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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulação baseada em agentes para operação de pátios de terminais de contêineres. / Agent-based simulation for yard management in container terminal operations.

Brito, Thiago Barros 20 June 2016 (has links)
Terminais de contêineres (TC) e sistemas logísticos em geral, estão atualmente imersos em estruturas de negócio e ambientes operacionais altamente complexos e dinâmicos. Nesse ambiente, pesquisadores e usuários das ferramentas de PO são requisitados a resolver novos tipos de problemas, que surgem a partir de uma crescente complexidade interativa entre os elementos que constituem esses sistemas. Entretanto, parece estar faltando aos tomadores de decisão ferramentas capazes de lidar com sistemas que necessitam a consideração de processos interdependentes, compostos por elementos interagindo e tomando decisões de maneira descentralizada. Neste cenário, a simulação baseada em agentes (SBA) é tida como uma ferramenta potencial para o desenvolvimento e análise de sistemas logísticos, uma vez que ela é capaz de construir análises de sistemas cujo comportamento está associado a propriedades emergentes decorrentes das interações entre seus componentes (agentes). Assim, a SBA é considerada uma possibilidade de abordagem para sistemas logísticos, capaz de tratar questões complexas ainda não tangenciadas por metodologias de simulação tradicionais. Apesar do potencial alegado, a aplicação da SBA ainda é incipiente no campo logístico, representada com baixo nível de maturidade na literatura. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver uma aplicação SBA representando uma operação full-scale do pátio de um TC, a fim de confirmar a SBA como uma ferramenta potencial para representar sistemas logísticos , capaz de apoiar processos de tomada de decisão maduros. Com base no desenvolvimento proposto foi possível, metodologicamente e de maneira prática, avaliar a utilização de SBA, seus benefícios, dificuldades, desdobramentos técnicos e outras questões. Essa avaliação permitiu concluir que a SBA cumpre as promessas de flexibilidade, representatividade e potencial de sofisticação para representação de sistemas logísticos. Além disso, observou-se que a metodologia foi capaz de estender sua contribuição no sentido de expandir algumas das fronteiras conceituais da metodologia de simulação, tais como a discussão sobre o conceito de modelagem genérica e a integração entre simulação-otimização. / Container terminals (CTs), and logistics systems in general, are nowadays immersed in a dynamic and highly complex business and operational environment. Thus, researches and users of OR are being called to solve new types of logistics system problems, born from this growing interactive complexity between the system\'s elements. However, what seems to be missing in the decision-makers OR toolbox are tools able to deal with systems that need to consider several interconnected and interdepend functions and process. In this scenario, agent-based simulation (ABS) is considered to hold high promises for developing complex logistics systems, based on the fact that it is able to build analysis of systems whose behavior is associated to emergent properties deriving from interactions between its basic constituent elements (agents). ABS is considered rather a new approach for simulating systems, able to challenge more complex questions, not answered by traditional simulation methodology. Despite the advocate potential of ABS, its application still incipient within the logistic field, lacking in terms of maturity in literarture. In that way, the objective of the work is to develop an ABS application representing a full-scale CT yard management operation, in order to confirm ABS as a potential tool to represent logistics systems and support mature decision making processes. Based on the proposed development, the work is be able to conceptually, methodologically and practically evaluate the utilization of ABS - its benefits, difficulties, application unfolding, new representation boundaries and other possibilities. This evaluation allowed concluding that the ABS fulfills the high flexibility, representability and promises for logistics systems, even extending its contribution to some of the conceptual frontiers of the simulation methodology, such as generic modeling methodology discussion and simulation-optimization integration.

Aplicabilidade da simulação híbrida em sistemas logísticos. / Applicability of hybrid simulation in logistics systems.

