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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização magnetomérica do Kimberlito Janjão, Domo de Lages, Santa Catarina / Magnetometric characterization of kimberlite Janjão, Dome of Lages, Santa Catarina

Coelho, Daniel Cunha 14 May 2019 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma revisão da técnica de magnetometria terrestre, com informações detalhadas a respeito do planejamento, aquisição e processamento dos dados. A técnica foi aplicada em uma área de 0,7 km2 no Planalto Catarinense, na região do Domo de Lages, o qual diferencia-se em relação aos demais domos da Bacia do Paraná pela presença de rochas alcalinas com idade de aproximadamente 75 Ma. Estas rochas, já foram alvo de investigações principalmente mineralógica e petrológica. A investigação magnetométrica de detalhe apresentada neste trabalho teve como objetivo inferir a geometria de um corpo kimberlítico, denominado \"Janjão\". Trabalhos geofísicos, anteriormente realizados nessa região, tiveram baixa resolução e pouca representatividade da área de estudo. Este trabalho permitiu gerar um mapa de campo magnético anômalo que apresentou duas anomalias dipolares. Essas anomalias apresentaram polarização reversa àquelas esperadas para anomalias induzidas na latitude e inclinação do campo da região do levantamento, o que indica forte magnetização remanescente das rochas estudadas. A técnica de Amplitude do Sinal Analítico forneceu informações a respeito dos limites laterais dos corpos magnéticos geradores das anomalias. Foi realizada também uma estimativa da profundidade do topo desses corpos a partir da técnica da Meia Largura e da Deconvolução de Euler 3D. Os resultados obtidos entre as duas técnicas se mostraram compatíveis. As informações obtidas por meio do processamento dos dados magnéticos serviram de base para avaliar o modelo gerado pela Inversão do Vetor de Magnetização. A inversão apresentou um modelo de distribuição de susceptibilidade magnética em subsuperfície e dois corpos magnéticos sub-verticalizados, com vetor de magnetização oposto à direção principal do campo magnético terrestre, associados às posições do corpo kimberlítico. Os valores de susceptibilidade magnética variaram de 8 até 20 X \'10 POT.-3\'(SI). Para a susceptibilidade de 8 X \'10 POT-3\'(SI), os corpos magnéticos referentes às duas anomalias são conectados entre si em profundidades de aproximadamente 180 m. O vetor de magnetização indicou fraca susceptibilidade magnética e magnetização primariamente induzida em regiões onde se estima a presença de rochas sedimentares encaixantes à Diatrema Janjão, cujas características físicas são compatíveis com aquelas sugeridas pelo modelo da inversão. Por fim, com a hipótese de campo magnético reverso no momento da formação da diatrema e com as idades estimadas para essas rochas kimberlíticas, foi possível reduzir a incerteza da idade de formação da Diatrema Janjão. Para trabalhos futuros foram mencionadas a localização de outras 16 ocorrências kimberlíticas na região do domo, também foi proposto, além da magnetometria terrestre, o emprego de gravimetria e técnicas eletromagnéticas que possam auxiliar na identificação e caracterização dessas ocorrências, e assim, contribuir com o conhecimento sobre a Província Kimberlítica de Lages, em Santa Catarina. / This work presents a review of the ground magnetometry technique, with detailed information regarding its planning, acquisition and data processing. The technique was applied in an area of 0.7 km2 in the Planalto Catarinense, in the Dome of Lages. The Dome of Lages differs from the other domes of the Paraná Basin by the presence of alkaline rocks with an age of approximately 75 Ma. These rocks, in the 70s and 80s of the last century, were the subject of investigations mainly mineralogical and petrological. The detailed magnetic survey presented in this work had the goal of inferring the geometry of a kimberlite body, named \"Janjão\"(in homage to its discoverer). Geophysical work, previously performed in this region, had low resolution and low representativity of the study area. This work allowed to generate an anomalous magnetic field map that presented two dipole anomalies. These anomalies presented reverse bias to those expected for induced anomalies in the latitude and inclination of the magnetic field of the survey region, indicating strong remanent magnetization in the rocks studied. The Analytical Signal Amplitude technique provided information about the lateral limits of the magnetic bodies that generate the anomalies. An estimation of the depth of the top of these bodies was also made from the Half-Width technique and the 3D Euler Deconvolution. The results obtained between the two techniques were compatible. The information obtained through the processing of the magnetic data served as a basis to evaluate the model generated by the Inversion of the Magnetization Vector. The inversion presented a model of magnetic susceptibility distribution in subsurface and two sub verticalized magnetic bodies, with magnetization vector opposite the main direction of the geomagnetic field, associated to the positions of the kimberlite body. The values of magnetic susceptibility ranged from 8 to 20 X \'10 POT.-3\'(SI). For the susceptibility of 8 X \'10 POT.-3\'(SI), the magnetic bodies relating to the two anomalies are connected to each other at depths of approximately 180 meters. The magnetization vector indicated weak magnetic susceptibility and magnetization primarily induced in regions where it is estimated the presence of sedimentary rocks nesting to Janjão diatreme, whose physical characteristics are compatible with those suggested by the inversion model. Finally, with the hypothesis of reverse magnetic field at the time of diatreme formation and with the estimated ages for these kimberlite rocks, it was possible to reduce the age uncertainty of the Janjão diatreme formation. For future work, was mentioned the location of 16 other kimberlite occurrences in the dome region and also proposed the use of gravimetry and electromagnetic techniques that may help in the identification and characterization of these occurrences, and thus, contribute to the knowledge about the Lages Kimberly Province in Santa Catarina.

