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Avaliação em campo de três armadilhas automáticas para capturar mosquitos (Diptera:Culicidae) em área agrícola de Pariquera-Açu, São Paulo, Brasil / Field evaluation on three automatic traps to capture mosquitoes (Diptera:Culicidae) in agricultural area of Pariquera-Açu, São Paulo, Brazil.Ivy Luizi Rodrigues de Sá 14 August 2012 (has links)
Introdução: As diversas armadilhas apresentam rendimento diferenciado na captura, havendo a necessidade de buscar instrumentos que amostrem porções representativas das populações de mosquitos. Levanta-se a hipótese de que as armadilhas Mosquito Magnet Independence e CDC com CO2+Lurex3 sejam mais eficazes na captura de culicídeos do que a armadilha CDC luminosa. Objetivos: Avaliar a eficácia das armadilhas Mosquito Magnet Independence e CDC+CO2+Lurex3, em relação à CDC-luminosa, para a captura de culicídeos adultos em área agrícola na Fazenda Experimental em Pariquera-Açu, Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brasil. Material e Métodos: Capturas mensais, das 15h00 às 21h00, por meio do delineamento em quadrado latino 3X3, no período de dezembro/2010 a novembro/2011. Perfis de diversidade de Rényi e índices de riqueza, dominância, diversidade, equabilidade e similaridade foram estimados para cada armadilha para compará-las. Resultados: Capturou-se 6.055 de 70 espécies e 12 gêneros. A CDC-luminosa amostrou 990 indivíduos de 42 espécies e 10 gêneros,a CDC+CO2+lurex31.419 indivíduos em 41 espécies e 10 gêneros e a Mosquito Magnet 3151 indivíduos de 46 espécies e 11 gêneros. A riqueza, pelo índice de Margalef e Perfil de Rényi, não apresentou diferença estatística para nenhuma armadilha no período dez/mai. A Mosquito Magnet obteve maior rendimento na mensuração da diversidade, segundos os índices de Shannon e Simpson, observados no perfil de Rényi. A dominância, pelo índice de Berger-Parker isolado,foi maior na Mosquito Magnet do que nas demais, nos dois períodos de capturas. O perfil de Rényi não apontou diferença significante para dominância. Índice de Pielou não mostrou significância em relação à CDC-luminosa para nenhuma das armadilhas nos dois períodos avaliados. Índices de Jaccard e Sorensen apontaram maior similaridade na composição de espécies entre a Mosquito Magnet e CDC+CO2+lurex3. Conclusões: A Mosquito Magnet Independence e CDC+CO2+Lurex3 apresentaram rendimento semelhante, nos meses mais frios e secos do ano. A utilização dessas armadilhas para a captura de determinados táxons pode ser importante ponto na estratégia de vigilância de espécies vetoras. Estudos com maior esforço amostral devem ser realizados para avaliar o rendimento das armadilhas Mosquito Magnet Independence e CDC+CO2 +lurex3 em áreas de ambiente alterado de Floresta Atlântica. / Introduction: The several traps have different performance in sampling mosquitoes,with the need to seek that capture representative portions of mosquito population. Formulate the hypothesis that the Mosquito Magnet trap and CDC+CO2+lurex3 are more effective in catching mosquitoes than the CDC light trap. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness the Mosquito Magnet Independence and CDC+CO2+lurex3 in relation to CDC light trap, to catching adult mosquitoes in the agricultural area at the Experimental Station in Pariquera-Açu, Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Monthly captures, from 03:00pm-09:00pm, through the 3X3 Latin square from the December 2010 to November 2011. Rényi diversity profiles and indexes of the richness, dominance, diversity, evenness and similarity were estimated for each trap to compare them. Results: Were captured 6055 mosquitoes of the 70 species and 12 genera. CDC light traps sampled 990 specimens of 42 species and 10 genera, the CDC+CO2+lurex3 sampled 1419 specimens in 41 species and 10 genera and 3151 specimens were captured in the Mosquito Magnet belonging to 46 species and 11 genera. The richness, by the Margalef index on profile Rényi, showed no statistical difference for any trap in the period Dez/Mai. The Mosquito Magnet trap obtained higher yield in the measurement of diversity, according indexes of Shannon and Simpson, seen in profile Rényi. The dominance, by Berger-Parker index isolated, was higher in the Mosquito Magnet than in the other traps in both periods of captures. The profile Rényi showed no significant difference for dominance. Pielou index was not significant in relation to CDC light trap for any of the periods. Jaccard and Sorensen indexes showed greater similarity in composition of species between the CDC+CO2+lurex3 and Mosquito Magnet. Conclusions: The Mosquito Magnet Independence and CDC+CO2+ Lurex3 showed similar performance in colder and drier months of the year. The use of these traps to capture certain taxa can be important point in the surveillance approach vector species. Studies with greater sampling effort should be made to evaluate the performance of the Mosquito Magnet Independence and CDC+CO +lurex3 traps changed environment in areas of Atlantic Forest.
