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Vacinologia reversa: avaliação preliminar da resposta imunológica contra leishmaniose visceral no modelo experimental mesocricetus auratus imunizados com um peptídeo sintético da GP63 de leishmania majorSilva, Larissa Pinheiro 01 December 2017 (has links)
A leishmaniose é uma doença negligenciada causada por protozoários unicelulares do gênero Leishmania. De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde, a doença é classificada em duas formas clínicas: leishmaniose tegumentar (LT) e leishmaniose visceral (LV). A LV, também conhecida como calazar, é a forma mais grave, sendo potencialmente fatal em indivíduos não tratados. Atualmente, um dos grandes desafios encontrados nos estudos acerca da crescente urbanização da leishmaniose visceral (LV), é o desenvolvimento de vacinas com elevada eficácia para induzir proteção contra infecção por Leishmania. Neste contexto, o presente estudo foi elaborado de modo a se realizar uma análise preliminar de segurança e imunogenicidade de um possível candidato vacinal contra LV, constituído por um peptídeo sintético da glicoproteína gp63 de Leishmania major com predição para MHC de classe I, utilizando o hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) como modelo experimental. Um total de nove animais foram distribuídos em três grupos experimentais, entre os quais: (i) grupo controle (C, n=3), que recebeu 100 μL de solução salina estéril a 0,85%; (ii) grupo inoculado com adjuvante Montanide ISA-61VG (ISA, n=3) que recebeu 30 μL de Montanide, diluída em 70 μL de solução salina estéril a 0,85% e (iii) grupo imunizado com peptídeo MCH-I de Leishmania major e o adjuvante Montanide ISA-61VG (Lm-ISA, n=3) que recebeu 30 μL do antígeno/dose, diluído em 40 μL de solução salina estéril a 0,85% e emulsionados com 30 μL do adjuvante oleoso Montanide ISA-61VG. Os inóculos foram administrados por via subcutânea em três doses com intervalos de 14 dias. Amostras de sangue, soro e fragmentos do baço foram coletados para realização de diferentes análises laboratoriais, em tempos distintos. Perfil bioquímico da função renal e hepática, quadro leucocitário, titulação de anticorpos e linfoproliferação de esplenócitos foram alvos deste trabalho. Nossos resultados revelaram que a formulação foi inócua e não tóxica para os animais, uma vez que os níveis séricos de ureia, creatinina e das enzimas hepáticas: alanina aminostranferase (ALT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e fosfatase alcalina (FA), se mantiveram dentro dos padrões de normalidade descrito da literatura. Além disso, a formulação se mostrou capaz de induzir uma resposta humoral específica anti-Leishmania, através das dosagens de IgG total. Em resposta à série branca e à linfoproliferação das células do baço, foi verificado a existência de memória imunológica através do aumento significativo da população de leucócitos, bem como pela alta atividade linfoproliferativa obtida no grupo vacinal. / Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease caused by unicellular protozoa of the genus Leishmania. According to the World Health Organization, the disease is classified into two clinical forms: tegumentary leishmaniasis (LT) and visceral leishmaniasis (LV). LV, also known as calazar, is the most severe form, potentially fatal in untreated individuals. Actually, one of the major challenges encountered in studies of the increasing urbanization of visceral leishmaniasis (LV) is the development of highly effective vaccines to induce protection against Leishmania infection. In this context, the present study was elaborated in order to carry out a preliminary analysis of the safety and immunogenicity of a possible candidate vaccine against LV, constituted of a synthetic peptide of the glycoprotein gp63 of Leishmania major with prediction for MHC of class I, using the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) as an experimental model. A total of nine animals were distributed in three experimental groups, among them: (i) control group (C, n = 3), that received 100 μL 0.85% sterile saline solution; (Ii) Montanide ISA-61VG (ISA, n = 3) adjuvant group that received 30 μL of Montanide, diluted in 70 μL of 0.85% sterile saline and (iii) group immunized with MCH-I peptide Leishmania Major and Montanide ISA-61VG adjuvant (Lm-ISA, n = 3) that received 30 μL of the antigen/dose, diluted in 40 μL of 0.85% sterile saline and emulsified with 30 μL of the Montanide ISA-61VG oily adjuvant. The inocula were administered subcutaneously in three doses at 14 day intervals. Samples of blood, serum and spleen fragments were collected for different laboratory tests at different times. Biochemical profile of renal and hepatic function, leukocyte framework, antibody titration and lymphoproliferation of splenocytes were the targets of this study. Our results revealed that the formulation was innocuous and non-toxic to the animals, since serum levels of urea, creatinine and hepatic enzymes: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (AF) were maintained within the patterns of normality described in the literature. In addition, the formulation was capable to induce a humoral anti-Leishmania specific response by total IgG dosages. In response to the white series and lymphoproliferation of spleen cells, the existence of immunological memory was verified through a significant increase in the leukocyte population, as well as the high lymphoproliferative activity obtained in the vaccine group.
