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Micromagnetic study of self-organized magnetic nanostructuresEngel-Herbert, Roman Harald 23 February 2007 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die mikromagnetische Struktur sowie das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten epitaktisch gewachsener MnAs Filme auf dem Substrat GaAs untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht die mikromagnetischen Struktur von anisotrop erspannten MnAs Filmen auf GaAs(001). Die Verspannung führt zur selbstorganisierten Anordnung ferromagnetischer Streifen. Ihre Domänenstruktur wurde mittels MFM (magnetischer Kraftmikroskopie) bestimmt und mit den Resultaten der XMCDPEEM (X-ray magnetic circular dichroism photoemission electron microscopy) verglichen. Um eine vollständige Charakterisierung der mikromagnetischen Eigenschaften der Streifenstruktur zu erreichen, wurden die MFM Experimente in einem äusseren Magnetfeld durchgeführt. Die Beantwortung der zentralen Frage nach der Domänenstruktur ist mit der Entwicklung eines mikromagnetischen Simulators für dreidimensionale magnetische Strukturen auf mesoskopischer Skala gelungen. Die Stabilität der dreidimensionalen mikromagnetischen Struktur hängt von den Eigenschaften der selbstorganisierten Streifenstruktur ab, d.h. sowohl von der Filmdicke als auch vom Verhältnis ihrer Breite zur Filmdicke - und damit der Temperatur. Durch die Erkenntnis, dass eine magnetische Struktur in der Tiefe des Streifens vorhanden ist, können die verbleibenden Unterschiede in den XMCDPEEM- und MFM-Resultaten erklärt werden. Durch die Simulationsergebnisse in Kombination mit den Experimenten wird eine widerspruchsfreie Deutung der mikromagnetischen Struktur sowie deren Ummagnetisierungsverhalten ermöglicht. Zudem wird die mikromagnetische Struktur von MnAs auf GaAs(111) simuliert und damit das Verständnis der mikromagnetischen Strukturen auf alle vorhandenen Substratorientierungen vervollständigt. / In the present thesis the micromagnetic structure, as well as the magnetization reversal, of epitaxial MnAs films on GaAs substrates are studied. The investigation is focused on the micromagnetic structure of anisotropically strained MnAs films on GaAs(001). The strain originates a selforganized array of ferromagnetic stripes. The magnetic domains were investigated using MFM (magnetic force microscopy) and the results were compared with XMCDPEEM (X-ray magnetic circular dichroism photoemission electron microscopy). To completely characterize the micromagnetic properties of the stripe structure, MFM experiments were performed in the presence of an external field. To unambiguously determine the domain structure a three-dimensional micromagnetic simulator was developed capable to calculate magnetic structures with mesoscopic dimensions. The stability of the three-dimensional micromagnetic structure depends on the properties of the selforganized stripe structure, i.e., on the film thickness as well as on the ratio of the stipe width to thickness - and thus the temperature. Taking into account the magnetization distribution in-depth, the remaining differences between the XMCDPEEM and the MFM results can be explained by the disturbing effect of the MFM tip. The results of the micromagnetic simulations, in combination with the experimental results, allow for a determination of the micromagnetic structure in an applied field throughout the phase coexistence regime. Moreover, the micromagnetic structure of MnAs films on GaAs(111) is simulated and thus the understanding of the micromagnetic properties have been extended on all substrate orientations.