Caracterização geofísica da estrutura de impacto de Araguainha, MT/GO / Gephysical Characterization of the Araguainha impact structure, MT/GO.

Vasconcelos, Marcos Alberto Rodrigues 17 April 2007 (has links)
Araguainha é a maior e mais bem exposta cratera complexa da América do Sul, formada em sedimentos horizontais da Bacia do Paraná. Sua portentosa estrutura com aproximados 40 km de diâmetro e 25 km de cavidade transiente revela um contraste negativo de densidade e susceptibilidade magnética na região do soerguimento central. Esta feição permite inferir um limite de propriedade física entre o Núcleo Central Soerguido (NCS) e o Embasamento Granítico Soerguido (EGS), que por sua vez apresenta baixa razão de Koenigsberger. A caracterização geofísica de Araguainha é sustentada por modelamento 2,5D com base em informações gravimétricas, aeromagnéticas e magnéticas terrestres, o que permite classificá-la como uma estrutura concêntrica e simétrica, com profundidade média do embasamento a 1,0 km, exceto para a borda sul, que apresenta soerguimento mais acentuado. A interface embasamento/sedimento é seccionada por pares espelhados de falhas radiais que surgem no estágio de modificação da cratera. Estas estruturas rúpteis conferem as maiores profundidades à região da bacia anelar e promovem constricção dos sedimentos com tensão horizontal radial. A observação e interpretação destas deformações permitem caracterizar Araguainha como uma estrutura de impacto de domínio rúptil-dúctil. / Araguainha is the largest and the best-exposed complex crater of South America, formed in horizontal sediments of the Paraná Basin. Its portentous structure with 40 km in diameter and 25 km of transient cavity reveals a negative contrast of density and magnetic susceptibility in the central uplift. That feature allows to infer a limit of physical property between the uplifted central core and the uplifted granite basement, which shows a low Konigsberger?s ratio. The geophysical characterization of Araguainha is sustained by 2,5D modeling with gravity, aeromagnetic, and ground magnetic information and It allows to classify it as a concentric, symmetrical structure, with average basement depth of 1.0 km, except in the southern rim, that shows a bigger uplift. The basement/sediment interface is cut by specular pairs of radial faults that appears in the modification stage of the crater. These brittle structures are responsible for the biggest depths in the annular basin region, and they promote a sediment constriction with horizontal radial tension. The observation and interpretation of these deformations allow to characterize Araguainha as an impact brittle-ductile domain structure.