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Obtenção de proteína recombinante baseada em antígenos do líquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps: aplicação no imunodiagnóstico da neurocisticercose / Recombinant protein obtainment based on antigens from Taenia crassiceps vesicular fluid: application on immunodiagnostics of neurocisticercosisGomes, Andréia Bartachini 10 February 2011 (has links)
A neurocisticercose (NC) é uma doença provocada por larvas de Taenia solium (Tso) no sistema nervoso central. Seu diagnóstico fundamenta-se em critérios clínicos, epidemiológicos e laboratoriais. A utilização de antígenos parasitários no imunodiagnóstico apresenta desvantagens como: necessidade de animais, ausência de homogeneidade entre lotes, baixo rendimento, e contaminação com proteínas suínas. Assim, os antígenos recombinantes podem otimizar o imunodiagnóstico da NC, pois são reagentes simples e reprodutíveis, sem requerer animais. Este estudo teve como objetivo a obtenção, caracterização e análise da reatividade de proteína recombinante baseada em antígenos de líquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps (Tcra). Assim, o cDNA foi obtido por amplificação a partir de RNAm de cisticercos de Tcra. A proteína recombinante Tc14 foi produzida em Escherichia coli (DE3) BL21 utilizando-se o vetor de expressão pET-22b e purificada por cromatografia de afinidade. A caracterização antigênica deu-se por Imunoblot (IB) utilizando anticorpos monoclonais (AcMo). Houve reatividade com todos os AcMo utilizados (AcMo anti-antígeno de excreção/secreção de Tcra, AcMo anti-líquido vesicular de Tcra, AcMo antilíquido vesicular de Tso e AcMo anti-antígeno total de Tso), exceto com o AcMo anti-antígeno de escólex de Tso. Utilizando-se 22 amostras de soro e 19 de líquor (LCR) de pacientes com NC, 48 soros e 28 LCR do grupo controle negativo (GCN) e 17 soros de hidatidose do grupo outras parasitoses (OP) em Imunoblot foi observada reatividade na região de 14kDa, correspondente a Tc14, em todas as amostras NC, mas não nos GCN e OP. Em ELISA com Tc14 obteve-se sensibilidade (S) e especificidade (E) de 100% com LCR (29 amostras de NC e 35 do GCN) e S de 95,1% e E de 100% com soro (41 amostras de NC, 52 do GCN). Dentre 51 soros de OP, mostraram-se reagentes um de hidatidose e outro de estrongiloidíase. A análise comparativa entre diferentes antígenos e testes sorológicos apresentou índice de positividade de 100% em IB utilizando os antígenos Tc14 ou LLG (antígeno purificado de Tso com lentil-lectina); já em ELISA, os índices foram de 83,4% para Tc14 e 91,6% para 18/14 (antígeno purificado de líquido vesicular de Tcra com AcMo). Em ensaios de linfoproliferação a porcentagem de respondedores no grupo NC foi de 16,6% (com 0,05 e 0,6 µg de Tc14/poço), 50% (com 0,4 µg de Tc14/poço), 44,4% (com 1,0 µg de Tc14/poço) e 20% (com 2,0 µg de Tc14/poço). Não houve proliferação no GCN. A dosagem de citocinas em sobrenadante de cultura apresentou reatividade diferenciada entre o GCN e NC para IL-10, sendo uma amostra do GCN reagente e duas amostras de NC não reagentes. Não foi possível detectar IFN-γ. Em ELISA para IgG total 91,7% dos plasmas do grupo NC apresentaram reatividade, sendo a positividade para os isótipos IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 e IgG4 respectivamente, de 75; 33,3; 50 e 25%. O antígeno recombinante mostrou-se como ferramenta promissora para imunoensaios na NC, abrindo nova perspectiva envolvendo estudos a serem realizados sobre diferentes sistemas de expressão e antigenicidade frente a um número maior de amostras. / The neurocisticercosis (NC) disease is caused by the presence of Taenia solium (Tso) larvae in the central nervous system. Its diagnosis is based on clinical criteria, epidemiological studies and laboratorial exams. Nevertheless, the use of parasite antigenic extracts into the immunodiagnosis presents some disadvantages: it requires animals, lacks of homogeneity between lots, low yield and may become contaminated with swine proteins. Consequently, the utilization of recombinant antigens could optimize the immunodiagnostic of NC, as they are simple and reproducible reagents that do not require animals. This study aimed the capture, characterization and reactivity analysis of the recombinant protein based on antigens of the vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps (Tcra). In order to do so, the cDNA was obtained through the amplification deriving from RNAm of cysticerci of Tcra. The recombinant protein Tc14 was