-Americana, estendendose em território brasileiro por cerca de 2700km. Desde sua instalação, no Neoproterozóico, o lineamento sofreu diversas reativações, e evidências geofísicas mostram que este se constitui numa importante descontinuidade litosférica. O Lineamento Transbrasiliano e outras estruturas do embasamento exerceram grande influência na instalação e história deposicional das bacias sedimentares da Província Parnaíba. Zonas de fraqueza litosférica importantes, como o Lineamento Transbrasiliano, tendem a concentrar esforços remotos gerados na borda das placas, e dessa forma a ser foco de atividade tectônica e sismicidade intraplaca. Sismos intraplaca, embora pouco comuns, podem atingir magnitudes consideráveis e afetar grandes áreas, como o atestam os sismos ocorridos no início do século XIX em New Madrid, EUA. Tectônica e sismicidade intraplaca podem gerar diversos tipos de registro em bacias intracratônicas. Entre eles, se destacam os sismitos: estruturas de liquidificação produzidas em sedimentos inconsolidados submetidos a choque sísmico. Sismitos são ferramentas particularmente úteis para a reconstrução da história tectônica de bacias sedimentares; no entanto, sua caracterização e interpretação podem ser problemáticas, visto que processos não sísmicos podem induzir a formação de estruturas similares às produzidas por terremotos. Foram identificados horizontes com estruturas de deformação sinsedimentares em cinco unidades litoestratigráficas na área estudada, no sudoeste da Província Parnaíba: as formações Pimenteiras, Cabeças, Longá e Piauí (Bacia do Parnaíba) e o Grupo Areado (Bacia do Espigão-Mestre). Foi aplicada a estas feições uma metodologia para a caracterização de estruturas de deformação sinsedimentar geradas por abalos sísmicos, desenvolvida a partir de uma ampla revisão da literatura sobre o tema. A partir de sua caracterização como possíveis sismitos, as estruturas foram analisadas, visando determinar intervalos de atividade tectônica sinsedimentar, possíveis campos de paleotensões à época de sua formação e que estruturas do embasamento foram reativadas. Os resultados obtidos, embora ainda preliminares, sugerem atividade tectônica sinsedimentar em quatro episódios: no Neodevoniano (formações Pimenteiras e Cabeças), com o esforço horizontal máximo (\'Sh IND.máx\') do campo de paleotensões associado orientado segundo N-S; no Neodevoniano - Eocarbonífero (Formação Longá), com \'Sh IND.máx\' orientado segundo N60-65E; no Neocarbonífero (Formação Piauí), com \'Sh IND.máx\' orientado segundo N40E; e no Eocretáceo (Grupo Areado). Reativações do Lineamento Transbrasiliano parecem ser responsáveis pela atividade tectônica sinsedimentar, embora os lineamentos de Senador Pompeu e do Rio das Balsas possam ter sido responsáveis por parte desta atividade. / The Transbrasiliano Lineament is one of the main structures in the South American Platform, with a lenght of ca. 2700km in brazilian territory. Since its formation, in the Neoproterozoic, the lineament was reactivated several times, and geophysical evidence shows that it is a major lithospheric discontinuity. The Transbrasiliano Lineament and other basement structures played a major role on the formation and depositional history of the sedimentary basins of the Parnaíba Province. Major zones of lithospheric weakness, such as the Transbrasiliano Lineament, may concentrate remote stresses originated on the edges of tectonic plates, and so may be focus of intraplate tectonics and seismicity. Intraplate earthquakes, although uncommon, can reach large magnitudes and affect large areas, as shown by the New Madrid (USA) earthquakes, in the beginning of the XIXth century. Intraplate tectonics and seismicity may leave several types of records in intracratonic basins. Of great significance among them are seismites: liquidization structures produced in soft-sediments under seismical shock. Seismites are particularly useful in the reconstruction of the tectonic history of sedimentary basins. However, identifying and interpreting seismites can be troublesome, since non-seismical processes can generate structures similar to those produced by earthquakes. Horizons with soft-sediment deformation structures were identified in five lithostratigraphic units in the study area, on the southwest of Parnaíba Province: the Pimenteiras, Cabeças, Longá and Piauí formations (Parnaíba Basin) and the Areado Group (Espigão-Mestre Basin). A methodology for distinguishing soft-sediment deformation structures generated by seismical shock was developed from a review of the literature concerning seismites, and applied to the described strutures. Structures interpreted as seismites were analised in order to identify intervals of sinsedimentary tectonic activity, possible paleostress fields at the time of their formation and which basement strutures were reactivated. The results obtained, although still preliminary, suggests four intervals of sinsedimentary tectonic activity: during the Neodevonian (Cabeças and Pimenteiras formations), with maximum horizontal stress (\'Sh IND.max\' ) of the associated paleostress field oriented N-S; Neodevonian-Eocarboniferous (Longá Formation), with an N60-65Eoriented \'Sh IND.max\' ; Neocarboniferous (Piauí Formation), with an N40E-oriented \'Sh IND.max\'; and on Eocretaceous (Areado Group). Transbrasiliano Lineament reactivations seem to be responsible for the sinsedimentary tectonic activity, although the Senadour Pompeu and Rio das Balsas lineaments may also have played some role on these deformations.

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