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Implications of Geochemistry and Textures of Titanite for the Geologic Histories of the Notch Peak Intrusion and Little Cottonwood Stock, UtahHenze, Porter 27 July 2020 (has links)
Textural and compositional variations in titanite, along with whole-rock geochemistry, provide constraints on the emplacement and cooling histories of two plutons: the Jurassic Notch Peak pluton and the Oligocene Little Cottonwood stock, both in Utah. Titanite textures observed with back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging along with their compositions were used to determine four periods of growth: cores, rims, interstitial overgrowths, and secondary replacements. Brightness in BSE images correlates mostly with rare earth elements (REE). REE patterns in cores and rims are compositionally similar in both plutons, although the Notch Peak intrusion tend to be slightly more enriched in REE. Overgrowths and secondary replacements typically have lower concentrations of REE and Fe and higher Al, Mn, F, and U. They also have similar δ18O values to primary titanite, indicating alteration and recrystallization from exolved magmatic fluids rather than meteoric sources. In the Notch Peak intrusion, titanite grains usually have simple, oscillatory zoned textures that include cores which include bright sector zones. These are overprinted by secondary titanite that grows within and replaces the primary titanite grain. At some localities, Notch Peak titanites have been hydrothermally altered to fine-grained aggregates of rutile or brookite, magnetite, quartz, and plagioclase. These observations indicate a simple cooling path after magmatic intrusion, followed by hydrothermal alteration for the Notch Peak intrusion. The Little Cottonwood stock contains titanite grains that are distinctly different from those in the Notch Peak intrusion. They typically contain a distinct patchy core with rounded, resorbed ilmenite inclusions. Surrounding the core is a mantle of oscillatory zoned titanite. On many grains, narrow rims of secondary overgrowths are observed as well as interstitial titanite growing in between chloritized biotite sheets. The cores of these titanite grains suggest that a more reduced, ilmenite-rich magma mixed into an oxidized felsic magma, destabilizing existing ilmenites and forming its patchy texture. This was followed by hydrothermal overgrowths and interstitial titanite, like Notch Peak, but to a lesser extent. Although both plutons had similar emplacement settings–subduction related intrusion into Paleozoic limestone–their whole rock and titanite chemistries are different. The Notch Peak intrusion is more chemically evolved and less mafic than the Little Cottonwood stock. The patchy cores with Fe-Ti oxide inclusions found in the Little Cottonwood stock, along with the abundance of mafic enclaves in the pluton, provide evidence for magma mixing, while no evidence is observed in the Notch Peak intrusion for magma mixing.
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Contributions from Mafic Alkaline Magmas to the Bingham Porphyry Cu-Au-Mo Deposit, Utah, U.S.A.Maughan, Daniel T. 06 July 2001 (has links)
The Bingham porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Utah, may only be world-class because of substantial contributions of sulfur and metals from mafic alkaline magma to an otherwise unremarkable calc-alkaline system. Volcanic mafic alkaline rocks in the district are enriched in Cr, Ni, and Ba as well as ore-related constituents of Cu, Au, platinum group elements (PGE) and S. The bulk of the volcanic section that is comagmatic with ore-related porphyries is dacitic to trachytic in composition, but has inherited the geochemical signature of high Cr, Ni, and Ba from magma mixing with the mafic alkaline rocks. The volcanic section that most closely correlates in time with ore-related porphyries is very heterogeneous containing clasts of scoriaceous latite, latitic minette and flows of melanephelinite, shoshonite and olivine latite in addition to the volumetrically dominant dacite/trachyte.
