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Test d'immunodiagnostic innovant combinant nanoparticules superparamagnétiques et micro-aimants / Development of tools and methods for a future magnetic "One STEP- ELISA"Blaire, Guillaume 16 October 2014 (has links)
Les micro et nanoparticules magnétiques sont de plus en plus utilisées en biologie et en médecine, pour une large gamme d'applications. Plusieurs applications utilisent le piégeage et le guidage de ces billes sous l'effet d'un champ et d'un gradient de champ magnétique. Dans la plupart des applications, le champ magnétique est macroscopique, créé par un aimant ou un électro-aimant. L'intégration plus poussée est souvent envisagée, dans les articles scientifiques, par des microbobines ou par des éléments magnétiques doux. Ceux-ci doivent alors être polarisés par un champ externe (de nouveau, un électroaimant ou un aimant).Les micro-aimants mis au point à l'Institut Néel permettent d'obtenir les mêmes inductions que les meilleurs aimants du marché et, par conséquent, de par la réduction d'échelle, des gradients de champ intenses et donc des forces volumiques très conséquentes. Ils sont, de plus, favorables à l'autonomie et à la stabilité du système.Ce travail propose d'utiliser ces micro-aimants pour des applications en diagnostic In Vitro afin de tirer parti des forces volumiques importantes issues des micro-aimants et de la facilité d'utilisation de telles sources de champ magnétiques pour l'utilisateur.Ces premières constatations nous ont permis de mettre un place un test de type ELISA en une seule étape. Grâce à ces avantages, il a été possible d'utiliser des nanoparticules magnétiques à la place des classiques microparticules comme rapporté dans l'état de l'art. Ces nanoparticules, fonctionnalisables par des anticorps permettent entre autre d'augmenter le rapport surface sur volume phénomène très favorable à la sensibilité des tests de diagnostic In Vitro. De plus, les nanoparticules étant de petite taille, il est possible d'augmenter fortement leur concentration et de favoriser ainsi la capture de ces particules par les micro-aimants grâce à un mécanisme d'interaction fluide/particule et in fine la cinétique du test.Un autre avantage des micro-aimants permanents est la possibilité de contrôler le champ magnétique sur des distances micrométrique. Cela ouvre la voie à des tests de diagnostic sans lavage, simples et sensibles. Enfin, tous ces avantages ont été combinés à ceux de la microfluidique pour permettre l'émergence de test portables tout en restant efficaces. Pour cela l'autonomie intrinsèque aux micro-aimants permanents sera un avantage incontestable. / The range of applications for magnetic micro- and nanoparticles is constantly expanding, in particular in medicine and biology. A number of applications involve particle trapping and deviation under the effect of a magnetic field and field gradient. In most publications, the required magnetic fields are produced either using soft magnetic elements polarized by an external magnetic field, electromagnets or bulk permanent magnets.Micromagnets produce high fields and favor autonomy and stability while downscaling leads to an increase of field gradients and consequently increase strongly the forces.Micromagnets developped at the Neel Institute produce magnetic induction as good as the best macro-magnets. Therefore, thanks to scale reduction laws, high field gradients and therefore intense forces can be obtained. Moreover, these magnets can easily be integrated in micro systems such as BioMEMS.The purpose of this work is to use these micromagnets to develop in vitro immunoassays.. An innovative system based on superparamagnetic nanoparticles attraction by micromagnets was developed in order to perform a “one step” ELISA.Nanoparticles can be functionalized with antibodies, increasing the surface/volume ratio, and therefore the test sensitivity. Thanks to their small size, the nanoparticles concentration can be increased, and a fluid/particles interaction optimizes their capture by the micromagnets. This phenomena is favorable to immunoassay's kinetics.A micrometric control of the magnetic field is possible thanks to micromagnets: this allows to design simple and sensitive immunoassays that need no washing steps. Finally, these properties combined to microfluidics is used to design of point of care and sensitive immunoassays.
