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Investigation of IEEE Standard 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer in ad-hocGarcia Torre, Fernando January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis involved a research of mechanisms of MAC layer in the ad-hoc networks environment, the ad-hoc networks in the terminology of the standard are called IBSS Independent Basic Service, these type of networks are very useful in real situation where there are not the possibility of display a infrastructure, when there isn’t a network previous planning. </p><p>The connection to a new network is one of the different with the most common type of Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) that are the ones with infrastructure. The connection is established without the presence of a central station, instead the stations discover the others with broadcast messages in the coverage area of each station. In the context of standard 802.11 networks the communication between the stations is peer to peer, only with one hop. To continue with initiation process is necessary the synchronization between the different stations of his timers.</p><p>The other capital mechanism that is treated is the medium access mechanism, to hold a shared and unreliable medium, all the heavy of this issue goes to the distributed coordination function DCF.</p><p>In this moment there is an emergent technology, WIMAX or standard IEEE 802.16, like the standard 802.11 is a wireless communication protocol. Some comparison between the MAC layer mechanisms would be realized between these two standards</p>
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Multihop Concept in Cellular SystemsRangineni, Kiran January 2008 (has links)
<p>We are very thirsty in terms of everything to fulfil our needs in a sophisticated way, and this leads me choose the so called master thesis titled “Multihop Concept in Cellular Systems”.</p><p>This thesis introduces an approach towards the integration of relaying or multihop scheme in the next generation of cellular networks. In a multihop cellular architecture, the users send their data to the base station via relay station or with direct communication to the base station. These relay stations can either be the nomadic, fixed at specific location or users’ mobile station (i.e. mobile relay station). The main objective of this paper is to compare the difference between the relaying network architecture with different channel bandwidth as well as their performance gain. For this we integrate the relay station into conventional cellular networks using IEEE 802.16j (One of the standard introduced relay station concept in WiMAX) OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access is a transmission technique that is based on many orthogonal subchannels (set of carriers) that transmits simultaneously). The results show that under certain conditions the throughput and coverage of the system has been increased with the introduction of the relay station in to cellular base station zone.</p>
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Factores de Riesgo y su Relación con la Salud Mental de las Estudiantes del Quinto Grado de Educación Secundaria de la I.E. María Ugarteche de Mac – lean de Tacna 2012Cruz Jimenez, Angelica del Rosario 09 May 2013 (has links)
El presente trabajo es una investigación científica de tipo descriptivo correlacional y de corte transversal, que tiene como objetivo determinar la relación de los factores de riesgo con la salud mental de las estudiantes del quinto grado de educación secundaria de la I.E María Ugarteche de Mac – Lean de Tacna 2012. La muestra estuvo conformada por 112 estudiantes. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumentos el cuestionario, el Test de Apgar Familiar del Dr. Gabriel Smilkstein y el Cuestionario de Síntomas de Salud Mental (S.R.Q), para la relación entre variables se utilizo la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado con 95% de confiabilidad y significancia p<0.05. Obteniéndose como resultados que los factores de riesgos más relevantes fueron, que el tipo de familia y funcionalidad familiar se relacionan significativamente con el trastorno Depresivo (p<0.05), el enamoramiento y el lugar de procedencia presentaron una leve relación con el consumo de alcohol, mientras que el Trastorno convulsivo y Psicótico no evidenciaron asociación a los factores de riesgo
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Design of Efficient MAC Protocols for IEEE 802.15.4-based Wireless Sensor NetworksKhanafer, Mounib 01 May 2012 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have enticed a strong attention in the research community due to the broad range of applications and services they support. WSNs are composed of intelligent sensor nodes that have the capabilities to monitor different types of environmental phenomena or critical activities. Sensor nodes operate under stringent requirements of scarce power resources, limited storage capacities, limited processing capabilities, and hostile environmental surroundings. However, conserving sensor nodes’ power resources is the top priority requirement in the design of a WSN as it has a direct impact on its lifetime. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines a set of specifications for both the PHY layer and the MAC sub-layer that abide by the distinguished requirements of WSNs. The standard’s MAC protocol employs an intelligent backoff algorithm, called the Binary Exponent Backoff (BEB), that minimizes the drainage of power in these networks. In this thesis we present an in-depth study of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol to highlight both its strong and weak aspects. We show that we have enticing opportunities to improve the performance of this protocol in the context of WSNs. We propose three new backoff algorithms, namely, the Standby-BEB (SB-BEB), the Adaptive Backoff Algorithm (ABA), and the Priority-Based BEB (PB-BEB), to replace the standard BEB. The main contribution of the thesis is that it develops a new design concept that drives the design of efficient backoff algorithms for the IEEE 802.15.4-based WSNs. The concept dictates that controlling the algorithms parameters probabilistically has a direct impact on enhancing the backoff algorithm’s performance. We provide detailed discrete-time Markov-based models (for AB-BEB and ABA) and extensive simulation studies (for the three algorithms) to prove the superiority of our new algorithms over the standard BEB.