produced in Escherichia coli (DE3) BL21 using the expression vector pET-22b and purified by affinity chromatography (nickel resin). The antigenic characterization was performed by immunoblotting (IB) using monoclonal antibodies (MoAb). The recombinant protein presented reactivity with all the MoAb used (Anti-secretion/excretion antigens from Tcra MoAb, anti-vesicular fluid from Tcra MoAb, anti-vesicular fluid from Tso MoAb and anti- total antigen from Tso MoAb), except with the anti-antigen from Tso scolex MoAb. The immunoblot was performed using 22 serum samples and 19 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with NC, 48 serum and 28 CSF from the negative control group (GCN) and 17 hydatidosis serum from other parasitosis\' group (OP). It showed reactivity in the 14kDa region, correlated to Tc14, in all NC samples, but not presented on GCN and OP. In ELISA with Tc14, the sensibility (S) and specificity (E) of 100% was obtained with CSF (29 NC samples and 35 GCN samples) and 95.1% of S and 100% of E with serum (41 NC samples, 52 GCN samples). Among 51 OP serums, one from hydatidosis and one from strongyloidiasis demonstrated reactivity. The comparative analysis amongst different antigens and serological tests demonstrated positivity of 100% in IB when using the Tc14 antigens or LLG (purified antigen of Tso with lentil lectin). In ELISA, the positivity indicated was of 83.4% for Tc14 and 91.6% for 18/14 (vesicular fluid purified antigen with MoAb from Tcra). In lymphoproliferation tests, the percentage of responders in NC group was of 16.6% (with .0.5 and 6 µg of Tc14/well), 50% (with 0.4 µg of Tc14/well). No proliferation occurred in GCN. The dosage of cytokines in culture supernatants presented different reactivity amongst GCN and NC for IL-10, as one sample of GCN reacted and two NC samples did not. It was not possible to detect IFN-γ. In ELISA for total lgG, 91.7 % of plasmas from NC group presented reactivity, with positivity for the isotypes lgG1, lgG2, lgG3 and lgG4, 75 %, 33.3 %, 50 % and 25 %, respectively. The recombinant antigen prevails as a promising tool for immunoassays in NC, opening a new perspective involving studies to be performed concerning different expression and antigenicity ahead of a larger number of samples.
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Obtenção de proteína recombinante baseada em antígenos do líquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps: aplicação no imunodiagnóstico da neurocisticercose / Recombinant protein obtainment based on antigens from Taenia crassiceps vesicular fluid: application on immunodiagnostics of neurocisticercosisAndréia Bartachini Gomes 10 February 2011 (has links)
A neurocisticercose (NC) é uma doença provocada por larvas de Taenia solium (Tso) no sistema nervoso central. Seu diagnóstico fundamenta-se em critérios clínicos, epidemiológicos e laboratoriais. A utilização de antígenos parasitários no imunodiagnóstico apresenta desvantagens como: necessidade de animais, ausência de homogeneidade entre lotes, baixo rendimento, e contaminação com proteínas suínas. Assim, os antígenos recombinantes podem otimizar o imunodiagnóstico da NC, pois são reagentes simples e reprodutíveis, sem requerer animais. Este estudo teve como objetivo a obtenção, caracterização e análise da reatividade de proteína recombinante baseada em antígenos de líquido vesicular de Taenia crassiceps (Tcra). Assim, o cDNA foi obtido por amplificação a partir de RNAm de cisticercos de Tcra. A proteína recombinante Tc14 foi produzida em Escherichia coli (DE3) BL21 utilizando-se o vetor de expressão pET-22b e purificada por cromatografia de afinidade. A caracterização antigênica deu-se por Imunoblot (IB) utilizando anticorpos monoclonais (AcMo). Houve reatividade com todos os AcMo utilizados (AcMo anti-antígeno de excreção/secreção de Tcra, AcMo anti-líquido vesicular de Tcra, AcMo antilíquido vesicular de Tso e AcMo anti-antígeno total de Tso), exceto com o AcMo anti-antígeno de escólex de Tso. Utilizando-se 22 amostras de soro e 19 de líquor (LCR) de pacientes com NC, 48 soros e 28 LCR do grupo controle negativo (GCN) e 17 soros de hidatidose do grupo outras parasitoses (OP) em Imunoblot foi observada reatividade na região de 14kDa, correspondente a Tc14, em todas as amostras NC, mas não nos GCN e OP. Em ELISA com Tc14 obteve-se sensibilidade (S) e especificidade (E) de 100% com LCR (29 amostras de NC e 35 do GCN) e S de 95,1% e E de 100% com soro (41 amostras de NC, 52 do GCN). Dentre 51 soros de OP, mostraram-se