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Modelling, simulation and analysis of low-cost direct torque control of PMSM using hall-effect sensorsOzturk, Salih Baris 25 April 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of a novel Direct Torque Control (DTC) scheme for permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motors (surface and interior types) in the constant torque region with the help of cost-effective hall-effect sensors. This method requires no DC-link sensing, which is a mandatory matter in the conventional DTC drives, therefore it reduces the cost of a conventional DTC of a permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motor and also removes common problems including; resistance change effect, low speed and integration drift. Conventional DTC drives require at least one DC-link voltage sensor (or two on the motor terminals) and two current sensors because of the necessary estimation of position, speed, torque, and stator flux in the stationary reference frame. Unlike the conventional DTC drive, the proposed method uses the rotor reference frame because the rotor position is provided by the three hall-effect sensors and does not require expensive voltage sensors. Moreover, the proposed algorithm takes the acceleration and deceleration of the motor and torque disturbances into account to improve the speed and torque responses. The basic theory of operation for the proposed topology is presented. A mathematical model for the proposed DTC of the PMSM topology is developed. A simulation program written in MATLAB/SIMULINKî is used to verify the basic operation (performance) of the proposed topology. The mathematical model is capable of simulating the steady-state, as well as dynamic response even under heavy load conditions (e.g. transient load torque at ramp up). It is believed that the proposed system offers a reliable and low-cost solution for the emerging market of DTC for PMSM drives. Finally the proposed drive, considering the constant torque region operation, is applied to the agitation part of a laundry washing machine (operating in constant torque region) for speed performance comparison with the current low-cost agitation cycle speed control technique used by washing machine companies around the world.
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On Design and Analysis of a Novel Transverse Flux Generator for Direct-driven Wind ApplicationSvechkarenko, Dmitry January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous generator suited for direct-drivenwind turbines inmegawatt class. The higher specific torque and power density of a transverse flux permanent magnet machine in comparison to conventional radial-flux machines make it a promising solution for direct-driven wind turbine generators. The novel transverse flux generator investigated in this work would allow a better utilization of the available nacelle space due to its more compact construction. The major part of the thesis deals with the finite element analysis and analytical calculations of transverse flux generators. The computations are performed for single units of the basic transverse flux topology (BTFM) and the one utilizing iron bridges (IBTFM). As the selection of the pole length in a transverse flux machine affects the pole-to-pole flux leakage and thus its performance, the topologies have been analyzed with respect to the varying dimensions in the direction of movement. The topologies utilizing IBTFM have been found to be superior to the BTFM with respect to the flux linkage (by 110%) and utilization of the magnets (by 84%). The machines with longest magnets gave the largest flux linkage, while machines with short magnets should be preferred for better magnet utilization. The four sets of dimensions have been selected for a dynamic finite element analysis. The power factor is evaluated for the topologies with the varying dimensions in the peripheral plane in static finite element analysis. The performance of the topologies with the best power factor in the studied range (0.62 in the BTFM and 0.57 in the IBTFM), as well as the topologies that give the highest power factor to magnet volume ratio, is compared with the dynamic simulations.The electromagnetic and cogging forces of the transverse-flux generator are estimated. The