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Expression et fonctions du microARN miR-126-5p dans les cellules endothélialesPoissonnier, Loïc 21 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Le gène Egfl7 codant une protéine majoritairement sécrétée par les cellules endothéliales a été découvert au sein du laboratoire. Ce gène a la particularité d'héberger dans sa séquence intronique deux microARNs complémentaires nommés miR126-3p et miR-126-5p. Les microARNs sont de petites séquences de 20 à 25 nucléotides régulant l'expression de leurs cibles en se fixant sur leurs ARNm pour induire leur dégradation ou l'inhibition de leur traduction. L'expression endothéliale et les fonctions du microARN miR126-3p (microARN principal du duplex miR126-3p/126-5p) ont déjà été très largement abordées alors que celles de miR126-5p (microARN secondaire du duplex) restent inconnues. Les objectifs de notre étude ont donc été d'établir le patron d'expression de miR-126-5p lors du développement vasculaire et de caractériser ses fonctions dans les cellules endothéliales. Par hybridation in situ, miR-126-5p a été détecté dans les vaisseaux sanguins embryonnaires de souris principalement dans les cellules endothéliales. Cette spécificité endothéliale a été retrouvée dans différents organes tels que le cœur et les poumons et est maintenue in vitro. L'inhibition et la surexpression de miR-126-5p dans des cellules endothéliales veineuses (HUVEC) in vitro n'affectent pas les capacités de prolifération, de migration ou d'organisation en pseudocapillaires de ces cellules. En revanche, l'inhibition de miR-126-5p dans les HUVECs entraine une répression de l'adhérence des leucocytes à la surface d'un tapis de cellules endothéliales ainsi qu'une augmentation de la transmigration de monocytes à travers une monocouche endothéliale. A l'inverse, sa surexpression génère des phénotypes opposés. Des analyses in silico de recherche de cibles pour miR-126-5p en lien avec le recrutement leucocytaire ont permis d'identifier une protéine participant à la transmigration des leucocytes in vitro et in vivo nommée ALCAM. A l'aide de test de transactivation, nous avons pu démontrer que miR-126-5p était capable de se fixer au 3'UTR de l'ARNm d'ALCAM afin de réprimer l'expression de la protéine. De plus, l'augmentation de la transmigration induite par la chute d'expression de miR-126-5p dans les cellules endothéliales est inhibée suite au blocage direct de la protéine ALCAM montrant ainsi que l'effet répresseur de miR-126-5p sur ce mécanisme est établi via ALCAM. Une étude par microarray, réalisée sur des HUVECs où miR-126-5p a été inhibé, a permis d'identifier une seconde cible pour miR-126-5p nommée SetD5 pour laquelle aucune fonction n'est connue à ce jour. Des tests de transactivation ont permis de confirmer que SetD5 était une cible de miR-126-5p. De plus, l'effet de miR-126-5p sur l'adhérence des leucocytes aux cellules endothéliales est directement lié à la modulation d'expression de ce gène. Enfin, l'analyse de l'inhibition de miR-126-5p in vivo a permis de montrer que notre microARN d'intérêt contrôle effectivement les expressions d'ALCAM et de SetD5. Cependant, alors que miR-126-5p régule uniquement l'expression d'ALCAM dans les poumons, celle de SetD5 est sous le contrôle de miR-126-5p dans la rétine.Nos travaux ont donc permis de mettre en évidence l'expression endothéliale de miR-126-5p et d'identifier deux de ses cibles lui permettant de jouer un rôle dans le recrutement des leucocytes au niveau de l'endothélium.