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Element-Specific Magnetization Dynamics Using T-MOKE at the HELIOS LaboratoryStångberg Valgeborg, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Magnetism is a familiar phenomenon, and is applied in a variety of devices, from simple ones, like compasses, to the more sophisticated magnetic hard disk drives. It is also known that the magnetization of a material can change, for example by heating or by exposure to an external magnetic field. The dynamics of transitions between different magnetizations, however, is largely unknown, particularly in complex materials. To further the understanding of such dynamics, this thesis presents an observational study of the dynamics of laser induced demagnetization of permalloy (Ni0.8Fe0.2). Dynamics were studied with element-specificity, i.e. Fe and Ni were studied simultaneously, but separately, rather than studying the overall material. The study was conducted at the HELIOS laboratory at Uppsala University, which features equipment for the study of magnetization dynamics. Important concepts like high-order harmonic generation (HHG) and the transverse magneto-optic Kerr effect (T-MOKE) are discussed. HHG is the laser induced generation of high energy photons, and T-MOKE relates the intensity of reflected light to the magnetization of the reflecting material. The study revealed a very short demagnetization time, and maximum demagnetization of both elements was achieved within 1 picosecond. An onset delay in the demagnetizations of Fe and Ni of about 25 femtoseconds was also observed. Both phenomena have been previously reported. The results further imply that the magnetizations diverge over a 10 picosecond time interval after the onset of demagnetization, which has not been previously reported. The apparent divergence may be due to an unknown transient setup-related issue. The short demagnetization times, as well as the onset delay could potentially contribute to the development of a more complete theory of magnetization dynamics. / Magnetism är ett bekant fenomen, som utnyttjas i allt från enkla tillämpningar, som kompasser,till mer sofistikerade sådana, som hårddiskar. Det är också känt att magnetiseringen i ett material kan ändras, t.ex. genom upphettning eller genom att det utsätts för ett yttremagnetiskt fält. Dynamiken vid övergångar mellan olika magnetiseringstillstånd är dock ett relativt okänt ämne, i synnerhet när det kommer till komplexa material. För främjandet av en större förståelse inom ämnet, presenteras här en observationell studie av dynamiken för laserinducerad avmagnetisering av permalloy (Ni0.8Fe0.2). Dynamiken undersöktes med grundämnesspecificitet, d.v.s. Fe och Ni undersöktes samtidigt, men var för sig, snarare än att materialet undersöktes som helhet. Undersökningen gjordes vid HELIOS-laboratoriet vid Uppsala Universitet, som tillhandahåller utrustning för undersökning av magnetiseringsdynamik. Viktiga koncept diskuteras, såsom övertonsgenerering och den transversella magnetooptiska Kerr-effekten (T-MOKE). Övertonsgenerering innebär laserinducerad generering av högenergifotoner, och T-MOKE relaterar reflekterad intensitet till magnetiseringen i det reflekterande materialet. Undersökningen påvisade en mycket kort avmagnetiseringstid, och maximal avmagnetisering nåddes inom en pikosekund. En relativ tidsförskjutning mellan avmagnetiseringsförloppen för Fe och Ni om ungefär 25 femtosekunder observerades också. Båda fenomen har rapporterats tidigare. Resultatet visar även en divergens mellan magnetiseringsförloppen under ett tidsspann på 10 pikosekunder efter avmagnetiseringens början, vilket inte har rapporterats förr. Den skenbara divergensen kan bero på ett okänt, tillfälligt problem i uppställningen. Den korta avmagnetiseringstiden och den relativa tidsförskjutningen skulle kunna bidra till utvecklingen av en mer komplett teori för magnetiseringsdynamik.
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Magnetisierungsdynamik weichmagnetischer Dünnschichten mit modifizierter magnetischer Mikrostruktur / Magnetization dynamics of soft magnetic thin films with modified magnetic microstructureHengst, Claudia 12 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Abschlussdomänenstrukturen in strukturierten weichmagnetischen dünnen Schichten wurden systematisch hinsichtlich ihrer Domänenweite, Domänenmagnetisierungsrichtung, Domänenwandtypen und Wandlängen modifiziert. Somit konnte ein umfassendes Verständnis über die Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten des dynamischen Magnetisierungsverhaltens von Abschlussdomänenkonfigurationen im GHz-Bereich erarbeitet werden. Ein bekanntes Modell zur Berechnung der akustischen Domänenresonanzfrequenz von 180° -Domänenkonfigurationen wurde unter Berücksichtigung von Abschlussdomänen und endlichen effektiven Domänenwandweiten erfolgreich erweitert. Damit ist eine präzise Vorhersage des dynamischen Verhaltens von 180° - Abschlussdomänenstrukturen möglich.