Brito, Thiago Barros 28 June 2011 (has links)
A proposta do trabalho é criar um modelo de simulação híbrida capaz de representar um sistema logístico. Partindo de uma investigação bibliográfica conceitual das metodologias de simulação de eventos discretos e da metodologia de simulação contínua (System Dynamics) capaz de revelar suas características principais e seus potenciais de aplicabilidade, é possível delinear as possibilidades de contribuição de ambas as metodologias para o desenvolvimento de modelos híbridos (metodologias discreta + contínua) de simulação. O modelo híbrido é desenvolvido sob a plataforma AnyLogic, e a integração adequada de ambas as metodologias no modelo criado é capaz de expandir o espectro de compreensão do sistema, com a possibilidade de integração de aspectos físicos e dimensionais a aspectos políticos e comportamentais do sistema em estudo, apresentando-se como ferramenta poderosa para sobrevivência às exigentes demandas concorrenciais. / This study aims at creating a hybrid simulation model able to properly represent a logistics system. Departing from a conceptual literature review about the discrete-event and the continuous (System Dynamics) simulation methodologies able to reveals its main features and potential of applicability, it is possible to define the possibilities of developing hybrid (discrete + continuous) simulation models. The proper integration of both methodologies in a hybrid model allows the expansion of the comprehension spectrum of the system, with the possibility of integrating the physical and dimensional aspects to political and behavior patterns, revealing the hybrid methodology as a powerful tool to succeed in the highly demanding business world.

Análises de tradeoff em sistemas de transporte aquaviário com simulação de eventos discretos. / Tradeoff analysis in maritime transportation systems with discrete event simulation.

Silva, Rodolfo Celestino dos Santos 26 March 2012 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta inicialmente a importância da tomada de decisão em uma sociedade com recursos limitados e muitos interesses antagônicos. Essas decisões com base em objetivos conflitantes, independente do seu grau de importância, geram ganhos em alguns aspectos e perdas em outros, e a isto se denomina tradeoff. Em problemas complexos, uma decisão mal tomada, ou um estudo de tradeoff mal conduzido podem afetar significativamente aspectos muito relevantes, como o dimensionamento de redes de transporte, por exemplo. Assim, a proposta deste trabalho é oferecer um procedimento para auxilio à tomada de decisão em sistemas de transporte aquaviário, baseado em análises com múltiplos critérios. Além disso, o estudo visa utilizar a técnica de simulação de eventos discretos para fornecer subsídio a estes estudos de tradeoff. É realizada também uma aplicação do método descrito juntamente com um modelo de simulação para o dimensionamento de um sistema de transporte aquaviário específico, contando com análises de sensibilidade. A aplicação realizada foi conclusiva e comprovou a eficácia do método desenvolvido para o auxílio à decisão em problemas desse porte. / This work primarily highlights the importance of decision making in a society with limited resources and several antagonistics interests. Decisions based on conflicting goals, regardless of their importance level, might generate positive gains associated to a certain number of variables and losses associated to others. This process is known as tradeoff. In complex problems, such as transportation networks planning, taking a bad decision or carrying out a bad tradeoff study, may affect matters of primary interests of the problem players. The proposal of this work is providing a procedure in order to support decision making process in water transportation systems based on multi-criteria analysis. In addition, the study aims at using the technique of discrete event simulation to provide subsidies to these trade-off studies. The work also presents an application of the proposed methodology, concomitantly with a simulation model for the planning of a specific maritime transportation system, including the respective sensitivity analyzes. The application was successful and conclusive about the effectiveness of the developed method helping the decision making for problems of this magnitude.

