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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de um atuador linear para suspensão eletromagnética ativa

Eckert, Paulo Roberto January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho foca o estudo e desenvolvimento de um atuador linear com ímãs permanentes aplicado a sistemas de suspensão ativa, com ênfase em suspensão veicular. Seu desenvolvimento considera aspectos específicos como força, volume, razão força/volume, curso e resposta em frequência. Junto ao estudo teórico desenvolve-se o projeto baseado na simulação paramétrica em elementos finitos que analisa aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos importantes para tomada de decisão do projeto, especificamente na definição de materiais e geometrias. Para servir como ferramenta de análise foi empregada uma modelagem analítica que se mostrou eficiente, pois foi capaz de produzir resultados de forma mais rápida que o método de elementos finitos para avaliar grandezas de interesse como força e densidade de fluxo magnético. Por fim e com base nos aspectos de projeto, foi construído um protótipo que permitiu validar os modelos. Os resultados experimentais e teóricos mostraram boa concordância o que permite concluir que os métodos empregados são eficazes, fornecendo subsídios à aplicação em foco. / This work aims the study and development of a linear actuator with permanent magnets applied to active suspension systems, with emphasis on vehicular suspension. That development takes into account specific features such as force, volume, force per volume ratio, stroke and frequency response. Together with the theoretical study the design of the actuator is carried out based on parametric simulation by means of finite elements which analyses qualitative and quantitative aspects that are important to make the project decision, specifically to define materials and geometry. To suit as an analysis tool it was employed an analytical modelling, which showed to be efficient because it was capable of producing faster results than the finite elements method to evaluate physical quantities of interest such as force and magnetic flux density. Finally and based on project aspects, a prototype was built which allowed to validate all models. Experimental and theoretical results showed a good agreement which led to conclude that the employed methods are efficient, providing subsidies to the studied application.

Desenvolvimento de ímãs de Nd-Fe-B pelo processo MPI- aplicados em máquinas elétricas (motores)

Luna, Wilberth Harold Deza January 2012 (has links)
O processo tradicional de fabricação de ímãs de terras raras – TR – é a metalurgia do pó convencional. Este processo inclui etapas de preparação da liga, moagem, compactação sob campo e sinterização. Atualmente, ímãs obtidos pelo processo de injeção tem como resultado os ímãs conhecidos como bonded, que são compósitos de resina e ligas magnéticas. O processo de obtenção proposto neste trabalho é a moldagem de pós por injeção – MPI, o que implica novos desafios uma vez que ligas de terras raras são altamente reativas. A obtenção de ímãs de Nd-Fe-B por esse processo fornece a oportunidade de diversificar ainda mais os setores, potencialmente lucrativos, que trabalham com materiais magnéticos. As dificuldades desse processo foram encontradas em cada etapa, desde a mistura da liga com os polímeros à eliminação destes polímeros depois de as peças serem injetadas, essa etapa se tornou crítica dado que está diretamente relacionada às propriedades finais do material. Assim, propuseram-se novos ciclos de extração dos polímeros com solventes orgânicos e degradação térmica. Além disso, modelou-se ferramental para o processo de injeção, uma vez que o material deve ser orientado magneticamente durante a injeção. Finalmente usou-se o MAXWELL 14® (software para análises por elementos finitos para resolução em 3D) para incluir propriedades no banco de dados do software e assim predizer o comportamento do material quando aplicado nas máquinas elétricas de núcleos com de formato complexo. / The typical magnets production process of Rare Earths – RE is the conventional powder metallurgy. This process includes preparation stages of alloys, grind, pressing under field and sintering. Nowadays, magnet obtained by the injection process has as result the magnets known as bonded, that is a resin composite and magnetic alloys. The proposed process to obtainment, in this work, is the Metal Injection Molding- MIM, what involve new challenges once alloys of RE are highly reactive. The magnets obtainment of ND-Fe-B for this process supplies even opportunity of diversifying the sectors, potentially lucrative, that work with magnetic materials. The difficulties of this process were found in each stage, since the alloy mixture with the polymers to the elimination of these polymers after the pieces are injected, this stage became criticizes given it is directly related to final properties of the material. This way if it propose to polymers extraction new cycles with organic solvents and thermal degradation. Moreover, it modeled die for the injection process, once the material should be guided magnetically during the injection. It finally used MAXWELL 14 ® (Software for analyses by finite elements for resolution in 3D) to include properties on the bench of data of the software and thus predict the material behavior when applied in cores of electrical machines with complex shape.

