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Magnetization dynamics in paramagnetic systemsRantaharju, J. (Jyrki) 07 December 2018 (has links)
This thesis reports simulations of direct observables in electron and nuclear spin relaxation experiments in an example paramagnetic system, as well as polarization transfer occurring in a spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) experiment. Studies of paramagnetic relaxation are important, e.g., in the development of agents used for enhanced contrast in magnetic resonance imaging. SEOP is used to produce hyperpolarized noble gases, which are then used to, e.g., enhance sensitivity in structural studies of matter with nuclear magnetic resonance. Presently the theory, available software and hardware for such computational modeling have reached a state in which quantitative reproduction of the experimentally observed magnetization decay is possible from first principles.
The present multiscale computations are carried out from first principles combining molecular dynamics simulations of atomistic motion and quantum-chemical electronic structure calculations of the spin interaction parameters that enter the effective spin Hamiltonian. A time series of the spin Hamiltonian is then explicitly used to propagate spin dynamics in the system, and dynamical time constants of the magnetization are obtained through ensemble averaging. The complete decay of electron spin magnetization could be followed directly within the duration of the simulation, whereas the nuclear spin relaxation rates were extracted using Kubo’s theory regarding generalized cumulant expansion and stochastic processes.
The extracted electron and nuclear spin relaxation rates for the chosen prototypic system, the aqueous solution of Ni²⁺, are in quantitative and semi-quantitative agreement, respectively, with the available experimental results. The simulations of polarization transfer corroborate the empirical observations on the importance of van der Waals complexes and binary collisions in the spin-exchange process. Long van der Waals complexes represent the overwhelmingly most significant kind of individual events, but the short binary collisions can also give a relatively important contribution due to their vast abundance. This thesis represents a first study in which first principles-calculated trajectories of individual events could be followed.
The simulations reported in this thesis were run without any empirical parametrization and thus represent a significant step in first-principles computational modeling of magnetization dynamics.
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Studium dynamiky dynamiky magnetizace v GaMnAs pomocí ultrarychlé laserové spektroskopie / Investigation of magnetization dynamics in GaMnAs by ultrafast laser spectroscopyTesařová, Naďa January 2013 (has links)
i Abstract: This doctoral thesis is dedicated to the study of magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As using magneto-optical (MO) spectroscopy methods. The character of the magnetization dynamics after the impact of the laser pulse was investigated under different experimental conditions in an extensive set of optimized (Ga,Mn)As samples with Mn doping ranging from 1.5% to 14%. The thorough analysis of the measured MO signal enabled us to develop a new method that can be used to determine the laser pulse-induced real-space magnetization trajectory without any numerical modelling. Moreover, the investigation of the measured MO signals allowed us to determine the basic micromagnetic properties of (Ga,Mn)As, such as the magnetic anisotropy, the Gilbert damping or the spin stiffness. In addition to this, we found out that the light-induced magnetization precession can be caused by three distinct mechanisms - the sample heating due to the energy transfer from the laser pulses, the angular momentum transfer from the circularly polarized photons, and the influence of the non-equilibrium hole polarization induced by the relativistic spin-orbit interaction. The first of these mechanisms is rather well known but the two remaining ones, which are the optical analogues of the spin-transfer torque...