Processamento e interpretação de dados aeromagnéticos do Maciço Alcalino Ponte Nova (SP-MG) / Processing and interpretation of aeromagnetic data of the Ponte Nova Alcalino Massif (SP-MG)

Diego Prado Barroso 04 September 2018 (has links)
O Maciço Alcalino máfico-ultramáfico Ponte Nova localiza-se no setor norte da Província Serra do Mar, junto à porção oriental da Serra da Mantiqueira, na fronteira dos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Caracteriza-se por dois afloramentos de áreas 5 km² e 1 km². Dados magnéticos obtidos dos aerolevantamentos realizados para a CPRM pela Microsurvey Aerogeofísica e Consultoria Científica Ltda evidenciaram a presença de uma anomalia magnética extensa e de grande amplitude sobre os afloramentos. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da interpretação geofísica e de modelagem direta integrando os dados aeromagnéticos com dados geológicos e gravimétricos do maciço visando uma caracterização do maciço em subsuperfície. Para uma determinação mais eficaz da localização e das dimensões da fonte da anomalia magnética, foram utilizadas técnicas de redução ao polo, amplitude do sinal analítico da anomalia magnética de campo total e aplicação de derivadas direcionais. Em laboratório, foram medidas as susceptibilidades magnéticas e intensidade da magnetização remanente natural de 14 amostras retiradas da região. Os resultados confirmaram a presença de magnetização remanescente em algumas das amostras, e susceptibilidade magnética média da ordem de 10-2 SI. A partir da conjunção dos dados do aerolevantamento e de dados geológicos, foi feita a modelagem direta 3-D com as propriedades magnéticas parametrizadas pelas medidas em laboratório. Os modelos consideraram a discriminação das fácies petrográficas do maciço, com susceptibilidades magnéticas variando de 0,1 a 0,9 SI. Os corpos modelados atingiram profundidades da base de pelo menos 3 km e seus volumes foram da ordem de 25 km³. Com base nas dimensões obtidas nos modelos magnéticos diretos, foi realizado um modelo gravimétrico direto com valores de densidade variando entre 2,77 g/cm³ e 3,30 g/cm³. Os resultados obtidos pelos modelos diretos foram discutidos e comparados com o modelo geológico e com outros modelos gravimétricos desenvolvidos. Apesar dos resultados alcançados pelos modelos apresentarem valores compatíveis com os observados nos levantamentos, os modelos não permitiram discriminar entre as duas hipóteses de trabalho sobre a configuração do maciço em subsuperfície: um corpo único que aflora em duas regiões ou dois corpos desconectados em subsuperfície. / The Ponte Nova mafic-ultramafic alkaline massif is located in the northern sector of the Serra do Mar Province, near the eastern portion of the Serra da Mantiqueira, on the border of the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. It is characterized by two outcrops measuring 5 km² and 1 km² of area. Magnetic data obtained from the airborn surveys carried out for the CPRM by Microsurvey Aerogeofísica and Consultoria Científica Ltda. evidenced the presence of an extensive magnetic anomaly with great amplitude on the outcrops. This work presents the results of geophysical interpretation and direct modeling integrating the aeromagnetic data with geological and gravimetric data of the massif, aiming a characterization of the massif in the subsurface. To determine a better location and shape values of the magnetic anomaly\'s source, we use pole reduction techniques, amplitude of the analytical signal of the total field magnetic anomaly and directional derivative applications. Magnetic susceptibilities and natural remanent magnetization intensity of 14 samples from the region were measured in laboratory. The results confirm the presence of remanent magnetization in some samples, and the average magnetic susceptibility about 10-2 SI. From the conjunction of the aero-survey data and the geological data, two direct 3-D model were developed with the magnetic properties parameterized by the laboratory measurements. These models considered different petrographic facies, with magnetic susceptibilities ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 SI. The modeled bodies reached depths of the base of at least 3 km and their volumes were about 25 km³. Based on the dimensions obtained from direct magnetic models, a direct gravimetric model was performed, with density values ranging from 2.77 g / cm³ and 3.30 g / cm³. The results obtained by the direct models were discussed and compared with the geological model and with other existing gravimetric models. Although the direct models yielded results compatible with those observed in the surveys, the results do not allow for discrimination of the following working hypotheses on the configuration of the subsurface massif: a single body outcropping in two regions or two bodies disconnected in the subsurface.

