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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strain quantifications in different tectonic scales using numerical modelling

Fuchs, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on calculation of finite and progressive deformation in different tectonic scales using 2D numerical models with application to natural cases. Essentially, two major tectonic areas have been covered: a) salt tectonics and b) upper mantle deformation due to interaction between the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The focus in salt tectonics lies on deformation within down-built diapirs consisting of a source layer feeding a vertical stem. Three deformation regimes have been identified within the salt: (I) a squeezing channel flow underneath the overburden, (II) a corner flow underneath the stem, and (III) a pure channel flow within the stem. The results of the model show that the deformation pattern within the stem of a diapir (e.g. symmetric or asymmetric) can reveal information on different rates of salt supplies from the source layer (e.g. observed in Klodowa-diapir, Poland). Composite rock salt rheology results in strong localization and amplification of the strain along the salt layer boundaries in comparison to Newtonian rock salt. Flow and fold structures of passive marker lines are directly correlated to natural folds within a salt diapir. In case of the upper mantle, focus lies on deformation and resulting lattice preferred orientation (LPO) underneath an oceanic plate. Sensitivity of deformation and seismic anisotropy on rheology, grain size (d), temperature (T), and kinematics (v) has been investigated. The results of the model show that the mechanical lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is strongly controlled by T and less so by v or d. A higher strain concentration within the asthenosphere (e.g. for smaller potential mantle temperatures, higher plate velocities, or smaller d) indicates a weaker coupling between the plate and the underlying mantle, which becomes stronger with the age of the plate. A Poiseuille flow within the asthenosphere, significantly affects the deformation and LPO in the upper mantle. The results of the model show, that deformation in the upper mantle at a certain distance away from the ridge depends on the absolute velocity in the asthenosphere. However, only in cases of a driving upper mantle base does the seismic anisotropy and delay times reach values within the range of natural data.

How do mantle plumes help to thin and break up the lithosphere? / Comment un panache mantellique peut-il aider à diminuer la lithosphère ?

