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High-speed Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers And Applications In Coherent Photonic SystemsLee, Wangkuen 01 January 2007 (has links)
1.55-µm high-speed modelocked semiconductor lasers are theoretically and experimentally studied for various coherent photonic system applications. The modelocked semiconductor lasers (MSLs) are designed with high-speed (>5 GHz) external cavity configurations utilizing monolithic two-section curved semiconductor optical amplifiers. By exploiting the saturable absorber section of the monolithic device, passive or hybrid mode-locking techniques are used to generate short optical pulses with broadband optical frequency combs. Laser frequency stability is improved by applying the Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) frequency stabilization technique to the MSLs. The improved laser performance after the frequency stabilization (a frequency drifting of less than 350 MHz), is extensively studied with respect to the laser linewidth (~ 3 MHz), the relative intensity noise (RIN) (< -150 dB/Hz), as well as the modal RIN (~ 3 dB reduction). MSL to MSL, and tunable laser to MSL synchronization is demonstrated by using a dual-mode injection technique and a modulation sideband injection technique, respectively. Dynamic locking behavior and locking bandwidth are experimentally and theoretically studied. Stable laser synchronization between two MSLs is demonstrated with an injection seed power on the order of a few microwatt. Several coherent heterodyne detections based on the synchronized MSL systems are demonstrated for applications in microwave photonic links and ultra-dense wavelength division multiplexing (UD-WDM) system. In addition, efficient coherent homodyne balanced receivers based on synchronized MSLs are developed and demonstrated for a spectrally phase-encoded optical CDMA (SPE-OCDMA) system.
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Ресурсное обеспечение инновационной деятельности промышленных предприятий : магистерская диссертация / Resourcing of innovative activity of industrial enterprisesДоможирова, Д. В., Domozhirova, D. V. January 2014 (has links)
Работа посвящена совершенствованию ресурсного обеспечения инновационной деятельности промышленных предприятий в целях повышения инновационного потенциала. Представлен обзор существующих теоретических взглядов и практического опыта российских и зарубежных крупных промышленных предприятий в сфере организации инновационной деятельности. Предложена обобщенная классификация инновационных ресурсов. Проанализирована динамика распределения затрат между покупкой интеллектуальной собственности, мотивированием сотрудников к инновационной деятельности и формированием сильных информационных связей. Предложена система мотивирования сотрудников в инновационном управлении промышленных предприятий. Разработана методика определения уровня восприимчивости сотрудников к инновациям. Предложена анкета выявления “силы” внутренних информационных связей предприятия между сотрудниками низкого звена с сотрудниками высшего звена. Представлены результаты апробации предложенных методик на промышленном предприятии. / The work is devoted to the improvement of resource provision of innovative activity of industrial enterprises to enhance innovation capacity. An overview of the existing theoretical views and practical experience of Russian and foreign industrial enterprises in the innovative activity is presented. The generalized classification of innovative resources is offered. The dynamics of the allocation of costs between purchase of intellectual property rights, motivating employees to innovate and the formation of strong information links is analyzed. The system of motivation of employees in the innovation management of industrial enterprises is proposed. The technique of determining the level of susceptibility of employees to innovate is devised. The form of identifying “forces” the internal relations of the enterprise information among employees low level employees and top executives is proposed. The results of testing the proposed techniques in an industrial plant are presented.
