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Zpracování MR obrazových dat při měření tkáňových kultur / MR image data processing in study of tissue culturesBidman, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Techniques based on principle of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) belong to the most modern methods for studying physical, chemical and biological properties of materials [1]. Their universality predestinates them for application in a wide range of scientific disciplines, e.g. in medicine to study properties of tissues. Advantages of techniques utilizing principle of NMR consist in their noninvasiveness and thoughtfulness to human health or studied material. In addition, no undesirable effects of magnetic force field have been so far proved by research. Objectives of this Diploma Thesis are evaluation of MR images of tissue cultures and determination of protons amount included in them. Theoretic part of the Thesis is devoted to the bases of NMR and provides basic overview of MR methods. The spin echo method (SE) is described in more details, including the process of assessment of technique’s parameters, e.g. general magnetization. Practical part of Diploma Thesis is focused on determination of integral of image intensity of clusters of early somatic embryos. Intensity integrals characterizing number of protons in growing cluster were calculated from MR images of spruce embryos contaminated by lead. The intensity of an image weighted by spin density is proportionate to the number of proton nuclei in the chosen slice. The Thesis describes further evaluation of relaxation time T2 from MR images weighted by spin density. Following part is dealing with determination of diffusion from MR images with application of compensation methods, three-measurement arrangement and presentation of obtained results. Images were processed by use of MATLAB and MAREVISI programs.
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Pulsed Laser Deposition of Substituted thin Garnet Films for Magnonic Applications / Croissance par ablation laser de films ultrafins de grenats substitués pour les applications magnoniquesSoumah, Lucile 22 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de doctorat porte sur la croissance par ablation laser pulsée de films ultrafins de Grenat de Fer et d’Yttrium dopés au Bismuth (BiYIG). Ces films d’épaisseur nanométriques sont caractérisés puis utilisés pour des applications magnon-spintroniques. Cette thèse englobe deux thématiques différentes de la physique : la science des matériaux et les applications magnon-spintroniques.La motivation de cette thèse repose sur le besoin, venant de la communauté magnon-spintronique, d’un nouveau matériau magnétique ultrafin à anisotropie ajustable. En effet, au court des dernières années, une avancée majeure dans le domaine a été l’obtention d’auto-oscillations magnétiques induites par un courant de charge dans un isolant magnétique. Ce résultat a été rendu possible grâce à l’utilisation d’un film ultrafin (20 nm) de Grenat de Fer et d’Yttrium (YIG) possédant de très faibles pertes magnétiques. Ces films ultrafins de YIG sont également intéressants pour la magnonique puisqu’il est aussi possible d’y propager et de manipuler des ondes de spin sur de grandes distances. Cependant, la direction facile d’aimantation dans ces films est fixée par l’anisotropie de forme et n’est pas un paramètre ajustable. Pour pousser plus loin les possibilités dans le domaine de la magnon-spintronique un matériau ultrafin, présentant des pertes magnétiques similaires au YIG, dans lequel il serait possible de stabiliser une anisotropie perpendiculaire serait désirable.La croissance par épitaxie en phase liquide de films de YIG substitués de plusieurs microns d’épaisseur a permis de mettre en évidence que l’anisotropie magnétique pouvait être modifiée par dopage. Notamment que la substitution des atomes d’Yttrium par les atomes de Bismuth sur les sites atomiques dodécaédriques permet d’obtenir une direction facile d’aimantation hors du plan, le BiYIG est également reconnu pour sa forte activité magnéto-optique. Cette thèse présente la croissance par ablation laser pulsée de films ultrafins (7 à 50 nm d’épaisseur) de BiYIG. Dans ces films l’anisotropie magnétique a deux origines : l’anisotropie de