Processamento e interpretação de dados aeromagnéticos do Maciço Alcalino Ponte Nova (SP-MG) / Processing and interpretation of aeromagnetic data of the Ponte Nova Alcalino Massif (SP-MG)

Barroso, Diego Prado 04 September 2018 (has links)
O Maciço Alcalino máfico-ultramáfico Ponte Nova localiza-se no setor norte da Província Serra do Mar, junto à porção oriental da Serra da Mantiqueira, na fronteira dos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Caracteriza-se por dois afloramentos de áreas 5 km² e 1 km². Dados magnéticos obtidos dos aerolevantamentos realizados para a CPRM pela Microsurvey Aerogeofísica e Consultoria Científica Ltda evidenciaram a presença de uma anomalia magnética extensa e de grande amplitude sobre os afloramentos. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da interpretação geofísica e de modelagem direta integrando os dados aeromagnéticos com dados geológicos e gravimétricos do maciço visando uma caracterização do maciço em subsuperfície. Para uma determinação mais eficaz da localização e das dimensões da fonte da anomalia magnética, foram utilizadas técnicas de redução ao polo, amplitude do sinal analítico da anomalia magnética de campo total e aplicação de derivadas direcionais. Em laboratório, foram medidas as susceptibilidades magnéticas e intensidade da magnetização remanente natural de 14 amostras retiradas da região. Os resultados confirmaram a presença de magnetização remanescente em algumas das amostras, e susceptibilidade magnética média da ordem de 10-2 SI. A partir da conjunção dos dados do aerolevantamento e de dados geológicos, foi feita a modelagem direta 3-D com as propriedades magnéticas parametrizadas pelas medidas em laboratório. Os modelos consideraram a discriminação das fácies petrográficas do maciço, com susceptibilidades magnéticas variando de 0,1 a 0,9 SI. Os corpos modelados atingiram profundidades da base de pelo menos 3 km e seus volumes foram da ordem de 25 km³. Com base nas dimensões obtidas nos modelos magnéticos diretos, foi realizado um modelo gravimétrico direto com valores de densidade variando entre 2,77 g/cm³ e 3,30 g/cm³. Os resultados obtidos pelos modelos diretos foram discutidos e comparados com o modelo geológico e com outros modelos gravimétricos desenvolvidos. Apesar dos resultados alcançados pelos modelos apresentarem valores compatíveis com os observados nos levantamentos, os modelos não permitiram discriminar entre as duas hipóteses de trabalho sobre a configuração do maciço em subsuperfície: um corpo único que aflora em duas regiões ou dois corpos desconectados em subsuperfície. / The Ponte Nova mafic-ultramafic alkaline massif is located in the northern sector of the Serra do Mar Province, near the eastern portion of the Serra da Mantiqueira, on the border of the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. It is characterized by two outcrops measuring 5 km² and 1 km² of area. Magnetic data obtained from the airborn surveys carried out for the CPRM by Microsurvey Aerogeofísica and Consultoria Científica Ltda. evidenced the presence of an extensive magnetic anomaly with great amplitude on the outcrops. This work presents the results of geophysical interpretation and direct modeling integrating the aeromagnetic data with geological and gravimetric data of the massif, aiming a characterization of the massif in the subsurface. To determine a better location and shape values of the magnetic anomaly\'s source, we use pole reduction techniques, amplitude of the analytical signal of the total field magnetic anomaly and directional derivative applications. Magnetic susceptibilities and natural remanent magnetization intensity of 14 samples from the region were measured in laboratory. The results confirm the presence of remanent magnetization in some samples, and the average magnetic susceptibility about 10-2 SI. From the conjunction of the aero-survey data and the geological data, two direct 3-D model were developed with the magnetic properties parameterized by the laboratory measurements. These models considered different petrographic facies, with magnetic susceptibilities ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 SI. The modeled bodies reached depths of the base of at least 3 km and their volumes were about 25 km³. Based on the dimensions obtained from direct magnetic models, a direct gravimetric model was performed, with density values ranging from 2.77 g / cm³ and 3.30 g / cm³. The results obtained by the direct models were discussed and compared with the geological model and with other existing gravimetric models. Although the direct models yielded results compatible with those observed in the surveys, the results do not allow for discrimination of the following working hypotheses on the configuration of the subsurface massif: a single body outcropping in two regions or two bodies disconnected in the subsurface.

