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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1,2,3-Dithiazolyl and 1,2,3,5-Dithiadiazolyl Radicals as Spin-Bearing Ligands Towards the Design of New Molecular Materials

MacDonald, Daniel 14 September 2012 (has links)
A series of binuclear coordination complexes of 4-(2′-pyrimidal)-1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl and its selenium analogue have been prepared to examine their structural and magnetic properties. The zinc(II) coordination complex is the first example of a DTDA radical ligand N-coordinated to a diamagnetic metal center. The magnetic properties reveal that it exhibits Curie behaviour and can be used as a benchmark to compare the analogous coordination complexes which possess paramagnetic metal ions. The nickel(II) coordination complex of the selenium containing radical pymDSDA was shown to dimerize in the solid state and is the only binuclear complex thus far that has done so. The manganese(II) complex of pymDSDA is by far the most interesting and is isomorphous to the DTDA analogue. For both complexes, one of the two molecules in the asymmetric unit form chains in the solid state joined by intermolecular contacts between a sulfur or selenium atom from the radical, and an oxygen atom coordinated to a neighbouring molecule. This feature gives rise to a ground state spin greater than that of an individual binuclear coordination complex. The radical ligand is however disordered in the solid state and so these random chain lengths are dependent on the orientation of the ligands in adjacent complexes. The 1,2,3-DTA species examined herein are related to the 4,5-dioxo-4,5-dihydronaphtho[1,2-d][1,2,3]dithiazolyl radical and the related protonated species 4-hydroxy-5H-naphtho[1,2-d][1,2,3]dithiazol-5-one. The proton from this latter compound has shown that it can be substituted with alkyl groups and this was achieved using acetyl chloride to place an acetyl group in this position. The above radical did not exhibit the strong donor properties required for metal coordination and preliminary investigations of the radical dianionic suggest that it is chemically irreversible by cyclic voltametry. The acetyl group unfortunately did not provide the chemically reversibility of interest although has established a potential route toward the substitution chemistry of this compound. The other 1,2,3-DTA compounds discussed herein are not complete, although the data acquired on the precursor compounds leading up to the radical will be discussed.

External Reactive Power Compensation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator

Singer, Amr 09 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This research work focuses on the reactive power compensation of the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PSG) in wind power plants. PSG feeds a fixed voltage dc grid through a rectifier bridge. In variable speed operation, the PSG will be able to build torque only in small speed range. This is due to the fixed magnet of the PSG. External reactive power compensation provides an attractive solution to overcome this problem. Different reactive power compensation configurations were examined. Statics synchronous series compensation and a shunt passive filter were chosen as a compensation method. Simulation and implementation of small wind power plant were performed. The wind power plant consists of the synchronous generator, inverter, rectifier, coupling transformers and shunt passive filter. The experimental results agree to the proposed theory and simulation results. / Der Schwerpunkt meiner Promotion ist die Blindleistungskompensation bei einem permanenterregten Synchrongenerator. Der Synchrongenerator speist das Gleichsspannungsnetz über ein Gleichrichter. In der Drehzahlvariablen Betriebsverhalten können Nachteile auftreten. Die Folge ist, dass bei konstanter Gleichspannung und fester Erregung durch die Permanenterregung nur ein sehr kleiner Drehzahlbereich mit vernünftiger Drehmomentausbeute bedienbar ist. Ein möglicher Ausweg wäre eine variable Kompensationsspannung. Verschiedene Kompensationsverfahren wurden untersucht. Ein Series Active Filter und ein Shunt Passive-Filter wurden als Blindleistungskompensation gewählt. Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation beschäftige ich mich mit dem Aufbau und der Simulation einer Windkraftanlage. Diese besteht aus einem permanenterregten Synchrongenerator, einem Wechselrichrter, einem Gleichrichter, drei Transformatoren und einem passiven Filter. Das Versuchsergebnis zeigt, dass die Theorie mit der Simulation übereinstimmt.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury : Studies on outcome and prognostic factors