IBTFM is superior to the BTFM with respect to the force production, where the three-phase electromagnetic force is twice as large as in the BTFM. The force ripples of the three-phase electromagnetic force are found to be insignificant in both topologies. An analytical procedure based on the results from the finite element simulations is applied for evaluation of the transverse flux generators with different shapes and topologies. The effectiveness of each topology is investigated based on the estimation of the torque production in a certain nacelle volume. A toroidal generator with the iron-bridge topology is the most compact alternativefor a wind turbine as it has the highest torque-per-volume ratio. Furthermore, the analyticalmodel, including evaluation of the synchronous inductance, is developed and compared with the results obtained in the threedimensional finite element analysis. Themodel provides a good agreement for the studied set of dimensions. / QC 20101109
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Die Darstellung der Seitenbänder des Hufgelenkes und ihrer Erkrankungen mit Hilfe der Magnetresonanztomographie am stehenden PferdLorenz, Ina 07 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Darstellung der Seitenbänder des Hufgelenkes und ihrer Erkrankungen mit Hilfe der Magnetresonanztomographie am stehenden Pferd
Mit Einführung des Hallmarq Equine Limb Scanner® wurde es möglich, die distalen Gliedmaßenabschnitte des Pferdes und speziell den Huf einer magnetresonanztomographischen Untersuchung am stehend sedierten Tier zu unterziehen. Die Diagnose der Erkrankung der Kollateralbänder des Hufgelenkes wird damit deutlich einfacher möglich, falls der Niederfeldtomograph hierfür geeignet ist. Zur Bewertung der Eignung des Equine Limb Scanner wurden im Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2009 aus eintausend an der Pferdeklinik Bargteheide mittels des Hallmarq Equine Limb Scanner® 0,27 T-Systems im Stehen untersuchten Pferden diejenigen 69 Patienten ausgewählt, welche ausschließlich eine Erkrankung im Bereich der Kollateralbänder des Hufgelenkes aufwiesen. Die Untersuchung erfolgte damit bei gleichzeitiger physiologischer Zug- und Druckbelastung des zu untersuchenden Gliedmaßenabschnittes. Die Beurteilung der Kollateralbänder und ihrer Erkrankungen wurden anhand eines transversalen und frontalen Fast Spin Echo T2 gewichtet durchgeführt. Um den Ursprungsbereich des Kollateralbandes am Kronbein und den Ansatzbereich am Hufbein zu bewerten wurden zusätzlich Gradientenechos T1 und T2* gewichtet, sowie die STIR Sequenz genutzt. Die Verwendung des Fast Spin Echos T2w mit einer Echozeit von TE=84 ms sowie eine fachgerechte Positionierung des Hufes im Magneten diente zum Ausschluss eines möglichen Magic Angle Effect.
Das Kollateralband wurde in drei definierte Zonen (Ursprung, Korpus, Insertion) eingeteilt, um die genaue Lokalisation der Läsion zu beschreiben. Dabei konnte beobachtet werden, dass der Kollateralbandursprung (36%) am häufigsten betroffen ist, gefolgt von Schäden in allen drei Zonen (20%) sowie Ursprung und Korpus (20%), Insertion (16%), und Schäden nur am Korpus (3%) und Korpus und Insertion (3%), Ursprung und Insertion (2%).
Bei der klinischen Untersuchung fiel auf, dass bei fast allen Patienten die Lahmheit sowohl auf dem harten als auch auf dem weichen Zirkel jeweils auf der inneren Hand am deutlichsten zu erkennen war.
Das Phänomen der schlechten Abgrenzung des Kollateralbandes zu seiner Umgebung (poorly defined borders) wurde im transversalen und frontalen Fast Spin Echo T2w beurteilt. Hierbei konnte festgestellt werden, dass diese Veränderung hauptsächlich im Ursprungsbereich vorkommt. Bei 70% der Patienten mit einem lateralen Kollateralbandschaden im Ursprungsbereich am Kronbein und bei 59% der Patienten mit einem medialen Kollateralbandschaden im Ursprungsbereich am Kronbein konnte dies beobachtet werden.
Zur Feststellung einer knöchernen Beteiligung von Kron- und/oder Hufbein wurden zusätzlich Gradientenechos T1 und T2*w sowie die STIR Sequenz hinzugezogen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass eine Beteilung des Knochens vorwiegend im Bereich der medialen Insertion (53%) und weniger lateral (27%) vorkommt. Im Ursprungsbereich ist diese lateral in 16% der Fälle und medial in 3% der Fälle vorzufinden.
