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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Encontros e desencontros na paisagem cenográfica de Tóquio / Lost in translation inside Tokyo scenery landscape

Mari Sugai 02 July 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetiva analisar a obra audiovisual Encontros e desencontros, dirigida pela cineasta norte-americana Sofia Coppola, filmada integralmente no Japão (nas cidades de Tóquio e Quioto), e lançada comercialmente no ano de 2003. A análise pretende relacionar a representação ficcional da cidade por uma diretora estrangeira, as imagens dos espaços urbanos de Tóquio (resultado das medidas de ocidentalização e modernização praticadas no país, a partir da era Meiji) mostrados através da película e sua narrativa. As imagens da capital japonesa criadas pela realizadora vagueiam através do contraste entre o moderno e o tradicional oferecidos pela cultura japonesa, além de apresentar situações e locais de cartão-postal visitados por turistas e outros frequentados por nativos. E, ao contrário de outras obras cinematográficas, as sequências de fotogramas do filme em questão, que mostram as ruas, avenidas, construções arquitetônicas e espaços internos, acabam exercendo papel ativo dentro da narrativa fílmica. / Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010. This dissertation aims to analyze the audiovisual work Lost in translation, directed by American film maker Sofia Coppola, shot integrally in Japan (in Tokyo and Kyoto), and commercially released in 2003. The analysis intends to relate the fictional representation of the city depicted by a foreign director, the images of Tokyos urban spaces (resulted from measures of Westernization and modernization practiced in the country, since Meiji era) shown through the film and its narrative. The images of the Japanese capital created by the film maker wander through the contrast between modern and traditional offered by Japanese culture, besides presenting situations and post card sites visited by tourists and others frequented by natives. Unlike other films, the sequences of frames of the analyzed movie, which shows the streets, avenues, architectural constructions and interiors spaces exert an active role in the film narrative.

大學圖書館館藏遺失損毀與資料安全防治政策 / Study on Collection Lost, Mutilation and Security Policy for University Libraries

洪欣宜, Hung, Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的為:(一)探討大學圖書館館藏遺失損毀現況。(二)探討大學圖書館館藏資料安全防護措施與政策。(三)比較大學圖書館主管與館員及使用者對館藏安全看法與態度,並據以進行分析整理,以作為圖書館館藏安全措施與政策未來發展建議。 本研究以相關文獻為基礎,並採用深度訪談法做為研究工具,綜合研究結果與分析,整理研究結論如下: 一、因公德心低落,大學圖書館館藏遺失損毀問題以錯架、註記居多 二、期刊比其他館藏容易遺失,經費與驗收狀況需彈性處理 三、制訂讀者違規處理辦法,有助於減少館藏遺失損毀的發生 四、圖書安全系統目前仍是維護館藏安全最普遍設備 五、偷竊館藏行為目前仍無強硬措施 六、政策執行著重分層負責與溝通 七、圖書館使用者在意館藏遺失問題,希望多舉辦政策推廣活動 由研究結論歸納建議如下,期能供大學圖書館及未來之研究者做進一步研究之參考。 一、館藏安全管理層面 (一)圖書館需重視館藏遺失與損毀事前預防工作(二)加裝多層防護裝置(三)多元化的人力運用(四)善用科技減少人力成本(五)建立政策溝通管道。 二、行政執行層面: (一)成立館藏安全維護工作小組並制訂政策(二)訂定館藏安全工作手冊(三)政策修訂與時俱進(四)政策執行著重分層負責與溝通(五)期刊建議以經常門編列或以系統驗收(六)處理違規行為應以教育為目的(七)保留館藏安全事件完整紀錄(八)透過實質合作加強圖書館與其他單位之互動關係(九)運用社群媒體與推廣活動宣導政策與服務(十)推廣公德心教育與使用者建立良善互動。 / The purposes of this research are: 1) Study the current situation of collections loss and mutilation in University Libraries. 2) Study the collections security policy for University Libraries. 3) Analyze, collate and come up with suggestions for library collections security policy which are based on the comparison of the views and attitudes of University Librarians with users about the library security. On the basis of the relevant literature, we used in-depth interview as the experimental tool to draw the conclusions according to the analysis and results. The study gets results in six aspects: 1.Because low public morality, the majority problem of the collection lost, mutilation for the university library are wrong frames and notes. 2.Periodicals are less likely to be lost than other collections, so budgetary and acceptance methods need flexibility. 3.Formulating rules for readers' violation help to reduce library collection lost and mutilation. 4.Library Security System is still the most common equipment for maintaining library security. 5.There are still no tough measures to steal the collection and without any deterrent effect of punishment. 6.Library policy implementation should focus on stratified responsibility and good communication. 7.Library users care about the loss of the collection, and hope library to hold more policy promotion activities. The conclusion obtained from this research has led to the suggestions below that we hope to provide the University Library and later researchers a reference. 1.The Aspect of Collections Security Management 1) Library shall attach importance to the pre prevention work for the loss and mutilation of library collection. 2) Add an extra protective device for special collection. 3) Human resource utilization diversification. 4) Making good use of science and technology to reduce human cost. 5) Establishing a policy communication pipeline. 2.The Aspect of Administration and Execution 1) The library should set up the group for security maintenance working amd draw up a policy for collection security. 2) Set up the collection security handbook, 3) Revise the policy regularly to keep up with the times. 4) Policy implementation should emphasize that stratified librarians communicate and take responsibilities. 5) Periodical budget suggest for using current account fund, and check and accept by library OPAC, 6) Handling of irregularities should be used for the purpose of education, 7) Keep a complete record of the collection security events, 8) Strengthening the interaction between Library and other units through substantive cooperation, 9) promotion policies and services by social media and library promotion activities, 10) Promoting public moral education and establish the good interaction with library users.