Discovering Rock Features with Geophysical Exploration and Archaeological Testing at the Mississippian Pile Mound Site, Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee

Menzer, Jeremy G 01 May 2015 (has links)
The Pile Mound survey includes magnetometry paired with targeted ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic induction (EMI) surveys of the mound and testing of associated features over the ca. 6.5 ha site. The GPR survey discovered six rock features (five large rock features within the mound and one marking the outside of the mound). Knowledge of mounds in the Upper Cumberland Plateau (UCP) is lacking—the closest other studied sites are at the Corbin Site, Croley-Evans, Bell Site, and Beasley Mounds, approximately 75 – 100 km away. However, the most similar mound construction is found at Corbin and Cherokee sites, some 175 – 275 km away. In addition, the associated ceramic assemblage appears to reflect more similarity to the East Tennessee Valley rather than the Middle Cumberland region. These data provide a unique opportunity to better understand the Mississippian occupation in the UCP of Tennessee.

Surface and interface anisotropies measured using inductive magnetometry

Kennewell, Kimberly January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, an inductive ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique is developed to measure the magnetisation dynamics in thin films across a wide range of frequencies and fields. In particular, this project concentrates on measuring higher order exchange dominated modes to observe surface and interface effects in bilayer films. The experimental technique was first developed as a time domain technique, utilising a fast rise time (~50 ps) step pulse to disturb the equilibrium position of the magnetisation. The subsequent precessional damped decay was measured at different applied fields to observe the resonant modes. The data is Fourier transformed to extract a frequency dependent susceptiblity, and results are presented for the frequency and linewidth dependence of excitations of a permalloy film as a function of applied field. This technique is limited to a frequency range dictated by the rise time of the pulse. The technique was then extended so as to use a continuous wave perturbation, utilising a network analyser as both the excitation source and the measurement device. The scattered wave parameters of both the transmission and reflection from the sample were measured, and a magnetic susceptibility is extracted. This method has a frequency range which is dictated by the bandwidth of the network analyser and the microwave circuit. In this project, results are presented for frequencies up to 15 GHz. The signal to noise ratio was also found to be lower than the pulsed technique. Fundamental resonant mode studies are presented for a Fe/MnPd exchange bias bilayer film. Crystalline and exchange anisotropies are extracted from angular measurements, and the behaviour of the magnetisation is investigated during its reorientation to a hard axis direction. Information about the distribution of the local exchange field strength and direction is predicted. Fundamental mode studies are also presented for a Py/Co exchange spring bilayer film. Two modes are observed, approximating an optical and acoustical excitation. Film systems were also designed with suitable thicknesses to observe in the experimentally available frequency range non-uniform exchange dominated excitations through the thickness of the film. The broadband nature of the experiment allowed the frequency of the modes to be measured as a function of field. Results from a single permalloy layer showed two observable modes, the fundamental and the first exchange mode. Measurements were also taken of bilayer films where permalloy is coupled to cobalt. In this system the effect of the cobalt is seen to shift the single layer Py mode frequencies, as well as introduce new modes. The relative intensities of the modes also change with the addition of cobalt. Results are shown for a Pt/Co multilayer coupled to a permalloy layer through a Cu spacer of varying thickness. The observation of excitations through the thickness of the film motivated the development of a suitable theory. A system of integro-differential equations were derived which account for dipole and exchange coupling in the film as well as the field screening by the metal of the coplanar line. The conductivity of the sample and the finite wavevector excitation of the stripline are also included. Numerical solution of the equations results in a spectrum of acoustical, optical and higher-order modes. Fitting of the model to the experimental results allowed extraction of the film parameters including; the exchange constants in the film; the surface pinning from any surface layer anisotropy; as well as the interlayer exchange coupling across the interface.