reagentes um de hidatidose e outro de estrongiloidíase. A análise comparativa entre diferentes antígenos e testes sorológicos apresentou índice de positividade de 100% em IB utilizando os antígenos Tc14 ou LLG (antígeno purificado de Tso com lentil-lectina); já em ELISA, os índices foram de 83,4% para Tc14 e 91,6% para 18/14 (antígeno purificado de líquido vesicular de Tcra com AcMo). Em ensaios de linfoproliferação a porcentagem de respondedores no grupo NC foi de 16,6% (com 0,05 e 0,6 µg de Tc14/poço), 50% (com 0,4 µg de Tc14/poço), 44,4% (com 1,0 µg de Tc14/poço) e 20% (com 2,0 µg de Tc14/poço). Não houve proliferação no GCN. A dosagem de citocinas em sobrenadante de cultura apresentou reatividade diferenciada entre o GCN e NC para IL-10, sendo uma amostra do GCN reagente e duas amostras de NC não reagentes. Não foi possível detectar IFN-γ. Em ELISA para IgG total 91,7% dos plasmas do grupo NC apresentaram reatividade, sendo a positividade para os isótipos IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 e IgG4 respectivamente, de 75; 33,3; 50 e 25%. O antígeno recombinante mostrou-se como ferramenta promissora para imunoensaios na NC, abrindo nova perspectiva envolvendo estudos a serem realizados sobre diferentes sistemas de expressão e antigenicidade frente a um número maior de amostras. / The neurocisticercosis (NC) disease is caused by the presence of Taenia solium (Tso) larvae in the central nervous system. Its diagnosis is based on clinical criteria, epidemiological studies and laboratorial exams. Nevertheless, the use of parasite antigenic extracts into the immunodiagnosis presents some disadvantages: it requires animals, lacks of homogeneity between lots, low yield and may become contaminated with swine proteins. Consequently, the utilization of recombinant antigens could optimize the immunodiagnostic of NC, as they are simple and reproducible reagents that do not require animals. This study aimed the capture, characterization and reactivity analysis of the recombinant protein based on antigens of the vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps (Tcra). In order to do so, the cDNA was obtained through the amplification deriving from RNAm of cysticerci of Tcra. The recombinant protein Tc14 was produced in Escherichia coli (DE3) BL21 using the expression vector pET-22b and purified by affinity chromatography (nickel resin). The antigenic characterization was performed by immunoblotting (IB) using monoclonal antibodies (MoAb). The recombinant protein presented reactivity with all the MoAb used (Anti-secretion/excretion antigens from Tcra MoAb, anti-vesicular fluid from Tcra MoAb, anti-vesicular fluid from Tso MoAb and anti- total antigen from Tso MoAb), except with the anti-antigen from Tso scolex MoAb. The immunoblot was performed using 22 serum samples and 19 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with NC, 48 serum and 28 CSF from the negative control group (GCN) and 17 hydatidosis serum from other parasitosis\' group (OP). It showed reactivity in the 14kDa region, correlated to Tc14, in all NC samples, but not presented on GCN and OP. In ELISA with Tc14, the sensibility (S) and specificity (E) of 100% was obtained with CSF (29 NC samples and 35 GCN samples) and 95.1% of S and 100% of E with serum (41 NC samples, 52 GCN samples). Among 51 OP serums, one from hydatidosis and one from strongyloidiasis demonstrated reactivity. The comparative analysis amongst different antigens and serological tests demonstrated positivity of 100% in IB when using the Tc14 antigens or LLG (purified antigen of Tso with lentil lectin). In ELISA, the positivity indicated was of 83.4% for Tc14 and 91.6% for 18/14 (vesicular fluid purified antigen with MoAb from Tcra). In lymphoproliferation tests, the percentage of responders in NC group was of 16.6% (with .0.5 and 6 µg of Tc14/well), 50% (with 0.4 µg of Tc14/well). No proliferation occurred in GCN. The dosage of cytokines in culture supernatants presented different reactivity amongst GCN and NC for IL-10, as one sample of GCN reacted and two NC samples did not. It was not possible to detect IFN-γ. In ELISA for total lgG, 91.7 % of plasmas from NC group presented reactivity, with positivity for the isotypes lgG1, lgG2, lgG3 and lgG4, 75 %, 33.3 %, 50 % and 25 %, respectively. The recombinant antigen prevails as a promising tool for immunoassays in NC, opening a new perspective involving studies to be performed concerning different expression and antigenicity ahead of a larger number of samples.