croissance et l’anisotropie de contrainte. Dans ces films grâce à la contrainte les deux types anisotropies magnétique (planaire ou perpendiculaire) peuvent être obtenues. La caractérisation dynamique des films montre que la substitution d’Yttrium par le Bismuth n’augmente pas les pertes magnétiques et que l’amortissement de Gilbert dans le BiYIG est comparable à celui du YIG. De plus l’augmentation de l’activité magnéto optique du BiYIG par rapport à celle du YIG rend ce nouveau matériau très intéressant pour des techniques expérimentales impliquant l’interaction lumière/ moment magnétique (BLS, Kerr microscope…).Pour observer des phénomènes spintronique nous avons déposé une couche de Pt. Des mesures de transport comme la magnetoresistance Hall de spin, l’effet Hall de spin inverse ou l’effet Hall anormal témoignent d’un transfert de courant de spin a l’interface BiYIG-Pt. Grâce à l’anisotropie perpendiculaire, il est également possible d’observer de nouveaux phénomènes comme la génération d’onde de spin cohérent à partir d’auto-oscillations. Ce nouvel isolant magnétique combinant une faible épaisseur, un faible amortissement magnétique et une anisotropie magnétique modifiable est donc un matériau prometteur pour des applications magnon-spintroniques et ouvre de nouvelles possibilités pour le domaine. / This PhD work focuses on the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) growth of Bismuth doped Iron Garnet nanometer thick films. Those films are charcterised and used for magnon-spintronics applications. This PhD has two main focuses : material science and magnon-spintronics applications.The aim of this PhD is to fill up the need in the magnon-spintronics community of an ultrathin magnetic material combining low magnetic losses and tunable magnetic anisotropy. Indeed the recent breakthrough in the domain was the ability of generating magnetic auto-oscillations from a charge current in a magnetic insulator. This result has been obtained by using an 20 nm thick film of Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) with low magnetic losses (α=2⋅〖10〗^(-4) ). Those ultrafin films of YIG can also be used for spin waves propagation over micrometeter distances. However the easy magnetic axis in those films is set to in plane due to the shape anisotropy and it is not a tunable parameter. To go further in terms of magnon-spintronics applications a perpendicularly easy magnetized low losses ultra-thin magnetic material would be desirable. Liquid Phase Epitaxy growth of micrometer thick doped YIG during the 70’s evidenced that the magnetic anisotropy could be modified by doping or substitution. Especially the substitution of Yttrium atoms by Bismuth ones on the dodecaedric atomic sites allows to stabilise out of plane magnetic anisotropy. Morevover the BiYIG is also known to posses high magneto optical activity.This PhD presents the growth by Pulsed Laser Deposition of ultrathin BiYIG films (7 to 50 nm thick). In those films the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy has two main origins : the magneto elastic and the growth induced anisotropy. Using the strain in those films it is possible to obtain both out of plane and in plane magnetic anisotropy. The dynamical characterisation shows that magnetic losses in the perpendicular easy magnetized films are comparable to the one of YIG ultrathin films. The high magneto optical activity in those films makes the BiYIG ultrathin films suitable for ligth based detection technics involving ligth/magnetism interaction. By sputtering a Pt sublayer on the top of BiYIG ultra thin films we could observ different spintronic phenomena evidencing the transfer of spin current from the metal to the insulator. Low losses and nanometer thickness in perpendicularly easy magnetized BiYIG films allow to observ current induced magnetic auto oscillation in the same fashion as what was previously done with ultrathin YIG. The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy allows however to couple those auto oscillation to spin waves, which was not possible for in plane magnetized YIG fims. This new phenomena is related to the unique properties of the ultrathin BiYIG.BiYIG ultrathin films are thus opening new perspectives in the magnon spintronic commnutiy due to their low thickness and tunable magnetic anisotropy.