Die Durchmesser des medialen und lateralen Kollateralbandes im Ursprungs-, Korpus-, und Insertionsbereich wurden im Bild eines transversalen Fast Spin Echo T2w ermittelt. Dazu wurden zusätzlich Referenzwerte von 23 klinisch und magnetresonanztomographisch gesunden Patienten angefertigt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Mittelwerte der Flächen der medialen Kollateralbänder in allen drei Zonen bei erkrankten Patienten statistisch signifikant größer waren als bei gesunden Pferden (Ursprung p=0,0297, Korpus p=0,00285 und Insertion p=0,0001603). Die Mittelwerte der Flächen der lateralen Kollateralbänder unterschieden sich bei gesunden und kranken Patienten im Ursprungs-, und Korpusbereich nicht signifikant (Ursprung p=0,4372, Korpus p=0,6258), im Bereich der lateralen Insertion konnte ein deutlicher aber statistisch nicht signifikanter Unterschied (p=0,0753) beobachtet werden bei einer Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit von α=0,05.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit untermauern die Wichtigkeit moderner bildgebender Verfahren zur Ergänzung und Vervollständigung der klinischen Untersuchung, der Diagnosefindung, der differentialdiagnostischen Abgrenzung, der Therapieplanung und prognostischer Aussagen. Insbesondere im Hufbereich liefert die Magnetresonanztomographie wichtige Informationen zur Erkennung der erkrankten Struktur. Sie bietet eine differenzierte Abgrenzung einer erkrankten Struktur, in diesem Fall der Seitenbänder, die bisher häufig dem Begriff Hufrollensyndrom zugeordnet wurde und mit herkömmlichen bildgebenden Verfahren nicht oder nur teilweise dargestellt werden konnte.
Die Untersuchung mit dem Hallmarq Equine Limb Scanner® Niederfeldtomographen am stehend sedierten Pferd ist hierfür nach vorliegenden Ergebnissen hervorragend geeignet.
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Magnetic Machines for Microengine Power GenerationArnold, David Patrick 21 November 2004 (has links)
This dissertation presents an investigation of miniaturized magnetic induction and permanent magnet (PM) machines, intended for use in a microengine. Similar to a macroscale turbogenerator, a microengine comprises a small, gas-fueled turbine engine for converting chemical fuel energy into mechanical power and an integrated electrical generator for converting mechanical power to electrical power. The microengine system is proposed as a revolutionary, high power-density source for portable electronics.
In this research, miniaturized magnetic induction machines and PM machines were designed, fabricated, and characterized. Both types of machines used axially directed magnetic fields and were nominally 10 mm in diameter and 1.5-2.3 mm in thickness. Innovative microfabrication techniques were developed to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating magnetic machines within a bulk-micromachined, silicon-based microengine system.
Two-phase, eight-pole induction machines were constructed within silicon substrates using Cu coils in a laminated, slotted ferromagnetic NiFe or CoFeNi stator core. Silicon etching, wafer bonding, and electrodeposition were used to form all of the magnetic machine components. The induction machines were characterized in motoring mode using tethered rotors and demonstrated motoring torques of up to 2.5 uN-m.
Also, three-phase, eight-pole, surface wound PM machines were built using a hybrid microfabrication/assembly approach. The stators were fabricated by electroplating Cu coils on ferromagnetic NiFeMo (Moly Permalloy) substrates. The rotors were formed by assembling a magnetically patterned SmCo PM with a FeCoV (Hiperco 50) back iron. The PM machines were tested as generators with free-spinning rotors, powered by an air-driven spindle, and demonstrated 2.6 W of mechanical-to-electrical power conversion with continuous DC power generation of 1.1 W at 120 krpm rotor speed.
The primary contributions of this work are (1) the demonstration of microfabricated magnetic machines integrated within bulk-micromachined silicon and (2) the demonstration of multi-watt power conversion from a microfabricated PM generator. These achievements represent progress in the ongoing development of silicon-based microengines, but in addition, the fabrication technologies and device structures may find application in other microsystems.
