1011 |
Lichtwellenleiterbasierte Dosisleistungsmessung mittels Radiolumineszenz und Optisch Stimulierter LumineszenzTeichmann, Tobias 13 March 2018 (has links)
In Medizin und Technik besteht ein Bedarf an flexiblen, miniaturisierten Dosisleistungs-messgeräten mit hoher Ortsauflösung für den Einsatz in Strahlungsfeldern hoher Dosisleistung und Dosisleistungsgradienten. Lichtwellenleiterbasierte Dosisleistungsmess-systeme können diese Anforderungen erfüllen. Sie bestehen aus einem strahlungssensitiven Leuchtstoff, welcher über einen flexiblen Lichtleiter an einen Lichtdetektor gekoppelt ist. Die Eliminierung des dominierenden Störeinflusses, des bei Bestrahlung des Lichtleiters generierten Stem-Effekts, ist eine inhärente Herausforderung aller lichtwellenleiter¬basierten Dosisleistungsmesssysteme. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein solches System unter Verwendung der Lumineszenz der gewebeäquivalenten Detektormaterialien Berylliumoxid und Lithiumtetraborat realisiert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Untersuchung von Methoden der Stem-Eliminierung unter Nutzung der zeitlichen Charakteristik der Lumineszenzmaterialien sowie der zeitlichen Struktur des Strahlungsfeldes oder einer modulierten optischen Stimulation. Eine performante Ausleseelektronik auf FPGA-Basis ermöglicht Echtzeit-Messungen mit einer Abtastung von 10 ns. Verschiedene Auswertemethoden generieren aus den Rohdaten in Zeitstempelform eine stem-unabhängige, dosisleistungsproportionale Detektorantwort. / In medicine and technology there is a demand for flexible, miniaturized dose rate measurement systems with high spatial resolution for the application in radiation fields of high dose rates and dose rate gradients. Fiber optic coupled dosimeters can meet these requirements. They consist of a radiation sensitive luminescent material which is connected to a light detector with a flexible light guide. The elimination of the dominant perturbation, which is the stem effect generated by irradiation of the light guide, is one inherent challenge of all fiber optic dosimeters. In the present work such a system is realized, using the luminescence of the two tissue equivalent detector materials beryllium oxide and lithium tetraborate. The main focus is on the investigation of methods of stem elimination, exploiting the temporal characteristics of the luminescent materials, as well as the time structure of the irradiation or a modulated optical stimulation. For this purpose, capable FPGA-based read out electronics are employed, which enable real time measurements with 10 ns sampling. Different methods of analysis process the time stamp raw data and generate a stem-free, dose rate proportional detector response.
1012 |
HeT-SiC-05International Topical Workshop on Heteroepitaxy of 3C-SiC on Silicon and its Application to Sensor DevicesApril 26 to May 1, 2005,Hotel Erbgericht Krippen / Germany- Selected Contributions -Skorupa, Wolfgang, Brauer, Gerhard January 2005 (has links)
This report collects selected outstanding scientific and technological results obtained within the frame of the European project "FLASiC" (Flash LAmp Supported Deposition of 3C-SiC) but also other work performed in adjacent fields. Goal of the project was the production of large-area epitaxial 3C-SiC layers grown on Si, where in an early stage of SiC deposition the SiC/Si interface is rigorously improved by energetic electromagnetic radiation from purpose-built flash lamp equipment developed at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. Background of this work is the challenging task for areas like microelectronics, biotechnology, or biomedicine to meet the growing demands for high-quality electronic sensors to work at high temperatures and under extreme environmental conditions. First results in continuation of the project work – for example, the deposition of the topical semiconductor material zinc oxide (ZnO) on epitaxial 3C-SiC/Si layers – are reported too.