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Avaliação da resposta imune de neonatos não infectados pelo HIV-1 nascidos de gestantes soropositivas / Evaluation of immune response in HIV-1-exposed uninfected neonates born from seropositive pregnant womenJoana Hygino da Silva Machado 07 August 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS), causada pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), é uma das mais destrutivas epidemias do mundo, e a infecção pelo HIV em mulheres jovens vem aumentando rapidamente nos dias atuais. Esse fato tem um impacto importante na transmissão vertical do vírus. Apesar da grande maioria dos casos de aids pediátrica em todo mundo resultar da transmissão vertical, aproximadamente dois terços das crianças expostas ao HIV durante a vida fetal não são infectadas pelo vírus. Muitos trabalhos sugerem que durante a gestação doenças infecciosas maternas podem ter consequências complexas para o desenvolvimento do feto, e poucos trabalhos têm explorado o impacto da exposição ao HIV sobre a responsividade imunológica de crianças não infectadas a diferentes estímulos, particularmente na era das drogas antirretrovirais. Portanto, esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar eventos imunes em neonatos não-infectados expostos ao HIV-1 nascidos de gestantes que controlam (G1) ou não (G2) a carga viral plasmática, usando neonatos não expostos como controle. Para tanto, sangue do cordão umbilical de cada neonato foi coletado, plasma e células mononucleares foram separados e a linfoproliferação e o perfil de citocinas foram avaliados. Os resultados demonstraram que a linfoproliferação in vitro induzido por ativadores policlonais foi maior nos neonatos do G2. Entretanto, nenhuma cultura de célula respondeu a um conjunto de peptídeos sintéticos do envelope do HIV-1. A dosagem de citocinas no plasma e nos sobrenadantes das culturas ativadas policlonalmente demonstrou que, enquanto a IL-4 e IL-10 foram as citocinas dominantes produzidas nos grupos G1 e controle, a secreção de IFN-γ, IL-1, Il-6, IL-17 e TNF-α foi significativamente superior nos neonatos G2. Níveis sistêmicos de IL-10 observados dentre os neonatos G1 foram maiores naqueles nascidos de mães tratadas com drogas inibidoras da transcriptase reversa do vírus. Por outro lado, níveis superiores de citocinas inflamatórias foram observados dentre estes nascidos de gestantes tratadas com terapia antirretroviral de alta eficácia. Em resumo, nossos resultados indicam uma responsividade imune alterada em neonatos expostos in utero ao HIV-1 e reforça o papel do tratamento materno anti-viral com drogas menos potentes em atenuar tais distúrbios. / The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is one the most destructive epidemic in the world, and the HIV-infection in young women has been increasing fast in the recent times. This fact has an important impact on vertical virus transmission. Although the great majority of the pediatric AIDS cases all over the world results from vertical transmission, approximately two thirds of the children exposed to the HIV during the fetal life are not infected by the virus. Many works suggest that during pregnancy, maternal infectious diseases could have complex consequences to the fetus development, and few works have explored the impact of HIV exposition on immunological responsiveness of uninfected children to different stimuli, particularly in the era of the anti-retroviral drugs. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate immune events in HIV-1-exposed uninfected neonates born from pregnant women who controlled (G1) or not (G2) the plasma viral load, using unexposed neonates as control. Cord blood from each neonate was collected, plasma and mononuclear cells were separated and the lymphoproliferation and cytokine pattern were evaluated. The results demonstrated that the in vitro lymphoproliferation induced by polyclonal activators was higher in the G2 neonates. Nevertheless, no cell culture responded to poll synthetic HIV-1 envelope peptides. The cytokine dosage in the plasma and supernatants of polyclonally-activated cultures demonstrated that, while IL-4 and IL-10 were the dominant cytokines produced in G1 and control groups, the secretion of IFN-γ, IL-1, Il-6, IL-17 and TNF-α was significantly higher in G2 neonates. Systemic levels of IL-10 observed among the G1 neonates were higher in those born from mothers treated with viral transcriptase reverse inhibitors drugs. On the other hand, higher levels of inflammatory cytokines were observed among them born from pregnant women treated with highly active anti-retroviral therapy. In summary, our results indicate an altered immune responsiveness in neonates exposed in utero to HIV and support the role of maternal anti-viral treatment with less potent drugs to attenuate it.
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Avaliação da resposta imune de neonatos não infectados pelo HIV-1 nascidos de gestantes soropositivas / Evaluation of immune response in HIV-1-exposed uninfected neonates born from seropositive pregnant womenJoana Hygino da Silva Machado 07 August 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS), causada pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), é uma das mais destrutivas epidemias do mundo, e a infecção pelo HIV em mulheres jovens vem aumentando rapidamente nos dias atuais. Esse fato tem um impacto importante na transmissão vertical do vírus. Apesar da grande maioria dos casos de aids pediátrica em todo mundo resultar da transmissão vertical, aproximadamente dois terços das crianças expostas ao HIV durante a vida fetal não são infectadas pelo vírus. Muitos trabalhos sugerem que durante a gestação doenças infecciosas maternas podem ter consequências complexas para o desenvolvimento do feto, e poucos trabalhos têm explorado o impacto da exposição ao HIV sobre a responsividade imunológica de crianças não infectadas a diferentes estímulos, particularmente na era das drogas antirretrovirais. Portanto, esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar eventos imunes em neonatos não-infectados expostos ao HIV-1 nascidos de gestantes que controlam (G1) ou não (G2) a carga viral plasmática, usando neonatos não expostos como controle. Para tanto, sangue do cordão umbilical de cada neonato foi coletado, plasma e células mononucleares foram separados e a linfoproliferação e o perfil de citocinas foram avaliados. Os resultados demonstraram que a linfoproliferação in vitro induzido por ativadores policlonais foi maior nos neonatos do G2. Entretanto, nenhuma cultura de célula respondeu a um conjunto de peptídeos sintéticos do envelope do HIV-1. A dosagem de citocinas no plasma e nos sobrenadantes das culturas ativadas policlonalmente demonstrou que, enquanto a IL-4 e IL-10 foram as citocinas dominantes produzidas nos grupos G1 e controle, a secreção de IFN-γ, IL-1, Il-6, IL-17 e TNF-α foi significativamente superior nos neonatos G2. Níveis sistêmicos de IL-10 observados dentre os neonatos G1 foram maiores naqueles nascidos de mães tratadas com drogas inibidoras da transcriptase reversa do vírus. Por outro lado, níveis superiores de citocinas inflamatórias foram observados dentre estes nascidos de gestantes tratadas com terapia antirretroviral de alta eficácia. Em resumo, nossos resultados indicam uma responsividade imune alterada em neonatos expostos in utero ao HIV-1 e reforça o papel do tratamento materno anti-viral com drogas menos potentes em atenuar tais distúrbios. / The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is one the most destructive epidemic in the world, and the HIV-infection in young women has been increasing fast in the recent times. This fact has an important impact on vertical virus transmission. Although the great majority of the pediatric AIDS cases all over the world results from vertical transmission, approximately two thirds of the children exposed to the HIV during the fetal life are not infected by the virus. Many works suggest that during pregnancy, maternal infectious diseases could have complex consequences to the fetus development, and few works have explored the impact of HIV exposition on immunological responsiveness of uninfected children to different stimuli, particularly in the era of the anti-retroviral drugs. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate immune events in HIV-1-exposed uninfected neonates born from pregnant women who controlled (G1) or not (G2) the plasma viral load, using unexposed neonates as control. Cord blood from each neonate was collected, plasma and mononuclear cells were separated and the lymphoproliferation and cytokine pattern were evaluated. The results demonstrated that the in vitro lymphoproliferation induced by polyclonal activators was higher in the G2 neonates. Nevertheless, no cell culture responded to poll synthetic HIV-1 envelope peptides. The cytokine dosage in the plasma and supernatants of polyclonally-activated cultures demonstrated that, while IL-4 and IL-10 were the dominant cytokines produced in G1 and control groups, the secretion of IFN-γ, IL-1, Il-6, IL-17 and TNF-α was significantly higher in G2 neonates. Systemic levels of IL-10 observed among the G1 neonates were higher in those born from mothers treated with viral transcriptase reverse inhibitors drugs. On the other hand, higher levels of inflammatory cytokines were observed among them born from pregnant women treated with highly active anti-retroviral therapy. In summary, our results indicate an altered immune responsiveness in neonates exposed in utero to HIV and support the role of maternal anti-viral treatment with less potent drugs to attenuate it.
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Etude des mécanismes d'expression des ligands de NKG2D lors des syndromes lymphoprolifératifs / Study of mechanisms of NKG2D ligands expression during lymphoproliferative syndromesIlias, Wassila 20 September 2017 (has links)
Des lésions de l’ADN sont impliquées dans les mécanismes de l’oncogenèse. De plus, la prolifération incontrôlée des cellules tumorales induit l’accumulation d’aberrations géniques. En réponse à ce stress génotoxique, les cellules en transformation expriment les ligands NKG2D MICA et MICB, molécules du CMH de classe I non conventionnelles qui activent une réponse cytotoxique T et NK contre cette transformation. Dans les syndromes lymphoprolifératifs chroniques, les mécanismes de la leucémogenèse reposent essentiellement sur une stimulation antigénique ou une activation des voies du récepteur à l’antigène (BCR) qui induit la prolifération cellulaire. De plus, les ligands MICA/B ne sont pas retrouvés à la surface de ces cellules. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont (i) rechercher si l’activation de la prolifération lymphocytaire peut induire l’expression de MICA/B et (ii) étudier les mécanismes induisant cette expression et leurs liens avec les voies de lésions/réparations de l’ADN. Pour cela, nous avons mis en place des conditions d’activation du récepteur à l’antigène permettant d’obtenir une prolifération (objectivée après marquage par CFSE) de lymphocytes B sains et de lymphocytes issus de patients porteurs de leucémie lymphoïde chronique (LLC), la plus fréquente des leucémie de l’adulte. L’expression des ligands MICA et MICB a ensuite été évaluée par qPCR, cytométrie en flux, western blots et ELISA. L’implication des différentes voies de signalisation en aval du récepteur à l’antigène a été analysée, ainsi que la cinétique d’apparition des lésions de l’ADN durant ce processus. Mes résultats montrent que MICA/B ne sont pas exprimés à la surface des lymphocytes B issus de donneurs sains ou de patients porteurs de LLC. Cependant, l’activation de la prolifération lymphocytaire induit une activation transcriptionnnelle de MICA ainsi que son expression à la surface de ces cellules. Cette expression est induite par différentes voies du récepteur à l’antigène ainsi que par la voie JAK/STAT et est indépendante des lésions de l’ADN qui surviennent plus tardivement dans la cellule. Au total, l’activation du récepteur à l’antigène qui induit la