Bingham ore-related porphyries show ample evidence of prior mixing with mafic alkaline magmas. Intrusive porphyries that have not been previously studied well have several chemical and mineralogical indications of magma mixing. These "mixed" lithologies include the hybrid quartz monzonite porphyry, biotite porphyry, and minette dikes. Even some of the more silicic latite and monzonite porphyries retain high Cr and Ba contents indicative of mixing and contain trace amounts of sapphire (
Magma mixing calculations suggest about 10% of the monzonitic/latitic ore-related magma may have been derived from mafic alkaline magma similar to the melanephelinite. If the original S content of the mafic magma was about 2000-4000 ppm, comparable to similar magmas, then the mafic magma may have been responsible for contributing more than half of the S and a significant portion of the Cu, Au, and PGE in the Bingham deposit.
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Geophysical Response of Sulfide-Poor PGM-Bearing Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks: Example of the Boston Creek Flow, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, OntarioLarson, Michelle Susanne 29 April 1994 (has links)
<p> Sulfide-poor platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization occurs within the Archean
Boston Creek Flow ferropicrite, Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada. The PGE mineralization
(∑PGE+Au = up to 1000 ppb) is manifest as metre-scale platinum-group mineral-bearing
pods of disseminated chalcopyrite and pyrite (< 1 modal%) within titaniferous magnetite-rich
gabbroic rock at the base of its central gabbroic layer. This mineralization is distinct in
character from well known PGE mineralization associated with massive Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides at
the base of komatiite flows at Kambalda, Western Australia and elsewhere. Exploration
strategies presently used to search for PGE in mafic and ultramafic volcanic rock terrains are
based on the geological and geophysical characteristics of sulfide-rich PGE mineralization.
Consequently, refinements in exploration strategies are required if economic concentrations
of sulfide-poor PGE mineralization are to be discovered in volcanic terrains.</p> <p> To begin development of such exploration criteria, ground-based magnetic and VLF surveys were conducted over the PGE mineralization along a single cross-section through the BCF. Drill core samples were collected along this transect to characterize the volume magnetic susceptibility and natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of the mineralization. Magnetic highs ranging in intensity from 64000 to 65000 nT were recorded for the base of the gabbroic layer, including mineralized outcrops. Susceptibilities of up to 9700 cgs and high remanence values with variable directions were determined. VLF, as expected, was not useful in identifying the mineralized horizons. The peridotite at the base of the flow appears to be the only conductive rock in the BCF.</p> <p> The magnetic highs associated with the base of the gabbroic layer define a positive anomaly that appears to be podiform in outline and up to ten metres in maximum dimension. This result suggests that the titaniferous magnetite-rich rock is itself podiform, like the enclosed PGE mineralization. This magnetic anomaly is not extensive enough to be evident on a regional scale aeromagnetic map as a separate anomaly within the BCF, and is not evident through VLF techniques. The rocks hosting the PGE mineralization is defined by the paleomagnetic results but this is not a practical field method.</p> <p> The geophysical characterization of the PGE mineralization host rocks, and of the BCF in general, demonstrates the potential of detailed magnetic and susceptibility mapping, together with petrographic and petrologic studies, in the search for economic PGE concentrations of sulfide-poor PGE mineralization in other volcanic and possibly plutonic rocks as well. Specifically, the results suggest that podiform magnetic anomalies within titaniferous magnetite-rich pyroxenites and gabbroic rocks may have potential use in the exploration for economic sulfide-poor PGE mineralization. Although the paleomagnetic methods used in this study are probably not of direct use in exploration, they were able to distinguish the different lithologies in the BCF. This substantiates the results of the susceptibility measurements in characterizing PGE mineralized, titaniferous magnetite-bearing rocks. The results of the paleomagnetic study also show that the NRM of the Ghost Range intrusive complex is not primary and therefore the Archean apparent polar wander path as it is currently defined is incorrect.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Strain and Grain Size Analysis of a Deformed Archean Pyroclastic Flow, Temagami, OntarioFrost, David Harold 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The Archean pyroclastic conglomerate studied has six clast types which can be condensed to four clast families based on lithology. The quartz clasts have an average strain of X:Y:Z=1.21:1:0.55 while the pumice clasts have an average strain of X:Y:Z=1.27:1:0.47. The difference is strain between these clast families can be attributed to their different viscosities. The quartz clasts have an assumed viscosity ratio between the clasts and the matrix of unity and are taken to represent the strain in the rock as a whole. The sulphide and black clasts have strain ratios much higher than the quartz because of recrystallization of the sulphide and