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Conception et évaluation de performances d'un réseau de capteurs sans fil hétérogène pour une application domotiqueZatout, Youssouf 07 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les progrès technologiques permettent aujourd'hui l'intégration à bas coût d'objets multi-capteurs hétérogènes communicants sans fil notamment pour la surveillance dans les environnements considérés à risques ou non accessibles. Le but de ces travaux de thèse est de contribuer à la sécurisation des personnes et de leur environnement de vie par la mise en réseau de dispositifs multi-capteurs de mesures sans fil. Ceux-ci doivent être spécifiés et configurés pour rendre par exemple l'environnement qu'ils surveillent intelligent et sécurisé. Le travail effectué porte sur la conception et le prototypage réel d'un réseau composé de dispositifs hétérogènes autonomes en énergie. Nos contributions comportent trois volets essentiels :Le premier volet concerne la conception d'un modèle de réseau ambiant adapté : nous avons proposé un modèle qui repose sur une architecture multi-niveaux caractérisée par des nœuds hétérogènes dont le captage (détection), le traitement et le stockage des données sont distribués par niveau. Cette architecture hiérarchique offre plusieurs avantages par rapport aux architectures linéaires classiques en termes d'évolutivité, de faible coût, de meilleure couverture, de hautes fonctionnalités et de fiabilité. Nous avons défini le comportement adapté pour chaque nœud dans le modèle et montré l'avantage de la solution par la simulation.Le deuxième volet concerne la proposition originale d'un protocole d'accès au médium efficace en énergie nommé " T-TMAC " et adapté à l'application, permettant d'organiser les échanges des messages dans l'architecture du réseau retenu. L'originalité du protocole est qu'il est composé de mécanismes de maintenance performants permettant la gestion de la mobilité et la reconfiguration du réseau (ajout et suppression d'un capteur). Pour cela, une adaptation et un paramétrage du standard IEEE 802.15.4 sont proposés.Le dernier volet présente l'évaluation et l'analyse de performances du protocole développé dans le cadre de scénarios de tests. Nous avons étudié en particulier l'impact de la taille des données et la périodicité de transfert sur l'énergie et le délai. Le protocole est validé à l'aide d'un modèle analytique dont les résultats ont été comparés à ceux obtenus par prototypage matériel.