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Nouvelles approches technologiques pour la fabrication de Lasers à émission verticale dans le moyen infrarougeLaaroussi, Youness 25 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le moyen infrarouge (MIR), c'est-à-dire la gamme 2-5 µm du spectre électromagnétique, présente à la fois des zones de transparence de l'atmosphère et des raies d'absorption très intenses des gaz polluants. Le MIR est donc idéal pour développer des applications telles que l'analyse des gaz polluants, les applications médicales ou de sécurité défense. Le but de la thèse est de développer une méthode de confinement latéral, et un miroir à base d'un réseau de diffraction sub-longueur d'onde à fort contraste d'indice, afin de les intégrer dans un laser à cavité verticale émettant par la surface (VCSEL) à base d'antimoniure, pour une émission dans le MIR. Le travail se décompose en trois parties : La première partie concerne l'oxydation thermique humide latérale des couches d'AlAs et d'AlAsSb. La deuxième partie concerne les miroirs à réseau sub-longueur d'onde, conçus et réalisés à base de réseaux gravés dans une couche de GaAs, et intégrant une sous couche bas indice d'AlOx, obtenue à partir d'AlAs. La dernière partie synthétise ces deux précédentes études afin de les intégrer dans un VCSEL émettant aux alentours de 2.3µm.
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Exploiting and exploring the interactions between microRNA-122 and Hepatitis C virus2014 September 1900 (has links)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a single-stranded plus-sense RNA virus that is transmitted by blood-to-blood contact, and infects the human liver. HCV has a unique dependence on the liver-specific microRNA miR-122, where miR-122 binds the 5´ un-translated region of the viral RNA at two tandem sites and increases viral RNA abundance. The mechanisms of augmentation are not yet fully understood, but the interaction is known to stabilize the viral RNA, increase translation from the viral internal ribosomal entry site (IRES), and result in increased viral yield.
In an attempt to create a small animal model for HCV, we added miR-122 to mouse cell lines previously thought non-permissive to HCV, which rendered these cells permissive to the virus, additionally showing that miR-122 is one of the major determinants of HCV hepatotropism. We found that some wild-type and knockout mouse cell lines – NCoA6 and PKR knockout embryonic fibroblasts – could be rendered permissive to transient HCV sub-genomic, but not full-length, RNA replication upon addition of miR-122, and that other wild-type and knockout cell lines cannot be rendered permissive to HCV replication by addition of miR-122. These knockout cell lines demonstrated varying permissiveness phenotypes between passages and isolates and eventually completely lost permissiveness, and we were unable to achieve sub-genomic RNA replication in PKR knockout primary hepatocytes. Knockdown of NCoA6 and PKR in Huh7.5 cells did not substantially impact sub-genomic replication, leading us to conclude that there are additional factors within the cell lines that affect their permissiveness for HCV replication such as epigenetic regulation during passage or transformation and immortalization.
We also added miR-122 to Hep3B cells, a human hepatoma cell line lacking expression of miR-122 and previously thought to be non-permissive to HCV replication. Added miR-122 rendered the cells as highly permissive to HCV replication as the Huh7-derived cell lines commonly used to study the virus. In these cells, we were also able to observe miR-122-independent replication of sub-genomic HCV RNA. This was verified by use of a miR-122 antagonist that had no impact on the putative miR-122-independent replication, and by mutating the miR-122 binding sites to make them dependent on a single nucleotide-substituted microRNA. This replication in the absence of miR-122 was not detected in full-length HCV RNA, but was detectable using a bi-cistronic full-length genomic replicon, suggesting that the addition of a second IRES in sub-genomic and full-genomic replicons altered replication dynamics enough to allow detectable RNA replication without miR-122 binding.
Because miR-122 has been implicated in protecting the viral RNA from destabilization and degradation by Xrn1, the main cytoplasmic 5´ to 3´ RNA exonuclease, we employed our miR-122-independent system to test this miR-122-mediated protection. We verified that miR-122 functions to protect the viral RNA from Xrn1, but this was insufficient to account for the overall impact of miR-122 on replication, meaning that miR-122 has further functions in the virus’ life cycle. We showed that the effect of miR-122 on translation is due to stabilization of the RNA by protecting it from Xrn1, through binding at both sites. We further evaluated the role of each miR-122 binding site (S1 and S2) in the virus life cycle, and found that binding at each site contributes equally to increasing viral RNA replication, while binding at both sites exerts a co-operative effect. Finally, we determined that binding of miR-122 at site S2 is more important for protection from Xrn1, suggesting that miR-122 binding at S1 is more important for the additional functions of miR-122 in enhancing HCV RNA accumulation.