Agrusta, Roberto 12 December 2012 (has links)
On propose traditionnellement que les panaches mantelliques jouent un rôle important dans l'amincissement de la lithosphère. Des données sismologiques sous Hawaïi et Cape Verde suggèrent une limite lithosphère-asthénosphère (LAB) jusqu'à 50 km plus superficielle qu'autour. Des modèles numériques ont montré, en effet, qu'une convection à petite échelle (SSC, pour small-scale convection) dans la couche à faible viscosité formée à la base de la lithosphère par l'accumulation de la matière des panaches peut être un mécanisme efficace d'érosion du manteau lithosphérique. Cependant, ces modèles montrent que, si la plaque se déplace, l'érosion thermo-mécanique de la lithosphère ne dépasse pas 30 km. Afin de mieux étudier les interactions panache/lithosphère, et d'ainsi caractériser les paramètres contrôlant cette érosion, nous avons effectué des simulations numériques en 2D qui utilisent un modèle pétro-thermomécanique basé sur des approches en différences finies associées à des marqueurs actifs. Nous avons focalisé sur : (1) la dynamique de la SSC dans la couche à faible viscosité formée par étalement du panache à la base de la lithosphère et (2) l'effet de la fusion partielle sur cette dynamique. La plaque lithosphérique et le manteau sous-jacent sont caractérisés par une composition péridotitique homogène à viscosité newtonienne dépendante de la température et de la pression. Une vitesse constante, comprise entre 5 et 12,5 cm/an, est imposée au sommet de la plaque. Les panaches sont créés en imposant une anomalie thermique de 150 à 350 K en base du modèle (700 km de profondeur). La fusion partielle est calculée à partir d'un paramétrization des solidus et liquidus pour la fusion anhydre des péridotites. Nous modélisons la déplétion de la péridotite et son effet sur la fusion partielle en supposant que le degré de fusion ne peut qu'augmenter au cours du temps. Le liquide est accumulé jusqu'à un seuil et la masse fondue en excès est extraite instantanément. La rhéologie de la péridotite partiellement fondue est déterminée utilisant une constitutive relation basée sur un modèle de contiguïté, qui permet de prendre en compte les effets de la distribution de matière liquide à l'échelle de grain. La densité varie en fonction du degré de fusion partielle et de la déplétion du résidu solide. Nous analysons la cinématique du panache lors de son interaction avec une plaque mobile, la dynamique de la convection à petite-échelle (SSC) et le rajeunissement thermique de la lithosphère qui en résulte. Le temps de démarrage et la vigueur de la SSC et, par conséquent, le nouvel état d'équilibre thermique de la lithosphère à l'aplomb du panache dépendent du nombre de Rayleigh (Ra) dans la couche instable à la base de la lithosphère, qui est contrôlé par l'anomalie de température et la rhéologie dans cette couche. Pour des panaches chauds et vigoureux, le démarrage de la SSC ne dépend pas de la vitesse de la plaque. Pour des panaches plus faibles, le temps de démarrage diminue avec l'augmentation de la vitesse de la plaque. Ce comportement est expliqué par une différence dans la structure thermique de la lithosphère, due à des échanges diffusifs à la base lithosphère plus efficaces pour des panaches lents. La diminution de la viscosité associée à la présence de magma et la diminution de la densité du résidu solide accélèrent le démarrage et accroissent la vigueur de la SSC, entraînant une érosion plus efficace et plus proche du point d'impact de panache sous la lithosphère. / Mantle plumes are traditionally proposed to play an important role in thinning the lithosphere. Seismic images beneath Hawaii and Cape Verde, for instance, show a lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) up to 50 km shallower than the surroundings. However, previous numerical modeling of plume-lithosphere interaction implies that unless the plate is stationary the thermo-mechanical erosion of the lithosphere does not exceed 30 km. We used 2D petrological-thermo-mechanical numerical models based on a finite-difference method on a staggered grid and marker in cell method to further study the plume-lithosphere interaction. We focused on: (1) analyzing the dynamics of the small-scale convection (SSC) in the plume wake as a function of the plume vigor and plate velocity and (2) quantifying the effect of partial melting on this SSC. A homogeneous peridotite composition with a Newtonian temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity is used to simulate both the plate and the convective mantle. A constant velocity, ranging from 5 to 12.5 cm/yr, is imposed at the top of the plate. Plumes are created by imposing a thermal anomaly of 150 to 350 K on a 50 km wide domain at the base of the model (700 km depth); the plate right above the thermal anomaly is 40 Myr old. Partial melting is modeled using the batch-melting solidus and liquidus in anhydrous conditions. We model the progressive depletion of peridotite and its effect on partial melting by assuming that the melting degree only strictly increases through time. Melt is accumulated until a porosity threshold is reached and the excess melt is instantaneously extracted. The rheology of the partially molten peridotite is determined using a viscous constitutive relationship based on a contiguity model, which enables to take into account the effects of grain-scale melt distribution. The density varies as a function of the melt fraction and of the depletion of the residue. We analyze the kinematics of the plume as it impacts a moving plate, the dynamics of time-dependent small-scale convection (SSC) instabilities developing in the low-viscosity layer formed by spreading of hot plume material at the lithosphere base, and the resulting thermal rejuvenation of the lithosphere. The onset time and the vigor of SSC and, hence, the new equilibrium thermal state of the lithosphere atop the plume wake depends on the Rayleigh number (Ra) in the unstable layer at the base of the lithosphere, which is controlled by the temperature anomaly and rheology in the plume-fed layer. For vigorous, hot plumes, SSC onset times do not depend on plate velocity. For more sluggish plumes, SSC onset times decrease with increasing plate velocity. This behavior is explained by differences in the thermal structure of the lithosphere, due to variations in the spreading behavior of the plume material at the lithosphere base. Reduction of the viscosity in partial molten domains and decrease in density of the depleted residuum accelerate and enhance the vigor of small-scale convection in the plume-fed low-viscosity layer at the lithosphere base. It also reduces SSC onset times, leading to more effective erosion closer to the plume-lithosphere impact.

