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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conjecturing (and Proving) in Dynamic Geometry after an Introduction of the Dragging Schemes

Baccaglini-Frank, Anna 11 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper describes some results of a research study on conjecturing and proving in a dynamic geometry environment (DGE), and it focuses on particular cognitive processes that seem to be induced by certain uses of tools available in Cabri (a particular DGE). Building on the work of Arzarello and Olivero (Arzarello et al., 1998, 2002; Olivero, 2002), we have conceived a model describing some cognitive processes that may occur during the production of conjectures and proofs in a DGE and that seem to be related to the use of specific dragging schemes, in particular to the use of the scheme we refer to as maintaining dragging. This paper contains a description of aspects of the theoretical model we have elaborated for describing such cognitive processes, with specific attention towards the role of the dragging schemes, and an example of how the model can be used to analyze students’ explorations.

Supervision de la sécurité pour des réseaux ad hoc mobiles : un système léger, robuste, et fiable de détection d'intrusion / Security supervision of mobile ad hoc networks : a lightweight, robust and reliable Intrusion detection system

Alattar, Mouhannad 12 July 2013 (has links)
Les réseaux mobiles ad hoc, appelé généralement MANET ( Mobile Ad hoc NETwork ) continuent augmenter leur présence dans notre vie. Ils deviennent une pierre angulaire du commerce, de la société, de l'armée, de la science, et même des applications de future. Cependant, ces réseaux opèrent souvent dans des environnements ouverts, ce qui les rend particulièrement vulnérables aux nombreux menaces. Ainsi, les méthodes traditionnelles de sécuriser les réseaux s'appuyant sur les techniques de prévention, par exemple le pare-feu et le cryptage, ne sont plus suffisants et doivent être enrichies par des mécanismes réactifs comme le système de détection d'intrusions (ou Intrusion Detection System(IDS)). Concevoir un IDS pour les MANETs est assez difficile parce qu'il doit à la fois assurer une précision de détection élevée, prendre en compte les ressources limitées (en terme de mémoire, de batteries et la bande passante), et adapter à la nature dynamique de ces réseaux. En plus, le système de détection ne devrait pas être une cible d'attaques ou la falsification. Nous avons proposé dans cette thèse un système robuste, léger et efficace de détection qui répond aux exigences de MANETs. Nous avons d'abord étudié les attaques qui menacent les MANETs, en se concentrant sur les attaques visant le protocole de routage OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing). Ensuite, nous présentons notreIDS qui offre un taux élevé d'attaques ainsi que le maintien efficacement les ressources limitées du réseau. A cet effet, notre système analyse les traces de routage au lieu de surveiller le trafic afin d'identifier tout évidence d’activité suspecte. Après, il fait correspondre les évidences à un ensemble de signatures prédéfinies; une signature est perçue comme étant un ensemble partiellement ordonné d’événements caractérisant une intrusion. En outre, notre IDS dépend du degré de suspicion des évidences afin de manière à efficacement limiter le nombre et la durée de ses opérations coûteuses entermes de ressources. Vers une meilleure gestion des ressources disponibles, nous utilisons également l'intervalle deconfiance pour mesurer la fiabilité de détection. Cette mesure statistique permet à: (i) éviter le gaspillage de ressources résultant de collecte et de traitement des évidences redondantes, et (ii) prendre correctement la décision liées à la détection, par exemple déclarer le noeud suspect comme étant un intrus. Afin d'améliorer