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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização geologica e genese das mineralizações de oxido de Fe-Cu-Au e metais associados na Provincia Mineral de Carajas : estudo de caso do Deposito Sossego / Geology and genesis of iron oxide-copper-gold deposits in the Carajas Mineral Province : the case study of the Sossego deposit

Carvalho, Emerson de Resende 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Roberto Perez Xavier, Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho, Lena Virginia Soares Monteiro / Tese (doutorado) -Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T19:03:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho_EmersondeResende_D.pdf: 11938678 bytes, checksum: fdc3794a3948e2508d41b33690dcf01d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O depósito de óxido de ferro-cobre-ouro de Sossego na Província Mineral de Carajás (PMC), região norte do Brasil, consiste de três corpos de minério principais, denominados Sossego-Curral, Sequeirinho-Baiano e Pista, envolvidos por zonas de alteração hidrotermal sódica, sódico-cálcica, potássica, clorítica e hidrolítica. Essas zonas de alteração hidrotermal mostram diferentes graus de desenvolvimento em cada corpo de minério. Os estágios iniciais de alteração foram controlados pelo fluxo de fluido em zonas de cisalhamento regionais, enquanto a mineralização cupro-aurífera corresponde a uma fase tardia e se formou em um ambiente estrutural rúptil. Salmouras hipersalinas, quentes (> 500 oC) e compostas essencialmente por NaCl-CaCl2-H2O podem estar associadas com o desenvolvimento inicial do sistema hidrotermal Sossego. As brechas sulfetadas Sequeirinho e Sossego mostram um enriquecimento em Cu-Fe-Au-(Ag)- Ni-Co-Se-Y-V-P-La-Ce e baixo conteúdo de Ti, semelhante a outros depósitos de óxido de Fe-Cu-Au em Carajás e em termos mundiais. O alto conteúdo de Ni, Co, Se, V e Pd, especialmente no corpo Sequeirinho, possivelmente é decorrente da lixiviação de metais a partir de fontes como o gabro, que tem relação espacial com os corpos de magnetitito e as zonas mineralizadas, e lente de rochas metaultramáficas do Supergrupo Itacaiúnas. Os processos de interação fluido-rocha devem ter resultado em significativa lixiviação de metais da seqüência de rochas hospedeiras, que foi acentuado por fluidos hidrotermais inicialmente de alta temperatura (>500 oC) e alto conteúdo de cloreto no sistema hidrotermal Sossego, movido pelo calor dos vários episódios de intrusões registrados na PMC. As inclusões fluidas de amostras dos estágios finais da evolução do sistema hidrotermal Sossego, indicam a participação de (1) salmouras hipersalinas; (2) salmouras salinas, de baixa temperatura (~150 oC) e ricos em CaCl2; e (3) fluidos de baixa salinidade e baixa temperatura (< 250 oC) e compostos por NaCl-H2O, representativos, respectivamente dos estágios inicial, principal e final da mineralização de Cu-Au. As salmouras salinas ricas em CaCl2 poderiam refletir uma evolução contínua a partir de um fluido hipersalino magmático ou envolver fluidos bacinais de baixa temperatura, incluindo um componente derivado de evaporitos. Os fluidos portadores de NaCl e de baixa salinidade predominam nos estágios finais do evento mineralizante e podem representar o influxo de fluidos meteóricos. A transição para um regime estrutural dominantemente rúptil e o resfriamento do sistema favorecem o influxo desses fluidos meteóricos oxidados. A mistura de fluidos pode ter sido o mecanismo principal que desencadeou a precipitação da maior parte do Cu e Au nos diferentes corpos de minério do depósito de Sossego. / Abstract: The Sossego iron oxide-copper-gold deposit in the Carajás Mineral Province (CMP), northern Brazil, consists of three main orebodies, named Sossego-Curral, Sequeirinho-Baiano and Pista, enveloped by sodic, sodic-calcic, potassic, chloritic, and hydrolithic hydrothermal alteration zones. These alteration zones display different degrees of development in these orebodies. The early alteration stages were controlled by fluid-flow in large-scale regional shear zones, whereas bulk copper-gold mineralization was late and formed in a brittle structural environment. Hypersaline NaCl-CaCl2-H2O hot (>500 oC) brines could be associated with the initial development of the hydrothermal system. Sequeirinho and Sossego sulfide ore breccias are marked by enrichment in Cu-Fe-Au-(Ag)-Ni-Co-Se-Y-V-P-La-Ce and low contents of Ti, which also occur in other IOCG deposits of CMP and worldwide IOCG deposits. The high contents of Ni, Co, Se, V and Pd, particularly in Sequeirinho orebody, possibly were originated by metal leaching from sources such as intrusive gabbro, which have spatial relationship with massive magnetite bodies and mineralized zones, and metaultramafic lenses of Itacaiúnas Supergroup. Fluid-rock interaction process might have resulted in significant metal leaching from host sequences, enhanced by early high temperature (>500 oC) and high chloride concentrations of hydrothermal fluids in the extensive Sossego hydrothermal system driven by heat from several intrusive episodes recorded in the CMP. Fluid inclusions of the samples from the final stages of evolution of the Sossego hydrothermal system in brittle conditions, indicated participation of hot hypersaline brines, low temperature (~150 oC) CaCl2-rich saline brines and low-temperature (<250 oC) low salinity NaCl-H2O fluids in early, main and late mineralization stages. The CaCl2-rich saline brines could reflect continuum evolution from magmatic hypersaline fluids or involve low temperature basinal, including evaporite-derived fluids. Low salinity, NaCl-bearing fluids, predominates in late stages and reflect channelized influx of meteoric fluids. The transition to a dominantly brittle structural regime and cooling of the system favors the influx of these oxidized meteoric-derived fluids. Fluid mixing could have represented a major influence on ore precipitation in different orebodies from the Sossego IOCG deposit and could have had fundamental importance to trigger the bulk of copper deposition. / Doutorado / Metalogenese / Doutor em Ciências