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Técnicas de acceso y gestión de recursos para garantizar calidad de servicio en sistemas de comunicaciones moviles basados en CDMAAlonso Zárate, Luis Gonzaga 02 May 2001 (has links)
En la presente tesis doctoral se ha realizado una serie de aportaciones para contribuir al desarrollo de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles de tercera generación. Esta nueva generación de sistemas utilizará una técnica de acceso del tipo CDMA y pretende poder garantizar una cierta calidad de transmisión en las comunicaciones. En este sentido, esta tesis presenta nuevas propuestas tanto para el protocolo de acceso al medio (MAC) como para los algoritmos de gestión de los recursos radio (RRM).Las propuestas han sido presentadas, estudiadas y analizadas en diferentes entornos representativos de trabajo y se ha demostrado su validez para su utilización en un sistema real de comunicaciones. Además, por su sencillez de implementación y alta eficiencia en la utilización de los recursos, se ha comprobado que todas ellas son candidatas muy adecuadas para poder formar parte de los estándares en formación para los citados sistemas.Glosando los aspectos desarrollados en la presente tesis doctoral, cabe destacar los siguientes puntos:? Se han estudiado en profundidad las necesidades y requerimientos del interfaz radio en los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles de tercera generación, centrando el estudio en las transmisiones en modo paquete para entornos con acceso CDMA.? Se ha propuesto un nuevo protocolo MAC para trabajar en este entorno de operación. Asimismo, se ha realizado un modelo teórico del protocolo para el análisis de su rendimiento en sistemas genéricos con tráfico homogéneo. Se ha analizado con detalle el modelo para demostrar las propiedades cuasi-óptimas del protocolo, tanto en retardo como en throughput y estabilidad. El protocolo además introduce un concepto nuevo de control distribuido que minimiza la información de control necesaria, mejorando con ello las prestaciones del sistema.? Se han realizado simulaciones por ordenador de un sistema de comunicaciones cuyo MAC es el nuevo protocolo propuesto para verificar la validez del modelo teórico. Se ha comprobado que se minimiza el retardo de propagación, se alcanza la máxima eficiencia en la utilización del canal radio y se mantiene la estabilidad para cualquier carga de tráfico.? Se ha propuesto una estructura de receptor físico para la detección de las secuencias de peticiones de acceso. Se ha analizado el rendimiento del receptor y se han derivado las probabilidades de error en la detección de las secuencias para entornos reales móviles. En esta situación, se ha realizado el estudio de estabilidad del protocolo y se han introducido las modificaciones necesarias para mantener la robustez del mismo, alcanzando el objetivo buscado.? Se ha realizado un trabajo de optimización del protocolo de acceso para mantener sus propiedades para cualquier entorno de tráfico de entrada, haciendo especial hincapié en el peor escenario posible. Este escenario es aquel en el que los usuarios generan mensajes muy racheados de longitud mínima. Se han introducido nuevas mejoras en el protocolo para mantener su rendimiento cuasi-óptimo en este escenario límite.? Se han realizado nuevas simulaciones de sistema por ordenador de cara a demostrar la capacidad inherente del protocolo para manejar situaciones de tráfico heterogéneo donde es posible adaptar las velocidades de transmisión de forma dinámica para mejorar el rendimiento del sistema. Para este cometido se han definido unos modelos de tráfico basados en las aplicaciones más usuales.? Se ha estudiado el comportamiento de un sistema celular de comunicaciones móviles donde el protocolo MAC es el nuevo protocolo propuesto. Se han realizado simulaciones en las que se demuestra que es posible mejorar el rendimiento general del sistema gracias al uso de la información de control que ofrece el propio protocolo en los criterios para la gestión de los handovers y el control de potencia.? Se han propuesto y analizado nuevas estrategias de gestión de los recursos radio, tanto para el subsistema de transmisión como para el subsistema de resolución de colisiones, de cara a dotar al sistema de la capacidad de garantizar una cierta calidad de servicio en las comunicaciones. Estas estrategias mantienen la idea de la gestión distribuida, lo que minimiza la información de señalización necesaria en el sistema. Se han definido unas clases de servicio de comprobación, con sus correspondientes parámetros de calidad y se ha demostrado el correcto funcionamiento del sistema en presencia de tráfico heterogéneo proveniente de todas estas clases. Se ha verificado que se cumplen los requisitos exigidos al sistema, cumpliéndose los criterios de prioridad y garantizando la calidad de las transmisiones.Por tanto, podemos concluir que la presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de los estudios de investigación orientados a ofrecer nuevas aportaciones para ser incluidas en el nivel 2 del modelo OSI de los futuros sistemas de comunicaciones móviles de tercera generación. / This thesis provides some new contributions for the development