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The link of suspension singularities and Zariski’s conjectureMendris, Robert 02 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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The LAMP language and communication screen used to support teachers to identify speech, language, and communication difficulties in four primary schools in varied social contextsNash, Marion Marie January 2014 (has links)
The research described here was inspired by a national review which concluded that too many children come into our primary schools with unmet speech and language needs (Bercow, 2008). Teachers are in a position to identify language difficulties but many have expressed uncertainty regarding their role in this process. I believed that the LAMP (Linguistic Assessment for Mapped Provision) screen for language and communication which I had developed would help teachers to identify language concerns and would also increase their professional confidence in this complex area. I had developed the LAMP screening instrument and piloted it over a 2 year period prior to this study. It is employed here as a universal screen that is used in a whole school approach in order to enable teachers to identify language need. The use of the LAMP as a universal screen applied to all the children in a school lessened the likelihood of preconceived notions impacting upon teacher’s perceptions of need in the classroom. The LAMP data allowed schools to track the progress of individual children within a class and whole school context. Teachers need to be aware of any pre-conceptions they may have in relation to the performance of children from different socio economic circumstances. The hypothesis that poverty continues to provide the weightiest detrimental effects upon children’s language development was examined and within the parameters of this study was found to be contestable. Study design: A systematic survey was conducted over 4 Primary schools using the LAMP. Rich picture data was accessed from teacher questionnaires and focus groups involving participants from the schools in the study. The repeated measures design provided information on what teachers had learned in the period of reflection between the screenings. The use of a mixed methods repeated measures design helped me to understand what was difficult for teachers and what the teachers felt would help them. The 4 schools in the study were chosen to reflect varied social contexts in order to explore any impacts of SES on the results. Analysis of data: In a repeated measures design, a LAMP screen was completed for every child across the 4 schools by their teachers in February and then June in one school year. Results of screening were analysed and compared on a range of variables using SPSS. Questionnaires were used to collect teacher perceptions before and after using the LAMP screen. Focus groups were held in the schools at the end of the study to add more information on how helpful teachers felt the process had been in raising their awareness, confidence, and skills in the identification of SLCN. Findings: The main trend observed was a decrease in levels of teacher concern related to children’s speech and language needs from the first to second screening survey. Differences were found at a statistically significant level on a range of variables. The expected differences between high and low socio-economic status (SES) schools were not found. Teachers reported increases in their awareness, confidence, and skill in identifying children’s speech language and communication concerns by the end of the study. Some changes to classroom practice were reported. Conclusions: I propose that use of the LAMP screen increased teacher awareness of the nature of language difficulty and that this heightened awareness was a key variable in the observed changes to language concern scores. The LAMP screening process was seen by schools’ staff to have had a positive effect on teacher’s skills and to be relatively easily assimilated into the school system. However some participants identified a number of challenges relating to time constraints and maintaining the use of LAMP as high profile in the context of competing time demands in their schools. It is suggested that EP services would be in a position to support schools to implement and embed the LAMP screening model as part of their Service provision. It is also proposed that economic deprivation or disadvantage did not appear to be the only important factor to consider when making funding decisions intended to support children’s linguistic competency in schools.
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Segetinės floros tyrimai ekologinio ūkininkavimo sąlygomis / Research of segetal flora in organic farming conditionsBlauzdys, Andrius 01 June 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – segetinė flora ekologinės gamybos ūkyje.
Darbo tikslas – lauko tyrimais ištirti ekologinio gamybos ūkio segetinės floros gausumą varpinių javų bei daugiamečių žolių pasėliuose.
Darbo metodai. Siekiant ištirti segetinės floros gausumą varpinių javų ir daugiamečių žolių pasėliuose, piktžolės buvo imamos iš 3 laukų: 1 – pirmų naudojimo metų dobilų ir motiejukų mišinys, 2 – avižų ir žirnių mišinys, 3 – antrų naudojimo metų daugiametės žolės (pašariniai motiejukai). 2010 metų gegužės mėnesį iš kiekvieno lauko buvo išskirta po 12 tyrimo laukelių (0,25 m2 ploto) keturiose vietose t.y. iš l m2, kiekvieno lauko pradžioje, viduryje ir pabaigoje. Išskirtuose laukeliuose piktžolės imamos tris kartus: vegetacijos pradžioje, viduryje ir pabaigoje. Piktžolės raunamos su šaknimis, nuo jų nupurtomos žemės, tą pačią dieną nustatoma kiekvieno laukelio piktžolių botaninė sudėtis ir žalioji masė. Toliau piktžolės džiovinamos saulės neapšviestoje patalpoje keletą dienų, joms išdžiūvus nustatoma orasausė masė.