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Microstructure, Texture and Magnetic Properties of Powder Extruded Rare-Earth-Free MnAl-C-Ni Permanent MagnetsFeng, Le 08 November 2021 (has links)
MnAl-C alloy is a very promising candidate as a rare-earth free magnet. Additions may affect the microstructure, stability of the τ-MnAl-C and magnetic properties. MnAl-C alloys with various additions (Ni, Ti, Zr or Zn) and powder extruded MnAl-C-Ni alloys have therefore been investigated. With 0.6 or 1.5 at.% Ni addition, the τ-phase has greater stability than that in the ternary alloy: after heat treating the homogenised alloys for 7 days at 700°C, the estimated remaining volume fractions of the τ-phase are 0.35, 0.85 and 0.91 for 0, 0.6 and 1.5 at.% Ni addition, respectively. Rare-earth-free MnAl-C-Ni permanent magnets have been produced for the first time by extruding powders milled from bulk. The best performance obtained for a whole, transverse section of the extruded material was (BH)max = 46 kJm-3, and was (BH)max = 49 kJm-3 for a sample taken from the edge of this section, which was comparable to the long-established benchmark. The microstructure of the materials produced here consisted of fine, recrystallised grains, which exhibited an <001> fibre texture with intermediate texture quality and of larger, non-recrystallised regions, which contained hierarchical twinning and a high density of defects. The volume fraction and size of the non-recrystallised regions were greatly reduced by decreasing the size of the initial powder particles. This led to a large increase in the squareness factor of the demagnetisation curve and consequently to the high (BH)max values observed.
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Elektronicky komutovaný motor / The electronic commutation motorBláha, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This work discusses about nowadays problematic of the electronic comutation motors.This work also describes the opportunity of electronic control of these motors. The result of this work is realization of electronic control circuit from discreet components. There also are mentioned is proposal of electronic control board from SMD components. This control board include temperature control with ventilator switching , commutation logic, PWM speed control. In the last part of this paper are results of evaluation measurements of EC motor.
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Analýza a inovace elektrických motorků pro automobily / Automotive Electric Motors Analysis and InnovationŠpaček, Ladislav January 2011 (has links)
Direct current motors and stepping motors are very often used for electric drives in cars. The most frequent representatives of direct current motors are electric starter and wind- screen wiper motor. Stepping motors are very often used for electric regulating of outsides driving mirrors and seats. This study is focused on innovation and DC permanent magnet motor. The disadvanage of direct current motors is so called „sliding contact“. A possible compensation of direct current motor are EC (electronically commutator) motors that do not need sliding contact for their work.
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Řešení rozložení magnetického pole ve stejnosměrném stroji / Solution magnetic field distribution in DC machineHájek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with distribution of magnetic fields in the DC machine. Part of this thesis is the introduction of DC machines, principles of operation and distribution of DC machines. There is also discussed electrically commutated motors. The thesis demonstrates the types of permanent magnets and their properties. Then there is an analysis of the magnetic field electrically commutated motor Atas Nachod in the Ansoft Maxwell. Using Ansoft Simplorer, switching is carried out of the engine. Another part of this work is the analysisthe magnetic field electrically commutated motor Atas Nachod for three types of slot of the stator of the engine. Here it is seen what impact the change has slot on the distribution of magnetic field in the EC motor. Finally, training is carried out measurements of electrically commutated motor BOYANG BY92BL48-4000-2200.
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Elektromagnetický tlumič / Electromagnetic damperMikyska, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on obtaining electrical energy from vibration control car using electromagnetic dampers. The primary use of the electromagnetic damper is the production of electrical energy, which can then be used to power electrical appliances in your car or battery charging. The thesis is divided into six main parts: a literature review of possible ways of getting electricity from the car damping, theoretical and mathematical analysis of problems, the choice of design with computational analysis of dampers and power calculation.
