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Temporal logicsHorne, Tertia 09 1900 (has links)
We consider a number of temporal logics, some interval-based and some instant-based, and the choices that have to be made if we need to construct a computational framework for such a logic. We consider the axiomatisation of the accessibility relations of the underlying temporal structures when we are using a modal language as well as the formulation of axioms for distinguishing concepts like actions, events, processes and so on for systems using first-order languages. Finally, we briefly discuss the fields of application of temporal logics and list a number of fields that looks promising for further research. / Computer Science and Information Systems / M.Sc.(Computer Science)
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Lógicas probabilísticas com relações de independência: representação de conhecimento e aprendizado de máquina. / Probabilistic logics with independence relationships: knowledge representation and machine learning.José Eduardo Ochoa Luna 17 May 2011 (has links)
A combinação de lógica e probabilidade (lógicas probabilísticas) tem sido um tópico bastante estudado nas últimas décadas. A maioria de propostas para estes formalismos pressupõem que tanto as sentenças lógicas como as probabilidades sejam especificadas por especialistas. Entretanto, a crescente disponibilidade de dados relacionais sugere o uso de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina para produzir sentenças lógicas e estimar probabilidades. Este trabalho apresenta contribuições em termos de representação de conhecimento e aprendizado. Primeiro, uma linguagem lógica probabilística de primeira ordem é proposta. Em seguida, três algoritmos de aprendizado de lógica de descrição probabilística crALC são apresentados: um algoritmo probabilístico com ênfase na indução de sentenças baseada em classificadores Noisy-OR; um algoritmo que foca na indução de inclusões probabilísticas (componente probabilístico de crALC); um algoritmo de natureza probabilística que induz sentenças lógicas ou inclusões probabilísticas. As propostas de aprendizado são avaliadas em termos de acurácia em duas tarefas: no aprendizado de lógicas de descrição e no aprendizado de terminologias probabilísticas em crALC. Adicionalmente, são discutidas aplicações destes algoritmos em processos de recuperação de informação: duas abordagens para extensão semântica de consultas na Web usando ontologias probabilísticas são discutidas. / The combination of logic and probabilities (probabilistic logics) is a topic that has been extensively explored in past decades. The majority of work in probabilistic logics assumes that both logical sentences and probabilities are specified by experts. As relational data is increasingly available, machine learning algorithms have been used to induce both logical sentences and probabilities. This work contributes in knowledge representation and learning. First, a rst-order probabilistic logic is proposed. Then, three algorithms for learning probabilistic description logic crALC are given: a probabilistic algorithm focused on learning logical sentences and based on Noisy-OR classiers; an algorithm that aims at learning probabilistic inclusions (probabilistic component of crALC) and; an algorithm that using a probabilistic setting, induces either logical sentences or probabilistic inclusions. Evaluation of these proposals has been performed in two situations: by measuring learning accuracy of both description logics and probabilistic terminologies. In addition, these learning algorithms have been applied to information retrieval processes: two approaches for semantic query extension through probabilistic ontologies are discussed.
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CHROME: a model-driven component-based rule engineVitorino dos Santos Filho, Jairson 31 January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Vitorino dos Santos Filho, Jairson; Pierre Louis Robin, Jacques. CHROME: a model-driven component-based rule engine. 2009. Tese (Doutorado). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, 2009.
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MODELOG : model-oriented development with executable logical object generationde Souza Ramalho, Franklin January 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007 / The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has far outgrown its initial purpose as a standard
visual notation for constructing intuitive, high-level blueprint models of object-oriented
software. A series of extension, such as OCL, XMI, ASL, MOF, UML profiles, and
different proposed formal semantics, to the language and to its application scope have fedoff
each other in synergy. While these extensions constitute a sound starting point to make
UML the pivotal element for the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Semantic Web
(SW) visions, many other building blocks are still missing, including: (1) Complete formal
semantics for UML and OCL; (2) UML inference engine based on such semantics to
support model checking and intelligent agent reasoning with UML semantic web
ontologies; (3) UML model compilers to fully automate both structural and behavioral code
generation from detailed UML/OCL models.
