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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Voltage Measurement Using Slab-Coupled Optical Sensors with Polarization-Maintaining and Absorption-Reduction Fiber

King, Rex LaVell 01 December 2016 (has links)
This research presents the first use of side-polished Panda fiber in the fabrication of slab-coupled optical sensors (SCOS). It is determined that the Panda SCOS provides a sensor that is comparable to the D-fiber SCOS in cases of electric field sensing. It exhibits greater power transfer and higher bandwidth than a typical D-SCOS. The Panda SCOS is also less costly and easier to splice than the D-fiber alternative. This comes at a cost of slightly decreased sensitivity and a more fragile fabrication process. This research also demonstrates the use of the Panda-SCOS as means of voltage characterization across both the spark gap of an ignition coil circuit along with the spark gap of an automobile. This paper demonstrates the use of a Panda SCOS to measure the voltages and time delays across the spark gaps at different stages of a Marx generator setup .

Les organisations internationales et la résolution des conflits post-bipolaires en Afrique / International organisations and the post-bipolar conflicts resolution in Africa

Bidouzo, Thierry Sèdjro 19 March 2016 (has links)
Le droit international, dans son rôle de « vigie » ou de « vigile » de la sécurité internationale, est parfois éprouvé par la délicate équation du défi de la paix en Afrique. En effet, depuis que ce continent est devenu « [acteur] de sa propre histoire », - avec le nouveau décor international occasionné par la fin de la période bipolaire -, paradoxalement, il est également devenu un terrain fertile en conflits. En dépit des mutations ou des « dynamiques du droit international », opérées par les Organisations internationales dans la pratique du maintien de la paix, la dynamique évolutive des conflits et leur nature irrégulière, posent bien de difficultés. Et c’est le nœud de ces rapports ambigus entre les Organisations internationales et les conflits en Afrique qu’il convient de tenter de défaire, en en appréhendant tour à tour, leur implication, puis leur contribution à la résolution desdits conflits. De cette double appréhension, émerge le besoin, dans les stratégies de résolution des conflits, d’une prise en compte aussi bien de la violence visible que de la violence invisible ; celle-ci suppose une réelle connaissance des vrais déterminants conflictuels. D’où la nécessité d’un droit régional africain de maintien de la paix car, la paix objective doit être accompagnée de la paix subjective / International law, in its role of "watchdog" or "vigil" of international security, is sometimes felt by the delicate equation of the challenge of peace in Africa. Since that this continent has become "actress of her own history" - with the new international backdrop caused by the end of the bipolar period - paradoxically, it has also become a breeding ground for conflicts. Despite mutations or "dynamic of international law", carried out by international organizations in the practice of peacekeeping, the evolutionary dynamics of conflict and their irregular nature pose many difficulties. And that is the crux of the ambiguous relationship between international organizations and conflict in Africa should try to undo in apprehending turn, their involvement and their contribution to the resolution of such conflicts.This double apprehension emerges the need, in conflict resolution strategies, taking into account both the visible violence of invisible violence; it implies real knowledge of true conflicting determinants. Hence the need for an African regional law peacekeeping because the objective peace must be accompanied by the subjective peace

Office chairs in circular business models

Askew, Robin, Carlberg, Stefan January 2016 (has links)
This is a master’s thesis project of 30 credits written with guidance from the Swedish research institute ICT Viktoria and Industrial Ecology at KTH. This thesis is conducted by two students at KTH, one with a background in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Ecology and the other with a background in Energy and Environmental Technology. This study focuses on circular economy linked to the furniture industry in Sweden and how the transition from theoretical to practical concepts can be improved. The methods of this thesis consist of three semi-structured interviews, a survey and an analytical comparative literature review. The interviews, survey and literature review is analyzed with the purpose of finding important criteria relevant for office chairs in circular business models. The interviews are performed face-to-face with three different key persons; an office supply manager, a CEO at a refurbishing company and a product manager. The study focuses on product design within the Swedish furniture industry although some aspects regarding circular business models, logistics and psychological values are included. The results are design criteria for office chairs in circular business models and a design evaluation program for the industry built on these. The program, based on multi criteria analysis, can help reduce the gap between theory and practice of how circular economy should be implemented in the industry. By giving early feedback during the design phase on how well an office chair and a company’s structure meet circular economy criteria the authors hope to ease and speed up this transition. The main characteristics of an office chair designed for circular business models are: Durable Easy to service Adaptable Modular Homogeneous material composition in modules Although the transition to circular business models can be a comprehensive process the authors believe that if furniture manufacturers would integrate circular business models for office chairs into their business structure this would be both economically viable and highly beneficial for their environmental profile which can strengthen their position on the market.