Lannsjö, Marianne January 2012 (has links)
Objectives: To explore the prevalence and structure of self-reported disability after mild traumatic brain injury and the impact of traumatic brain pathology on such outcome. Material and methods: In study 1-3, symptoms data were collected by use of Rivermead Post-concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) and data on global function by use of Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) from 2602 patients at 3 months after MTBI. RPQ data were subject to factor and Rasch-analyses Head CT data from 1262 patients were used in a prediction analysis that also included age and gender. In study 4, MRI and symptoms data were collected at 2-3 days and at 3-7 months follow-up after MTBI in 19 patients. Global function was assessed at follow-up by use of the Rivermead Head Injury Follow-Up Questionnaire (RHIFUQ) and GOSE. Results: I. Most respondents reported no remaining symptoms but 24% reported ≥3 and 10% ≥7 remaining symptoms. The factor analysis demonstrated that all symptoms are correlated but also identified subgroups of symptoms. II. Rasch-analysis of RPQ showed disordered category function, local dependency of items, poor targeting of persons to items and indications of 3 or more dimensions. There was no differential item functioning. III. Head CT pathology with no need for acute intervention was observed in 52 patients (4%) but was not associated with either frequency of remaining symptoms or global outcome at 3 months post injury. Female gender and age over 30 years were associated with less favourable outcome with respect to symptoms and GOSE. IV. Post-acute MRI indicated trauma-related pathology in one patient and follow-up MRI indicated loss of brain volume in 4 patients. Conclusions: A substantial proportion of patients with MTBI report remaining problems at three months after MTBI. RPQ is useful but not optimal to assess symptoms outcome after MTBI and calculation of a total sum score is not recommended. Female gender and older age are negative prognostic factors while brain pathology according to CT has no effect on self-reported outcome. Loss of brain volume after MTBI according to MRI may be a sensitive marker of traumatic brain pathology and deserves further studies.

System Perspectives on Hydro-Kinetic Energy Conversion

Yuen, Katarina January 2012 (has links)
Free-flowing water currents such as tides and unregulated water courses could contribute to world electricity production given the emergence of robust technical solutions for extracting the energy. At Uppsala University, a concept for converting the energy in water currents to electricity using a vertical axis turbine with fixed blade-pitch and a direct-drive permanent magnet generator is studied. Technological equipment for extracting energy from water currents can be studied at desktop to some extent, but physical realizations, first in a laboratory setting, and later in a natural aquatic setting, are necessary. For this reason, a laboratory generator has been constructed and evaluated, and an experimental setup comprising turbine, generator and control system has been constructed. The turbine and generator are to be deployed in the Dalälven River in Söderfors, and operated from an on-land control station. The author has worked with constructing and evaluating the low-speed laboratory generator, participated in the design and construction of the Söderfors generator, and designed and constructed the control system for Söderfors. The generator design incorporates a low rotational speed, permanent magnets, and many poles, in order to adapt the generator to the nature of water currents. Simulations and experimental data for the laboratory prototype have been compared and show that the simulation tool used is adequate for design studies of this type of generator. The generator has also been shown to be able to operate with the intended turbine design and range of water velocities. The control system to be used in Söderfors has been tested in a laboratory environment. Simulations of the control system show that it should be able to operate the turbine and generator at the desired rotational speeds in water velocities up to about 1.8 m/s. Simulations of the system have also shown that maximizing system power output may not correspond with maximizing turbine power.

Μοντελοποίηση, έλεγχος και προσομοίωση αιολικού συστήματος με σύγχρονη γεννήτρια μόνιμου μαγνήτη / Modelling, control and simulation of a permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind power system

