Spelling suggestions: "subject:"macau"" "subject:"cacao""
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ß-Thalassemia and HB lepore heterozygotes: phenotype-genotype correlationSousa Ribeiro, Maria Leticia de. January 1997 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit Maastricht. / Met bibliogr., lit. opg. - Met een samenvatting in het Nederlands.
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A Study on the Role of the Gambling Industry in Macau¡¦s Economic Development and Its Implication for TaiwanLee, Wen-che 15 July 2009 (has links)
The role of gambling industry in Macao's economic development has become more and more important, and has been irreplaceable position. Therefore, this study examines the history of Macao's economic development as well as the history of the gambling industry development. It is found that the gambling industry to bring economic benefits to only part of local residents, but to bring many social cost for all local resident. Therefore, through the experience of Macao, when Taiwan open the casino required to concern economic, social advantages and disadvantages of the two levels in order to obtain the greatest benefits of our residents.
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Die Rechtslage von Hongkong und Macau nach den "Gemeinsamen Erklärungen" vom 19. Dezember 1984 und 13. April 1987 : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der chinesischen Verfasssung und der "Grundgesetze" (Basic Law, Lei Básica) /Scheuer, Martin P. January 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Saarbrücken, 1992.
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Development of higher education in the context of political and economic changes the case of Macau /Hui, Kwok-fai, Philip. January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1990. / Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print.
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Macao : vie culturelle et littéraire d’expression portugaise au milieu du XXe siècle : Luís Gonzaga Gomes, ‘Fils de la Terre’ / Macao : cultural and literary life within the portuguese-speaking world in the mid 20th century : Luís Gonzaga Gomes, ‘Son of Macao’Sergio, Vanessa 28 November 2012 (has links)
Dans quelle mesure les années 50 marquent-elles un renouveau dans la vie culturelle et littéraire de Macao, incarné par une élite locale d’intellectuels portugais et macanais, dans un espace profondément colonial, quels en sont les enjeux ? Ce renouveau culturel qui s’exprime à travers la presse et diverses manifestations culturelles locales, s’articule avec la revendication d’une identité macanaise, qui s’inscrit dans la culture portugaise au sens large (le discours colonial n’étant jamais bien loin). Derrière cette revendication identitaire, au sortir de la Seconde guerre mondiale, se cache une lutte pour la survie du territoire, sous le regard critique de la communauté internationale. Ce nouveau souffle apporté à la vie culturelle et littéraire de Macao se traduit dans l’échange interculturel luso-chinois, comme l’illustre l’œuvre de Luís Gonzaga Gomes. Ce ‘Fils de la Terre’, vecteur de cet échange, incarne la vocation et l’esprit macanais : servir de ‘pont’ entre deux cultures, deux civilisations. Son œuvre permet la transition entre un environnement culturel colonial et un environnement culturel postcolonial ou le passage d’un discours nationaliste et égocentrique à un discours plus tolérant, tourné vers l’autre et ouvert sur le monde ‘non lusophone’. Néanmoins, ce nouveau discours se heurte à des limites imposées par le contexte politique et la mentalité de l’époque. / To what extent do the 50s mark a renewal in Macao’s culture and literature which is embodied by local intellectual Portuguese and Macanese elites in a deeply colonial space? What are their outcomes? This cultural renewal, expressed through the mass media and various local cultural events, is expressed with the claim of a Macanese identity which has been part of the Portuguese culture in the broad sense (the colonial discourse has never been very far). At the end of the Second World War, this identity claim bears in its layers a struggle for the survival of the territory, under the international community’s critical scrutiny. This new lease brought to the cultural and literary life of Macao is reflected in the Luso-Chinese cultural exchange, as it is illustrated in Luís Gonzaga Gomes’ work. This Son of Macao, who is a vector of this exchange, embodies the Macanese vocation and spirit: providing a bridge between two cultures, between two civilizations. His work makes the transition from a colonial cultural environment to a postcolonial cultural environment possible; where lies a crossing from a nationalist and egocentric speech to a more tolerant one, turning towards the other and open to the non-Lusophone/Portuguese world. However, this new discourse is facing limitations imposed by the political context and the mentality of the time.