Außerdem wurde aufgezeigt, dass über die Messung der ferromagnetischen Resonanz Domänenwandumwandlungen im Magnetfeld detektiert werden können. Für Strukturen mit angepasster Anisotropie wurde unabhängig von der Anisotropiestärke eine konstante akustische Resonanzfrequenz beobachtet. Dieser unerwartete Zusammenhang wird auf die kompensatorischeWirkung von Abschlussdomänenstrukturen zurückgeführt. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass für sogenannte Bucklingdomänenstrukturen eine signifikant größere Beeinflussung der ferromagnetischen Resonanzfrequenz durch vergleichsweise kleine statische Magnetfelder erzielt werden kann, als dies bei homogen magnetisierten Strukturen und Schichten der Fall ist. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass über eine Einstellung der ferromagnetischen Domänenstruktur das dynamische Verhalten weichmagnetischer strukturierter Schichten über einen vergleichsweise breiten Frequenzbereich hinweg gezielt modifiziert werden kann.
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Influence de la densité de trous sur la dynamique des charges et de l'aimantation du (Ga, Mn)As en couche / Influence of the hole density on the carrier and magnetization dynamics of (Ga,Mn)As thin layersBesbas, Jean 12 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail étudie le rôle de la densité de trous à l’équilibre sur la dynamique des charges et de la norme de l’aimantation de (Ga,Mn)As pour des densités de manganèse et d’impuretés fixées indépendamment. Des expériences « pompe-sonde » mettent en relation les dynamiques de réflectivité et d’angle de rotation Kerr. Deux relaxations sont mises en évidence. La première traduit un échauffement variable du gaz de trous entre 1ps et 100ps. La seconde traduit une diffusion-recombinaison des charges entre 100ps et 1500ps et évolue en fonction du rapport entre extension spatiale d’états d’impuretés, piégeant les électrons photo générés, et vitesse de Fermi. Pour compléter l’approche, une étude numérique de l’état fondamental des échantillons par la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité relie aimantation, température et densité de trous. Elle interprète la dynamique de la norme de l’aimantation à partir d’un diagramme de phase statique correspondant aux données publiées pour (Ga,Mn)As, qui est fonction de la température et de la densité de trous. Cette dynamique se ramène à celle de la réflectivité. Ceci permet de préciser les contributions de la norme et de l’orientation de l’aimantation dans le signal dynamique de rotation Kerr. / The effects of the background hole density on the charge and magnitude of the magnetization dynamics in (Ga,Mn)As grown with independently fixed manganese and impurity densities. A pump and probe experiment monitored simultaneously the reflectivity and Kerr angle dynamics. Two relaxation steps are highlighted. First the cooling down of the charge clouds between 1ps and 100ps and second the carrier’s diffusion-recombination between 100ps and 1.500 ns. The latter depends on the ratio between the spatial extent of impurity states, which trap the photo electrons, and the Fermi velocity. To complete these experimental results, a numerical study of the ground state of the samples, using a density functional theory, relates the magnitude of the magnetization, the temperature of the carriers and the density of holes. Phase diagram are computed, and compared to already published results. We show that the magnitude of the magnetization dynamics can be fully determined from the reflectivity measurements. We conclude that it is possible to distinguish the dynamics of the magnetization magnitude and direction using the Kerr angle dynamical signal.
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Magnetisierungsdynamik weichmagnetischer Dünnschichten mit modifizierter magnetischer MikrostrukturHengst, Claudia 18 December 2013 (has links)
Abschlussdomänenstrukturen in strukturierten weichmagnetischen dünnen Schichten wurden systematisch hinsichtlich ihrer Domänenweite, Domänenmagnetisierungsrichtung, Domänenwandtypen und Wandlängen modifiziert. Somit konnte ein umfassendes Verständnis über die Beeinflussungsmöglichkeiten des dynamischen Magnetisierungsverhaltens von Abschlussdomänenkonfigurationen im GHz-Bereich erarbeitet werden. Ein bekanntes Modell zur Berechnung der akustischen Domänenresonanzfrequenz von 180° -Domänenkonfigurationen wurde unter Berücksichtigung von Abschlussdomänen und endlichen effektiven Domänenwandweiten erfolgreich erweitert. Damit ist eine präzise Vorhersage des dynamischen Verhaltens von 180° - Abschlussdomänenstrukturen möglich.