Hållbart medarbetarskap : En kvalitativ studie om viktiga förutsättningar för att bevara medarbetarskap vid rekommenderat distansarbete / Sustainable co-workership : a qualitative study on important prerequisites for preserving co-workwership in recommended teleworking

Lans, Åsa, Tåg, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem I tidigare forskning inom organisering av ledning antas ofta ett perspektiv utifrån ledaren. Då det är medarbetarna som utgör större delen av organisationen kan ett sådant perspektiv utelämna betydande delar av området, vilka kan inkluderas i begreppet medarbetarskap. Medarbetarskap avser hur medarbetare hanterar relationen till sin arbetsgivare och det egna arbetet samt relationen till kollegor. Forskning visar att det är av vikt att förstå begreppet medarbetarskap i sitt kontextuella sammanhang. Medarbetarskapets beroende av det kontextuella sammanhanget är nära förenat med förändringar och följaktligen förändras också medarbetarskapet kontinuerligt. Dialog och möjligheten att träffas fysiskt ses som förutsättningar som påverkar medarbetarskapet, dessa förutsättningar ser vid distansarbete annorlunda ut. Förändringar i arbetssätt som uppkommit i samband med COVID-19 pandemin gör det således intressant att studera hur medarbetarskap kan bevaras vid rekommenderat distansarbete. Syfte och metod Studiens syfte har varit att öka förståelsen för förutsättningar som är viktiga för att bevara medarbetarskap vid distansarbete. En kvalitativ forskningsansats valdes för att skapa en ökad förståelse för begreppet. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom elva semistrukturerade intervjuer och genomfördes på en kommunal HR-enhet. Val av metod möjliggjorde en ökad förståelse för viktiga förutsättningar som bevarar ett väl utvecklat medarbetarskap. Resultat och slutsats Studiens resultat visar utifrån det empiriska materialet och teorin att studieobjektet har ett väl utvecklat medarbetarskap. Det framkommer också att medarbetarskapet hos studieobjektet har skapat goda förutsättningar vid övergången till digitala arbetssätt vid rekommenderat distansarbete. Studiens slutsats redogör för förutsättningar som förändrats vid rekommenderat distansarbete. En medvetenhet kring dessa förändrade förutsättningar kan leda till värdefulla insikter för att bevara medarbetarskap även vid distansarbete grundat i andra orsaker. / Background and problem In previous research on the organization of management, a perspective is often assumed based on the leader. Since the employees make up the majority of the organization, such a perspective can omit significant parts of the area, which can be included in the concept of co-workership. Co-workership refers to how employees handle the relationship with their employer and their own work as well as the relationship with colleagues. Research shows that it is important to understand the concept of co-workership in its full context. The dependency of the co-workership on the conceptual context is closely linked to changes and consequently, co-workership are also continuously changing. Dialogue and the opportunity to meet physically, are considered as prerequisites that affect co-workership, these conditions change during teleworking. Changes in working conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore makes it interesting to study how co-workership can be maintained during recommended teleworking. Purpose and method The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of conditions that are important for maintaining co-workership in teleworking. A qualitative research approach was chosen to create an increased understanding of the concept. The empirical material was collected through eleven semi-structured interviews and conducted at a municipal HR unit. The choice of method enabled an increased understanding of important conditions that maintain a well-developed co-workership. Results and conclusion The results of our study, based on the empirical material and theory, show that the study object has a well-developed co-workership. It is also clear that the co-workership of the study object has created good conditions for the transition to digital working methods for recommended teleworking. The conclusions of the study describe the conditions that have changed during recommended telework. An awareness of these changed conditions can lead to valuable insights to preserve co-workership also in telework based on other causes.