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Contribution à la ré-identification de véhicules par analyse de signatures magnétiques tri-axiales mesurées par une matrice de capteurs / Contributions to vehicles re-identification by an analysis of magnetic signatures measured with a matrix of three-axis magnetic sensorsPitton, Anne-Cécile 15 January 2015 (has links)
La ré-identification de véhicules permet d’estimer deux paramètres clés en gestion dynamique de trafic : les temps de parcours et les matrices origine-destination. Dans cette thèse, nous avons choisi d'effectuer cette ré-identification par analyse des signatures magnétiques mesurées par des capteurs tri-axiaux placés sur la chaussée. La signature magnétique est générée par l'aimantation du véhicule : elle est alors susceptible de varier en fonction de l'orientation du véhicule par rapport au champ magnétique terrestre (à cause de l'aimantation induite dans le plan horizontal), et en fonction de sa position latérale relative par rapport aux capteurs. Les expérimentations que nous avons menées nous ont permis d'obtenir une base de données de signatures magnétiques, et ainsi d'évaluer les performances des deux méthodes de ré-identification que nous avons élaborées.La première méthode consiste à comparer directement des paires de signatures magnétiques mesurées par les capteurs. Les calculs de distances entre les paires sont effectués avec des algorithmes classiques comme la distance euclidienne. Les résultats obtenus sont très bons, et baissent peu lorsque le véhicule change d'orientation. Toutefois, ils sont très sensibles à la déformation des signaux due au décalage latéral du véhicule, et nécessitent donc de positionner un capteur tous les 0.20m sur toute la largeur de la voie.Dans un second temps, nous proposons une méthode de ré-identification qui compare des paires de modèles magnétiques de véhicules. Ces modèles sont composés de plusieurs dipôles, et sont calculés à partir des signatures mesurées. La modélisation a pour but de s’affranchir du décalage latéral du véhicule, en remontant à la position relative du véhicule par rapport aux capteurs. Avec deux fois moins de capteurs que la méthode précédente, les résultats obtenus sur signaux réels sont également très bons, même s'ils sont un peu plus sensibles au changement d'orientation du véhicule. De plus, une simulation nous permet d'extrapoler qu'il est effectivement possible de s'affranchir du décalage latéral avec cette méthode. / Vehicle re-identification gives access to two essential data for dynamic traffic management: travel times and origin-destination matrices. In this thesis, we chose to re-identify vehicles by analysing their magnetic signatures measured with several 3-axis magnetic sensors located on the road. A magnetic signature is created by the vehicle magnetization. Therefore, the vehicle orientation to the Earth’s magnetic field (which determines the induced magnetization) and the variation of the lateral position of the vehicle relative to the sensors’ one might both have an impact on the magnetic signature. We gathered our experiments’ results into a database of magnetic signatures that we used to evaluate the performances of the two vehicle re-identification methods we developed.The first method is a direct comparison of pairs of magnetic signatures measured by the sensors. Distances between pairs of signatures are computed using classic algorithms such as the Euclidean distance. This method’s results are very positive and the vehicle change of orientation has only a slight impact on them. However, the distortion of signals due to a lateral offset in the vehicle position has a strong impact on the results. As a consequence, sensors have to be placed every 0.20m over the road’s entire width.The second proposed method compares pairs of vehicles’ magnetic models. Those models are composed of several magnetic dipoles and are determined from the measured signatures. Magnetic modelling aims to suppress the influence of the vehicle lateral position on the results by assessing the relative position of the vehicle above the sensors. Although the vehicle orientation has slightly more impact on the performances than with the first method, the overall results are more promising. This method also allows us to divide by two the number of sensors used.
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Petrophysic of the Host-rock to the Ore in the Lovisa Mine, Bergslagen / Petrofysik hos det malmnära sidoberget i Lovisagruvan, BergslagenGilljam Päärt, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