Volatilernas påverkan på marina vulkanutbrott / The Impact of Volatiles on Submarine Eruptions

Khadhem, Laith January 2017 (has links)
The Cape Verde archipelago is located 2000 km east of the Atlantic oceanic ridge and 500 km west of the western part of Africa. The plateau of the archipelago rises on average 2 km above the seafloor, which makes it one of the highest oceanic plateaus on Earth. Cape Verde originates from hotspot formation, a geological phenomenon which takes place beyond the tectonic plate boundaries where magma rises to the surface. In this thesis, volcanic material taken from the Charles Darwin volcanic field at a depth of more than 3000 meter and made up by four basaltic rocks and one agglomerate will be investigated. The agglomerate and vesicles in the rock shows that explosive volcanism occurs in high water depths, which is generally not common. Therefore, the material will be investigated to find out how explosive volcanism can occur at high water depths. The investigation will be based on quantifying the number of vesicles to able to calculate their area and analyze the magmatic water content in clinopyroxene crystals taken from the agglomerate by FTIR spectroscopy. Water is a volatile substance in the composition of magma and has a huge effect on its behavior at eruption. The results of quantification show that the area taken by vesicles varies from 7- 54 % which shows that magmatic products with high number of vesicles are common. The FTIR analysis shows that the magmatic water content can be high enough to cause an oversaturated magma system, which creates explosive eruptions. This statement is based on only one clinopyroxene crystal that had a magmatic water content of 3,87 ± 0,77 %. Other possible reasons for explosive eruptions at high water depth are the CO2 content in the magma and the size of volcanic vent. / Kap Verde är en arkipelag, situerad cirka 2000 km öster om den mittatlantiska spridningsryggen och 500 km väster om det afrikanska fastlandet. Arkipelagens platå har en genomsnittlig höjd på 2 km, vilket gör den till en av världens högsta oceaniska platåer. Arkipelagen har uppkommit av hetfläcksbildning, ett geologiskt fenomen baserad på att magma erupteras till ytan där jordskorpan är förtunnad och inte har någon anknytning till de tektoniska plattgränserna. Det som undersöks i detta kandidatarbete är vulkaniskt material, taget från den vulkaniska undervattensön Charles Darwin vulkanfält som ligger i den västra del Kap Verdes norra ö-grupp på över 3000 meterdjup. Materialet består av ett agglomerat och fyra stenstuffer av basaltisk komposition. Agglomeratet tyder på att explosiva vulkanutbrott förekommer, vilket även bekräftas av stenstufferna som har rikligt förekomst av luftbubblor. Explosiva vulkanutbrott är generellt inte förekomliga vid höga vattendjup, därav undersöks materialet för att kunna reda ut orsakerna som ger upphov till förekomsten av explosiva vulkanutbrott. Undersökningen baseras på att kvantifiera luftbubblor hos stenstufferna för att kunna räkna ut arean som upptas och analysera vattenhalten i klinopyroxenkristaller i agglomeratet med hjälp av FTIR spektroskopi. Vatten tillhör de flyktiga beståndsdelar i magmas sammansättning som kallas för volatiler och utgör en viktig parameter för magmans uppträdande vid eruption. Resultatet kvantifiering av luftbubblor visar att arean som upptas av luftbubblor varierar mellan 7–54 % av stenstufferna total area, vilket understryker att magmatiska produkter med hög andel luftbubblor är förkomliga. FTIR analysen visar att det finns tillräckliga höga vattenhalter för ett övermättat magmasystem som ger upphov till vulkanutbrott med explosiva förlopp, baserat på vattenhalten 3,87 ± 0,77 % av en klinopyroxenkristall. Andra möjliga orsaker till uppkomsten av magmatiska produkter med hög andel luftbubblor är koldioxidhalten i magman och storleken på vulkanrören.