Projeto de aerogerador com segurança inerente para aplicação urbana

Verdum, Valdirene January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe um projeto de aerogerador que é composto de uma turbina eólica de cinco pás, acoplada a um difusor e um gerador elétrico, com a finalidade de gerar energia elétrica com ventos de velocidade a partir de 4 m/s. São apresentados os pressupostos teóricos referentes ao estudo e dimensionamento aerodinâmico de uma pá, baseados principalmente na teoria do disco atuador e na teoria aerodinâmica, através do método de Betz. É feito o estudo de um difusor para ser acoplado à turbina com o objetivo de aumentar o aproveitamento energético. No final foram estudadas as principais topologias utilizadas para a geração eólica e é selecionado o gerador síncrono de ímãs permanentes. A seguir foram estudadas e dimensionadas as partes ativas do gerador (diretamente envolvidas na conversão eletromagnética). É projetado um aerogerador trifásico com enrolamentos distribuídos. O rotor, que é acoplado às pás, localiza-se internamente. Os ímãs permanentes de Neodímio-Boro-Ferro são montados na superfície do rotor. Conclui-se com a avaliação do aerogerador proposto com base nas simulações computacionais de seu desempenho. / This thesis proposes a wind generator design which combines a five blade wind turbine that is attached to a diffuser and an electrical generator. The design aims to produce electric power from 4 m/s starting wind speeds. It presents the theoretical study concerning the design and aerodynamics of a blade, commonly based on the theory of actuator disc and aerodynamic theory, through the method of Betz. A study was conducted on a diffuser to be coupled to the turbine in order to increase the energy utilization. In the end, the main topologies used for wind generation were presented, and the permanent magnet synchronous generator was selected. Next, all the active parts of the generator (directly involved in electromagnetic conversion) were studied and determined. An outer stator with three-phase distributed windings was designed. The rotor, which is coupled to the blades, is located internally. The Neodymium-Iron-Boron permanent magnets are mounted on the rotor surface. It is concluded with an evaluation of the proposed wind generator in accordance with its behavior computational simulations.

Aplicação de controladores H-infinito em modelo não linear de suspensão ativa eletromagnética. / Application of H-infinity controllers in a nonlinear model of electromagnetic active suspension.

