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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systém pro řízení intenzity osvětlení / Intelligent lightning system

Harman, Ján January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my master’s thesis is a system for control of the light intensity. It is electronic equipment which controls the intensity of the light circuits based on settings and input signals. This equipment could work on single-phase systems or multiphase systems. The equipment is controlled by the signal DMX-512 which is a standard for the control of lighting technologies. The set up of this equipment is based on a personal computer or in a limited form by a small connected display.

Využití reverberátorů pro úpravu akustiky prostoru / Using reverberators to modify space acoustics

Pavlikovský, Vladislav January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with adjusting the reverberation time of enclosed spaces. It is divided into two thematic areas. The first thematic area deals with active systems that adjust the reverberation time, with a stronger focus on usage of reverberators to simulate secondary spaces. The second thematic area is the implementation of reverberators and their fundamental building blocks in Matlab.

Návrh laditelného kmitočtového filtru 2. řádu se spínanými kapacitory / Design of the tunable second order switched capacitor frequency filter

Bragina, Tatiana January 2014 (has links)
Thesis describes analog filters topologies with capability of tuning of the main parameters and the MOSFET-C and switched-capacitor filters are described. With focus to linearity and maximal tuning range optimal topology have been chosen. In work the issue of analog switch design is described and is solved. Design of switched-capacitor low-pass Sallen-key filter in Cadence software was made and simulation results are presented.

Studium vlivů frekvenčních nestabilit oscilátorů v družicových komunikačních systémech / Studies of Influences of Oscillators Frequency Instabilities in Satellite Communication Systems

Baran, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with a study of an influence of a simultaneous incidence of an additive thermal noise and a multiplicative phase noise on the useful signal transmission in narrowband satellite communication systems. While the additive thermal noise affects the useful signal only on the receiver side of the communication system, the multiplicative phase noise is produced in all system oscillators. One investigates how the receiver filter bandwidth reduction takes effect on the influence of individual noise types. The thesis is divided into four units. The first one (chapters 4 and 5) solves the ways of modeling of both noise types. In the second part (chapter 6), on the simple example, the primary analysis of the phase noise influence is made. Basic modulation schemes used in the satellite communication are also discussed (chapter 7). Third part (chapter 8) is devoted to the modeling of a general digital system with a M PSK modulation made directly on the main carrier wave. The last part (chapter 9) describes the modeling of a digital system with a BPSK modulation on the auxiliary subcarrier wave followed by an SSB modulation on the main carrier wave. General conclusions are deduced from obtained simulation results.

Syntéza moderních struktur kmitočtových filtrů / Synthesis of Modern Structures of Frequency Filters

Friedl, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Within modern frequency structures, the filter frequency region of up to 10 MHz constitutes a promising research topic that currently attracts intensive attention of specialists interested in the problem. The main reason of this fact consists in that the rapid development of modern technology allows the production of innovated structures of the analog frequency filters required in the defined band. In this context, however, it is also necessary to refine the methods applied in the synthesis and optimization of these structures; such improvement should be carried out with respect to fundamental properties and usability of today's active elements (operational amplifiers with voltage feedback whose Gain Bandwidth Product ranges within units of GHz, operational amplifiers with current feedback, conveyors, transimpedance operational amplifiers). In this thesis, active blocks of synthesis inductors (SIs) and frequency dependent negative resistors (FDNRs) are examined in detail, and the author provides novel formulas to define the basic parameters of the dual circuits. Due emphasis was placed on optimizing the basic building blocks of the second order and defining the variation of their properties caused by the addition of modern active elements. The blocks were analyzed and modified in view of their possible use in higher-order circuits. For active filters of a higher order, simulations were performed to indicate the actual sensitivity of the cascade and non-cascade ARC structures. The following phase of the research comprised mainly the designing of several filters, and this activity was further completed with the verification of the methodology for the synthesis and optimization of higher-order loss ladder filters with modern active blocks. Special attention was paid also to the methods enabling the optimization of such filters, which are invariably based on RLC prototypes. In order to verify the theoretical conclusions, the author materialized a large number of sample optimized filters and measured their parameters. The closing section of the thesis describes the use of the filters in specific applications.