1013 |
Teoretická studie vlivu spin-orbitální interakce na spektra a fotofyziku rheniových komplexů / Theoretical study of spin-orbit coupling on spectra and photophysics of rhenium complexesHeydová, Radka January 2017 (has links)
Title: Theoretical study of spin-orbit coupling on spectra and photophysics of rhenium complexes Author: RNDr. Radka Heydová Department: Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry Supervisor: Ing. Stanislav Záliš, CSc., JHI AS CR, v.v.i. Supervisor's e-mail address: stanislav.zalis@jh.inst-cas.cz Abstract: Relativistic effects, especially spin-orbit coupling (SOC), play an essential role in transition metal chemistry and SOC treatment is indispensable for a correct theoretical description. To demonstrate the importance of SOC, the energies and oscillator strengths of vertical transitions for a series of [ReX(CO)3(2,2'-bipyridine)] (X = Cl, Br, I) and [Re(imidazole)(CO)3(1,10-phenanthroline)]+ complexes were calculated in the spin-free (SF) and spin-orbit (SO) conceptual frameworks. Two different computational approaches were adopted: SO-MS-CASPT2 where SOC was added a posteriori using a configuration interaction model (SO-RASSI), and the approximate perturbative SO-TD-DFT method. Relativistic effects were included via the two-component Douglas-Kroll-Hess transformation and the zeroth-order regular approximation in the former and the latter technique, respectively. The SF (i.e. accounting only for the scalar relativistic effects) and SO results from both methods were compared with each other and to available...
1014 |
Birch leaf carbon dots: characterization and application in a light-emitting electrochemical cellGregorsson, Märta January 2022 (has links)
A new rising star in the carbon nanomaterial family is carbon dots. Carbon dots have received great attention due to their excellent luminescence and low toxicity. In this project, a new carbon dot derived from birch leaves is studied and characterized. The birch leaf carbon dot (BL-CD) exhibits narrow red photoluminescence (peak = 670 nm, full width at half maximum = 23 nm) with a photoluminescence quantum yield of 26% in dilute methanol solution. The presence of the characteristic peaks of the pigment pheophytin-a in the absorption spectrum and the photoluminescence spectrum of the BL-CD and the absence of a crystal structure together with the narrow and excitation-independent photoluminescence indicate a carbon dot with a non-emissive amorphous structure with emissive molecular sites consisting of the pigment. The photoluminescence quenching of the BL-CDs in solid-state is reduced by the introduction of a hostmaterial. The use of a host enabled the employment of BL-CDs as the emitter in a light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC). This project paves the way for further development of the environmentally friendly and sustainable BL-CD LEC.
1015 |
Teorie a aplikace optické aktivity biomolekul / Theory and applications of optical activity of biomoleculesKrupová, Monika January 2021 (has links)
Title: Theory and Applications of Optical Activity of Biomolecules Author: Monika Krupová Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Petr Bouř, DSc. Institutions: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, and Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Abstract: This thesis describes how we used several chiroptical spectroscopic methods to study chiral molecules: vibrational circular dichroism (VCD), circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD). VCD and induced lanthanide CPL were used to study the structure of amyloid protein fibrils. We found out that VCD is very sensitive to their structure and supramolecular chirality. It could be used to distinguish between various polymorphic fibrils. On the other hand, induced lanthanide CPL provided information on the local structure. VCD was also used to study the hydration polymorphism of nucleoside crystals. Due to the crystal packing, the VCD signal was strong and specific for different types of crystals. Finally, electronic structure of hydrated Ln3+ ions was studied by MCD. Molecular dynamics simulations together with crystal field theory (CFT) and multistate complete active space calculations with second order perturbation correction (MS-CASPT2) were used to interpret the spectra. CFT...
1016 |
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von planaren und drahtförmigen Heterostrukturen mit ZnO- und ZnCdO-QuantengräbenLange, Martin 22 November 2012 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden planare und drahtförmige Heterostrukturen (HS) mit ZnO- und ZnCdO-Quantengräben bezüglich ihrer Lumineszenz untersucht. Die Proben wurden mit der gepulsten Laserabscheidung (PLD) hergestellt. Bei ZnO-basierten drahtförmigen HS mit Durchmessern im Mikro- und Nanometer-Bereich handelt es sich um vielversprechende Kandidaten für miniaturisierte optoelektronische Bauelemente.