The Bergslagen region has three base-metal mines operating today, and one of them is the Lovisa mine, which host a Zn-Pb-Ag deposit. The Lovisa mine is located in the Guldsmedshyttan area north of Lindesberg. The mine is part of in the X-Mine H2020 project that includes four different mines with the aim of an improved environmental resource management. The project aims at reducing the environmental impact from transport, ore processing and chemical handling as well as result in lowering the costs per produced amount of metal. The purpose for this thesis is to determine the petrophysical characteristics of the host rocks to the thin tabular mineralised units in the Lovisa mine with petrophysics. Petrophysics is used to obtain information about the physical properties of rocks, which is then is integrated with geophysics and the geology, to obtain an improved understanding about the different geophysical anomalies. The petrophysic methods used here, reviled three different physical properties of the rocks: density, magnetic volume susceptibility and natural remanent magnetization. These properties were measured on five different drill cores and correlated with the literature data and lithologies of the core. The lithologies close to the ore correspond to literature data for volcanic siltstone, volcanic sandstone, massive rhyolite, skarn (calc-silicates) and dolomite. Dolomite is not present in the cores and corresponds to breccia, volcanic sandstone and skarn. My conclusion for this method, is that in order to do a lithological interpretation based on the measured petrophysical properties, is that a good knowledge of the lithologies as well as a good understanding of the geological processes that have affected the rocks in the investigated area are required. / I Bergslagen finns det idag tre aktiva gruvor som bryter sulfidmalm, och en av dem är Lovisagruva som är en malmkropp Zn-Pb-(Ag)-malm. Lovisagruvan ligger i Guldsmedshytteområdet, norr om Lindesberg. Gruvan är en del av X-Mine-projektet som bl.a. undersöker små, komplexa malmkroppar i syfte att reducera miljöpåverkan och effektivisera produktionen. Syftet med detta kandidatarbete är att bestämma petrofysiska egenskaper hos lithologin i det malmnära sidoberget vid Lovisagruva. Petrofysik används för att ta reda på bergets fysikaliska egenskaper, och dessa egenskaper används sedan inom geofysik, för att få en förståelse för de olika avvikelser som visas i andra geofysiska mätningar. De petrofysiska mätningarna som utfördes, gav tre fysikaliska egenskaper hos varje prov, densitet, magnetisk susceptibilitet och den naturliga magnetiska remanensen. Resultaten från varje prov korrelerades sedan med litteraturdata och jämfördes med borrkärneloggar från Lovisa. De petrofysiska mätningarna utfördes på prover från fem olika borrhål. Resultatet visar att det malmnära sidoberget korrelerar med litteraturdata på vulkanisk siltsten, vulkanisk sandsten, kalksilikat, ryolit, skarn och dolomit. Dolomit finns inte i kärnorna utan representeras av bl.a. breccia, vulkanisk sandsten och skarn. Min slutsats är att det går att bestämma lithologin med dessa fysikaliska egenskaper, men man måste ha en god kännedom om vilka bergarter som förväntas att förekomma i området samt vilka geologiska processer som påverkat dem. / H2020 X-mine
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Efeito do tratamento térmico na relaxação magnética de microfios amorfos de CoFeSiB recobertos por vidro / Effect joule-heated in the magnetic relaxation amorphous glass-covered microwiresChrischon, Dieivase da Silva 27 February 2012 (has links)
Magnetoimpedance has been proved to be an excellent tool to study the magnetization
dynamics and the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) linewidth provides a convenient way
for measuring damping parameters in magnetic materials. The FMR linewidth depends
on intrinsic magnetic damping and additional magnetic inhomogeneities, but complete
understanding of the origin of these damping parameters is still unaccomplished. Besides
the fundamental physics interest, the study of damping term and magnetization dynamics
is very important for the development of any device which has its physical effect associated
with the reversal of magnetization. Furthermore, the FMR linewidth is a very sensitive
way to study the structural quality of magnetic samples, in both bulk and thin film
geometries. In this work the magnetic relaxation of CoFeSiB glass-covered microwire
was investigated by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) linewidth measurements. We have
identified the main damping mechanisms and quantified these damping terms, showing the
effect of annealing temperature to them. The study have shown that there are three main
damping mechanisms responsible for the FMR linewidth, the Gilbert damping parameter,
a damping mechanism due to anisotropy dispersions and two-magnon scattering. The
Gilbert damping parameter is almost constant and not influenced by the annealing. The
FMR linewidth is very sensitive to anisotropy dispersions and this mechanism has a great
contribution to the magnetic relaxation. The two-magnon scattering is an assignment of
the inhomogeneities present in the samples and its contribution to the FMR linewidth
decrease with the annealing temperature until a critical value, as a result of a decrease of
inhomogeneities due to a reduction of the internal stress level. A further increase in the
annealing temperature produces an increase in the two-magnon scattering contribution
which is an indication of the growing of nanocrystals acting as scattering centers to the
spin waves. / Magnetoimpedância tem provado ser uma excelente ferramenta para estudar a dinâmica
de magnetização e a largura de linha da ressonância ferromagnética (FMR) fornece
uma maneira conveniente para medir parâmetros de amortecimento em materiais magnéticos.