Altogether, we have shown that miR-122 is partially responsible for the hepatotropic nature of Hepatitis C virus, and that supplementation with this microRNA can render non-permissive cells permissive to viral replication. We have also identified and confirmed replication of both sub-genomic and full-length HCV RNA in the absence of miR-122. Finally, we have characterized the impact of the host RNA exonuclease Xrn1 on the HCV life cycle, and determined the roles of each miR-122 binding site in shielding the viral RNA from this host restriction factor.
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Régulation androgénique du microARN miR-135a et implication dans la progression tumorale prostatiqueKroiss, Auriane 24 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La voie de signalisation des androgènes, à travers le récepteur aux androgènes (AR), joue un rôle important dans le développement et la fonction de la prostate, ainsi que dans l'initiation et la progression du cancer de la prostate. La découverte de nouveaux effecteurs de la signalisation androgènes-AR permettra une meilleure compréhension de ces mécanismes. MiR-135a a été identifié comme un gène cible de la voie de signalisation androgènes-AR. Après stimulation androgénique, AR active directement la transcription du gène miR-135a2, en se fixant sur un élément de réponse aux androgènes dans la région promotrice.Une surexpression de miR-135a inhibe la migration et l'invasion de cellules prostatiques cancéreuses, en régulant négativement l'expression des protéines ROCK1 et ROCK2, deux gènes cibles de miR-135a nouvellement identifiés.De plus, miR-135a cible et régule négativement l'expression du facteur de transcription FOXN3, capable de moduler l'activité transcriptionnelle de AR et la prolifération cellulaire dépendante des androgènes.L'étude fonctionnelle de miR-135a suggère donc qu'il puisse être impliqué dans la progression du cancer de la prostate, en régulant la formation des métastases et la signalisation androgénique. L'expression de miR-135a, dans le tissu tumoral par rapport au tissu sain adjacent, de prostatectomies de patients, est inversement corrélée aux paramètres d'agressivité de la maladie, suggérant qu'il puisse être utilisé comme marqueur de pronostic du cancer de la prostate.Ces résultats font de miR-135a un nouvel effecteur de la voie de signalisation de AR, pouvant contribuer à la progression du cancer de la prostate.
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Delineating epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of cell profileration and differentiationIslam, Abul, 1978- 25 June 2012 (has links)
Recent advances in high throughput technology have opened the door to systematic studies of epigenetic mechanisms. One of the key components in the regulation of the cell cycle and differentiation is the retinoblastoma protein (pRB), a component of the RB/E2F tumor suppressor pathway that is frequently deregulated in cancer. The RBP2/KDM5A histone demethylase was shown to interact with pRB and regulate pRB function during differentiation. However, how precisely differentiation is coupled with halted cell cycle progression and whether an epigenetic mechanism is involved remain unknown. In the present study, I analyzed gene expression levels of human histone methyltransferases (HMT) and demethylases (HDM), as well as their targets in human cancers; and focused on RB/KDM5A connection in control of cell cycle and differentiation. In particular, I used Drosophila as a model to describe a novel mechanism where the RB/E2F pathway interacts with the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway to synergistically control cell cycle exit upon differentiation. Studying the role of miR-11, I found that the inhibition of dE2F1-induced cell death is its highly specialized function. Furthermore, I studied the induction of differentiation and apoptosis as the consequences of KDM5A deletion in cells derived from Rb knockout mice. I concluded that during differentiation, KDM5A plays a critical role at the enhancers of cell type-specific genes and at the promoters of E2F targets; in cooperation with other repressor complexes, it silences cell cycle genes. I found that KDM5A binds to transcription start sites of the majority of genes with H3K4 methylation. These are highly expressed genes, involved in certain biological processes, and occupied by KDM5A in an isoform-specific manner. KDM5A plays a unique and non-redundant role in histone demethylation and its promoter binding pattern highly overlaps with the opposing enzyme, MLL1. Finally, I found that HMT and HDM enzymes exhibit a distinct co-expression pattern in different cancer types, and this determines the level of expression of their target genes. / Los avances recientes en las tecnologías de alto flujo han abierto el camino a los estudios sistemáticos de los mecanismos epigenéticos. La proteína retinoblastoma (pRB), uno de los elementos de la ruta de supresión de tumores RB/E2F que se encuentra desregulado con frecuencia en el cáncer, es uno de los componentes esenciales de la regulación del ciclo celular y la diferenciación. Sin embargo, aún no se conoce de qué manera precisa la diferenciación se acopla a la detención del avance del ciclo celular y si hay algún mecanismo epigenético vinculado a este proceso. En este estudio, he analizado los niveles de expresión de histona metiltransferasas (HMT) y desmetilasas humanas (HDM), así como sus dianas en cánceres humanos, y me he centrado en la conexión de RB/KDM5A en el control del ciclo celular y la diferenciación. Específicamente, utilicé Drosophila como modelo para describir un mecanismo nuevo mediante el cual RB/E2F interactúa con la ruta Hippo de supresión de tumores para controlar de manera sinérgica la detención del ciclo celular relacionada con la diferenciación. Mediante la investigación del papel de miR-11, determiné que su función altamente especializada es la inhibición de la muerte celular inducida por dE2F1. Además, estudié la inducción de la diferenciación y la apoptosis como consecuencia de la pérdida de KDMA5 en células obtenidas a partir de ratones sin Rb. Extraje como conclusión que, durante la diferenciación, KDMA5 desempeña un papel esencial sobre los estimuladores de los genes específicos de los tipos celulares, así como en los promotores de las dianas de E2F; en cooperación con otros complejos represores silencia a los genes del ciclo celular. Investigué el mecanismo de reclutamiento de KDM5A y encontré que se une al sitio de inicio de la transcripción de la mayoría de los genes que poseen metilación en H3K4. Estos genes tienen elevados niveles de expresión, están involucrados en determinados procesos biológicos y están ocupados por diferentes isoformas de KDM5A. KDM5A desempeña un papel único y no redundante en la desmetilación de las histonas y que en gran medida se solapa con la enzima con la función opuesta, MLL1. Para terminar, encontré que las enzimas HMT y HDM muestran patrones de co-expresión distintos en diferentes tipos de cáncer, y que este hecho determina los niveles de expresión de sus genes diana.
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GaSb-basierende Halbleiter-ScheibenlaserSchulz, Nicola. January 2007 (has links)
Freiburg i. Br., Univ., Diss., 2007.