Μπιμπισίδης, Κωνσταντίνος 04 December 2012 (has links)
H αυξανόμενη ανάγκη για στροφή της παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας σε βιώσιμες και ανανεώσιμες πηγές έχει οδηγήσει στη ραγδαία ανάπτυξη της αιολικής ενέργειας και στη διείσδυσή της στην αγορά ενέργειας. Η παρούσα εργασία πραγματεύεται ένα αιολικό σύστημα παραγωγής ενέργειας βασισμένο σε σύγχρονη γεννήτρια μόνιμου μαγνήτη. Η συγκεκριμένη μηχανή αποτελεί τη νέα τάση στην αγορά εξ’ αιτίας των σημαντικών πλεονεκτημάτων που προσφέρει, ιδίως αυτό της δυνατότητας για απουσία κιβωτίου ταχυτήτων που οδηγεί το σύστημα σε αυξημένη απόδοση. Στην εργασία αυτή, θα γίνει μια παρουσίαση των χαρακτηριστικών των σύγχρονων αιολικών συστημάτων, θα γίνει η μοντελοποίηση της σύγχρονης γεννήτριας μόνιμου μαγνήτη και θα αναλυθεί η λογική του ελέγχου που ακολουθείται και στηρίζεται στο διανυσματικό έλεγχο προσανατολισμού σε πεδίο. Τέλος, θα γίνει η παρουσίαση και ο σχολιασμός των αποτελεσμάτων του μοντέλου, που αναπτύχθηκε σε περιβάλλον Matlab/Simulink, με την παράλληλη εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων για την απόκρισή του. / The ongoing increase in electric power demand and the need for sustainable and renewable energy has led wind energy into high rates of growth and penetration to the energy markets. This thesis deals with a permanent magnet synchronous generator based wind power system. This type of machine has become a trend for the markets, due to its specific benefits and, especially, for the absence of gearbox that leads the whole system to higher efficiency. In this thesis, we will discuss the characteristics of a modern wind power system, then, the permanent magnet synchronous generator will be modelled, and the field oriented vector control strategy will be analyzed. Finally, we will present and discuss the outcome of the model that was built in the Matlab/Simulink programme, and we will come into certain conclusions about its response.

Ανάλυση και έλεγχος αιολικού συστήματος παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας με σύγχρονη μηχανή με μόνιμους μαγνήτες

Γκουντρουμάνη, Βάια 14 October 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται τη μελέτη μιας διάταξης ανεμογεννήτριας με σύγχρονη μηχανή με μόνιμους μαγνήτες η οποία συνδέεται μέσω dc διασύνδεσης με το δίκτυο. Τη dc διασύνδεση τη δημιουργεί ένας dc πυκνωτής και από την πλευρά της μηχανής υπάρχει ένας ac/dc πλήρως ελεγχόμενος ανορθωτής ισχύος ενώ από την πλευρά του δικτύου βρίσκεται ένας dc/ac πλήρως ελεγχόμενος αντιστροφέας ισχύος. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι αρχικά να μελετήσουμε θεωρητικά το συνολικό σύστημα της ανεμογεννήτριας χρησιμοποιώντας το μετασχηματισμό Park για τη μοντελοποίηση του στο d-q πλαίσιο αναφοράς. Στη συνέχεια προχωρούμε στον υπολογισμό των εξισώσεων στο χώρο κατάστασης και τελικά προτείνουμε ένα σύστημα ελέγχου το οποίο βασίζεται στους PI ελεγκτές. Τέλος, προσομοιώνουμε το παραπάνω σύστημα με τη βοήθεια της εφαρμογής Simulink του λογισμικού MATLAB και μελετώντας τα αποτελέσματα, εξάγουμε τα ανάλογα συμπεράσματα. / This thesis deals with the study of a wind turbine device with a permanent magnet synchronous machine which is connected with the grid side via a dc interconnection. The dc link is created by a dc capacitor and on the machine side there is an ac / dc power converter while on the grid side there is a dc / ac power converter, both of which are totally controlled. Aim of this thesis is to study the complete wind turbine system in the d-q rotating vertical axes system through the Park transformation. Then we calculate the state space equations and propose a control system based on PI controllers. Finally, we simulate the complete system with the MATLAB Simulink and having studied the results, we draw conclusions.