cleavage formation effecting the black clasts.</p> <p> The sedimentary structure of the deposit and its position between mafic pillow basalts indicate that the deposit is a result of the deposition of a subaqueous pyroclastic debris flow in a proximal environment.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Petrochemistry of the mafic-rich rocks, Lac des Mille Lacs area, northwestern Ontario / Petrochemistry of the mafic-rich rocks, Lac des Mille Lacs areaWatkinson, David Hugh 05 1900 (has links)
An investigation of the petrology and chemistry of two groups of mafic-rich intrusions from the Lac des Mille Lacs area was carried out. The Quetico group consists of hornblende-rich ultramafic to mafic rocks; the Shebandowan group consists of serpentinized ultramafic rocks and metagabbro. A spectrographic method was employed to quantitatively determine Al2O3, CaO, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Ti, V and Zr in the rocks. This, and other chemical data, indicate that these two spatially related groups, although mineralogically distinct, have similar chemical features, and have apparently crystallized from compositionally similar magmas under different water vapour pressures. Their similarities to ultramafic rocks from other areas provide some implications regarding ultramafic rock types of orogenic areas. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Continental Arc Processes in British Columbia and Earthquake Processes in Virginia: Insights from Seismic ImagingWang, Kai 07 February 2014 (has links)
Travel times from a refraction and wide-angle reflection seismic survey across the Coast Plutonic Complex and Stikine terrane of British Columbia were inverted to derive two dimensional P and S-wave seismic velocity models of the crust and uppermost mantle. A felsic upper crust and a felsic to intermediate middle crust are observed in both the batholith complex and the accreted Stikine island arc terrane. The P and S wave models demonstrate a high-velocity (P 7.0 km/s, S 3.8 km/s) layer in the lower crust beneath the youngest (late Cretaceous to Eocene) portion of the continental arc complex. In contrast, the lower crust under the Stikine terrane has lower velocities consistent with amphibolite or other hydrated mafic rocks. The Moho is at ~35 km depth under the Stikine terrane, deepens to ~38 km beneath the youngest portion of the arc, then shallows towards the coast. The high velocity zone under the younger portion of the Coast Plutonic Complex has a 1.81 Vp/Vs ratio and is interpreted to have a bulk composition of mafic garnet granulite. This garnet granulite and large volumes of granodiorite-dominated melt were created by arc dehydration melting of amphibolite (or hydrated gabbro) in the pre-existing lower crust
Reverse time migration method was applied to image aftershocks recorded by a dense array deployed after the 2011 Virginia earthquake. Events as tiny as magnitude -2 were successfully imaged as point sources. The propagation of energy release as a function of time and space was observed for events larger than magnitude 2.5. Spatial resolution of the images was ~200 m, which synthetic data tests show was primarily limited by the temporal sampling rate. Improved temporal and spatial sampling could produce images with sharper resolution. / Ph. D.
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Mineralogy and petrology of a drill core section from Borg, SW Norrköping – fracture fillings and tentative mineral reactionsChong, Ting-Fung January 2019 (has links)
During drilling at Borg, ca. 5 km southwest of central Norrköping, an unidentified fine-grained grey rock was encountered in contact with dark red granitic gneiss at 35m depth. The fine-grained grey rock occurs above the red granitic gneiss. Our understanding prior to testing is that the rock may have been formed by fluid alteration of a mafic rock, as neither metamorphic nor sedimentary textures were observed. Understanding this rock and the formation processes related to it, is of interest for the general understanding of the region and of geotechnical importance since fracture fillings may affect the stability of the rock during and after construction projects. This study uses the methods petrography, XRD and XRF to define the fine-grained mafic rock, black vein in the fine-grained mafic rock, the contact zone and the granitic gneiss. Results show that the fine-grained grey rock has a composition of muscovite (36.1%), quartz (24.6%), albite (20.8%), sericite (10.8) and montmorillonite (0.5%). The contact is mainly made of quartz veins and calcite veins. The protolith of the fine-grained mafic rock is suggested to be iron-rich. Further testing on additional unaltered mafic rock samples from the area would provide a more accurate picture of the protolith evolution.