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Grassmann variables and pseudoclassical Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceDamion, Robin A. January 2016 (has links)
The concept of a propagator is useful and is a well-known object in diffusion NMR experiments. Here, we investigate the related concept; the propagator for the magnetization or the Green’s function of the Torrey-Bloch equations. The magnetization propagator is constructed by defining functions such as the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian and using these to define a path integral. It is shown that the equations of motion derived from the Lagrangian produce complex-valued trajectories (classical paths) and it is conjectured that the end-points of these trajectories are real-valued. The complex nature of the trajectories also suggests that the spin degrees of freedom are also encoded into the trajectories and this idea is explored by explicitly modeling the spin or precessing magnetization by anticommuting Grassmann variables. A pseudoclassical Lagrangian is constructed by combining the diffusive (bosonic) Lagrangian with the Grassmann (fermionic) Lagrangian, and performing the path integral over the Grassmann variables recovers the original Lagrangian that was used in the construction of the propagator for the magnetization. The trajectories of the pseudoclassical model also provide some insight into the nature of the end-points.
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Mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline fayalite, Fe2SiO4Šepelák, Vladimir, Myndyk, Maxym, Fabián, Martin, Da Silva, Klebson L., Feldhoff, Armin, Menzel, Dirk, Ghafari, Mohammad, Hahn, Horst, Heitjans, Paul, Becker, Klaus D. January 2012 (has links)
Nanostructured fayalite (α-Fe2SiO4) with a large volume fraction of interfaces is synthesized for the first time via single-step mechanosynthesis, starting from a 2α-Fe2O3 + 2Fe + 3SiO2 mixture. The nonequilibrium state of the as-prepared silicate is characterized by the presence of deformed polyhedra in the interface/surface regions of nanoparticles. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Spin Waves: The Transition from a Thin Film to a Full Magnonic CrystalLanger, Manuel 31 July 2017 (has links)
The present work addresses in-depth magnetic films with magnonic surface patterning of variable size. Two different kinds of such structures referred to as surface-modulated magnonic crystals were investigated: Ion-irradiated magnonic crystals and structurally etched magnonic crystals. To achieve that, two different experimental approaches were pursued. On the one hand, the magnetic moment at the surface of lithographically patterned permalloy (Ni80Fe20) films was periodically reduced by means of ion irradiation. On the other hand, structural trenches were introduced at the surface of a pre-patterned thin film by sequential ion milling. The goal is the acquisition of a fundamental understanding of the behavior of spin-wave modes in the transition from a continuous magnetic thin film to a full magnonic crystal, i.e. separated periodic magnetic structures.
In the framework of this thesis, the spin-wave eigen-modes of such magnonic crystals were mainly investigated spectroscopically by means of ferromagnetic resonance. Thereby, the “Two-magnon scattering perturbation theory” and the “plane-wave method” were employed as the theoretical methodologies to understand the complex dynamics of such systems. The first is a reliable method to calculate the dynamic response of surface-modulated magnonic crystals where the modulation is of a perturbation character, i.e. small compared to the film thickness. The latter is a quasi-analytical approach to calculate the dynamic eigen-modes of magnonic crystals consisting of different components with significantly varying properties. Moreover, numerical methods were employed to get further insight into the spin dynamics of these structures.
In such systems, the spin-wave behavior follows the well-known dispersion relation of flat magnetic thin films as long as the surface-modulation is small compared to the film thickness. In this work, it was shown that this circumstance can be exploited for a parameter-free determination of the exchange constant A, which is not experimentally accessible for magnetic thin films in a straightforward manner.
However, once the modulation height is of significant magnitude, the dynamics of surface-modulated magnonic crystals become substantially more complex. A straightforward understanding of such kind of system is hampered by the complex interplay of different effects. On the one hand, the internal demagnetizing field reveals an alternating character and depends itself on the modulation height and the field angle. On the other hand, the dynamic eigen-modes are hybridized, i.e., they reveal different characteristics in different regions of the magnonic crystal and, in addition, they couple to each other. Here, the approach is particularly favorable to investigate the spin dynamics of surface-modulated magnonic crystals by systematically altering the modulation height of the same sample. This is mainly due to two reasons. First, the two edge cases, namely the thin film and the full magnonic crystal, are already well understood and, second, other magnetic and structural parameters remain constant.