Da es für viele Anwendungen notwendig ist, dass die Emission des Quantengrabens (QW) in einem breiten Spektralbereich eingestellt werden kann, muss die ZnO-Bandlücke möglichst stark verändert werden können. Durch ZnCdO und MgZnO ist dies möglich. Durch eine Optimierung der Abscheideparameter wurde der für PLD erreichte maximale Cd-Gehalt signifikant auf 0,25 erhöht. Große Mg-Gehalte konnten schon vor der Forschung zur vorliegenden Arbeit mit der PLD realisiert werden.
Die planaren HS mit ZnO-Quantengräben wurden vorrangig bezüglich Ihrer Lumines-zenzeigenschaften untersucht. Aufgrund der Orientierung der QW sollten diese zusätzlich zum Quantum-Confinement Effekt den Quantum-Confined Stark Effect (QCSE) zeigen. Der QCSE wurde durch zeitabhängige und anregungsabhängige Lumineszenzmessungen nachgewiesen. In den Mikrodraht (µW)- bzw. Nanodraht (NW)-HS mit ZnO-QW wurde die Emission zwischen 3,4 eV und 3,6 eV bzw. 3,4 eV und 3,7 eV eingestellt.
Um HS mit ZnCdO-QW herstellen zu können, war es notwendig, die strukturellen und optischen Eigenschaften sowie die elektronische Struktur von ZnCdO-Dünnfilmen zu untersuchen. Durch einen hohen Cd-Gehalt von 0,25 war es möglich, die Bandlücken-energie um 0,8 eV zu verringern. In planaren HS wurde ZnO bzw. MgZnO als Barriere verwendet und die QW-Emission zwischen 2,5 eV und 3,1 eV bzw. 2,5 eV und 3,65 eV eingestellt. Es wurde untersucht, ob für HS mit ZnCdO-QW ein QCSE auftritt. Die experimentellen Energien wurden dazu mit berechneten Werten verglichen, die mithilfe einer Effektiv-Masse-Näherung und dem Modell eines endlich tiefen Potentialtopfes bestimmt wurden. In entsprechenden µW- bzw. NW-HS wurde die QW-Emission infolge des Quantum-Confinement Effektes zwischen 2,7 eV und 3,1 eV bzw. 2,5 eV und 3,4 eV variiert.
Da es für die Anwendung von µW- und NW-HS wichtig ist, dass diese eine homogene QW-Emission zeigen, wurde deren spektrale Position entlang der Struktur und für die verschiedenen Facetten der hexagonalen Drähte untersucht. Die Homogenität der Emission
ist für die µW-HS kleiner als für die NW-HS.:I Einleitung 1
II Grundlagen 5
1 Kristall- und Bandstruktur der verwendeten Materialien 7
1.1 Kristallstruktur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Bandstruktur und effektive Massen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 ZnO-basierte Mikro- und Nanostrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2 Lumineszenz 17
2.1 Band-Band-Übergänge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 Exzitonen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3 Exziton-Polaritonen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4 Lumineszenz von ZnO-Dünnfilmen und -Einkristallen . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.5 Lumineszenz von ZnO-Mikro- und ZnO-Nanostrukturen . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6 Lumineszenz von ternären Halbleitern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3 Quantengrabenstrukturen 29
3.1 Energieniveaus im Quantengraben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2 Exzitonenbindungsenergie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 Quantum-Confined Stark Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4 Hexagonale Resonatoren 43
4.1 Fabry-Pérot- und WGM-Resonatoren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.2 Brechungsindex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
III Experimentelle Methoden 51
5 Proben 53
5.1 Herstellungsmethoden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.2 Probenherstellung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6 Untersuchungsmethoden 61
6.1 Strukturelle Charakterisierung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.2 Optische Charakterisierung und Charakterisierung der elektronischen Struktur . . . . . . . 65
IV Ergebnisse und Diskussion 69
7 Heterostrukturen mit ZnO-Quantengräben 71