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Controls on eruption style and magma compositions at Mount Hood, OregonKoleszar, Alison M. 21 July 2011 (has links)
This study is an effort to characterize the magma sources, plumbing system, and eruptive behavior of Mount Hood, a low-explosivity recharge-dominated volcano in the Oregon Cascades. The three manuscripts in this dissertation make use of melt inclusion data, phenocryst compositions, and whole rock petrology and geochemistry to build a schematic model of plumbing, mixing, and eruption at Mount Hood.
Volatile contents in melt inclusions were measured by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectometry (SIMS). These measurements indicate that the pre-eruptive volatile contents at Mount Hood are comparable to concentrations in more explosive volcanoes, and do not sufficiently explain the low explosivity of Mount Hood. Measured H₂O contents were also used to test the validity of multiple different hygrometers.
Various geothermobarometers were applied to the melt inclusions and phenocrysts from Mount Hood, and demonstrate that pre-eruptive temperatures increase
by 100-150 ̊C immediately after mafic recharge, which occurs days to weeks prior to eruption and is accompanied by a 5-10 fold decrease in magma viscosity. Numerical simulations of magma ascent indicate that magma fragmentation is significantly delayed with this magnitude of pre-eruptive heating, which reduces the likelihood of explosive eruption.
Analyses of amphibole demonstrate two markedly different populations, which correspond to different magma compositions, temperatures, and pressures. Pressure and temperature calculations were compared to other geothermobarometers to crosscheck the validity of these results and generally agreed well.
Trace element concentrations in lavas, enclaves, and inclusions from Mount Hood confirm previous models for simple binary mixing at Mount Hood. A linear regression technique for extrapolating the major element contents of the mixing endmembers works acceptably well to characterize the trace element budgets of these endmembers.
Additionally, we observe that the "recharge filter" that is responsible for the compositionally monotonous lavas at Mount Hood is also the likely cause of long-term low explosivity, and is indicative of a two-part magma plumbing system that may be a general model for a number of other recharge-dominated arc volcanoes. The results presented in this dissertation, in concert with previous results by other authors, converge on a generally consistent model for the production, hybridization, and eruption of intermediate lavas at Mount Hood and elsewhere. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Sept. 16, 2011 - March 16, 2012
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Petrology Of The Phlogopite-bearing Ultramafic-mafic Plutonic Rocks Within Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, TurkeyKoksal(toksoy), Fatma 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to define mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of phlogopite-pargasite enriched ultramafic-mafic cumulate rocks from Kuranç / ali (Kirsehir) and their implications for petrology and regional geological setting. The Kuranç / ali rocks, found within an allochthonous sliver, are representative for the isolated members of the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, derived from closure of Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan branch of Alpine Neotethys. The rocks overthrust the Metamorphic Ophiolitic Mé / lange (the uppermost part of the Central Anatolian Metamorphics) and cut by felsic dykes of the Late Cretaceous Central Anatolian Granitoids. The Kuranç / ali rocks are unusually enriched in phlogopite and pargasite with varying crystal sizes. They are also composed of diopsidic augite, plagioclase, rutile, ilmenite, sphene, apatite and pyrite. The rocks are divided into six types / clinopyroxenite, clinopyroxenite-with-hydrous minerals-plagioclase, phlogopitite, hornblendite, layered gabbro and diorite. Evaluation of detailed EMP data from constituent minerals of different rock types showed that phlogopite with