Models and Algorithms for Location-Routing and Related Problems

Albareda Sambola, Maria 02 June 2003 (has links)
The most common decisions to be taken in the design of logistic systems are related to the location of facilities and the management of vehicle fleets.In this thesis, we study three of the optimization problems arising around this kind of decisions; namely the LRP, the SGAP and the SLRP. The first problem analyzed in this work is a capacitated LRP with one single uncapacitated vehicle at each open plant. To model this problem we resort to an auxiliary network that allows us to represent feasible solutions as families of paths satisfying a series of side constraints.The solutions of a reinforced LP relaxation of this model are used as the basis of a rounding heuristic designed to build feasible solutions of the problem. Those solutions are then improved with a TS heuristic.Two lower bounds, distinct from that obtained with the LP relaxation of the model, are proposed for this problem. The first one is obtained by bound ing separately the two different parts of the cost of any feasible solution, namely the fixed costs for opening plants and the route costs. The second lower bound is the result of applying CG to the Lagrangian dual obtained by dualizing the assignment constraints. The pricing problem obtained from our formulation is an ESPPRC. The complexity of this problem, and the fact that optimality of the obtained solutions is not always necessary, have motivated us to develope a simple heuristic for it.The computational experiences show a very good behavior of the TS procedure both, for the computational effort required and the quality of the solutions. The first lower bound proposed gives satisfactory results in reasonable amounts of time. In the case of the CG approach, results are very encouraging. In some of the tested instances the program terminated because of the CPU time limit specification, before succeeding to find a valid lower bound.In those instances, the algorithm was always stalled in the exact resolution of an ESPPRC. The difficulties encountered to solve this problem represent a limitation of this approach and suggest the future study of alternative solution methods. In spite of this limitation, in a high proportion of the instances the algorithm succeeded, and the final gap between the upper and the lower bound was always 0. The success in these instances is partially due to the use of our heuristic to generate new columns whenever this is possible.The second problem studied in this thesis is a SGAP. In this assignment problem the jobs are interpreted as customers that can request a service with a given probability, and each agent can serve a limited number of customers. This uncertainty about the presence of each customer is represented by modelling the demands of the customers as Bernoulli distributed independent random variables. The problem consists of finding an a priori assignment of customers to agents. Once the actual requests for service are known, an adaptive action is taken to tackle violations of the capacity constraints. On the one hand, part of the customers assigned to overloaded agents can be reassigned. On the other hand, some of the service requests can be disregarded. Different penalties for reassignment and for unattended service requests are pre-specified. The problem is formulated as a recourse model, where the recourse function gives the expected penalties for reassignments and unattended service requests.Since this recourse function is defined as the expected value of an integer programming recourse model, it does not have the regularity properties characteristic of those defined by linear recourse models. To overcome the difficulties caused by this, we construct a convex approximation of the recourse function that is tight in all feasible points. Moreover, as illustrated in the computational experiences, the use of this approximation reduces the computational effort required to evaluate the recourse function is some orders of magnitude. The convex approximation of the recourse function allows us to adapt the well-known L-shaped method to our problem. Integrality of the first stage variables is tackled in three different ways, giving raise to three versions of the algorithm. The difference among them resides in the hierarchy between the branching and the addition of violated cuts. On the one hand, we present a version where cuts are only added when integer solutions are found. On the other hand, a version is proposed where branching is only performed when no more violated cuts can be identified. The remaining version is designed as a tradeoff of these two; at each node of the search tree, new optimality cuts are added, if needed, and branching is performed if the solution at hand is fractional. Computational experiences point out this last version as the best of the three, since the efforts devoted to obtain a rich approximation of the recourse function and to achieve integrality are more balanced.We have also derived both, lower and upper bounds for this specific SGAP. Upper bounds are obtained from three simple heuristics. All them are based on solving deterministic approximations of the SGAP and provide good quality solutions in small amounts of CPU time. A lower bound is derived from a family of linear stochastic subproblems. Althoug in some of the tested instances the gap between the bounds exceeded the 30%, in the general case we obtained small gaps.One of the heuristics was used in the exact algorithm to provide it with a good upper bound. The lower bound is also used in the three versions of the algorithm, as the basis of some of the optimality cuts and also to identify optimal solutions. The quality of these bounds is one of the factors that explain the success of the exact algorithm.The last problem studied in this thesis is a SLRP. The stochasticity considered here is of the same type as that considered for the SGAP. Again, customers may request a service with a given probability and this is modeled by introducing Bernoulli random variables to represent the demands. A two stage model is proposed for this problem. In a first stage, a set of plants to open has to be chosen together with a family of disjoint routes (one rooted at each open plant) that visit all the customers. In the second stage, once all the demands become available, the actual routes have to be designed. For plants whose number of service requests does not exceed the capacity, the actual route is derived from that designed a priori by skipping customers with no demand. When the requests for service allocated to a plant exceed its capacity, a subset of them is randomly chosen to be served, and they are visited in the order defined by the a priori route.Penalties are paid for the unattended service requests. The expected total cost of the actual routes and the expected penalties for unserviced customers are contained in the recourse function.We present a two phase heuristic to solve this problem. In the first phase, a series of subproblems are sequentially solved to build an initial solution. In the second phase, this solution is successively improved using LS. This improving phase requires a high number of evaluations of the recourse function. Although we have developed an analytical expression for this recourse function, the computational effort required for its evaluation is considerable due to its combinatorial nature. For this reason, we approximate it with a simpler auxiliary function that has allowed us to obtain solutions in small computational times.We also propose a lower bound obtained from bounding different parts of the objective function independently. Unfortunately, we only could find reasonable bounds for the sum of fixed costs for opening the plants plus the expected penalty paid for unserviced customers. Further research is intended to improve the bounding of the expected total cost of the routes.The evaluation of the quality of the solutions obtained with our heuristic is not easy due to the lack of a tight global lower bound. However, the partial bound on the costs relative to the plants allows to conclude that the heuristic makes in general a good choice of the set of plants. As for the allocation of customers to plants and the design of the routes we can only evaluate the evolution along the search. In the computational experiences reported it can be seen that this evolution is satisfactory.