With the help of the measurement results and the simulations, the quasi-analytical theory was validated. Subsequently, the mode profiles were calculated by theory and simulation in order to analyze the mode character in the transition from a thin film to a full magnonic crystal. Two kinds of dynamic eigen-modes were identified, namely hybridized modes and localized modes. For both types, simple formulae were derived describing their characteristic dynamic behavior. Besides, transition rules were found connecting the mode number n of film modes with the mode number m of modes in the full magnonic crystal.
In order to correlate the symmetry and magnitude of the demagnetizing field with the spin-wave eigen-modes, the internal fields of a strongly surface-modulated magnonic crystal were reconstructed by electron holography measurements. By reemploying the measurement results for micromagnetic simulations, the dynamics of the whole system could be reproduced. This strategy allowed for a better understanding of the link between the demagnetizing field and the spin-wave mode characteristics. Based on these results, a simplified model for the analytical description of the inplane angular dependence was found.
The acquired understanding of such systems led to the elaboration of specific applications, such as the spin-wave channelization. It should be noted that the coupling of uniform to non-uniform spin-wave phenomena, which is an intrinsic property of these structures, holds out the prospect of several applications in the future.
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Domain structure and magnetization processes of complex magnetic multilayersBran, Cristina 21 April 2010 (has links)
The magnetization processes of antiferromagnetically (AF) coupled Co/Pt multilayers on extended substrates and of Co/Pd multilayers deposited on arrays of 58 nm spheres are investigated via magnetic force microscopy at room temperature by imaging the domain configuration in magnetic fields. Adding AF exchange to such perpendicular anisotropy systems changes the typical energy balance that controls magnetic band domain formation, thus resulting in two competing reversal modes for the system. In the ferromagnetic (FM) dominated regime the magnetization forms FM band domains, vertically correlated. By applying a magnetic field, a transition from band to bubble domains is observed. In the AF-exchange dominated regime, by applying a field or varying the temperature it is possible to alter the magnetic correlation from horizontal (AF state) to vertical (FM state) via the formation of specific multidomain states, called metamagnetic domains. A theoretical model, developed for complex multilayers is applied to the experimentally studied multilayer architecture, showing a good agreement. Magnetic nanoparticles have attracted considerable interest in recent years due to possible applications in high density data storage technology. Requirements are a well defined and localized magnetic switching behavior and a large thermal stability in zero fields. The thermal stability of [Co/Pt]N multilayers with different numbers of repeats (N), deposited on nanospheres is studied by magnetic viscosity measurements. The magnetic activation volume, representing the effect of thermal activation on the switching process, is estimated. It is found that the activation volume is much smaller than the volume of the nanosphere and almost independent of the number of bilayers supporting an inhomogeneous magnetization reversal process.