Tunable Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Compounds

Felton, Solveig January 2005 (has links)
<p>The magnetic properties of transition metal compounds have been studied using SQUID-magnetometry, magnetic force microscopy and Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. New magnetic materials have been found and their magnetic properties have been determined. How the magnetic properties of a material can be changed through e.g. chemical substitution of magnetic and nonmagnetic atoms and shape and size effects have also been studied. Three different sets of samples have been investigated: three new Mn-compounds, two substitution series of layered magnetic structures and ferromagnetic micronsized thin film elements.</p><p>The three Mn-compounds, Mn<sub>3</sub>IrSi, IrMnSi and Mn<sub>8</sub>Pd<sub>15</sub>Si<sub>7</sub>, show different magnetic ordering. Mn<sub>3</sub>IrSi orders 'antiferromagnetically' at 210 K. IrMnSi forms a double cycloidal spin spiral below 460 K. Mn<sub>8</sub>Pd<sub>15</sub>Si<sub>7</sub> only shows short-range magnetic ordering.</p><p>Substituting Se with S in TlCo<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>2-x</sub>S<sub>x</sub> changes the magnetic order from a spin spiral to a colinear ferromagnet for a composition of <i>x</i>=1.75. An intermediate region exists where the compound is neither a pure ferromagnet, nor purely a spin spiral, as evidenced by the magnetization versus field measurements for the <i>x</i>=1.3 and 1.5 samples. This is also seen in the temperature dependent susceptibility measurements. For the TlCu<sub>2-x</sub>Fe<sub>x</sub>Se<sub>2</sub> compounds it was found that the ordering temperature and saturation magnetic moment per Fe-atom changed with composition <i>x</i>.</p><p>Ferromagnetic micronsized thin film elements in permalloy, Fe<sub>20</sub>Ni<sub>80</sub>, and epitaxial Fe/Co multilayers were studied. For the Fe/Co multilayer thin film elements it was found that it is possible to change the magnetization reversal process, by aligning the easy shape anisotropy axis with either the easy or the hard magnetocrystalline anisotropy axis. In the permalloy elements the effect of inter-elemental distance was found to determine the interval of fields where multidomain states were stable, so that for shorter inter-elemental distances multidomain states were stable for a shorter interval of fields. The domain structure of permalloy elements in rotating magnetic fields was also studied. Higher applied fields led to a broader interval of angles in which saturated states were stable.</p>

Magnetic force microscopy studies of magnetic domain structure in LaCoO₃ and UMn₂Ge₂

Berg, Morgann Elizabeth 15 January 2015 (has links)
Magnetic force microscopy studies in varying temperature and applied external magnetic field of magnetic thin films of LaCoO₃ under strain and single crystal UMn₂Ge₂ have been performed. In the case of LaCoO₃ thin films the aim is an understanding of the response of the magnetic microstructure to different signs and degrees of strain and a further attempt to distinguish the effect of defects from strain-induced effects. In UMn₂Ge₂ the magnetic microstructure is imaged for the first time and signatures of a possible phase transition at 150 K and crystalline anisotropy are explored. The first portion of this dissertation focuses on the synthesis methods used to produce the samples investigated and the critical role of synthesis in producing high-quality samples. This is followed by a discussion of characterization techniques used to obtain local and global magnetic and structural characteristics, with particular emphasis on magnetic force microscopy including noise characteristics and a discussion of achieving a high force gradient sensitivity by optimizing the fiber-optic interferometer used for cantilever deflection detection. Design elements and features of the multi-mode variable-temperature atomic force microscope used to obtain magnetic force microscopy images are presented and results for LaCoO₃ and UMn₂Ge₂ are discussed. / text