La série adjectivale dans A la Recherche du Temps Perdu. Du fait de langue au fait de vision : « Cette multiforme et puissante unité » / Adjectival serie in In Search of the Lost Time

Vermoyal, Marie-Corinne 07 November 2015 (has links)
La série adjectivale est une structure bien connue des lecteurs de Proust. La Recherche comprend plus de trois mille séries adjectivales ; elles combinent deux, trois, jusqu’à dix-sept adjectifs. Les variations sémantiques et syntaxiques sont nombreuses entre les séries. Devons-nous parler de série adjectivale ou de séries, au pluriel ? Quel point commun ont toutes ces séries entre elles ? Peut-on dire que la série adjectivale est une figure de style ?Notre but sera de montrer comment s’articulent ces deux phénomènes stylistiques qui font de la série adjectivale une microstructure complexe : l’effet artiste et le fait de vision. Notre thèse consiste à démontrer que la série adjectivale est un phénomène stylistique, un fait qui ne peut se comprendre qu’en analysant le fonctionnement cognitif d’une vision du monde. Dans une première partie nous analysons la série adjectivale comme un fait de langue, une syntaxe complexe ; dans une seconde partie, nous étudions les effets stylistiques produits par la série adjectivale ; puis nous démontrons que le fait syntaxique est l’expression d’un rapport phénoménologique entre le narrateur et le monde qui l’entoure. / Adjectival series are a well-known by Proust’s readers. We find more than three thousand adjectival series in In Search of the Lost time ; some combine two, three, four adjectives, until seveteen adjectives ; we notice semantical variations and syntactical differences. Should we speak about adjectival series or serie ? What do these series have in common ? Is the adjectival series a stylistic figure ? We want to prove that the adjectival serie is part of these two both stylistics phenomenons which are artistical writting effects and vision of the world. We analyse this stylistic fact according to psychomecanical linguistic, as the expression of an original way to feel. In the first part of research we will show that the adjectival serie is a complex syntactic fact ; in the second part we analyse the adjectival serie as a stylistic effect ; then, we demonstrate that the syntactic fact express a phenomenological link between the narrator and the world.

Rhétorique et politique dans les "Librorum deperditorum Fragmenta" d'Aristote : avec présentation, édition, traduction, annotations et commentaire des fragments relatifs à la rhétorique, à l'éthique et à la politique / Rhetoric and politics in Aristotle’s "Librorum deperditorum Fragmenta" : with presentation, edition, translation, annotations and commentary of fragments relating to rhetoric, ethics and politics