Aplicabilidade da simulação híbrida em sistemas logísticos. / Applicability of hybrid simulation in logistics systems.

Thiago Barros Brito 28 June 2011 (has links)
A proposta do trabalho é criar um modelo de simulação híbrida capaz de representar um sistema logístico. Partindo de uma investigação bibliográfica conceitual das metodologias de simulação de eventos discretos e da metodologia de simulação contínua (System Dynamics) capaz de revelar suas características principais e seus potenciais de aplicabilidade, é possível delinear as possibilidades de contribuição de ambas as metodologias para o desenvolvimento de modelos híbridos (metodologias discreta + contínua) de simulação. O modelo híbrido é desenvolvido sob a plataforma AnyLogic, e a integração adequada de ambas as metodologias no modelo criado é capaz de expandir o espectro de compreensão do sistema, com a possibilidade de integração de aspectos físicos e dimensionais a aspectos políticos e comportamentais do sistema em estudo, apresentando-se como ferramenta poderosa para sobrevivência às exigentes demandas concorrenciais. / This study aims at creating a hybrid simulation model able to properly represent a logistics system. Departing from a conceptual literature review about the discrete-event and the continuous (System Dynamics) simulation methodologies able to reveals its main features and potential of applicability, it is possible to define the possibilities of developing hybrid (discrete + continuous) simulation models. The proper integration of both methodologies in a hybrid model allows the expansion of the comprehension spectrum of the system, with the possibility of integrating the physical and dimensional aspects to political and behavior patterns, revealing the hybrid methodology as a powerful tool to succeed in the highly demanding business world.

Análises de tradeoff em sistemas de transporte aquaviário com simulação de eventos discretos. / Tradeoff analysis in maritime transportation systems with discrete event simulation.