Außerdem wurde aufgezeigt, dass über die Messung der ferromagnetischen Resonanz Domänenwandumwandlungen im Magnetfeld detektiert werden können. Für Strukturen mit angepasster Anisotropie wurde unabhängig von der Anisotropiestärke eine konstante akustische Resonanzfrequenz beobachtet. Dieser unerwartete Zusammenhang wird auf die kompensatorischeWirkung von Abschlussdomänenstrukturen zurückgeführt. Abschließend wird gezeigt, dass für sogenannte Bucklingdomänenstrukturen eine signifikant größere Beeinflussung der ferromagnetischen Resonanzfrequenz durch vergleichsweise kleine statische Magnetfelder erzielt werden kann, als dies bei homogen magnetisierten Strukturen und Schichten der Fall ist. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass über eine Einstellung der ferromagnetischen Domänenstruktur das dynamische Verhalten weichmagnetischer strukturierter Schichten über einen vergleichsweise breiten Frequenzbereich hinweg gezielt modifiziert werden kann.:1. Einleitung
2. Grundlagen
2.1. Magnetische Energieterme
2.1.1. Austauschenergie
2.1.2. Zeeman-Energie
2.1.3. Magnetostatische Energie
2.1.4. Anisotropie
2.2. Magnetische Mikrostrukturen
2.2.1. Domänenwände
2.3. Magnetisierungsdynamik
2.3.1. Magnetodynamik gesättigter strukturierter Schichten
2.3.2. Magnetodynamik ungesättigter magnetischer Strukturen
3. Experimentelles
3.1. Magnetooptische Domänenbeobachtung
3.2. Magnetische Rasterkraftmikroskopie
3.3. Hysteresemessung
3.4. Dynamische Charakterisierung
3.4.1. Gepulste Mikrowellen-Magnetometrie
3.4.2. Messung der ferromagnetischen Resonanz mit dem Vektor-Netzwerkanalysator
3.5. Mikromagnetische Simulationen
4. Eigenschaften ausgedehnter Referenzschichten
5. Magnetisierungsdynamik modifizierter 180-Grad-Domänenstrukturen
5.1. Erzeugung magnetischer Mikrostrukturen unterschiedlicher Domänenweite
5.2. Magnetisierungsdynamik modifizierter 180°-Grad-Domänenstrukturen im Nullfeld
5.2.1. Effekt der Abschlussdomänen
5.2.2. Effekt kleiner Domänenwandweiten
5.3. Domänenresonanz im magnetischen Feld
5.3.1. Transversales Magnetfeld
5.3.2. Longitudinales Magnetfeld
6. Dynamischer Kompensationseffekt magnetischer Domänen in strukturierten Schichten
7. Magnetisierungsdynamik von Bucklingdomänenstrukturen
7.1. Statisches Magnetisierungsverhalten linsenförmiger Elemente
7.2. Magnetisierungsdynamik linsenförmiger Elemente
7.2.1. Mikromagnetische Simulation der Bucklingstruktur
7.2.2. Diskussion der Magnetisierungsdynamik der Bucklingstruktur
8. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
A. Magnetometrische Entmagnetisierungsfaktoren nach Aharoni
B. Ballistische Entmagnetisierungsfaktoren nach Aharoni
C. Herleitung der akustischen Domänenresonanzfrequenz im transversalen Feld
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Quantitative Myelinbildgebung bei Erkrankungen der weißen Hirnsubstanz im Kindes- und Jugendalter / Quantitative myelin imaging of childhood white matter disordersPreuße, Matthias 23 February 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of FENSI (Flow Enhanced Signal Intensity) perfusion sequence and application to the characterization of microvascular flow dynamics using MRIReynaud, Olivier 24 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The discoveries, implementations and developments of NMR and MRI have had a major impact in medical imaging. Compared to other imaging modalities (PET, SPECT, CT), current MRI research helps to further and better understand the inner mechanisms of the human body in a less invasive manner. In clinical neuroimaging, perfusion MRI is of spectacular importance to study cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. However, at the moment, there is no perfusion MRI sequence that allows for a complete, non-invasive and precise quantification of microvascular flow dynamics. This work focuses on the use of the recently introduced Flow Enhanced Signal Intensity method (FENSI) to characterize and quantify vasculature at capillary level, at high and ultra high magnetic field (7 and 17.2 tesla). For that purpose, the possible quantification of blood flux with FENSI is explored in