In this thesis, we present the MODELOG framework based on a single proposal to
address these three issues: it consists of an automatic mapping from fully refined
UML/OCL models to the object-oriented logic programs in the Flora-2, an executable and
Turing-complete language with a well-defined formal semantics.
We developed the MODELOG mapping as model transformations. As source for
these transformations, we reused the UML2 and OCL2 metamodels provided by OMG and
as target we developed a Flora metamodel. As we experimented and compared two
language to implement the transformation: the dedicated transformation language ATL
based on OCL, and Flora itself viewed as a model transformation language. As validating
case study for MODELOG, we developed the Triangram robotic assembly puzzle. It is an
example of planning tasks often executed by agents and it requires a complex class
hierarchy together with complex structural and behavioral constraints. The Flora PSM of
this puzzle was entirely automatically generated from its UML/OCL model by applying the
MODELOG transformations.
The main originality of this thesis is twofold. First, it simultaneously tackles various
gaps in UML for its new extended role: formal specification language, MDE, semantic web
services and agent engineering, Second, it does so without putting forward any new
language but only by reusing a theoretically consolidated and efficiently implemented one.
In contrast, previous proposals tend be limited to one or two such applications while often
proposing new languages.
The thesis makes contributions to various fields:
For MDE, it shows the feasibility of completely automated full structural and
behavioral executable code generation from a UML/OCL PIM, on a non-trivial,
complex case study involving automated reasoning;
For agile development, it reconcile that the robustness of formal methods with
the early testing of fast prototyping, since MODELOG not only generates
executable code, but also model checking code from UML/OCL models.
For UML and OCL, it provides a fully integrated denotational formal semantics
in Transaction Frame Logic on which Flora is based;
For logic programming, it provides compositional metamodels of all the
languages integrated in the Flora platform that clarify their relations and make them
available as source or target language for a variety of MDE tasks such as model
checking and fast prototyping; it also provides a way to develop logic programs
using the consolidated full-life cycle object-oriented software engineering
For agent engineering, it shows how to get combine the complementary
strengths of the object-oriented and logic paradigms, the two mostly widely reused
in agent-oriented methods;
For the semantic web service development, its introduced a highly automated
MDE approach allowing to model them visually with UML-based industrial
strengths method and CASE tools, and automatically generate their specification in the
W3C standard SWSL, which is a XML-enabled variant of Flora
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Sobre os fundamentos de programação lógica paraconsistente / On the foundations of paraconsistent logic programmingRodrigues, Tarcísio Genaro 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Esteban Coniglio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T03:29:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A Programação Lógica nasce da interação entre a Lógica e os fundamentos da Ciência da Computação: teorias de primeira ordem podem ser interpretadas como programas de computador. A Programação Lógica tem sido extensamente utilizada em ramos da Inteligência Artificial tais como Representação do Conhecimento e Raciocínio de Senso Comum. Esta aproximação deu origem a uma extensa pesquisa com a intenção de definir sistemas de Programação Lógica paraconsistentes, isto é, sistemas nos quais seja possível manipular informação contraditória. Porém, todas as abordagens existentes carecem de uma fundamentação lógica claramente definida, como a encontrada na programação lógica clássica. A questão básica é saber quais são as lógicas paraconsistentes subjacentes a estas abordagens. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo estabelecer uma fundamentação lógica e conceitual clara e sólida para o desenvolvimento de sistemas bem fundados de Programação Lógica Paraconsistente. Nesse sentido, este trabalho pode ser considerado como a primeira (e bem sucedida) etapa de um ambicioso programa de pesquisa. Uma das teses principais da presente dissertação é que as Lógicas da Inconsistência Formal (LFI's), que abrangem uma enorme família de lógicas paraconsistentes, proporcionam tal base lógica. Como primeiro passo rumo à definição de uma programação lógica genuinamente paraconsistente, demonstramos nesta dissertação uma versão simplificada do Teorema de Herbrand para uma LFI de primeira ordem. Tal teorema garante a existência, em princípio, de métodos de dedução automática para as lógicas (quantificadas) em que o teorema vale. Um pré-requisito fundamental para a definição da programação lógica é justamente a existência de métodos de dedução automática. Adicionalmente, para a demonstração do Teorema de Herbrand, são formuladas aqui duas LFI's quantificadas através de sequentes, e para uma delas demonstramos o teorema