Rodolfo Celestino dos Santos Silva 26 March 2012 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta inicialmente a importância da tomada de decisão em uma sociedade com recursos limitados e muitos interesses antagônicos. Essas decisões com base em objetivos conflitantes, independente do seu grau de importância, geram ganhos em alguns aspectos e perdas em outros, e a isto se denomina tradeoff. Em problemas complexos, uma decisão mal tomada, ou um estudo de tradeoff mal conduzido podem afetar significativamente aspectos muito relevantes, como o dimensionamento de redes de transporte, por exemplo. Assim, a proposta deste trabalho é oferecer um procedimento para auxilio à tomada de decisão em sistemas de transporte aquaviário, baseado em análises com múltiplos critérios. Além disso, o estudo visa utilizar a técnica de simulação de eventos discretos para fornecer subsídio a estes estudos de tradeoff. É realizada também uma aplicação do método descrito juntamente com um modelo de simulação para o dimensionamento de um sistema de transporte aquaviário específico, contando com análises de sensibilidade. A aplicação realizada foi conclusiva e comprovou a eficácia do método desenvolvido para o auxílio à decisão em problemas desse porte. / This work primarily highlights the importance of decision making in a society with limited resources and several antagonistics interests. Decisions based on conflicting goals, regardless of their importance level, might generate positive gains associated to a certain number of variables and losses associated to others. This process is known as tradeoff. In complex problems, such as transportation networks planning, taking a bad decision or carrying out a bad tradeoff study, may affect matters of primary interests of the problem players. The proposal of this work is providing a procedure in order to support decision making process in water transportation systems based on multi-criteria analysis. In addition, the study aims at using the technique of discrete event simulation to provide subsidies to these trade-off studies. The work also presents an application of the proposed methodology, concomitantly with a simulation model for the planning of a specific maritime transportation system, including the respective sensitivity analyzes. The application was successful and conclusive about the effectiveness of the developed method helping the decision making for problems of this magnitude.

Simulação baseada em agentes para operação de pátios de terminais de contêineres. / Agent-based simulation for yard management in container terminal operations.

Thiago Barros Brito 20 June 2016 (has links)
Terminais de contêineres (TC) e sistemas logísticos em geral, estão atualmente imersos em estruturas de negócio e ambientes operacionais altamente complexos e dinâmicos. Nesse ambiente, pesquisadores e usuários das ferramentas de PO são requisitados a resolver novos tipos de problemas, que surgem a partir de uma crescente complexidade interativa entre os elementos que constituem esses sistemas. Entretanto, parece estar faltando aos tomadores de decisão ferramentas capazes de lidar com sistemas que necessitam a consideração de processos interdependentes, compostos por elementos interagindo e tomando decisões de maneira descentralizada. Neste cenário, a simulação baseada em agentes (SBA) é tida como uma ferramenta potencial para o desenvolvimento e análise de sistemas logísticos, uma vez que ela é capaz de construir análises de sistemas cujo comportamento está associado a propriedades emergentes decorrentes das interações entre seus componentes (agentes). Assim, a SBA é considerada uma possibilidade de abordagem para sistemas logísticos, capaz de tratar questões complexas ainda não tangenciadas por metodologias de simulação tradicionais. Apesar do potencial alegado, a aplicação da SBA ainda é incipiente no campo logístico, representada com baixo nível de maturidade na literatura. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver uma aplicação SBA representando uma operação full-scale do pátio de um TC, a fim de confirmar a SBA como uma ferramenta potencial para representar sistemas logísticos , capaz de apoiar processos de tomada de decisão maduros. Com base no desenvolvimento proposto foi possível, metodologicamente e de maneira prática, avaliar a utilização de SBA, seus benefícios, dificuldades, desdobramentos técnicos e outras questões. Essa avaliação permitiu concluir que a SBA cumpre as promessas de flexibilidade, representatividade e potencial de sofisticação para representação de sistemas logísticos. Além disso, observou-se que a metodologia foi capaz de estender sua contribuição no sentido de expandir algumas das fronteiras conceituais da metodologia de simulação, tais como a discussão sobre o conceito de modelagem genérica e a integração entre simulação-otimização. / Container terminals (CTs), and logistics systems in general, are nowadays immersed in a dynamic and highly complex business and operational environment. Thus, researches and users of OR are being called to solve new types of logistics system problems, born from this growing interactive complexity between the system\'s elements. However, what seems to be missing in the decision-makers OR toolbox are tools able to deal with systems that need to consider several interconnected and interdepend functions and process. In this scenario, agent-based simulation (ABS) is considered to hold high promises for developing complex logistics systems, based on the fact that it is able to build analysis of systems whose behavior is associated to emergent properties deriving from interactions between its basic constituent elements (agents). ABS is considered rather a new approach for simulating systems, able to challenge more complex questions, not answered by traditional simulation methodology. Despite the advocate potential of ABS, its application still incipient within the logistic field, lacking in terms of maturity in literarture. In that way, the objective of the work is to develop an ABS application representing a full-scale CT yard management operation, in order to confirm ABS as a potential tool to represent logistics systems and support mature decision making processes. Based on the proposed development, the work is be able to conceptually, methodologically and practically evaluate the utilization of ABS - its benefits, difficulties, application unfolding, new representation boundaries and other possibilities. This evaluation allowed concluding that the ABS fulfills the high flexibility, representability and promises for logistics systems, even extending its contribution to some of the conceptual frontiers of the simulation methodology, such as generic modeling methodology discussion and simulation-optimization integration.