Murilo Fregonesi Falleiros 13 June 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação da teoria de Controle Robusto H-infinito em modelo não linear de sistema de suspensão ativa com Atuador Tubular de Ímã Permanente (ATIP). Os principais objetivos na aplicação dos sistemas ativos de suspensão são a obtenção de melhores níveis de conforto do usuário e dirigibilidade do veículo em relação aos sistemas de suspensão passivo e semi-ativo, e a manutenção dos limites de deslocamento da suspensão. Inicialmente, são apresentados os modelos de suspensão ativa de um quarto de carro e carro completo, utilizados respectivamente como planta para o projeto dos controladores H-infinito e como modelo para as simulações dos sistemas de suspensão em malha fechada. Em seguida, o conjunto de controladores H-infinito e desenvolvido, baseado em especificações de projeto definidas, para posterior avaliação e comparação dos sistemas projetados. Verificações de robustez dos sistemas de suspensão ativos, utilizando-se da Análise-µ como ferramenta de avaliação, são feitas em conjunto com as análises de desempenho de cada sistema. A avaliação de desempenho dos sistemas é realizada tanto no domínio do tempo (avaliando-se angulações, velocidades, acelerações, defexões e energia do sistema) quanto no domínio da frequência (através da análise de densidade espectral de potência, ou Power Spectral Density (PSD), das acelerações verticais do veículo e do esforço de controle do atuador). A excitação do sistema é realizada por meio de distúrbios impostos às posições das rodas, dos tipos determinístico e estocástico, representativos de condições reais da aplicação de um veículo. O conjunto de controladores desenvolvido neste trabalho apresenta resultados satisfatórios para distúrbios de entrada do tipo determinísticos e estocásticos, com ganhos de desempenho dos sistemas de suspensão ativa em relação ao sistema passivo de referência de até 34; 92% para a métrica de avaliação do conforto do usuário, de 17; 23% para a métrica da manutenção da dirigibilidade, e de 43; 48% e 30; 10% para as métricas das acelerações dos ângulos de arfagem e de rolagem da carroceria, respectivamente. / This work presents the application of the H-infinity robust control theory into a non-linear model of active suspension system with a Tubular Permanent Magnet Actuator (TPMA). The main objectives in the application of the active suspension systems are the achievement of greater levels of comfort to the user and of road holding for the vehicle, when compared to the passive and semi-active suspension systems, besides the maintenance of suspension displacement limits. Initially are presented the active suspension models of a quarter-car and of a full-car, used respectively as a plant for the design of the H-infinity controllers and as a model for the simulations of the closed loop suspension systems. In the sequel, the controllers are developed, based on properly defined specifications, for further evaluation and comparison among the systems designed. Robustness verications of the active suspension systems, using the µ-Analysis as assessment tool, are performed together with the performance analysis of each system. The performance evaluation of the systems is performed both in the time domain (assessing angles, speeds, accelerations, dections and the energy of the system) and in the frequency domain (through the analysis of Power Spectral Density (PSD) of vertical accelerations of the vehicle and the control efort of the actuator). The excitation of the system is carried out by means of disturbances imposed to the vertical wheel\'s positions. Those disturbances are of deterministic and stochastic types, which are representatives of real working conditions of the vehicle. The set of controllers developed in this work presents satisfactory results for both deterministic and stochastic input disturbances, with performance gains of the active suspension systems in relation to the passive system of reference up to 34; 92%, 17; 23%, 43; 48% and 30; 10% respectively to the assessment metrics of user comfort, handling maintenance and acceleration of the pitch and roll angles of the chassis.

Análise do campo magnético de um motor de ímã permanente no rotor utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / Finite element analysis of a permanent magnet motor

Aline Durrer Patelli Juliani 28 February 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho é estudado um motor trifásico de ímã permanente no rotor, com fluxo não senoidal, através da análise do campo magnético. Essa máquina foi projetada utilizando-se a estrutura ferromagnética do estator de um motor de indução monofásico de 24 ranhuras o qual recebeu um novo enrolamento trifásico, e foi construído o rotor que é constituído de ímãs permanentes em sua superfície. Ela é aplicada em compressores herméticos de refrigeração, possibilitando o controle de velocidade e a melhoria da eficiência, quando comparada às demais máquinas utilizadas para a mesma aplicação. O estudo é realizado através da análise dos resultados obtidos utilizando-se um programa computacional baseado no método dos elementos finitos, aplicado em grandezas como: tensão induzida, densidade de fluxo magnético, torque eletromagnético e perdas. São apresentados resultados numéricos comparativos para a máquina existente (protótipo) com as seguintes alterações: diminuição do tamanho do entreferro, troca dos ímãs de ferrita pelos de NdFeB (Bonded) e, juntamente com essas mudanças, o recálculo do número de espiras e do diâmetro do enrolamento do estator. / In this work is studied a three-phase permanent-magnet motor, with nonsinusoidal flux, through the analysis of magnetic field. This machine was designed to use the same stator of a 24 slots single-phase induction motor that received a new three-phase winding. The rotor consists of permanent-magnet on its surface. The main application of this machine is in hermetic compressor household refrigeration systems. It has speed control and better efficiency than other machines used for the same application. The study is made through the analysis of numerical results, obtained by a software joint in the finite element method. The results consist in electromagnetic quantity like, back-emf, magnetic flux density, electromagnetic torque and losses. Comparisons between the prototype with these changes are presented: fall in the size of airgap, exchange of ferrite magnets for NdFeB (Bonded) magnets and, together with these changes, the number of turns in each winding and the wire diameter are recalculated.