la robustesse de notre IDS, nous le couple avec un modèle de crédit basé sur l'entropie. Ce modèle surveille le comportement des noeuds lors de la détection afin d’assigner un crédit pour chaque noeud dans le réseau. Notre IDS se base sur les crédits attribuées aux noeuds afin de réduire les effets néfastes des évidences falsifiées fournies par les noeuds méfiants. Le modèle decrédit proposé prend en compte le niveau de risque des attaques. Plus précisément, le taux de perte de crédit d'un noeud méfiants est relié aux conséquences de l'attaque dont ce noeud a essayé d'aider. Notre IDS et les modèles couplés ont été expérimentées sur différents scénarios de la mobilité et de la densité. Les résultats montrent que notre détecteur offrent un taux de détection élevé, en combinaison avec un entretien remarquable des ressources disponibles. De plus, il présente une robustesse importante contre les faux évidences de détection. / Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (referred to as MANETs) continue increasing their presence in our every day life. They become a corner stone in the commercial, the society, the military, the science, and even the next-generation applications. However, these networks mostly operate over open environments and are therefore vulnerable to a large body of threats. Traditional ways of securing networks relying on preventive techniques, e.g., firewall and encryption, are not sufficient and should henceforth be coupled with a reactive security solution, e.g., the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). Designing anIDS for MANETs is quite challenging because such IDS must not only ensure a high detection accuracy but also take into account the limited resources (e.g., battery life and bandwidth) and the dynamic nature of these networks. Moreover, the designed IDS itself should not be a target of attacks and/or falsification. In this thesis, we respond to these requirements by proposing a lightweight and robust Intrusion Detection System (IDS), dedicated to protecting MANETs. We first explore the space of attacks that threaten MANETs, focusing on the attacks targeting the Optimized Link State Routing protocol. We then introduce our IDS that offers a high rate of attacks along with maintaining efficiently the limited resources in the network. Indeed, contrary to existing systems that monitor the packets going through the host, our system distinguishes itself by parsing and analyzing logs in order to identify patterns of misuse. It further depends on the level of suspicion andgravity involved so as to efficiently restrict the number and the duration of its costly operations, in terms of resources. Towards a better management of the available resources, we also use the confidence interval as a measure of detection reliability. This statistical measure allows our IDS to: (i) identify the redundant evidences, hence the waste of resources resulting from gathering and processing them is avoided, and (ii) correctly make the critical detection-related decisions. In order to enhance the robustness of our IDS, we couple it with an entropy-based trust model that assigns, based on theirunlawful participation in the detection, a low trustworthiness to the misbehaving nodes. Thanks to the estimated trustworthiness, our IDS reduces the bad effects of the falsified feedback provided by the distrustful nodes. The proposed trust model is a risk-aware whereas the higher the risk of an attack, the higher (resp. the lower) is the trust in the nodes which help in detecting (resp. colluding) it. The proposed IDS and the coupled models have been experimented on different scenarios of mobility and density. The results show that our detector offer a high detection rate along with a remarkablemaintenance of the available resources. Moreover, it presents a significant robustness against the falsified detection-related evidences.