Interactions lithosphère – asthénosphère et mouvements verticaux : le cas du massif du Hoggar / Lithosphere - asthenosphere interactions and vertical movements : the Hoggar mountains case

Rougier, Sylvain 14 December 2012 (has links)
La topographie de l’Afrique du Nord est marquée en domaine intraplaque par des bombements topographiques importants, associés à du magmatisme cénozoïque. Le Bouclier Touareg, un de ces bombements, est constitué d’un socle précambrien structuré à l’orogénèse panafricaine et culminant à plus de 2400 m d’altitude. Les séries paléozoïques affleurent actuellement sous forme de cuestas autour de ce bombement topographique. Localement, des témoins sédimentaires d’âge présumé crétacé, en discordance sur le socle précambrien, traduisent l’affleurement de celui-ci au Mésozoïque. Le volcanisme cénozoïque, qui se met également en place sur le socle, est actif entre 35 Ma et aujourd’hui. Afin de mieux contraindre l’évolution du Bouclier Touareg durant le Phanérozoïque, nous avons mené deux études : des travaux de modélisation géophysique, et une étude de thermochronologie basse température. L’étude géophysique a consisté en la modélisation de quatre profils longue distance permettant d’imager la structure lithosphérique. Nous avons montré que le bombement du Hoggar est actuellement soutenu par un important amincissement lithosphérique. En outre, nous avons estimé que sans cet amincissement, la topographie serait négative : le bassin ainsi reconstitué avant amincissement de la lithosphère aurait permis le dépôt d’une couverture sédimentaire d’épaisseur plurikilométrique. L’étude de thermochronologie basse température s’est portée sur deux méthodes : les analyses de traces de fission sur apatite, et les analyses (U-Th)/He sur apatite. Les analyses (U-Th)/He ont montré que le socle du Bouclier Touareg, avant d’avoir subi une importante exhumation à l’Eocène Supérieur, étant enseveli sous une couverture sédimentaire et chauffé à approximativement ~80°C. Les analyses de traces de fission ont permis de préciser que cette phase de chauffe, probablement sous couverture sédimentaire, du Bouclier Touareg a eu lieu entre 100 et 50 Ma. Ainsi, le bombement du Hoggar constituait probablement un bassin sédimentaire de grande dimension au cours du Crétacé supérieur/Paléocène. Ces résultats nous ont permis de discuter des mécanismes géodynamiques possiblement actifs durant le Cénozoïque. Nous proposons que le bombement actuel du Bouclier Touareg, ainsi que son magmatisme, soient liés à des perturbations thermiques des parties superficielles de l’asthénosphère. Ces perturbations seraient induites par d’importantes variations d’épaisseur de la lithosphère saharienne, et pourraient expliquer la présence d’autres bombements en Afrique du Nord. / The North-African intraplate topography is underlined by massive topographic swells associated with Cenozoic volcanism. The Tuareg Shield, which is one of these swells, consists of Precambrian basement which has been structured by the Pan-African orogeny and reaches currently an altitude of 2400 m. The Paleozoic sedimentary series are outcropping as important cuestas surrounding the topographic swell. Locally, some Mesozoic sedimentary remnants, lying unconformably over the basement, testify of its exposure during the Mesozoic. The Cenozoic volcanism, which is also taking place on the basement, shows ages from 35 Ma to Quaternary. In order to improve the knowledge of the Phanerozoic evolution of the Tuareg Shield, we performed two separated studies: geophysical modelling works, and a low temperature thermochronology study. The geophysical study consisted of the modelling of four long-distance profiles allowing imaging the lithospheric structure. We have shown that the Tuareg Shield swell is currently sustained by a strong lithospheric thinning. Moreover, we have estimated that without this thinning, the topography would be negative and that such basin, prior to thinning, would have allowed the deposition of a plurikilometric sedimentary cover. The low temperature thermochronological study has focused on two methods: apatite fission-track analysis, and apatite (U-Th)/He analysis. The latter shown that the Tuareg Shield, before an important Late Eocene exhumation, was buried under a sedimentary cover and heated at ~80°C. The fission-track analyses have shown that this heating stage of the Tuareg Shield, related to burying, occurred from 100 and 50 Ma. Thus, the Tuareg Shield was probably a wide scale sedimentary basin during the Upper Cretaceous – Paleocene. These results allowed us to discuss the geodynamic mechanisms potentially active during the Cenozoic. We proposed that the current doming of the Tuareg Shield, as well as its volcanism, were related to thermal perturbations of the shallower levels of the asthenosphere. These instabilities would have been generated by strong Saharan lithospheric thickness variations, and could explain the presence of others swells in North Africa.