vivo. The combination of flux quantification and flow-enhanced signal (compared to Arterial Spin Labeling) can make of FENSI an ideal method to characterize in a complete non-invasive way the brain microvasculature. After removal of magnetization transfer (MT) effects, the blood flow dynamics are studied with FENSI in a very aggressive and propagative rat brain tumor model: the 9L gliosarcoma. The objective is to assess whether FENSI is suitable for a longitudinal non-invasive characterization of microvascular changes associated with tumor growth. The results obtained with FENSI are compared with literature on 9L perfusion and immuno-histochemistry. In the first paper published on FENSI, a first glance was also casted on the potential of the flow enhanced technique when applied to fMRI. The results obtained at the time were contaminated by MT effects. With the implementation of a new MT-free FENSI technique, the possibility to map the brain cerebral functioning based on a quantitative physiological parameter (CBFlux) more directly related to neuronal activity than the usual BOLD signal is within reach. At ultra high field, the influence of different anesthetics on the rat brain microvascular network and BOLD contrast is also considered. After many developments around the FENSI technique, the method is compared to classical ASL and DSC perfusion MRI sequences. The strengths and weaknesses of the FENSI method, its characteristics, 'precautions for use', and potential main applications are detailed and discussed.
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The Effect of In-Chain Impurities on 1D AntiferromagnetsUtz, Yannic 07 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis is devoted to the study of in-chain impurities in spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains (S=1/2 aHC's)---a model which accompanies the research on magnetism since the early days of quantum theory and which is one of the few integrable spin systems. With respect to impurities it is special insofar as an impurity perturbs the system strongly due to its topology: there is no way around the defect.
To what extend the one-dimensional picture stays a good basis for the description of real materials even if the chains are disturbed by in-chain impurities is an interesting question which is addressed in this work. For this purpose, Cu Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements on the cuprate spin chain compounds SrCuO2 and Sr2CuO3 intentionally doped with nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn) and palladium (Pd) are presented. These materials are well known to be among the best realizations of the S=1/2 aHC model and their large exchange coupling constants allow the investigation of the low-energy dynamics within experimentally easily feasible temperatures. NMR provides the unique ability to study the static and dynamic magnetic properties of the spin chains locally which is important since randomly placed impurities break the translational invariance. Because copper is the magnetically active ion in those materials and the copper nuclear spin is most directly coupled to its electron spin, the NMR measurements have been performed on the copper site.
The measurements show in all cases that there are changes in the results of these measurements as compared to the pure compounds which indicate the opening of gaps in the excitation spectra of the spin chains and the emergence of oscillations of the local susceptibility close to the impurities. These experimental observations are compared to theoretical predictions to clarify if and to what extend the already proposed model for these doped systems---the finite spin chain---is suitable to predict the behavior of real materials. Thereby, each impurity shows peculiarities. While Zn and Pd are know to be spin 0 impurities, it is not clear if Ni carries spin 1. To shed some light on this issue is another scope of this work. For Zn impurities, there are indications that they avoid to occupy copper sites, other than in the layered cuprate compounds. Also this matter is considered.