Implementace moderních komunikačních technologií v obchodním oddělení / Implementation of Modern Communication Technologies in Business Department

Šafránková, Ivana January 2009 (has links)
The target of master's thesis is implementation of new communication technologies for sales representatives in order to effective and quality communication, time saving and better leading work.

Making Middle-Class Marriage Modern in Kentucky, 1830-1900

Leonard Bayes, Kathleen E. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Friskare & Svettigare : Upplevelser hos deltagare i en börja träna-kurs.

Krantz, Martin, Högdal, Anna January 2015 (has links)
I Sverige når många invånare inte rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet trots de positiva effekterna. En beteendeförändring kan vara svårt - många faktorer kan underlätta eller försvåra förändringen. Studiens syfte var att undersöka deltagare i en Börja träna-kurs upplevelser av motivationsfaktorer och strategier för fortsatt träning. Studien är deskriptiv kvalitativ. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra deltagare. Intervjusvaren analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet omfattar sju motivationsfaktorer: träningsupplägg, gemenskap (med gruppen), stöd från familj, investera i sig själv, effekter av träning, träningsglädje samt överkomma rädslor. Fyra strategier för fortsatt träning framkom: Göra träningen roligare, Anpassa träning till nuvarande funktionsnivå, Planera för träning samt Motstånd att hantera. Kategorierna matchades med Transteoretiska modellens handlingssätt, vilket visar att träningsupplägget motsvarade följande handlingssätt: Consciousness-raising, Self re-evaluation, samt Helping relationship. Resultatanalysen visar att deltagarnas upplevelser stimulerat till bättre tillit till sin förmåga, samt att upplevelsen att de ”kommit igång” med träning underlättar för fortsatt fysisk aktivitet. Brist på liknande studier ger möjlighet till fortsatta studier inom ämnet. / In Sweden, a big part of the population is unable to fulfill the recommendations for physical activity despite the positive effects. Behavioral change can be hard and several factors can facilitate or complicate the change. This study aims to examine participant’s, of a start exercising-class, experience of motivational factors and strategies for continued exercise. It’s a descriptive qualitative study. Semistructured interviews were conducted with four participants. A qualitative content analysis was made based on the answers. The results include seven motivational factors: Training schedule, Communion (with the group), Support from family, Invest in itself, Effect of exercise, Joy of training and Overcome fears. Four strategies for continued exercise were identified: Make exercising fun, Customize training to the current level of functioning, Plan for exercise and Barriers to manage. The categories were matched with the transtheoretical model’s processes of change which showed that the class’s approach corresponded to: Consciousness-raising, Self re-evaluation and Helping relationship. The result analysis shows that the experiences of the participants stimulated to a better self-efficacy for physical activity. Also, the feeling of being “under way” with exercise facilitates continued physical activity. A lack of similar studies allows for further studies of the subject.

The right to meaningful and informed participation in the criminal process

Cassim, Fawzia 30 November 2003 (has links)
The composite right to meaningful and informed participation in the criminal process comprises the right to information, the right to understand, the right to be prepared, the right to be present, the right to confrontation and the right to present one’s case. The sub-rights are not of an overarching nature such as the right to legal representation and the right of access to the law. The various rights are grouped together because they show some connection with the ability of the suspect or the accused to participate in the criminal proceedings as a legal subject, and not as an object of the proceedings as in primitive times. These rights ensure that the accused will not participate in the criminal process from an unfavourable position. The heading ‟meaningful and informed participation” is therefore a collective term for these rights. These sub-rights form part of the comprehensive right to a fair trial. The thesis examines aspects of the position of the accused in South Africa and in foreign jurisdictions such as the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and Islamic systems. International instruments such as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and decisions of the United Nations Human Rights Committee are also considered. The thesis first considers the historical perspective of the accused in primitive times when he was regarded as an object of the criminal proceedings, to the present time when he is regarded as a subject of the proceedings. The study on foreign jurisdictions reveals that for the most part, our law is in line with the law of other countries. The study also demonstrates that the various rights are not absolute. In exceptional circumstances, some diminution of the accused’s rights is necessary to protect the interests of society. Nevertheless, the courts should act cautiously and not allow the exceptions to overtake the rule. The judiciary should strive to find a better balance between the constitutional rights of the accused and the interests of society. To this end, the judicial system must be objective yet vigilant. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.D.

Étude exploratoire sur le point de vue des enfants placés vivant l'expérience d'avoir des visites supervisées avec leurs parents