of the future third generation mobile communication systems. This new generation will use a CDMA multiple access technique and pretends to guarantee a certain quality of service in the transmissions. In this sense, this thesis presents new proposals of Medium Access Control Protocols (MAC) and radio resource management algorithms (RRM).These proposals have been presented, studied and analysed in different representative scenarios and it has been proved their suitability for a real communication system. They are also simple to implement and they have a very high efficiency in the use of the transmission resources. Therefore, all of them are promising in order to became part of the future standards.Summarising the main aspects of the thesis, they are:? The requirements of the radio interface of the future third generation mobile communication systems have been studied in detail, focusing in packet switched mode and CDMA access.? A new MAC protocol has been proposed to work in this scenario. A theoretical model has been developed in order to obtain its performance in a generic traffic situation. The near-optimum properties of the protocol have been demonstrated. These properties affect delay, throughput and stability. The protocol also introduces a new concept of distributed control, which minimises control information, improving the overall performance.? Some computer simulations have been carried out to verify the analytic model. It has been proved that the packet delay is minimised and the channel efficiency is almost the maximum theoretical one. Also, the stability is kept for any traffic load.? A receiver structure for the detection of the access requests has been proposed. This scheme has been studied and analysed, and all the misdetection probabilities have been derived in the presence of a real radio channel with fast fading. The required modifications in the MAC protocol needed to maintain the stability have been introduced and analysed. ? The MAC protocol parameters have been optimised in order to keep the same performance properties whichever the traffic load pattern could be. In particular, the worst case scenario of very frequent short messages has been studied in detail. Some modifications have been proposed and introduced in order to reach this objective.? Some computer simulations have been carried out to demonstrate the inherent capacity of the MAC protocol to operate in heterogeneous traffic situations. Also, a dynamic rate adaptation algorithm has been proposed and analysed to improve the overall performance.? A cellular mobile communications system based on the MAC protocol has been designed and simulated. It has been proved that the control information of the protocol can be used to improve the mobility mechanisms of the system: power control and handover decisions.? New Radio Resource Management strategies have been proposed and analysed, in order to provide the system the capacity to guarantee a certain quality of service in the transmissions.
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Design, Modeling, and Analysis for MAC Protocols in Ultra-wideband NetworksLiu, Kuang-Hao January 2008 (has links)
Ultra-wideband (UWB) is an appealing transmission technology for
short-range, bandwidth demanded wireless communications. With the
data rate of several hundred megabits per second, UWB demonstrates
great potential in supporting multimedia streams such as
high-definition television (HDTV), voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP), and console gaming in office or home networks, known as the
wireless personal area network (WPAN). While vast research effort
has been made on the physical layer issues of UWB, the corresponding
medium access control (MAC) protocols that exploit UWB technology
have not been well developed.
Given an extremely wide bandwidth of UWB, a fundamental problem on
how to manage multiple users to efficiently utilize the bandwidth is
a MAC design issue. Without explicitly considering the physical
properties of UWB, existing MAC protocols are not optimized for
UWB-based networks. In addition, the limited processing capability
of UWB devices poses challenges to the design of low-complexity MAC
protocols. In this thesis, we comprehensively investigate the MAC
protocols for UWB networks. The objective is to link the physical
characteristics of UWB with the MAC protocols to fully exploit its
advantage. We consider two themes: centralized and distributed UWB
For centralized networks, the most critical issue surrounding the
MAC protocol is the resource allocation with fairness and quality of
service (QoS) provisioning. We address this issue by breaking down
into two scenarios: homogeneous and heterogeneous network
configurations. In the homogeneous case, users have the same
bandwidth requirement, and the objective of resource allocation is
to maximize the network throughput. In the heterogeneous case, users
have different bandwidth requirements, and the objective of resource
allocation is to provide differentiated services. For both design
objectives, the optimal scheduling problem is NP-hard. Our
contributions lie in the development of low-complexity scheduling
algorithms that fully exploit the characteristics of UWB.