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Detecção da transformação da austenita retida por deformação plástica em aços para gasodutos classe API 5L X80 através de medidas magnéticas. / Detecting austenite transformation by plastic deformation in grade API 5L X80 pipeline steel by magnetic properties.Almeida, Alan Barros de 06 December 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o efeito de tratamentos térmicos ou diferentes graus de deformação plástica na transformação da austenita do microconstituinte AM de uma chapa de aço alta resistência baixa liga (ARBL) classe API 5L X80 usada para gasodutos. A chapa tem espessura de 19 mm e passaria pelo processo de conformação UOE, mas a deformação foi realizada por laminação a frio, a temperatura ambiente, com reduções de 5 a 20%. O propósito foi compreender melhor o microconstituinte AM, explorar a transformação martensítica induzida por deformação (SIMT) e a decomposição austenítica por tratamento térmico, com ênfase em seu comportamento magnético. A transformação da austenita foi acompanhada através de medidas de polarização magnética, comparada com a densidade de massa e difração de raios X. A deformação plástica e os tratamentos térmicos alteraram a polarização magnética de saturação e a densidade de massa da amostra de aço de forma compatível com a eliminação da austenita retida metaestável. O método de densidade hidrostática foi considerado sensível para mensurar transformações de fase. Os dados obtidos revelam expansão volumétrica de aproximadamente 0,13%, correspondendo a 3,2% a quantidade de austenita retida original do material, enquanto os valores obtidos por polarização magnética de saturação são 2,8% pelo histeresígrafo e 2,1% por MAV. A difração de raios X nas amostras sob deformação ou tratamentos térmicos resultaram em queda nos primeiros picos da austenita quando comparadas com a amostra como recebida. / This study evaluated the effect of different degrees of plastic deformation or heat treatment on the transformation of austenite into martensite of an HSLA steel plate API 5L X80 for pipelines. A 19 mm thickness plate would be submitted to UOE forming process, but the cold work instead occurred by cold rolling at room temperature, with reductions of 5 up to 20%. The purpose was to better understand the MA constituent, explore the strain-induced martensitic transformation (SIMT) and austenitic decomposition by heat treatment with emphasis on its magnetic behavior. The transformation was accompanied by saturation magnetization measurements, compared with the mass density and X-ray diffraction. The plastic deformation or the heat treatment altered the saturation magnetization and the mass density in a manner consistent with the elimination of metastable retained austenite. The density method is sensible to measure phase transformations induced by strain. The data obtained shows a volumetric expansion of about 0.13%, corresponding to an amount of retained austenite of the original material of 3.2%, while the values obtained by magnetization saturation are 2.8% by hysteresigraph and 2.1% by VSM. By X-ray diffraction there is a clear drop in first peaks of austenite of the samples under deformation or heat treatment compared with the sample as-received.
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Estudo das relações entre populações celulares, expressão de aquaporina-4 e sulfato de condroitina com o tempo de relaxamento e a taxa de transferência de magnetização no hipocampo de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal farmacorresistente / Study of the associations between cellular populations, aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate with T2 relaxation and magnetization transfer in the hippocampus of patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsySantos, José Eduardo Peixoto 30 September 2014 (has links)