da eliminação do corte. Apresentamos também, como requisito indispensável para os resultados acima mencionados, uma nova prova de correção e completude para LFI's quantificadas na qual mostramos a necessidade de exigir o Lema da Substituição para a sua semântica / Abstract: Logic Programming arises from the interaction between Logic and the Foundations of Computer Science: first-order theories can be seen as computer programs. Logic Programming have been broadly used in some branches of Artificial Intelligence such as Knowledge Representation and Commonsense Reasoning. From this, a wide research activity has been developed in order to define paraconsistent Logic Programming systems, that is, systems in which it is possible to deal with contradictory information. However, no such existing approaches has a clear logical basis. The basic question is to know what are the paraconsistent logics underlying such approaches. The present dissertation aims to establish a clear and solid conceptual and logical basis for developing well-founded systems of Paraconsistent Logic Programming. In that sense, this text can be considered as the first (and successful) stage of an ambitious research programme. One of the main thesis of the present dissertation is that the Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFI's), which encompasses a broad family of paraconsistent logics, provide such a logical basis. As a first step towards the definition of genuine paraconsistent logic programming we shown, in this dissertation, a simplified version of the Herbrand Theorem for a first-order LFI. Such theorem guarantees the existence, in principle, of automated deduction methods for the (quantified) logics in which the theorem holds, a fundamental prerequisite for the definition of logic programming over such logics. Additionally, in order to prove the Herbrand Theorem we introduce sequent calculi for two quantified LFI's, and cut-elimination is proved for one of the systems. We also present, as an indispensable requisite for the above mentioned results, a new proof of soundness and completeness for first-order LFI's in which we show the necessity of requiring the Substitution Lemma for the respective semantics / Mestrado / Filosofia / Mestre em Filosofia
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Problemas de comparação de genomas / Genoma comparison problemsDias, Ulisses Martins, 1983- 02 August 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Zanoni Dias / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T03:52:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Esta tese aborda três aspectos da comparação entre genomas: primeiro, eventos de transposição; segundo, eventos de reversão e de reversão quase-simétrica; terceiro, estudo da distância entre genomas sem ligação com algum tipo específico de rearranjo. O estudo do primeiro aspecto, eventos de transposição, permitiu a criação de um novo algoritmo de aproximação na razão 1.375 e de modelos exatos usando programação em lógica com restrições para o problema da distância de transposição. Ambas as abordagens foram comparadas com outras semelhantes encontradas na literatura e, em ambos os casos, foi mostrado que o produto aqui apresentado é superior 'aqueles previamente conhecidos. Sob o segundo aspecto, eventos de reversões e de reversões quase-simétricas, houve avanços relacionados ao entendimento do processo de diferenciação das espécies na família Pseudomonadaceae e nos gêneros Mycobacterium, Shewanella e Xanthomonas com a criação de uma ferramenta de simulação capaz de gerar um histórico evolutivo com características semelhantes 'as observadas nos referidos grupos. Além disso, foram obtidos avanços em abordagens algorítmicas para o problema de construção de scaffolds usando um genoma de referência. De modo particular, foi obtida uma ferramenta superior 'as demais existentes na literatura para construção de scaffolds de genomas bacteriais. Ainda neste segundo aspecto, tratou-se do problema da distância de reversões quase-simétricas com a geração de um algoritmo guloso que fornece uma sequência de reversões quase-simétricas para ordenar qualquer permutação, além de algoritmos exatos para várias famílias específicas de permutações. No que diz respeito ao terceiro aspecto, foram desenvolvidas duas medidas que podem ser calculadas de forma eficiente (poucos segundos). Uma das medidas é adequada para genomas próximos e a outra é adequada para genomas distantes. Ambas foram avaliadas com genomas bacteriais reais, o que mostrou as vantagens e limitações de cada medida. Com esta tese, espera-se ter contribuído para a área de comparação de genomas em geral e, em particular, para a área de rearranjo de genomas / Abstract: In this PhD thesis, we work on three aspects of genome comparison: first, transposition events; second, inversion and almost-symmetric inversion events; third, whole-genome distance measures that are not connected to any specific kind of rearrangement event. The study of transposition events (first aspect) allowed us to create a new 1.375-approximation algorithm and some exact models using constraint logic programming. These approaches were compared to other published methods and in all cases our methods perform best. The second aspect of this thesis concerns inversion and