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Etude des propriétés structurales et magnétiques des alliages FePd en couches minces par spectrométrie Mossbauer et diffraction de rayons X / Structural and magnetic properties of FePd thin films studied with Mössbauer spectrometry and X-rays diffractionBahamida, Saida 06 December 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons à l’étude des propriétés structurales et magnétiques de films déposés sur des substrats de silicium et de verre, qui sont : Fe85Pd15, Fe80Pd20, Fe64Pd36 et Fe56Pd44, ainsi qu’aux corrélations qui peuvent être déduites de ces propriétés. Ces films minces sont élaborés par la technique d’évaporation thermique par effet Joule. Par ailleurs, ces films ont été analysés par plusieurs techniques, à savoir: la diffraction des rayons X (DRX), la microscopie électronique à balayage (MBE), la microscopie à force atomique (AFM), la spectrométrie Mössbauer, la magnétométrie SQUID, la magnétométrie à gradient de champ alternatif (AGFM) et la microscopie à force magnétique (MFM). L’analyse de DRX a révélé que les échantillons Fe80Pd20, Fe64Pd36 sont bi-phasiques et constitués d’une phase (Fe,Pd)-α cubique centrée (cc) et d’une phase FePd cubique à faces centrées (cfc). Par ailleurs, les échantillons Fe85Pd15 et Fe56Pd44 se sont avérés monophasiques et formés de la phase (Fe, Pd)-α, et de la phase FePd respectivement. Concernant les alliages, Fe85Pd15, Fe80Pd20et Fe64Pd36, nous avons trouvé, que la phase (Fe, Pd)-α se saturait à 20 % de Pd; et la phase ‘FePd’ apparaissait à ce même pourcentage. Ensuite, l’alliage Fe56Pd44 déposé sur le silicium a subit un recuit isotherme, à 550°C à différents temps de maintien, dans le but d’induire une transformation de la phase FePd désordonnée en la phase L10FePd ordonnée. La variation, en fonction du temps, de la fraction transformée de la phase ordonnée, révélée par la DRX et le SQUID, s’est avérée obéir à la loi d’Avrami. Concernant les propriétés magnétiques, nous avons trouvé que l’alliage Fe64Pd36, était également le siège de la transformation de la phase FePd désordonnée en la phase L10FePd ordonnée. Cette transformation est marquée par l’existence d’un couplage d’échange entre la phase douce (Fe, Pd)-α et la phase dure L10FePd. Ce phénomène a été mis en évidence par plusieurs techniques révélant, par exemple, la forme du cycle d’hystérésis caractérisée par un champ coercitif élevé et une aimantation à saturation élevée. / In this work, we are interested in the study of the structural and magnetic properties of thin films deposited on silicon and glass substrates which are: Fe85Pd15, Fe80Pd20, Fe64Pd36 and Fe56Pd44, as well as in the correlations which can be deduced from these properties. These thin films are prepared using the thermal evaporation technique by Joule effect. Moreover, these films have been analyzed by several techniques, namely: X-rays diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Mössbauer spectrometry, SQUID magnetometer, alternating field gradient magnetometer (AFGM) and magnetic force microscopy (MFM). The XRD analysis revealed that the Fe80Pd20 and Fe64Pd36 samples are biphasic, and present a body centered cubic (bcc) α-(Fe, Pd) and a face centered cubic (fcc) FePd structure respectively. Furthermore, the samples Fe85Pd15 and Fe56Pd44 were observed to be monophasic and formed of a body centered cubic α-(Fe, Pd) phase and a face centered cubic FePd phase respectively. Concerning the Fe85Pd15, Fe80Pd20 and Fe64Pd36 alloys, we found that the α-(Fe, Pd) phase saturated at 20% of Pd and that the FePd phase appeared at this same concentration. Then, the Fe56Pd44 alloy deposited on silicon substrates was subjected to isothermal annealing, at 550 ° C for different holding times, in order to induce a transformation of the disordered FePd phase into the ordered L10FePd phase. The variation, as a function of time, of the transformed fraction of the ordered phase, revealed by XRD and SQUID, was found to obey to Avrami's law. Concerning the magnetic properties, we have found that the Fe64Pd36 alloy was also observed to present a transformation of the disordered FePd phase into the ordered L10FePd phase. This transformation is marked by the existence of an exchange coupling between the soft α-(Fe, Pd) phase and the hard L10FePd phase. This phenomenon has been confirmed by several techniques revealing, for instance, the shape of the hysteresis cycle characterized by a high coercive field and a high saturation magnetization.
