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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳平軒 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣在加入WTO後,農業部門勢所難免的會遭受到嚴重衝擊,發展被替代性低的休閒觀光農業,是可以讓農業提昇競爭力的方法之一。而伴隨著農業旅遊活動,住宿的需求必然也隨之出現,惟為避免大規模的興建住宿設施而破壞了農業生產環境及自然生態,小規模的開發及利用現有的農宅,增建改建為住(民)宿設施,不僅能吸引並留住旅遊人潮,以活絡農村經濟,亦可增進遊客對於農業及農村的體驗。 本研究初步得到以下結果:(一)針對前來住宿本休閒農場遊客的基本個人特質調查可知:1.遊客以男性略多於女性,2.大部份為青壯年人口為主,3.教育程度以大學、專科為最多,4.在工作類型上以從事服務業、商業者為主,來此的遊客多為中產階級。(二)就旅遊屬性來看,1.前來住宿庄腳所在休閒農場的遊客,主要是由親友及看旅遊雜誌的介紹而來,2.以第一次來的遊客為最多,3.同伴性質多以3-5人的家庭團體活動為主,4.所花費的交通時間則以1-2小時為最主要,5.多為自行開車前來。(三)在遊客所重視之休閒農場住(民)宿設施而言,以「房間乾淨、氣味適宜、整齊」、「床墊的狀況」、「自然光及空氣流通」等三項是為遊客所最重視,另外遊客最重視之住(民)宿服務項目分為「房價收費合理」、「民宿主人的親切感」、「民宿主人提供休閒農場資訊的完整性」等三項。(四)本研究針對個人屬性中之性別、年齡、教育程度、工作類型、個人收入,檢定與遊客最重視之住(民)宿設施與服務的差異性;由分析結果得知,在住(民)宿設施部分,年齡、工作類型達到顯著水準0.05,表示這些因子具有獨立性質,其餘則未具獨立性。至於住(民)宿服務部分,則是個人收入此項因子達到顯著水準0.05。(五)對住宿本休閒農場之遊客,本研究將遊客滿意度分為對寢室、盥洗室、整體形象、農場主、服務與休閒等五項分項滿意度,其中以對「寢室的滿意度」最高,其次為對「整體形象的滿意度」。至於研究假設驗證方面:(一)以卡方檢定將遊客個人屬性中之性別、年齡、教育程度、工作類型、個人收入,與其所最重視的住(民)宿設施與服務認知間進行獨立性檢定後發現,1.在住(民)宿設施部分,所有的年齡層最重視的住(民)宿設施項目均以「房間乾淨、氣味適宜、整齊」最高。2.各職業分類中,其所最重視之住(民)宿設施項目仍認為「房間乾淨、氣味適宜、整齊」是最重要的。3.至於住(民)宿服務部分,性別、年齡、教育程度、工作類型、個人收入等五項因子中,僅有個人收入一項達到顯著水準。(二)利用單因子變異數分析檢測個人特性與其對各個分項滿意度間差異性的分析發現:1.不同年齡層的遊客對於「整體形象滿意度」及「農場主滿意度」會有所差異。2.不同教育程度的遊客對於「寢室滿意度」、「整體形象滿意度」、「服務與休閒滿意度」會有所差異。(三)以線性相關分析檢測各分項滿意度與總滿意度間呈現顯著正相關性。

Evolution of Digital Reinstatement Methods Within Private Cadastral Organisations

Steggall, Stephen William January 2001 (has links)
Cadastral reinstatement methods within Queensland involve the use of modern digital surveying techniques in combination with traditional non-digital methods of recording and reporting information. This leads to the need to manually enter and re-enter data into a digital format at different stages of a survey. The requirement to lodge survey information with government organisations in a non-digital survey plan format also forces a break in digital data flow throughout the cadastral surveying system, which can only be updated by changes in the lodgement regulations. The private cadastral organisations are predominantly responsible for carrying out the cadastral surveys and the government agencies are primarily responsible for the examination, verification and administration of the cadastral data. These organisations will have no communication link for digital cadastral data until the introduction of digital data lodgement. The digital system within the private cadastral surveying organisations can therefore be considered to be an independent system with consideration needed to be given to the future introduction of a digital lodgement system at some undefined time in the future. Cadastral surveyors hold large amounts of digital information that is suitable for digital reinstatement systems. This information, if appropriately archived and distributed, has the capacity to meet the needs of reinstatement systems including as an alternative source of digital information that will eventually be obtained from digital lodgement systems. The existing technology and the private organisation structures are capable of supporting continuous digital data flow and automated systems. This research proposes a process of development for private cadastral organisations to advance from traditional systems to continuous digital data flow and automated processes within their cadastral reinstatement systems. The development process is linked to existing legislation and technology taking into consideration likely future directions. The current legislative and technological environments within Queensland allow for development towards automated digital systems that will enhance most current cadastral reinstatement systems.

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