Design, digitization and optimization of socially sustainable logistic systems

Tronconi, Riccardo 18 April 2024 (has links)
Logistic systems manage the flow of materials and information of companies and they are a relevant component in every sector. For this reason, the efficient design and the optimization of these systems is a necessary, but non-trivial, activity especially in the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, like healthcare and e-commerce. These two are also characterised by a significant social sustainability impact. In particular, the healthcare sector focuses on the improvement of its service quality to enhance the patients satisfaction while e-commerce platforms must consider the drivers condition in their business to deliver goods in an ethical way. For this reason, the activities of this PhD aim at designing and optimizing the logistic systems of different real-world companies taking into account simultaneously multiple conflicting aspects. In the first PhD project, the research activity consists in the design of efficient systems for massive healthcare processes, such as the vaccination against COVID-19, in South Tyrol region. To reach this goal, a digital twin of the vaccination centre is developed through a NFC-based technology composed by common smartphones and card-size badges. This digital twin is based on a software architecture composed by a developed mobile application, which records time information of each process phase and sends this data to a central database, as well as a developed website which elaborates this data and reports dynamically the performance of the healthcare structure and the possible issues. This continuous exchange of information between the physical and the digital system supports practitioners in improving the quality of this healthcare service and increasing the patients satisfaction. In the second addressed PhD project, the focus moves to an outdoor logistic process, i.e. the distribution of goods in a real-world local e-commerce platform. To solve this problem, its mathematical model is defined and a multi-objective metaheuristic algorithm is developed since all the three aspects of sustainability (costs, environment and fairness) must be optimized simultaneously. This algorithm is tested in a real-world e-commerce platform, providing managers with a helpful decision-support system called Pareto frontier which includes all the optimal solutions of the targeted problem. Finally, the last PhD research activity carried out integrates different features of both the previous ones since it regards the optimization of the logistic system of a healthcare service, i.e. the transportation of dependent patients. Therefore, the mathematical model is formulated and an Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search (ALNS) algorithm is developed to solve the problem efficiently. Also this project is validated with a real-world case study, provided by the Austrian Red Cross, and the results compare different configuration to support managers in finding the best one. In particular, different degree of time window violation, type of shifts and mix of vehicles are tested to define the most convenient situation both for patients, in terms of service quality, and for healthcare department, in terms of costs. In conclusion, through the development and implementation of different mathematical methods, multiple logistic systems have been efficiently designed or improved during this PhD. In addition, all the developed models and the results obtained have been applied and validated in real-world case studies provided by different companies, demonstrating the practical implication of the work carried out.

Metodologia para a implantação dos processos da cadeia logística segura. / Methodology for implementing secure process in supply chain.