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Plasmonics for Nanotechnology: Energy Harvesting and Memory DevicesAveek Dutta (9033764) 26 June 2020 (has links)
<div>My dissertation research is in the field of plasmonics. Specifically, my focus is on the use of plasmonics for various applications such as solar energy harvesting and optically addressable magnetic memory devices. Plasmonics is the study of collective oscillations of free electrons in a metal coupled to an electromagnetic field. Such oscillations are characterized by large electromagnetic field intensities confined in nanoscale volumes and are called plasmons. Plasmons can be excited on a thin metal film, in which case they are called surface plasmon polaritons or in nanoscale metallic particles, in which case they are called localized surface plasmon resonances. Researchers have taken advantage of this electromagnetic field enhancement resulting from the excitation of plasmons in metallic structures and demonstrated phenomenon such as plasmon-assisted photocatalysis, plasmon-induced local heating, plasmon-enhanced chemical sensing, optical modulators, nanolasers, etc.</div><div>In the first half of my dissertation, I study the role of plasmonics in hydrogen production from water using solar energy. Hydrogen is believed to be a very viable source of alternative green fuel to meet the growing energy demands of the world. There are significant efforts in government and private sectors worldwide to implement hydrogen fuel cells as the future of the automotive and transportation industry. In this regard, water splitting using solar energy to produce hydrogen is a widely researched topic. It is believed that a Solar-to-Hydrogen (STH) conversion efficiency of 10% is good enough to be considered for practical applications. Iron oxide (alpha-Fe2O3) or hematite is one of the candidate materials for hydrogen generation by water splitting with a theoretical STH efficiency of about 15%. In this work, I experimentally show that through metallic gold nanostructures we can enhance the water oxidation photocurrent in hematite by two times for above bandgap wavelengths, thereby increasing hydrogen production. Moreover, I also show that gold nanostructures can result in a hematite photocurrent enhancement of six times for below bandgap wavelengths. The latter, I believe, is due to the excitation of plasmons in the gold nanostructures and their subsequent decay into hot holes which are harvested by hematite.</div><div>The second part of my dissertation involves data storage in magnetic media. Memory devices based on magnetic media have been widely investigated as a compact information storage platform with bit densities exceeding 1Tb/in2. As the size of nanomagnets continue to reduce to achieve higher bit densities, the magnetic fields required to write information in these bits increases. To counter this, the field of heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) was developed where a laser is used to locally heat up a magnet and make it susceptible to smaller magnetic switching fields. About two decades ago, it was realized that a single femtosecond laser pulse can switch magnetic media and therefore could be used to write information in magnetic bits. This field is now known as All-Optical Magnetic Switching (AOMS). My research aims to bring together the two fields of HAMR and AOMS to create optically addressable nanomagnets for information storage. Specifically, I want to show that plasmonic resonators can couple the laser field to nanomagnets more efficiently. This can therefore be used not only to heat the nanomagnets but also switch them with lower optical energy compared to free-standing nanomagnets without any plasmonic resonator. The results of my research show that by coupling metallic resonators, supporting surface plasmons, to nanomagnets, one can reduce the light intensity required for laser induced magnetization reversal.</div>
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Étude des phases induites en champ magnétique dans le SrHo2O4 et des propriétés thermodynamiques du BaCe2O4Narayanen, Amanda 08 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, il sera question des propriétés de deux composés appartenant à la famille
avec la composition AkLn2O4 (où Ak sont des métaux alcalino-terreux et Ln des lanthanides).
Certains membres de cette famille ont démontré des comportements associés à une
chaîne monodimensionnelle zigzag incluant des interactions au deuxième plus proche voisin
(ANNNI, acronyme de l’anglais anisotropic next-nearest neighbours Ising model). En particulier,
une étude de diffusion neutronique en champ sur le SrHo2O4 a montré des plateaux
dans l’intensité du pic (200). Si on identifie l’intensité avec l’aimantation au carré, ceci indiquerait
la présence d’un plateau dans l’aimantation et peut-être la présence d’une phase
magnétique. En conséquence, des mesures de chaleur spécifique et d’aimantation ont été
prises pour chercher cette transition de phase. Les mesures de chaleur spécifique et d’aimantation
en fonction du champ magnétique appliqué parallèle à l’axe b montrent qu’il y a des
phases induites en champ dans ce composé. En particulier, l’aimantation montre la formation
de plateaux suggérant une phase robuste à l’augmentation du champ magnétique pour un
intervalle de température de T = 0:6 K à 1.3 K. Les champs critiques déterminés à partir des
mesures de chaleur spécifique et d’aimantation sont comparés à l’aide d’un diagramme de
phase. Les champs critiques des données de diffraction de neutrons précédemment obtenus
par [1] sont aussi comparés. Cependant, ces résultats ne montrent pas encore avec certitude
où se trouvent les limites de phase.