Synthesis, crystallographic and magnetic studies of lanthanide-based molecular edifices / Synthèse, études cristallographiques et magnétiques d'édifices moléculaires à base de lanthanides

Huang, Gang 31 March 2017 (has links)
Les molécules-aimants ou Single–Molécule Magnets (SMM) ont attiré une attention croissante au cours des dernières années en raison de leur potentiel attrayant en tant que dispositifs de stockage magnétique à haute densité. Beaucoup d'efforts ont été faits pour améliorer la performance magnétique de ces molécules à l’aide des techniques de chimie de coordination.Dans cette thèse, le travail est organisé en deux parties principales. La première partie est constituée des chapitres 2 et 3 qui se concentrent principalement sur les familles Lanthanide-radicaux zéro- et mono-dimensionnelles. La deuxième partie contient les chapitres 4 et 5, ou des ligands diamagnétiques sont utilisés afin concevoir des matériaux multifonctionnels.Dans la première partie, neuf radicaux TEMPO-R (R représente le substituant) sont utilisés. Leur structure cristalline, ainsi que leurs propriétés magnétiques ont été caractérisées. Dans le chapitre 2, quatre radicaux (TEMPO-OCH3, TEMPO-NH2 TEMPO-Acetamido et TEMPO-OCH2CCH) sont utilisés pour synthétiser des complexes zéro-dimensionnels, dont trois présentent des propriétés de SMM. Dans le cas particulier de TEMPO-OCH3, un très rare comportement de SMM avec lanthanides légers est observé (CeIII, PrIII et NdIII). La première SMM à base de PrIII est ainsi reportée. Dans le chapitre 3, l'objectif est de concevoir des SMM organisés mono-dimensionnellement dans l’empilement cristallin. Cinq autres radicaux sont utilisés: TEMPO-Méthacrylate, TEMPO-OCOPh, TEMPO-oxo, TEMPO-OH et TEMPO-CN. Parmi toutes les chaînes obtenues, [Pr(hfac)3(H2O)(TEMPO-OH)]n (17), [Dy(hfac)3-TEMPO-OH)]n (18) et [Tb(hfac)TEMPO-CN)]n (22) sont identifiés comme SMM. 22 présente la relaxation magnétique la plus lente parmi tous les SMM 4f-2p obtenues dans cette thèse, avec une d'hystérèse magnétique à basse température. Son analogue à base GdIII (23) présente une des plus grandes valeurs d'échange dans les composés de Gd-2p. Enfin un très rare exemple de réseau bidimensionnel 4f-2p de formule [(Ce(hfac)3)3(Oxo-TEMPO)4]n (15) est obtenu. Dans la deuxième partie, une chaine de dimère est obtenue par réaction d'un ligand carboxylique photo-commutable avec des sels d’ions LnIII. La photo-sensibilité du ligand sous irradiation UV a été testée et des mesures magnétiques en solution ont été entreprises. En outre, un composé de type Metal-Organic-Framework (MOF) présentant un comportement de SMM de {[Dy2(o-PDA)3(H2O)2]2H2O}n (28) a été conçu et caractérisé. Une interaction ferromagnétique Ln-Ln a été observée dans ce MOF-SMM et le dopage diamagnétique démontre que, contrairement à ce qui est