A finite element based optimisation tool for electrical machines

Gerber, Stiaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Knowledge of the magnetic fields in the domain of electrical machines is required in order to model machines accurately. It is difficult to solve these fields analytically because of the complex geometries of electrical machines and the non-linear characteristics of the materials used to build them. Thus, finite element analysis, which can be used to solve the magnetic field accurately, plays an important part in the design of electrical machines. When designing electrical machines, the task of finding an optimal design is not simple because the performance of the machine has a non-linear dependence on many variables. In these circumstances, numerical optimisation using finite element analysis is the most powerful method of finding optimal designs. In this thesis, the work of improving an existing finite element simulation package, formerly known as the Cambridge package among its users, and the use of this package in the optimisation of electrical machine designs, is presented. The work involved restructuring the original package, expanding its capabilities and coupling it to numerical optimisers. The developed finite element package has been dubbed SEMFEM: the Stellenbosch Electrical Machines Finite Element Method. The Cambridge package employed the air-gap element method, first proposed by Razek et. al. [2], to solve the magnetic field for different positions of the moving component in a time-stepped finite element simulation. Because many new machine topologies have more than one air-gap, the ability to model machines with multiple air-gaps is important. The Cambridge package was not capable of this, but during the course of this work, the ability to model machines with multiple air-gaps using the air-gap element method was implemented. Many linear electrical machines have tubular, axisymmetric topologies. The functionality to simulate these machines was newly implemented because the original program was not capable of analysing these machines. Amongst other things, this involved the derivation of the coefficients of an axisymmetric air-gap element’s stiffness matrix. This derivation, along with the original air-gap element derived by Razek et. al. [2] and the extension of the method to the Cartesian coordinate system by Wang et. al. [29, 30], completes the derivation of all two-dimensional air-gap elements. In order to speed the numerical optimisation process, which is computationally expensive, parallelisation was introduced in two areas: at the level of the finite element simulation and at the level of the optimisation program. The final product is a more powerful, more usable package, geared for the optimisation of electrical machines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kennis van die magnetiese velde in die gebied van elektriese masjiene word benodig om masjiene akkuraat te modelleer. Dit is moeilik om hierdie velde analities op te los as gevolg die komplekse geometrieë van elektriese masjiene en die nie-lineêre karakteristieke van die materiale wat gebruik word om hulle te bou. Dus speel eindige element analise ’n belangrike rol in die ontwerp van elektriese masjiene omdat dit gebruik kan word om die magnetiese veld akkuraat te bepaal. Wanneer elektriese masjiene ontwerp word, is dit nie ’n eenvoudige taak om ’n optimale ontwerp te vind nie omdat die werkverrigting van die masjien nie-lineêr afhanklik is van baie veranderlikes. Onder hierdie omstandighede is numeriese optimering, tesame met eindige element analise, die kragtigste metode om optimale ontwerpe te vind. In hierdie tesis word die verbetering van ’n bestaande eindige element simulasie pakket, wat onder gebruikers van die pakket as die Cambridge pakket bekend staan, en die gebruik van hierdie pakket vir die optimering van elektriese masjiene, voorgelê. Die werk het die herstrukturering van die oorspronklike pakket, die uitbreiding van die pakket se vermoëns en die koppeling van die pakket aan numeriese optimeerders behels. Die ontwikkelde eindige element pakket word SEMFEM genoem: die Stellenbosch Elektriese Masjiene Finite Element Method. Die Cambridge pakket het van die lugspleet element metode, soos oorspronlik deur Razek et. al. [2] voorgestel, gebruik gemaak om die magnetiese veld vir verskillende posisies van die bewegende komponent in ’n tyd-stapsgewyse eindige element simulasie op te los. Omdat baie nuwe masjien topologieë meer as een lugspleet het, is die vermoë om masjiene met meer as een lugspleet te kan modelleer belangrik. Die Cambridge pakket was nie hier toe in staat nie, maar die vermoë om masjiene met meervoudige lugsplete te modelleer is gedurende hierdie werk geïmplementeer. Baie lineêre masjiene het tubulêre, assimmetriese topologieë. Die funksionaliteit om hierdie masjiene te simuleer is nuut geïmplementeer omdat die oorspronlike program nie in staat was om hierdie masjiene te analiseer nie. Dit het onder andere behels dat die koeffisiënte van ’n assimmetriese lugspleetelement se styfheidsmatriks afgelei moes word. Hierdie afleiding, tesame met die oorspronlike lugspleetelement afgelei deur Razek et. al. [2] en die uitbreiding na die Cartesiese koördinaatstelsel deur Wang et. al. [29, 30], voltooi die afleiding van alle twee-dimensionele lugspleet elemente. Om die numeriese optimeringsproses, wat tipies tydsgewys duur is, te versnel, is parallellisering op twee vlakke ingebring: op die vlak van die eindige element simulasie en op die vlak van die optimeringsprogram. Die finale produk is ’n kragtiger, meer bruikbare pakket, goed aangepas vir die optimering van elektriese masjiene.