Tunable Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Compounds

Felton, Solveig January 2005 (has links)
The magnetic properties of transition metal compounds have been studied using SQUID-magnetometry, magnetic force microscopy and Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. New magnetic materials have been found and their magnetic properties have been determined. How the magnetic properties of a material can be changed through e.g. chemical substitution of magnetic and nonmagnetic atoms and shape and size effects have also been studied. Three different sets of samples have been investigated: three new Mn-compounds, two substitution series of layered magnetic structures and ferromagnetic micronsized thin film elements. The three Mn-compounds, Mn3IrSi, IrMnSi and Mn8Pd15Si7, show different magnetic ordering. Mn3IrSi orders 'antiferromagnetically' at 210 K. IrMnSi forms a double cycloidal spin spiral below 460 K. Mn8Pd15Si7 only shows short-range magnetic ordering. Substituting Se with S in TlCo2Se2-xSx changes the magnetic order from a spin spiral to a colinear ferromagnet for a composition of x=1.75. An intermediate region exists where the compound is neither a pure ferromagnet, nor purely a spin spiral, as evidenced by the magnetization versus field measurements for the x=1.3 and 1.5 samples. This is also seen in the temperature dependent susceptibility measurements. For the TlCu2-xFexSe2 compounds it was found that the ordering temperature and saturation magnetic moment per Fe-atom changed with composition x. Ferromagnetic micronsized thin film elements in permalloy, Fe20Ni80, and epitaxial Fe/Co multilayers were studied. For the Fe/Co multilayer thin film elements it was found that it is possible to change the magnetization reversal process, by aligning the easy shape anisotropy axis with either the easy or the hard magnetocrystalline anisotropy axis. In the permalloy elements the effect of inter-elemental distance was found to determine the interval of fields where multidomain states were stable, so that for shorter inter-elemental distances multidomain states were stable for a shorter interval of fields. The domain structure of permalloy elements in rotating magnetic fields was also studied. Higher applied fields led to a broader interval of angles in which saturated states were stable.

Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging with a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond

Hong, Sungkun 18 March 2013 (has links)
Magnetic imaging has been playing central roles not only in fundamental sciences but also in engineering and industry. Their numerous applications can be found in various areas, ranging from chemical analysis and biomedical imaging to magnetic data storage technology. An outstanding problem is to develope new magnetic imaging techniques with improved spatial resolutions down to nanoscale, while maintaining their magnetic sensitivities. For instance, if detecting individual electron or nuclear spins with nanomter spatial resolution is possible, it would allow for direct imaging of chemical structures of complex molecules, which then could bring termendous impacts on biological sciences. While realization of such nanoscale magnetic imaging still remains challenging, nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond have recently considered as promising magnetic field sensors, as their electron spins show exceptionally long coherence even at room temperature. This thesis presents experimental progress in realizing a nanoscale magnetic imaging apparatus with a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center diamond. We first fabricated diamond nanopillar devices hosting single NV centers at their ends, and incorporated them to a custom-built atomic force microscope (AFM). Our devices showed unprecedented combination of magnetic field sensitivity and spatial resolution for scanning NV systems. We then used these devices to magnetically image a single isolated electronic spin with nanometer resolution, for the first time under ambient condition. We also extended our study to improve and generalize the application of the scanning NV magnetometer we developed. We first introduced magnetic field gradients from a strongly magnetized tip, and demonstrated that the spatial resolution can be further improved by spectrally distinguishing identical spins at different locations. In addition, we developed a method to synchronize the periodic motion of an AFM tip and pulsed microwave sequences controlling an NV spin. This scheme enabled employment of 'AC magnetic field sensing scheme' in imaging samples with static and spatially varying magnetizations. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

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