Modelling and inversion of magnetotelluric data for 2-D and 3-D lithospheric structure, with application to obducted and subducted terranes.

Thiel, Stephan January 2008 (has links)
The thesis presents the application of the magnetotelluric (MT) sounding method to image Earth’s crust in Oman and South Australia. The aim of these MT surveys is to provide constraints on the geological interpretation of emplacement scenarios and the tectonic evolution of the geological domain. The thesis concentrates on the methodological aspects of the MT technique, e.g. the data analysis and modelling of electromagnetic fields. The phase tensor approach by Caldwell et al. (2004) is applied to the data and provides insights into the dimensionality of the MT data in even complex and electrically distorted terranes. Modelling and inversion of the MT data is performed with various 2-D and 3-D codes to show how the interpretation of the data can benefit from multiple modelling approaches. Data collected in a 2-D survey across the Oman ophiolite mountains show complex behaviour and 2-D inversion and 3-D forward modelling resolve ambiguities in the emplacement scenario of the Oman ophiolite. It is believed that initial underthrusting of the Jurassic-Cretaceous oceanic lithosphere was followed by exhumation. Further oceanic thrusting subsequently led to rising of lower-plate eclogites and eventually gravitational collapse of the ophiolite onto the margin (Gray et al., 2000). The 3-D inversion code by (Siripunvaraporn et al., 2005a) was expanded to incorporate static shift corrections and inversion model misfits have therefore improved significantly compared to inversion models without static shift correction. 2-D and 3-D surveys across the South Australian Gawler Craton reveal deep crustal conductors which are connected to near surface mineralisation systems of the IOCG Olympic Dam deposit in the north-eastern part of the craton and the Au-dominated central Gawler Craton provinces. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2008

Modelling of diamond precipitation from fluids in the lower mantle

Crossingham, Alexandra 07 June 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Déformation et anisotropie sismique sous les frontières de plaques décrochantes en domaine continental / Deformation and seismic anisotropy beneath continental transform plate boundaries