Origine, évolution et exhumation des leucogranites peralumineux de la chaîne hercynienne armoricaine : implication sur la métallogénie de l'uranium / Origin, evolution and exhumation of the peraluminous leucogranites from the Armorican Hercynian belt : implication for uranium metallogenesis

Ballouard, Christophe 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les granites peralumineux sont les acteurs principaux de la différentiation de la croûte continentale et représentent un enjeu sociétal important car ils sont associés à de nombreux gisements métallifères. Dans la chaîne hercynienne européenne, la majorité des gisements hydrothermaux d'uranium (filons ou épisyenites) sont associés à des leucogranites peralumineux d'âge tardi-carbonifère. Ainsi dans le Massif armoricain, 20000 t d'uranium (U) (~20% de la production historique française), ont été extraites des gisements associés aux leucogranites de Mortagne, Pontivy et Guérande. L'objectif de ce travail est de mieux comprendre le cycle de l'uranium dans la chaîne hercynienne armoricaine depuis la source des leucogranites, leur évolution et leur mise en place dans la croûte supérieure jusqu'à leur lessivage par des fluides, la formation des gisements puis leur exhumation en sub-surface. Dans ce but, des données pétro-géochimiques, géochronologiques et thermochronologiques ont été obtenues sur les leucogranites de Guérande, Pontivy et leurs gisements d'uranium associés. Les leucogranites de Guérande et de Pontivy se sont mis en place, respectivement, à ca. 310 Ma dans une zone de déformation extensive dans le domaine interne de la chaîne et ca. 315 Ma dans le domaine externe le long du cisaillement sud armoricain (CSA), une faille décrochante d'échelle lithosphérique. Les deux leucogranites sont issus d'un faible taux de fusion partielle de métasédiments détritiques et d'orthogneiss peralumineux, la fusion de ces derniers ayant vraisemblablement joué un rôle majeur dans la richesse en uranium des leucogranites. La fusion de la croûte continentale dans la zone interne de la chaîne a été induite par l'extension tardi-orogénique alors que la fusion de la croûte mais aussi du manteau dans la zone externe était probablement contrôlée par une déformation décrochante diffuse. La cristallisation d'oxydes d'uranium magmatiques dans les facies les plus évolués des leucogranites au moment de leur mise en place a été vraisemblablement rendue possible grâce à l'action combinée de la cristallisation fractionnée et d'une activité magmatique-hydrothermale diffuse. De ca. 300 Ma à 270 Ma, une activité tectonique fragile le long du CSA et des détachements a permis l'infiltration de fluides météoriques oxydants en profondeur induisant la mise en solution des oxydes d'uranium des leucogranites. Ensuite, les fluides ont précipité leur U dans des failles ou des fentes de tension à proximité du contact avec des lithologies sédimentaires avec un caractère réducteur variable. Les leucogranites étaient toujours en profondeur à des températures supérieures à 120°C au moment de la formation des gisements et leur exhumation en sub-surface n'est pas enregistrée avant le Trias ou le Jurassique. Ce modèle métallogénique n'est probablement pas exclusif au Massif armoricain car la période de formation des gisements d'U dans la région entre 300 et 270 Ma est la même que dans l'ensemble de la chaîne hercynienne européenne. / Peraluminous leucogranites are the principal actors for the differentiation of the continental crust and play an important economic role because they are commonly associated with significant metalliferous deposits. Most hydrothermal uranium (U) deposits (vein or episyenite types) from the European Hercynian belt are spatially associated with Carboniferous peraluminous leucogranites and in the French Armorican Massif (western part of the European Hercynian belt) 20000 t of U (~20 % of the French production) were extracted from the deposits associated with the Mortagne, Pontivy and Guérande leucogranites. The objective of this work is to improve our knowledge about the U cycle in the Armorican Hercynian Belt from the leucogranites sources, their evolution and emplacement in the upper crust to U leaching, deposit formation and leucogranites exhumation at the subsurface level. For that purpose, petro-geochemical, geochronological and thermochronological data were obtained on the Guérande and Pontivy leucogranites as well as their spatially associated U deposits. The Guérande leucogranite was emplaced ca. 310 Ma ago in an extensional deformation zone in the internal domain of the belt whereas the Pontivy leucogranite was emplaced ca. 315 Ma ago in the external domain along the South Armorican Shear Zone (SASZ), a lithospheric scale wrench fault. Both leucogranites were formed by a low degree of partial melting of detrital metasediments and peraluminous orthogneisses; the fusion of the latter probably played a major role in the generation of U rich leucogranites. Partial melting of the crust in the internal zone of the belt was triggered by late orogenic extension whereas partial melting of the crust but also the mantle in the external zone was likely controlled by pervasive wrenching. The crystallization of magmatic uranium oxides in the most evolved leucogranitic facies was induced by fractional crystallization and probably enhanced by magmatic-hydrothermal processes. From ca. 300 to 270 Ma, a fragile tectonic activity along detachments and the SASZ, allowed for the infiltration at depth of meteoric oxidizing fluids, able to dissolve magmatic uranium oxides in the leucogranites. These fluids have then precipitated their U in faults or tension gashes close to the contact with sediments having a variable reducing character. The leucogranites were at depth above 120°c during the formation of U deposits and the exhumation of these intrusions did not occur before the Trias or the Jurassic. The proposed metallogenic model is likely not exclusive to the Armorican Massif as the timing of U deposits formation in the region from ca. 300 to 270 Ma is similar to the main U mineralizing event in the whole European Hercynian belt.