prolifération lymphocytaire induit également l’expression du ligand MICA (et non MICB) à la surface des lymphocytes sains et cette capacité d’expression est conservée dans les cellules de LLC qui ne l’expriment pas. Ces résultats suggèrent que MICA pourrait jouer un rôle crucial aux stades précoces de l’immunité anti-proliférative, ce qui ouvre la voie à de potentielles applications thérapeutiques. / Tumor cell’s uncontrolled proliferation induces an accumulation of genetic aberrations. In response to this genotoxic stress, most cells in transformation express NKG2D ligands (not expressed on resting cells), including MICA and MICB, which are non-conventional MHC class I molecules that could induce a cytotoxic T and NK response against the transformed cell. In chronic lymphoproliferative conditions, leukemogenic mechanisms rely in part on antigenic stimulations and/or activation of the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) pathways that induce cell proliferation. My thesis aims at studying : (i) the induction of MICA/B expression during lymphocyte proliferation and (ii) the mechanisms inducing this expression and their relationship with the DNA damage/repair pathways.I did generate BCR activation conditions to obtain B cells proliferation from healthy control individuals and from patients suffreing from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most common leukemia in adults. MICA and MICB expression was assessed by quantitative PCR, flow cytometry, Western blotting and ELISA after activation of B-cell proliferation. The different signaling pathways downstream BCR were analyzed, as were the kinetics of the DNA damage during this process. The results show that MICA/B aren’t expressed on cell surface of B cells from healthy control individuals or CLL patients before activation. Lymphoproliferative stimulation however up-regulates both MICA mRNA and surface protein in these same cells. This expression was induced by several BCR and by JAK/STAT pathways and seems to be indpendant of DNA damage. In conclusion, antigen receptor activation that induces lymphocyte proliferation also induces MICA expression (but not MICB) on B cells surface from healthy control individuals and this expression capacity is conserved in B cells from patients suffering from CLL. These results suggest that MICA may play a crucial role in the early stages of anti-proliferative immunity, which opens the avenue for therapeutic interventions.
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Rltpr, a lymphoid-specific protein essential for CD28 costimulation / Rltpr, une protéine lymphocytaire jouant un rôle essentiel dans la costimulation par CD28Cucchetti, Margot 10 October 2014 (has links)
La reconnaissance d'antigènes par le TCR active des protéines tyrosine kinases qui phosphorylent d'autres substrats intracellulaires dont LAT. Ceci engendre l'activation de molécules telles que PKCθ et CARMA-1. La mutation LatY136F associe des TCR "estropiés" dans le développement de cellules T effectrices générant des désordres lymphoprolifératifs. Nous avons essayé de comprendre les gènes aggravant ou empêchant cette lymphoprolifération en utilisant la mutagénèse ENU. Nous avons identifié une mutation appelée Basilic empêchant le déroulement de la pathologie LatY136F. Basilic est une mutation du gène Rltpr qui constitue une phénocopie de Cd28-/- sur fond sauvage et sur fond LatY136F. Rltpr est un une nouvelle protéine ayant de multiples domaines, qui appartient à la famille CARMIL et qui est exprimée dans les cellules T et B. L'objectif de ce travail était d'élucider les mécanismes au cours desquels CD28 et Rltpr coopèrent avec le TCR pour différencier des cellules T naïves en cellules T effectrices. Ce travail visait aussi à caractériser Rltpr, dont la structure/fonction et l'interactome sont encore inconnus. En utilisant des techniques de microscopie confocale, nous avons montré que la localisation et le recrutement de Rltpr et de RltprBas à la synapse immunologique sont tous deux CD28-dépendants. Les deux molécules colocalisent avec CD28 tout au long du processus d'activation. En outre, Rltpr est essentiel pour la translocation à la synapse de PKCθ et CARMA-1, qui sont induits lors de la co-stimulation par CD28. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension du fin réglage du système immunitaire adaptatif qui est mis en place lors de l'activation. / TCR recognition of antigens triggers the activation of protein tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate other intracellular substrates including LAT. LAT phosphorylation leads to the activation of PKCθ and CARMA-1. The point mutation LatY136F associates TCRs with crippled signaling abilities to the development of effector T cells generating lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs). We tried to shed light on genes exacerbating or preventing the LatY136F LPD by using an ENU mutagenesis screening. We identified one point mutation called Basilic that prevents the unfolding of the LatY136F pathology. Basilic is a point mutation of the Rltpr gene and is a phenocopy of a Cd28-/- mutation both on a wild-type and on a LatY136F background. Rltpr is a newly-discovered, multidomain protein belonging to the CARMIL family that is expressed in T and B cells. The objective of the present work was to elucidate the mechanisms during which CD28 and Rltpr cooperate withthe TCR to differentiate naïve into effector T cells. I also aimed at characterizing the Rltpr molecule, whosestructure/function and interactome are still largely unknown. Using confocal microscopy in collaborationwith Takashi Saito's group and Christoph Wülfing we showed that the localization and the recruitment ofboth Rltpr and RltprBas at the immune synapse are CD28-dependent. The two molecules colocalize with CD28all along the activation process. Moreover, Rltpr is essential for the synapse translocation of PKCθ andCARMA-1, which are induced upon CD28 costimulation. Those results allow a better understanding of theadaptive immune system fine tuning upon activation.