Aluze, Vincent 16 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse examine la relation de la rhétorique, de l’éthique et de la politique dans les fragments des œuvres perdues d’Aristote, et la recherche porte plus largement sur le lien de cette relation avec l’ensemble de la philosophie d’Aristote. Cette étude tente donc de savoir si Aristote, par opposition à ses prédécesseurs, est bien « l’inventeur » de la rhétorique – à laquelle il confère le rang de technique avec une méthode et un objet propres dans le traité éponyme – dès ses premières œuvres de jeunesse, ou bien si sa conception a évolué au cours du temps. Ce faisant et en considérant les aspects éthico-politiques des ces œuvres perdues, l’examen discute les grandes hypothèses interprétatives qui ont été proposées à ce sujet pour soutenir la thèse d’une cohérence de la pensée d’Aristote plutôt que celle d’une évolution. L’étude comporte deux grands moments. Le premier consiste en l’édition, la traduction parfois inédite en langue française, et l’annotation des fragments des Librorum deperditorum relatifs à la rhétorique et la politique, avec la présentation des apparats critiques correspondants. Le second se consacre à l’examen de la cohérence de la pensée aristotélicienne au moyen du commentaire des fragments et de leur comparaison aux œuvres des sophistes (Protagoras, Gorgias, Isocrate, Lycophron), de Platon (Gorgias, Phèdre) et des traités aristotéliciens. Pour ce faire, le travail propose une étude lexicale du vocabulaire employé par Aristote, une analyse philosophique de certains concepts importants (andreia, eleutheriotês, eugeneia, metron, orgê, phronêsis) justifiée par leur emploi dans les fragments et le reste du Corpus aristotelicum, et une exégèse d’ensemble. / The thesis investigates the relationship between rhetoric, ethics and politics in the fragments of Aristotle’s lost works, and more globally its relation in Aristotle’s entire philosophy. This study intends to understand if Aristotle, in opposition to his predecessors, is the « inventor » of the rhetoric – to which he awards the value of technique with a proper methodology and object in the eponym treatise – from is early years works, or if his conception of it evolved in time. In doing so, and considering the ethico-political aspects of these lost works, the thesis discusses the main interpretative hypothesis that have been proposed on this subject in order to support the theory of Aristotle’s thought consistency, more than its evolution. The study stands in two main parts. The first one consists in the edition, the translation sometimes unprecedented in French language, and the annotation of Librorum deperditorum’s fragments related to rhetoric and politics, including the corresponding critical apparatus. The second inspects the consistency of Aristotle’s thought using the fragments’ comments and in comparison to the works of the sophists (Protagoras, Gorgias, Isocrates, Lycophron), of Plato (Gorgias, Phaedrus) and of the aristotelian treatises. To proceed, a lexical study of the vocabulary used by Aristotle, a philosophic analysis of a few main concepts (andreia, eleutheriotês, eugeneia, metron, orgê, phronêsis) justified by their presence in the fragments and the rest of the Corpus aristotelicum, and a comprehensive textual exegesis have been undertaken.

Otevřené dílo? Swannova láska a její filmové zpracování (1984) / The Open Work? Swann in love and its film adaptation (1984)

Bőhmová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
(in English): Our thesis is titled The Open Work? Swann in love and it's film adaptation. Our primary aim is not only to summarize the most famous theories about the openness of the work but also to apply these theories directly to the book Swann in love and subsequent comparison of the literary and film adaptation of the story. We have divided the thesis into three chapters. The first one is methodological overview. In our thesis we will deal with several phenomena from the field of literary science. We will be interested mainly in the character of the reader and the author and the different roles attributed to them by different theories. We will look closely at the differences between the empiric and model reader and the author, deal with the openness of the work, the difference between the subjects of the author, the narrator and the main characters, and we will also look into the theory of fictional worlds. We chose the work of Umberto Eco as a theoretical basis, but we also draw some ideas from the work of other literary theorists. In the second chapter, these theories will be applied to the specific passages of the book Swann in love. Let's get into the fictional world of Swan's love and watch the surroundings. We will try to conclude what the reader of this work should be, what mistaken...

Inspirace americkým rámcem kalkulace náhrady škody z porušení patentového práva pro návrh českého rámce / The American patent infringement damages framework as an inspiration for a suggestion for the Czech framework

Černíková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The theses is dedicated to the methodology of patent infringement damages calculations in the American and Czech legal environment. The methodology is first defined in terms of the US legal framework. The main focus is devoted to the methods of determining the royalty rate, as the thesis describes the Goergia-Pacific factors analysis and also additional methods recommended by literature are taken into account. Based on the identification of the main differences between the American and Czech damages legislation, it analyzes an applicability of the American framework in the Czech Republic.