Poirier, Nadine 02 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre, à partir de leur point de vue, le vécu des enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans qui sont placés dans des ressources d’accueil et qui vivent l’expérience d’avoir des visites supervisées avec leurs parents. Pour ce faire, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès de douze enfants hébergés dans des unités de vie, foyers de groupe ou ressources intermédiaires du Centre jeunesse de Montréal – Institut Universitaire et du Centre jeunesse de la Montérégie. Les entrevues réalisées auprès des enfants ont été soumises à une analyse de contenu thématique. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que les enfants ne comprennent pas toujours bien les raisons qui justifient la mise en place de visites supervisées, ni le rôle des adultes dans les décisions, ni celui du tiers durant les visites. De façon générale, les enfants sont favorables au maintien des contacts avec leurs parents, mais sont plus critiques face aux cadres imposés par ces visites. Il ressort également de l’étude que les enfants sont très peu consultés en lien avec l’organisation et la planification de leurs visites et qu’ils souhaiteraient l’être davantage. Les enfants ont rapporté de nombreuses insatisfactions en lien avec les modalités organisationnelles des visites. L’analyse du discours qui a été menée a permis de mettre en évidence le fait que les visites supervisées sont une source de stress importante pour l’enfant. La création d’un guide d’information destiné aux enfants pour expliquer ce qu’est une visite supervisée, les raisons de sa mise en place, ses buts et ses objectifs serait une piste intéressante à explorer. / The main objective of this research is to provide a better understanding of the experience of children aged between six and twelve years old, placed in care and having supervised visits with their parents, based on the child’s perspective. To be able to do this, semi-directed interviews were made with twelve children either living in family living unit, group home and intermediary units at the Centre jeunesse de Montréal – Institut Universitaire and the Centre jeunesse de la Montérégie. Interviews done with the children were subjected to thematic content analysis. The results demonstrated that children do not always understand the reasons leading to the implementation of supervised visits with their parents, the role of adults in the decisions and the role of the social worker during the visit. Generally speaking, children are favorable with the idea of maintaining contacts with their parents; nevertheless, they demonstrate more criticism with the framework imposed to them during visitation. The study also reveals that children are seldom consulted with regards to the organisation and planning of the visitation and they wish they would play a more active role. As well, children report numerous dissatisfaction in relation with organisational arrangements of visitation. The child discourse analysis enables to demonstrate that supervised visitation are an important source of stress for the child. Therefore, providing an information guide meant for the children aiming at explaining what the meaning of a supervised visit is, why is it implemented and what are the aims and objectives, would be an interesting avenue to explore.

Algorithms and ordering heuristics for distributed constraint satisfaction problems / Algorithmes de résolution et heuristiques d'ordonnancement pour les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes distribués

Wahbi, Mohamed 03 July 2012 (has links)
Les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes distribués (DisCSP) permettent de formaliser divers problèmes qui se situent dans l'intelligence artificielle distribuée. Ces problèmes consistent à trouver une combinaison cohérente des actions de plusieurs agents. Durant cette thèse nous avons apporté plusieurs contributions dans le cadre des DisCSPs. Premièrement, nous avons proposé le Nogood-Based Asynchronous Forward-Checking (AFC-ng). Dans AFC-ng, les agents utilisent les nogoods pour justifier chaque suppression d'une valeur du domaine de chaque variable. Outre l'utilisation des nogoods, plusieurs backtracks simultanés venant de différents agents vers différentes destinations sont autorisés. En deuxième lieu, nous exploitons les caractéristiques intrinsèques du réseau de contraintes pour exécuter plusieurs processus de recherche AFC-ng d'une manière asynchrone à travers chaque branche du pseudo-arborescence obtenu à partir du graphe de contraintes dans l'algorithme Asynchronous Forward-Checking Tree (AFC-tree). Puis, nous proposons deux nouveaux algorithmes de recherche synchrones basés sur le même mécanisme que notre AFC-ng. Cependant, au lieu de maintenir le forward checking sur les agents non encore instanciés, nous proposons de maintenir la consistance d'arc. Ensuite, nous proposons Agile Asynchronous Backtracking (Agile-ABT), un algorithme de changement d'ordre asynchrone qui s'affranchit des restrictions habituelles des algorithmes de backtracking asynchrone. Puis, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode correcte pour comparer les ordres dans ABT_DO-Retro. Cette méthode détermine l'ordre le plus pertinent en comparant les indices des agents dès que les compteurs d'une position donnée dans le timestamp sont égaux. Finalement, nous présentons une nouvelle version entièrement restructurée de la plateforme DisChoco pour résoudre les problèmes de satisfaction et d'optimisation de contraintes distribués. / Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems (DisCSP) is a general framework for solving distributed problems. DisCSP have a wide range of applications in multi-agent coordination. In this thesis, we extend the state of the art in solving the DisCSPs by proposing several algorithms. Firstly, we propose the Nogood-Based Asynchronous Forward Checking (AFC-ng), an algorithm based on Asynchronous Forward Checking (AFC). However, instead of using the shortest inconsistent partial assignments, AFC-ng uses nogoods as justifications of value removals. Unlike AFC, AFC-ng allows concurrent backtracks to be performed at the same time coming from different agents having an empty domain to different destinations. Then, we propose the Asynchronous Forward-Checking Tree (AFC- tree). In AFC-tree, agents are prioritized according to a pseudo-tree arrangement of the constraint graph. Using this priority ordering, AFC-tree performs multiple AFC-ng processes on the paths from the root to the leaves of the pseudo-tree. Next, we propose to maintain arc consistency asynchronously on the future agents instead of only maintaining forward checking. Two new synchronous search algorithms that maintain arc consistency asynchronously (MACA) are presented. After that, we developed the Agile Asynchronous Backtracking (Agile-ABT), an asynchronous dynamic ordering algorithm that does not follow the standard restrictions in asynchronous backtracking algorithms. The order of agents appearing before the agent receiving a backtrack message can be changed with a great freedom while ensuring polynomial space complexity. Next, we present a corrigendum of the protocol designed for establishing the priority between orders in the asynchronous backtracking algorithm with dynamic ordering using retroactive heuristics (ABT_DO-Retro). Finally, the new version of the DisChoco open-source platform for solving distributed constraint reasoning problems is described. The new version is a complete redesign of the DisChoco platform. DisChoco 2.0 is an open source Java library which aims at implementing distributed constraint reasoning algorithms.