almost-symmetric inversion events. In this regard, we developed a simulation tool for the study of symmetric inversions in bacterial genomes. Through this work we were able to contribute to the understanding of the evolutionary differentiation process in species of the following groups: the Pseudomonadaceae family, the Xanthomonas genus, the Shewanella genus, and the Mycobacterium genus. We used the knowledge acquired in building our simulation tool to establish a method that uses inversion signatures to generate draft genome sequence scaffolds using a complete genome as a reference. Apart from the practical applications of this research, we contribute to the computer science field by providing a theoretical framework for the almost-symmetric distance problem that can be improved in the future and can serve as a basis for approximation and heuristic algorithms. This framework is comprised of a greedy algorithm for any permutation, exact algorithms for specific families of permutation, and several lemmas and conjectures related to these problems. The third and last aspect of this thesis addresses the need for methods that can quickly and effectively compare large sets of genome sequences. We propose two new methods for efficiently determining whole genome sequence distance measures. One of them is aimed at comparing closely related genomes, and the other is meant to compare more distant genomes. Both measures were evaluated in order to find their limitations and their efficacy. It is our hope that thiswork represents a contribution to knowledge of the genome comparison field in general, and the genome rearrangement field, in particular / Doutorado / Ciência da Computação / Doutor em Ciência da Computação
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Implementation av ett kunskapsbas system för rough set theory med kvantitativa mätningar / Implementation of a Rough Knowledge Base System Supporting Quantitative MeasuresAndersson, Robin January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents the implementation of a knowledge base system for rough sets [Paw92]within the logic programming framework. The combination of rough set theory with logic programming is a novel approach. The presented implementation serves as a prototype system for the ideas presented in [VDM03a, VDM03b]. The system is available at "http://www.ida.liu.se/rkbs". The presented language for describing knowledge in the rough knowledge base caters for implicit definition of rough sets by combining different regions (e.g. upper approximation, lower approximation, boundary) of other defined rough sets. The rough knowledge base system also provides methods for querying the knowledge base and methods for computing quantitative measures. We test the implemented system on a medium sized application example to illustrate the usefulness of the system and the incorporated language. We also provide performance measurements of the system.
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Sur le semi anneau de résolution / On the Resolution SemiringBagnol, Marc 04 December 2014 (has links)
On étudie dans cette thèse une structure de semi-anneau dont le produit est basé sur la règle de résolution de la programmation logique. Cet objet mathématique a été initialement introduit dans le but de modéliser la procédure d'élimination des coupures de la logique linéaire, dans le cadre du programme de géométrie de l'interaction. Il fournit un cadre algébrique et abstrait, tout en étant présenté sous une forme syntaxique et concrète, dans lequel mener une étude théorique du calcul. On reviendra dans un premier temps sur l'interprétation interactive de la théorie de la démonstration dans ce semi-anneau, via l'axiomatisation catégorique de l'approche de la géométrie de l'interaction. Cette interprétation établit une traduction des programmes fonctionnels vers une forme très simple de programmes logiques. Dans un deuxième temps, on abordera des problématiques de théorie de la complexité: bien que le problème de la nilpotence dans le semi-anneau étudié soit indécidable en général, on fera apparaître des restrictions qui permettent de caractériser le calcul en espace logarithmique (déterministe et non-déterministe) et en temps polynomial (déterministe). / We study in this thesis a semiring structure with a product based on the resolution rule of logic programming. This mathematical object was introduced initially in the setting of the geometry of interaction program in order to model the cut-elimination procedure of linear logic. It provides us with an algebraic and abstract setting, while being presented in a syntactic and concrete way, in which a theoretical study of computation can be carried on. We will review first the interactive interpretation of proof theory within this semiring via the categorical axiomatization of the geometry of interaction approach. This interpretation establishes a way to translate functional programs into a very simple form of logic programs. Secondly, complexity theory problematics will be considered: while the nilpotency problem in the semiring we study is undecidable in general, it will appear that certain restrictions allow for characterizations of (deterministic and non-deterministic) logarithmic space and (deterministic) polynomial time computation.