Racional: A epilepsia do lobo temporal está comumente associada à farmacorresistência e tem a esclerose hipocampal como achado neuropatológico em mais da metade dos casos. Histologicamente, a esclerose hipocampal está associada à perda neuronal diferencial e gliose, além de alterações nos níveis de moléculas associadas à homeostase da água tecidual, como a aquaporina 4 e a molécula de matriz sulfato de condroitina. Em imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética, a esclerose é caracterizada por redução de volume em sequências ponderadas em T1, aumento de sinal e tempo de relaxamento em sequências ponderadas em T2 e redução na transferência de magnetização. Justificativa e Objetivos: Uma vez que tanto o sinal T2 quando a transferência de magnetização são dependentes da água tecidual, nosso objetivo é avaliar, na formação hipocampal de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal, as correlações entre populações celulares e moléculas ligadas à homeostase da água e as imagens ponderadas em T2 e transferência de magnetização. Visamos ainda definir, na formação hipocampal de indivíduos sem alterações neuropatológicas, o volume de cada um dos subcampos hipocampais. Metodologia: Pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal farmacorresistente (ELT, n = 43), bem como voluntários sadios (controle radiológico, CH, n = 20), foram submetidos a exames de ressonância magnética em máquina de 3T para mensuração da volumetria hipocampal, tempo de relaxamento T2 e transferência de magnetização hipocampal (exames in vivo). Após o tratamento cirúrgico para o controle das crises, os hipocampos dos pacientes com ELT foram fixados por 8 dias e submetidos aos exames ex vivo em máquina de 3T para cálculo do tempo de relaxamento T2 de cada subcampo hipocampal. Hipocampos controle (Controle historadiológico, CHR, n = 14), foram obtidos de autópsias de pacientes sem histórico ante-mortem de doença neurológica ou presença de patologia no exame do encéfalo pos mortem. Ambos os grupos controle foram pareados para idade em relação ao grupo ELT. Alguns dos casos CHR (n = 6) foram também submetidos à imagem 3D T2 em máquina de 4,7T para cálculo de volumetria dos subcampos hipocampais. Após emblocamento em parafina, secções coronais hipocampais dos casos CHR e ELT foram submetidas às técnicas de histoquímica básica Hematoxilina e Eosina e Luxol Fast Blue, e às imuno-histoquímicas para avaliação das populações neuronais (NeuN), astrócitos reativos (GFAP), micróglias ativadas (HLA-DR) e para a expressão de aquaporina 4 (AQP4) e níveis de sulfato de condroitina (CS-56). Para a comparação entre os grupos, foram realizados testes t para dados paramétricos e Mann-Whitney para dados não-paramétricos. Testes de correlação foram empregados para análise da associação entre as avaliações histológicas e os exames de ressonância magnética. Resultados: Pacientes com ELT apresentaram menor volume hipocampal, maior tempo de relaxamento T2 e menor transferência de magnetização no exame in vivo, quando comparados com o CR. O exame ex vivo para a volumetria dos subcampos hipocampais em casos do grupo CHR indicou que a fascia dentata, a região CA1 e o subículo correspondem à 85 % do volume hipocampal total. Quanto ao tempo de relaxamento T2 ex vivo, foi observado aumento em todos os subcampos hipocampais do grupo ELT, à exceção da fascia dentata, quando comparados ao CHR. A avaliação da densidade neuronal indicou redução significativa em todos os subcampos dos casos ELT, à exceção do subículo, quando comparados ao CHR. Em relação aos valores do grupo CHR, foi observada astrogliose em quase todos subcampos da formação hipocampal (a exceção da zona subgranular e do hilo) e microgliose em todos os subcampos (exceto pelo subículo) dos casos com ELT. Pacientes com ELT apresentaram redução na expressão de aquaporina 4 perivascular em todos os subcampos do hipocampo, comparados ao CHR. Aumento nos níveis de sulfato de condroitina foi observado em todos os subcampos da formação hipocampal, à exceção da camada granular, nos pacientes com ELT. O volume hipocampal e a transferência de magnetização in vivo dos pacientes com ELT correlacionaram-se tanto com a população neuronal como com os níveis de sulfato de condroitina, enquanto que o tempo de relaxamento in vivo correlacionou-se com a população astroglial e os níveis de sulfato de condroitina. O exame ex vivo corroborou a correlação entre a população glial e o tempo de relaxamento observado nos pacientes com ELT. A diferença entre o tempo de relaxamento in vivo e ex vivo correlacionou-se tanto com a difusibilidade da água no tecido como com os níveis de sulfato de condroitina. Conclusões: Nossos dados indicam correlação entre a patologia hipocampal e as imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética, sendo que a maior qualidade das imagens ex vivo permitiu uma avaliação mais direta entre o sinal de ressonância e a patologia, indicando importância da população celular e matriz extracelular para o volume hipocampal e a transferência de magnetização, e da astrogliose para o tempo de relaxamento T2. Finalmente, nossos dados mostraram que CA1, subículo e fascia dentata tem grande