The right to meaningful and informed participation in the criminal process

Cassim, Fawzia 30 November 2003 (has links)
The composite right to meaningful and informed participation in the criminal process comprises the right to information, the right to understand, the right to be prepared, the right to be present, the right to confrontation and the right to present one’s case. The sub-rights are not of an overarching nature such as the right to legal representation and the right of access to the law. The various rights are grouped together because they show some connection with the ability of the suspect or the accused to participate in the criminal proceedings as a legal subject, and not as an object of the proceedings as in primitive times. These rights ensure that the accused will not participate in the criminal process from an unfavourable position. The heading ‟meaningful and informed participation” is therefore a collective term for these rights. These sub-rights form part of the comprehensive right to a fair trial. The thesis examines aspects of the position of the accused in South Africa and in foreign jurisdictions such as the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and Islamic systems. International instruments such as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and decisions of the United Nations Human Rights Committee are also considered. The thesis first considers the historical perspective of the accused in primitive times when he was regarded as an object of the criminal proceedings, to the present time when he is regarded as a subject of the proceedings. The study on foreign jurisdictions reveals that for the most part, our law is in line with the law of other countries. The study also demonstrates that the various rights are not absolute. In exceptional circumstances, some diminution of the accused’s rights is necessary to protect the interests of society. Nevertheless, the courts should act cautiously and not allow the exceptions to overtake the rule. The judiciary should strive to find a better balance between the constitutional rights of the accused and the interests of society. To this end, the judicial system must be objective yet vigilant. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL.D.

Prostředky třetí syntaktické roviny v češtině a v angličtině: české výrazy s postfixem "-pak" a jejich anglické překladové protějšky / Components of the third syntactical plan in Czech and in English: Czech expressions with the postfix "-pak" and their English translation counterparts

Šebestová, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The present diploma thesis examines the English translation equivalents of Czech expressions containing the postfix -pak. This postfix occurs in pronouns, pronominal adverbs, particles and interjections. It is employed as an element of the 'third syntactical plan' (Poldauf, 1963), i.e. the repertory of linguistic means which relate an utterance to the individual, expressing his concern with the content of an utterance, his stance towards its content or form. The thesis identifies and describes the English means equivalent to the postfix and uses them as markers of individual discourse functions fulfilled by the -pak expressions, thereby specifying the description of these Czech expressions. Attention is also given to the conversion of -pak expressions as well as their occurrence in idiomatic constructions. The major functions include expressing epistemic modality, voicing appeal, establishing/maintaining contact, and emotional expressivity.

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