Géochimie de l'arc du Vanuatu : évolution spatio-temporelle des édifices volcaniques et des sources mantelliques. / Geochemical study of the Vanuatu lavas

Beaumais, Aurélien 05 July 2013 (has links)
L’archipel volcanique actif du Vanuatu s’édifie au coeur du pacifique sud-ouest au niveau de la frontière convergente des plaques australienne et pacifique. Je présente ici une nouvelle étude géochimique des laves du Vanuatu à partir de la détermination des compositions en éléments majeurs et traces, et des compositions isotopiques (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) d’une centaine d’échantillons de laves (< 2 Ma).L’étude des magmas les plus primitifs a permis de mettre en évidence la variation de composition des sources mantelliques le long de l’arc et d’individualiser 3 segments : "central", dans la zone de collision de la ride D’Entrecasteaux, "sud" en face du bassin Nord Fidjien, et "extrême sud" en face du bassin Sud Fidjien. La composition des roches des différentes structures subductées influence celles des laves des volcans adjacents via le composant de subduction, sous forme de fluides et de produits de fusion. Les laves des îles situées en face de la ride D’Entrecasteaux sont issues d’un manteau enrichi ("type-MORB indien"), différent de celui échantillonné par les autres laves ("type-MORB pacifique"). Cette ride apporte probablement en subduction un composant ancien, pouvant être assimilé à un fragment de croûte inférieure.L’étude locale de certaines îles a permis de caractériser la différenciation des laves par cristallisation fractionnée, d’identifier des processus d’assimilation crustale, et de révéler la présence de magma provenant de portions de manteau distinctes, ayant subi un métasomatisme différent.Ces travaux révèlent une extrême hétérogénéité du manteau sous l’arc du Vanuatu, témoignant de la complexité des processus géologiques impliqués au niveau de cette zone de subduction. / The Vanuatu island arc is located in the SW Pacific at the convergent boundary between the Australian and Pacific plates. I present here a new geochemical study of the Vanuatu lavas based on major and trace element as well as isotopic (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) analyses of approximately one hundred lava samples (< 2 My).Examination of the most primitive magmas reveals the variation of the mantle source composition along the arc and demarcates three segments: a "central" segment in front the d’Entrecasteaux ridge, a "south" segment in front of the North Fiji Basin, and a "far south" segment in front of the South Fiji Basin. The composition of the different subducted basins highly influenced those of the adjacent volcanoes via mass transfer of aqueous fluid and melt subduction components. Lavas from islands facing the D'Entrecasteaux Ridge come from an enriched mantle (Indian MORB-like), distinct from that sampled at other islands (Pacific MORB-like). Additionally, this ridge likely carries with it an ancient component that may reflect entrainment of lower crust material.Localized study of some volcanic islands reveals processes related to the differentiation of lavas by fractional crystallization, processes related to crustal assimilation, and indicates the presence of magma coming from different portions of mantle with slightly different metasomatic histories.This body of work highlights extreme mantle heterogeneity under Vanuatu islands arc and testifies to the complex nature of its associated geological processes.