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L'hôpital magnétique : définition, conceptualisation, attributs organisationnels et conséquences perçues sur les attitudes au travail / Magnet hospital : definition, conceptualization, organizational attributes and perceived consequences on work attitudesSibé, Matthieu 21 November 2014 (has links)
De nombreux constats contemporains s’alarment du malaise récurrent des ressources humaines hospitalières, particulièrement à l’endroit des médecins et des soignants, et par conséquent du risque de mauvaise qualité de prise en charge des patients. Adoptant une approche plus optimiste, des chercheurs américains en soins infirmiers ont mis en évidence depuis le début des années 1980 l’existence d’hôpitaux dits magnétiques, parce qu’attractifs et fidélisateurs, et où il ferait bon travailler et se faire soigner. Cette thèse vise à approfondir le concept de Magnet Hospital, à éclairer sa définition et sa portée pour la gestion des ressources humaines hospitalières en France. Suivant une démarche hypothético-déductive, la conceptualisation, fondée sur un état de l’art, débute par une appropriation du modèle synthétique du Magnet Hospital. Empruntant une perspective psychosociale, notre modèle original de recherche se focalise sur la perception, à l’échelle des unités de soins, des attributs managériaux du magnétisme hospitalier (leadership transformationnel, empowerment perçu de la participation et climat relationnel collégial entre médecins et soignants) et ses conséquences attitudinales positives (satisfaction, implication, intention de rester, équilibre émotionnel travail/hors travail et efficacité collective perçue). Une méthodologie quantitative interroge au moyen de 8 échelles ad hoc un échantillon représentatif de 133 médecins, 361 infirmières et 362 aides-soignantes de 36 services de médecine polyvalente français. Une série de modélisations par équations structurelles, selon l’algorithme Partial Least Squares, teste la nature et l’intensité des relations directes et indirectes du magnétisme managérial perçu. Les résultats statistiques indiquent une bonne qualité des construits et d’ajustement des modèles. Un contexte managérial magnétique produit son principal effet positif sur l’efficacité collective perçue. Des différences catégorielles existent quant à la perception de sa composition et à la transmission de ses effets par la médiation de l’efficacité collective perçue, signalant le caractère contingent du magnétisme. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives managériales et scientifiques, en soulignant l’intérêt des approches positives de l’organisation hospitalière. / Many contemporary findings are alarmed of the recurring discomfort of hospital human resources, especially against doctors and nurses, and consequently against risk of poor quality of care for patients. Adopting a more optimistic approach, American nursing scholars have highlighted since the 1980s, some magnet hospitals, able to attract and retain, and with good working and care conditions. This thesis aims to explore Magnet Hospital concept, to inform its definition and scope for hospital human resource management in France. According to a hypothetico-deductive approach, based on a review of the literature, the conceptualization begins with appropriation of synthetic Magnet Hospital model. Under a psychosocial perspective, our original research model focuses on perception of managerial magnetic attributes (transformational leadership, perceived empowerment of participation, collegial climate between doctors and nurses) and their consequences on positive job attitudes (satisfaction, commitment, intent to rest, emotional equilibrium work/family, perceived collective efficacy), at wards level. A quantitative methodology proceeds by a questionnaire of 8 ad hoc scales and interviews 133 doctors, 361 nurses, 362, auxiliary nurses, in 36 French medicine units. A set of structural equations modeling, according to Partial Least Squares, tests nature and intensity of direct and indirect relationships of perceived managerial magnetism. The statistical results show a good validity of constructs and a good fit of models. The major positive effect of magnetic managerial context is on perceived collective efficacy. Some professional differences exist about perceptions of composition and transmission of magnetic effects (via mediation of perceived collective efficacy), indicating the contingency of magnetism. These findings open managerial and scientific opportunities, emphasizing the interest for positive organizational approach of hospital.
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Die L10-Struktur in Mn-Ga- und Mn-Al-Ga-Legierungen: magnetische Eigenschaften und PhasenumwandlungenMix, Torsten 02 October 2018 (has links)
Im binären Mn-Ga-System wurde für Legierungen mit 55 at.% bis 65 at.% Mangan die Phasenbildung der L10-Phase mit Röntgenbeugung und Differenzialkalorimetrie untersucht. Nach der Herstellung der L10-Phase in allen Legierungen erfolgte eine Untersuchung der intrinsischen magnetischen Eigenschaften. Die Mn55Ga45-Legierung zeigte dabei die höchste Sättigungsmagnetisierung mit µ0Ms = 0,81 T. Für diese Legierung erfolgten deshalb Versuche zur Verbesserung der extrinsischen Eigenschaften. Dazu wurden Pulver gemahlen und die Möglichkeit der Ausrichtung im Magnetfeld untersucht. Dabei konnte ein Texturgrad von 0,45 für Pulver mit einer Partikelgröße kleiner 10 µm erreicht und die Koerzitivfeldstärke um das 7-fache gegenüber der Volumenprobe erhöht werden. Weiterhin konnten die Pulverproben durch Heißkompaktieren bei 400 °C erneut zu
einer Volumenprobe gepresst werden. Die dabei erhaltene Probe besitzt eine Koerzitivfeldstärke von 0,16 T und eine leicht reduzierte Sättigungsmagnetisierung auf Grund einer Packungsdichte von 83 %.