Comme l’état fondamental magnétique dépend du niveau du champ cristallin électrique
(CEF, acronyme de l’anglais crystalline electric field), changer l’ion Sr2+ pour un plus grand
ion Ba2+ va changer la structure cristalline et donc le CEF. De plus, le moment magnétique
J du Ce3+ est 5=2 qui est plus petit que celui du Ho3+ (J = 8) ou du Dy3+ (J = 15=2),
deux ions qui ont beaucoup été étudiés dans les composés SrLn2O4 et BaLn2O4. Un moment
magnétique plus petit devrait rendre le système plus quantique et ainsi obtenir une chaîne de
spin quantique. Nous avons donc essayé de synthétiser le BaCe2O4 et d’étudier ses propriétés.
L’étude de chaleur spécifique et de l’entropie à champ nul de l’aimant frustré BaCe2O4 est
présentée. Ces mesures ont été faites sur des monocristaux synthétisés par la méthode de flux
métallique. Les résultats de la chaleur spécifique ont démontré une transition de phase à un
ordre magnétique à longue portée à la température de T = 0:43 K. L’entropie magnétique
a été calculée à partir des résultats de la chaleur spécifique dans l’intervalle de température
T = 0 K à 5 K. L’entropie magnétique dans cet intervalle de température a été trouvée à être
en dessous de celle correspondant à l’état doublet des champs cristallins. Les résultats de la
chaleur spécifique et de l’entropie indiquent la présence de frustration géométrique dans le
composé BaCe2O4. / The focus of this master’s thesis is on the properties of two members of the family with the
general composition AkLn2O4 (where Ak are alkaline earth metals and Ln are lanthanides).
Some members of this family showed behaviours associated with a one-dimensional zigzag
chain with next-nearest neighbors interactions (ANNNI model). In particular, an in-field
neutron diffraction study of SrHo2O4 showed plateaus in the intensity of the peak (200). If
we identify the intensity as the square of the magnetization, this would indicate the presence
of a plateau in the magnetization and perhaps the presence of a magnetic phase which was
not previously observed. Thus, specific heat and magnetization measurements were carried
out to search for this phase transition. Measurements of the field dependent specific heat
and magnetization with a field applied parallel to the b-axis showed the presence of field
induced phase transitions in this compound. In particular, the magnetization shows the
formation of plateaus suggesting a phase robust to the increase of the magnetic field for the
temperature interval T = 0:6 K to 1.3 K. The critical fields determined from the specific
heat and magnetization are compared using a phase diagram. The critical fields from neutron
diffraction previously obtained by [1] are also compared. However, the results do not yet show
clearly where the phase boundaries are.
Since the magnetic ground state depends on the crystalline electric field (CEF), changing
the Sr2+ ion for the bigger Ba2+ ion will change the crystal structure and thus the CEF
levels. Furthermore, the magnetic moment J of Ce3+ is 5=2 which is smaller then that
of Ho3+ (J = 8) or of Dy3+ (J = 15=2), two ions that have been extensively studied in
the SrLn2O4 and the BaLn2O4 series. A smaller magnetic moment should result in a more
quantum mechanical system and the hope is to obtain a quantum spin chain. We thus tried
to synthesize BaCe2O4 and study its properties. To this end, a study of the heat capacity and
entropy at zero field of the frustrated magnet BaCe2O4 will be presented. The measurements
were taken on single crystals grown from a metallic flux method. The results from the specific
heat show a phase transition to a long range magnetic order at a temperature of T = 0:43 K.
The magnetic entropy was calculated from the results of specific heat in the temperature
range from T = 0 K to 5 K. In this range of temperature, the magnetic entropy was found to
be below the value expected for a crystalline electric field doublet as the ground state. The
results from the specific heat and the entropy indicate the presence of geometrical frustration
in the compound BaCe2O4.