Magnetic fabric, palaeomagnetic and structural investigation of the accretion of lower oceanic crust using ophiolitic analogues

Meyer, Matthew Charles January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of a combined magnetic fabric and palaeomagnetic analysis of lower crustal rocks exposed in the Oman (Semail) ophiolite. This has long been an important natural laboratory for understanding the construction of oceanic crust at fast spreading axes and its subsequent tectonic evolution, but magnetic investigations in the ophiolite have been limited. Analyses presented here involve using: (i) magnetic anisotropies as a proxy for magmatic petrofabrics in lower crustal rocks in order to contribute to outstanding questions regarding the mode of accretion of fast-spread oceanic crust; and (ii) classical palaeomagnetic analyses to determine the nature of magnetization in these rocks and gain further insights into the regional-scale pattern of tectonic rotations that have affected the ophiolite. The extensive layered gabbro sequences exposed in the Semail ophiolite have been sampled at a number of key localities. These are shown to have AMS fabrics that are layer-parallel but also have a regional-scale consistency of the orientation of maximum anisotropy axes. This consistency across sites separated by up to 100 km indicates large-scale controls on fabric development and may be due to consistent magmatic flow associated with the spreading system or the influence of plate-scale motions on deformation of crystal mushes emplaced in the lower crust. Detailed analysis of fabrics in a single layer and across the sampled sections are consistent with either magmatic flow during emplacement of a melt layer into a lower crustal sill complex, or traction/drag of such layers in response to regional-scale stresses (e.g. mantle drag). Together, results support formation of the layered gabbros by injection of melt into sill complexes in the lower crust. New anisotropy data from the overlying foliated gabbros sampled at two key localities also provide insights into the style of melt migration at this crustal level. Fabrics are consistent with either focused or anastomosing magmatic upwards flow through this layer, reflecting melt migration beneath a fossil axial melt lens. Previous palaeomagnetic research in lavas of the northern ophiolitic blocks has demonstrated substantial clockwise intraoceanic tectonic rotations. Palaeomagnetic data from lower crustal sequences in the southern blocks, however, have been more equivocal due to complications arising from remagnetization. Systematic sampling resolves for the first time a pattern of remagnetized lowermost gabbros and retention of earlier magnetizations by uppermost gabbros and the overlying dyke-rooting zone. Results are supported by a positive fold test that shows that remagnetization of lower gabbros occurred prior to Campanian structural disruption of the Moho. NW-directed remagnetized remanences in the lower units are consistent with those used previously to infer lack of significant rotation of the southern blocks. In contrast, E/ENE-directed remanences in the uppermost gabbros imply a large, clockwise rotation of the southern blocks, of a sense and magnitude consistent with that inferred from extrusive sections in the northern blocks. Hence, without the control provided by systematic crustal sampling, the potential for different remanence directions being acquired at different times may lead to erroneous tectonic interpretation.

Hydrothermal Fe-Carbonate Alteration Associated with Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Deposits in Cycle IV of the Noranda Mining Camp, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec

Wilson, Ryan January 2012 (has links)
Massive sulfide deposits in the Noranda mining camp, northwestern Québec, are mainly associated with extensive footwall alteration defined by intense chloritization and sericitization. However, Fe-carbonate alteration also occurs in proximity to some deposits. To test the exploration significance of carbonate alteration in the camp, two areas of intense carbonate alteration were examined, around the small Delbridge deposit and near the new Pinkos occurrence in the Cyprus Rhyolite. Between 1969 and 1971, the Delbridge deposit produced 370,000 t of ore grading 9.6% Zn, 0.61% Cu, 110 g/t Ag, and 2.1 g/t Au. Recent drilling at the new Pinkos occurrence intersected 2.64 m of massive to semi-massive sulfides grading 8.1% Zn and 18.2 g/t Ag. Alteration mapping has shown that the distribution of Fe-carbonates can be used to identify vertically extensive zones of hydrothermal upflow at both properties. At Delbridge, intense Fe-carbonate alteration in brecciated rhyolite defines a pipe-like upflow zone that extends vertically for up to 300 m within the stratigraphic footwall of the massive sulfides and 100 m into the hanging wall. The location of known massive sulfide mineralization coincides with the intersection of the alteration pipe and a favorable horizon marked by the occurrence of fine-grained volcaniclastic rocks. At Pinkos, a similar zone of Fe-carbonate alteration occurs in outcrops of coherent rhyolite. Fe-carbonate alteration is most intensely developed along polygonal cooling fractures in massive rhyolite and decreases in intensity towards the centers of the columns. Fe-carbonate stringers and locally abundant matrix carbonate occur in fragmental rocks at the stratigraphic top of the coherent rhyolite flows and are most intense at the location of sulfide-bearing outcrops that mark the known mineralized horizon. Whereas Fe-carbonate alteration defines the central part of the hydrothermal upflow zones at both properties, disseminated pyrite occurs at the margins and is widespread outside the main upflow zones. This may indicate that Fe-carbonate in the main upflow zones formed at the expense of earlier disseminated sulfides. Replacement of pyrite by synvolcanic Fe-carbonate alteration at Delbridge and Pinkos can probably be attributed to a relatively high concentration of dissolved CO2, possibly of magmatic origin, in the main-stage ore-forming fluids.