Desenvolvimento de ímãs de Nd-Fe-B pelo processo MPI- aplicados em máquinas elétricas (motores)

Luna, Wilberth Harold Deza January 2012 (has links)
O processo tradicional de fabricação de ímãs de terras raras – TR – é a metalurgia do pó convencional. Este processo inclui etapas de preparação da liga, moagem, compactação sob campo e sinterização. Atualmente, ímãs obtidos pelo processo de injeção tem como resultado os ímãs conhecidos como bonded, que são compósitos de resina e ligas magnéticas. O processo de obtenção proposto neste trabalho é a moldagem de pós por injeção – MPI, o que implica novos desafios uma vez que ligas de terras raras são altamente reativas. A obtenção de ímãs de Nd-Fe-B por esse processo fornece a oportunidade de diversificar ainda mais os setores, potencialmente lucrativos, que trabalham com materiais magnéticos. As dificuldades desse processo foram encontradas em cada etapa, desde a mistura da liga com os polímeros à eliminação destes polímeros depois de as peças serem injetadas, essa etapa se tornou crítica dado que está diretamente relacionada às propriedades finais do material. Assim, propuseram-se novos ciclos de extração dos polímeros com solventes orgânicos e degradação térmica. Além disso, modelou-se ferramental para o processo de injeção, uma vez que o material deve ser orientado magneticamente durante a injeção. Finalmente usou-se o MAXWELL 14® (software para análises por elementos finitos para resolução em 3D) para incluir propriedades no banco de dados do software e assim predizer o comportamento do material quando aplicado nas máquinas elétricas de núcleos com de formato complexo. / The typical magnets production process of Rare Earths – RE is the conventional powder metallurgy. This process includes preparation stages of alloys, grind, pressing under field and sintering. Nowadays, magnet obtained by the injection process has as result the magnets known as bonded, that is a resin composite and magnetic alloys. The proposed process to obtainment, in this work, is the Metal Injection Molding- MIM, what involve new challenges once alloys of RE are highly reactive. The magnets obtainment of ND-Fe-B for this process supplies even opportunity of diversifying the sectors, potentially lucrative, that work with magnetic materials. The difficulties of this process were found in each stage, since the alloy mixture with the polymers to the elimination of these polymers after the pieces are injected, this stage became criticizes given it is directly related to final properties of the material. This way if it propose to polymers extraction new cycles with organic solvents and thermal degradation. Moreover, it modeled die for the injection process, once the material should be guided magnetically during the injection. It finally used MAXWELL 14 ® (Software for analyses by finite elements for resolution in 3D) to include properties on the bench of data of the software and thus predict the material behavior when applied in cores of electrical machines with complex shape.