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Camilo Pessanha no contexto da sinologia do seu tempo: idiossincrasias / Camilo Pessanha in the contexto of sinology of his time: idiosyncrasiesSerafim, Fernando Ulisses Mendonça 29 September 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar algumas concepções sobre o Oriente, correntes na primeira metade do século XX, que interferiram diretamente na escrita de Camilo Pessanha (1867-1926) sobre a vida chinesa. Morador de Macau por cerca de 26 anos, escreveu alguns poucos textos em prosa que tematizam a cultura e os costumes da China, além de ter tido contato com sinólogos de destaque. Os pareceres de Pessanha sobre o Oriente, bem como o de outros atores importantes, são relevantes na medida em que revelam influências do orientalismo, do exotismo e da sinologia, de maneira a reproduzir ou desafiar certos aspectos da lógica do discurso colonial instaurado em Portugal e aplicado em Macau. Num primeiro momento, o trabalho pretende refletir sobre a atuação de Camilo Pessanha como estudioso da cultura chinesa, prática na qual é confrontado com o seu contemporâneo e colega de trabalho Silva Mendes (1867-1931), também professor no Liceu de Macau. O discurso autorizado europeu que parte da ideia de domìnio sobre povos ditos inferiores seduziu a intelectualidade ocidental, e teve forte repercussão em grande parte dos pareceres de Camilo Pessanha sobre a cultura chinesa. Mostraremos, além dessa vertente, o cotejo que alguns estudiosos da vida do poeta empreendem em relação a uma suposta aproximação com a estética do exotismo. Desenhado este panorama, propomos um esboço do que seria uma nova visão portuguesa sobre Macau, ao cotejarmos o seu passado colonial, explicitado na prática administrativa portuguesa por autores como Oliveira Martins, com as novas possibilidades de compreensão da idiossincrasia macaense, esboçadas a partir de algumas iniciativas de autores como Camilo Pessanha e Silva Mendes. / This study aims at analyzing some conceptions regarding the East, present in the first half of the 20th century, which interfered directly on Camilo Pessanhas (1867-1926) writing about Chinese life. As a resident of Macao for twenty-six years, he wrote a few prose texts about Chinese life and culture, besides being in touch with some very important sinologists such as Silva Mendes (1867-1931) and José Vicente Jorge. Pessanhas remarks on the East, as well as those of other writers, are relevant for they portrait influences from Orientalism, exoticism and sinology in order to reproduce or challenge certain aspects related to the logic of the colonial discourse established in Portugal and applied in Macao. At first, this paper intends to reflect upon Camilo Pessanhas action as a student of Chinese culture, in which he is confronted by his fellow and co-worker Silva Mendes (who was also a teacher at Macaos Lyceum) as well as his pupil Luís Gonzaga Gomes (1907-1976). The European authorized discourse which derives from the idea of dominance of the so-called inferior peoples seduced the Western intellectuality and had a major impact on many of Pessanhas assessments on Chinese culture. Besides this dimension, we will also analyze a possible connection with exoticism, believed to be true by some researchers who studied the poets life. Having set the scene, we propose an outline of what would be a new Portuguese view on Macao, when comparing its colonial past, clarified in the Portuguese administrative practice by authors such as Oliveira Martins, with new possibilities for understanding Macaos idiosyncrasy, derived from some initiatives of writers like Camilo Pessanha and Silva Mendes.
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LITERATURE vs. THEATRE / Literatura vs. DivadloLam, Teng Teng Teresa January 2016 (has links)
Tato práce zkoumá současnou praxi adaptace čínské literatury v divadelní tvorbě v Macau. Poukazuje na její možnosti a tvůrčí hodnoty, a podporuje tak akademickým zpracováním tématu umělecké směřování autorky v rámci tohoto žánru.