Étude expérimentale du dégazage volcanique / Experimental study of magmatic degassing

Amalberti, Julien 09 January 2015 (has links)
La croissance de la phase vésiculée, moteur de l'éruption, est contrôlée par les processus de diffusion qui permettent la migration des gaz (et notamment des gaz rares) dans les bulles. On utilise la haute volatilité des gaz rares comme traceur géochimique de l'évolution d'une phase gazeuse sans interaction chimique. Ainsi, documenter précisément les mécanismes de diffusion des différents gaz rares (He, Ne, Ar) lors de l'éruption (c'est-à-dire en fonction de la chute de température et de pression du système), permet de quantifier les phénomènes de fractionnement de la phase gazeuse. La compréhension des processus de fractionnements cinétiques, permet dès lors de prédire le temps nécessaire pour atteindre une certaine quantité de gaz rares dans une bulle (située au sein d'un système magmatique), lors de l'éjection des laves. Pour cela, la compréhension de l'influence de la température et de la structure du réseau silicaté sur les coefficients de diffusion est nécessaire. Cependant, la compréhension physique des processus de diffusion ainsi que l'évolution des coefficients de diffusion en fonction de la température, n'est pas suffisante pour dériver des temps caractéristiques d'une éruption volcanique de type Plinian. La complexité symptomatique de tels systèmes, nécessite une résolution numérique des équations de diffusion prenant en compte la dépendance des coefficients de diffusion à la température. Plusieurs verres synthétiques et naturels de composition basaltique ont été fabriqués dans le but de déterminer la vitesse de diffusion des gaz rares. Les données de diffusivités expérimentales mesurées sur ces systèmes, depuis l'état vitreux de basse température (T = 423 K) jusqu'à des températures sur-liquidus (T = 1823 K), documentent nos connaissances des processus physiques de diffusion dans ces milieux. Un modèle numérique intègre ces données et permet de suivre en continue la variation des coefficients de diffusion lors de la trempe d'une lave. On a pu ainsi montré : - La relation particulière entre la structure du milieu diffusif et les espèces diffusantes. La quantité de formateurs de réseaux (SiO2) et de modificateurs (CaO - MgO - etc.), joue sur la connectivité des chemins de diffusions de chaque gaz rare, avec un effet antagoniste entre l'ouverture globale du réseau et la connexion des tétraèdres de la structure. - La présence de comportements non-arrheniens des gaz rares proches de la Tg, due à la relaxation du réseau silicate. - L'importance des données expérimentales dans l'étude des mécanismes de dégazage des magmas basaltiques. En effet, les études précédentes utilisent des extrapolations des coefficients de diffusions, mesurés dans le verre pour extrapoler les diffusivités dans le liquide silicaté. Nos données montrent que le fractionnement cinétique des gaz rares pendant le dégazage de lave basaltique, est surestimé par ces extrapolations basées sur les vitesses de diffusions aux basses températures (T << Tg) / Noble gas geochemistry is an important tool for constraining the history of the volatile phase during magmatic eruptions. Degassing processes control the gas flux from liquid to bubble, leading to solubility- or kinetic-control of the fractionation mechanisms. Noble gases have no chemical interactions at magmatic conditions and are therefore well adapted to tracing gas fractionation mechanisms during the evolution of the gas phase. Well constrained diffusion coefficients, and their dependence on temperature, of several noble gases are critical for estimating the timescale of a plinian eruption, for example. During the quench phase of the lava ejected in the plume, atmospheric noble gases will diffuse through the liquid/glass shell surrounding gas bubbles. Diffusion of these atmospheric gases determine the gas content measured in the eruption products, which are therefore a function of the timescale of the eruption, the initial and final temperatures, the glass/liquid shell thickness and the cooling rate of the magma. Therefore, it should be possible to calculate plinian eruption timescales from noble gas fractionation patterns trapped in pumice. However, in order to perform the diffusion calculations, it is first necessary to model the diffusive system: a numerical resolution of the diffusion equations for hollow sphere geometry is required as there are no analytical solutions (for complex thermal histories such as for a plinian ash column). In order to constrain the diffusion mechanisms (He, Ne and Ar) in silicate glasses and liquids, several synthetic basaltic glasses were produced. Diffusion coefficients were measured from low temperatures (423 K) to the Tg (glass transition temperature) of the system (1005 K). These experiments allowed us to investigate the physical processes that limit diffusion in glassy media: He, Ne and Ar diffusion in silicate glasses show non-Arrhenian behavior as the Tg is approached thought to be due to structural relaxation of the silicate network itself. Complementary diffusion experiments (on He and Ar) at super-liquidus conditions (1673 K and 1823 K) provide important information on the temperature dependency of He/Ar fractionation in silicate liquids. These diffusion measurements required that a new experimental protocol was developed in order to investigate noble gas diffusivities in silicate melts. The results show that relative He and Ar diffusion (i.e. DHe/DAr) decreases with temperature, from 165 at temperatures close to the Tg to 3.2 at high (>1823K) temperature. The measured coefficient diffusions are incorporated to a numerical model of the diffusion equations for a hollow sphere geometry that were developed as a MatLab code as part of this thesis work. This enabled us to determine the likely timescales of plinian eruptions from existing noble gas measurements. These results also have important implications for mechanisms of degassing in basaltic magmas: previous work used diffusivities measured on glasses in order to extrapolate to noble gas diffusivities at magmatic temperatures. Our measurements show that kinetic fractionation of noble gases during degassing of basaltic magmas has likely been overstated because noble gas diffusion in the glass cannot be extrapolated to the liquid state