For distributed networks, the MAC becomes node-based problems,
rather than link-based problems as in centralized networks. Each
node either contends for channel access or reserves transmission
opportunity through negotiation. We investigate two representative
protocols that have been adopted in the WiMedia specification for
future UWB-based WPANs. One is a contention-based protocol called
prioritized channel access (PCA), which employs the same mechanisms
as the enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) in IEEE 802.11e
for providing differentiated services. The other is a
reservation-based protocol called distributed reservation protocol
(DRP), which allows time slots to be reserved in a distributed
manner. Our goal is to identify the capabilities of these two
protocols in supporting multimedia applications for UWB networks. To
achieve this, we develop analytical models and conduct detailed
analysis for respective protocols. The proposed analytical models
have several merits. They are accurate and provide close-form
expressions with low computational effort. Through a cross-layer
approach, our analytical models can capture the near-realistic
protocol behaviors, thus useful insights into the protocol can be
obtained to improve or fine-tune the protocol operations. The
proposed models can also be readily extended to incorporate more
sophisticated considerations, which should benefit future UWB
network design.
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Model correlation of an articulated hauler frameLundgren, Paulina, Harbe Husein, Mohammed January 2010 (has links)
This master thesis has been carried out on behalf of Volvo Construction Equipment. A front frame of an articulated hauler should be analysed according to the Finite Element Method and vibration tests should be made. The results from the experimental tests should be correlated with the analytical test results here using MAC-values. These values will show if the FE-model represents the physical structure correctly. Visualisations are made on both the experimental and analytical results to get a better understanding about the eigenmodes of the frame. The final results showed that the FE-model was not a match to the physical structure which the experimental tests were made on. It should be noted that the final result only states the present situation. The CAD-model had not been completed when this thesis was performed and therefore some deviation occurred in the results. Some actions are needed in order to reach a better result and they are stated in this report. When they are made, the results can be improved by following the work that has been done in this master thesis.
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An adaptive solution for power efficiency and QoS optimization in WLAN 802.11nGomony, Manil Dev January 2010 (has links)
The wide spread use of IEEE Wireless LAN 802.11 in battery operated mobile devices introduced the need of power consumption optimization while meeting Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of applications connected through the wireless network. The IEEE 802.11 standard specifies a baseline power saving mechanism, hereafter referred to as standard Power Save Mode (PSM), and the IEEE 802.11e standard specifies the Automatic Power Save Delivery (APSD) enhancement which provides support for real-time applications with QoS requirements. The latest amendment to the WLAN 802.11 standard is the IEEE 802.11n standard which enables the use of much higher data rates by including enhancements in the Physical and MAC Layer. In this thesis, different 802.11n MAC power saving and QoS optimization possibilities are analyzed comparing against existing power saving mechanisms. Initially, the performance of the existing power saving mechanisms PSM and Unscheduled-APSD (UAPSD) are evaluated using the 802.11n process model in the OPNET simulator and the impact of frame aggregation feature introduced in the MAC layer of 802.11n was analyzed on these power saving mechanisms. From the performance analysis it can be concluded that the frame aggregation will be efficient under congested network conditions. When the network congestion level increases, the signaling load in UAPSD saturates the channel capacity and hence results in poor performance compared to PSM. Since PSM cannot guarantee the minimum QoS requirements for delay sensitive applications, a better mechanism for performance enhancement of UAPSD under dynamic network conditions is proposed. The functionality and performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated under different network conditions and using different contention settings. From the performance results it can be concluded that, by using the proposed algorithm the congestion level in the network is reduced dynamically thereby providing a better power saving and QoS by utilizing the frame aggregation feature efficiently.
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Physical layer interface for IEEE 802.11 MAC / Hårdvaruinterface för IEEE 802.11 MACNorén, Per January 2002 (has links)
There are several standards for wireless communication. People that are involved in computers and networking recognize names like Bluetooth, HiperLAN and IEEE 802.11. A fundamental part of an IEEE 802.11 node is the Medium Access Controller. It establishes and controls communication with other nodes, using a physical layer unit. This is the work that was carried out as a master thesis project at Ericsson Microelectronics. The main goal was to design, implement and evaluate a hardware interface between the MAC and the physical layer. An important part of the work was to find a suitable partition scheme for hardware and software and to achieve this, an investigation of processor-cycles usage was carried out to support design decisions. The hardware/software partition resulted in hardware-functionality for decode of received frames and automatic transmission of acknowledge frames.
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