Fontana, Caio Fernando 21 December 2009 (has links)
A formulação da Metodologia para a Implantação dos Processos da Cadeia Logística Segura visa estabelecer parâmetros e metodologia para aplicação dos diversos conceitos e programas de segurança para o comércio exterior visando o controle de carga que vêm sendo implementados por órgãos de governo e organismos internacionais. Estes programas têm como foco o controle sobre os processos de movimentação de carga, através da utilização de tecnologia aplicada à inspeção não intrusiva de carga, rastreamento e lacres eletrônicos, sistemas de troca eletrônica de informação e da integração sistêmica destes componentes. Desta forma, esta tese busca demonstrar como o modelo proposto impactará nos controles fiscais e aduaneiros bem como na otimização dos fluxos logísticos. O modelo proposto está ancorado nas diretrizes de segurança estabelecidas pela Organização Mundial das Aduanas (OMA) através do SAFE Framework of Standards, pela International Maritime Organization (IMO) através do Código Internacional de Segurança e Proteção a Navios e Instalações Portuárias (ISPS-Code), pelo Governo dos Estados Unidos da América através do Container Security Initiative (CSI) e do Safe Ports Act, pela Secretaria da Receita Federal Brasileira através do Plano Nacional de Segurança Aduaneira (PNSA) da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NFe) e Conhecimento de Trânsito Eletrônico (CTe) em conjunto com as Secretarias de Fazenda Estaduais, bem como pelo setor privado quem vêm implementado iniciativas voltadas ao controle e monitoramento de carga através de sistemas de Gerenciamento de Risco e os sistemas de Rastreamento e Lacres Eletrônicos aplicados à cargas e veículos. Para efeito de contextualização será apresentado o processo de importação e exportação, seus aspectos de transporte, armazenagem e manipulação de carga, bem como uma macro visão do fluxo documental e os intervenientes públicos e privados envolvido no processo. A seguir, serão apresentadas as propostas de normatização do processo de cadeia logística segura elaboradas pela Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) e da International Organization for Standardization (ISO) através da ISO 28000 e correlatas. Feitas estas análises e contextualização será formulado o modelo operacional que consiste na proposição de um controle logístico integrado. Esta abordagem tem por objetivo apresentar as diversas características dos fluxos de carga por modal e tipo, ou seja, granel, container e carga geral. Este modelo, se implementado, poderá proporcionar um aumento de produtividade do setor, pois a adoção de medidas de controle de carga exige que o planejamento das operações logísticas seja efetuado, acompanhado e corrigido sempre que necessário. Desta forma, o setor de logística poderá se valer desta ferramenta para o aumento de produtividade e conseqüente redução do Custo Brasil. O modelo de implementação será proposto apoiado em quatro diretrizes: normatização de processos, formulação de um modelo de avaliação contínua de nível de serviço das empresas e do processo, normatização de tecnologia, modelo de acreditação de processo e entidades por modal e/ou área de atuação. Neste trabalho serão detalhados o Modelo de Normatização de Processos e o Sistema de Avaliação de Nível de Serviço. A Normatização Tecnológica e o Modelo de Acreditação serão desenvolvidos em trabalhos futuros. / The development of the Methodology for the Implantation of the Processes of the Safe Logistic Chain aims at to establish parameters and methodology for application of the diverse concepts and programs of security for the foreign commerce being aimed at the load control that come being implemented for agencies of government and international organisms. These programs have as focus the control on the processes of load movement, through the use of technology applied to the not intrusive inspection of load, electronic tracking and sealing waxes, systems of electronic exchange of information and the systemic integration of these components. In such a way, this thesis searchs to demonstrate as the considered model will impact in the fiscal and customs controls as well as in the improvement of the logistic flows. The considered model is anchored in the lines of direction of security established by the Organização Munidal das Aduanas (OMA) through the SAFE Frameworks of Standards through the International Maritime Organization (IMO), through the International Code of Security and Protection the Ships and Port Installations (ISPS-Code), for the Government of the United States of America through Container Security Initiative (CSI) and of Safe Ports Act, for the Secretariat of the Brazilian Federal Prescription through the Plano Nacional de Segurança Aduaneira (PNSA) of Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (NFe) and Conhecimento de Trânsito Eletrônico (CTe) in set with the Secretarias de Fazenda Estaduais, as well as for the private sector who they come implemented initiatives directed to the control and monitorial of load through systems of Management of Risk and the systems of Tracking and Electronic Sealing waxes applied to loads and vehicles. For context effect, it will be presented the process of importation and exportation, its aspects of transport, load storage and manipulation, as well as a macro vision of the documentary flow and the intervening private public and involved in the process. To follow the proposals of regularization of the logistic process of chain will be presented insurance elaborated by Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), Business Alliance will be Secure Commerce (BASC) and of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) through the ISO 28000 and correlates. The operational model that will be formulated consists of the proposal of an integrated logistic control. This boarding has for objective to present the diverse characteristics of the modal load flows and type, that is granary, container and general load. The implementation of this model will provide to an increase of productivity of the sector therefore the adoption of measures of load control demands that the planning of the logistic operations is effected, followed and corrected whenever necessary. In such a way the sector of logistic could use this tool for the increase of productivity and consequence reduction of what is called as Custo Brasil. The implementation model will be formulated supported in four pillars: regularization of processes, regularization of technology, formularization of a model of Acreditação of modal process and entities for and/or area of performance and the formularization of a model of continuous evaluation of level of service of the companies and the process.