observé sur [Ln(AZO)3(DMSO)(H2O)]2•4DMSO, cette interaction favorise le comportement de SMM. / Single-molecule-magnet (SMM) has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to their appealing potential for high-density storage devices. Much effort has been made to improve the magnetic performance through flexible coordination chemistry strategy.In this thesis, the work is organized in two main parts. The first part is constituted of chapter 2 and chapter 3, primarily focus on the Ln-Radical families aiming at designing zero-dimensional and one-dimensional single-molecule-magnet (SMM). The second part contains chapter 4 and chapter 5, in which the ligands are replaced by diamagnetic ones for the purpose of designing the multifunctional materials.In the first part, nine TEMPO-R (R represents the substituent) radicals are employed to construct zero-dimensional and one-dimensional complexes. These kinds of compounds were prepared by reactions in the dichloromethane/n-heptane co-solvents between the precursor [Ln(hfac)3(H2O)2] and TEMPO radicals. Subsequently their molecular structure as well as magnetic properties have been characterized and described. In chapter 2, four radicals (TEMPO-OCH3, TEMPO-NH2 TEMPO-Acetamido and TEMPO-OCH2CCH) are used to synthesize monometallic or dimetallic complexes, among which three are successful to construct the SMM. For the special case of TEMPO-OCH3 a rare light lanthanide ions (CeIII, PrIII and NdIII) SMM behavior is reported. The PrIII derivative is the first PrIII-based SMM ever reported. In chapter 3, the target is to design SMM in one dimension by using another five radicals: TEMPO-Methacrylate, TEMPO-OCOPh, TEMPO-oxo, TEMPO-OH and TEMPO-CN. Among all the chains, [Pr(hfac)3(H2O)(TEMPO-OH)]n (17), [Dy(hfac)3-TEMPO-OH)]n (18) and [Tb(hfac)3(TEMPO-CN)]n (22) are identified as chains of SMM. 22 exhibits the slowest magnetic relaxation among all the 4f-2p SMMs obtained in this thesis, with a small opening of magnetic hysteresis. Its analogue of [Gd(hfac)3(TEMPO-CN)]n (23) even exhibits one of the largest exchange values in Gd-2p compounds. Last a very rare example of bidimensional 4f-2p network of formula [(Ce(hfac)3)3(Oxo-TEMPO)4]n (15) is obtained.In chapter 4, the salt of a photo-switchable carboxylic ligand was reacted with LnIII ions to afford a chain-like arrangement of dinuclear complexes of formula [Ln(AZO)3(DMSO)(H2O)]2•4DMSO. Photo-sensitivity of the ligand under the irradiation of UV has been tested together with magnetic measurements in solution. In chapter 5, a Metal-Organic-Framework (MOF) (28) has been designed and characterized. Ln-Ln ferromagnetic interaction has been observed and diamagnetic doping highlight that, contrary to what observed on [Ln(AZO)3(DMSO)(H2O)]2•4DMSO, this interaction promote SMM behavior in a so-called MOF-SMM.

