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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skikkings in die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg

De la Rey, Elisabeth Marie January 1983 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie proefskrif was om bestaande prohleme in verband met maatskappyregtelike skikkings te ondersoek, in die lig daarvan dat die prosedure berug is as n wyse om misdadige bedrywighede rondom die ineenstorting van n maatskappy te verberg. Die ondersoek is hoofsaaklik beperk tot skikkings, hoewel skikkings en reelings deur dieselfde bepalings van die Wet gereguleer word. Die geskiedkundige ontwikkeling van artikels 311 en 312 is vanaf hul ontstaan in die Engelse wetgewing nagegaan. Die begrippe "skikking" en "reeling" is ontleed en die praktiese gebruike daarvan nagegaan. l Ons howe beskou n goedgekeurde maatskappyregtelike skikking as n kontrak; dit voldoen egter nie aan die vereistes vir n kontrakregtelike skikking nie. Die tersaaklike kontraktuele aspekte is derhalwe nagegaan. Aan die hand van regspraak en n aantal goedgekeurde skikkings, is die inhoud van n skikkingsaanbod ontleed. Die toepaslike prosedure en formaliteite is sorgvuldig nagegaan, in die lig daarvan dat die Wet eerder hierop klem 1~ as op die inhoud van die skikking. Besondere aandag is aan die grondslag vir indeling van skuldeisers en lede in verskillende klasse gegee. Statutere regulering van die skikkingprosedure eindig nadat die skikking van krag geword het. Die verdere verloop vind in ooreenstemming met die bepalings van die skikking plaas. Uitvoering hiervan word deur n sogenaamde ontvanger namens skuldeisers waargeneem, n amp wat nog nie statutere erkenning geniet nie, maar wat in die praktyk duidelik uitgekristalliseer het. Aan die hand van regspraak is sy amp verder nagegaan en is daar aanbeveel dat, net soos in Australie, sy amp statuter erken en gereel behoort te word. Daar is gelet op misbruik van die skikking- en reelingskemaprosedure, sowel as op die behoefte aan beter beskerming van skuldeisers en lede. Daar is aanbeveel dat waar n maatskappy in likwidasie of onder ,geregtelike bestuur is, skikkings uit die artikel 311-prosedure gelig behoort te word en in ooreenstemming met die akkoordprosedure by insolvensie gebring te word, met die verskil dat likwidasie of geregtelike bestuur onmiddellik by bekragtiging van n skikking opgehef kan word. Yoldoende tyd vir behoorlike ondersoek van n maatskappy se sake behoort toegelaat te word alvorens n skikking oorweeg kan word en meer omvattende inligting behoort aan skuldeisers en lede verskaf te word. Die howe behoort in die uitoefening van hul diskresie deur n deskundige bygestaan te word wat oor die ekonomiese aspekte van n skema verslag doen. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 1983. / gm2014 / Mercantile Law / Unrestricted

A critical analysis of the income tax implications of conditional employee share plans in South Africa