Análise de sistemas integrados de transporte rodo-fluvial-marítimo sob a influência de regimes sazonais. / Analysis of an integrated transportation system road-river-sea under the incluences of seasonal periods.

Mathias, Tiago Novaes 15 August 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho está voltado à avaliação dos problemas do transporte intermodal sob efeito de restrições sazonais que, usualmente, não são consideradas na fase de planejamento e dimensionamento da frota. E, considerando a sobreposição de dois fatores sazonais restritivos ao longo da cadeia de transportes - a variação na produção de grãos ao longo do ano e a sazonalidade das cotas de nível d\'água nas hidrovias -, um modelo de simulação de eventos discretos mostra as impedâncias sofridas no sistema pela junção de fatores restritivos bem fortes. É possível avaliar o impacto dessas restrições não só no nível de utilização dos silos intermediários e silagem do porto, mas também no número de veículos necessários para fazer o transporte de commodities na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Em um sistema de transporte composto pelos modais rodoviário, hidroviário e marítimo, no qual o modelo de simulação abrange desde a produção nas fazendas, passando pelo transporte de caminhão até os armazéns intermediários, posteriormente com o transporte fluvial com destino ao porto para exportação. O presente estudo traz uma série de comparações entre cenários para avaliação dos gargalos existentes neste sistema de transporte intermodal, especialmente avaliando cenários com e sem as restrições sazonais, assim como análises de sensibilidade de performance de equipamentos de carregamento e descarregamento, nos quais a frota e os estoques necessários são substancialmente diferentes se a sazonalidade não for considerada. / This work focuses on the evaluation of the intermodal transport problems under the influence of seasonal constraints that are not usually considered on the phase of planning and sizing the fleet. Considering the superposition of two different seasonal factors along the transportation chain - first one the variation on grain production and the second one the level of water in the waterways throughout the year -, a discrete event simulation model was built to show the real effects of those constraints in the grain supply chain. So, it is possible to evaluate the impact of those constraints not only on the usage level of storages in this system, but also the number of vehicles required to transport this commodities from the Midwest of Brazil to the port. In a complex multimodal transportation system, the simulation model in this work includes roadways, waterways and seaways to transport all the cargo from farms to the final costumer. This study is composed by a number of scenarios to evaluate the bottlenecks in this intermodal transportation system, specially analyzing scenarios with and without seasonal constraints, as well as analysis of sensitivity of performance of equipment of loading and unloading, in which the fleet and the required stocks are substantially different if seasonality is not considered. In other words, it is possible to evaluate the risks involved when managers are making decisions if they do not take in consideration any of those seasonal constraints.

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