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Régulation de la réponse immunitaire T par l’apoptose et hyperactivation de la voie RAS / Influence of RAS hyperactivity on T cells apoptosis during the immune responseLanzarotti, Nina 21 October 2014 (has links)
L'apoptose lymphocytaire joue un rôle essentiel dans le contrôle de la réponse immunitaire et de la prolifération cellulaire. De nombreuses voies interviennent dans sa régulation, dont certaines dépendantes de l’oncogène RAS. Un défaut d'apoptose lymphocytaire induit l'apparition de maladies auto-immunes et lympho-prolifératives comme l'Autoimmune LymphoProliferative Syndrome (ALPS). L'ALPS fait suite à des anomalies du principal récepteur membranaire de mort FAS, pivot de l'apoptose lymphocytaire. Le RAS-Associated Lymphoproliferative Disease (RALD) est une entité décrite récemment, se rapprochant de l'ALPS par la symptomatologie et la physiopathologie sous-jacente. Cependant, dans le RALD, le défaut d'apoptose lymphocytaire n’est pas lié à des mutations de FAS mais à une hyperactivation de la voie RAS, mettant ainsi en lumière le rôle essentiel de cette voie dans la régulation du processus en question. Dans les Leucémies Myélo-Monocytaires Juvéniles Chroniques (JMML), les mêmes mutations que celles observées dans les RALD sont trouvées, sur les mêmes populations cellulaires. Il existe une hétérogénéité clinique et biologique au sein des JMML, certaines étant indolentes (LS-JMML) et d'autres sévères (S-JMML). A cette hétérogénéité au sein même des JMML s'ajoute celle observée entre JMML et RALD. L'objectif de ce travail a été de comprendre les tenants des différences phénotypiques observées, au travers du scope de l'apoptose des lymphocytes T activés, en comparant les trois entités résultant de mutations activatrices de RAS dans des cellules pluripotentes hématopoïétiques : RALD, LS-JMML et S-JMML. Nous rapportons des conséquences distinctes pour des mutations identiques ou équivalentes, avec différentes voies de l'apoptose touchées, différenciant les phénotypes induits. Ce travail a permis de démontrer que l’hyperactivation de la voie RAS seule n’entraîne pas nécessairement une dérégulation de la réponse immunitaire T. Des événements additionnels aux mutations présentes sont nécessaires au développement des symptômes. Ces événements ont bien des conséquences sur l'apoptose lymphocytaire, au niveau post-traductionnel, qu’ils concernent la voie RAS ou non. Les différences observées entre les trois phénotypes sur le plan expérimental pourraient être une aide au pronostic. De plus, ce travail ouvre la voie à l'identification en détails des facteurs additionnels et voies défaillantes et permettrait ainsi d'obtenir des thérapeutiques spécifiques actuellement inexistantes. / Lymphocytes apoptosis is essential in maintaining homeostasis and avoiding abnormal proliferation. When defective, autoimmune diseases as the Autoimmune LymphoProliferative Syndrome (ALPS), due to mutations of the death receptor FAS, can occur. Several pathways are important actors influencing the apoptosis cascade, including the RAS proto-oncogene signaling. The RAS Associated Lymphoproliferative Disease (RALD) is a newly described entity, similar to ALPS but with RAS mutations instead of FAS mutations, enlightening the primary role of RAS in apoptosis regulation. Interestingly, the same RAS mutations as observed in RALD are also the cause of a malignant proliferation, the Juvenile Myelo Monocytic Leukemia (JMML). In the case of JMML, RAS mutations can lead either to a mild (LS-JMML) or a severe (S-JMML) phenotype. Thus, three different phenotypes can be caused by the same oncogenic RAS mutations. In order to better understand and characterize the influence of oncogenic RAS mutations in lymphocytes’ apoptosis we studied it in patients presenting with RALD, LS-JMML and JMML. We showed that isolated RAS hyperactivity is not sufficient to induce an immune deregulation. Additional factors are required to do so. These factors influence both mitochondrial and extrinsic apoptosis pathways at a post-transcriptional level. They are due to probable genetic events, and their identification can lead to new therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, activated lymphocytes’ in vitro apoptosis assessment can help differentiating the three phenotypes and thus facilitate prognosis prediction.
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