A largura de linha FMR depende do amortecimento magnético intrínseco e
adicionais inomogeneidades magnéticas, mas o completo entendimento da origem destes
parâmetros de amortecimento ainda está inacabado. Além do interesse da física fundamental,
o estudo da dinâmica de amortecimento e magnetização é muito importante para
o desenvolvimento de qualquer dispositivo que tem seu efeito físico associado com a inversão
da magnetização. Além disso, a largura de linha FMR é uma forma muito sensível
para estudar a qualidade estrutural de amostras magnéticas. Neste trabalho é apresentado
um estudo da relaxação magnética de microfios amorfos de CoFeSiB recobertos por vidro,
mostrando o efeito da temperatura de recozimento sobre as propriedades magnéticas do
microfio. Foram identificados e quantificados os principais mecanismos de amortecimento,
mostrando o efeito da temperatura de recozimento para eles. Os estudos mostraram que
existem três principais mecanismos de amortecimento responsável pela largura de linha
FMR: o parâmetro de amortecimento de Gilbert; um mecanismo de amortecimento devido
à dispersões na anisotropia; e o amortecimento devido ao espalhamento de magnons.
O parâmetro de amortecimento de Gilbert é quase constante e não influenciado pelo recozimento.
A largura de linha FMR é muito sensível a dispersões da anisotropia e esse
mecanismo tem uma grande contribuição para o relaxamento magnético. A dispersão de
magnons é uma atribuição de inomogeneidades presentes nas amostras e tem contribuição
para a diminuição da largura de linha com a temperatura de recozimento até um valor
crítico, como resultado de uma diminuição de inomogeneidades devido a uma redução do
nível de estresse interno. Um aumento na temperatura de recozimento produz um aumento
na contribuição de espalhamento dos magnons, que é uma indicação do crescimento
de nanocristais atuando como centros de dispersão para as ondas de spin.
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Magnétorésistance de magnon reversement de l'aimantation et dynamique de parois dans FePt et NiFe nanostructures / Magnon magnetoresistance, magnetization reversal and domain wall dynamic in FePt and NiFe nanostructuresNguyen, Van Dai 28 September 2012 (has links)
Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous étudions le renversement de l'aimantation de nanofils d'alliage FePt à forte anisotropie magnétocristalline. Lorsque la largeur du fil devient inférieure à la taille des dendrites, nous avons montré qu'il existe une transition du processus de renversement de l'aimantation, de la croissance de dendrites vers la propagation d'une paroi magnétique unique qui renverse tout le fil. Au-delà, la diminution de la largeur du fil jusqu'à la taille caractéristique du désordre et/ou de la rugosité moyenne conduit au renforcement de la coercivité. Ceci conduit finalement dans les fils ultra-fins à un renversement consistant en un mélange de nucléation de domaines et de propagation de parois magnétiques. Dans la deuxième partie, nous rapportons l'utilisation de la magnétorésistance de Magnon (MMR), qui provient de la contribution des magnons à la résistivité, pour mesurer le renversement d'aimantation, dans des nanostructures avec aimantation perpendiculaire (FePt) ou planaire (NiFe). Nous avons montré que la MMR peut être utilisée pour détecter le retournement de l'aimantation dans les nanofils et nano-aimants, et en particulier pour détecter la position d'une paroi magnétique le long d'un nanofil fabriqués à partir d'une couche unique. Enfin, nous étudions dans une dernière partie la dynamique de dépiégeage de paroi magnétique sous champ et sous courant, dans les deux systèmes FePt et NiFe. Nous observons trois types de dépiégeage de paroi, qui dépendent de la nature des défauts ou de la géométrie de la constriction. L'analyse statistique du temps de piégeage montre que le processus de dépiégeage peut être décrit comme procédant d'un chemin simple, de chemins en série, ou de chemins alternatifs. En outre, l'effet du courant sur tous ces mécanismes de dépiégeage s'est révélé équivalent à l'effet du champ appliqué, ce qui permet de mesurer l'efficacité du transfer de spin dans ces systèmes. / In the first part of this thesis, we study the magnetization reversal process of FePt nanowires with high magnetocrystalline anisotropy. When reducing the wire width below the mean dendrite width, the magnetization reversal favors a transition from the dendrite growth to the propagation of a single domain wall (DW). Further decreasing of the width towards the disorder length and/or the mean edge roughness leads to a large increase of coercivity, which finally results in a mix of DW propagation and nucleation in ultra-narrow wires. The second part focuses on the use of Magnon magnetoresistance (MMR), i.e., the magnon contribution to the resistivity, to study the magnetization reversal in nanostructures with either perpendicular (FePt) or planar magnetization (NiFe). We showed that MMR can be used in nanowires and nanomagnets, in particular to detect DW position in nanowires processed in a single layer. Finally, the dynamic of DW depinning under field and current in both FePt and NiFe systems has been studied. We observe three different modes of DW depinning, which depend on the nature of defects, or on the geometry of the constriction. Statistical analysis of the pinning time indeed shows that the depinning path can be described as simple path, serial paths or alternative paths. Additionally, the effect of DC current on all depinning mechanisms is found to be equivalent to the effect of applied field which, allow measuring the spin transfer efficiency in these systems.