Interaction dorsale-point chaud : relations entre les processus tectoniques et magmatiques à l'axe de la dorsale Est Pacifique, 16°N / Hot-spot dorsal interaction : influence on tectonic and magmatic processes at the East Pacific ridge axis, 16 ° N

Le Saout, Morgane 26 March 2015 (has links)
Le segment 16°N de la dorsale Est-Pacifique (EPR) est le plus large et le moins profond de cette dorsale rapide. Cette morphologie atypique est liée à un apport magmatique accru sous la dorsale dû à la proximité du point chaud des Mathématiciens. Ce travail présente une étude morphostructurale et de chronologie relative détaillée de la zone axiale de ce segment, réalisée à partir de l’analyse de données bathymétriques à 40 m, 10 m et 1 m de résolution, combinée à l’analyse de photos et vidéos de plongées Nautile acquises lors de la campagne PARISUB (PAnache Ridge SUBmersible.). Cette étude permet de discuter des processus tectoniques, de la dynamique des éruptions, ainsi que de l’influence du point chaud sur les processus d’accrétion. Sur les bordures du plateau sommital, ainsi que sur les plaines abyssales adjacentes au dôme, les failles et les grabens abyssaux apparaissent moins développés que le long des autres segments de l’EPR. Cette structuration du plancher serait la conséquence directe d’une lithosphère plus chaude et plus mince. A l’axe, le système éruptif complexe et très segmenté, reflète une faible localisation des intrusions et une grande variabilité spatiale et temporelle de l’activité magmatique. En effet, le fossé sommital est parfois large, d’autre fois étroit, parfois unique et parfois parallèle à un second fossé sur plusieurs kilomètres. Cette variabilité et la disposition de ces segments en échelon, décalés vers le point chaud, traduit l’influence du point chaud sur l’activité magmatique et son organisation. Cette influence est observée également sur la morphologie des coulées, mais cette fois-ci de manière indirecte. En effet, l’apport magmatique accru à l’axe est responsable de la formation d’un plateau sommital subhorizontal atteignant 5 km de large au centre du segment. Les faibles pentes de ce plateau sont à l’origine de la mise en place de coulées d’inflation en nappe et en coussin qui constituent plus d’un tiers des coulées de la zone cartographiée. La morphologie atypique de ces coulées, notamment celles en nappe, a conduit au développement d’un modèle théorique sur la dynamique des éruptions sur un plancher subhorizontal et d’un modèle conceptuel de la mise en place de ces laves. Ces coulées aux faciès contrastés semblent s’être mises en place au cours d’une même éruption qui se serait étalée sur jusqu’à plusieurs dizaines de jours, permettant ainsi une inflation des coulée jusqu’à 30 m de hauteur. Ce type d’éruptions aurait pour origine un apport de magma plus conséquent, qui trouverait sa source dans le point chaud. L’influence du point chaud des Mathématiciens sur les processus d’accrétion est donc observable de l’échelle décimétrique à plurikilométrique. / The 16°N segment of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) is the most over-inflated and shallowest of this fast -spreading ridge, in relation with an important magma flux due to the proximity of the Mathematician hotspot. The goal of this thesis is to analyze in detail the magmatic and tectonic processes along this segment in regards to the influence of the hotspot. The study of these processes is based on a morpho-structural and chronological analysis of the segment between 15°36.N and 15°53.N using bathymetric data (1,10 and 40 m resolution) and Nautile dive photos and videos of the French PARISUB (.PAnach Ridge SUBmerssible.) cruise. The characterization of the faults and fissures geometry (e.g., vertical throw, dip, length, depth, width) and their orientation reveled that tectonic processes occur more than 750 m of the ridge axis. Lateral and abyssal grabens formed by fault, less developed than in other EPR segments would be the consequence of a warmer and thinner lithosphere. At the axis, the existence of two parallel and contiguous Axial Summit Troughs (ASTs) over a distance of about 20 km and above a wide magma lens, indicate a wide zone of diking and thus a poor localization of magmatic processes. This poor localization, and the highly segmented and global “en echelon” shift of the ASTs that progressively accommodate the bow shape of the axial dome in the direction of the hotspot, revealed the importance of the Mathematician hotspot influences on spreading processes. This hotspot also influences, although indirectly lava flows morphologies.Indeed, it is at the origin of the formation of a wide sub-horizontal plateau that results in the formation of inflated sheet and pillow flows. That flows covering about one third of the plateau allows us to develop theoretical and conceptual models to investigate lava flow dynamics. Models revealed that inflated sheet and pillow flows may emplace during the same long-live (few hours to 20 days) eruption, with sheet flows erupted at the end.