Electromagnetic digital actuators array : characterization of a planar conveyance application and optimized design / Réseau d’actionneurs électromagnétiques numériques : caractérisation d’une application de type convoyage et conception optimisée

Huyan, Pengfei 27 March 2015 (has links)
Dans les systèmes mécaniques ou mécatroniques, les actionneurs sont les composants utilisés pour convertir l’énergie d’entrée, généralement l’énergie électrique, en tâche mécanique telles que le mouvement, la force ou une combinaison des deux. Actionneur analogique et actionneur numérique sont les deux types d’actionneurs les plus communs. Les actionneurs numériques possèdent les avantages du contrôle en boucle ouverte, faible consommation d’énergie par rapport aux actionneurs analogiques. Cependant, les actionneurs numériques présentent deux inconvénients majeurs. Les erreurs de fabrication de ces actionneurs doivent être contrôlées précisément parce que, contrairement à des actionneurs analogiques, une erreur de fabrication ne peut pas être compensée par la loi de commande. Un autre inconvénient est leur capacité à réaliser les tâches continues en raison de leur corse discrète. Un assemblage de plusieurs actionneurs numériques peut néanmoins réaliser des tâches multiples discrètes. Cette thèse porte sur la caractérisation et l’optimisation d’une conception expérimentale actionneurs tableau numériques pour l’application planaire de transport. Le premier objectif principal de la présente thèse est axé sur la caractérisation de l’ensemble des actionneurs existants et aussi une application planaire de transport sur la base du tableau des actionneurs. A cette fin, une modélisation de la matrice des actionneurs essais expérimentaux ont été effectués afin de déterminer l’influence de certains paramètres sur le comportement des actionneurs de tableau. Le deuxième objectif est de concevoir une nouvelle version du tableau actionneurs sur la base de l’expérience du premier prototype. Une optimisation de la conception a ensuite été réalisée en utilisant des techniques d’algorithmes génétiques tout en tenant compte de plusieurs critères. / In mechanical or mechatronical systems, actuators are the components used to convert input energy, generally electrical energy, into mechanical tasks such as motion, force or a combination of both. Analogical actuator and digital actuator are two common types of actuators. Digital actuators have the advantages of open-loop control, low energy consumption and etc compared to analogical actuators. However, digital actuators present two main drawbacks. The manufacturing errors of these actuators have to be precisely controlled because, unlike to analogical actuators, a manufacturing error cannot be compensated using the control law. Another drawback is their inability to realize continuous tasks because of their discrete stroke. An assembly of several digital actuators can nevertheless realize multi-discrete tasks. This thesis focuses on the experimental characterization and optimization design of a digital actuators array for planar conveyance application. The firs main objective of the present thesis is focused on the characterization of the existing actuators array and also a planar conveyance application based on the actuators array. For that purpose, a modeling of the actuators array and experimental test has been carried out in order to determine the influence of some parameters on the actuators array behavior. The second objective is to design a new version of the actuators array based on the experience of the first prototype. An optimization of the design has then been realized using genetic algorithm techniques while considering several criteria.

Contribution au Dimensionnement Optimal d'Alternateur à Griffes Sans Aimant - Apport des alliages FeCo / Contribution to Optimal Sizing of Claw-Pole Alternator Without Magnet - Contribution of FeCo alloys

Perez, Sylvain 25 November 2013 (has links)
L'alternateur à griffes est l'alternateur le plus utilisé dans l'industrie automobile. Afin d'augmenter sa puissance volumique, une solution classique consiste à utiliser des aimants NdFeB entre les griffes. Ces dernières années, le prix des aimants NdFeB a beaucoup augmenté remettant en question leur utilisation. Ce contexte implique de trouver de nouvelles solutions techniques permettant de conserver la même puissance volumique sans utiliser d'aimant NdFeB. Dans le cadre de ces travaux de thèse la solution proposée consiste a utiliser des matériaux magnétiques doux nobles tels que les FeCo (AFK18, AFK1 et AFK502). De part leur coût élevé, nous avons limité leur utilisation au noyau de l'alternateur même si leur utilisation au rotor est également évaluée. Ces travaux s'appuient sur une démarche de dimensionnement multi-niveaux (modèle reluctant et modèle éléments finis) ce qui apporte un bon compromis temps de calcul/précision. Une série d'études a été réalisée avec dans un premier temps, l'identification d'une géométrie de noyau favorable à l'utilisation de noyau en FeCo. Dans un second temps, une étude compare les courants batteries en fonction du FeCo utilisé au noyau avec une optimisation du rotor. Ensuite une étude présente le dimensionnement complet de l'alternateur (optimisation du rotor et du stator avec une étude sur le nombre optimal de paires de pôles) avec un noyau en AFK502 ce qui d'identifier le gain maximal en courant batterie apporté par l'utilisation d'un noyau en FeCo. Pour finir, une dernière étude compare les courants batteries en fonction du FeCo utilisé au rotor avec une optimisation du rotor et du stator. / Claw-pole alternators are often used in automotive industry. Permanent magnets like NdFEB are currently integrated to increased the power density of claw-pole machine. However their higher price brings into question their usage. This tight context implies finding new technical solutions to keep the same power density without NdFeB magnets. The solution adopted consists to evaluate the potential of gain with different soft magnetic materials and more especially FeCo family (AFK18, AFK1 et AFK502). Their higher price imposed us to use FeCo just at the core of the alternator but we have also evaluate their usage at the rotor. This work is based on an adapted design methodology including two modeling level (magnetic equivalent circuit model and finite element model) in order to obtain a good compromise between time computation/accuracy. Several studies have been made with, as a first step, the identification of new core geometry customized for FeCo core. As a second step, a study comparing output current according to FeCo used at the core is presented, rotor is optimized only. As a third step, is exposed the global optimization of the alternator with an AFK502 (rotor and stator optimization with a study on the optimal poles pairs number) in order to identify the maximum output current gain with an FeCo core. Finally, the last study compare output current according to FeCo used at the rotor, rotor and stator are optimized .