Bonnin, Mickaël 30 November 2011 (has links)
Le travail réalisé pendant cette thèse a permis d'apporter de nouvelles contraintes sur le développement et la distribution de la déformation dans le manteau supérieur et plus particulièrement au niveau des grandes limites de plaques décrochantes. Grâce à l'apport de l'expérience USArray et d'une dizaine d'années d'enregistrements sismologiques supplémentaires, nous avons pu étudier, de manière précise, les variations d'anisotropie dans le voisinage de la Faille de San Andreas. Nous avons confirmé et étendu l'observation de deux couches anisotropes sous cette limite de plaque. On y observe une première couche localisée dans la lithosphère marquant la déformation induite à la limite de plaque, et une autre, asthénosphérique, cohérente avec l'anisotropie observée loin de la faille et d'origine plus discutée. Nous avons montré que la zone de déformation associée aux failles de San Andreas, Calaveras et d'Hayward a, vraisemblablement, une largeur d'au moins 40 kilomètres en base de lithosphère, sous chacune de ces failles. Nous avons ensuite procédé à la modélisation thermomécanique (ADELI) de la migration d'une limite de plaques décrochante couplée à une modélisation du développement de fabriques cristallographiques par une approche viscoplastique auto-cohérente (VPSC). Ceci nous a permis d'y observer le développement de la déformation et les conséquences des possibles interactions entre la déformation décrochante en surface et le cisaillement en base de lithosphère dû au déplacement horizontal des plaques. Les propriétés élastiques déduites des fabriques cristallographiques modélisées montrent que de telles interactions existent et provoquent, sous la limite de plaques, une rotation des orientations cristallographiques avec la profondeur. Le signal associé à ces rotations progressives n'est toutefois pas cohérent avec la présence de deux couches d'anisotropie comme proposée sous la faille de San Andreas. Nous pensons par conséquent qu'il existe, sous la Californie, une zone de découplage entre la lithosphère et l'asthénosphère, permettant d'individualiser une déformation lithosphérique d'une déformation asthénosphérique. Nous estimons, en outre, que l'anisotropie observée dans l'asthénosphère sous la Californie ne peut être expliquée seulement par le cisaillement induit par le déplacement de la lithosphère Nord Amérique. En effet, les propriétés anisotropes obtenues par modélisation à partir d'une plaque se déplaçant dans une direction et une vitesse proche de celle de la plaque Amérique du Nord montrent qu'on ne peut espérer guère plus que quelques dixièmes de seconde de délai au bout de 10 Ma de déplacement. Les déphasages mesurés en Californie étant de l'ordre de 1,5 s, il est donc nécessaire d'invoquer la présence d'écoulements mantelliques actifs sous cette région / This work provides new constraints on the development and on the distribution of the deformation in the upper mantle and particularly beneath transform plate boundaries. USArray experiment and the remarkable increase of the dataset in California for the past ten years allowed us to scrutinize the lateral variations of the anisotropy in the vicinity of the San Andreas Fault zone. We have confirmed and increased the detection of two layers of anisotropy beneath this plate boundary. The first layer, located in the lithosphere, is related to the deformation induced at the fault, and the other one, located in the asthenosphere, is coherent with the anisotropy observed far from it, its origin is however less clear. We show that the deformation zone associated both to the San Andreas, Calaveras and Hayward Faults, is likely 40 km wide at 70 km depth. We then performed numerical thermomechanical modeling (ADELI) of the displacement of a transform plate boundary associated with the computation of the development of crystallographic fabrics using a viscoplastic self-consistent approach (VPSC). We analyzed the distribution of the deformation in the model ant looked after the possible interactions at depth between deformation caused at surface by the strike-slip dynamic of the fault and the shearing at the base of the lithosphere caused by the horizontal displacement of the plates. Elastic properties derived from the crystallographic fabrics modeled, show that such interactions exist and induce, beneath the fault zone, a progressive rotation of the crystallographic fabrics with depth. Seismological signature of these smooth rotations is however not relevant with the presence of two anisotropic layers as proposed beneath California. We thus consider that a decoupling zone exists between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere beneath the California to account for the sharp separation between a lithospheric and an asthenospheric deformation. We furthermore estimate that anisotropy observed far form the San Andreas Fault in California cannot be explained only by the drag of the asthenosphere by the North America lithosphere as proposed in our article. Indeed, we can only expect few tenths of second of splitting delay from the anisotropic properties derived from the numerical modeling of a plate moving in the same direction and in the same velocity than the North American lithosphere only for 10 Ma of displacement. As delays observed in California rather reach 1.5 s, anisotropy in this region thus requires the existence of an active asthenospheric flow to be explained.

Seismic and numerical constraints on the formation and evolution of ocean lithosphere

Mark, Hannah F. January 2019 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2019 / Cataloged from PDF of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (pages 151-174). / This thesis explicates aspects of the basic structure of oceanic lithosphere that are shaped by the processes that form the lithosphere. The strength of lithospheric plates relative to the underlying mantle enables the surface plate motions and plate boundary processes that characterize plate tectonics on Earth. Surprisingly, we have a relatively poor understanding of the physical mechanisms that make the lithosphere strong relative to the asthenosphere, and we lack a reference model for ordinary lithospheric structure that can serve as a baseline for comparing geophysical observations across locations. Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis investigate the seismic structure of a portion of the Pacific plate where the simple tectonic history of the plate suggests that its structure can be used as a reference model for oceanic lithosphere. We present measurements of shallow azimuthal seismic anisotropy, and of a seismic discontinuity in the upper mantle, that reflect the effects of shear deformation and melting processes involved in the formation of the lithosphere at mid-ocean ridges. Chapter 4 uses numerical models to explore factors controlling fault slip behavior on normal faults that accommodate tectonic extension during plate formation. / by Hannah F. Mark. / Ph. D. / Ph.D. Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Geophysical and petrological constraints on ocean plate dynamics