Darbo rezultatai. Tirtuose varpinių javų bei daugiamečių žolių pasėliuose per visą tyrimo laikotarpį buvo aptiktos 27 piktžolių rūšys: 19 trumpaamžių ir 18 ilgaamžių. Iš trumpaamžių piktžolių vyravo: daržinė žliūgė (Stellaria media) ir dirvinis garstukas (Sinapis arvensis), o iš ilgaamžių piktžolių vyravo: dirvinė usnis (Cirsium arvense) ir dirvinė pienė (Sonchus arvensis). Piktžolių skaičius buvo didžiausias avižų ir žirnių mišinio pasėlyje – vidutiniškai 349 vnt. m-2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – segetal flora in organic farming.
The aim of the research – to perform field studies in order to investigate the abundance of segetal flora in cereal crops and perennial grasses at Agro ecological centre of Lithuanian University of Agriculture.
Methods of the research. In order to investigate the abundance of segetal flora at cereal crops and perennial, weeds were taken from three fields: 1 – the first year use of clover and timothy, 2 – oats and peas mixture, 3 – the second year use of perennial grass (timothy). 2010 May has been divided 12 research fields (0,25 m2) in four areas namely on the 1 m2 at the beginning, middle and the end of each field. Weed were taken three times: at the beginning of vegetation, in the middle and the end. Weeds are eradicated with the roots, soil taken of, each field botanical structure and green mass are determined the same day. Then weeds are dried in dark room for several days, air-dried weight determined after this.
The results of the research. Studying cereal crops and perennial grasses during the whole period were found in 27 species of weeds: 19 short and 18 long-living. Leading short-living weeds: common chickweed (Stellaria media) and wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis), dominating long-living weeds: ground thistle (Cirsium arvense), forage milk (Sonchus arvensis). Weed density was the highest in a mixture of oats and peas crop – an average of 349 unit m-2. The highest number of weeds was in the beginning of the field... [to full text]
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The effects of pore density and distribution were investigated on the fatigue crack initiation behavior in an A713 sand cast aluminum alloy plate of 12 mm thickness. The applied stress- the number of cycles to failure (S-N) curves of the samples taken from 2 mm and 5 mm from the free surface were obtained using four-point bend fatigue testing at room temperature, frequency of 20 Hz, stress ratio of 0.1, sinusoidal waveform, and in ambient air. The fatigue strengths of both, the 2 mm and 5 mm samples were 60% of the yield strength (σy=171.9 MPa) of the alloy. Optical microscopy, SEM, and EDS mapping were used to characterize pores and particles in 2 mm and 5 mm samples. The average pore sizes of the 2 mm and 5 mm samples were measured to be 10 to 14 μm, and 14 to 32 μm, respectively. The pore number densities in 5 mm and 2 mm samples were comparable, but higher number densities of non-clustered coarse pores (gas pores) were observed in 5 mm samples. The crack population found after fatigue testing showed a Weibull function of stress level. The peaks of strength distributions of fatigue weak link density of 5 mm and 2 mm samples were measured to be 0.017 mm-2 at 67.6 % σy, and 0.01027 mm-2 at 69.5% σy. Crack populations, when normalized by number densities of gas pores (non-clustered) and number densities of shrinkage pores (clustered), giving crack nucleation rate (crack/pore, mm-2), showed a good fit with the Weibull function in 2 mm and 5 mm samples. Shrinkage and gas pores could both become the main crack initiation sites (i.e. fatigue weak links) in this alloy. Higher nucleation rates of gas pores and shrinkage pores were observed in 5 mm samples compared to those rates in 2 mm samples. At high applied stresses, the 2 mm samples showed better fatigue lives than those of 5 mm samples. Fractured surfaces were analyzed using SEM and found that the main crack initiation were predominately from pores. The pores on the fractured surfaces were counted and their depth and width were measured. It was found that the cracks may not necessarily initiate from coarse pores, but sometimes from shrinkage pores (i.e. group of pores). The depth from the free surface, the width, the size, and the orientation of pores are key factors in increasing the driving force for crack initiation and subsequently those pores turn into long cracks. Moreover, the aspect ratios of pores on the main cracks were measured and found that in 5 mm samples, some pores have an aspect ratios of less than 0.7, which means that these pores are elongated in depth and have a narrow width which increase the stress concentration on the surface, thus, increasing the driving force for crack nucleation.