Van Wyk, Christie-Louise 20 March 2012 (has links)
Employee share plans are commonly used to provide a staff incentive to employees who have served long and continuously, as well as to compensate the employees for their commitment in reaching company goals and performance criteria. Because any person, including employers implementing such schemes, will always structure transactions to achieve the best possible tax outcome, many schemes and structures have become available to achieve those ends. A recent employee share scheme was structured through the incorporation of a wholly- owned subsidiary, which was incorporated for the sole purpose of administering and managing the employee share plan on behalf of the holding company. This would include acquiring holding company shares in the open market and the subsequent transfer thereof to the holding company’s employees. The payment made to the subsidiary for the services rendered and to enable the subsidiary to acquire holding company shares in the open market, was structured as a fee together with a risk premium payable and not as an intercompany interest-free loan. A study of the investigation and evaluation of the adequacy and legality of such schemes and structures and whether or not appropriate tax principles were applied to achieve possible tax benefits, creates several research challenges. Although previous research has been conducted on the tax implications for employees under a share-based plan, payments structured as interest-free loans and several case law on the deductibility of payments structured as interest-free loans, there is a lack of extensive previous academic research on the funding of employee share plans structured as a fee together with a risk premium, made to wholly-owned subsidiaries to manage and administer an employee share plan. The aim of this study is to help to fill the gap in relevant research, case law and legislation regarding the tax implications of this new funding structure of conditional employee share plans. The tax implications for both the holding company and the subsidiary will be taken into consideration to assess whether or not the scheme will be beneficial to all parties involved. AFRIKAANS : Aandeelgebaseerde skemas vir werknemers word algemeen gebruik om personeelvoordele aan werknemers te verskaf wat lang en deurlopende diens gelewer het, asook om vergoeding te bied aan werknemers vir hul toewyding in die bereiking van die maatskappy se doelwitte en prestasie-kriteria. Verskeie skemas en strukture het al ontstaan as gevolg van die feit dat enige persoon, onder wie werkgewers wat sulke skemas implementeer, deurgans transaksies sal struktureer om die beste moontlike belastinguitkoms te bewerkstellig. ’n Onlangse aandeelgebaseerde skema vir werknemers is soos volg gestruktureer: Die houermaatskappy het ’n volfiliaal ingelyf met die uitsluitlike doel om die administrasie en bestuur van die aandeelgebaseerde skema, namens die houermaatskappy te onderneem. Die verkryging van die houermaatskappy-aandele in die ope mark en die daaropvolgende oordrag daarvan aan die houermaatskappy se werknemers is beplan. Die betaling aan die filiaal vir die dienste gelewer en om die filiaal in staat te stel om die houermaatskappy se aandele in die ope mark te bekom, is gestruktureer as ’n fooi en ’n risiko-premie betaalbaar eerder as ’n rentevrye intergroep-lening as sodanig. ’n Studie oor die ondersoek en evaluering van die geskiktheid en wettigheid van sulke strukture en of die korrekte belastingbeginsels toegepas is om moontlike belastingvoordele te bereik, skep verskeie navorsingsuitdagings. Hoewel vorige navorsing onderneem is oor die belastingimplikasies vir werknemers in die lig van aandeelgebaseerde transaksies, betalings wat gestruktureer is as rentevrye lenings en verskeie wetsbepalings ten opsigte van die aftrekbaarheid van betalings wat gestruktureer is as rentevrye lenings, is daar ’n gebrek aan uitgebreide vorige akademiese navorsing oor die befondsing van aandeelgebaseerde skemas deur ’n fooi insluitende ’n risikopremie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te help om die die gaping in relevante navorsing, regspraak en wetgewing ten opsigte van die belastingimplikasies van die nuwe finansieringstruktuur van voorwaardelike aandeelgebaseerde skemas vir werknemers te vernou. Die belastingimplikasies vir die houermaatskappy en filiaal sal in ag geneem word om vas te stel of die skema voordelig is vir albei die betrokke partye Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Van Wyk, C-L 2011, A critical analysis of the income tax implications of conditional employee share plans in South Africa, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03202012-150330 / > F12/4/173/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

A comparative study of double tax agreements between South Africa, Mauritius and China