7.1 Planare Heterostrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7.2 Mikrodraht-Heterostrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.3 Nanodraht-Heterostrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8 ZnCdO/ZnO-Doppelheterostrukturen 103
8.1 Lumineszenzeigenschaften . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
8.2 Tempern und thermische Stabilität . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
9 Heterostrukturen mit ZnCdO-Quantengräben 123
9.1 ZnCdO-Dünnfilme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
9.2 Planare ZnCdO/ZnO-Multiquantengrabenstrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . 133
9.3 Planare ZnCdO/MgZnO-Quantengrabenstrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
9.4 Mikrodraht-Heterostrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
9.5 Nanodraht-Heterostrukturen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 179
V Anhang 185
Ausheizen eines Niedrigtemperatur-ZnO-Dünnfilmes 187
Abkürzungsverzeichnis 191
Eigene Veröffentlichungen 193
Eigene Tagungsbeiträge 195
Literaturverzeichnis 197
Danksagung 210
Selbstständigkeitserklärung 211
Lebenslauf 213
1017 |
Non-instantaneous polarization in perovskite-like ferroelectrics revealed by correlated (ultra)fast luminescence and absorption spectroscopy. On the formation of self-trapped excitons in lithium niobate and their relation to small electron and hole polaron pairsKrampf, Andreas 28 August 2020 (has links)
In this work the transient non-instantaneous polarization, i.e., laser-pulse injected small
polarons and self-trapped excitons, is studied in the perovskite-like ferroelectric lithium
niobate. The investigations span a time scale from femtoseconds to several hours. It is
shown that the established small polaron picture is not able to describe transient absorption
and photoluminescence of lithium niobate consistently. Several strong indications
are presented demonstrating that the photoluminescence cannot be caused by geminate
small polaron annihilation.
Instead, the idea of radiatively decaying self-trapped excitons at the origin of the
blue-green photoluminescence is revived. Excitons pinned on defect sites are proposed to
lead to the already observed long-lived transient absorption in the blue spectral range in
Mg- and Fe-doped crystals. Excitons pinned on iron-defects are studied in more detail.
Their spectral fingerprint and absorption cross section is determined. Furthermore, it is
shown that the occurrence of these pinned STEs can be tailored by chemical treatment
of the samples and the experimental parameters such as the pump pulse intensity and
photon energy. Based on the new experimental results and reviewing data published
in literature, an atomistic picture of hopping and pinning of self-trapped excitons in
lithium niobate is proposed.
The question is addressed whether small polarons and self-trapped excitons in
lithium niobate are coupled species in the sense that oppositely-charged polarons may
merge into self-trapped excitons or STEs break into small polaron pairs. Decay kinetics
of transient absorption and luminescence assigned to free small polarons and STEs indicate
that this is not the case. For a more complete picture the ultrafast time scale is
investigated as well. The formation times of small polarons and STEs are determined,
which both lie in the range of 200 fs. No indications are found on the (sub)picosecond
time scale indicating a coupling of both quasi-particle species either.
In order to gain access to the formation of self-trapped excitons a custom-built
femtosecond broadband fluorescence upconversion spectrometer is installed. Based on
an already existing scheme, it is adapted to the inspection of weakly luminescent solid
samples by changing to an all reflective geometry for luminescence collection. To avoid
the necessity for an experimentally determined photometric correction of the used setup,
an already established calculation method is extended considering the finite spectral
bandwidth of the gate pulses.