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Network Dynamics as an Inverse Problem / Reconstruction, Design and OptimalityCasadiego Bastidas, Jose Luis 13 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Quelles logiques d'insertion dans les pôles de compétitivité ? : Une analyse par les ressources recherchées et les liens mobilisés. les cas des pôles mer paca et pass (2006-2008). / What logic of inclusion in competitiveness "poles" ? : An analysis by suitable resources and links mobilized. The case of "poles" Mer PACA and PASS (2006-2008)Bardet, Manuela 04 November 2011 (has links)
Les pôles de compétitivité sont un espace collectif dynamique. Par conséquent, la compréhension de l’intégration des organisations au sein de ce dispositif est stratégique. Cette recherche porte sur les logiques d’insertion des acteurs au sein des pôles. La méthodologie mobilisée est basée sur l’étude qualitative de deux cas : le pôle Mer et le pôle PASS basés en région PACA. Trois niveaux de résultats sont proposés. Un premier niveau concerne l’identification des ressources recherchées par les acteurs lors de leur entrée au sein des pôles, puis, un second niveau permet d’appréhender l’intensité des liens mobilisés par les acteurs lors de leur insertion. Enfin, en nous appuyant sur les ressources recherchées et les liens inter-organisationnels mobilisés par les différents acteurs, un troisième niveau de résultats nous permet d’identifier trois logiques d’insertion : technologique, économique et politique. / Clusters are a dynamic collective space. Therefore, understanding the integration of organizations within this system is strategic. This research focuses on logic then insert the actors in the “pôles”. Mobilized the methodology is based on the qualitative study of two cases: the “pôle” PASS and Mer based in the PACA region. Three levels of results are available. The first level concerns the identification of resources sought by the players when they enter in the pin, then a second level, capture both the intensity of ties mobilized by the actors during their insertion. Finally, drawing on the resources sought and inter-organizational linkages mobilized by different actors, a third level of results allows us to identify three logical integration: technological, economic and political.
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Úroveň základních matematických dovedností aspirantů studia geografie bakalářského stupně / The level of basic mathematical skills of aspirants studying geography of the bachelor degreeHrubá, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with problems of mathematical skills. Unlike previous research carried out in Czech education, this diploma thesis focuses on university students. Specifically, the focus is on aspirants of the bachelor degree studying geography at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague. The main aim of this work is to determine the mathematical skills, with which students have the greatest problems, if these problematical skills change over time, whether they are problematic independently of the group of the students or each student group has problems with other mathematical skills. In order to meet the goals the credit tests of mathematical geography were used. Because this type of test is not commonly used to determine the level of mathematical skills, it was necessary to develop an own assessment methodology. In total, 1920 credit tests were analyzed from the six academic years 2011/2012 to 2016/2017. The results show that the most problematic mathematical skills are "unit transfers", "using the appropriate formula in the correct form" and "calculating the angles". GeKa + FGG and UZ students also have problems with "formulating a verbal answer or reasoning". All studied study fields did together the smallest proportion of mistakes in mathematical skill "expression the...