Van den Berg, Amandus 22 March 2012 (has links)
Mauritius has, in recent years, become one of the preferred financial centres owing to its business-friendly economy, preferential tax regime, wide tax treaty network and solid infrastructure. The Mauritian economy and people have greatly benefitted from the country’s success as a financial centre. One benefit offered by the Mauritian tax regime is the ability and ease with which a person can gain residency to access the preferential tax rates that the country offers. South Africa has recently re-introduced a headquarter tax regime, which will make it a competitor with Mauritius for channelling international trade and foreign direct investment. Previous research focuses on the elements of international taxation and highlights some of the benefits that a company could enjoy by using Mauritius as an offshore base. One of the key elements of a successful headquarter company regime is that of a wide tax treaty network which offers preferential terms for taxing certain income classes. The aim of this study is to provide a theoretical construct for the comparison of double tax agreements, with the goal of identifying those that provide preferential terms for the taxation of certain income classes and the elimination of double taxation. This study focuses on the double tax agreements between South Africa, Mauritius and China, highlighting some of the deficiencies of the South African agreement with China and comparing those with Mauritius’s agreement with China. These deficiencies and the preferential tax regime that Mauritius offers will inevitably provide multi-national companies with tax saving opportunities if they use Mauritius as an offshore base. This study will point out some of the areas where possible tax saving opportunities could be identified. The study further aims to provide a platform from which the South African headquarter company regime can be assessed and analysed. This is specifically important if South Africa is to compete with Mauritius. AFRIKAANS : Mauritius het in onlangse jare een van die gekose finansiële sentrums geword as gevolg van hul besigheidsvriendelike houding, voordelige belasting regime, hul wye netwerk van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste en gevestigde infrastruktuur. Die ekonomie van Mauritius en Mauritius se bevolking het baie voordeel getrek uit die sukses van Mauritius se finansiële dienste sektor. Een van die voordele wat Mauritius se belasting regime bied is die gemaklikheid waarmee inwonerstatus bekom kan word en ‘n persoon toegang tot Mauritius se voordelige belastingkoerse kan kry. Suid-Afrika het soortgelyks verlede jaar ‘n internasionale hoofkantoor regime bekendgestel wat Suid-Afrika dus ‘n mededinger met Mauritius gaan maak ten opsigte van die kanalisering van internasionale fondse en buitelandse belegging. Vorige navorsing fokus op die beginsels van internasionale belasting en identifiseer voordele wat maatskappye kan geniet indien hulle van Mauritius gebruik maak as hul buitelandse basis. Een van die belagrike elemente van ‘n suksesvolle hoofkantoor maatskappy regime is dat die regime ‘n wye netwerk van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste bied en dat die dubbelbelastingooreenkomste voordelige terme vir die belasting van sekere inkomste klasse bied. Hierdie studie se doelwit is om ‘n teoretiese platform te vestig vir die vergelyking van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste met die oog om dubbelbelastingooreenkomste te identifiseer wat voordelige terme bied vir die belasting van sekere inkomste klasse en die eliminering van dubbele belasting. Hierdie studie fokus op die dubbelbelastingooreenkomste tussen Suid-Afrika, Mauritius en Sjina in ‘n poging om sekere van die tekortkominge van die dubbelbelastingooreenkoms tussen Suid-Afrika en Sjina uit te wys wanneer dit met die dubbelbelastingooreenkoms tussen Mauritius en Sjina vergelyk word. Hierdie tekortkominge en die voordelige belasting regime wat Mauritius bied sal multi-nasionale maatskappye die geleentheid bied om belastingvoordele te ontgin indien hulle van Mauritius gebruik maak as ‘n buitelandse basis. Hierdie studie sal van die areas identifiseer waar ‘n maatskappy moontlik belasting kan bespaar. Die studie poog ook om ‘n platform te bewerkstellig vir die analise en evalueering van die Suid-Afrikaanse hoofkantoor regime. Hierdie analise en evalueering is spesifiek belangrik indien Suid-Afrika met Mauritius wil meeding. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Van den Berg, A 2011,A comparative study of double tax agreements between South Africa, Mauritius and China, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03222012-172313 / > F12/4/180/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Taxation / unrestricted

Taxation consequences of providing shares to employees through a trust

Fouche, Charlene 26 March 2012 (has links)
People make a company. Their expertise and talents, efficiency and job performance determine the company‘s profitability and growth. The long-term retention of employees is of the utmost importance, as these employees have a wealth of knowledge about the company, its industry and the products or services being sold. Businesses have created plans to retain employees for a maximum period of time. These ideas include cash bonuses, phantom share schemes, and providing the employee with shares in the business. This study will look at such ideas in general, and specifically investigate the different ways of providing employees with shares in the business. There are different ways of providing the employee with shares in a business. This can include loans (including interest-free loans) to the employee from the employer, loans to the employee from a financial institution, employee share ownership plans, company share option plans and providing the employee with shares in the business through an employee share trust. Each of these methods attracts certain taxes such as income tax, capital gains tax and secondary tax on companies or dividend tax. The aim of this study is to use a case study approach, critically analysing an anonymous company providing its employees with shares in the company through an employee share trust, and will specifically investigate the different tax consequences of each transaction taking place in the trust AFRIKAANS : Werknemers is 'n maatskappy se belangrikste bate. 'n Maatskappy se winsgewendheid en groei word deur sy werknemers se kennis, doeltreffendheid en werksprestasie bepaal. Dit is vir 'n maatskappy van kritieke belang om sy werknemers vir so lank as moontlik te behou, aangesien hierdie werknemers oor kosbare kennis besit rakende die maatskappy, die bedryf waarin die maatskappy besigheid doen en die produkte of dienste wat die maatskappy bemark. Talle maatskappy het skemas bewerkstellig om hulle werknemers vir so lank as moontlik te behou. Dit behels onder andere kontantbonusse, fiktiewe aandeleskemas en die verkryging van aandele in die maatskappy deur die werknemer. Hierdie studie ondersoek sodanige skemas in die algemeen, en fokus spesifiek op werknemers wat aandele in 'n maatskappy bekom. Werknemers kan aandele in die maatskappy op verskillende wyses bekom. Hierdie wyses sluit in lenings (insluitend rentevrye lenings) van die maatskappy aan die werknemer, lenings aan die werknemer van 'n finansiële instelling, aandeleskemas, opsies om aandele in 'n maatskappy te koop, en die verskaffing van aandele aan die werknemer deur 'n werknemer-aandeletrust. Elkeen van hierdie opsies het spesifieke belastinggevolge, insluitend inkomstebelasting, kapitaalwinsbelasting, en sekondêre belasting op maatskappye of dividendbelasting. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n spesifieke gevallestudie van 'n annonieme maatskappye te ontleed, waar die maatskappy aandele aan sy werknemers deur 'n werknemer-aandeletrust verskaf het, en sal in detail na die belastinggevolge van elke aksie in die trust te kyk. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Fouche, C 2011, Taxation consequences of providing shares to employees through a trust, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03262012-153458 / > F12/4/187/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted

The powers and authority of directors to act on behalf of a company under South African law

Frantzen, Erinda 01 1900 (has links)
As a company is a juristic person it can only act through human agency. A question that arises because of this fact is under what circumstances a company can be held to a contract by a third party where its representative was unauthorised to enter into such contract. There should be a careful weighing and balancing of the interests of the shareholders and the company on the one hand and the contracting third party on the other. It is further important to have legal certainty on the validity and enforceability of contracts concluded by and with companies as the absence of certainty can hamper business dealings with companies which would have an impact on the economy. The common-law principles of agency form the foundation upon which representation within the context of company law takes place. The law of agency has been adapted in the context of company law to satisfy the unique needs that have originated in this regard. One such adaptation is the creation of the Turquand rule by the English courts which rule was taken over by the South African courts. One of the primary reasons for creating the Turquand rule was due to the harsh effect that the common-law doctrine of constructive notice had on third parties dealing with a company. In this study an examination of the current legal position regarding representation of a company in South Africa was undertaken. The history and development of the common-law principles of agency and doctrines that are unique to representation in a company law context are analysed and the relevant sections of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 are discussed. The integration of the common-law principles with the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 is considered and recommendations are made in respect thereof. In support of the analysis, a comparative study was undertaken of the history and development of this subject matter in England. It was concluded that South African company law, with all its shortcomings and uncertainties is still to be preferred above the position in England. / Aangesien ‘n maatskappy ‘n regspersoon is, kan dit slegs deur middel van natuurlike persone as agente optree. ‘n Vraag wat as gevolg van hierdie feit ontstaan is onder watter omstandighede ‘n maatskappy deur ‘n derde party gebonde gehou kan word aan ‘n kontrak waar die maatskappy se verteenwoordiger nie gemagtig was om die kontrak aan te gaan nie. Daar behoort ‘n versigtige afweging te wees tussen die belange van die maatskappy en sy aandeelhouers aan die een kant en ‘n derde party wat met die maatskappy kontrakteer aan die ander kant. Dit is verder belangrik om regsekerheid te hê oor die geldigheid en afdwingbaarheid van kontrakte wat met maatskappye aangegaan word aangesien die afwesigheid daarvan besigheidsverkeer met maatskappye kan kortwiek wat ‘n impak op die ekonomie tot gevolg sal hê. Die gemeenregtelike beginsels van verteenwoordiging vorm die basis waarop verteenwoordiging binne die konteks van maatskappyereg plaasvind. Verteenwoordigingsreg is aangepas binne die konteks van maatskappye om voorsiening te maak vir die unieke behoeftes wat in hierdie verband ontstaan het. Een sodanige aanpassing is die skepping van die Turquand reël deur die Engelse howe, welke reël deur die Suid-Afrikaanse howe oorgeneem is. Een van die hoofredes vir die skepping van die Turquand reël is die onregverdige uitwerking wat die gemeenregtelike leerstuk van toegerekende kennis op derde partye gehad het wat met ‘n maatskappy onderhandel. ‘n Studie van die huidige regsposisie rakende verteenwoordiging van ‘n maatskappy in Suid-Afrika is hierin gedoen. Die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van die gemeenregtelike beginsels van verteenwoordiging en leerstukke eie aan verteenwoordiging in die konteks van maatskappyereg is geanaliseer. Die betrokke artikels van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 word bespreek. Die integrasie van hierdie gemeenregtelike beginsels met die betrokke bepalings van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 is oorweeg en aanbevelings in verband daarmee gemaak. Ter ondersteuning van die analise is ‘n vergelykende studie van die gekiedenis en ontwikkeling van hierdie onderwerp in Engeland onderneem. Daar is tot die slotsom gekom dat die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg, met al sy tekortkominge en onsekerhede nogsteeds bo die posisie in Engeland te verkies is. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.

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