Behaviorální modely aktivních prvků s nezávislým víceparametrovým elektronickým řízením / Behavioral models of active elements with possibility of independent multi-parameter control

Novotný, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on behavioral modelling of active elements with independent multi-parameter electronic control using comercially available components. In a first part of the thesis, CVDIBA, CVDOBA, CVCC and OC elements are discussed. The functionality is verified by simulations using OrCAD PSpice. Used components are diamond transistor OPA860, variable gain amplifier LMH6505, differencing amplifier AD830, low distortion differential driver AD8138, current conveyor EL2082 and current mode four quadrant multiplier EL4083. Four active elements are further built on PCB and measured. Some applications like low pass filter, high pass filter, all pass filter and reconfigurable filter.

Diferenční a pseudodiferenční kmitočtové filtry / Differential and pseudo-differential frequency filters

Sládok, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with fully differential and pseudo-differential frequency filters. Significant emphasis is placed on the characteristics of common-mode signal. Further, the text deals with the design issue of fully-differential structure and transformation of non-differential to pseudo-differential structures. In the thesis one non-differential structure, one fully-differential and three pseudo-differential structures are proposed, one of them working in current mode. The thesis also describes the analysis from the perspective of non-ideal properties of the active element of two circuit solutions, which is trying to find the optimal solution. In each case, functionality of new solutions is verified by simulations and in several cases also by experimental measurement.

Hållbar kraftförsörjning av signalanläggningar : En undersökning av Roslagsbanans signalsäkerhetsutrustning / Sustainable power supply of signalling facilities