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Spin dependent transport in antiferro and ferrimagnetic nanostructures / Transport dépendant du spin dans des nanostructures antiferro et ferrimagnétiquesMerodio Camara, Pablo 03 December 2014 (has links)
En électronique de spin, le couple de transfert de spin (STT) et la magnétorésistance tunnel (TMR) dans les jonctions tunnel magnétiques à électrodes ferromagnétiques (F) sont deux phénomènes physiques essentiels. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une étude théorique du STT dans des jonctions tunnel antiferromagnétiques (AF), où deux électrodes non-plus F mais AF sont séparées par une barrière isolante non-magnétique. Plus concrètement, les comportements du STT et de la TMR sont étudiés dans des jonctions tunnel AF cristallines, et ce, à l´aide de calculs de liaisons fortes dans le cadre du formalisme de Keldysh. Nous avons observé une distribution spatiale de la composante perpendiculaire du STT régulière et de signe alternatif, ce qui est similaire au comportement de la composante parallèle. Ces variations spatiales de la composante perpendiculaire sont cependant spécifiques à l'utilisation d'une barrière tunnel et contrastent avec les effets observés par le passé pour le cas de couches séparatrices métalliques. De plus, contrairement aux jonctions tunnel F conventionnelles, nous avons montré que la TMR peut augmenter avec la tension appliquée et atteindre des valeurs du même ordre de grandeur que pour des vannes de spin usuelles : tout-métallique et à électrodes F.L´analyse effectuée pour des AF est ensuite étendue aux matériaux ferrimagnétiques (FI), pour lesquels les AF constituent, somme toute, des cas limites. La complexité magnétique additionnelle inhérente aux FI se traduit par un comportement spatial du STT beaucoup plus riche dans les jonctions tunnel FI. Nous observons notamment que les paramètres électroniques tels que les largeurs et les décalages de bandes ont une très forte influence sur le STT. Plus particulièrement, la différence entre les couplages d'échange inter-spin locaux des deux sous-réseaux du FI donne lieu à une distribution spatiale du STT ondulatoire qui est modulée par la densité locale de spin. Il est possible d'ajuster cet effet en jouant sur la tension appliquée aux bornes de la jonction tunnel FI. Nous trouvons de plus que la différence entre les couplages d'échange inter-spin locaux constitue un paramètre fondamental pour la quantification des longueurs caractéristiques du STT dans les FIs. Ce paramètre peut être considéré comme un champ d´échange effectif, par similitude avec le cas usuel des Fs qui présentent un champ d´échange homogène.Pour finir, nous avons sondé expérimentalement les longueurs caractéristiques du STT dans des AFs. Pour de l'Ir20Mn80 et du Fe50Mn50, nous avons déterminé les longueurs de pénétration de spin et les mécanismes d'absorption de courants de spin à température ambiante en utilisant la résonance F et le pompage de spin. Plus précisément, nous avons associé les profondeurs de pénétration critiques à deux mécanismes d'absorption distincts: du déphasage pour l´Ir20Mn80 et du retournement de spin pour le Fe50Mn50. / Spin transfer torque (STT) and tunnelling magnetoresistance (TMR) in magnetic tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic (F) leads are two essential underlying phenomena of modern spintronics. We present here a theoretical study of STT in antiferromagnet (AF) based tunnel junctions, where two AF metal electrodes are separated by a thin nonmagnetic insulating barrier. In particular, the behaviour of STT and TMR in epitaxial AF-based tunnel junctions is investigated using tight binding calculations in the framework of the Keldysh formalism. The spatial distribution of the STT out-of-plane component is found to be staggered, similar to the in-plane component. This behaviour is specific to the use of a tunnel barrier and significantly differs from the out-of-plane torques reported in previous works using a metallic