participação no volume hipocampal, sendo que alterações nestas regiões tem um papel mais relevante nas alterações observadas na ressonância magnética, como indicado por nossas correlações. / Rationale: Drug resistant temporal lobe epilepsy is often associated with hippocampal sclerosis. Histological evaluation reveals differential neuronal loss, gliosis and changes in molecules associated with water homeostasis, such as aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate. Magnetic resonance imaging in these cases often reveals hippocampal atrophy, increased T2 signal and T2 relaxation and reduced magnetization transfer ratio in the hippocampus. Aims: Once both T2 signal and magnetization transfer are affected by tissue water, our goal was to evaluate, in the hippocampus of drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy patients who underwent surgery for seizure control, the associations between cellular populations, aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate with T2 relaxation time and magnetization transfer. Additionally, we intended to measure the individual volume of each hippocampal subfield in hippocampus from patients without neurological disease. Methods: Patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE, n = 43) and age-matched health volunteers (radiological control, RC, n = 20) were submitted to magnetic resonance in a 3T machine for hippocampal volumetry measure, T2 relaxation and magnetization transfer (in vivo examination). After surgical treatment for seizure control, hippocampi from the TLE patients were fixed in formalin for 8 days and then submitted to ex vivo imaging in 3T for relaxation time of every hippocampal subfield. Control hippocampi were obtained from autopsies of age-matched patients without ante mortem history of neurological disease or post mortem neurological pathology, and underwent the same ex vivo imaging (histo-radiological control, HRC, n = 14). Six cases from the HRC underwent 3D T2 imaging in a 4.7T machine, in order to measure the volumes of the hippocampal subfields. Paraffin embedded hippocampal sections from TLE and HRC were submitted to Hematoxilin-Eosin and Luxol Fast Blue histochemistries, and to immunohistochemistries for the evaluation of neurons (NeuN), reactive astrocytes (GFAP), activated microglia (HLA-DR), for aquaporin 4 (AQP4) and for chondroitin sulfate (CS-56). Students t-test or Mann-Whitneys test were performed for comparison between groups, and correlation tests were performed for the comparison between histological and magnetic resonance measures. Results: Patients with TLE presented reduced hippocampal volume, increased T2 relaxation time and reduced magnetization transfer, when compared to RC. The ex vivo volumetry of the hippocampal subfields revealed that fascia dentata, CA1 and subiculum together correspond to 85 % of the total hippocampal volume. Ex vivo relaxation time, as the in vivo, were increased in the subfields of TLE patients, when compared to HRC. Compared to HRC, TLE patients presented neuron loss and microgliosis in all hippocampal subfields but the subiculum, and astrogliosis in all hippocampal subfields but the subgranule zone and the hilus. Reduced perivascular aquaporin 4 was observed in all hippocampal subfields of TLE patients, and increased chondroitin sulfate was observed in all hippocampal subfields, with the exception of granule cell layer, of TLE patients, when compared to HRC. In TLE, both in vivo hippocampal volume and magnetization transfer correlated with the levels of chondroitin sulfate and the neuronal population, whereas the in vivo relaxation time correlated with the astroglial population and the levels of chondroitin sulfate. Ex vivo relaxation time also correlated with the astroglial population in TLE patients. The difference between in vivo and ex vivo relaxation values correlated with water difusibility and the levels of chondroitin sulfate. Conclusion: Our data indicate the importance of neuron population and extracellular matrix to both hippocampal volume and magnetization transfer, and of the reactive astrocytes for T2 relaxation. Ex vivo relaxation time allowed a more detailed evaluation, and indicated more robust correlations between reactive astrocytes and T2 relaxation. Finally, Our data indicated that CA1, the subiculum and fascia dentata are the major contributors to hippocampal volume, so changes in these subfields most likely will affect magnetic resonance imaging.
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