Práce sestává ze dvou hlavních kapitol. První se zabývá minulostí a současností adaptací děl čínské literatury v Macau z hlediska obecných trendů v tamní divadelní dramaturgii. Na základě statistik divadelních inscenací z posledních let definuje jednotlivé žánry, aby mohla určit podíl adaptací čínské literatury na divadelní tvorbě a také hledat příčiny její absence. Zároveň je zde kladena otázka, proč se takové dramaturgické směřování objevilo.
Druhá kapitola předkládá reflexi adaptací čínské literatury v divadelní tvorbě samotné autorky, se zřetelem na její umělecké cíle, výběr textů, proces jejich aplikace a s tím spojené obtíže. Poukazuje na režijní metodologii transformace literárního jazyka do jazyka divadelního, spočívající také v užití loutkových a objektových prvků, znakových systémů pro metafory či prolínání proxemického a imaginativního prostoru. Věnuje se soudobé interpretaci těchto prvků a novému vztahu se současným publikem. Také se zabývá možnostmi a perspektivami tohoto směru s ohledem na recepci takovýchto inscenací.
Tato práce má za cíl pomoci autorce hledat systematické zachycení smyslu jejího uměleckého směřování, aby dále mohla cíleně rozvíjet své myšlenky při vědomí hledání své kulturní identity jako divadelní umělkyně ze Zvláštní správní oblasti ČLR Macao. Také se věnuje otázce spojení mezi její tvorbou a publikem v její další tvůrčí kariéře.
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Camilo Pessanha no contexto da sinologia do seu tempo: idiossincrasias / Camilo Pessanha in the contexto of sinology of his time: idiosyncrasiesFernando Ulisses Mendonça Serafim 29 September 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar algumas concepções sobre o Oriente, correntes na primeira metade do século XX, que interferiram diretamente na escrita de Camilo Pessanha (1867-1926) sobre a vida chinesa. Morador de Macau por cerca de 26 anos, escreveu alguns poucos textos em prosa que tematizam a cultura e os costumes da China, além de ter tido contato com sinólogos de destaque. Os pareceres de Pessanha sobre o Oriente, bem como o de outros atores importantes, são relevantes na medida em que revelam influências do orientalismo, do exotismo e da sinologia, de maneira a reproduzir ou desafiar certos aspectos da lógica do discurso colonial instaurado em Portugal e aplicado em Macau. Num primeiro momento, o trabalho pretende refletir sobre a atuação de Camilo Pessanha como estudioso da cultura chinesa, prática na qual é confrontado com o seu contemporâneo e colega de trabalho Silva Mendes (1867-1931), também professor no Liceu de Macau. O discurso autorizado europeu que parte da ideia de domìnio sobre povos ditos inferiores seduziu a intelectualidade ocidental, e teve forte repercussão em grande parte dos pareceres de Camilo Pessanha sobre a cultura chinesa. Mostraremos, além dessa vertente, o cotejo que alguns estudiosos da vida do poeta empreendem em relação a uma suposta aproximação com a estética do exotismo. Desenhado este panorama, propomos um esboço do que seria uma nova visão portuguesa sobre Macau, ao cotejarmos o seu passado colonial, explicitado na prática administrativa portuguesa por autores como Oliveira Martins, com as novas possibilidades de compreensão da idiossincrasia macaense, esboçadas a partir de algumas iniciativas de autores como Camilo Pessanha e Silva Mendes. / This study aims at analyzing some conceptions regarding the East, present in the first half of the 20th century, which interfered directly on Camilo Pessanhas (1867-1926) writing about Chinese life. As a resident of Macao for twenty-six years, he wrote a few prose texts about Chinese life and culture, besides being in touch with some very important sinologists such as Silva Mendes (1867-1931) and José Vicente Jorge. Pessanhas remarks on the East, as well as those of other writers, are relevant for they portrait influences from Orientalism, exoticism and sinology in order to reproduce or challenge certain aspects related to the logic of the colonial discourse established in Portugal and applied in Macao. At first, this paper intends to reflect upon Camilo Pessanhas action as a student of Chinese culture, in which he is confronted by his fellow and co-worker Silva Mendes (who was also a teacher at Macaos Lyceum) as well as his pupil Luís Gonzaga Gomes (1907-1976). The European authorized discourse which derives from the idea of dominance of the so-called inferior peoples seduced the Western intellectuality and had a major impact on many of Pessanhas assessments on Chinese culture. Besides this dimension, we will also analyze a possible connection with exoticism, believed to be true by some researchers who studied the poets life. Having set the scene, we propose an outline of what would be a new Portuguese view on Macao, when comparing its colonial past, clarified in the Portuguese administrative practice by authors such as Oliveira Martins, with new possibilities for understanding Macaos idiosyncrasy, derived from some initiatives of writers like Camilo Pessanha and Silva Mendes.