spacer. Additionally, we show that unlike conventional ferromagnetic-based tunnel junctions, the TMR can increase with applied bias and reach values comparable to typical magnetoresistances found for usual spin valves.Next, the analysis carried out for AFs is extended to ferrimagnets (FI), for which AFs constitute simpler limiting cases. The additional magnetic complexity inherent to FI materials yields to a richer physics concerning the STT spatial behaviour in FI based tunnel junctions.Electronic structure parameters such as band widths and exchange splittings of the FI are shown to have a strong influence on STT. In particular, the STT spatial distribution within the leads exhibits a striking spin-modulated wave-like behaviour resulting from the interplay between the exchange splittings of the two FI sublattices. This wave-like behaviour can also be tuned via the applied voltage across the junction. Furthermore, the fundamental intrinsic parameter for quantifying STT characteristic lengths in FI metals is identified. This fundamental parameter can be considered as an effective exchange field in FIs, similar to the homogeneous exchange field in the F case.Finally, the STT characteristic lengths in AF materials are investigated experimentally. Here, room temperature critical depths and absorption mechanisms of spin currents in Ir20Mn80 and Fe50Mn50 are determined by F-resonance and spin pumping. In particular, room temperature critical depths are observed to be originated from different absorption mechanisms: dephasing for Ir20Mn80 and spin flipping for Fe50Mn50.
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Couplage de systèmes magnétiques et mécaniques à échelle moléculaire / Coupling magnetism and mechanics at a molecular levelGanzhorn, Marc 13 March 2013 (has links)
Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons d'abord le bloc de construction moléculaire ultime pour les dispositifs de spintronique, les aimants à molécule unique (Chapitre 2). En particulier, nous nous concentrerons sur une molecule de TbPc2 et différentes approches pour sonder son aimantation à l'aide de détecteurs a base de nanotubes de carbone et de mécanismes de couplage différents (flux magnétique, couplage électronique et mécanique). Dans le but de construire un detecteur de torque supramoléculaire capable de sonder le moment magnétique d'un aimant moléculaire, nous allons décrire dans le chapitre 3 un candidat très prometteur, un système nanoélectromécanique (NEMS) à base d'un nanotube de carbone. Nous décrirons d'abord les avantages de NEMS à base de carbone par rapport aux résonateurs classiques à base de silicium. Par la suite, nous présenterons l'état de l'art des NEMS à base de nanotubes de carbone, en nous focalisant en particulier sur deux différents mouvements nanomécaniques, un mode de flexion transverse et un mode de compression longitudinal. Dans le chapitre 4, nous présenterons la mise en oeuvre expérimentale d'un detecteur de torque supramoléculaire basé sur NEMS à nanotubes de carbone et des aimants à molécule unique. Nous décrirons d'abord le processus de fabrication ultra propre et les étapes de la caractérisation d'un NEMS à nanotubes de carbone à températures ambiante et cryogénique. Nous allons ensuite démontrer un procédé de greffage d'une molécule aimants de TbPc2 sur un tel NEMS à nanotube de carbone, qui conserve à la fois les propriétés magnétiques de la molécule et les propriétés mécaniques du résonateur. Dans le chapitre 5, nous allons ensuite procéder à une étude systématique du mode de flexion transverse dans un NEMS à nanotube de carbone. Nous montrerons, que la dissipation de ce mode de vibration induit par l'effet tunnel d'électron unique à travers le nanotube de carbone (considére comme point quantique) dépend essentiellement de l'environnement électronique du nanotube, c'est à dire de la capacité, du couplage entre le nanotube de carbone et les electrodes métalliqes, du courant et de la température. Les résultats indiquent que l'on pourrait atteindre