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Uma abordagem híbrida relacional para a desambiguação lexical de sentido na tradução automática / A hybrid relational approach for word sense disambiguation in machine translationLucia Specia 28 September 2007 (has links)
A comunicação multilíngue é uma tarefa cada vez mais imperativa no cenário atual de grande disseminação de informações em diversas línguas. Nesse contexto, são de grande relevância os sistemas de tradução automática, que auxiliam tal comunicação, automatizando-a. Apesar de ser uma área de pesquisa bastante antiga, a Tradução Automática ainda apresenta muitos problemas. Um dos principais problemas é a ambigüidade lexical, ou seja, a necessidade de escolha de uma palavra, na língua alvo, para traduzir uma palavra da língua fonte quando há várias opções de tradução. Esse problema se mostra ainda mais complexo quando são identificadas apenas variações de sentido nas opções de tradução. Ele é denominado, nesse caso, \"ambigüidade lexical de sentido\". Várias abordagens têm sido propostas para a desambiguação lexical de sentido, mas elas são, em geral, monolíngues (para o inglês) e independentes de aplicação. Além disso, apresentam limitações no que diz respeito às fontes de conhecimento que podem ser exploradas. Em se tratando da língua portuguesa, em especial, não há pesquisas significativas voltadas para a resolução desse problema. O objetivo deste trabalho é a proposta e desenvolvimento de uma nova abordagem de desambiguação lexical de sentido, voltada especificamente para a tradução automática, que segue uma metodologia híbrida (baseada em conhecimento e em córpus) e utiliza um formalismo relacional para a representação de vários tipos de conhecimentos e de exemplos de desambiguação, por meio da técnica de Programação Lógica Indutiva. Experimentos diversos mostraram que a abordagem proposta supera abordagens alternativas para a desambiguação multilíngue e apresenta desempenho superior ou comparável ao do estado da arte em desambiguação monolíngue. Adicionalmente, tal abordagem se mostrou efetiva como mecanismo auxiliar para a escolha lexical na tradução automática estatística / Crosslingual communication has become a very imperative task in the current scenario with the increasing amount of information dissemination in several languages. In this context, machine translation systems, which can facilitate such communication by providing automatic translations, are of great importance. Although research in Machine Translation dates back to the 1950\'s, the area still has many problems. One of the main problems is that of lexical ambiguity, that is, the need for lexical choice when translating a source language word that has several translation options in the target language. This problem is even more complex when only sense variations are found in the translation options, a problem named \"sense ambiguity\". Several approaches have been proposed for word sense disambiguation, but they are in general monolingual (for English) and application-independent. Moreover, they have limitations regarding the types of knowledge sources that can be exploited. Particularly, there is no significant research aiming to word sense disambiguation involving Portuguese. The goal of this PhD work is the proposal and development of a novel approach for word sense disambiguation which is specifically designed for machine translation, follows a hybrid methodology (knowledge and corpus-based), and employs a relational formalism to represent various kinds of knowledge sources and disambiguation examples, by using Inductive Logic Programming. Several experiments have shown that the proposed approach overcomes alternative approaches in multilingual disambiguation and achieves higher or comparable results to the state of the art in monolingual disambiguation. Additionally, the approach has shown to effectively assist lexical choice in a statistical machine translation system
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The Basic Scheme for the Evaluation of Functional Logic ProgramsPeters, Arthur 01 January 2012 (has links)
Functional logic languages provide a powerful programming paradigm combining the features of functional languages and logic languages. However, current implementations of functional logic languages are complex, slow, or both. This thesis presents a scheme, called the Basic Scheme, for compiling and executing functional logic languages based on non-deterministic graph rewriting. This thesis also describes the implementation and optimization of a prototype of the Basic Scheme. The prototype is simple and performs well compared to other current implementations.
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