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Uso de espectroscopia no infravermelho médio, calibração multivariada e seleção de variáveis na quantificação de adulterantes em biodieseis e suas misturas com dieselSouza, Letícia Maria de 17 February 2014 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / In this work, the technique of infrared spectroscopy coupled with Eastern methods of Multivariate Calibration Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Partial Least Squares Interval (iPLS) was applied in order to develop methodology capable of quantifying adulterations oil and alcohols in biodiesels Soy and residual oil and its blends with diesel , and to quantify adulterations residual oil lubricant automotive (RAL) in commercial samples of S-10 diesel at filling stations distributed in Brazil by Petrobras S.A. Most multivariate calibration models with variable selection generated by iPLS presented information gain, decrease in the number of latent variables and lower error values when compared to global PLS models. All models constructed showed values of acceptable errors with Medium Error below 4.5%, while the maximum accepted value, determined by current standards is 10%. Thus, the proposed methodologies can be applied in quality control of these biodiesels and their blends with diesel as it were analytically validated by calculating Figures of Merit. / Neste trabalho, a técnica de Espectroscopia no Infravermelho Médio aliada aos métodos de Calibração Multivariada por Quadrados Mínimos Parciais (PLS) e Quadrados Mínimos Parciais por Intervalos (iPLS) foi aplicada, visando desenvolver metodologia capaz de quantificar adulterações por óleo e alcoóis em Biodieseis de Soja e óleo residual e suas misturas com diesel, assim como quantificar adulterações por óleo lubrificante automotivo residual (OLAR) em amostras comerciais de diesel S-10 distribuído em postos de abastecimento no Brasil por Petrobrás S.A. A maioria dos modelos de calibração multivariada com seleção de variáveis por iPLS gerados apresentou ganho de informação, diminuição no número de variáveis latentes e menores valores de erros quando comparados aos modelos PLS globais. Todos os modelos construídos apresentaram valores de erros aceitáveis, com Erro Médio inferiores a 4,5%, sendo que o valor aceito máximo, estabelecido por normas vigentes é de 10,0%. Desta forma, as metodologias propostas podem ser aplicadas no controle de qualidade destes biocombustíveis e suas misturas com diesel, uma vez que foram analiticamente validadas através do cálculo de Figuras de Mérito. / Mestre em Química
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Role onkogenní mikroRNA-155 a proto-onkogenu MYB u chronické lymfatické leukémie / Role onkogenní mikroRNA-155 a proto-onkogenu MYB u chronické lymfatické leukémieVargová, Karina January 2013 (has links)
(EN) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) represents a disease of mature-like B-cells. Due to failed apoptosis but also due to enhanced proliferative signals, the leukemic B-cells accumulate in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen. The clinical course of B-CLL is very heterogeneous; in some patients B-CLL progresses very rapidly into an aggressive form. Such patients need therapy sooner while in other patients with indolent B-CLL the onset of therapy takes years. Several standard prognostic and disease progression markers are used for disease staging and monitoring, however a reliable marker that will suggest when to start therapy is unknown. Expression of small, non-coding microRNAs is often deregulated and represent important prognostic markers in variety of cancers including leukemia. Hence in our study we concentrated to miR-155, an important molecule regulating differentiation of hematopoietic cells, inflammation process and antibody production. Its aberrant expression was described in Hodgkin`s as well as in non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma, including indolent lymphoproliferations like B- CLL. Our results confirmed elevated levels of both, primary miR-155 transcript and mature form of miR-155 in our B-CLL patient samples (N=239). The aberrant expression of miR-155 in B-CLL samples...
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Unraveling the Structure and Assessing the Quality of Protein Interaction Networks with Power Graph AnalysisRoyer, Loic 12 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Molecular biology has entered an era of systematic and automated experimentation. High-throughput techniques have moved biology from small-scale experiments focused on specific genes and proteins to genome and proteome-wide screens. One result of this endeavor is the compilation of complex networks of interacting proteins. Molecular biologists hope to understand life's complex molecular machines by studying these networks. This thesis addresses tree open problems centered upon their analysis and quality assessment.
First, we introduce power graph analysis as a novel approach to the representation and visualization of biological networks. Power graphs are a graph theoretic approach to lossless and compact representation of complex networks. It groups edges into cliques and bicliques, and nodes into a neighborhood hierarchy. We demonstrate power graph analysis on five examples, and show its advantages over traditional network representations. Moreover, we evaluate the algorithm performance on a benchmark, test the robustness of the algorithm to noise, and measure its empirical time complexity at O (e1.71)- sub-quadratic in the number of edges e.