Tests de diagnostic immunologique rapides combinant des nanoparticules magnétiques et des micro-aimants structurés / Fast innovative immuno-assays exploiting magnetic nano-particle and structured micro-magnet arrays

Delshadi, Sarah 17 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le développement de tests immunologiques innovants, rapides et sensibles combinant des nanoparticules superparamagnétiques (SPN) fonctionnalisées et des micro-aimants : nos immuno-essais magnétiques exploitent les forts gradients de champ magnétique de ces micro-aimants pour capturer les complexes immunologiques liés aux SPN. L’attraction magnétique est souvent utilisée en biotechnologies car elle peut générér des forces capables de capturer des molécules d’intérêt. Les immuno-essais sur billes utilisent habituellement des aimants centi- et millimétriques pour capturer des micro-particules. Réduire la taille des particules magnétiques est très intéressant pour réduire les cinétiques de réactions, tout en diminuant les phénomènes de sédimentation et d’agrégation. Cette réduction d’échelle des particules permet aussi d’augmenter la surface de réaction et ainsi d’augmenter la sensibilité des tests. Cependant les aimants millimétriques génèrent des gradients faibles qui capturent difficilement les SPN, trop mobiles. Les micro-aimants de l’Institut Néel génèrent des forts gradients locaux et ainsi des forces magnétiques importantes. Ces technologies innovantes sont utilisées dans cette thèse pour développer des immuno-essais rapides tirant profit de la réduction d’échelle des particules et des aimants, par rapport aux technologies commerciales.Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé un test immunologique magnétique (MagIA) colorimétrique, comme approche innovante du test ELISA. Nous avons réalisé une preuve de concept pour la détection d’anticorps dirigé contre l’ovalbumine et comparé les résultats avec ceux de tests ELISA. Le test MagIA optimisé présente une limite de détection et une zone dynamique similaires au test ELISA développé avec les mêmes réactifs biologiques. Les micro-aimants fabriqués selon la méthode de micro-magnetic imprinting sont intégrés à bas coût dans les micro-puits des plaques multi-puits ELISA, et permettent la capture efficace des complexes immunologiques couplés aux SPN. La méthode est générique est permet de réaliser des tests ELISA en 30 minutes avec le même équipement.Nous avons ensuite développé un test magnétique immunologique avec une détection fluorescente locale tirant profit des propriétés de capture locale des SPN sur les micro-aimants. Ce test permet la quantification de la molécule d’intérêt en à peine 15 minutes sans étape de lavage. Une preuve de concept réalisée sur la détection de l’anticorps anti-ovalbumine a été réalisée, avec des anticorps de détection fluorescents et des micro-aimants fabriqués selon la méthode de thermo-magnetic patterning. La mesure différentielle entre le signal fluorescent provenant des complexes immunologiques couplés aux SPN localisées sur les micro-aimants, et le signal non spécifique (à l’extérieur des micro-aimants) permet la quantification d’une molécule. Ce test MLFIA (magnetically localized FIA) possède des performances jusqu’à 100 fois meilleures que les tests ELISA standard, pour la détection d’anticorps anti-ovalbumine en PBS. Le test MLFIA a ensuite été transféré à la détection de paramètres cliniques tels que la protéine C réactive, l'ostéopontine, et les sérologies de la toxoplasmose (IgG et IgM). La comparaison des résultats avec des méthodes automatisées a montré d’excellentes corrélations. Le test MLFIA présente plusieurs avantages : il est versatile, compatible avec les milieux biologiques, utilise de faibles volumes et requiert peu d’énergie. Ces résultats ouvrent la voie à une nouvelle génération de tests immunologiques sensibles et nous développons désormais un lecteur miniature pour le diagnostic portable. / This thesis reports the development of innovative, sensitive and fast immunoassays combining functionalized superparamagnetic nanoparticles (SPN) and micro-magnets. Our magnetic immunoassays exploit high gradients generated by micro-magnets to capture immune-complexes captured on SPN. Magnetic attraction is widely used in biotechnology, because it provides long-range forces able to capture molecules of interest. Bead-based immunoassays use common centimetre-scale magnets to attract micro-particles. Those magnets generate low magnetic gradients and struggle to capture superparamagnetic nano-particles, which are too small and mobile to be efficiently trapped. Down-scaling the size of magnetic particles is very interesting since it allows diffusion-based transport to perform faster reactions, while avoiding particle sedimentation and aggregation. Furthermore, it increases the reaction surface, which improves the sensitivity of immunoassays. Thanks to the scaling law effects micro-magnets from Institut Néel generate high local gradients and therefore large magnetic volume forces: we use this innovative technology to develop fast immuno-assays that take advantage of a radical size reduction, compared to commercial technology.We first developed a colorimetric magnetic immunoassay (MagIA) as a new approach to standard ELISA. A proof-of-concept based on colorimetric quantification of anti-ovalbumin antibody in buffer was performed and compared with conventional ELISAs. After optimization, MagIA exhibits a limit of detection and dynamic range similar to ELISAs developed using the same biochemical tools. Micromagnets made by the micro-magnetic imprinting method can be fully integrated in multi-well plates at low cost, allowing the efficient capture of immuno-complexes carried by SPNs. The method is generic and performs magnetic ELISA in 30 min.We then developed a magnetically localized fluorescent immunoassay (MLFIA) exploiting the local capture of SPN on micro-magnets. The differential measurement of fluorescence localized on and besides micro-magnet arrays allows the detection and quantification of a molecule in only 15 minutes without fluid handling. We present a proof of concept based on the detection of monoclonal antibody anti-ovalbumin. Functionalized nanoparticles are incubated with fluorescent detection antibody and the sample containing the molecule to be detected. After a single incubation step, the nanoparticles are captured on micro-magnets made by thermo-magnetic patterning. Fluorescence is then read under a microscope. Differential measurement between the signal from the immunological complex localised on the micro-magnets and the non-specific signal localised besides micro-magnets allows the quantification of mAb anti-OVA. The performance of MLFIA was compared with conventional ELISA and exhibits a limit of detection up to 100 times better for anti-OVA mAb in PBS. For further validation, MLFIA was used to measure clinical parameters: we developed a sandwich assay to detect C-reactive protein, and a serology for Toxoplasma gondii immunoglobulin G and M or osteopontin in human samples. Comparisons with data obtained with routine clinical automatized methods show excellent correlation. Our MLFIA technology presents several key advantages: it is compatible with biological media (serum, plasma), uses small volumes and requires little energy. It also is versatile and thus can be used to detect any antigen or antibody in complex media. We are currently developing a portable prototype for point-of-care diagnostics. The results will open the way to a new generation of sensitive immunological lab-on-chip.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de um atuador linear para suspensão eletromagnética ativa