Sarafian, Emily Kathryn January 2017 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2017. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references. / This thesis investigates the formation and subsequent motion of oceanic lithospheric plates through geophysical and petrological methods. Ocean crust and lithosphere forms at mid-ocean ridges as the underlying asthenosphere rises, melts, and flows away from the ridge axis. In Chapters 2 and 3, I present the results from partial melting experiments of mantle peridotite that were conducted in order to examine the mantle melting point, or solidus, beneath a mid-ocean ridge. Chapter 2 determines the peridotite solidus at a single pressure of 1.5 GPa and concludes that the oceanic mantle potential temperature must be -60 °C hotter than current estimates. Chapter 3 goes further to provide a more accurate parameterization of the anhydrous mantle solidus from experiments over a range of pressures. This chapter concludes that the range of potential temperatures of the mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges and plumes is smaller than currently estimated. Once formed, the oceanic plate moves atop the underlying asthenosphere away from the ridge axis. Chapter 4 uses seafloor magnetotelluric data to investigate the mechanism responsible for plate motion at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. The resulting two dimensional conductivity model shows a simple layered structure. By applying petrological constraints, I conclude that the upper asthenosphere does not contain substantial melt, which suggests that either a thermal or hydration mechanism supports plate motion. Oceanic plate motion has dramatically changed the surface of the Earth over time, and evidence for ancient plate motion is obvious from detailed studies of the longer lived continental lithosphere. In Chapter 5, I investigate past plate motion by inverting magnetotelluric data collected over eastern Zambia. The conductivity model probes the Zambian lithosphere and reveals an ancient subduction zone previously suspected from surface studies. This chapter elucidates the complex lithospheric structure of eastern Zambia and the geometry of the tectonic elements in the region, which collided as a result of past oceanic plate motion. Combined, the chapters of this thesis provide critical constraints on ocean plate dynamics. / by Emily Kathryn Sarafian. / Ph. D.

Geophysical and geochemical constraints on the evolution of oceanic lithosphere from formation to subduction

Horning, Gregory (Gregory William) January 2017 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2017. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (pages 104-115). / This thesis investigates the evolution of the oceanic lithosphere in a broad sense from formation to subduction, in a focused case at the ridge, and in a focused case proximal to subduction. In general, alteration of the oceanic lithosphere begins at the ridge through focused and diffuse hydrothermal flow, continues off axis through low temperature circulation, and may occur approaching subduction zones as bending related faulting provides fluid pathways. In Chapter 2 1 use a dataset of thousands of microearthquakes recorded at the Rainbow massif on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge to characterize the processes which are responsible for the long-term, high-temperature, hydrothermal discharge found hosted in this oceanic core complex. I find that the detachment fault responsible for the uplift of the massif is inactive and that the axial valleys show no evidence for faulting or active magma intrusion. I conclude that the continuous, low-magnitude seismicity located in diffuse pattern in a region with seismic velocities indicating ultramafic host rock suggests that serpentinization may play a role in microearthquake generation but the seismic network was not capable of providing robust focal mechanism solutions to constrain the source characteristics. In Chapter 3 I find that the Juan de Fuca plate, which represents the young/hot end-member of oceanic plates, is lightly hydrated at upper crustal levels except in regions affected by propagator wakes where hydration of lower crust and upper mantle is evident. I conclude that at the subduction zone the plate is nearly dry at upper mantle levels with the majority of water contained in the crust. Finally, in Chapter 4 I examine samples of cretaceous age serpentinite sampled just before subduction at the Puerto Rico Trench. I show that these upper mantle rocks were completely serpentinized under static conditions at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Further, they subsequently underwent 100 Ma of seafloor weathering wherein the alteration products of serpentinization themselves continue to be altered. I conclude that complete hydration of the upper mantle is not the end point in the evolution of oceanic lithosphere as it spreads from the axis to subduction. / by Gregory Horning. / Ph. D.

Analysis of Upper Mantle Reflections Beneath the Trans-Uralian and East-Uralian Zones of the Ural Mountains, Russia

Anderson, Michael D. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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