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Mining user behavior in location-based social networks / Mineração do comportamento de usuários em redes sociais baseadas em localizaçãoRebaza, Jorge Carlos Valverde 18 August 2017 (has links)
Online social networks (OSNs) are Web platforms providing different services to facilitate social interaction among their users. A particular kind of OSNs is the location-based social network (LBSN), which adds services based on location. One of the most important challenges in LBSNs is the link prediction problem. Link prediction problem aims to estimate the likelihood of the existence of future friendships among user pairs. Most of the existing studies in link prediction focus on the use of a single information source to perform predictions, i.e. only social information (e.g. social neighborhood) or only location information (e.g. common visited places). However, some researches have shown that the combination of different information sources can lead to more accurate predictions. In this sense, in this thesis we propose different link prediction methods based on the use of different information sources naturally existing in these networks. Thus, we propose seven new link prediction methods using the information related to user membership in social overlapping groups: common neighbors within and outside of common groups (WOCG), common neighbors of groups (CNG), common neighbors with total and partial overlapping of groups (TPOG), group naïve Bayes (GNB), group naïve Bayes of common neighbors (GNB-CN), group naïve Bayes of Adamic-Adar (GNB-AA) and group naïve Bayes of Resource Allocation (GNB-RA). Due to that social groups exist naturally in networks, our proposals can be used in any type of OSN.We also propose new eight link prediction methods combining location and social information: Check-in Observation (ChO), Check-in Allocation (ChA), Within and Outside of Common Places (WOCP), Common Neighbors of Places (CNP), Total and Partial Overlapping of Places (TPOP), Friend Allocation Within Common Places (FAW), Common Neighbors of Nearby Places (CNNP) and Nearby Distance Allocation (NDA). These eight methods are exclusively for work in LBSNs. Obtained results indicate that our proposals are as competitive as state-of-the-art methods, or better than they in certain scenarios. Moreover, since our proposals tend to be computationally more efficient, they are more suitable for real-world applications. / Redes sociais online (OSNs) são plataformas Web que oferecem serviços para promoção da interação social entre usuários. OSNs que adicionam serviços relacionados à geolocalização são chamadas redes sociais baseadas em localização (LBSNs). Um dos maiores desafios na análise de LBSNs é a predição de links. A predição de links refere-se ao problema de estimar a probabilidade de conexão futura entre pares de usuários que não se conhecem. Grande parte das pesquisas que focam nesse problema exploram o uso, de maneira isolada, de informações sociais (e.g. amigos em comum) ou de localização (e.g. locais comuns visitados). Porém, algumas pesquisas mostraram que a combinação de diferentes fontes de informação pode influenciar o incremento da acurácia da predição. Motivado por essa lacuna, neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos diferentes métodos para predição de links combinando diferentes fontes de informação. Assim, propomos sete métodos que usam a informação relacionada à participação simultânea de usuários en múltiples grupos sociais: common neighbors within and outside of common groups (WOCG), common neighbors of groups (CNG), common neighbors with total and partial overlapping of groups (TPOG), group naïve Bayes (GNB), group naïve Bayes of common neighbors (GNB-CN), group naïve Bayes of Adamic-Adar (GNB-AA), e group naïve Bayes of Resource Allocation (GNB-RA). Devido ao fato que a presença de grupos sociais não está restrita a alguns tipo de redes, essas propostas podem ser usadas nas diversas OSNs existentes, incluindo LBSNs. Também, propomos oito métodos que combinam o uso de informações sociais e de localização: Check-in Observation (ChO), Check-in Allocation (ChA), Within and Outside of Common Places (WOCP), Common Neighbors of Places (CNP), Total and Partial Overlapping of Places (TPOP), Friend Allocation Within Common Places (FAW), Common Neighbors of Nearby Places (CNNP), e Nearby Distance Allocation (NDA). Tais propostas são para uso exclusivo em LBSNs. Os resultados obtidos indicam que nossas propostas são tão competitivas quanto métodos do estado da arte, podendo até superá-los em determinados cenários. Ainda mais, devido a que na maioria dos casos nossas propostas são computacionalmente mais eficientes, seu uso resulta mais adequado em aplicações do mundo real.
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