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Developing of Robust Integral Velocity-stabilizing Controller for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor DriverLai, Chun-Ting 14 February 2012 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design and implement a velocity-stabilizing driver for permanent magnet synchronous motor. The research presents how to achieve high efficiency in stabilizing overall velocity for a permanent magnet synchronous motor. In order to drive the integral system, there are six steps square-wave starting device, sine-wave driver, estimation of magnetic angle, velocity feedback and current feedback control circuits designed. A test platform is built by Microchip-made dsPIC33FJ128MC804 digital signal processor used as a control core. ¡§Simulink¡¨ simulator is used during the laboratory test. The simulation results are compared with those of experiments in order to verify the achievement of excellent performance of Robust Integral Velocity-stabilizing Controller on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Driver.
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Landau-Zener transitions in noisy environment and many-body systemsSun, Deqiang 16 January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation discusses the Landau-Zener (LZ) theory and its application in
noisy environments and in many-body systems. The first project considers the effect
of fast quantum noise on LZ transitions. There are two important time intervals
separated by the characteristic LZ time. For each interval we derive and solve the
evolution equation, and match the solutions at the boundaries to get a complete
solution. Outside the LZ time interval, we derive the master equation, which differs
from the classical equation by a quantum commutation term. Inside the LZ time
interval, the mixed longitudinal-transverse noise correlation renormalizes the LZ gap
and the system evolves according to the renormalized LZ gap. In the extreme quantum
regime at zero temperature our theory gives a beautiful result which coincides
with that of other authors. Our initial attempts to solve two experimental puzzles
- an isotope effect and the quantized hysteresis curve of a single molecular magnet -
are also discussed.
The second project considers an ultracold dilute Fermi gas in a magnetic field
sweeping across the broad Feshbach resonance. The broad resonance condition allows
us to use the single mode approximation and to neglect the energy dispersion of the
fermions. We then propose the Global Spin Model Hamiltonian, whose ground state
we solve exactly, which yields the static limit properties of the BEC-BCS crossover. We also study the dynamics of the Global Spin Model by converting it to a LZ
problem. The resulting molecular production from the initial fermions is described
by a LZ-like formula with a strongly renormalized LZ gap that is independent of the
initial fermion density. We predict that molecular production during a field-sweep
strongly depends on the initial value of magnetic field. We predict that in the inverse
process of molecular dissociation, immediately after the sweeping stops there appear
Cooper pairs with parallel electronic spins and opposite momenta.
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Design and Implementation of an Inverter Drive for High-Efficiency Compressor used in Air ConditionerTSENG, WEI-CHIH 11 July 2002 (has links)
This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation into the application of inverter-based variable speed drives to positive displacement rotary compressors.
Designs and implements a DSP-microprocessor based of an inverter drive for high-efficiency compressor used in air conditioner. We control the compressor with sine PWM and V/F scheme.
Permanent magnet synchronous motor has potential for energy saving in general applications on compressor drives. Permanent magnet synchronous motor drives are used for applications like compressors¡Awhere high dynamic performance is not a demand¡Asimple V/F control strategies may be sufficient to obtain the required control performance. For energy saving to find the best control strategy for an inverter drive for high efficiency compressor used in air conditioner.