Eckert, Paulo Roberto January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho foca o estudo e desenvolvimento de um atuador linear com ímãs permanentes aplicado a sistemas de suspensão ativa, com ênfase em suspensão veicular. Seu desenvolvimento considera aspectos específicos como força, volume, razão força/volume, curso e resposta em frequência. Junto ao estudo teórico desenvolve-se o projeto baseado na simulação paramétrica em elementos finitos que analisa aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos importantes para tomada de decisão do projeto, especificamente na definição de materiais e geometrias. Para servir como ferramenta de análise foi empregada uma modelagem analítica que se mostrou eficiente, pois foi capaz de produzir resultados de forma mais rápida que o método de elementos finitos para avaliar grandezas de interesse como força e densidade de fluxo magnético. Por fim e com base nos aspectos de projeto, foi construído um protótipo que permitiu validar os modelos. Os resultados experimentais e teóricos mostraram boa concordância o que permite concluir que os métodos empregados são eficazes, fornecendo subsídios à aplicação em foco. / This work aims the study and development of a linear actuator with permanent magnets applied to active suspension systems, with emphasis on vehicular suspension. That development takes into account specific features such as force, volume, force per volume ratio, stroke and frequency response. Together with the theoretical study the design of the actuator is carried out based on parametric simulation by means of finite elements which analyses qualitative and quantitative aspects that are important to make the project decision, specifically to define materials and geometry. To suit as an analysis tool it was employed an analytical modelling, which showed to be efficient because it was capable of producing faster results than the finite elements method to evaluate physical quantities of interest such as force and magnetic flux density. Finally and based on project aspects, a prototype was built which allowed to validate all models. Experimental and theoretical results showed a good agreement which led to conclude that the employed methods are efficient, providing subsidies to the studied application.

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