Im ternären Mn-Al-Ga-System wurden Proben der Sollzusammensetzung Mn55Al45-xGax mit 5,625 < x < 22,5 hergestellt. Für Legierungen mit x >= 11,86 erwies sich eine Wärmebehandlung bei 600°C für 24 Stunden als ausreichend die reine L10-Phase zu erzeugen. Bei den Legierungen mit einem geringeren Ga-Anteil war eine zweistufige Wärmebehandlung notwendig, um ausschließlich L10 zu erhalten. Nach der ersten Wärmebehandlung bei 1100 °C entstand ein Phasengemisch aus gamma2 und L10(epsilon). Letzteres wurde aus der epsilon-Hochtemperaturphase gebildet. Durch die anschließende Wärmebehandlung bei 500 °C für 24 Stunden konnte die verbleibende gamma2-Phase in L10(gamma2) umgewandelt werden. Untersuchungen der lokalen Legierungszusammensetzung ergaben einen geringeren Mn-Anteil der L10(gamma2)-Phase im Vergleich zu L10(epsilon). Die Unterschiede in den zwei L10-Phasen konnten weiterhin durch eine Reflexaufspaltung in den Röntgenbeugungsaufnahmen sowie der Existenz zweier Curie-Temperaturen bestätigt werden. Die gemessenen Sättigungsmagnetisierungen ergaben eine Superposition beider Phasen und einen maximalen Wert von µ0Ms = 0,85 T. Untersuchungen der thermischen Stabilität der L10-Phasen bei 700 °C zeigten, dass die L10(gamma2)-Phase thermisch stabil ist und sich die L10(epsilon)-Phase langsam in beta-Mn und gamma2 zersetzt. Bei der Zersetzung war im Vergleich zum binären Mn-Al-System eine starke Steigerung der thermischen Stabilität durch die Substitution geringer Mengen Galliums zu erkennen. Über die zersetzungsbedingte Reduktion der Magnetisierung konnten Abschätzungen der Zersetzungskinetik getroffen werden.
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Uppe bland molnen : Tvångsmedlet genomsökning på distans RB 28:10 och utvinning av molndata tillhörande GoogletjänsterDahlstrand, Elsa, Dahl, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Det sker en kontinuerlig digitalisering i världen vilket innebär en utmaning för samhällets lagstiftning, till följd av att lagstiftning är tids- och resurskrävande. Detta är något som kriminella utnyttjar i och med att deras verksamhet har flyttats alltmer till den digitala världen. Kriminell verksamhet som genomförs med hjälp av molntjänster har varit svårt att bekämpa, då det inte är säkert att den data som skapas i molntjänster också lagras i samma land. Arbetet att samla in denna data har för svenska myndigheter därför varit krångligt, och i vissa fall, omöjligt. Det var först i juni 2022 som en lag trädde i kraft, RB 28:10 genomsökning på distans, som gjorde det möjligt för utredare att gå in i molntjänster och leta efter bevismaterial. I denna uppsats har semi-strukturerade intervjuermed IT-forensiker och åklagare genomförtsoch analyserats.Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av lagen är positiv; att den kom hastigt men att den var behövlig. Däremot har den skapat mer arbete för IT-forensiker som en konsekvens. Kompletterande har ett experiment av molndata tillhörande ett Google-konto undersökts med hjälp av två IT-forensiska verktyg, vilket resulterat i att en skillnad i verktygens identifiering av raderad data uppmärksammats. Slutligen påvisar uppsatsen och dess resultat att lagen,genomsökning på distans, och utvinning av molndata försett brottsbekämpningen med data av högt bevisvärde och möjliggjort utredningar som tidigare inte var möjligt enligt lag. / The constant digitalization of our world poses a challenge to our governments in developing laws correspondingly. This divergence is something cybercriminals exploit. Criminal activity taking place in the cyberspace, specifically through cloud platforms, has been difficult for law enforcement to regulate and prosecute, partially due to the information needed is kept in servers outside of jurisdiction. In Swedish law enforcement this has caused the acquisition of valuable cloud data, in some cases, impossible, consequently leading to unsolved cases. As of June 2022, a new law regarding means of coercion took effect which enabled the recovery of account specific cloud data. In this work semi-structured interviews, with IT-forensics and prosecutors, were conductedand analyzed. The result shows that the experience of the law is positive, that it came abruptlybut that it was necessary. However, it has created more work for IT-forensics as a consequence. In addition, an experiment involving cloud data belonging to a Google account has been investigated with the help of two IT-forensic tools, which resulted in the observation of a variation in the tools' identification of deleted data. Finally, the paper and its findings demonstrate that the law and cloud data mining have provided law enforcement with high probative value data and enabled investigations previously not lawfully possible.
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