Strandberg, Leo, Mirovic, Zivojin January 2018 (has links)
Roslagsbanans signalanläggningar har flera olika lösningar för dess strömförsörjning i form av standarder för batterier och likriktare. Denna lösningsvariation har försvårat för underhållspersonalen att åtgärda de fel som uppstått och därmed fördröjt trafiken, dvs trafikstörningar. Roslagsbanan försörjs delvis av lokala elnät där avbrott emellanåt förekommer. Dessa avbrott inträffar ofta när elnätsleverantörerna underhåller sitt ortnät vilket kan ske även under rusningstrafik. Avbrotten kan även orsakas inom signalanläggningarna när stora spänningsvariationer förekommer, t.ex. när stora induktiva- eller kapacitiva laster slås av. Dessa problem analyseras och åtgärdsförslag tas fram i denna rapport. De befintliga likriktarna och batterierna samt förslag till ersättningsprodukter som behövs för detta säkerhetssystem har sammanställts i denna rapport. För att skapa en hållbar, robust och miljövänlig strömförsörjning till Roslagsbanans signalanläggningar undersöktes i detta arbete strömspikar, avbrottsfri kraftförsörjning samt dessutom möjligheten att ansluta solceller som kompletterande åtgärd. I signalutrustningen vid Roslags Näsby stationsområde detekterades och undersöktes förekomsten av strömspikar. Två åtgärdsförslag för att komma till rätta med dessa strömspikar togs fram. Förslagen var ett lågpassfilter och en metalloxidvaristor som båda var för sig reducerar strömspikarna. Lågpassfiltret dämpar insignalernas spänning och strömförsörjning vid kraftiga förändringar i frekvensen och metalloxidvaristorn reducerar strömflödet vid överspänningar. Ytterligare undersökningar av transienterna i Roslags Näsbys och de övriga signalanläggningarna på Roslagsbanan bör utföras. Resultaten av de genomförda undersökningarna om avbrottsfri kraftförsörjning och solceller visade däremot att utrustningarna inte bör installeras i de nuvarande signalanläggningarna. Solceller var inte implementerbara eftersom effektbehovet av signalanläggningarna var större än den takyta som fanns tillgänglig för solcellerna. Arbete och investeringar för ett avbrottsfritt kraftförsörjningsunderhåll och installation av denna utrustning var mer krävande i jämförelse med dess nytta för signalanläggningarnas tillförlitlighet, dvs ingen åtgärd i nuläget. Förslag på ersättningsprodukter i form av likriktare och batterier lades fram till arbetsgivarna för att skapa en standard för Roslagbanans kraftförsörjning framåt. / Roslagsbanan's signal systems have several different solutions for its power supply in the form of several standards for batteries and rectifiers. This solution variation has made it difficult for maintenance staff to correct the errors that occurred and thus delayed traffic, i.e. traffic disturbances. Roslagsbanan is partly supplied by local power grids where interruptions occur occasionally. These interruptions often occur when the network service providers maintain their home network, which may also occur during rush hour traffic. The interruptions can also be caused by the signal systems them self when large voltage variations occur, e.g. when large inductive or capacitive loads are switched off. These problems are analysed, and action proposals are presented in this report. The existing rectifiers and batteries as well as proposals for replacement products that are needed for this safety system have been compiled in this report. To create a sustainable, robust and environmentally friendly power supply to Roslagsbanan’s signal systems, this work investigated transients, uninterruptible power supply, as well as the possibility of connecting solar cells as a complementary arrangement. An investigation of the signal equipment at Roslags Näsby station area showed presence of transients. Two proposals to reduce these transients were presented. The proposals were a low pass filter and a metal oxide varistor, both individually reduces transients. The low pass filter attenuates the voltage and current of the signal when the strong frequency changes occurs and the metal oxide varistor reduces the current flow at overvoltages. Further investigations of the transients in Roslags Näsbys and the other signal facilities on the Roslagsbanan should be performed. On the other hand, the results of the investigations on uninterruptible power and solar cells showed that the equipment should not be installed in the current signal systems. Solar cells were not implementable because the power requirement of the signal systems was greater than the current ceiling area for the solar cells. The work and investment for uninterruptible power supply maintenance and installation were more demanding in comparison to its usefulness for the reliability of the signal systems. Proposals for replacement products were submitted to employers to create a standard for Roslagbanan's power supply onwards. / Сигнални систем на железници која се зове Рослагсбана садржи више различитих решења за своје напајање у облику неколико стандарда за батерије и исправљаче. Варијација различитих решења проузроковала je потешкоће у отклањању новонасталих грешака служби које се баве одржавањем и изазвала је застој у железничком саобраћају. Рослагсбана се напаја електричном енергијом из локалних мрежа на којима може доћи до прекида. Прекид напајања електричном енергијом може бити изазван наглим променама напона у сигналним системима и уколико локални дистрибутер изводи радове на одржавању електричне мреже. Проблеми који могу настати променама напона се анализирају и испитују у овом извештају. Попис исправљача и батерија као и њихова стандардна решења су обрађени и представљени у циљу стварања одрживог и дугорочног решења за системску сигнализацију. Анализирани су високонапонски шпицеви, системи за непрекидно напајање електричном енергијом (УПС) и могућност прикључивања соларних панела. У сигналном систему на станици Рослас Насби измерени су високонапонски шпицеви. Како би се дошло до најбољег и најповољнијег решења анализирана су два предлога за њихово уклањање. Један предлог за уклањање био је ниско пропусни филтер док је за редукцију предложен метал- оксидни одводник пре напона (МОВ). Ниско пропусни филтер смањује јачину струје и напона уколико фреквенција пређе одређену претходно утврђену границу, док МОВ редукује ток струје уколико дође до скока напона. Пре имплементације било ког од наведених решења треба извршити накнадна испитивања у вези са напонским шпицевима. Резултати указују да имплементација УПС-а и соларних панела није могућа. Могућност соларних панела да произведу довољну количину енергије која је потребна за одређени систем није сразмерна површини система која би могла да се прекрије соларним панелима. Трошкови одржавања и прикључивања УПС система су већи у поређењу са значајем које би систем имао од самог УПС система. Предлог стандардних батерија и исправљача који је представљен послодавцу коригован је како би се дошло до стандардног решења за све предстојеће пројекте.

Development of Resistor-based Silver and Zinc Devices using Novel Applications of Inkjet Printing

Radwan, Abdulaziz (Aziz) N. 27 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Měřič odstupu signálu od šumu obrazových signálů / BER Meter for Video Signals

Šimoník, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The diplomma thesis is dealing with possibilities of Signal to noise ratio measurement by method, which is based on direct measurement. It is chosen the most suitable method – signal and noise separation to two different parallel signal branches, where is measured signal strength in one branch and root mean square value in the other. The thesis is consisted of a concept of detail block scheme of Signal to noise ratio meter, which was designed in terms of theoretical knowledge. Particular functional blocks were circuit-designed, the active and passive parts were chosen and their function were described. There were made simulation and displayed input and output time flows. There is designed the whole connection of engineered Signal to noise ratio meter in the last part of my thesis. The double-sided board of printed circuit is contained too. It was created simple programme for supervisor micro-processor. Thereby were constructed complete bases for realization.

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