The findings presented here are important not only as fundamental research, but
also regarding the technical application of lithium niobate and other similar nonlinear
optical crystals. The simultaneous occurrence of both small polarons and self-trapped excitons is a rather rarely described phenomenon. Usually, the optical response of wide
band gap oxide dielectrics is associated with only one of these quasi-particle species. This
work may therefore be a stimulus to review the existing microscopic models for transient
phenomena in other oxide dielectrics, which may help to improve their application in
nonlinear optical and electro-optical devices. In this context the ultrafast transient
photoluminescence spectroscopy established here for weakly luminescing solid samples
may again provide valuable insight.
With respect to lithium niobate, the results do not only resolve inconsistencies
between the microscopic pictures described in literature, but also provide information
regarding the extends to which the propagation of ultrashort laser pulses may be affected
by (pinned-)STE absorption. It is shown that tailoring of the long-lived absorption center
in the blue spectral range is possible, which may be used to avoid optical damage when
high repetition rates are applied.
It is important to emphasize that the microscopic model proposed in this work is
mainly based on experimental indications. It is the task of further detailed theoretical
investigations, e.g., via time-dependent density functional theory, to test whether the
proposed model is justified. From an experimental perspective the important question
remains whether (pinned-)STEs contribute to a photorefractive effect. In the experimentally
easily accessible spectral range no absorption feature of mobile STEs is observed.
As a complementary experimental technique, ultrafast holographic spectroscopy may
reveal an excitonic contribution to photorefraction and provide further insight to STE
transport and pinning phenomena.
1018 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Multifunctional Organic/ inorganic Hybrid Materials obtained by the "wet chemistry" approachKammoe, Astride Lorette 01 October 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert auf die Synthese von organisch/anorganischen Hybridmaterialien mit multifunktionalen Eigenschaften unter ausschliesslicher Darstellung dieser Materialen mit Hilfe des „wet chemistry“ Zugangs. Ausgehend von der Darstellung und Charakterisierung von isomorphen bzw. isostrukturellen Hybridmaterialien der allgemeinen Zusammensetzung catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) speziell mittels IR und UV/vis Spektroskopie ist beschrieben, wie sich aus diesen entsprechende bi-, tri-, und auch tetra-heterometallische Koordinationspolymere der allgemeinen Zusammenseztung {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ und x, y, z, t als prozentualer Metallgehalt) herstellen lassen und welche limitierende Faktoren zu berücksichtigen sind. Leifähigkeitsmessungen an Einkristallen ausgewählter Koordinationspolymere werden vorgestellt. Zusätzlich werden die durch Rekristallisation von Nitac erhaltenen zwei verschiedenen Koordinationspolymere der Formel {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n und {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n in Bezug auf ihre ungewöhnlichen strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften vorgestellt und beschrieben.
Die durch Austausch von [Me3NH]+ Kationen gegen [Et3NH]+ bzw. protonierten aromatischen N-haltigen Kationen wie [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ erhaltenen Reaktionsprodukte aus Umsetzungen mit Hilfe des “wet chemistry” Zugangs werden im Hinblick auf ihre Festkörperstrukturen beschrieben.
Die erfolgreiche Darstellung einer neuen Familie von perylentetracarboxylato-basierenden Komplexen, die teilweise hervorragende Löslichkeiten besitzen, wird beschrieben sowie die strukturellen, magnetischen und lumineszierenden Eigenschaften ausgewählter Vetreter. / The thesis presented here is focused on the synthesis of organic/ inorganic hybrid materials with multifunctional properties by means of the “wet chemistry” approach. The synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials with the general composition catena-{[Me3NH][MCl3·2H2O]}n (Mtac) (MII = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, tac = [Me3NH]Cl3·2H2O]) is described. Due to their isomorphic and/ or isostructural character, bi-, tri-, and even tetra-heterometallic chains of the general formula {MxM´ytac}n, {MxM´yM´´ztac}n, {MxM´yM´´zM´´´ttac}n (MII = M ≠ M´≠ M´´≠ M´´´≠ M´´´´ and x, y, z, t is the percentage of each metal content) were synthesized and characterized. Limitating factors of the synthesis of these types of heterometallic coordination polymers are discussed. Furthermore, the conductive properties of selected representatives were investigated. Additionally, the products obtained from recrystallization of Nitac, two different novel 1D coordination polymers of the formula {[Me3NH]3{NiCl4}{NiCl3}}n and {[(Me3NH]{NiCl3}}n are described with respect to their structural and magnetic properties.