Numerický model pro vznik magmatických textur a jeho využití ve smrčinském granitovém batolitu / Numerical model for the origin of magmatic textures and its application to the Fichtelgebirge/Smrčiny granite batholith

Špillar, Václav January 2011 (has links)
Magmatic processes are major agents responsible for the formation and differentiation of the Earth's crust. In contrast to extensive efforts to improve understanding and utility of igneous geochemistry, physical processes of magma differentiation and solidification remain largely unclear. Large variability of igneous textures provides record of these processes and intensive parameters governing the crystallization. In this thesis, we develop quantitative methods, which allow us to better interpret igneous textures in the framework of physics of solidification. We have developed a new three-dimensional model of crystallization from one- component melt driven by homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation and crystal growth. The predicted textures are quantitatively characterized by crystal size distributions, spatial distribution functions and parameters representing grain contact relationships. The model employs high resolution in a large volume simulation domain in order to produce statistically stable results. Our simulations, performed for various functional forms of nucleation and growth rates with respect to time, imply that (i) crystals are ordered (anti-clustered) on short length scales. This reflects that other crystals already have a finite size at the time of nucleation of younger crystal,...

Construction of Late Cretaceous, Mid-Crustal Sheeted Plutons from the Eastern Transverse Ranges, Southern California

Brown, Kenneth Lee 16 January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Differential exhumation within the eastern Transverse Ranges of southern California has revealed a tilted crustal section that provides a unique view into the architecture of the Mesozoic arc. At the base of this crustal section is a group of well-exposed sheeted plutons. Well-developed, gentle to moderately dipping magmatic and solid-state fabrics within these plutons are regionally consistent, margin-parallel, discordant to internal sheeting and layering, and are generally parallel to equivalent host rock structures and fabrics. In some plutons, magmatic foliations define regional fold structures, thus recording regional contraction during chamber construction. Collectively, field mapping and fabric analyses within these sheeted plutons show that the observed fabric patterns are better explained by regional deformation rather than internal magma chamber processes. This interpretation is in direct contrast to previous mapping in the region. The host rocks also record complex processes during sheeted pluton emplacement. Deflection of host rock foliations and structures into parallelism with pluton contacts suggest that downward ductile flow played a role in making space for these plutons. However, evidence of regional faulting and shearing is not observed, suggesting that they did not play a significant role. Although there is considerable microstructural variability within each pluton, the observed microstructures are generally consistent with a transition from magmatic to submagmatic/ high-temperature solid-state deformation. Magmatic microstructures are defined by euhedral to subhedral plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite that do not show significant internal crystal-plastic deformation. Evidence for high-temperature solid-state deformation includes high-temperature grain boundary migration in quartz, plagaioclase, potassium feldspar, and hornblende; chessboard extinction in quartz; and ductile bending in plagioclase and hornblende. Microstructural observations also indicate that mafic and intermediate compositions record stronger magmatic fabrics than felsic compositions. Based on the structural and microstructural observations presented in this study, I interpret that these sheeted plutons were emplaced into an active continental arc setting that was undergoing regional contraction. The strong magmatic fabrics and high-temperature solid-state overprinting is likely a consequence of regional deformation during crystallization. The weak fabrics within upper crustal plutons relative to the strong fabrics within the mid-crustal plutons suggest that deformation was largely localized to the more compositionally heterogeneous mid-crustal portions of the arc structure.

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