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Rock Magnetic Studies of Magnetite and Quartzite: Results at Ambient Conditions and From Diamond Anvil Pressure Experiments (~2 GPa) / Magnetiska studier av magnetit och kvartsit:Resultat vid rumsförhållanden och från diamantstädcell (DAC) högtrycksexperimentDaniil, Dimitra January 2021 (has links)
Numerous techniques are used to study the magnetic history and properties of rocks, which provides important data on the Earth’s interior. In this study we conducted a series of experiments on two different sample sets, comprising pure magnetite (Set1) and a mixture of magnetite-hemoilmenite-bearing quartzite (Set2), in order to gather information about their magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization. A miniature diamond anvil cell (mDAC) constructed from hardened non-magnetic alloy (40HNU) was used for high pressure experiments. With the help of high sensitivity susceptibility bridge (MFK1-FA Kappabridge, AGICO), we measured the susceptibility of three samples and of the mDAC. Consequently, we loaded one of the samples in the mDAC and acquired susceptibility measurements during the compression and decompression of the system. For remanence measurements we used a 2G Enterprises SQUID magnetometer. We measured the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) and performed alternating field (AF) demagnetization on ten samples and on the mDAC. Additionally, isothermal and anhysteretic remanent magnetization (IRM and ARM) acquisition were performed on nine and one samples, respectively and demagnetization on three and one samples, respectively. Results showed that Set1 samples consist of both SD and MD magnetite grains. Regarding Set2 samples, the main magnetic carriers are SD and MD magnetite or titanium bearing magnetite grains, while there are indications that hematite and ferrimagnetic titanohematite might be present as well. The presence of eddy currents, due to the conducting materials of the mDAC, resulted in masking the signal of the sample making it difficult to draw any safe conclusions regarding how the susceptibility of the sample changes with pressure. All in all, there was a satisfactory response of the instruments working with very small amounts of material and an adequate signal stability of both the samples and the mDAC. Our study provided us with an insight into high pressure experiments and showed possible directions for future studies. / Många metoder används för att studera magnetiska egenskaper i berg, vilket ger viktig information om Jordens inre. I denna studie genomförde vi en rad experiment på två olika uppsättningar prov, innefattande ren magnetit (Set1) och en blandning av magnetit-hemoilmenit-bärande kvartsit (Set2), för att samla information om deras magnetisk susceptibilitet och magnetiska remanens. En miniatyr diamantstädcell (mDAC) konstruerad av en härdad icke-magnetisk legering (40HNU) användes för högtrycksexperiment. Susceptibilitetet av tre prover och av mDAC mättes en MFK1-FA Kappabridge, AGICO. Följaktligen monterade vi ett av proverna i mDAC och vi genomförde susceptibilitetsmätningar under kompression och dekompression. Vi använde en 2G Enterprises SQUID magnetometer för remanensmätningar. Den naturlig remanentmagnetiseringen (NRM) mättes och vi utförde alternerande fält (AF) demagnetisering på tio prover och på mDAC. Dessutom genomfördes isotermisk och anhysteretisk remanentmagnetisering (IRM och ARM) på nio respektive ett prover, och demagnetisering på tre respektive ett prover. Resultaten visade att Set1-prover består av både enkeldomän (SD) och multidomän (MD) magnetit. SD och MD magnetit- och titanomagnetitkorn är de viktigaste magnetiska mineral av Set2-prover, medan finns det indikationer på att hematit och ferrimagnetisk titanohematit också bidrar till signal. Virvelströmmar, som skapats av mDACs ledande material, maskerade provets magnetiska susceptibilitet och det var svårt att kommentera på hur provets susceptibilitet förändras med tryck. Sammantaget var instrumentens prestanda tillfredsställande, även vid små mängder material. Prov och mDACs signalstabilitet var också adekvat. Vår studie gav oss en inblick i högtrycksexperiment och magnetiska egenskaper och den visade möjliga riktningar för framtida studier.
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