Everyday Life in a Philippine Sex Tourism Town

Ekoluoma, Mari-Elina January 2017 (has links)
Sabang used to be a small, marginalized Philippine fishing village that in the span of three decades became a well-known international sex tourism site. This thesis deals with the implications of tourism (including sex tourism) and how it has become embedded in the daily life in today’s Sabang. The thesis highlights the local populations’ diverse reactions to the various changes associated with tourism growth, in particular how various symbolic, moral, and spatial boundaries are constructed and maintained. The ethnographic material examined in this thesis builds on several periods of fieldwork, in total 18 months, that were carried out between 2003 and 2015. Analytical tools found in tourism anthropology and in particular the branch of postcolonial tourism studies has guided the discussion and analysis of the socio-cultural effects of becoming a tourism town. This thesis argues that complex networks of boundaries are significant in maintaining a sense of order and social cohesion in times of change. Notions of cultural differences are expressed through the narratives and behaviors of the various inhabitants, and contribute to the maintaining of boundaries within and between groups. From the beginning of tourism growth commercial sex has been central and has become a significant factor in the tourism economy. While residents acknowledge their dependency on the go-go bars, the business of the night is framed so as not to defeat the inhabitants’ struggles to maintain local community’s sense of morality, or at least to set up boundaries between the outsiders’ immorality and insiders’ morality. Tourism has also offered opportunities to challenge conventional social hierarchies and local seats of power, and there are also recurrent discussions about who has the right to control resources and who can claim entitlement to a place now shared by people from all over the world.

Establishing a Functional Analysis Protocol for Examining Behavioral Deficits using Social Withdrawal as an Exemplar

Walters, Melissa Penaranda 23 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to establish a functional analysis protocol for examining behavioral deficits, using social withdrawal as an exemplar. A review of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis over the past 10 years found that although the current behavior analytic literature contains extensive studies that functionally analyze behavioral excesses, there is a limited amount of studies that analyze deficits. The rationale behind this study was the notion that although behavioral deficits are rarely studied, the fact that the participant is capable of the behavior yet fails to engage in it leads to the idea that certain events are functionally maintaining this failure. The method used involved examining two male students identified as socially withdrawn. The approach for functionally analyzing their behavior(s) was based on the conditions described in Iwata et al. (1982/1994). Specifically this study had the following conditions attention, demand/escape, and unstructured play, otherwise known as the control condition. The procedures of this study were predicated on the hypothesis that behavioral deficits respond to social contingencies in a manner similar to many behavioral excesses. Based on the findings of this study, the deficit collectively referred to as "social withdrawal" was responsive to such contingencies. Specifically, social withdrawal appeared to be maintained by adult attention for both participants.

Suwh-ts'eghedudinh: the Tsinlhqut'in niminh spiritual path / Energy-carriers care and preserve all lifeforms by observing traditions

Smith, Linda R. 01 May 2008 (has links)
As Tsìnlhqút’ín one’s connectedness comes through the ancient stories, influencing one’s interactions with others in the community, respect for ancestors, and sustainable interaction with environment. The most powerful of these stories is the “the Bear Who Married a Woman” and the concept of nímính is central to its theme. Told by one Tsìnlhqút’ín elder, the story is full of the richness of ancient words, terms from the bear’s language, and vivid illustrations of ancient ways. This period, set out originally by mammals and fish to ensure that people continue to prosper and maintain respect for all life forms, is preserved in the term súwh-t@’éghèdúdính. This documentation sets out to partially shed light on the Tsìnlhqút’ín concept of an energy called nímính which manifests within individuals at the onset of a life transition (namely at birth, puberty, and death) lingering for varying durations from one week to an entire lifetime, and influencing subsistence items, places, and vegetation. Maintaining balance amidst a web of other lifeforms is an ancient lifeway which now seems a complex undertaking.

Suwh-ts'eghedudinh: the Tsinlhqut'in niminh spiritual path / Energy-carriers care and preserve all lifeforms by observing traditions

Smith, Linda R. 01 May 2008 (has links)
As Tsìnlhqút’ín one’s connectedness comes through the ancient stories, influencing one’s interactions with others in the community, respect for ancestors, and sustainable interaction with environment. The most powerful of these stories is the “the Bear Who Married a Woman” and the concept of nímính is central to its theme. Told by one Tsìnlhqút’ín elder, the story is full of the richness of ancient words, terms from the bear’s language, and vivid illustrations of ancient ways. This period, set out originally by mammals and fish to ensure that people continue to prosper and maintain respect for all life forms, is preserved in the term súwh-t@’éghèdúdính. This documentation sets out to partially shed light on the Tsìnlhqút’ín concept of an energy called nímính which manifests within individuals at the onset of a life transition (namely at birth, puberty, and death) lingering for varying durations from one week to an entire lifetime, and influencing subsistence items, places, and vegetation. Maintaining balance amidst a web of other lifeforms is an ancient lifeway which now seems a complex undertaking.