Efforts to replace the [Me3NH]+ cations of Mtac compounds by [Et3NH]+ cations as well as by protonated aromatic amines as [2,2’-bipyH2]2+, [4,4’-bipyH2]2+ and [1,10-phenH2]2+ are reported next with respect to the structural exploration of obtained hybrid materials by the “wet chemistry” approach.
Finally, the synthesis of a new family of perylene tetracarboxylate (ptc) based soluble complexes is reported. Structural, magnetic and luminescence properties of selected representatives of this new series of soluble ptc derivatives are reported.
1019 |
Improvements on Instrumentation to Explore the Multidimensionality of Luminescence SpectroscopyMoore, Anthony 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation presents experimental and instrumentation developments that take full advantage of the multidimensional nature of line narrowing spectroscopy at liquid nitrogen (77 K) and liquid helium (4.2 K) temperatures. The inconvenience of sample freezing procedures is eliminated with the aid of cryogenic fiber optic probes. Rapid collection of multidimensional data formats such as wavelength time matrices, excitation emission matrices, time-resolved excitation emission matrices and time resolved excitation emission cubes is made possible with the combination of a pulsed tunable dye laser, a spectrograph and an intensifier-charged coupled device. These data formats provide unique opportunities for processing vibrational luminescence data with second order multivariate calibration algorithms. The use of cryogenic fiber optic probes is extended to commercial instrumentation. An attractive feature of spectrofluorimeters with excitation and emission monochromators is the possibility to record synchronous spectra. The advantages of this approach, which include narrowing of spectral bandwidth and simplification of emission spectra, were demonstrated with the direct analysis of highly toxic dibenzopyrene isomers. The same is true for the collection of steady-state fluorescence excitation-emission matrices. These approaches provide a general solution to unpredictable spectral interference, a ubiquitous problem for the analysis of organic pollutants in environmental samples of unknown composition. Since commercial spectrofluorimeters are readily available in most academic institutions, industrial settings and research institutes, the developments presented here should facilitate the widespread application of line-narrowing spectroscopic techniques to the direct determination, no chromatographic separation, of highly toxic compounds in complex environmental matrixes of unknown composition.
1020 |
Анализ структуры люминесцентных керамик оксида алюминия допированных различными металлами : магистерская диссертация / Analysis of the structure of luminescent ceramics of aluminum oxide doped with various metalsРябинина, М. В., Ryabinina, M. V. January 2017 (has links)
The method of introduction of metals to nanopowder, and made on their basis of compacts - impregnation in solution which contains necessary impurity is studied. This method is simple and effective, and also allows to vary the maintenance of a dopant in material.
Microphotos of a surface of the studied samples are received on the scanning electronic microscope of Zeiss Sigma VP. The analysis of fragments of structure of solid bodies is made on the specialized software of SIAMS 700 (SIAMS Photolab complex).
The average size of particles ceramics aluminum oxide with the entered metals was measured in work and distribution by the sizes is constructed. / Изучен метод допирования нанопорошков и изготовленных на их основе компактов - пропитка в растворе, который содержит необходимую примесь. Данный метод прост и эффективен, а так же позволяет варьировать содержание допанта в материале.
Микрофотографии поверхности исследуемых образцов получены на сканирующем электронном микроскопе Zeiss Sigma VP. Анализ фрагментов структуры твердых тел выполнен на специализированном программном обеспечении SIAMS 700 (комплекс SIAMS Photolab).
В работе был измерен средний размер частиц керамик оксида алюминия допиированных металлами и построено распределение по размерам.
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