Unidade e fragmento: uma leitura da composição proustiana a partir dos cadernos 53 e 55 de Albertine / Unity and fragment: a reading of the Proustian composition using exercise books 53 and 55 of Albertine as a starting point

Carla Cavalcanti e Silva 08 March 2010 (has links)
Embora o romance Em busca do tempo perdido seja incontestavelmente uma obra inacabada, não se trata, entretanto, de uma obra incompleta. Seu fechamento circular, promovido pelo diálogo entre o primeiro e último volumes, foi tema de grande parte da crítica proustiana. Com relação à sua composição, seu processo escritural passou por diversas mudanças e a construção, equiparada à execução de uma catedral, poderia igualmente ser caracterizada pela colagem, montagem ou costura dos fragmentos textuais esboçados nos setenta e cinco cadernos de rascunho. A busca pela unidade em meio a essa profusão de textos levou o escritor à atividade incessante de releitura e reescritura e, consequentemente, ao inacabamento da obra. O trabalho que ora apresentamos tem por objetivo o estudo dessa composição, a partir da leitura e análise dos cadernos 53 e 55, ambos consagrados à elaboração da história de Albertine. / Although the novel In Search of Lost Time is certainly unfinished, it is not an incomplete work. Its round ending, promoted by the dialogue between the first and last volumes, was the subject of much Proustian criticism. With respect to its composition, its writing process has gone through many changes and the construction, equivalent to the execution of a cathedral, could also be characterized by the process of montage or the stitching of textual fragments contained in Prousts seventy-five exercise books. The search for unity amongst this profusion of texts has led the writer to the ceaseless activity of rereading and rewriting and thus to the incompleteness of the work. The analysis presented here is aimed at studying this composition, having the reading and the analysis of exercise books 53 and 55, both related to the elaboration of the story of Albertine, as a starting point.

Secret city : creating a living urban landscape in Pretoria’s CBD

Visser, Dominique 05 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores the potential of new public landscapes developed in small scale lost, or latent spaces within the urban fabric of Pretoria, in order to change the CBD into a living city that encourages urban regeneration through tactical intervention. The urban voids of Pretoria will be mapped and a site developed using a series of tactical interventions. The exploration of current pop-up trends and guerilla urbanism as a vehicle for urban renewal provides the basis for the phasing process. C13/4/48 / Dissertation ML(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Architecture / ML(Prof) / Unrestricted

Polyfunkční dům Na Skřivánku v Chotěboři / "Multifunctional House Na Skřivánku in Chotěboř"

Janáček, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The main task of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of a project for the construction of a polyfunctional building Na Skřivánek in Chotěboř. The multifunctional house has one underground and 4 aboveground floors. On the underground floor there are premises serving as technical and storage facilities, on the ground floor there is designed two offices - general practitioner and pediatrician in the central part of the floor plan. In one of the outer tracts of the building there is a business area, designed for the operation of a travel agency. There is an apartment for barrier-free use on the ground floor. On the upper floors there is a total of 8 other apartment units ranging from 2 + kk to 2 atypical maisonettes in 3rd-4th floor. Each apartment unit, in addition to the barrier-free, is equipped with a balcony or terrace located on the south side. The basement part of the building is built of concrete slabs of lost formwork, the above-ground wall part of the Porotherm brick system is heat-insulated with a contact insulation system. Ceiling structures are made of pre-stressed Spiroll ceiling panels and filigree panels with superconducting. The roofing of the building is solved by a combination of a flat roof with a vegetation block with extensive green and saddle roofs with a continuous concealed dormer whose supporting function is provided by a wooden purlin roof truss.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional Building

Němec, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design and elaboration of project documentation for the implementation of a new multifunctional building. The building will be located in the city of Brno in the district of Ko-márov. The new building will be divided into three separate functional units - underground garage, office space with hairdresser and residential part. Each apartment is equipped with a separate balcony. It is a four-storey, partly basement multifunctional house with a flat roof, based on reinfor-ced concrete slab. The construction system is designed wall. The basement part of the buil-ding is built from concrete molded blocks of permanent shuttering, the above-ground part from ceramic blocks of the Porotherm system. The ceiling structure consists of reinforced concrete monolithic slabs. The windows will be plastic. The thesis is designed in accordance with applicable laws, ordinances and standards.

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