high Fe2+-Fe3+-Al[6]-Ti, diopsidic-augite with high Ca-Al(t)-Ti, Si-undersaturated pargasite with high Al[4]-K-Na-Ti-contents and intercumulus plagioclase with a wide range of composition (an%=40.61-98.58) display unusual compositions. Substitution mechanisms and elemental variations of the minerals suggest crystallization from hydrous metasomatized mantle, high water pressure and oxygen fugacities during formation of the Kuranç / ali rocks. Major oxide, trace and rare earth element abundances of the rock units were used to evaluate petrological characteristics. Chemical and tectonic discrimination diagrams, and parallel multi-element and REE patterns with highly enriched in LILE and LREE relative to HREE and HFSE show strong calc-alkaline affinity with slight alkaline features. Troughs at Nb-Ta and Ti characterize the rocks but these elements are slightly enriched than N-MORB. The rocks show high LREE/HREE ratios. Both unusual mineralogical and geochemical features of the rocks show that the rocks were generated in an arc environment. Moreover, they require a mantle wedge source strongly influenced by metasomatic components (fluid/melt) derived from subducting slab and/or OIB-like alkaline melt. Comparison of the rocks with tectonically well-defined rocks displays that they are generated in an intra-oceanic arc environment, but owe a comparison with fore-arc back-arc Central Anatolian Ophiolites within supra-subduction zone environment revealed that Kuranç / ali rocks are different and generated in an arc basement.
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Eruptive Processes of Mafic Arc Volcanoes – Subaerial and Submarine PerspectivesDeardorff, Nicholas D., 1980- 09 1900 (has links)
xviii, 179 p. : ill. (some col.). Includes 3 video files. / Mafic arc volcanoes have eruption styles that range from explosive to effusive. In a broad sense, eruption style is controlled by the rate of magma supply to the vent. In this dissertation I examine relationships between eruption rate and style in two separate studies: (1) an investigation of ongoing activity at NW Rota-1, a submarine volcano in the Mariana arc, and (2) a morphologic study of the Collier Cone lava flow field in the Central Oregon Cascades.
The eruptions of NW Rota-1 range from effusive to moderately explosive; eruptions are effusive when mass eruption rate (MER) is low and explosive when MER increases. The explosivity of submarine eruptions is suppressed by seawater because of increased hydrostatic pressure, rapid cooling, and the high viscosity of water relative to air (which limits expansion). The combination of seawater and relatively low MERs limit pyroclast deposition to within meters to tens of meters of the vent. In fact, many pyroclasts fall back into the vent and are recycled. Evidence for recycling includes microcrystalline inclusions within erupted pyroclasts and elevated Cl and Na concentrations in matrix glass. Enrichment of Cl and Na suggests that seawater assimilation provides a geochemical signature of recycling. Recycling is limited to low MER explosive eruptions and is not observed in either effusive lava or deposits from high MER explosions.
Direct observations of eruptions allow measurements of eruption rate. However, it is more challenging to estimate MERs of eruptions that were not observed. To address this problem, I develop and test methods of constraining the eruption rate (and duration) of the c. 1600 year old Collier Cone lava flow using the flow morphology. To quantify flow morphology I combine field observations with GIS analysis of Lidar-derived digital topography. Channel dimensions constrain emplacement rates; dominant wavelengths and amplitudes of surface folds constrain spatial and temporal changes in flow rheology.
Three videos of eruption activity accompany this dissertation as supplemental files.
This dissertation includes both previously published and unpublished co-authored material. / Committee in charge: Dr. Katharine V. Cashman, Chair;
Dr. Joshua J. Roering, Member;
Dr. Paul J. Wallace, Member;
Dr. Patricia F. McDowell, Outside Member;
Dr. William W. Chadwick, Outside Member
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