Digital Marketing in Start-Ups : The role of digital marketing in acquiring   and maintaining business relationships

Dimitrova, Polina, Sin, Isa January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to explore the usage of the digital marketing to acquire and maintain business relationships, or more specifically, digital marketing in B2B start-ups within the Swedish market. Digital marketing is essential for businesses nowadays and has become a significant factor for business companies for improving and implementing their marketing strategies. Furthermore, business relationships have always taken an essential role among companies especially today due to the heightened level of digitalization. This case study attempts to answer two main research questions which this paper investigates on. To provide an exhaustive answer to the research questions: “How digital marketing contributes to acquiring business customers in B2B start-up context?” and “How digital marketing contributes to maintaining business customers in B2B start-up context?”, digital marketing approaches of eight respondents, theoretical implications and additional information will be examined in the upcoming chapters. The study concludes, that it was found that digital marketing is understood as an innovative and effective method for attracting, maintaining and building business relationships. However, the lack of resources is one fundamental reason why start-ups have difficulties in acquiring and maintaining business customers in practicing through digital marketing. Additionally, it was found that digital platforms and tools such as websites, industry specific platforms, and blogs provide the highest advantage for start-ups. Moreover, social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook were in most use for presenting content that is informative, educational and honest. Digital marketing strategies in acquiring and maintaining business relationships are indicated in the analyses which give sufficient details in answering the research questions. The paper will provide suggestions for doing further research in improving the current topic in digital marketing.

Kompetens som kvarstår - i tid och rum : En kvalitativ studie om hur eftergymnasialt utbildade individer upplever att intern employer branding bidrar till ökad medarbetarlojalitet / Competency that stays - that remains in time and space : A qualitative study of how post-secondary educated individuals experience that internal employer branding contributes to increased employee loyalty

Mårtensson, Adam, Westdahl, Karl January 2021 (has links)
Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi III, organisation 15 hp, 2FE78E, Ekonomihögskolan vid Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar, vårterminen 2021. Titel: Kompetens som kvarstår – i tid och rum Författare: Adam Mårtensson och Karl Westdahl Handledare: Jasmina Beharic Examinator: Mikael Lundgren  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att urskilja och identifiera faktorer inom intern employer branding, för att se hur dessa påverkar eftergymnasialt utbildade individers medarbetarlojalitet. Genom att bidra till en förståelse över hur anställda upplever intern employer branding, kan organisationer använda informationen för att utveckla dess strategier därefter. Metod: En kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie, med djupgående semistrukturerade intervjuer, användes för att skapa en större förståelse för studieobjektet. Denna, induktiva studie har bearbetat insamlade data genom initiala extensiva genomsökningar, vilket sedermera möjliggjort kodning. Slutsats: Studien påvisade att medarbetarlojalitet är avhängigt individuella preferenser. Det visade sig även att vissa faktorer inom intern employer branding är särskilt viktiga för medarbetarlojaliteten. Organisationer behöver klargöra strukturen kring vardera faktorn för de anställda. Annars är det osannolikt att medarbetarlojalitet utvecklas. / Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration III, Organization 15 hp, 2FE78E, School of economics at Linnaeus University Kalmar, Spring 2021. Title: Competency that remains – in time and space  Authors: Adam Mårtensson and Karl Westdahl Supervisor: Jasmina Beharic Examiner: Mikael Lundgren Purpose: The aim of this study is to distinguish and identify factors within internal employer branding, too see how they affect the employee loyalty of post high school educated individuals. By contributing with an understanding of how employees perceive internal employer branding, organizations can use and implement this knowledge when developing their strategies. Method: A qualitative and cross-sectional method with profound, semi- structured interviews, was used to develop a greater understanding of the study object. This, inductive study has processed the collected data through an initial extensive scan which later provided the possibility to code the data. Conclusion: The study shows that employee loyalty is dependent on individual preferences. Some factors within the internal employer branding showed to be key for the employee loyalty. Organizations must clarify the structure of each factor to the employees. Or else, employee loyalty is unlikely to develop.

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