Second, we tackle the difficult and controversial problem of data quality in protein interaction networks. We propose a novel measure for accuracy and completeness of genome-wide protein interaction networks based on network compressibility. We validate this new measure by i) verifying the detrimental effect of false positives and false negatives, ii) showing that gold standard networks are highly compressible, iii) showing that authors' choice of confidence thresholds is consistent with high network compressibility, iv) presenting evidence that compressibility is correlated with co-expression, co-localization and shared function, v) showing that complete and accurate networks of complex systems in other domains exhibit similar levels of compressibility than current high quality interactomes.
Third, we apply power graph analysis to networks derived from text-mining as well to gene expression microarray data. In particular, we present i) the network-based analysis of genome-wide expression profiles of the neuroectodermal conversion of mesenchymal stem cells. ii) the analysis of regulatory modules in a rare mitochondrial cytopathy: emph{Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic acidosis, and Stroke-like episodes} (MELAS), and iii) we investigate the biochemical causes behind the enhanced biocompatibility of tantalum compared with titanium.
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The role played by microRNA-155 in the regulation of T cell functionZhang, Jinyu 28 January 2014 (has links)
T cells chronically stimulated by their antigen often become dysfunctional and lose effector functions and proliferative capacity. This state of unresponsiveness is referred as T cell exhaustion. In order to investigate this, we developed a laboratory model, which allowed us to stimulate chronically in vivo a monoclonal population of CD4+ T cells. This model is based on the adoptive transfer of TCR transgenic CD4+ T cells specific for the male mHAg into male recipient mice. We found that systemic exposure to the male antigen modified deeply anti-male TcR-transgenic CD4+ T cells, plunging them into a state of functional unresponsiveness. Microarray analysis revealed that, in comparison with naive T cells, transferred T cells displayed a gene expression profile very similar to that of virus-specific exhausted CD8+ T cells. Moreover, like exhausted CD8+ T cells, exhausted CD4+ T cells lost their capacity to secrete IFN-ã as well as to proliferate in response to antigen stimulation, and T cell unresponsiveness was controlled by the engagement of programmed death receptor 1 (PD-1) present at the surface of T cells. <p>MicroRNAs are key molecules in shaping T cell function. In order to explore the possibility that chronic antigenic stimulation could shape the pool of microRNAs in exhausted anti-male CD4+ T cells that would account for specific changes in protein synthesis, we compared by microarray analysis the specific expression of microRNAs in naive CD4+ T cells and exhausted CD4+ T cells. Ninety five of them were found differentially expressed, among which, microRNA-155 (miR-155) displayed one of the highest changes. To identify the importance of miR-155 in T cell exhaustion, we analyzed miR-155-deficient CD4+ T cells after chronic exposure to systemic antigen. We found that, chronically-stimulated miR-155-/- CD4+ T cells were retained in a deeper state of unresponsiveness than miR-155+/+ CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, inhibition of PD-1/PD-L1 interaction did not promote antigen-dependent expansion of miR-155-deficient CD4+ T cells, nor did it stimulate T cell inflammation of several organs, contrary to what was observed in mice that received miR-155-sufficient CD4+ T cells. Thus, our observations demonstrated that miR-155 deficiency played a dominant role over PD-1-mediated inhibition of T cells and that miR-155 was required for restoring function in exhausted CD4+ T cells.<p>Next, we explored the mechanism by which exhausted miR-155-/- CD4+ T cells were kept in a deeper unresponsiveness state than miR-155+/+ counterparts. By comparative microarray analysis of gene expression between exhausted miR-155+/+ CD4+ T cells and miR-155-/- CD4+ T cells, heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) was identified as a specific target of miR-155. Finally, inhibition of HO-1 activity restored the capacity of exhausted miR-155-/- CD4+ T cells to promote autoimmune inflammation in adoptively-transferred recipients. <p>Taken together, our study identified miR-155-mediated regulation of protein expression as a critical factor for restoring function in exhausted CD4+ T cells. Our results also present regulation of HO-1 expression in T cells as one of the mechanisms by which miR-155 promote T cell-driven inflammation. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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