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A utilização das actividades dramáticas nos jardins de infância luso-chineses de MacauMartins, Amílcar January 1996 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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La diversité des pouvoirs locaux en Chine entre centralisation et autonomie dans une perspective juridique évolutive / Diversity of local authorities in China between centralization and autonomy in an evolving legal perspectiveLiu, Ruihua 16 December 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse s’intéresse à la diversité des pouvoirs locaux en Chine qui se trouvent pris entre une tendance centralisatrice traditionnelle et une évolution autonomiste innovatrice. Les autorités centrales exercent en Chine encore l’essentiel des pouvoirs de l’État et se superposent de manière puissante aux pouvoirs locaux. Toutefois, même si c’est sous le contrôle des autorités centrales, les pouvoirs locaux ont acquis désormais des compétences dans de multiples domaines. Ils représentent ainsi de nos jours de réels centres du pouvoir que le personnel politique convoite lors des compétitions politiques. Mais contrairement à la France, les pouvoirs locaux se présentent en Chine dans un contexte de régime communiste. Cependant, comme en France, les politiques de décentralisation et de déconcentration constituent un défi pour le développement politique de l’État. À cet égard, l’échelon local a changé de statut : il a vocation à devenir une échelle décisive de gouvernement des sociétés. Cette thèse s’adresse aux juristes français et a pour ambition de leur expliquer la Chine décentralisée ainsi que l’évolution juridique et politique qui a mené à la situation actuelle. Notamment depuis une trentaine d’années, les pouvoirs locaux prennent de plus en plus de place dans la vie politique, administrative et juridique de la Chine. La thèse présente le cadre essentiellement constitutionnel de la décentralisation à la chinoise, et expose également la dimension pratique de son fonctionnement. À ce titre sont vus les changements de statut des échelons autonomes, leurs capacités juridiques et politiques et le degré de leur autonomie, tant du point de vue de la décentralisation que de la déconcentration. Le régime local se présente en Chine de manière extrêmement diversifié, à la fois dans une dimension chronologique et diachronique. / This thesis focuses on the diversity of local authorities in China, who are found between traditional centralizing tendency and autonomist innovative evolution. The central authorities in China still carry most of the powers of the state and overlap powerfully to local authorities. However, even if they are under the control of central authorities, local authorities have now acquired competences in multiple areas, such as economy, social sector, urban planning, culture, environment and sport. Local authorities thus represent today real centers of power that covets politicians during political events. But unlike in France, local authorities are presented in China in the context of the communist regime. However, as in France, the decentralization and deconcentration policy represents a challenge for public policy development. In this regard, the local level has changed status: it aims to become a decisive level of government corporations. This thesis is for French legal professionals and aims to explain the decentralized China also the legal and political developments which led to the current situation. Especially since the latest thirty years, that local authorities become having more and more space in the political, administrative and legal life of China. The thesis not only presents essentially the constitutional framework of decentralization in China, but also exposes the practical dimension of its operation. As are seen changes in the status of autonomous levels, their legal and political capacity and the degree of autonomy, both from the perspective of decentralization as deconcentration. The local regime in China has extremely diverse manner in both a chronological and diachronic dimension. This diversity of local authorities is demonstrated through both parts of the thesis
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