des facteurs de qualité de 10^6 ou plus en choisissant un diélectrique de grille appropriées et/ou en améliorant le couplage entre le nanotube de carbone et les electrodes, ce qui permettrait notamment d'augmenter la sensibilité du NEMS nanotubes de carbone par rapport à un torque magnétique générer par le retournement d'un aimant moléculaire. Dans le chapitre 6, nous démontrons la présence d'un mode de vibration longitudinal quantique dans un NEMS à base de nanotube de carbon fonctionnalisé avec des aimants moléculaires de TbPc2. Nous allons en particulier montrer que la nature quantique des deux systèmes, se traduit par un fort couplage entre le mode de compression longitudinal et l'aimantation d'un aimant moléculaire TbPc2 unique greffé sur la parois du nanotube de carbone. Ce fort couplage permet par la suite de détecter les états de spin nucléaire dans la molécule de TbPc2. Enfin, nous présenterons dans la conclusion de ce manuscrit quelques perspectives pour la détection et la manipulation (coherente) d'un seul spin (nucléaire) à l'aide d'un système mécanique quantique. / In this manuscript, we will first present the ultimate molecular building block for spintronic devices, so called single-molecule magnets (Chapter 2). In particular we will focus on a TbPc2 complex and various approaches of probing its magnetization using carbon nanotube detectors and different coupling mechanisms (magnetic flux, electronic and mechanical coupling). With the aim of building a supramolecular torque magnetometer capable of probing the magnetic moment of a molecular magnet, we will describe in Chapter 3 a promising candidate, a carbon nanotube nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS). We will first describe the advantages of carbon based NEMS over classical Si based resonators. Subsequently we will present the state of art of carbon nanotube NEMS and focus in particular on two different nanomechanical motions, a transverse bending mode and a longitudinal stretching mode. In Chapter 4, we present the experimental implementation of a supramolecular torque magnetometer based on carbon nanotube NEMS and single molecule magnets. We first describe the ultraclean bottom-up fabrication process and the extensive characterisation steps of carbon nanotube NEMS at room and cryogenic temperatures. We will finally demonstrate a method of grafting a TbPc2 single molecules magnet on such a carbon nanotube NEMS, that conserves both the magnetic properties of the molecule and the mechanical properties of the resonator. In Chapter 5, we will then perform a systematic study of the transverse bending mode vibration in a carbon nanotube NEMS. We demonstrate for instance, that the dissipation of a carbon nanotube's bending mode vibration to single electron tunneling through the carbon nanotube NEMS-quantum dot critically depends on the dot's electronic environment, i.e. the capacitance, the tunnel coupling to the metal leads, the current and temperature. The findings suggest that one could achieve quality factors of 10^6 or higher by choosing appropriate gate dielectrics and/or by improving the tunnel coupling to the leads, which would notably increase the sensitivity of the carbon nanotube NEMS with respect to a magnetic torque generate by a rotating molecular magnet. In Chapter 6, we demonstrate the presence of a quantized longitudinal stretching mode vibration in a carbon nanotube NEMS functionnalized with TbPc2 single molecule quantum magnets. We will in particular demonstrate that the quantum mechanical nature of both systems, results in a strong coupling between the longitudinal stretching mode and the magnetization of an individual TbPc2 single molecule magnet grafted to the carbon nanotube's sidewall. The strong coupling in fact enables the detection of the nuclear spin states in the TbPc2 molecule. Finally, we present in the conclusion of this manuscript some future prospects for the detection and (coherent) manipulation of a single (nuclear) spin using a mechanical quantum system.