Análise do campo magnético de um motor de ímã permanente no rotor utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / Finite element analysis of a permanent magnet motor

Juliani, Aline Durrer Patelli 28 February 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho é estudado um motor trifásico de ímã permanente no rotor, com fluxo não senoidal, através da análise do campo magnético. Essa máquina foi projetada utilizando-se a estrutura ferromagnética do estator de um motor de indução monofásico de 24 ranhuras o qual recebeu um novo enrolamento trifásico, e foi construído o rotor que é constituído de ímãs permanentes em sua superfície. Ela é aplicada em compressores herméticos de refrigeração, possibilitando o controle de velocidade e a melhoria da eficiência, quando comparada às demais máquinas utilizadas para a mesma aplicação. O estudo é realizado através da análise dos resultados obtidos utilizando-se um programa computacional baseado no método dos elementos finitos, aplicado em grandezas como: tensão induzida, densidade de fluxo magnético, torque eletromagnético e perdas. São apresentados resultados numéricos comparativos para a máquina existente (protótipo) com as seguintes alterações: diminuição do tamanho do entreferro, troca dos ímãs de ferrita pelos de NdFeB (Bonded) e, juntamente com essas mudanças, o recálculo do número de espiras e do diâmetro do enrolamento do estator. / In this work is studied a three-phase permanent-magnet motor, with nonsinusoidal flux, through the analysis of magnetic field. This machine was designed to use the same stator of a 24 slots single-phase induction motor that received a new three-phase winding. The rotor consists of permanent-magnet on its surface. The main application of this machine is in hermetic compressor household refrigeration systems. It has speed control and better efficiency than other machines used for the same application. The study is made through the analysis of numerical results, obtained by a software joint in the finite element method. The results consist in electromagnetic quantity like, back-emf, magnetic flux density, electromagnetic torque and losses. Comparisons between the prototype with these changes are presented: fall in the size of airgap, exchange of ferrite magnets for NdFeB (Bonded) magnets and, together with these changes, the number of turns in each winding and the wire diameter are recalculated.

Design of smart magnetic plug

Schelén, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Bosch Rexroth in Mellansel is manufacturing hydraulic motors and constantly trying to improve their products to reduce downtime for their customers. An important thing to get a reliable system is to know the condition. In a hydraulic motor, it is crucial to determine the particle contamination of the oil to determine the condition. To do so many particle sensors have been tested by Bosch Rexroth but also other related companies during the past years. To this point, no sensor has been performing good enough to replace the ordinary magnetic plug for the laboratory tests at Bosch Rexroth.  The ordinary magnetic plug is based on an openable lid that has a magnet attached to it. The lid is opened to review the particle contamination of the system. To open the lid the motor has to be stopped and a competent person needs to be present to review the particles.To ease the work for the laboratory personal and also getting one step closer to a reliable condition monitoring solution a new idea was coined by employees at Bosch Rexroth. The idea was to use a magnet outside a glass disc and by that be able to detect the particles from outside the motor. Initial testing of the idea had been performed with promising results but more development was needed. The idea has therefore been investigated and developed further in this project. This has been done in parallel with an investigation of state-of-the-art techniques available on the market. The testing showed that the new type of magnet/glass solution was performing well and was able to detect particles of different sizes. Some other interesting options were also found during the investigation of other techniques but the new magnet/glass idea was the most prominent.

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