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Modelling, simulation and analysis of low-cost direct torque control of PMSM using hall-effect sensorsOzturk, Salih Baris 25 April 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of a novel Direct Torque Control (DTC) scheme for permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motors (surface and interior types) in the constant torque region with the help of cost-effective hall-effect sensors. This method requires no DC-link sensing, which is a mandatory matter in the conventional DTC drives, therefore it reduces the cost of a conventional DTC of a permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motor and also removes common problems including; resistance change effect, low speed and integration drift. Conventional DTC drives require at least one DC-link voltage sensor (or two on the motor terminals) and two current sensors because of the necessary estimation of position, speed, torque, and stator flux in the stationary reference frame. Unlike the conventional DTC drive, the proposed method uses the rotor reference frame because the rotor position is provided by the three hall-effect sensors and does not require expensive voltage sensors. Moreover, the proposed algorithm takes the acceleration and deceleration of the motor and torque disturbances into account to improve the speed and torque responses. The basic theory of operation for the proposed topology is presented. A mathematical model for the proposed DTC of the PMSM topology is developed. A simulation program written in MATLAB/SIMULINKî is used to verify the basic operation (performance) of the proposed topology. The mathematical model is capable of simulating the steady-state, as well as dynamic response even under heavy load conditions (e.g. transient load torque at ramp up). It is believed that the proposed system offers a reliable and low-cost solution for the emerging market of DTC for PMSM drives. Finally the proposed drive, considering the constant torque region operation, is applied to the agitation part of a laundry washing machine (operating in constant torque region) for speed performance comparison with the current low-cost agitation cycle speed control technique used by washing machine companies around the world.
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Έλεγχος βήματος πτερυγίου σε ανεμογεννήτρια με σύγχρονη μηχανή μόνιμου μαγνήτηΜοσχονά, Αναστασία 13 January 2015 (has links)
Η διαρκώς αυξανόμενη ζήτηση ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας, στους καιρούς μας, σε συνδυασμό με τη ραγδαία κλιματική αλλαγή, οδηγούν στην ανάγκη αναζήτησης οικονομικών, άφθονων και καθαρών πηγών για την παραγωγή της. Συνεπώς η αιολική ενέργεια κερδίζει έδαφος στις επιλογές των κρατών ανά τον κόσμο. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική θα αναλυθεί μια διάταξη ανεμογεννήτριας, η οποία αποτελείται από μια σύγχρονη μηχανή μόνιμου μαγνήτη (PMSG), έναν μετατροπέα συχνότητας (back-to-back converter) και ένα φίλτρο RL από την πλευρά του δικτύου. Με την επιλογή μας να χρησιμοποιήσουμε σύγχρονη μηχανή μόνιμου μαγνήτη κερδίζουμε σε αποδοτικότητα και αξιοπιστία. Σκοπός την εργασίας αυτής είναι αφενός η μελέτη και η ανάλυση του πλήρους συστήματος στο d-q στρεφόμενο σύστημα καθέτων αξόνων μέσω του μετασχηματισμού Park και αφετέρου η εφαρμογή του κατάλληλου σχεδιασμού ελέγχου, ώστε να επιτευχθεί η μέγιστη απομάστευευση ισχύος από τον άνεμο. Αυτό θα πραγματοποιηθεί λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τους περιορισμούς που θέτουν τα κατασκευαστικά χαρακτηριστικά της γεννήτριας και οι απαιτήσεις του δικτύου. Η προσομοίωση του συνολικού συστήματος θα γίνει στο περιβάλλον του Matlab/Simulink. Μέσω της προσομοίωσης αυτής θα προκύψουν οι αποκρίσεις των βασικών μεγεθών του συστήματος, από τα οποία θα εξαχθούν συμπεράσματα σχετικά με την ποιότητα των επιλογών μας. / The increasing demand for electricity, in our times, combined with the rapid climate change, leads to the need of economical, abundant and clean sources of production. Therefore, wind energy is gaining ground around the world. In this thesis a wind turbine topology will modeled and analyzed. It consists of a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), a frequency back-to-back converter and an RL filter from the network side. By using a permanent magnet synchronous generator the model becomes efficient and reliable. The initial purpose is studying an analyzing the complete system, using d-q rotating vertical shaft system with Park transformation. Implementation of the appropriate control design will follow, in order to achieve maximum wind power extraction. Constrains, which are posed by the generator contraction characteristics and network requirements, must and will be considered. The simulation of the complete system will take place in Matlab/Simulink computing environment. The responses of the fundamental units will be presented and valuated, in order to extract conclusions regarding the quality of different control methods.
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