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Efeitos de interface em bicamadas magn?ticasRebou?as, Gustavo de Oliveira Gurgel 24 March 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-03-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / We study magnetic interface roughness in F/AF bilayers. Two kinds of roughness were considered. The first one consists of isolated defects that divide the substrate in two regions, each one with an AF sub-lattice. The interface exchange coupling is considered uniform and presents a sudden change in the defects line, favoring Neel wall nucleation. Our results show the interface field dependence of the threshold thickness for the reorientation
of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic film. Angular profiles show the relaxation of the magnetization, from Neel wall, at the interface, to reoriented state, at the surface. External magnetic field, perpendicular to the easy axis of the substrate, favors the reoriented state. Depending, of the external magnetic field intensity, parallel to the easy axis of the AF, the magnetization profile at surface can be parallel or perpendicular to the field direction. The second one treats of distributed deffects, periodically. The shape hysteresis
curves, exchange bias and coercivity were characterized by interface field intensity and roughness pattern. Our results show that dipolar effects decrease the exchange bias and coercivity / Estudamos os efeitos de rugosidade magn?tica em interfaces F/AF. Dois tipos de rugosidade foram considerados. O primeiro consiste de defeitos isolados que dividem o substrato
em duas regi?es, cada qual com uma sub-rede do antiferromagneto. O acoplamento de troca, atrav?s da interface, ? considerado uniforme, o campo efetivo de interface apresenta uma mudan?a s?bita de sentido na linha de defeitos, favorecendo a nuclea??o de uma
parede de N?el. Nossos resultados indicam que h? um limiar de espessura, dependente da intensidade do campo de interface, para o qual a magnetiza??o do filme ferromagn?tico se
reorienta na dire??o perpendicular ao eixo f?cil do AF. Perfis angulares mostram como a magnetiza??o relaxa, espacialmente, do estado de parede de dom?nio de N?el, na interface, para o estado de reorientado, na superf?cie. A presen?a de campo aplicado perpendicular
ao eixo de anisotropia do AF, favorece o estado reorientado. Para campo aplicado ao longo do eixo de anisotropia do AF, o perfil de magnetiza??o pode evoluir de uma parede
de N?el, na interface, para o estado uniforme perpendicular ou paralelo ao campo aplicado, na superf?cie. O segundo trata defeitos distribu?dos, periodicamente, na forma de ilhas quadradas. Fizemos uma caracteriza??o das curvas de histerese, do deslocamento da histerese e da coercividade como fun??o da intensidade do campo de troca e do padr?o
de rugosidade da interface. Nossos resultados indicam que efeitos dipolares, nesse padr?o de rugosidade na interface, diminuem o deslocamento da histerese e coercividade
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Caracteriza??o magn?tica e estrutural de filmes depositados por gaiola cat?dicaAra?jo, Ana Karollina Gomes de 25 July 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Iron nitrite films, with hundred of nanometers thick, were deposited using the Cathodic cage plasma nitriding method, with a N2/H2 plasma, over a common glass substract. The structure, surface morphology and magnetic properties were investigated using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). XRD shows the formation of γ FeN phase and a combination of ζFe2N + ɛFe3N phases. The film s saturation magnetization and coercivity depends on morphology, composition, grain size and treatment temperature. Temperature raising from 250 ?C to 350 ?C were followed by an increase in saturation magnetization and film s surface coercivity on the parallel direction in relative proportion. This fact can be attributed to the grain sizes and to the different phases formed, since iron rich fases, like the ɛFe3N phase, emerges more frequently on more elevated treatment s temperature. Using this new and reasonably low cost method, it was possible to deposit films with both good adhesion and good magnetic properties, with wide application in magnetic devices / Filmes de nitreto de ferro, com centenas de nanometros de espessura foram depositados pelo m?todo de deposi??o/nitreta??o por Gaiola Cat?dica utilizando um plasma de N2/H2 sobre um substrato de vidro comum. A estrutura, morfologia da superf?cie e propriedades magn?ticas foram investigadas com o uso de Difratometria de Raio-X (DRX), Microscopia de For?a At?mica (MFA) e Magnet?metro de Amostra Vibrante (MAV). A DRX exibe a forma??o da fase γ FeN e mistura de fases ζFe2N + ɛFe3N. A magnetiza??o de satura??o e coercividade dos filmes de nitreto de ferro dependem da morfologia, composi??o, tamanho de gr?o e temperatura de tratamento. Com o aumento da temperatura de 250 para 350 ?C, a magnetiza??o de satura??o e a coercividade na dire??o paralela ? superf?cie dos filmes tamb?m aumentam em propor??o relativa. Isto pode ser atribu?do aos tamanhos de gr?os e ?s diferentes fases formadas, j? que fases ricas em ferro como ɛFe3N surgem com frequ?ncia maior em temperaturas de tratamento mais elevadas. Neste estudo foi poss?vel a deposi??o de filmes de boa ades?o e boas propriedades magn?ticas com grande aplica??o em dispositivos magn?ticos por um m?todo novo e de baixo custo
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